Well here's the head to toe of the Robert Pattinson Wax Figure. It looks better from this angle, don't you think?? Although there's still something not quite right but I haven't put my finger on it yet.
I would be willing to do a head to toe inspection of the real thing and report back to Madam Tussauds. Really, I'll do it free of charge.

Thanks to
Twilighter News
His face looks funny...like something isn't quite right
I just tweeted this, but I want to take all 6"1" of WaxyRob home with me.
Kate, is it the chin?? Also, I will help you with your "inspection" of the real thing. :-/
I don't think it's bad at all. I mean, how could they get a wax figure EXACT. I haven't checked out their other work, does anyone else know how the other ones look? The first thing that jumps out out at me with this one is he looks older than Rob. Maybe like 28 to 30. But that's just me.
I think it's pretty good, but agree that something is off. @Erin I think it's something in the face too.I want in on the inspection of the real thing too! :)
i think he looks older too
the LIPS aren't right. i've just decided.
It's pretty damn close.
Can they run a contest where fans get to change his clothes? There's no way they can keep him in just one outfit forever...
I wanna play dress up Rob!
Um...the shoes? Where are Rob's ever present Nikes?? Those are like, tuxedo shoes for him...
At least the hands are in the pockets instead of on the hips. I mean, have we ever seen Rob stand with his hands on his hips?
I dunno how to explain it but he looks too "American" to me...and I can't help it but it looks like the chin is done like he has got some sort of underbite...did Rob pull a face or something while being scanned for this? LOL
But mostly I feel Rob looks more "American" and why I say this, I cannot put my finger on it but that's just my opinion..
The thing that looks a little “off” is that his head looks a little too small….Robs head is more proportioned to his body… and also his face dosent look right….they didnt get his smirk quite right :/..but then again…we cant compare it to the real thing…NOTHING can compare to the real thing…I will still go to NY to see that xD….
Something isn't right but yeah, they can't get a wax figure exactly identical. And you know, he's so beautiful so they probably just had an issue with transffering that gorgeousness over to wax ;)
The eyes don't have that Rob twinkle.
@ Danielle
Yes, the lips. Does Rob smirk like that? It should be pouting.
And the clothes are off. I've never seen him in a leather blazer. Where's the ratty sweat jacket?
just goes to show that his beauty is not only skin deep...this figure is missing the essence that is just him and shines through to us!
I think he definitely looks older! I think maybe it's the eyes? They look really small and kinda wrinkly to me. His eyes are more intense than that I think. Maybe it's a combination of things on his face and that's why we can't single something out?
Mika--some of the wax figures really look exact. I've seen some pictures where it is seriously hard to tell which one is the real person and which is the wax figure!
Nope, still not right...the JAW is all wrong....
Anybody willing to get to London and meet up at Madam Tussauds for a closer inspection???
Seeing WaxyThePretty....
The eyes don't have that twinkle, and the soul is always in the eyes.
Rob has very soulful eyes, but these..idk..look sort of dead. So that's what is off,IMO.
I think it looks off because of his neck. Doesn't it seem a tad bit too long?...
I think this is a miss, it really isn't a good likeness of Rob!
That's not Rob, it's Michael Vartan (the guy that used to play in Alias)...
Fantastic job but i don't think i'd faint in front of it! I think coze i'm dead tired of trying to maintain a RL love story with a 6 hour jetlag... between France and Canada... LOL...
They should have did this from real life instead of using photos as reference, usually their waxworks are good. I hope that it looks better in real life. Heading to London in the next few weeks so will find out then.....Poor Rob!
I want this in my home no I want real rob in my home
Looks a little funny to me too.
I think I need to presonally inspect Rob from head to toe, then give them the right specifications...
Yeah its not bad but something isn't quite right I agree Erin....
the eyes are too narrow like he's squniting and the chin/face seems too narrow. it made me double take because i thought at first it was a hybrid of that actor from 90210 in the nineties...
It's not doing it for me. There is definitely something off. :-(
My son said: This is not Robert Pattinson :)))). Though I'd like to take it home with me if I couldn't the real one.
@twmmy lol your son said it ha lol I want the real one
Mmmh... It's not too bad... but it reminds me of Michael Vartan, rather than Rob, for some reason... I think it's the mouth, as the rest of the face is OK, for me...
@Sarah That's a wonderful thought :)
I really don't like it. At all. The face is off. The clothes are off. The nikes are gone. The ever-so-pefrect pout is off (gasp!)...i mean, these people usually do an incredible job...n i'm sure they put in a lot of effort but this wax figure...the most important one...is all screwed up.
I think they should've had one hand in his hair like he always has it... and this outfit just doesn't seem like Rob at all. As for the face i think it has something to do with his mouth/jaw... idk i'll stick to admiring real life Rob and not some wax figure.
P.S. He'll melt in your mouth AND your hands XD Sorry... just had to put that out there.
I think his face is a little too narrow and rounded. He seems to be missing the angular planes that we are use to. Compare to: http://www.newmoonmovie.org/images/robert_pattinson300a.jpg and you'll see what I mean.
Get in line RPG! LOL
They def missed the jaw but I'm not sure what else. Maryann I know what you mean about looking too American. it still reminds me of someone else and I thought I cracked it today but no it's still driving me mad, it'll come to me at 3am this morning or something.
@ Robsessive, I know, I promised you him to the bed the day before, but can I change my mind just a little ? He will come to Budapest, I wish I could see him in real! Maybe, maybe. Some fans try to figure where will be the set, but I'd like to find him in a little pub there.
You hold him down, and I'll, ahem, measure stuff....
His clothes are wrong too...need some tears, and stiching...a missed button or two...def wrong shoes....
He kind of looks like a young Luke Perry...
I think it looks good. The only complaint is that I'm halfway expecting it to move and it doesn't. I mean...seeing Rob in 3-D you would expect movement, goofy grins, teeth, hand in hair...it's just like it is missing something...life.
Plaid shirt, missed button, nikes,jeans,tossing his hair, half cracked smile or full mouth laugh...all missed. I don't know Luke Perry, but let it be his wax, and we must tell mme Tussaud' whatisthat, make a new better Rob-wax.
he's recognizable. it's the same as when i draw him... he's recognizable but not quite right.
i think it's more because his features are so great they're hard to duplicate.
hey that rhymed.. haha.
me too honey.
Well, good night ladies, have a pleasant time.
and dangit i always forget he's only six one. at least that is an inch taller than me. just can't wear heels if i ever go to that museum to take a pic. haha.
ITA RPG...the JAW is WRONG!!! And the smurk isn`t right...and he needs a hand in his hair...and the SEX BOOTS...and...;)
LMAO LHR! It's all wrong!
Nothing can come close to the real Rob...
that's not his smile... and the cheekbones are wrong... close,but not good enough... :-/
They made you look like the Fonz.
I think the face is pretty good. Bit to long though. I think the major problem is, his neck is fare to long and skinny. He looks like a giraffe
It does look a little better from this angle but not like our boy.
I think I got it. Have any of you seen the American TV show "Friends"? He reminds me of Matthew Perry, who played Chandler.
Its a wax figure so I don't understand the fuss about it. They never fully look like the real deal.
Also, they had to model him purely based on photographs. Usually the subjects (if they want to that is) go there and sit for it, where they are able to take measurements and all that stuff.
I think its pretty decent for a wax figure.
It looks more like Rob's stunt double. LMAO
haha stunt double... yeah because i miss robert not being able to run all awkward with his wonky legs. maybe this guy can do a better job.
and i wonder if they made the wonky legs as well?
@RPG I think Rob would willing let us "measure" but I'm good at holding down (just in case we need too ;-)) LOL
it'll come to me at 3am this morning or something.
Really?! It will? The whole entire wax of the Pretty?
Me predicts lack of snooze for Kate this evening...she's gonna be busy making
He does! The one from Twilight!!
We double team it... Rob will not be disappointed!
the look-at-me-look isn't Rob's and yes it looks older bony lack rob's softness, the hair and complexion are darker. the eyes are smaller, in realty yo can see Rob's lashes from a mile that one doesn't have it. the chin is twisted unnaturally. Wax figure can definitely be done better. the clothes aren't Rob's and we KNOW his wardrobe! it is bad but I would go see it if i could:)
Kate you are right this wax thing looks like somebody else and I can't figure out who either. But not enough like Rob. No way.
How could you make a wax figure of Rob? It would melt in less than an hour from all that heat.
The cheeks aren't right and his forehead is too big. :D The pants appear right, but the shoes just don't seem to fit his style, unless they're going to Red Carpet Rob. I can't believe I have the much of an opinion on the subject. Oy.
He looks way too cleaned up. *grin*
And the uniqueness of his face is gone.. the essence of his beauty is lost in this wax figure.. but oh well, if I met him (as in the wax figure), I'd still happily hug him & pose with him.
I think the forehead is too large
it's DEFINITLY something about his mouth! If u hold ur finger over his mouth, he looks totally normal. The wrinkles around it and all that.. it's just so wrong. so yeah. i'm sure it's the mouth.
btw, love ur blog! hugs from sweden.
To me...the head looks too big for his shoulders, the chin isn't right and the eyebrows are way too much. He has full brows but not like a wooly mammoth! It looks better from the front, side shot is terrible. It looked better in the clay stage. It's just not our Rob. Is it me or is the neck off too?
Well I live in the UK and I am definitely going to visit Madame Tussauds and take a good look at the Rob waxwork!!
@Maryann, you wrote: Did Rob pull a face or something while being scanned for this? LOL
That's the problem, from the article I posted last night, it sounds like he wasn't measured or scanned for this at all. It's all done from video/photos.
I remember when celebrities used to sit for their Madame Tussauds waxwork, it was a big deal. Now, not so much. Every millimetre of their face was measured - with technology that could easy be a scan these days. Sounds like they didn't even do that :-( Just wanting to get their dollars off the next big movie star.
I can think of at least 6 million people who would gladly sign up for the measuring job.
I believe it's an unfortunate cross between Luke Perry, Christian Slater and Matt Dillon... with just a splash of Rob thrown in there.
Plaid, Nikes and a beannie would help :-)
LOL~What's wrong is that it's not HIM!!!!
Being a NB, I have to volunteer to help w/the full body inspection (tape measure on the ready).
Now, IMO the head/neck sit too high on the shoulders and it lacks a certain wonkiness!! However, I wouldn't turn down a chance to take it home!!!
I'm sorry, I'm sure the ppl that worked on this..worked hard and did the best job imaginable..but that is freakin weird~!
Amen, ITA!!
this looks like if rob and stephen moyer had a baby. Eyes maybe?
It seems to me that his jaw is not right maybe his nose is a bit pointed and long. I'm not definate as to what it is. (Shrugs) noone can duplicate this wonderful man.
I also think he needs his shiteous Nikes, and misbuttoned shirt...imo.lol
RPG and Kate you two have me lmao...you kill me.
Chin isn't broad enough and the tip of his nose is too pointy. I don't think it looks like him :(
i can't figure out what it is either- he looks like someone who looks like Rob, ya know- if this thing were real- you'd say- 'oh wow this guy looks so much like rob- not exactly, but close...' but there is def something missing.
His face is not like Rob!!!!!!
It's the chin and he looks 45 instead of 23... just saying...
These wax things are totally creepy.
ITA the jaw is wrong, the neck is too long, he looks too old. He looks....dead.
That's it! It's Edward!
wax figures have always scared me...but i agree it looks more like the "edward" stunt double than rob.
he does look 40 doesn't he?? maybe this is what rob will look like then. Its still a pretty face. I wouldn't turn it ddown! hha
I don't like it either. The real Rob is ten times greater looking than this wax figure.
i think he should have been wearing the "shiteous" nikes and the brown bubble jacket.
i predict that this wax figure won't last a week from all the crazed fans trying to touch it/hump it/you name it.
Can you imagine the security needed if it DID look exactly like Rob; mis-buttoned shirt, hand through the hair, stubbley jaw, Nikes, ripped jeans...they'd need the FBI to protect it.
You can't recreate perfection, but I'd still like to take WaxyRob home.
I think his... er... 'package' is a little larger...
Aww, and I forgot to check the face. Hum...
GAH! =)
Dont forget the harness & the beanie!! That's whats missing here!
~ I meant: real ROB's package is larger...
O.M.G*, my mind is in the gutter now.
what happened to the chisled jawline, and the chin more square, the mouth and lips are wrong, should have on the Nikes. Liked that they put his hands in his pockets where he usually keeps them. the body and hair look good, but they made him look older than he is, but to have your own was figure is outstanding.
Hey, all! The eyebrows are too low.
I'm gonna burn the WAX thing!!!
Hey, Annie! Don't burn it before Dessert has had her wicked way with it!
Also the colour is all wrong. Rob has a lovely peaches and cream English complexion. This guy is too brown. He looks charred, like a marshmallow on a stick.
@Lemonless, I don't want anyone to see it. It's WRONG!!! :D
@Annie: let's get CL & Angie over with the wheelbarrow and pick him up from the BA set, then we can deliver him straight to MT for a proper fitting!
It looks pretty good, looks a lot like him, but yeah his lips are not like Rob's. Us fans know what his lips look like and theirs is not right. Other than that I would put him in my bedroom.
@Lemonless yes,and I want to measure him ;)We have to do a perfect job.
@Annie: I'm all for perfection!
Maybe it's the eyes? I agree too, something is 'off'. We know our Rob!
But anyways, they making copies of these to sell in the gift shop? They'd make a fortune!
the jaw/chin is all wrong! His face isn't that long, it's more square and his chin is broader than that. Fail!
Kate & RPG, I think I can be an asset to your inspection. After all, someone should hold the top half, another for the feet and we'll need someone to man the measuring tape-let me know, I'll drop everything and come a'runnin'! LMAO
The eyes are too small and the figure is overall too thin.
For some reason it reminds me of Hugh Jackman!
they should ask us first if the wax thing is ok!!!
I think it is the neck... it is too long and thin.
I think his jawline isn't strong enough, his chin is too long, and his neck & shoulders are too narrow. I agree with other people that he reminds me of someone else, but I just can't think of who. It's going to bother me until I do.
Um, forgot to ask, are these wax figures, you know, uh, anatomically correct?
The mouth is all wrong.
Ok - have to say it, even if said - "Doesn't hold a candle to...
Seems there should have been a different group of employees working at Mme Tussauds on this one....lol
Do I spy a zip fly? Fail!
For a wax figure, I think they did an awesome job! To me, it looks like the facial structure and something about the eyes are a little off... Too much eye baggage underneath, maybe? Too squinty looking... Not sure but great job nonetheless :)
@CL...ROFLMAO! You crack me up, girl! You are so right...they would need FBI to protect it if it looked just like him...otherwise WaxPattz would either melt from excessive touching from viewers or be stolen altogether!
I don't know why, but I keep seeing some Stephan Moyer "Vampire Bill" (True Blood) in his features...and I think that's why WaxPattz looks a bit off to me!
s-firth: WaxPattz! Win!
@Lemonless: Thanks, babe! It just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it?
Sorry to the people that made this, but they obviously did not look at enough pics and videos.
Rob is thin, but not scrawny like this makes him look.
It does not depict the correct bone structure at all, and the skin color is all wrong.
I cant fault them though. How can you duplicate perfection? Impossible!
Ahaha! Doesn't hold a candle to the real thing...
Marna--you'll have to ask his girlfriends that know that question. Looks like they did leave out some in that area.
i think it is his neck! Way too long
OK, my friend just compared WaxPattz to this:
the neck/shoulder muscle is off. the face is too, its more oval/smaller than his real face. his arms looks extra skinning too. I mean I know they are, but he's got muscle there and you can tell in suits..not in this one. this is a creepy Rob
the complete figure looks def better than just the head.
i think the chin is a little bit different.
I´ve been to Madame Tussauds in Amsterdam. Some figures look very real and some not so much.
Maybe this is better in person, but from this pic...not so sure, yeah, there is something a little "off" about it, can't quite pin point what it is, but it's to do with the face. He's got a very angular face, and it somehow doesn't quite get across here. It's quite good, but not quite Rob.
Better than previous photos earlier today, but jaw is wrong, hands in pocket really wrong (never, ever has he done that). What color did they make his eyes? They should have consulted us, but WTH, it's a wax figure. Don't expect an exact likeness.
His eyes aren't that small when he smiles like that, and... a commenter on Thinking of Rob hit the very thing I was looking for:
"...it doesn’t capture his personality at all. No hand in his hair, the gleam in hie eyes. The eyes are way too small, & the jaw is all wrong."
This looks like a young George Michaels!!!!!!!
Nothing like our Robert!!!
His expression.. his eyes... his jaw... it looks like he has an underbite.... his jaw is sticking out in the WRONG way... It's funny how they spent SO LONG working on his hair... and didn't pay more attention to his expression!! :(
Anyways better than nothing... that shows how much of a STAR our Rob is! :p
I think it's his mouth - something about his eyes or lips or jaw isn't quite right.
The body looks great - but would love to see his gorgeous hands. He does stand like that a lot though and they dressed him/it well!
Can't believe they are letting visitors run their hands through his hair and hug him!!! That's sorta wierd but cute.
@CL...ROFLMAO! You crack me up, girl! You are so right...they would need FBI to protect it if it looked just like him...otherwise WaxPattz would either melt from excessive touching from viewers or be stolen altogether!
I don't know why, but I keep seeing some Stephan Moyer "Vampire Bill" (True Blood) in his features...and I think that's why WaxPattz looks a bit off to me!
OK, I wasn't going to respond to this but several comments mentioned how "it" looked like a combination of "Bill"/Stephen Moyer and Rob. Cannot contain myself, if such a man looked like that I would be absolutely DEAD. The combination would be, in my personal opinion, the most perfect man alive. Yuh, I'm a Billsbabe, too. But it should look like Rob absolutely. Kind of funny how people thought it resembled "Bill". Obviously some TB fans here.
Jaw and chin are wrong. This looks more like the guy in the tv show 'In Plain Sight.'
This.Luke Perry is that you? LOL The eyes, hair, etc... is off.
Oh, lallieb, I'm a Billsbabe too...
For the ladies saying they will be in London and check this out... isn't it being shown in Times Square?? I swear i read that.
All the comments are quite funny... how the wax figure is being very scrutinized.. "he has a underbite" lol..uhm I mean I'm a dental hygienist and thats pretty hard to determine from that angle and with out seeing the actual teeth. I do think something in the lower half of the face looks alittle off, but I think it looks pretty good. Yeah nothing beats the orginal, but for a wax figure, going by pictures...not too bad. I mean if I was standing next to it, hell...I'm sure my heart would be racing
It looks freaky! He doesn't look like this at all. He looks like he's 45 or something! LOL
THat is not our Rob. Just a replica, You can't fool us.
Think it looks like Luke Perry, Dylan from 90210.
ITs his eyes,they didnt capture the write shape,there kindof wolf like,this looks terrible
I think his mouth and nose area looks like Matthew Perry's. Anybody with me?
My very first thought when I saw it was "he's got Hugh Jackman's mouth!"
Pic of Hugh's smirk: http://snarkerati.com/movie-news/files/2009/10/hugh-jackman.jpg
I also think his eyes are a bit too narrow... The whole thing is just slightly off, but the main thing is the mouth... But the lifelike quality of it up close is quite amazing! At least on the pictures.
his trousers are too high and his eyebrows aren't dark enough. anddddddddddd he looks too american rofl
and his willy should be MASSIIIVVVVE! hahaha
Actually, if you look at the close-up pic on the London site, it's not so bad...could be just me 'cause I'm imagaining The Pretty too frequently haha
The pics are, to quote Alan Partridge 'To be fair, a mixed bag' some look better than others - maybe it's one of those 'I'll have to see this for myself' things.
Imagaining? I mean imagining, *tuts* get out of my head, Rob! It's a weekday! I need to concentrate!
It's ok. I've since worse versions of other people. I think his forehead is a little big and his mouth is slightly too narrow..I know he has thin lips but the mouth itself seems a touch wider in real pictures. Still the hair and outfit is delish :)
the face is not pretty enough, it's just not...it's too manly....if that makes sense?
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