From Gossip Cop

The first weekend box office estimates are trickling in, and it appears the Alice in Wonderland bonanza will continue.

Projections place last week’s champ atop the chart again with roughly $60 million in its second week of release, which would push it past the $200 million mark overall.

Remember Me ($9.5 million) is estimated to finish a close fourth behind fellow debuts Green Zone ($15 million) and She’s Out of My League ($10 million).

It will likely battle with the latter for third place until late Sunday.

Friday’s numbers:

$17.4 M – Alice

$5 M – Green Zone

$3.6 M – Remember Me

$3.3 M – She’s Out of My League

Again, these are VERY EARLY estimates. Gossip Cop will have more details and more accurate projections as the weekend continues.


Unknown said...

That's suck crap we have to get it up higher. It's not in the theater near me dammit.

noisefaidaus said...

I just saw "Remember Me" for the 2nd time this afternoon and if you haven't seen it yet you need to get out there.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a good movie that didn't rely on CGI,or special effects(and I'm over 40, so I've seen a few).

The whole cast is so solid and believable in their roles and Rob is exceptional!!!

Anonymous said...

not in a theater near me either or I would go again today. the numbers are a bit disappointing but I bet someone will break down the per theater totals which is what really shows how a movie did. I think it will get at least 3rd. I think it had bad timing being on the same day as Green Zone and so soon after Alice opened.

I also don't think this is bad for Rob. If his first real leading role was a blockbuster, the expectations would be way too high. Decent numbers, good reviews for Rob personally - I say RM is a success.

MsTaurus14 said...

Just saw "Remember Me", thought it was excellent...Rob was brilliant in this...the whole cast was great, I brought a friend with me, whom at first kind of just went because I'd asked her to go, she had tears in her eyes at the end, then said,it's a movie she'd see again. I want to see it again too.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

these are three days estimates arent they? and the movie havent been released in many countries im sure RM will hit!

modestypatch said...

Please finish at least third! Hopefully Remember Me Saturday will pull it through and cause it to go higher than expected.

BTW people, if you feel the need to see the Damon movie, watch a Bourne movie at home on DVD after you go and see Remember Me. I'm sure it will be pretty much the same thing. :)

(No offense to Matt Damon. Love him, but his movie looks redundant.)

Victoria said...

I can't believe the that stupid Out of Her League movie is going to beat out Remember Me. Crap movie up against a good honest movie - boy I hope they're wrong.

Unknown said...

These numbers seem tiny compared to what we're used to with the twilight movies and whatever but we need to remember that RM is a little indie movie...not a blockbuster...thats how Rob has always described it...its only even on the radar because hes in it really!To come in fourth for such a small movie is fantastic!

It was going up against Alice which was always going to be huge and that green zone thingy which was also an automatic earner!RM has done very well comparatively speaking!Plus in my opinion the numbers are tainted because it was only released in certain countries...worldwide release would give a much better picture!But the main thing is not the money but what it has done for Rob as an actor...he has proved to the naysayers that he has talent in spades and has left edward behind!I am very proud of him and will see it as many times as I can manage when it comes out here!

MsTaurus14 said...

I want to say also, as much as I like Rob in the Edward role, I like seeing him as a human much better, there wasn't all the makeup and contact lenses, just natural and normal. Loved the interaction with his little "sister", she was also very good.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm new here.

Those numbers are very, very early estimates and the numbers from the site I trust the most (boxofficemojo) haven't been posted as yet.

Also, Green Zone opened in 3,003 theatres.
Out Of My League in 2,956.
Remember Me in 2,212.

I think RM's numbers will go up after Remember Me Saturday. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi annie, thanks for those theater numbers, I was really curious about that.

HeneciaD said...

@annie hi honey welcome :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Janna and you're welcome. :)

RobsessiveRobsbondgirl ( I love the name :)
Thank you for the welcome and it's nice to be here.

abigail25 said...

Just saying, it's not showing near me so I bought tickets for another location on Fandango. I looked at it as supporting the movie, even though I can't attend, the seats are sold.

twmmy said...

That is the world. It shows, that Twiliht fans not only Rob's fans. And I think that Rob's fans have more loyality to the another actors in Twilight, than the other actor's fans to Rob. (Maybe Rob's fans doesn't need to go to see Runaways? Uh, oh my devil says it.)

And now I've read the sinopsys of She’s Out of My League. And please , what is in that film better than in Remember me ? I don't know the filmbusiness how works, but I hope this incoming numbers doesn't mean for Rob failing. I think the people don't like seeing real feelings in films. I wonder why is it unpleasant for them. Sorry for my enfglish. I'm only a huge fan for Rob, and I would like to go to see RM, but Amerca is so far from Hungary, and here the film will be only in may.

Anonymous said...

I think Rob is being judged harshly not only because of the success of the Twilight series but because of that other highly successful series (Harry Potter). Think about it, he's in two of the highest grossing films.

I like the projects he's choosing and the actors he's paired with in those projects.
Chris Cooper is one of the best character actors in this country and he had nothing but praise for Rob.
I think Rob will continue to prove he's more than just a pretty face.

HeneciaD said...

@annie thanks honey :)) now you are part of robs world

Steph is Legit said...

It is so weird that the numbers are so disappointing. Perhaps it is because we all have a bias, but most of the people I know were really looking forward to this movie. They could care less about Rob, twilight or any of that hoopla. I dont expect it to top Alice but i did expect it to do better than the movie that is in 4th place. I didnt even know matt damon was in a new movie until just now.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

Thanks Annie for the numbers! I hope RM does better than teen movie Out of My League and cracks the top first 3. But it's still very early and there's still hope.

Anonymous said...

just my take on the competitors:

She’s Out of My League and movies like it (knocked up, superbad) have a whole loyal fanbase of their own - I don't want to stereotype so I'll leave it at that.

Green Zone is a major action film starring a well established actor and was engineered to be a blockbuster.

Alice was also engineered to be a blockbuster.

RM is just a movie (a good movie), for that I think it's numbers and showing compared to these is phenomenal.

Audrey said...

It will be interested to see the box office in the rest of the world.

There´re a lot of movies which very successfull better in Europe than in the US.

When the movie will open in Spain and in France I could put it here.

rpattz-turn-me-on said...

I think 3rd or 4th is considered a success in my book,it only cost 16 mil to produce and its not a blockbuster so in my opinion its doing well,some folks on the internet are calling it the 'Robsten' effect saying the movie Bombed ,they are comparing it to when Lopez and Afflect movies bombed because of the 'Bennifer ' effect........if the movie does not do well Rob and is team and summit have to figuer out the cause.....was it bad marketing or bad press about his personal life or more,i know some folks say that his personal should not matter+but+in+a+world+where+tabs+and+gossip+is+everywhere+thats+not+the+case......maybe+the+Robsten+games+are+turning+people+Off,when+you+are+an+actor+and+you+are+famous+for+your+hook+ups+and+not+your+work,that+is+not+a+good+thing,so+if+this+is+the+case+my+humble+advice+would+be+.......stop+the+PR+games+with+Robsten++and+focus+more+on+creating+good+movies.come+clean+be+truthful+because+folks+are+being+turned+off+by+all+the+stunts+and+games.

Unknown said...

The estimates for RM were around the $10 million mark, the film appears to be keeping up with expectations. Bottom line is that RM will make a tidy little profit off of 16 million investment.

Rob's personal life has nothing to do with the BO performance of RM.

dina said...

I don't think the third place is bad. It's realy good IMO.Did you expect to outnumber Alice?

Unknown said...

His personal life is a non issue!And then people wonder why hes so private...that is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I think people were expecting RM to do Twilight like numbers and I don't understand why there was ever that expectation.
For me, it is the little movie that did something. It opened against a Matt Damon movie and is just over a million dollars behind it on it's opening weekend.

Rob's personal life and Twilight was so very far removed from this. Edward Cullen in Twilight and Tyler Hawkins in Remember were as far apart as East from West.

Cindygal said...

...I also believe its still early to tell and I honestly believe the movie did well considering that it only costed 16mil to make!!

Jamie said...

@rpattz-turn-me-on. how did you know it cost 16 mil for the production? i was searching everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Just some more information before I go.

Green Zone - 3,003 Theatres-$1,665 per theatre average- Friday's estimate-$5,000,000.

Remember Me-2,212 Theatres-$1,627 per theatre average-Fridays eatimate-$3,6000,000

She's Out Of My League-Theatres-2956-$1,116 per theatre average-Friday's estimate-$3,000,000.

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

I am more concerned that studios will not think highly of Rob because this opening - that he can't carry a movie. I know we are biased, but I knew that would never compete with "Alice". I had hoped that a certain portion of Twilight people would come out to support, but does this turnout reflect this?

And maybe Rob will be happy with this. He likes certain characters regardless of what the box office thinks. I don't know. This is a great movie I hope people will give it a chance. Maybe it will spread via word of mouth.

twmmy said...

Oh, no never thought that this "indie" film will ever beat a blocbuster like Alice (For me Alice as a film is nothing, though i like JD, but not the story Alice in wonderland).
I hope RM will be succesfull for Rob.

pinkpepper51 said...

New to this blog, but have been a fan of the site for about a year. Just saw the movie and it blew me away. I believe that it will be a success in all ways. 1) It has already
made more than half of what it cost to make. 2) It has received more positive reviews than negative ones. 3) Most importantly it was a movie that Rob is very proud of and worked very had at to put it out for all to see. I see a young man who will chose his films so that he can become good/great at the career he has picked for himself. He is not in it for all of the money he can make or the facetime on ragmags like some of his socalled peers do. He truly cares about what he puts out to the public. One other thing that bugs me about the critics of his Edward portrayal is that they obviously never read the books, because if they had they would have seen that he nailed it from day one!

Steph is Legit said...

i know i am being irrational. it just makes me angry how this movie is not doing better. To me, this is one of those movies that comes out once a decade that makes you really question the movie bizz and the movies people tend to gravitate to. With Alice people knew that it was a Tim Burton film. It was going to weird,creepy and enigmatic. With an action movie there are going to be guns, fighting, explosions, cursing and gratuitous sex. Every movie that comes out is one in the same and then a movie like Remember Me comes out.

It isn't a typical story. It doesn't have a happy ending, but it is so important that it is made. It doesn't fit into a genre and the movie isn't for everyone. This movie just amazed me because I believe in it so much. Even if Rob wasn't cast as the lead it was still a brilliant film. To me it was an unforgetable film and a must see. You can see all those tim burton movies, action movies, rom/coms, and comedies all you want. they are one in the same. This movie was so completely off beat I feel like people should just see it out of curiosity.

I do know that this movie was not released globally yet so we can't factor in too many numbers. It really was timing. To me this movie should have came out in Jan/Feb it seemed like a mid winter movie. It is poor marketing to push to to a weekend after a blockbuster.

modestypatch said...

@pinkpepper Welcome!

I agree with all you said, but your last sentence made me LMAO!

Monique said...

RPrats-turn-me-on... You remind me of some of the nasty critics out there... What the heck are you talking about? What has Rob's private life have anything to do with RM... What private life? It's all rumours... Jeez lady? It's only friday. We have another two days. This is a small movie show in less theatres and doing well... There is no shoot-em... bang,bang, no special effects. I am off to see the movie in a couple hours and taking a friend and I know another couple of friends that is going to see it in the weeks to come. Give it a chance, The Blind Side... make so much money from word of mouth...
Thanks for the numbers Annie...and for Rptmo...Ben/Jennifer was in a movie together and all over the papers as a couple... plus the movie was the biggest load of dogs doodo that ever release... the story was crap.

twmmy said...

Steph, agreed. I thought it was a mistake to prolonge the premiere from february to midmarch. And than I saw the release date of Alice... It seemd people who could see RM,will go to see Alice, only because 3D, and Tim and JD.

GiGi said...

I loved it and am so PROUD of Rob. I think when it's all said and done it will do just fine. Not like Twilight, but this is a whole different kind of movie. Kind of a sleeper compared to the "blockbusters". So for it to come in 3rd is actually pretty good.

pinkpepper51 said...

Modestypatch, love your name and thanks. I'm a 57 yr old gal who thinks that Rob is the best thing that has come along in quite awhile. Not looking at him in the "cougar" perspective either. It is refreshing to see the likes of he and Kristen come along and be dedicated to their careers by making good film choices and not just money making vehicles. I commend their parents for raising them the right way and say they should be very proud of them. They could have turned out like some of the ones out there now that I won't even name.

twmmy said...

rpattzgirl, you rock my world. I'm a little bit envy for you. You 've seen RM yet for 3. I think I must go to Wienna to see the film on 25th march, cant wait untill may.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Back to back, remember me #4 coming up in 10 min..
25 people here.


LM said...

This is the kind of film that has to cook for awhile. It's just enough different from the others out there to give it a slow start. It wasn't advertised here much at all but it is listed in several theaters. I think given time it could very well turn into a classic. Even my husband liked it and he does not care much for "Robbie" as he calls him or my fascination with Rob (maybe that is more accurate). Hence, while the first weekend gross may not be as high as we would like I think in the long run it will stand multiple viewings and bring in still more money via DVD. It does establish Rob as a serious actor. I think he will be around for a long time. A truly tender movie.

PS Don't feed the trolls.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh and welcome new commenters!


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Thanks twmmy,
I was gonna go back tomorrow but turned right around and bought another ticket...
Think I'll just sleep here today!

LM said...

RPG--There weren't many people when I went either. Hoping that the evening show will have more!! Enjoy. You can share my kleenex. Even my stoic husband cried.

Steph is Legit said...

I making it my personal mission to see this movie as many times as possible. Its okay because I get movie tickets for free so it doesn't really put a dent in my wallet. I think i am just going to invite random strangers into the movies lol

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

If you wish to see the numbers published by Annie (they're Box Office Mojo's estimates), go to http://www.boxofficemojo.com/
You will see that RM is now ranked 3d for Friday estimates. So... not to worry, they seem to be normal numbers. I saw a post by a BO reviewer (don't ask me where! I got lost, there's so many sites) who seemed fairly impartial and who said that it was ridiculous to try and compare a little indie movie like RM (he said the budget is about 16$M) with a blockbuster like Alice or a megaproduction like Green Zone (budget=100 $M!). Plus, RM -although it has a wide release- is shown in a lot less theaters than Green Zone and Out of My League. So do your numbers, and you will easily see that RM is actually far more profitable than Green Zone... and proportionally doing better than Out of My League (with about 20$M budget) which has more theaters. So, yes, RM is doing what it was expected to do! Remember, Rob always said it was a little low-key indie film... and look where it is now! Expectations and pressure are just so high because there's Rob in it, and I'm sure there's lot of people who want him to fail. Yes, I know, the world is weird like that...

ShariG said...

Going again tonight with two daughter-in-laws. Going Sunday with two girl friends. Went last night with daughter and yesterday afternoon all by myself. Did I mention that I hate Lisa Swartzman and her lousey review of Remember Me in Entertainment Weekly. I may cancel my subscription or at least not renew it..

Monique said...

I'm sorry... I know I should'nt feed THE TROLL... but it get to you sometimes... you know.

Pepperpink... Thumbs up. I so agree with you. I think this movie will make it's money back and much more... It's in less theatres and hasn't even open worldwide yet!

Steph is Legit said...

Its ok Roger Ebert gave it a B. at least we have one famous critic on our side. I normally don;t agree with his brand of talent but we seem to be fighting on the same team this time

shirleegirl said...

I just got back from seeing Remember Me and it was really, really good. The whole cast was good although Lena Olin wasn't in it that much ... Rob, what can I say, beautiful, sensual, heartbreaking, brave and passionate. Will go again next week and bring a friend with me.

I know some people said they were pretty much alone in their theatres but there was about 50 people for the 1:45 show which I think is good. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to because you won't be sorry

ShariG said...

If Remember Me breaks $10 million on opening week it will be good for an independent film. Alice and Wonderland really stunk. Matt Damon is a known commodity and the Green whatever will do well because it attacks that who Bourne Identity audience. I predict Remember Me is going to come in third for the weekend and that isn't bad. There are a lot of good films out there. If you look at the cost of these films compared to the box office gross, Remember Me will have already paid for itself and then some the first weekend.

shirleegirl said...

Oh yeah and we were having a mini monsoon in my town and that many people still came out for it - dedication!

elle_207 said...

Also fairly new here and love the job you women do with this site!

I saw RM yesterday and will see it again tomorrow. I can't believe She's Out... can beat RM out of 3d place. I will totally lose faith in the viewing public if that's the case. As Rob said as Dali, "It just makes me want to...(wretching sound) puke."

I loved Rob in RM and I think those who say word of mouth will help him out could be on the right track.

And thanks to fellow newbie Annie for the stats.

Lucerne said...

Wow. Really thought that the movie would be doing better than this. I guess some of the Twilight fans are fans of Edward, and not Rob, and thus stayed away. Too bad, the movie is really good, and Robert did a phenomenal job. Will see it again tonight with my sister and cousin. Heres hoping things pick up on Saturday and Sunday.

noisefaidaus said...

If "Remember Me" comes close to the 10 million figure for the weekend that is more than half of the production costs,and that makes it a HUGE success, if it takes 3rd place that is just icing on the cake!

Anonymous said...

We can get higher!!.. And am I the only one who didn't see it yet?!!!!! Shooting for tonight if not I will go tomorrow. I feel bad! haha.

drabrasil said...

I did drive 40 km to a mall and see this movie today!!

just got home!!!

I saw it twice, 14.30 and 16.40


of course this is a different movie from twilight saga, and I loved it same as I love twilight saga.
I will commetn further on another post specially for RM.

shoegal2547 said...

Relax and reboot ladies...RM is doing far better than most people thought it would. Remember Pitt, Clooney, Depp and Damon had to come this way before they made names for themselves. Blockbusters don't necessarily mean big numbers for the individual actors involved. I think Rob has done a great job in the movie and RM is posting numbers along those line. BTW: the whole cast is fantastic in this move!

Unknown said...

@ shoegal - well said!

Gemgirl65 said...

I was really glad to see some of the numbers shown here, so thank you to Annie and some others who reported them here.

I knew something was "fishy" about the number of theaters RM was opening in, because I couldn't find it anywhere around me. I had to travel about 140 miles round trip to see it, so I went with two fellow Robsessors yesterday and saw it twice. The matinees were nearly empty, so I hope the evening shows did better. Two other friends reported being nearly the only people in their theater this afternoon, so again the matinee numbers don't seem to be good. It's a bit of a relief to see the overall dollars in relation to the limited number of theaters in which RM was released. Otherwise, I would have been pretty worried.

I, too, thought that Rob and Twilight would ensure a certain contingent of fans that would come out to support the movie. Perhaps that contingent isn't as large as I thought it was; or perhaps the inevitable Twi-franchise "backlash" is coming into effect. I just hope people will ignore the bad reviews and give this movie a chance, because I thought the acting was excellent, and the story poignant and moving. I was so impressed with Rob's performance in this movie. I fully expected him to be great and he didn't disappoint me at all. I can't help but want the movie to be at least a modest success, because I think he deserves it, and I want him to have some clout and power to do quality projects that interest him. I will be very interested to see how all of this is viewed once the dust settles and the movie hast been released worldwide, and trickled down to smaller venues here in the USA.

Jane said...

Just got home from watching remember me the second time. still haven't had enough, need to go again. Movie is great and should be much better than what's in the theater. Of course, parent's are taking their kids to see Alice in wonderland, but remember me should gross well, Althought I went to the matinee, the theater was not full. Am hoping a better showing of fans at night.

Jane said...

Oh, by the way, the female critic that writes for Entertainment Magazine gave Remember me a D+ and She's Out of My League a C. That would be Lisa Schwarzbaum. I am sure another Rob hater. I could kick her butt.

MsTaurus14 said...

I posted earlier that I'd gone to see this movie..did I see it because Rob was in it...yes, I did, however, had I not known who he was and saw it, I still would've come away liking the film and giving a lot credit to Rob for a good performance. However, there weren't a lot of people in the theater, I went to the 11:55 showing, I left extra early thinking it was going to be packed, it wasn't, but it was an early showing, and it is up against some big competition, but it's still early in the game, it will be interesting to see what the "numbers" say when the weekend wraps up, also it was only being shown in about 3 theaters around where I live, which kind of surprised me.

Delle1 said...

I was going just for Rob but came away actually thinking Emilie did well in the movie.......
love this movie and especially Rob.......he's so gorgeous.......

RPnKSaddict said...

I just got back from seeing RM for a
2nd time, and it was even better. For those who think they will see Edward in this movie, YOUR WRONG, no trace of him.

Rob brought Tyler to life in a monumental way. I was blown away by his performance as well as the story and the rest of the cast. It was funy, it was sad,it was compelling, and you won't regret going to see it.

About putting RM up against a high priced 3D movie I don't think it's fair to compare the two. I'm praying for at least 2nd or 3rd spot, or at least to exceed box office estimates.

I will be going for a 3rd time tomorrow, yes because I want to support Rob, but also because, it was an all around great movie. I dindn't expect to like it because of the subject matter, but I was mistaken.

Please go and see RM you won't regret it.

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Too many comments to read, but get out & f-ing support this movie.
Have seen it 3 times, have you?

Oh and Don't Feed The Trolls!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I love Remember Me! My mom and I both saw it today. About twenty-or-so people were in there with us.

That sucks that it only came out in select theaters instead of theaters everywhere. Not fair at all!

tgill said...

These numbers suck!!! Where are all Robs fans? I know we can't expect Twilight numbers but if Rob got even a tenth of that it would be better than this. Hearing that the cinemas are practically empty at the matinees is not good. Imagine what the figures would be like if fans didn't go for as many repeat viewings as they have. I can't wait to see it but as I'm in Ireland it won't be out until April 2nd, I hope other commentators are right and that it is a sleeper

RPCinemaMajo said...

This is reason because I want Rob not make more moviesTwilight.Twiligh Most fans do not deserve the love and the work of Rob #Rememberme.

Most Robsten Fan, not support to Robert even the tendency to Twitter

RPCinemaMajo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheeky Chops said...

6-7 mill

Brenda said...

I have to be honest. I love Rob's acting in this and thought everyone did a wonderful job. However it was depressing beyond words. I went with three other friends and they all hated it. I spent the rest of the evening trying to defend it and then gave up. Unfortunately the movie theater wasn't even full. :-(

Anonymous said...

I am gonna try to support the movie tomorrow!!!!! Your all so lucky to see it today n yesterday!!

p.s. Gonna get Rob's details pic on my birthday magazine!(: hahaha!!

Loisada said...

Wen is right. I was hoping it might take in 15M but that was overly optimistic. If RM does a strong 10M this weekend it will be well on its way to making a tidy little profit. For a hard-hitting indie movie that is dark and dramatic, that's a fine showing.

It's sad, but there isn't a wide audience these days for movies that aren't gut-busting funny or have feel-good endings. Telling people not to take others for granted is simply not a message many people are interested in hearing these days, especially when that message is sucker-punched into you.

In the end, the fact Rob took on this role and invested so much passion/energy/money in it reflects extremely well on him. Coupled with the good reviews for his acting, RM earned Rob clout with serious film-makers.

And if he lost points as a blockbuster draw.... honestly, that's great by me! I don't want him to keep going down that road anyway, and I have a hunch he doesn't want to either.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


Ditto girl!!!!

Just out of seeing it for 4th time..about 25 people, all sobbing....

Please go again everyone if you can... I know it's nor playing in a lot of theaters....

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

they all cried when I saw it again too!!!!

womadsart said...

Remember Me was amazing! Rob's acting brilliant!!!! I balled and my daughter who was not sure about it LOVED IT!!! She wants to take her boyfriend next!

I'm going again tonight with a friend! and I will go again just as much I went for New Moon just to see him.. 11 times! or more.

greeneyes said...

SEE IT!!! This is a movie for almost all ages. The guys in my theater loved it. Rob proves he got some serious acting chops in this and he deserves this to be successful. Everyone was terrific in it. Don't let some lame date comedy movie beat out Rob.

greeneyes said...

I agree...RM is a Independent movie and I never thought it would beat out Alice in Wonderland. I just can't believe a stupid comedy date movie would be out RM regardless. Remember Me will definitely be profitable. I did believe this had more universal appeal though......I know the young Twilight fans probably will not see (they recognize him as Edward only).......but still...Twilight fans need to support this too. This movie deserves our continued support. Combined with international box office....it will be a high profit movie . Rob is not only Edward.....and this movie proves he is so much more ( ok ok...Rob as Edward is hot but he ain't a bad Tyler either lol)

solas said...

I had really thought it would do better, taking in Twilight fans, who I thought were mostly fans of Rob. Now I wonder how many were just fans of the books, or of taylor.

AP said...

@Loisada: likewise. :) It's clearer after listening to interviews with Allen Coulter that RM was intended to be an R movie, and that changed along the way. It certainly read and felt like one. It's darker and has more grit than most rom dramas made these days. I wish it had remained with that rating.

$16m has been mentioned for prod. budget but that doesn't include marketing costs which also need to be recouped. It should do, especially if the international fans turn out.

MMc said...

I went to the theater today - a mega complex and went in several other movies just to see how many were in there and RM had more in the audience that the 3 others I checked.

I loved it.......and Rob, of course, was so amazing - I can't wait for the DVD so I can put on the subtitles and rewind and review everything he said......it was hard to hear a few things.

GO SEE IT if you haven't yet - it's got a good message.

AP said...

@Solas: yes, it appears there are many more fans of "Edward" than there are of Rob. However, he may be building a somewhat different fan base with his other films. :)

MMc said...

It's not fair to compare Remember Me to Alice in W cause that is showing in many other theaters and on bigger screens with more seats.
Not fair. : (

I saw about 10 minutes of AinW and it looked wierd. I hated that story as a child, it scared me, and rightly so.......it was all based on a drug induced hallucination of Lewis Carroll's imagination.

Anonymous said...

I predict once word gets around to non Twilight fans how AWESOME RM is that we will see RM in the top 3 spot for @ least the next 3 weeks!

Anonymous said...

and to the "critic" that said RM"s ending was a cop out..... I would like to know how they ever got a job as a critic because the ending was poignient and left me stunned and crying like I cried when Is aw titanic! The movie was art in film @ it's best!

Anonymous said...

and to the "critic" that said RM"s ending was a cop out..... I would like to know how they ever got a job as a critic because the ending was poignient and left me stunned and crying like I cried when Is aw titanic! The movie was art in film @ it's best!

Lilpaskittle01 said...

Ugh I so thought it would do better than this! It is BEYOND an amazing movie. Such and amazing storyline and wonderful wonderful acting from the entire cast. So all that crap about how it's only going to make money because of all the beautiful people in it is a MAJOR lie! I didn't exactly get to do the whole Remember Me Saturday thing. I couldn't find a babysitter or someone to go with again so to help the cause I got on Fandango and bought a ticket just to help box office numbers. Now that is ROBication! (Major Dedication to Rob!)

MMc said...

I just googled Lisa Schwarzbaum with Entertainment Weekly and made a comment on the site about how GREAT RM was.....and she was WRONG!!!

Sure wanted to give her more of a piece of my mind but I was civil.

MMc said...

I barely cried cause I'd read the script - wish I hadn't now so more of it would have been a surprize........I loved the scenes I had not already seen.

Kerri said...

I just saw it and OMG, I was in shock. What a fantastic movie. What I loved about it was that it didn't try to be anything that it wasn't. It potrayed a real relationship, with real family issues and real consiquences. The little girl, Caroline, OMG, I felt so bad for her. I love Tyler and all of his fire and rage. Im pissed that the fucking critics call it "daddy issues". Their down playing the heart ache, the grief. Assholes! I have to say I am so mad that it wasn't busier then it was. Not even half the seats were filled. We have to do better then that. Not just for Rob but this movie is worth the money. Great movie and even better cast!

pj said...

Just saw RM with a group and everyone thought it was great. Rob and cast did an outstanding job. Heartfelt performances. Really sad though. I think the numbers r good for a small indie film and are in line with studio expectations. It is not a blockbuster movie and it won't bring in that kind of money. It will do well. Have to look at the big picture. Not just the weekend. The Blind Side had a slow start but did extremely well in the end. Rob and cast should be really proud of these numbers.

Tyler said...

One of the reasons why I love this blog is how protective the fans are towards Rob. I have loved Entertainment Weekly for most of my adult life, even before I "met" Rob but it breaks my hear to read the headline "Alice Dominates, Remember Me Unlikely To Cross $10 Million". So many many people who are anti-Twilight are so quick to put Rob down, so ready to tear him to pieces and they're using Remember Me as the platform to do that. So what if RM opens in less theaters and did almost as good as the Green Zone in a per screen estimate for Friday... so what if Summit only spent $16M for the whole movie whereas Green Zone cost $100M... they don't care about facts!

I would love to join RM Saturday and watch the movie over and over again but sadly, I live outside the US. So like most people here on this site, I'm counting on all you fans in the US/Canada to help push the numbers for Rob. I (We) don't expect humongous numbers... just better than how the critics are painting the movie at the moment. Thanks to all and have a great weekend!

Kerri said...

Iknow I just posted but I have to say this, Rob was right. This movie NEEDED to be made. Amazing movie. Loved the fact that it didnt need CGI! It was raw looking and raw feeling.

JBMolina said...

Remember Me was beautiful and Rob was beautiful in it. I don't care about numbers. He is amazing.

JBMolina said...

Remember Me was beautiful and Rob was beautiful in it. I don't care about numbers. He is amazing.

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

@Tyler, Kerri and pj - ITA!!!!

Unknown said...

Remember Me was a beautiful film. No matter how much money it makes it will remain as beautiful as ever. Rob did an amazing job and the story is poignant. There's no way you won't Remember It after leaving the theater.

Amelie said...

I was at the theater today waiting for the 1:45 p.m.screening when the POWER OUTAGE suddenly happened. We were given back a refund for the next day. Understandably, Robfans were disappointed for not able to see the ending of the movie. This happened in NYC. Can you believe this?
Good thing I saw the movie on it's opening day, March 12th.

Amelie said...

The POWER OUTAGES is happening in NYC as I write because we've been experiencing a rainstorm since Friday. Expect low $ sales in the box office for "Remember Me" this opening weekend but it will pick up in the coming days. The word of mouth endorsements by fans will help "RM" stay in the top 4 or even go up to #1. I have high hopes.

LTavares2011 said...

Rob is building a solid career step by step, RM is a very good film, well directed, with a great cast, Rob/Tyler is FANTASTIC. So different from the other characters he played before. Rob is a sensitive actor that makes us feel all of emotions of Tyler. Numbers are only details near of the great work he developed in this project. He produced the film too.
Robert Pattinson is here to stay and it bothers certain type of people, who call themselves "critics" but Rob is above all of this. His acting is becoming more mature in each movie he makes. We know about all his value, his talent and the most important thing is that Rob knows he can count with us, ALWAYS, without any restrictions.

I Love you Rob and love RM!!!!!

Kathy S said...

I was shocked at Liza Schwarzbzum's review as she gave New Moon a B+! I think much of her scorn is something personal about Rob being over-hyped or something. I too am thinking about canceling my EW subscription for her venomous critique. I'm also wondering if some Twifans are just resistant to their "Edward" being hot on screen with someone other than "Bella"? I have read a few snarky remarks here about their being no chemistry between Emilie and Rob. I thought they had smokin' hot chemistry!!! Also, my 17 year old granddaughter and my 12 year old neice, switched allegiance from Team Edward to Team Jacob. He is more age appropriate for both of them but we'll see if Eclipse can win them back?

Kathy S said...

I was shocked at Liza Schwarzbzum's review as she gave New Moon a B+! I think much of her scorn is something personal about Rob being over-hyped or something. I too am thinking about canceling my EW subscription for her venomous critique. I'm also wondering if some Twifans are just resistant to their "Edward" being hot on screen with someone other than "Bella"? I have read a few snarky remarks here about their being no chemistry between Emilie and Rob. I thought they had smokin' hot chemistry!!! Also, my 17 year old granddaughter and my 12 year old neice, switched allegiance from Team Edward to Team Jacob. He is more age appropriate for both of them but we'll see if Eclipse can win them back?

lallieb said...

I have not read Lisa S's review as I get EW at work and took the day off on Friday. I made a point of not reading any reviews or reading spoilers before I went yesterday, so my opinion is untainted and my own. Ironically, as I recall, Lisa S. gave New Moon a GOOD review, one of the few.

I think it will do just fine for a small indie film, and the most important thing is that Rob is getting well deserved accolades and being taken seriously for his acting ability. He was brilliant.

prc said...

I read the critics' reviews(I personally don't care what they think) to see if they were going to do the Twilight-backlash thing to tear Rob down. They are predictable that way. Then I went to see the film. They are so full of it. A lot of them say he can't act, he'll be over after Twilight. Oh but HE CAN ACT. The only thing that should be over is the stupid idea of "Critics" the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the public. The idea some person you don't know and have nothing in common with is to decide what film, music, or art you should like is TOTAL BS. Critics= WELFARE FOR USELESS PEOPLE.

tina tri said...

thanks annie for the info, last time I check on box office mojo/fandango,
Green Zone - 2,900 theaters
RM - 1900 theaterss
Alice _ 4000 plus Imax

Now I didn;t know She is out of my League open in way more theaters than RM, Summit needs to widen RM release, many Rob fans doesn;t have it in there theaters....

At Fandango site, viewers gave it a Must Go while at Yahoo site the viewers gave it A grade....the means the public loves it and will give it a word of mouth.....

Beside numbers of theaters, timing is also important when releasing a movie, I think it was due a Feb 12 release but than change to March 12, maybe Rob didn't want the movie to be perceive as a teen romance like he said in interviews....

Tony said...

My husband and I went to see RM last night. The ONLY reason I didn't wait for the movie to come out on dvd was Rob. We normally only go to the theater for movies that must be seen on the big screen to be appreciated. The theater was packed. We even saw a group of middle school boys there, which I thought was way weird.

Monique said...

Just back from seeing the movie with a friend... she loved it like I did. This movie is just an amazing story... you just sit there and wait for the story to unravel and you are so drawn in by the actor/character and stories that you forget the time. It just flew... and the sadness of Tyler... the love for his sister and the sadness of loosing his brother ... I didn't see anything about Daddy issues that they were talking about. I love it and I have friends who are going to see it later in the week. I like how the love scenes was understated and sexy without the loud obnoxious sound effect. Great movie... but ppl are not into great stories anymore and that too bad.

xoRobxo said...

Just got back from 4:30 show.. LOVED IT..Not many people there, think I counted 3 guys. I have 2 theaters near me and they both show the same movies. RM was only at one of them. I am too surprised by the numbers, but I bet they will go up... like blind side did. But back to the movie... thought Rob was fantastic. Thought Tate (Aiden) was really good.. funny as hell. Ruby was great too. I even thought the apartment ...as shitty as it was... was interesting..

Kerri said...

@PRC- preach it sister! Critics are a bunch of glorified movie goers that think their opinion means somthing. Most movies that review badly I end up loving. Whats up with that?

Treasure_7 said...

I couldn't go see it again today but I am going to go see it again tomorrow. Rob did such a great job in this movie all I could do is stare at him the whole time.

Jamie said...

yahoo reviews are FILLED with praises and A pluses.

Gigi said...

I'm surprised at the reports that some theaters were empty. I went to a sold out showing. Everyone left in tears. I personally loved it and am really annoyed at the anti-Rob stance of a lot of the critics and major publications like ew which I love but the review was def. biased. she mentioned Twilight like three times. Hello you're not reviewing Twilight! Anyway, I'm going back tomorrow for a second time :)

Rather Not said...

For the awful review from Liz...a few rebuttals:

...But the script offers no tolerable explanation as to why, for instance, Tyler's business-mogul father (Pierce Brosnan, sharp in a business suit) is such a cold SOB.

1. He's not as bad as he seems; that is one of the points of the film and 2. Does a movie have to explain every single character in dialogue? I mean, why doesn't the script explain why the mom is a nice person? In each movie, we have accept some character facets at face value.

Why Tyler's kid sister (nicely serious young Ruby Jerins) is bullied by the mean girls at her school.

Actually this is explained quite clearly in dialogue - they think she is spacey/different and again, wasn't Liz ever a 6th grade girl? Cattiness and cruelty is par for the course, needs no reason...

Why Ally's policeman dad (the great Chris Cooper, outwitted) behaves so inconsistently.

Because people behave inconsistently. I don't know anyone who is all nice, all the time. And what a boring and flat character that would be. Most people are both charming and kind in some moments, and act childish, rude, and petty at other times. (Upon the second viewing of this film, BTW, the Chris Cooper character is really a super jerk and Alli is a little blind to it.)

After reading this review, I am actually not sure she paid attention to the movie. Seriously. It seems like the review you would write if you were doing something else while you were working.

Rather Not said...

Just got back from a second viewing. I was more emotional the second time than the first. Tried to watch it as if Michael had died in WTC1 and it did add something. More irony perhaps, and made it more about the father/Tyler issues than the suicide issues.

Theater was not too full to my disappointment.

On the elevator after the movie, an older lady (50s) commented that she really liked Pierce Brosnan. The woman with her, a bit younger (40s) said, 'I like that Tyler guy - what is his name?' And then she asked me, 'who WAS that guy?' Of course I told her and she said, 'he is HOT.'

So a new fan made. :)

MMc said...

Remember Me had by far the biggest ratio of the weekend as expected, coming in a $3.6 million and a 3,062 ratio. This was much higher than my estimated ~2,000 ratio and $5.5 million Friday. The marks the 3rd biggest ratio I have seen since last September after Paranormal Activity (6,974), New Moon (5,171) and This Is It (5,155). It was always going to be difficult to gauge because of the very Tweet-happy Twilight fanbase and as it turned out their effect was bigger than I had imagined. The film appears set to take in $9.5 million for the weekend.

This info is from boxoffice.com

womadsart said...

2nd time Remember Me was awesome!! So happy to see a full theater. Lots of women, a lot of young teenage girls that laughed during the sex scenes.. Lots of women crying too.
GREAT AWESOME DAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jessegirl said...

Amelie: Yes, I think word-of-mouth is going to move this film up.

jessegirl said...

I think RM is a turning point in Rob's fanbase. As some of you have commented from your experiences at the theatres, people who don't know Rob are 'finding' him. I think word of mouth will drive the success of this film, which means we need to use our mouths to get others to just go.

And I now think there are actually lots of teen girls who DO think Rob is Edward (I never subscribed to that belief before; I gave them too much credit.)How dumb are they?

bach said...

I was googling about the movie trying to read people's reviews about it and stumbled into this one comment from somebody who saw the movie. I just had to share it:

"I am fifty three years old, and I have been around a while, I am not a big Twilight fan. Remember Me was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.
I had concerns about seeing it at the theater because I knew alot of teenagers would be there on opening night. Sure enough there were, and they giggled, and ran up and down the isles and texted.
I wondered if I would get to even see the movie. But about 1/4 of the way in, they started to settle down. Then half way we were all mesmorized, then three quarters of the way we were aplauding, and the last then minutes you could have heard a pen drop.
I feel like this young man gave America a fine gift of this movie.
He got teens to listen to some really important issues about growing up, and life in general. He influenced them in a way no other actor could. They saw first hand what it was like for the families of 911. All I can say is BRAVO ROBERT PATTINSON!
DO NOT READ WHAT THESE SNOTTY IGNORANT WANNA BE CRITICS say. You are fabulous! The movie was GREAT! I for one was impressed and I think eveyone who gives this movie a chance will not regret it!"

jessegirl said...

Femroc: About your words to LS. Way to go!

amanda89marie said...

i just saw remember me and it was AMAZING!!!! i cried my eyes out. Rob was soo great :)

Kathy S said...

@Bach neo-I love what you had to say! The movie hit me harder the 2nd time around. I hope it does open some teen eyes-they weren't aware when the drama portrayed in the movie occurred. Bravo Remember Me!!!

Robine said...

Oh crap! I'm so behind with all those topics and I've just read the review of The Hollywood Reporter who gave nearly all the end of the movie! WTF!!! I read it with care but couldn't avoid that! Now I kinda know how it's going to end!!!! Damn! I'm so angry!

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

I was stupid enough to go to Rotten Tomatoes' Web site and I'm still appalled by the very bad reviews RM got there, it's only getting a 27% of good reviews (by some really good, serious reviewers though). It makes feel depressed. Where are all the brilliant reviews we heard and saw at the beginning of everything, at the glorious premiere, on the TV shows, and which seemed sincere and heartfelt? They're bashing Rob, they're bashing all the other actors, they're bashing the storyline and editing, and they're bashing the end. I'm feeling confused now. How come most of the viewers were blown away by the movie but there's so many crappy reviews? Did the reviewers see the same film at all? What does anyone think of Rotten Tomatoes here? is it reliable, do you generally agree with them?

Monique said...

WhyisTheRumAlwaysGone... I don't know anything about that website... but, a Site that is named RottenTomatoes... the name alone suggest negativity. The movie is very, very good... it draws you in and the acting is great, I don't think there was one hammy scene in the whole movie... It seems that some people can't look beyond the fact that it's RP and he was in Twilight... which is sad and there loss. These ppl talks about editing/stories...oh yeah! Because they are doing such an amazing job working as movie Scriptwriters and Editors.

I am a bit testy this morning.

jh said...

I NEVER go to Rotten Tomatoes, it's not a great site for reviews. I start at the imdb site for the movie, then click on "external reviews" on the left hand side.

Movie reviews are such a mixed bag now. I don't pay much attention to them. Gone are days of the knowledgeable, informed critic, Roger Ebert is the last one still around. It's because of the internet, everybody has an opinion now. I put more faith in what the general population has to say now than some two-bit critic. Just me.

Amelie said...

I don't pay attention to movie critics anymore since I saw "The Blind Side" It was like the underdog when it opened. It rose slowly but surely up to the top and stayed in the Top 10 for several weeks. That's how I feel about "Remember Me"

The rainstorm is coming to halt in NYC and so I'm going out to see my fellow ROBSESSED FANS and make this biggest REMEMBER ME-SUNDAY !

Lisa said...


That was a good review--I'm glad that woman was surrounded by more mature teens. I saw the movie twice this weekend and was EXTREMELY annoyed with the teenage fans both nights. The first night, a group of about 5 boys (probably no older than 13) got kicked out shortly after the movie started for being obnoxious. The row we were sitting in the first night had some girls who must have left the movie 8-10 times for whatever reason. Last night was the WORST though. We were in the 2nd to the last row and were surrounded by the MOST obnoxious girls ever. Two of them did not shut their mouths the whole time, laughing, acting stupid, the whole 9. When the movie got to the part where they show Tyler's tattoo that says "Michael", this stupid girl behind me had NO IDEA what was going on "Who's Michael? Is he GAY?" blah, blah, blah. They were still laughing and carrying on during the "big scene" at the end. I wanted to bitch slap each of them. It was so incredibly frustrating.

I took my 10 year old with me the 2nd night and felt bad that she had to be distracted by such pains in the ass.

Victoria said...

I'm fortunate that I can go to the movies during the day. Though some stupid parents let their teenage daughters out of school early and all they could do was swoon over - now get this- EDWARD. It really is sad they can't distinguish Rob form Edward. But at least the tickets they bought count.

WhyIstheRumAlwaysGone said...

@Monique, @ceruleanblue and @Amelie - thank for your feedback - feeling a little better now. I'm definitely never going back to RottenTomatoes for any review - ever.

Jane said...

Bach neo....Well said. Wonderful movie with strong message. I am hoping this is a little sleeper movie, like Dirty Dancing was, and will just explode. I, for one, have seen it twice and I am an older lady who is absolutely captivated by Rob Pattinson. He gave a wonderful performance and a strong message of love and lost.

Brenda said...

You guys always make me feel so much better. I sure hope it's a sleeper and keeps climbing upwards. I'm testy today too. I want to hit all my friends who hated it.

Krissy said...


FWIW, I think a great deal of the Not-So-Good reviews come from folks who are totally jealous of Rob's astounding talent...plain and simple. They're writing reviews which reflect their personal sour grapes rather than an OBJECTIVE review of a movie.

The last earnings report I saw has "Remember Me" coming in 3rd for it's opening weekend. I'd say that's pretty darn good for a small, independent movie!

Congratulations, Mr. Pattinson & RM Cast. You have EVERY reason to be proud of this film!

Krissy ☺

GT said...

Ok.. i just saw the film and it was really good. Different to what i expected but very good and though provoking.
I was with a large group of people. Some liked it and some didn't. The cinema was half full & that was in the evening as well :-(

But i think people should make their own minds. I saw Alice last week & was disappointed but i saw Greenzone today and that was good as well.

It is a free country and people can like whatever movie they want. Not everybody likes Rob enough to go out to actually see one of his movies. He will always have women support but he doesn't have the male support the way Leo or Johnny do. That will come with time as he builds up his body of work. It's all good Rob will be fine.

Unknown said...

well see robert pattinson needs to stop saying shit about NY fans..he very well knew ppl came from all over US N CANADA to watch him film RM. He did piss off alot of fans.."DUDE YOUR NOT GONNA B FAMOUS FOREVER SO MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY THE GUD PAYCHECK UR GETTING CUZ OF TWILIGHT FANS"not necessarily all twifans are gona watch this movie..ive had enough of his shitty attitude..I think im just gona love him EDWARD CULLEN n thats as far as its gonna get..Even though he is so much more mature than his retarded Kristen stewart costar who i used to adore at one point. But she's always on drugs n acts retarded as soon as she sees the camera. Calm the F down KStew ur not going to have another hi as t on ur belt except twilight saga..who r u giving this attitude to? plus she's definately not a good role model for teenage galz.drugs,sex n retarded attitude..Keep up the bad work so that ur fans can find someone more appealing:)
i think it was necessary for Kstew n ROb Pattinson to realize that they r not gona b famous forever so just relax and enjoy..dont give me 19 yr old excuse that im under stress ppl r under more stress when there parents are stressing them to get into Ivy league school and when they r not even being recognized for their good work..Stop Complaing.

Unknown said...

well see robert pattinson needs to stop saying shit about NY fans..he very well knew ppl came from all over US N CANADA to watch him film RM. He did piss off alot of fans.."DUDE YOUR NOT GONNA B FAMOUS FOREVER SO MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY THE GUD PAYCHECK UR GETTING CUZ OF TWILIGHT FANS"not necessarily all twifans are gona watch this movie..ive had enough of his shitty attitude..I think im just gona love him EDWARD CULLEN n thats as far as its gonna get..Even though he is so much more mature than his retarded Kristen stewart costar who i used to adore at one point. But she's always on drugs n acts retarded as soon as she sees the camera. Calm the F down KStew ur not going to have another hi as t on ur belt except twilight saga..who r u giving this attitude to? plus she's definately not a good role model for teenage galz.drugs,sex n retarded attitude..Keep up the bad work so that ur fans can find someone more appealing:)
i think it was necessary for Kstew n ROb Pattinson to realize that they r not gona b famous forever so just relax and enjoy..dont give me 19 yr old excuse that im under stress ppl r under more stress when there parents are stressing them to get into Ivy league school and when they r not even being recognized for their good work..Stop Complaing.

Unknown said...

well see robert pattinson needs to stop saying shit about NY fans..he very well knew ppl came from all over US N CANADA to watch him film RM. He did piss off alot of fans.."DUDE YOUR NOT GONNA B FAMOUS FOREVER SO MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY THE GUD PAYCHECK UR GETTING CUZ OF TWILIGHT FANS"not necessarily all twifans are gona watch this movie..ive had enough of his shitty attitude..I think im just gona love him EDWARD CULLEN n thats as far as its gonna get..Even though he is so much more mature than his retarded Kristen stewart costar who i used to adore at one point. But she's always on drugs n acts retarded as soon as she sees the camera. Calm the F down KStew ur not going to have another hi as t on ur belt except twilight saga..who r u giving this attitude to? plus she's definately not a good role model for teenage galz.drugs,sex n retarded attitude..Keep up the bad work so that ur fans can find someone more appealing:)
i think it was necessary for Kstew n ROb Pattinson to realize that they r not gona b famous forever so just relax and enjoy..dont give me 19 yr old excuse that im under stress ppl r under more stress when there parents are stressing them to get into Ivy league school and when they r not even being recognized for their good work..Stop Complaing.

Unknown said...

well see robert pattinson needs to stop saying shit about NY fans..he very well knew ppl came from all over US N CANADA to watch him film RM. He did piss off alot of fans.."DUDE YOUR NOT GONNA B FAMOUS FOREVER SO MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY THE GUD PAYCHECK UR GETTING CUZ OF TWILIGHT FANS"not necessarily all twifans are gona watch this movie..ive had enough of his shitty attitude..I think im just gona love him EDWARD CULLEN n thats as far as its gonna get..Even though he is so much more mature than his retarded Kristen stewart costar who i used to adore at one point. But she's always on drugs n acts retarded as soon as she sees the camera. Calm the F down KStew ur not going to have another hi as t on ur belt except twilight saga..who r u giving this attitude to? plus she's definately not a good role model for teenage galz.drugs,sex n retarded attitude..Keep up the bad work so that ur fans can find someone more appealing:)
i think it was necessary for Kstew n ROb Pattinson to realize that they r not gona b famous forever so just relax and enjoy..dont give me 19 yr old excuse that im under stress ppl r under more stress when there parents are stressing them to get into Ivy league school and when they r not even being recognized for their good work..Stop Complaing.

Amelie said...

I'm so happy that I made it to the theater despite the stormwatch here in NYC. As I was watching "RM" for the second time I can't help noticing the presence of many male presence. They were quiet and eager to watch the movie. Not one even stood up since the movie started.
The big theater was fully attended. There was undeniably small number of teenagers present. Hmm. This is puzzling to me..

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