Chris witnessed how rabid Robert’s fans are. He narrated, “In exterior scenes such as Central Park and the New York University campus, instant messaging got the word around quickly. At NYU, about 500 people showed up. The police put up a barrier of some 90 feet so they could shoot the scene. People didn’t seem to care. They broke the barrier until people were within 30 feet of the scene between Emilie and Robert. The paparazzi wouldn’t stop taking pictures.”
Of the “Twilight” star, Chris said, “Robert is dealing with something at his age that I’m quite clear I couldn’t have handled. He’s relatively new to the business. He’s learning the ropes, and he’s handling some of the more difficult issues other than acting –and he’s handling them very well.”
Source Inquirer.net
Am I the only one is NOT seeing it tonight?!? :'( I will try to see it tommorow! Can't tonight! Dang so upset!!!!!
Got my tickets for tonight and tomorrow. YEAH!!!!!!!!
@wen you lucky girl
Hey please kate make screen scrapes of the part where robert is wearing a black shirt in ecplispe trailer ill be really thankful to you
i know i'm off topic, but it just pisses me off so much that RM gets bad reviews. i mean: did i go to see the movie because of rob? yes. would i have cared for this movie otherwise? no, probably not. but the point is that i was so caught up in the story that, by the end, i found myself caring for all the characters, not only Rob's Tyler. And if i am pretty objective, this was not the best movie in the world, but it was not a teen romance whatsoever. it had so much more to it, and now i can really understand Rob's comments on "it didn't fit any genre". and i was actually so stunned by rob's performance, i absolutely loved him. and i am extremely proud of him right now.
Filming outdoors in New York last summer.
I remember thinking at the time all those paps' pictures were coming out, every day--and, I must admit, saving a bunch of them and happy I had them--that Rob must be really pissed off and thrown off his game. It would have taken so much to be able to concentrate and focus on acting.
Pierce said Rob was grace under pressure and I think we've all seen that over this past year, but, kudos to Rob for just that alone.
I remember thinking that Rob knows he's got a lot of learning to do and that it would be so hard under those circumstances last summer.
I'm going tonight, know I'll like it just from what I've seen already, but I think most of us here really want it to be a success. Fingers crossed for respectable box office, or more.
Saw RM this afternoon. It is incredible that Rob could deliver the quality performance he did with a gazillion and often-screaming fans hovering around 24/7. As I watched and found I could not take my eyes off Rob and loved his American accent, I kept wondering how he did what he did under such adverse circumstances.
Wow. What an actor! This isn't the spoiler thread, so I can't elaborate here, but kudos to Rob Pattinson.
hi...i saw remember me lastnight at the 12am showing...and i have to say...as much as i love love LOVE robert...ive seen ALL of his movies...(yes even that neublungs movie) i didnt like this movie...and it wasnt rob or the cast...it was more of the writing and the choppy scenes...it didnt flow well at all...it seemed like it was just a lot of scenes put together...the cast was good...but sometimes it was kind of awkward just because of the script...rob was good...but tyler's script was kind of lame...the girl was good...chris was good...pierce was great...i felt the chemistry and the need that ally and tyler shared...both of them having lost ppl in their lives...it seemed like they really longed for eachother...n tyler's best friend in the movie was annoying as hell...and his sister was awesome...i went lastnight and was planning to go tomorrow for rm sat...but i honestly cant sit through that movie again...and im not hating...i went in there with a clear mind for whatever...it just wasnt good...i promise u...the scenes that u see on the preview...thats pretty much the whole movie...and the ending...hmmm...its kinda too soon to rehash that on screen...so a b c d e or f...ill give it a c- or d...and it was not the cast...more the director and writer...hopefully bel ami will be better...sorry if i offended anyone...i was really looking forward to the movie...and i felt i had to tell someone...lol...like i needed to vent...but i hope u all enjoy it...rob is great and beautiful as usual...peace n love...
thanks for reminding me this is not the spoiler thread! I too saw it this afternoon. I was braced for the worst given the reviews. But Rob was wonderful. Not perfect, but really, really good. He created a complete and believable character. I am really really picky...trust me. Can't wait to talk about this more on the spoiler thread. RM is very very far from a perfect movie and maybe not even a good one, although it tries hard. But Rob did a wonderful job, especially considering the conditions.
@Starry, I mostly agree. I could see it again, both because of Rob and also because I frankly would like to continue to take apart the script and direction and see why it didn't work. I did think the script was dreadful. It didn't know what it was--it was so incredibly formulaic in places and yet was trying not to be. I think the direction made it even choppier. I honestly think Rob was one of the best things in it, along with Ruby Jerins and Chris Cooper. Emilie I was sort of meh. I don't understand the accolades for Pierce B, although I didn't think he was bad. His accent was just awful though.
The movie was AWESOME! I started to cry when I saw the date on the board.
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