Access Hollywood: "Robert Pattinson Is Amazing" Says Zac Efron

Zac is returning the love to Rob! And Yes Zac we agree Rob is Amazing!


Anonymous said...

This guy does nothing to me... He's a kid actor that's growing up nice but none of his movies interest me... It's disney stuff for my son... LOL... What else could he say about Rob anyway?

Unknown said...

could never understand the mania surrounding Zac Efron, yeah he probably appealed to 10 year olds, but with Rob we are talking grown women fantasizing about him 24/7 and how we fantasize.......

Audrey said...

Sorry but I can´t with him.
I don´t understand the fame around him, he must to demostrate a lot of things.
And still don´t understand why the journalists ask him about Rob.
It ´s evident that they want to make a little "mediatic war" between Zac and Rob.
And I don´t know if Zac answered sincerely or with ironism.

Anonymous said...

I love Zac. I do find him very attractive and he seems like a sweetheart. But I'm not a grown woman.I'm 17. Still, not 10! And I know some women that like him :)

Luxie said...

Zac Efron still seems like a little boy to me. And is too metrosexual for my liking. Zac vs. Rob... um yeah, NO comparison.

Tess said...

Kate - It's not going to work.. I will not start liking Zac Efron.. no matter how many kind things he says about Rob. :)

Anonymous said...

And I agree, Audrey. They're trying to create this silly fight. What's the point? There's Zac fans and there's Rob fans and there's Zac AND Rob fans. Why can't they leave it at that?

Fiftyshadesofpink said...

Zac - cute but a BOY.
Rob - gorgeous and all MAN.

Anonymous said...

Katie agree with you! lol! And I know some adult woman who find him sexy!

Robiscool said...

Ladies, FYI, Zac is 23 years old, same age as our guy. Hard to believe right?

Haystackhair said...

LMAO Kate, I find him pretty, but he doesn't do anything for me. He seems like a decent guy, but just pretty. Now Rob, he is interesting, intelligent, and adorkable one minute and f*ckhawt the next (well ok, he is ALWAYS f*ckhawt, even when being adorkable), and he makes my ladyparts stand up and take notice.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nice hair Zac, looks like somwones eleses!

Anonymous said...

@Robiscool I'm pretty sure he is 22

@rpattzgirl yes I agree it is similiar to Rob but Zac did have that hair before!(: Like in 2006-08

RPLover said...

Kate, LMAO at your tags! to answer the question, ;)


Unknown said...

I think Zac is sexy in a different way. I think there is only a 1 year difference between them anyway. And just because Zac is not your cup of tea does not mean he is not good looking.
I'm 21, and find them both attractive, Both guys are different kinds of sexy.
But then again that's just me, and like I said I'm only 21 I don't know about you older women.

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