Walmart "New Moon" Ultimate Fan Edition Available For Pre-Order Today

So we told you all about it here yesterday and now you can pre-order it here


  1. Can i just say something totally unrelated to this post... But i think its hilarious in its self...

    Well, basically im an actress in the UK, and every actor/actress who are professional have to be added to the Spotlight Directory. Well naturally i typed in Rob's name and his profile came up. I will post the link, it doesnt have a really 'hot pic' of him its just his actors headshot but the reason for this post is his special skills section :)

    I know that people stretch the true on CV's but cummon' Jet ski'ing,Athletics*, Bowling*, Darts, Football*, Pool*, Running*, Skiing*, Snowboarding*, Swimming*, Wind Surfing

    Note the * Means that there highly skilled in this particular sport....

    Love it!

    Any way heres the link

  2. Gozde, Kate, Kat and ladies:
    Will Fetters twit about Rob`s performance.

    willfetters Rob & Em's subtle expressions and body language are what make their performances so memorable. on full display here -
    about 1 hour ago from web
    Reply Retweet

    Will Fetters is so adorable!

  3. Guess I'm buying mine here.

    LT thanks

  4. IMO the pics of the threesome on the cover are ... dunno ? strange ? deformed?
    Edward's shoulders to narrow, Bella's too wide , Jakob loos also weird ... I mean I know those exact pics used here but they look different ...
    is it only me ?

  5. I still dunno how to contact admins on the blog so here it is posted by both Kstew411 and GC

    Breaking Dawn will be two movies (durr), still no director (durr) and possibly shot in October. @NikkiFinke @Larry411

    In case people are still interested in the Twi saga :)

  6. My resolve to wait to decide which version to buy lasted all the up to the point where you posted the link. I am pathetic LOL.


  8. DeDe,
    there's a link on the front page to send tips in...

    Here's the address:

    I just read that on GC as well.... No decision has been made by Summit, but it's going in the direction of 2 movies, filmed back to back....

  9. Mine is ordered too, although I detest Walmart...

  10. so besides the eclipse footage what will be different from the walmart vs target version??? i really hate that they put out different DVD's at all the stores...i know it's all about the $$$$$

    FF: caravaggio update - poor bella :( also expectations...and love on the siene, lots of reading.

  11. too many versions to choose from

    I'm too impatient to pre-order. I'll just drag my happy little butt into either Target or Walmart the morning of the 20th

    gonna be a quiet night tonight???

  12. Can you buy some humor in a pill? I really think some people might need it...
    Changing subject:

    I think TayTay was on his box for this... *laughs*

  13. hey CV - i dont know if you saw my comment on the other thread but you made me laugh so hard with your comments of the TP, i actually had just sat down at my computer and was scrolling thru the comments and i saw yours and literally almost spit my tea out of my mouth. Thank you so much for the laugh - I needed it :)

  14. Breaking Dawn - Two movies...we all kind of figured that - Summit is just milking their cash cow for all that it is worth.

  15. Ana, hi girl. Yes, I saw it. thanks. Can you believe 'she' is still talking about it?
    Srsly, it is such a buzzkill. God! As Heath Ledger's joker would say:
    'Why so seriousssss?'

  16. Btw, Ana, how is your little boy doing?
    My 16 year old 'lil boy' has a sinus inf AGAIN. He is 16, and he was always so sick with sinus and ear infs. that, still today, every time he sneezes I get goosebumps...
    But it is better than when he was little... :)

  17. cv - still talking shit cuz you made the comment??? i thought it was funnier than hell, i actually told my daughter and showed her the pic and she laughed too. people need to get a sense of humor and not take life so serious afterall this is a blog that we talk about our lustings for robert pattinson, why not talk about him pleasuring himself LOL

  18. CV - well let me tell you my son has LITERALLY been sick with a sinus inf for over a month. he has been on 3 diff antibiotics and been to the ER twice in the month because it keeps on triggering his asthma. i have seen 2 pediatricians and 1 specialist. i am seriously losing my mind. he has been getting them EVERY month since sept. but this time he has not gotten better. plus my daughter had surgery this week(which went well Thank God) so i have had my hands full. but thanks for asking.

  19. Ana, I know what you are going through, believe me. I went through it all too. But it gets better, don't lose your mind.
    My 16 year old is still my weak point. He had so many sinus inf last year and lost so much weight that his doctor called us and made him go through some very scary tests. I was terrified. He was okay, thank God.
    Now he is beginning another one... oh boy...

    Don't give up! :)

  20. And yes... the 'Bel Ami' thread is still talking about my way too much innocent comment about Rob + toilet paper + a hand job.

    I still like my comment, though...

  21. cv - it's so hard to see our children sick but i am staying strong for him. at least you know what i am going thru. thanks for letting me vent :)

  22. Hi Ana73 & CV,

    sick kids are the worst... Hope your daughter is ok too Ana!

    I didn't have time to play on the bel ami thread today... But I did read some of the comments... I quietly lmao CV....

    This is my house of worship...
    I'm not mom here, I'm not Nana, and I'm not my employees boss...

    Here, I am Robs girl.. and I can say & be all the things I can't be & do in RL....

    This is where I can be silly, and fun and not worry about the world falling down around us... Or my kids marital disasters, or the economy...

    This is all about Rob.. and this is what I do for me....

    I love being a naught bitch!

  23. @CV - just ignore bb
    EVERY man (and NBs, too)does the handjob at some point...


  24. @RPG - I <3 the NB club >>>>>>>>>
    and so does ROB!!!

  25. omg ankie-k....
    Your AVI is the bomb girl!!!!

  26. I aim to please! This is my happy place!!

  27. i think this is all of our Happy Place where we can say stuff that no one else will understand about the way we talk, think and type about Rob... including the mental images of rob masturbating :) because i know that image came into my mind when CV wrote that :)

  28. Ana,
    carravagio broke my heart again....

    Expectations is good, but moving too slow.... They need to get something going in that story!

  29. Is this where the par-tay will be? I just wanna make sure I have my Redi Whip and melted butter and assorted frostings... Why do I feel like I'm reciting a list from Monty Python & Holy Grail...

    HEY is this Castle Anthrax where we all make exciting underwear??

  30. I have many images of Rob doing naughty things... but I'm usually involved!!!

    Fuck I love this man.....and I admire him, and I respect him to no end....

    But.... I still want to rip his clothes off and lick him from head to toe....and back again...

  31. @rpg
    But.... I still want to rip his clothes off and lick him from head to toe....and back again...

    I honestly think we're going to need one of those ticket things because I can see a line forming...

  32. where do I get my number in the cue????

  33. rpg - i would take anything i could get with rob...watching, participating ANYTHING... LOL

    completely agree with you about both stories. caravaggio is so freaking sad that you could feel her pain... and expectations needs to pick up some.

  34. @rpattzgirl
    "I have many images of Rob doing naughty things... but I'm usually involved!!!"


    Rob is a very naughty boy. I am going to send him a handbag, bag, where he could carry his toilet paper.(laughter) Nobody would see it.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. God that ticket line would be long ass line!!!!

  37. And what a satisified (or dehydrated) young man he would be! ahahahah

  38. Oh, God, can you believe that Shani (btw, i like Shani okay?) told the puritans that Rob lurkes on ROBsessed?
    Well, I hope he does!

    Hey, Rob!! Over here! I do too; I think of you doing naughty things and (like RPG so wisely said) I'm always involved in it too!!! Yiiippiiieee!! Rob is lurking! He is a real guy, he gets horny, he does hand-job, he... well, never mind... you get the picture. ;-)

  39. @RPG - he's 23 - he should have the stamina, right?

  40. LT, caught you in here!
    I'm not drunk, okay? I'm working, believe me. Reading some boring stuff for tomorrow... ugh...

  41. Do you think we could set up one of those Fast Pass kinds of things too? You know, schedule the time you can come back... for the ride you know. ;o)

  42. @crazy vamp

    Rob forgives you!!!! (laughter)

  43. LOL, going to have twelve different versions of NM when all is said and done... Which, obviously, is the point of all those different versions. Baaa. Sheep. Gwen.

    O/T, but Parent/Teacher conferences would be so much more enjoyable if they were held at a bar. Alcohol would really help liven things up. Jeez. And the poor teachers! (Sigh. What a cattle drive...) ; )

    Wine, stat!

  44. Oh he can handle it... He's almost 24, wonky, flexible, strong now from the boxing....

    I believe Rob does read some of the blogs... and he's admitted to looking things up about himself....

    I don't think he would be offended.... He'd probably laugh his ass off...

    He's got brains and a sense of humor....

    He'd probably be embarrassed at the things we want to do to him, but he'd get a kick out of all the same!

  45. @CV, @RPG, and all you other NBs,
    I love you all!
    Never have enough time to stay and chat, but you all make me laugh so much.

  46. Okay, after you all lick him all over... can he get (please) take a shower before I start licking him too? From top to toe and all the way back?
    OMFG!!! I need that!! *sigh*

  47. Hey puddle! I know you're never around much but luv you too!

    God get Gwen a fucking drink, she needs it!

  48. puuuuuddddllleeee!!! Hey, so good to 'see' you! I miss you! :)

  49. CV,
    you know he'd taste like sugar....damn I could just bake him up and take a bite...

    I love his cute little ass and his long fingers....


  50. Martini,
    I know I need more cardio in my life....

  51. Thanks, RPG! Drink, dinner (it's freaking 8 pm here!), and so need a laugh or two!

    (Gwen will also use non-existent Jedi mind tricks on Goz, Kat & Kate in the hopes that they post some smoking hot Rob picspam---maybe NeckPorn? Ooo, Handporn! Or just RobPorn!)

    High School Teachers, I bow before you! Patience of freaking saints!

    ; )

  52. @crazy vamp

    Why don`t you give him a shower?
    It would be a good beginning...

  53. for all we know, Rob may even work some of our "suggestions" into his repertoire

  54. Lord knows I could use more cardio in my life. ahahaha

  55. Jimmy Fallon is supposed to have a new Robert is bothered tonight.... DVR alert!

    I can not wait for Rob to be on Fallon on 3/1...

  56. Oh, God, LT, if I could take him to my shower... Damn! The rest of people in Rio de Janeiro would be out of water fast... :-D

  57. rpg - you like the jimmy fallon spoofs of rob??? they would be funny but he lets them go on for too long IMO.

    rob tasting like sugar, ummm i like that :))

  58. I wouldn't bite him... (not too much...). I like his butt, it surely needs some crazyv's bite...
    (what am I talking??)

  59. Hot diggity daym - need to set my DVR.

    I think it would be HI-larious is he and Rob did a "bovvered" episode.

    "I'm Robert Pattinson and I'm bovvered."
    "No, I'm Robert Pattinson. What the hell are you doing in a tree?"

  60. I thought the first ine was funny, but not the 2nd... but hell, if it's about Rob, I'll record it & see!!!

    I adore JF... Just saw him in whip it... He was so funny...

  61. @crazy vamp

    What about using your tongue? A tongue bath, slow and soflty, beginning on his neck.

  62. martini - completely agree that would be hysterical

  63. Brb... Need to look at B photos again... It's been 5 min & I need them again

  64. After all the drama on the other thread today, I'm looking forward to the next trip to Smuttyville. I need to pay a visit to the gift shop.

    Until then,
    Good night and Sweet ROBsessed dreams!

  65. "That's not Bella. Bella is a fictional character. That is a blow up doll.."

  66. Hallo goils...

    Is the party in this room tonight?

    And CV? Are they really STILL going on about that comment? That is ridiculous. I just got here, but maybe I need to go back over there and yank a few pigtails or something.

    Be back in a few.

    And I got another to add to the list...

    Yanno...'the 101 OTHER uses for the sticky' list?

  67. angie, all the drama? Well, if those girls lived in Rio de Janeiro, I would say: it is the heat. It is too hot here. But they don't. And the drama is a buzzkill... ugh

    LT, I would gladly give him that tongue bath. But cannot describe it here... I don't need to be bashed again tonight. The Principal can be lurking... (you know...)
    But, love the image :)

  68. If they don't do the 'bothered' thing (which they probably will, which is why Fallon is resurecting it), I was thinking they could do a Gumby and Pokey skit.

    Rob could come out with his wonky legs dressed as Gumby and Jimmy could be pokey. They could do the whole interview that way.

    On second thought...I want Rob to be 'pokey'. If you get my drift and NB's that you are...I know you do.

  69. @crazy vamp-you and martini gal are killing me tonight. Tongue bath sounds.....GOOD! (panting) ;)

    @Nikola-hey there gal! What up! The uses for the, uh, sticky?!? Hehe........;)

  70. cv - describe all you want, that's why we are all here :))

    well i am off got to get to bed, work tomorrow :(

    sweet naked rob dreams and hand job dreams of rob LOL

  71. Not Pokey! PokeMe would be better Nik!

    CV have sweet naughty dreams....

  72. @Crazy vamp-no drama zone BB! ;)

    @nikola-Gumby and pokey......bahahahahahaha. ;)

  73. Night Ana girl! Sorry missed you. :( Sleep well, and naughty Rob dreams to you too. ;)

    Night RPattz! Sleep well and naughty Rob dreams to you as well dear. ;)

  74. Oh, and I so know how y'all feel about Wal-Mart. Yet, I'm getting this version AND the Target one. GAH! The things we do for our Robsession.......LOL. ;)

  75. @crazy vamp

    Sorry, it is my fault.
    It is only for our imagination. I am sure that Rob is using his imagination now.
    The heat is terrible in Santos, too.

  76. Hi, ladies! I know angies gone, but I freakin' LOVE her new avi!!

    RPG, I see you're in the NB mood tonight! btw, I haven't been able to stop listening to "Paperweight" ever since you shared the link-what a beautiful song. :)

  77. Okay, it is 1:30 am and i did not finish to read the boring stuff for tomorrow. Gotta go to bed and sleep a bit.
    CullenGal, RPG, Ana, LT, Nik and the others, thanks. I know the real NBs understand a joke. And can bare the image of our boy doing a hand-job. Well, he is not Edward afterall! He is not a virgin, he f*s, he smokes, he drinks. A real guy is my kind of guy.
    AND HE HAS A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR! some people just don't understand it, and are always wanting to patronize him. I do not want to patronize him. I support him as an actor, but I want to f* the man!

    I'm off. You all have wonderful Rob-wet dreams. All night... :)))

  78. So are we still here? Are we still playin'?

    I'm not saying another word until I see this thread move.

    I've been known to sit and play with myself, but not in cybespace.

    Hmmm...probably should have phrased that a little differently.

  79. well, I'm here but it seems pretty quiet again tonight. I'm just now reading through the comments on the Bel Ami pics thread...that little comment from cv caused a fight?

    still reading...

  80. Hey RPL!

    I agree paperweight is my new favorite song! I've seen dear John twice & then had to download the song!

    you're playing with yourself? Hmmm, wonder if Rob does that????

    Damn, in his accent, he could turn anyone or anything on!

  81. Uh oh... my comment really seems out there and out of context! Maybe I should just sit over here and lick the frosting off my pocket edward...

  82. Hi, RPG, how's it going tonight? I actually liked that song so much I checked out a few more from the guy, Joshua Radin-he's really good. I downloaded another song of his called Winter.

    I haven't seen Dear John yet, is it good? I'm sure it requires kleenex. =)

  83. How fucking fun would it be to hang out with Rob, Bobby, Tom,Sam, Marcus & Johnny?

    Jesus, just to hear them all talking would be a huge wet dream come true... You know they are naughty boys!

  84. Rpl,
    DJ is very, very good.... Channing is precious in it... and the boy can freaking cry, big tears....

    Yep Kleenex required.....

  85. Should have said 'playing by myself' although, now that I think of it...

    The other certainly does apply. Especially when I'm reading that mofo MotU. Or that other mofo Laid Bare. Holy shit! When he fucked her up against that bolder, I swear...I started bleeding out my eyes.

    And snapped off my two middle fingers to boot.

    Oooooooh naughty, naughty.

  86. Martini,

    LMFAO!!!!! Frosting on pocket Edward... I'm dying!

  87. ITA, I am SUCH a sucker for an accent! I could listen for hours...crap, that would be fun!

  88. He makes for a handy licking treat! **slurup*

  89. Oh yea... Laid Bare is fucking insane on the urges.... Jesus that girl can write some hot shit!

  90. To continue the list for...

    A 101 'other' uses for the sticky...

    nasal spray

    (yes ladies, you just shoot that shit straight up into your brain and soon...fairy dust will come flying out your ears)

  91. I'm gonna go read for a whole since I passed out last night....

    I will check in later to see if anyones still around..,

    if not, have hot dreams!!

  92. 'Scuse me for a sec, woncha'?

    Throats a burnin'. Need a 'jizzy' pop.


  93. I'm sorry ladies. Early morning tomorrow, so I'll take my sticky pocket edward, lick my fingers and head off to bed for tasty, sticky, buttery Rob dreams. **licking lips**

    Enjoy yourselves for the rest of the evening!

  94. Hey Nikola: I got your apology and there was NO need for it! I wasn't offended! I was just expressing what I thought and you answered. I grew up just outside of LA and my father did alot of business with the studios and producers for many years. He has long since retired. But he was privy to some of the stuff that goes on there. That's why I wondered if Rob and Kristen are only a PR couple. I know there is alot of this going on in HW and like you said, there is so much stuff that goes on that if the public knew about it, there would be no HW. Do you still have contacts? I have a couple friends who are actresses and who have actually been on a long running series on tv. But they don't know anything about Rob and KS because it appears only their "inner circle" knows. Just wondering!

  95. Yeah. I still have a few friends and some cousins who work in the studios. They're crew though. But don't discount the crew. They hear everything. ha ha.

    And I'm glad you saw my post. Didn't want any hard feelings.

    Well then. I guess another meeting of NB's has come to a close.

    We gotta get this thing organized 'cause something sure is gummin' up the project.

    I'm guessing time zones and people having to do stuff such as sleep. What's up with that shit? I'm an insomiac myself who gets by on about 3-4 hrs. a night.

    Okay then. I guess it's night all.

    RPG...if you wander back here, please check your blog tomorrow on the spoiler thread. Something happened yesterday and I wanted to tell you about it and yes, I think it could have some affect on RM.

    Love you guys.

  96. No, I don't discount the crew at all! They see and hear alot. But I've said this before. One of my actress friends has a very close friend who worked on the set of Eclipse. And she told her that Rob and KS were not dating during the whole time of Eclipse. She said the media is making a big deal out of the "almost handholding", "almost kissing"....etc. and she was at the Kings of Leon concert and they snapped photos of them leaning close to talk then put it all out there that they were kissing and shit. She was there and said that was not the case at all! So that's why I question this "relationship". Anyway...whatever!

  97. But then KS going over to London for New Years really did make me wonder if they are in a relationship of some sort. I mean, why would she go over there if they aren't together, right? Makes sense. So then I wonder if my friends friend is lying to protect them? Maybe they had to sign contracts and can't say anything? idk..... I KNOW this has been discussed alot, and I'm not trying to open up that can of worms again. Sorry...... :)

  98. CV - I just saw your comment. I've just been at Robsessed long enough and been here at the right times were we all wondered....was that Rob? We even use to say hi just in case after those questionable times. LOL Because you really never know who is reading this blog. I mean we are on the internet and this is a really popular blog. And it was popular then too. As we know Rob has said twice before that he has looked up stuff about himself. Oh and I like you too(no...?).

    Anyway, I have talked dirty numerous of times and said worse things than you. The people who use to post everyday when I started here back in Dec 08 and up until early last year use to talk dirtier than you. We had some days and nights that were NC-17. And that's why Goz got a number of complaints during that time early last year. So that joke about Rob jacking off certainly didn't bother me. LOL

  99. I think he does read here, and has commented, we talked about that before, you know, the Nina thing. I don't know that he comments anymore, but he sure as hell did back then! As for the j***ing off bit...He's a young guy and I'm sure jokes about all that stuff with his friends... that's normal for guys. As I'm sure they are all "doing it" too...also very normal at this age, and also the age when it's done the most! Guys at this age are highly me...I know, I have lotsa brothers...

  100. @everyone, Love the comments,NB comments ;) And I hope Rob is here sometimes. Because he is going to LHAO and that's a good thing.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. @ Shani. Thanks, you are sweet. Yes, I know the 'old girls' had some crazy nights around here last year.
    I don't mind a little dirty talk (obviously), and I really don't think Rob would bother to mind either - nor would his mom, regardless what some people think. They are smart enough to get the drift. :)
    What I do not understand is when people think that can act as if they were 'his mother', patronizing him. It sounds kind of hypocrite to me, actually. We are here for the same reason: to talk about the guy we all love AND LUST. We all get horny with his pix, his accent, and... okay with all the package. It is perfectly healthy, btw (and it is healthy to admit it!) And, as you pointed out, guys talk a lot dirtier. I have two brothers and a son, and I know that.
    Rob is not Edward!! Suprise! He f*s, he smokes and drinks a lot! He is a real guy!

    The ONLY thing that holds back my comments from being really dirty is Gözde's border line. I do not want to upset her. It is her blog and I love it. If she tells me to delete any of my comments, I will - gladly. Otherwise, I won't.
    And thank God I was born with sense of humor. Must be awful to live without it!

    Well, I've had enough of this subject. I have tons of work and won't be around too much from now on anyway... classes will start after Carnaval, on the 22nd. And I have 300 hundred students to take care of. And I adore my job.
    Have fun, Shani. Btw, I loooove your dirty avi!

  103. CV- That's great you have a job you really enjoy.We'll miss you.Thanks bb. I'll try my best. ;)
