Spoiler Alert Post

Dear ROBsessors,

As Remember Me premiere approaches more and more people seem to get their hands on the script. It has come to our attention that some of you post spoilers from the movie in the comments section. PLEASE keep the comments spoiler free. If you REALLY have to post and talk to people like you who like being spoiled put a ***SPOILER WARNING*** at the beginning of your comment then leave 10 empty lines and post your spoiler, go nuts if you must :) But make sure you leave those empty lines so that people like ME who are spoilerphobes can go to the movie and be surprised when Tyler decides to become a Ninja...That's what I heard :)

I don't even watch the TV spots or the new clips from the movie. I know there are lots of people like me.

Don't make the monster judge you :)

Thank you in advance. On behalf of all Remember Me Virgins,


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Got it! For those who want a copy of the script and WANT to be spoiled (like Gwen), just post your email addy and someone will get it to you.

There is sure to be much discussion of...ninjas here.

LOL, Goz! And thank you! Assuming we can just go crazy here and talk RM freely, right?

Gozde said...

NO! LOL :) If you are going to talk RM put a spoiler alert. I didn't say this was a "spoiler free zone" post:) We'll also have those when RM is released :)

Loisada said...

Gozde you can huddle in the corner with Erin B and I with hands over our ears... (we've got lots of Grey Goose).

Here's to poppin our Robler cherries in a dark, steamy theater!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Gozde - Thank you! I didn't even read your post past the *SPOILER*. I am a RM Virgin and only want to pop my cherry at the movie.

As Angie-K says, "Spoiler Free for Remember Me!"

Ciara said...


id like to be spoiled please!! :)

NY DEAL GAL said...

Thanx Goz! I dont care about the clips I just like the still shots of sexy Rob anyway I can get them! RM is going to be awesome one way or the other simply bcuz of Rob. You keep up the good work with this awesome site!

Steph said...

That's Gozde! I've avoided it all like the plague and have stopped reading comments b/c of this very issue. :) I want it to all be a complete surprise when I see it.

Unknown said...


I don't mind being spoiled!

Unknown said...
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SomeoneLikeYou said...
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Shanea said...

monicapus@hotmail.com I'd really love to be spoiled... :D

Brenna said...


Spoil me please :)

Anonymous said...

I don't mind spoilers...


Marna said...

Hmm, I guess this makes me a RM whore, I watch everything! :-)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Vera, Andrea, Freja, & Shanea---check email.

Got it, now, I think, Goz. (Gwen needs more coffee. And to lay off the cold meds...)

Haystackhair said...

I've read the script andcannot wait to see this movie!! I think I might have said a spoiler in another post without thinking. Ooops. It was very general, but still. I apologize if I spoiled anyone! LOL

Brenna said...

Gwen, dont forget meeeee


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Brenna, Katherine, check email.

SomeoneLikeYou said...

I learned my lesson with New Moon, I saw so many spoilers that when I saw the movie though I REALLY enjoyed it, I felt like it was at parts a replay in my mind. I've been good and staying ways from all RM and Eclipse previews. I want to be a RM and Eclipse virgin too! ;)

Diana said...

Spoil me, please :)


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ohh, I like Edwards serious look for this post....perfect...

peachysqueeze said...


Spoil me too please!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...


Ok, for those sitting on the fence of wanting/not wanting to be spoiled, keep in mind that you guys did KNOW how Twi,NM & Eclipse all end. You were spoiled. IMHO, if ever a movie warranted knowing the ending beforehand? This is it.

Think the movie will be great, Rob will ROCK and RM should perform well at the box office. BUT, fear that some folks are going to be massively upset. This is NOT a romantic comedy. By any means. No HEA either. I cannot imagine my response if I saw the movie unprepared for the ending.

That and I chose movies based on type and mood. Just don't go see RM and think it's lighthearted fun. It's not.

Shanea said...

Gwen: Thank you!! I'm really looking forward to read this.... :D

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

peachy & diana,
check your email

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

this is torture...

Agnes said...


When I read the script, I just wanted to read it through, skipped a few parts... in the end I was sobbing like a child. I can't remember sobbing like this over a story, except for Titanic, back then. And the end was very much predictable, everything led to it, still it was a surprise for me. Then I remembered watching TV that day in a youth hostel, and some tourists were actually LAUGHING and having fun while people were jumping out of the windows on the screen... and suddenly it all came back, the whole tragedy. I think RM is very much like Titanic because of that.

Anonymous said...

May I be divirginized? Blubomb83@hotmail.com

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Rowena, check your email.

Carole UK said...

Thanks for this! I'm desperately trying to avoid the storyline of Remember Me, and it's so difficult to avoid the little comments people make that give it away!

My experience of New Moon was spoiled because I'd watched vids etc even though I'd tried hard not to - nothing was a surprise! Don't want this to happen with Remember Me....

Lina said...

Spoil me pleeeeeeease :))


Thank you!

Emily said...

Thank you Goz!

LOL @ the monster! He hasn't made an appearance in a while.

Irish Pattinson Dornan said...


Spoil me to pretty please :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I'd like to be spoiled please!

Tina said...

That was the 1st (and last) script I read and it was a HUGE mistake.

I'll never forgive myself for reading it - Big Big Big mistake.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Lina, TwiSoul, & Candice, check email.

Lina said...

First, girls, I'm sorry I had to dissapear :(. I only checked the news in RobLand and had to get out. It's been a nightmare at work so everything I was dreaming about was my bed...well, and Rob ;))
Now, everything is back in the right places. Now I dream about Rob and my bed (or both :D).

Of course, I support the girls who want to stay Remember Me Virgin. But I can't wait to see the movie!!! So, maybe I will leave no space for suprises ;)

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

Gwen--i would like to be spoiled please
thank you

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sent to ya, wensdazzled.

lulu patz said...

Please send to me - lldmj13@gmail.com

Thank you!!

lulu patz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

thanks, so much, Qwen

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sent, LLD.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

(Gwen feels like a script pusher...)

LOL. I'm not twisting anyone's arm here, right? Totally respect folks wanting to remain RM virgins!

Lina said...


@Gwen, you know what I did?
I went right to the end of the RM story. Don't know why. Jeeeeeeeez, this is sooooo sad. That's why I don't like surprises as concerns Rob :))

But I think the movie will be very beautiful and sad. And I won't be sorry for reading the story before whatching the movie. It will show Rob in the other light as an actor.

Thank you once again :)

Maaike said...


Pretty please?

Unknown said...

Spoil me please!!!


Eli said...

I would love to have the script if anyone could please send it to me!


Thank you so much!

I've been in 'lurkdom' for over 4 months now...might just come out of the shadows and join you guys...you all are too much sometimes! LOL

nikola6 said...

I'm really sorry Goz. I'm afraid that I'm one of those who talked a bit. Nothing blatant, but cryptically and round about. And in my defense, only when someone would ask about it. Questions about this film have become like catnip to me. But from here on out, big spoiler warnings. I don't want that 'mean' Edward sicced on me. Man. That pic of him has always scared the beejesus out of me. Okay then...


Got to agree with Gwen here. I wouldn't recommend anyone going into that theatre without being prepared, at least somewhat. This isn't a Twilight movie where yeah, we already knew the story. This is SOMETHING ELSE entirely and alot of you are going to have a VERY emotional reactions and not just because you're fans of Rob Pattinson.

I said a few days ago, come the weekend this film opens, were going to see alot of people here in emotional distress saying that they wish they'd known something (just a little bit even) before seeing it.

I'm not planning on working that weekend as I want to be able to see this more than once to do my part for the box office...if I am able to watch it more than once. And I might not be able to. But I also want to be here to talk to people about this. It's gonna be hard guys. Real hard.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Maaike, Callie (nice email addy, btw) & Eli, check email.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

ITA---and wholeheartedly agree with what Nik just said.

Heather said...

I can understand those who say be prepared, but I read this script months ago, before filming, and I honestly wish I hadn't. I wish I could now go to a theatre and see the film as a surprise. It would be such an experience.

You're all so close to the film coming out - less than a month to go for most. (not me. I have to wait until April 12th at least) Please think twice about spoiling yourselves. You can't unlearn something once you know it.

To all those who are requesting (and receiving) the script. With knowledge comes great responsibility. Remember there are still a lot of people out there who don't know anything about the story beyond what they've seen in the trailers. Please discuss the film responsibly, and with consideration, no matter where on the internet you are, and use spoiler alerts where necessary. There are a lot of people who still don't want to be spoiled.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

I'm part way through RM--thanks, Qwen-I<3you

Unknown said...

Please spoil me, I think I have an idea of how it will end but I want to know for sure!! Thanks!!


robin said...

Please send me the script robin_hazlewood@yahoo.com thanks

PixieFairy said...

I´m curious like that, Why can´t I wait??
Spoil me please gwen cooper

Unknown said...

You're an angel, Gwen. Please forward copy of RM script.
A thousand thanks!


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Anne, Robin, justme & Ronda---check email.

Kimmie said...

The movie is going to be a good movie, when I was reading the script I couldn't stop reading. The way Tyler is trying to make his family be more caring and be more together.

The ending...that was a huge surprise. I wanted to cry so much but I hold it in.

Its a big twist to the ending.

Can't wait to see this.

The Coffey Family said...

Can I be spoiled too!


Kimmie said...

@ Nikola6- I agree with you about the edward picture... He looks scary, they way a vampire ready to kill you looks like.

A bit too scary.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Coffey, check email.

The Coffey Family said...

Thanks Gwen I just got it!

Diana said...

Thanks, Gwen.
It's going to be an amazing film. I can't wait to see it.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh Gwen, spoil me please



Haystackhair said...

LOL Gwen, you are the pusher aren't you!!!
I'm too curious, I had to read it, and then of course picture every scene. It's still a surprise cause they don't necessarily do it the way I pictured it anyway. LOL
Nik, tots agree with you.

jojo 97 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gwen Cooper 426 said...

s-firth & jonit, check email.

Anonymous said...


please send me the script!! thank you to whoever does!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

jojo, ditto.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

And Hermosa.

jojo 97 said...

Gwen Cooper 426 is awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gwen, you are a dote, thanks a million for that.x

Anonymous said...

Gwen Cooper 426 I would like the script its anneanderson85@yahoo.com thanks!

jessegirl said...

Sorry Gozde,
I don't know anything and am a 'virgin' like you, but I posted that I thought I knew, based on the clues others were throwing out there, and I indicated what my reaction would be if I'd guessed correctly.
As you can tell, a) we love to talk; b) we can hardly wait.

Loved the scowly Edward warning.
I'm also an emoticon virgin, so I'll just say it.

THANK YOU so much for everything you do for us!!! And for respecting Rob.

jessegirl said...

Not clear.

I did NOT post what I thought I'd surmised, just what my emotional reaction would be -but that in itself might be a spoiler.

P.S.: I just went down this thread and the spoiler alert notices, with the 10 lines spacing after each, really works. I just scrolled quickly without reading.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Cbare, check email.

Twilady said...

I would love a copy please!

HinkleBelle said...

Could I please have a copy of the script? Thank you in advance.



coppergrly said...

Will someone send me a copy of the RM script, please? In advance, thanks much!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Twi & Hinkle, ditto.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

And copper.

LoveMassacre said...

Send meh the script! I WANT WANT WANT to be spolied! lol

angrigal@hotmail.com (;

Nicole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...

May i also be sent a copy please?


So sorry, you must be sick of sending it by now! xx

tmm346 said...


I LOVE to be spoiled - and would LOVE to read the RM script.

Lisaej said...

Hi could someone email me the script.

Liz95 said...

jskakuj1@rochester.rr.com - Please spoil me!!! :-)

Unknown said...

Lisaej, Liz95, ECGirl, Nicole, LoveMassacre...check ur mai :)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Liz, Lisa, EC, Nicole, and LoveM, check email.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Rose, cute, jinx! ; ) No worries---glad someone else was here this morning. I just got online.

Unknown said...

Hi Gwen :) Good morning :)...it's night time where i live...i read the ff u suggested...SydneyAlice is AMAZING!!!

AP said...

@Gwen: am busy next few but wanted to say re convo on Eclipse/RM that I knew you didn't equate Rob with Edward. Was replying to K's take. I think Rob is going to give you a hard time with doing more angsty drama vs. light fare, but I also know you are a trouper when it comes to Rob. :) Later..

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@AP, thanks! I added another comment for K---just to say exactly that.

And yes, damn it, Rob's going to be making me cry at movies for years to come. I hate crying---unless it's over mushy funny stuff! (Insert whine.) Still. Rob. VERY Pretty.

(Gwen will Cowgirl Up.)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Rose, I know, right? LOVE her stuff! She's amazing! ; )

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

spool me..


Anonymous said...

Gabby wouldnt mind being spoiled! Gabi547@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Gabby would also like to be spoiled! Gabi547@yahoo.com Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gabby would also like to be spoiled!!! Gabi 547@yahoo.com Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gabby would also like to be spoiled!!! Gabi 547@yahoo.com Thanks!

SarahMarie said...

I am so curious, can someone send me the RM script so I can be ready for the movie.
Thanks a Million!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sarah and Gabi, check email. Red, your email addy scares me, sorry. LOL. Please ask someone else to forward.

; )

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