We knew it would come and it did. Another part of Robert Pattinson's Details Interview is being reheated and served , you know the part where he utters the word negro:
Details: Rob, did you know that every time you say actor or acting you lower your voice to a whisper?
Pattinson: I do?
Details: Yes, so quietly it's like you're saying Negro.
(Pattinson laughs, lightens up.)
Pattinson: What if we were 'acting' like 'Negroes'? Then we'd be f*cked--we couldn't hear anything...
Celebuzz and a blogger named Zennie Abraham takes a VERY dangerous step towards creating hate.
Zennie Abraham keeps asking what issues Robert Pattinson has against blacks like him. I think Mr. Abraham should ask his therapist (I hope he has one) what issues HE has about many things.
And Celebuzz says: "At one point, R-Pattz let slip with a racial term that some might deem outdated and offensive". I think we all know/hope that celebuzz can read. The so called "slip" wasn't made by Robert Pattinson, he was answering Ms. Lumet's question with a joke to lighten the mood.
What they didn't research before calling Jenny Lumet racist is that her mom Gail Lumet Buckley is African American herself. She served as a student counselor at the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students between the years of 1961-62. Gail's mom Lena Horne is one of the first African American actresses in Hollywood!I wonder if Gail knew she was racist by being a part of an organization that had the word Negro in it. A fund that served with pride under that name.
It's easy calling people racist. What's not easy is repairing the damage you do by blaming innocent people. When there's hate so rampant all over the world I say SHAME ON YOU to anyone that publishes this crap without doing proper research, without thinking more than 2 minutes before spreading hate, before pointing the gun at someone.
Shame on you!
Celebuzz is a joke, but I am not taking that article they did now lightly. Totally agree with you Gözde and as ususal when it comes to at least Celebuzz they did not seem to READ the article..I guess they only twist things around to get hits...and the guy you wrote about..I guess he failed to do research and didn't read the article as well? Are these ppl ENJOYING slandering ppl who did nothing wrong?
I feel bad for him. I, too, suffer from nerves-induced-verbal-vomit, and it sucks royally. The poor kid can't say anything without pissing anyone off.
Actually, I wonder if she isn't the mystery red head he was seen with?
Gah! How could they even put utter his name in the same article, much less same context as that loser John Mayer. Apples & oranges, you idiots at Celebuzz.
This is completely sick. He never intended it to be a racist remark...he was trying to lighten things up, for crying out loud! Some people go to any lengths to put others down. U know what bothers them is the fact that he's so young and so not like other Hollywood young celebrities. He's genuinely nice n sweet, n isn't hungover 90% of the times. They can't stand a DECENT young star. Shame on them. Why don't they focus on his acting instead? He's got a movie coming up in less than a month n all these ppl think up is putting him down. He's an ANGEL. Is that too hard to accept?
I've always felt that folks who are so quick to find fault with others do so because they don't want to subject themselves to their own lofty standards.
I call them hypocrites & do my level best to ignore them whenever possible!
Seriously, what is wrong with people? Jenny is the one in the interview that brought up the word "Negro."
Rob seems like a very sensitive, caring young man, and I doubt he meant anything he said to be construed as racist.
Thank you for doing your research on Jenny's heritage. I hope this will help stop all this nonsense!
I am just speechless at this point..
We knew this would happen, but the level of ignorance and hate always surprises me somehow....
I would love to know what Jenny thinks about all this.
I knew there was going to be a backlash, too many people are very sensitive about this. You would think Jenny would step up & say something, the only reason this is happening is because of her. She brought the word up, & she put the interview together.
I don't even know what to say....
A label like that is very damaging especially when he wasn't being rascist. I'm getting scared now that what he said is going to be repackaged and spread about.
@rpg--yes, I wonder what Jenny thinks too. I do blame her a bit for leading him in this direction--which is not racist at all but could be so easily misconstrued--along with providing no context for the vagina comment for all of us British-humor-challenged folks.
If Jenny came out with a comment of her own saying he is a wonderful person (she is clearly fond of him) and telling these imbeciles where they can put it, that might squelch this once and for all.
I know Rob didn't intend it to come across as anything racist... but that term, no one takes lightly. I can understand why its firing back at him, even though he didn't mean anything by it.
I just wish he would have responded with one of his nervous laughs instead of muttering a comment to lighten the mood.
I do NOT believe Rob did anything wrong, but he shouldn't have responded... then the weight of this wouldn't be on his shoulders right now.
It's just with Rob, when he's nervous or feels awkward with something, the comments that slip from his mouth usually are taken in the wrong direction... He's still new to all of this, it's understandable that he acts out on nerve pulses... I just wish there weren't sharks surrounding him, always ready to jump at his first mistake... even unintentional mistakes, like this one.
But I do agree with what everyone is saying here... Hollywood can't seem to stand having a decent young star... so anything that leaves Rob's mouth that could be considered negative will be highlighted and acted upon irrationally... poor guy.
Being of mixed race, I've found it can be easy to take certain things either too lightly---or too seriously. In some cases, there's even a duality of line/no line at times. Sometimes reactions are contrary to the "norm" because we tend to not only see, but "BE" both sides (or more) at the same time.
One: While giving Jenny Lumet the benefit of the doubt on intent, the blame for the word usage DOES lie at her feet. She introduced it, not Rob.
Secondly, Rob a) should probably NOT drink and talk, b) needs a publicist, and/or c) should have had some say in final editing (as in context and clarity, if nothing else).
Finally, any and all of this is 100% the fault of Details editing---most likely on purpose. There is no way that certain words were left in (and out) accidentally. It was in order to sell more magazines.
(Gwen's two cents.)
Racism is a serious thing. But now we have to walk on eggshells constantly or be accused of racism. Good grief. Everyone should lighten up in this world. (and that was not a racist remark). Unless someone is actually saying something derogatory, simple words should not be a reason to attack. Why is everyone so darn sensitive? It is ridiculous. I live in the South of the USA, known for its history of racism and slavery. But I have rarely (and I am not a child by any means) have I met anyone who is a racist.
@Gwen very well said.
I just went over to Zennie Abraham's blog and posted a comment. It's not up yet--there are only three comments posted since this morning, which I find suspicious. When I posted my comment I got a message that it would be posted after it was approved. What the...
I think everyone should go over there and comment. But be respectful; take the high road. The main thing is that the man did no research before making these accusations (including, apparently, reading the article in full and/or more than once) and accuses Jenny Lumet of racism. Which is absurd.
ITA with everyone..........I mean seriously???
Any one with half...no a tenth of a brain who actually read the WHOLE article would be able to see the entire picture....
Gwen, I so agree. I am quite sure that Details loves the contoversy.
I wish the world at large was not looking for things like this to pounce on. Those that do pounce tend to be far less open minded than they think.
I was thinking the 'vagina' comment would go away once it got out that it was a joke and for the most part, it has. But I've been wondering when the other shoe would drop about THIS ONE! And maybe it is dropping and maybe it isn't. At the moment this is just someone making 'noise' on the internet and as of yet, it hasn't gone viral. Let's see what happens next week when the ladies of The View get ahold of him.
If this spirals out of control, he may have to address this and so would Jenny as she is the one who wrote the article. I sincerely believe she would have his back here.
I`m from the South also and only very rarely have I encountered racist people. I think that everybody needs to take a step back and breathe for Christ`s sake!
But yeah...
For as long as he's playing Edward Cullen, I can so see Summit telling him...
'no booze for youze mister while being interviewed and, oh, here she comes right now. Rob? Meet your new publicist.'
Oh. He'll hate THAT!
I think Jenny Lumet should come forward and make a statement about the interview - not blaming her but she did make the remark first and we know Rob - he tried to make a joke out of an awkward remark
Oh, God! You 'lower your voice to a whisper'? Hey Rob, can you get your lovely butt over here and do it in my ears, pleeeease? :)
*wishful thinking*
Wow I hate this! Rob should revolt and refuse interviews. People go from using his name like he were a friend, to bashing him, The entertainment industry is a filthy industry filled with back stabbing, insecure fame whores.
This articule is f*ucked up!! I feel so bad for Rob!! Stupid celebuzz!! I cant believe they put Rob and racist in the same damn sentence!1 like wth i wrong with the people who writes those things!!
Ughh! I'm sick of this blah blah blah... don't these people have something, like, REALLY IMPORTANT to do?? Poor gorgeous!... Rob and his big tongue... Oh wait! "Rob and his big tongue?" God! I just thought of a so much better use for this... *huge grin*
Okay I am done ranting. I feel sorry for Rob. I hope he is secure enough to shrug this all off as bull and move on with making movies. I guess we can add it to the list of rumors. Just another hazard of fame.
Being half black myself, i did not find his comment to be in the least bit offrnsive. The only reason this comment, in fact cuaught my attention was because i thought:
"awwwww. shits gonna hit the fan big time now."
I find alot of people are overly sensitive about this sort of stuff, and tabloids get a kick out of that fact because they know when they re=package statements such as this one there will be mayhem, especially with someone as popular as Rob.
But Rob being labelled a racist.... really?
The same Rob that seems to have an odd, albeit cute as hell fasination with Beyonce. The same Rob that mentioned on an interview (I can't remember which one exactly) that he was a fan of Ian Wright (a black footballer) when he was growing up?
Rob that seems to have a heavt appreciation for rap music. ('Straight Outta Compton' from a few weeks ago anyone?)
Yep, boy sure seems rasist to me *inject heavy amounts of sarcasm here*
well said averagegirl56....
We knew this would happen...it's really too bad, and everything spreads like wildfire now, anything Rob says is all over the planet in less than 2 minutes, and of course it's always out of context and all twisted out of shape. I just hope it will die down quickly. It's a shame because that interview was really genuine and fun, like a free-flowing chat between two friends, with crazy funny jokes...
OK, I just looked over my statement again and realised how many typos I had in there. But you know, you come to this blog to catch up on some Rob goodness and you come face to face with an article like THAT?!?! It sure can scramble your mind.
Plus I live in England, it's snowing, and I'm freezing my fucking ass off...
LOL, I don't even really understand what he was saying!
I just went over to his blog and commented and yeah, he's not posting the comments. I've got this feeling that he's being BOMBARDED!!!
I explained that Jenny brought it up, that she is bi-racial, her grandmother is Leana Horne and that he should have contacted her to get the skinny before slamming the damning label of 'racist' on someone. I also told him that he owes Mr. Pattinson an apology and would he be man enough to offer it?
But I was very nice. I think I even addressed him as 'sir' and I said 'thank you.'
We need to keep checking back to see if he starts printing any of these comments OR retracts his statement.
And we should all go over there and set this guy straight. We need to have Rob's back here too and this is the way we can do it.
@nikola--good for you. I mentioned Lena Horne too (and the fact that of all people she was well acquainted with racism in Hollywood). No, he's not posting anything. Interesting to see if he ever does.
And did you notice that an earlier post from today is about the vagina comment??? srsly? he says something like he doesn't think Rob and Kristen are together because Rob isn't really...wait for it...interested in women. QED he pulls out the vagina comment. This guy is under a rock. Very late to the Details party.
Yes, please, everyone go over there and set him straight. Nicely and maybe he'll apologize. But it looks to me like he's an ass and is looking for RPattz hits for his blog.
Agreed pretty...
Maybe this guy is just looking for a little attention and it'll just blow over. I mean, who the hell is he anyway?
I'm kinda hoping that the ladies of The View do bring it up so that he can address it and put it to bed once and for all. I mean, he can laugh off the vagina comment but to be labeled a racist is SERIOUS stuff and could follow him for a long time.
I would imagine that Joy would handle the 'vagina' comment and Whoopie, the 'negro'.
I just want this shit DONE!
I posted too on this guy's blog but he is not putting up our posts. I guess he doesn't like being caught out without the pertinent facts of the story and the back story. Racism works both ways as I found out while living in Atlanta. There is just so much hate, jealousy, and rancor out there! Poor Rob. :(
I did too.....but not posting comments-
@Qwen--well said. you know he didn't mean it that way--whisper both words--makes you wonder if Details purposly didn't edit it. poor baby--but i agree he probably shouldn't drink during an interview so he can think about his words before they come out.
Jenny Lumet has to take responsibility for the clusterfuck of an interview she wrote up...
By the way I am in no way saying it's okay to use the N word. I am saying it is irresponsible for people to print stuff calling Rob racist. It's like pointing a loaded gun at him.
And if they are going to start calling peeps racist I have Ludacris, Jay-Z, Beyonce at the top of the list. They use the N word in their songs. Ludacris says he uses it to diminish the negative meaning the word brings with it.
Calling someone racist is sometimes another way to differentiate between 'them' and 'us' in an elitist way, with 'us' always being the top group. some might see it as a way to right the balance, while others might see it as an irritant.
BTW Gozde, did you see my post under 'Rainy Edward'? It's no. 104 (didn't want to bring it up again after it being so successfully smoothed over, but I'm awkward like that, sometimes).
I am also black and I love Rob and know he doesn't have a racist bone in his body! This guy it seems is just rehashing what he sees on sites like the NY Post where they are commenting on what everybody has picked up about Rob confirming he and Kristen are a couple! This where he is commenting on the first part of the article about Rob being allergic! He is also picking up on comments by Ted, so it seems he is trying to make a name for himself on the internet by chasing the big name gossip that will get a lot of hits! I see he rarely posts more than 4 comments where he continues them in small print on the lower right side Nikola6! I think he is using the race card this time to get hits! I really hate that is trying to target a nice guy like Rob!
Just checked it now lemonless, that was very nice of you. I haven't read any bad comments from you, if I did I don't remember :) It takes a lot to offend me but I do appreciate the tone of your comment and your graciousness:)
Gozde; *HUGE sigh of relief* Now I know why your name's so often misspelled: you are a 'god(-ze')! Thank you.
Hugs back, with a little tiny squeeze.
really?... I'm not a hater but I hate some people!
They need to get a life and leave Rob's life alone!
taking it so out of context!
Oh please don't say that. Thank you but I feel like Rob now, I understand how he feels when nice things are said about him. It's very embarrassing :P
Okay almost 2AM, 4 hours sleep time left. FML :(
Nite nite!
Aside from catering to a lower mentality like the tabloids and ragazines, I am thinking Celebuzz and their ilk are looking for hits to their sites, like a neglected or bored child might do something bold or wicked to get attention.
Perhaps we ought not give the reinforcement to bad behaviour?
I agree, Solas. Bombarding their sites with comments would do no good: they would gain the 'moral high ground' by pointing out any tiny inconsistencies in everyone's posts, and/or they'd get what they wanted: huge numbers of hits to bolster their figures for when advertisers are looking for new sites to colonise.
Boycott them; it's quite effective, when done en masse, I've heard.
Night night, Gozde!
Nice tongue Goz..what happens when ppl get big heads???
Just for info it's considered monumentally ignorant and rude to walk out of the dinner at the BAFTAs. This will have embarrassed and infuriated the producers of Bel Ami as it's an honour for a virtual nobody like Robert Pattinson to be invited as a presenter. In addition you don't arrive after a member of the Royal Family at any event which they are attending. RP arriving after Prince William was an insult. He doesn't have photogs/rabid fans chasing him through the street over here because he's a no-talent nothing. If he wants a career beyond playing in a dim-witted vampire series he needs to grow up and behave like a man, not like his 14-year old g/f. Oh sorry * she's 19 isn't she? It's hard to tell with her mental midget vocabulary and dilated eyeballs. By the way, last year's Woman of the Year was that raddled old junkie Courtney Love. They certainly picked the perfect successor. I'm praying for Razzies for both of them. This was all said without one swear word.
Have a nice day~!
I refer to my previous post.
LOL, so being requested to be civil to other people brought on the Rob hate now? He is a no talent nothing Kemberly?
Where did it all go wrong?
Even though nothing you wrote had nothing to do with this thread, I'm glad you got it off your chest.
This actually makes me quite angry because it is someone looking to create unnecessary and unfounded drama and using a subject that is very emotionally charged. Anyone with half a brain understood the comment in the context in which he said it. I believe the power of the press has been sorely abused lately, seems like anyone can write shite about anyone. I am starting to doubt even legitimate journalism nowadays, it all seems like it's about increasing circulation and not about informing the public with truth. :(
I just copied and pasted....
That lil Negro remark is the least of his worries right now after the BAFTAS I'm told.
I'll leave ya to ur blog God-ze..LOL
Oh wow, because poor little Kemberly got scolded for being nasty to people on the blog, you cuss out Gozde yesterday, and now all of a sudden you can't stand Rob, and he's rude?
Talk about not being able to handle things like an adult.
Why don't you start your own hate blog "I hate everyone that doesn't like me, or doesn't agree with me".
Your time is over.
And don't worry, I know you'll come back and blast me as well..
Have at it....Kemberly party of one.
For the record Kemberly -- the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Awards (the Oscars) is the BIGGEST and MOST PRESTIGIOUS awards in the entertainment business. Rob was invited to present there last year, thereby making him very much a SOMEBODY in the entertainment business.
Step away, take a breather and calm down. If you don't think much of him, why are you wasting your time here?
rpattzgirl: remember the thing with the puppy? Deep breaths, now, deep breaths.
I know, scrapes shit off bottom of shoe...but I will always defend Rob...he doesn't deserve the anger and hate.
The anger isn't directed towards him. The anger has no direction it goes in everyone's way. There's just too much bottled up anger being let loose on message boards.
Yoga would be nicer...
True Gozde....Think I will have a brew and deep breath...
What is this about the BAFTAs? I must have missed it, and Kemberly WTF? What happened to you? Now you hate Rob? When exactly did that happen?
PurplePassionPineappleExpress and Kemberly is the same person. The only BAFTA drama is the one they (she) are creating. I heard nothing about it. Smear campaign
Gozde, your tolerance leaves me humbled. And don't worry, the only person I'd stalk would be Rob. Not that I would, I hate the cold.
Seriously,no talent? Rob? I have to laugh. I think he has more talent then the most of the people.
Wow.. I just woke up and my head is in a whirl...
Let me get this straight:
Rob is supposedly now a racist? *rolls eyes*
But how can that be??? I thought he was supposed to either be ghey (because he's allergic to vaginas) or a man whore (because he was surrounded by vaginas)!
Please. Will everyone who insists on only seeing things in BLACK or WHITE take a deep breath and a step back.... The world is full of gray and-obviously- so is Robert Pattinson.
Please...be reasonable.
Just briefly addressing the so-called insult to the Baftas and Prince William - the only mention I've seen about this was from The Mirror - a rag right up there with The Sun. Likes to stir....as do others...
Who cares about insult to the baftas?
They just don't have anything else to write about.
Gozde... You are a Goddess.:-) "I" love the books and the movies.. Twilight more that NM... so I must be a dim-witt too... and the insult to RP/KS is uncalled for and extremely rude. The poster talk about Robert insulting Prince William and the BAFTA and yet he/she comes to a board dedicated to all things RP and insult the the Mod and by extension the fans of the actor/actress.
Good grief. X(
Well, it's not like we didn't see it coming. Let's hope it deflates before it causes real damage.
Poor Rob... I wonder if the shit he takes is worth it :(...
Side news: the "dating admission" has reached Yahoo7 Movies news in Australia, as well.
Happier side news: went to see Shutter Island yesterday (loved it) and the Ruby girl from Remember Me is in it! I *was* wondering where I might have seen her before. So young and she already can say she's worked with Scorsese... wow!
@annieforpatty: wasn't posting because I 'care' about it. Just letting people know where the fuel for such comments came from, is all.
OMG - i cant believe that this thread is still going on about this...i dont think the interview was bad at all.
Goz...bless you for your succinct, eloquent, accurate comments re: Lena Horne, etc. and the ridiculousness of these accusations, at the beginning of this post.
You have been a class act since the beginning of this blog, and now touching on relatively new political territory, you prove yourself to be equally eloquent.
The sad thing about this type of disgusting race-baiting - which seems to be so rampant in this age of media sound-bites (I'm talking to YOU MSNBC) is that is detracts from the very real, actual racism and bigotry that still very much exists in the world.
Criticize Rob Pattinson people? C'mon, even the questionable excuse for actual journalism in most of the US can do better than that.
As for the hateful, bitter comments that occasionally rear their ugly head and go with the blogging territory, it's best to ignore...and wish the poor old soul a bit more happiness in their bitter existence. :) I guess we all have bad days....some worse than others. :)
RM just a few weeks and counting....*big grin*
Now back to the women's short program. :)
@Ap,my comment wasn't directed to you :D
Gozde, I'm with you 100% in your post comment about shame.
Like Nik and some others,I was going to comment on the malicious man's blog, but decided anything I said he would take the wrong way, on purpose, twist it to suit his own purposes.
Now I hear he's not even posting the comments.
The general public has got to hold themselves and the press--whether tabloid or legit--to a higher standard. God knows, it's so low now that won't be hard to do.
What the heck are The View women going to do with Robert? I'll watch but I don't trust them either.
Yeah Details is a greed-whore as well, to want circ. by leaving in incendiary comments like that. Frankly, I think it is betrayal of Robert.
Fame is a 'bitch'. There, I used a word that should be incendiary to a lot of people. But nowadays denigration of women somehow escapes the fine-tuned sensitivity which supposedly racial and sexual slurs provoke. I bet few here would take offense to the 'b' word.
Damn, that's another topic.
But, Gozde, there is a lot of anger. We don't want to see Robert HURT! Goddamnit, he's a kind, sensitive soul with a clever sense of humour (his response to Jenny proves it) and we want to protect hims from the 'slings and arrows of outrageous' media midgets (no offense to real midgets intended). AAckk! I now feel I can't say anything either, metaphorically or otherwise.
But of course he can't be protected by us much, can he?
Throwing light on the shameful practices of Celebuzz, etc. would solve nothing if the public in general hasn't the good sense and moral fibre to be reasonable.
What's to be done?
It is a sorry world when so many take no responsibility or feel no shame for hurting innocent people like Robert. He's too good for them and they are seething with jealousy and resentment.
"Envy's a coal come burning hot from hell."
@annieforP: ah...thought it was, obviously. My error.:)
Just adding that the producers of Bel Ami would far rather he leave the dinner early and show for work at 6'ish. They're not paying for the dinner... ;)
I've already addressed the..er..other controversy so won't say more.
jessegirl- oh NO, i forgot about him going on the View...you know they are going to bring it up and poor rob is probably going to get all nervous with all of those crazy ladies talking shit to him. but i just want to point out he DID not use the bad "N" word.
I was really crushed to see the word negro in this interview. Its more than an outdated word, its a reminder of a bad time in the world. Among other horrors, it was a time when a girl like me didn't have a chance in the world with a guy like Rob.
Do I think Rob is a racist? Probably not. Did it hurt my feelings to read this interview? Yes and that means something.
I feel that Rob fans should take off the rose colored glasses and admit that this was an inappropriate and avoidable mistake.
Just because you aren't offended by something doesn't mean it isn't offensive.
I was really crushed to see the word negro in this interview. Its more than an outdated word, its a reminder of a bad time in the world. Among other horrors, it was a time when a girl like me didn't have a chance in the world with a guy like Rob.
Do I think Rob is a racist? Probably not. Did it hurt my feelings to read this interview? Yes and that means something.
I feel that Rob fans should take off the rose colored glasses and admit that this was an inappropriate and avoidable mistake.
Just because you aren't offended by something doesn't mean it isn't offensive.
Makelove- When I was a little girl, 'Negro' was the polite word; the N word ending in r (that rappers and others were using even a few years ago in reference to themselves) was the one that caused pain. From what I recall, the black leaders of the time, including MLK jr, used the word Negro as well.
regarding the interview wtih Rob: If you understand the context you would understand his response was appropriate.
Gozde--it is not only Celebuzz and their ilk that seeks attention like a bold or naughty child, but the response ought be the same: no reinforcement.
Makelove--and while it true that what is offensive to one might not be to another, we can only do the best we can and try not to offend, but because we do not know every possible thing that will offend every possible person, and because so many people have baggage that is simply not even relevant or that reflects need for counseling, therapy, or even meds, we have to try our best to not only not offend, but also to not take offense too easily.
Gozde sorry its been a BS week on the blog for you. One bad apple can spoil the bunch, but not in this case this bunch of Robsessed Ladies know what the real deal is and he my friends is the Real Deal.
OK EVERYONE on the count of 3 put your hater blockers on....
Hi all, as a person of colour, I didn't take offense to the comment but as others have mentioned earlier, I immediately thought shit - that will interpreted wrongly. In fact yesterday on twitter, someone tweeted the comment, edited, and made it sound completely like Rob said it.
I immediately replied and said, pls read the whole article before something like that to the world. Her reply; 'I read it, I comprehended it and read between the lines' she then added ' i understand that but he is alluding to the common stereotype that all black people are loud'....
with that type of crap, poor rob cant win. My reading to the article, was him saying being quiet is in relation to that is something we dont talk about and shouldnt.
I responded on a couple of these blogs, but wonder if that is the right thing to do. Maybe if they get hits they will keep this going and if no one responds to their nonsense it will die a natural death. What do you think?
The sad thing about the Details spread is the it's purpose was to attract new fans via a men's magazine. The Robsessed and Twi fanbase already feels like they know Rob and can say "ah, he didn't mean it, he's not like that" but in reality, as a celebrity, your interviews are the only way people get to know you. Readers of Details may only know Rob as that Twilight guy, they may never have seen/read an interview before. What will their reaction be? We won't know because they aren't on Robsessed or they won't talk about it on twitter. That's what has to concern Rob's camp right now. Details was a PR fail I believe - big time.
Oh, and they had better prepare Rob for the view, because there's a good chance he will have to answer some very tough questions regarding this interview. When you are working (and Rob was) you need to have a filter, everyone who has a job knows that. His PR ppl are so quick to hush interviewers up when asked about Kristen but they let Jenny just allow Rob to insult everyone including his mother. Sure he was joking but will everyone know that?
I read your posts on this idiots blog, Gozde, RPattzgirl, and Nikola. I posted a comment too but he hasn't posted it on the blog yet. Basically I asked him why he takes offense at the word Negro which is neither a slur or an embarrassment. I, once again, explained Rob's meaning, and suggested that his blog is bordering on hate mongering. I don't think he will post it, but at least he knows het someone else takes exception to his blog.
i dont get it..what did he mean by that?
"if we were acting like negroes we'd be "f..." What?
as a black woman and a fan i would like some clarification, racist or not..i mean is he saying that all negroes are deaf.i just dont get it so someone please explain to me what he meant i dont know if i should be insulted or not
Poor Rob! I'm afraid he's going to stop giving interviews after this! And I think we all believe that Rob's not a racist and didn't mean to offend anyone.
Hi, I'm back. out in RL for a while and I see that in the meantime that awful blogger has posted some comments finally, and commented himself, and revealed himself to truly be a complete numbskull. He actually says that part of Jenny Lumet's problem must be that she doesn't have any black friends. OMG. Clearly reasoning with him is pointless.
This is all so depressing.
I would like to post the comments I sent to Mr. Abraham on this thread. He has chosen thus far not to print it.
"I'm Native American and I know a thing or two about racism and my culture being exploited…I know the pain, frustration, and anger associated with it.
So I was stunned after reading your comments Mr. Abraham that you have chosen to go the racist route with Rob Pattinson. It’s obvious based on your comments that you’ve chosen to label him as a racist without even contacting him or Ms. Lumet to clarify their comments. You’ve done no research to find out if either one of these two people are indeed racists and have a history of racist actions or making racist statements.
You saw a chance to become angry and indignant and to get your name and inaccurate opinion in the press. Extreme activists like you, sir, never see the hate they are projecting toward others is really about them. You see a racist in every word and action and then wonder why your message never gets through to the mainstream.
Ms. Lumet brought up the “Negro” comment and he responded based on what she said. Rob never said in this interview or any other interview that he “hated” Blacks or any other race of people but if you know proof positive that he did then I’m asking you to give me the link so I can read it too. It should be made available to everyone to read and you are more than welcome to send it to my email address immediately!
I read this interview and saw the point Ms. Lumet was making…yes, she could have chosen to use a different analogy rather than “Negro” but since she is an Afro American woman then that is her reality. So I’m absolutely amazed you read the article and immediately thought “racist”!
Finally, just an observation: I find it odd you indicate you will refuse anonymous comments but you still have it as an option to post the comment…what does that mean exactly?"
Little Raven
I agree with Goz and with what has been said. I'm not sure I want to go here but here's how I interpreted his comment.
JL pointed out that lowers his voice when he says the word "actor." He whispers it like he's saying a word that someone wouldn't want overheard, like "negro."
His response of "What if we were 'acting' like 'Negroes'? Then we'd be f*cked--we couldn't hear anything..." Meaning "acting like Negroes" contains two words that would be said really quietly, hence no one could hear. Did that make sense?
Granted, not his best quote and I'm sure he'd un-say it if he could but he can't. It's getting blown way out of proportion in my opinion. I feel bad if people got offended by it because I'm sure Rob meant NOTHING close to what is being said about him. I wish JL would say something on his behalf.
Well said Raven!
Forever--if you read the whole interview, or even just the paragraph with the words in question, you will see that Jenny (the interviewer) noticed that whenever Rob said 'actor' or 'acting' he lowered voice, or whispered, as if it was something to be ashamed of, or hushed over. jenny pointed this out to Rob, who hadn't realized he was doing this, and then JENNY said to Rob, "So quietly it's like you're saying Negro." To which Rob lightened up and replied, “What if we were ‘acting’ like ‘Negroes’? Then we’d be f*cked—we couldn’t hear anything. . . .”
Meaning-- he had been whispering the word 'acting' and people (acc to Jenny) whisper the word 'Negro,' so Rob thought if you put the 2 together (acting and negroes) no one would hear anything because the words were whispered, hushed.
This has NOTHING to do with anyone being loud, but rather more with ROb whispering a word, and Jenny mentioning another word that is whispered, or said in undertones.
Does this help you understand it any better?
Solas! Thank you! What I was attempting to say, you said much better. :)
@Emily--that was exactly the way i took it. 2 words being said quietly=quiet. people are just looking to fling something. it is sad
"Shame on you for blaming innocent people" is good to remember.. soon we will all need to revise that:)
Rob was referring to the silence and discretion of slaves in the past and making his cute jokes as usual trying to link the two words negro and acting in one sentence, it doesn't sound racist to me..some other miscalculated decisions might be though...
Thanks wens. I'm glad someone understood what I was trying to say.
Why oh why did she pick that word to compare it too?
Let's rewrite this
JL: Rob, did you know that every time you say actor or acting you lower your voice to a whisper?
Pattinson: I do?
JL: Yes, so quietly it's like you're saying "I own all three High School Musicals."
(Pattinson laughs, lightens up.)
Pattinson: What if we were 'acting' like 'High School Musical - Senior Year?' Then we'd be f*cked--we couldn't hear anything...
Although I think it was an interesting interview, and I myself as a fan liked it, I am leaning toward the idea that at the very least ROb ought to read over the final draft before it is prnted, and should have editing/correcting rights.
He now is being called a racist, a homosexual, a misogynist, and I am not sure to what extent his mixed feelings about so many things, will end up his being distressed and feelng badly, or his saying F*** it and chucking it all aside if he cannot be himself.
I understand he does not want a press secretary or whatever it is most stars have. But I sincerely volunteer to review interviews and to clarify whatever he says to the public, if he wants someone with basic understanding to back him up.
@Emily--i wish it would have happened that way. worried for him on the view. hopefully they understand what he meant and give him a chance to explain. i don't watch that show often. they all talk at the same time---a little crazy
solas - That's a good idea. I assume it would be a person's right to review something that's written about them?
wens - I don't watch it often either. Those women are crrraaaazzzzy. I hope he doesn't get torn to shreds. It kind of makes me sick thinking about it. Hopefully it just won't come up at all. *wishful thinking* At least he's not on his own, I'm glad Emilie will be with him too.
isn't he on J. fallon the night before--the same day as the premier?
Yeah I think so. I don't watch his show much either but Jimmy's interviews with Kristen and Taylor were the best. He's such a fangurl. lol He'll go easy on Rob.
gotta go to bed--night Emily. it was nice to talk to you again.
Goodnight wens! Nice to talk to you too. Sweet Rob dreams!
Emily--I don't know how things are in the world of interviews and the famous, if they do automatically have a right to check their words or not.
Whenever I have been interviewed, I have said first that I only agree to an interview if I can check it before it is printed. And still there have been misprints, and sometimes I have been quoted out of context to give a whole different take on what I have said. Then I usually have to write into the publication and make it clear what I actually said, and what the actual context was. Sometimes there is a retraction, but sometimes not. I don't know what recourse there is other than suing, which is ugly, time-consuming, and soul-draining. Sometimes, if it really destroys a person's livelihood or emotional life, it is worth it, I suppose, but on the whole, it is a big mess, perhaps avoided by not giving interviews, or making very strict stipulations with very heavy fines ahead of time if the interview is not given to check over first, and if it is not printed as the final checked over copy.
Emily & Solas,
beautifully stated....
Thanks--I DO try! This blog has been a good exercise for my using English more!
Solas - Thank you! That was interesting to read. I'm thinking that would be a good idea from here on out with Rob.
Hopefully this whole thing will all blow over because I think we can all agree Rob meant no harm. He doesn't always have his brain filter flipped on. :) But he's certainly not the only one. Like I said before, I wish the interviewer would say something. If it were me, I would feel like I needed to clarify or do something.
Hi rpg!! How are you?
Okay, so I don't know if I'm naive or just really ignorant, but I didn't even understand the comment. Why would he say that "if they were negroes they wouldn't be able to hear anything"? I've never thought Rob is racist, and I know that the interviewer was the first one to even say the word but... wtf did he even mean? lol. I think I probably need to understand the statement before I make any judgments about his racism.
Donna - If you want, @ 10:48 I said what I thought the point of his response was and solas' comment right after mine is spot on, I think.
Kimberly: 1. He wasn't the only one who arrived after Prince William
2. He was at the afterparty, mingled a bit and left when the food was served. Most of the reporters who were there commented that it was because he had an early morning shoot apart from the 3am witches who now hold a grudge because Rob didn't give them an exclusive but whatev.
All this rascism talk would have been avoided if Jenny hadn't used that N word or if Rob hadn't repeqated it.
I'm black myself and I know first hand that rascism is a two-way street. Rascism shouldn't be taken lightly but what Rob said wasn't rascist, AT ALL.
Was I offended that that word was used? HELL NO. Rather it made me go oh suga sh*t is gonna hit the fan.
OOOOH. Thank you Emily & Solas. It would have been more helpful if I had noticed the quotations around the words.
Okay, now that I get it, (yea, I'm a little slow) I can't really see anything wrong with it. Honestly, it wasn't one of his shining moments (he probably could have said something much more clever), but it was still harmless. Why did she even include it in the interview? I'm sure Rob said much more interesting things. Was she trying to stir up controversy? :-/
lilyb - LMAO @ oh suga sh*t is gonna hit the fan. Hahaha!
And I'm afraid you're right.
LMAO @ lilyb.
Seriously though, it probably will. How sad! There are plenty of celebs that say actual hateful things all the time and it just goes unnoticed. Why is it that when people get really famous they always have to be villianized in some way? Is it so hard to believe that Rob is just perfect? ;)
Donna - No worries. It is confusing the way it was written. I've decided that most of Rob's (probably most people's) interviews are much better understood when they are watched and listened to, rather than just read.
So true. Rob's interviews are gems and it makes me sad if he feels he has to change the way he acts in interviews because of the fact that it will get picked apart and scrutinized endlessly. I can't imagine what that would be like. But he's a smart guy, he can hold his own.
I do miss "say the first random thing that pops into my head" Rob though.
Sure Emily; it's one reason G-d gave us faces and voices instead of just fingers to hold pens or type on keyboards. :-)
So much is context--not just surrounding words, but also facial expressons, tone of voice, etc. It often does not translate in the written word. On the other hand, written word often gives us more time to process and mull over the content. Unfortunately, not everyone is engaging the brain when reading.
@Gozde, Yes "clusterfuck" interview by Jenny, who (to my knowledge) neither a reporter or journalist and why the hell she was chosen to do the interview is mystery to me, but she was no friend and would be nice to see her stand up if this continues. He never used the "N" word, negroe which she said first doesn't have the same connotation at all. It's all so silly. I'm sorry but I really want to strangle her for that damn interview and the repercussions it has had for our sweetie boy. It makes me sick.
On another note, please don't hesitate to moderate and delete comments when they get exceptionally ugly, hateful, or incoherent.
@Nik, thanks for getting his back, taking the time, and posting over there.
forever--you are welcome. :-)
Very well said, solas. And Rob's face and eyes are among the most expressive I've ever seen.
@Raven, Thank you for taking the time and effort to send that clarification to the idiot. Hope he's getting the message.
Past midnight here; full day of work ahead. Be well all.
You too solas! It's always nice to chat with you!
oh--PS--what exactly is Fngurl? I had thought it was a fan who was a girl, but since you refer to Jimmy Fallon, I am thinking it has a different meaning>?
that's 'fAngurl'
No, not really. Just that he got all squealy and excited when he started talking to Kristen and Taylor about New Moon. I loved it. I don't know why it's spelled like that. Maybe it's not even a word...I don't really know. :)
Alright all, I'm calling it a night. Let's hope for a happy day tomorrow! Goodnight!
Damn, I missed you, Emily! ITA with all your comments, well said. I'll try and catch you another time. :)
@solas, Hi, I see you have good conversation going here, which is nice and informative as always. My only question to you is: What did you like about the Details interview? I was discomforted the minute I read it here and read it again when I got the magazine and am downright angry about it and how Jenny spun it into print, given this latest out-take. Just curious.
Godze,it looks as though that article is not on the front burner and they were blasted out by Robert Pattinson fans for their slanderous efforts! I think you should take it off your front page so it won't be regurgitated by haters searching your blog for stories about Rob!
Oh for the love of all that's holy. Robs comments are looked at too closely. Anything could be read into them and are just causing the internet to be busy. We live in a world when news is instant. Rob has tradtionaly berated himself in interviews and does think before he speaks. So I believe his comments were all taken out of context and the way they were asked/interviewed were just crappy and sloppy.
my 2 cents and back to the ice skating.
Solas - I must be your age as "negro" was a polite word when I was growing up, too. Times change and the polite words change.
As for racism... I grew up and still live in the South(USA). I've heard more racist, sexist, any kind of -ist remarks than I ever want to hear in my lifetime. (Racism isn't just black vs. white, either - watch the movie "Crash" - it explains it well.) Rob's comment definitely was NOT racist and as everyone has mentioned, he didn't bring up the word. I'm pretty stunned that someone, reading the conversation in context, would jump to that conclusion.
I'm a blonde and my friends blast me with blonde jokes. (I think they send them to me to see if I actually catch the jokes!) I don't get offended. I can't imagine being Polish-American. The jokes they must hear all their lives.
Some words, I'm thinking specifically of another "n" word, should never be spoken out loud or even thought of. Hopefully I'm not being insensitive, but I don't see what Rob said as being racist.
here are some thoughts from another black robsessor...
personally, like many of you, i liked the article. i feel like it was written for fans. people that know him very well. and like his lack of filter. his wit.
however this was NOT an article for fans. it was an article for mainstream. and in this way, Jenny fucked up. sorry to be vulgar about that but she did. the whole thing. every comment that the media sunk their teeth into was due to a failure on her part to convey the context. to express his intent clearly.
she needs to stick to screenplays. i know they probably got her because it's someone rob knows and he would be open and feel secure. it was really a good article it just wasn't written well AT ALL.
let's take the negro comment. after she types what rob says, she ends it there. she doesnt say what else they talked about right after his response. nothing. just on to the next topic.
seriously? so a black female interviewer would let him just hang there with this comment if she felt it was racist? no. she didnt think it was racist. thats y her FAIL of an article didnt explain anything beyond the response. its SAD that she couldnt grasp the impact that word would have in mainstream media and on a celebrity. WTF! it boggled my mind that she didnt explain the comment further or delete it all together. it was a hot mess.
@foreverpink it took me a minute b4 i even GOT what he meant. reason being, that damn word is so distracting! i have no clue why she would select that word to prove her point. she could have said "cancer" or the bit about owning high school musical someone pointed out. rob's response initially flew over my head. but i was not offended bc i need to understand something b4 i can decide if im offended or not. i think Solas gave a perfect explanation of what Rob meant bc that was my understand after MUCH analysis LOL
but back to my long post here...the other comment...the vagina bit. AGAIN...FAIL on jenny. so this female interviewer would just let some guy insult female genitalia without extending the conversation and finding out why he has such hate? she DIDNT extend the convo because he wasnt SERIOUS. but nooooooo....jenny doesn't know how to write the words, "rob jokingly says..." or "in relation to the 12 hour shoot with random vagina all around, rob says..."
COME ON JENNY! we all wish we could hang with Rob in a pub drinking beer but we cant! people outside his love bubble arent gonna know how to take those comments on paper without the proper context being explained! christ.
i dont think the convo between jenny and rob was wrong and i dont think its any different from a convo i would have myself. his comment was actually very funny. however it was not a convo that should have been printed. it felt very much like an off the record comment. not because rob has something to hid but because of this. its not a comment/a word that we have a consensus on.
i stand by my belief that the article was poorly written. this is without my rob-colored glasses on. if i didnt know better, i would have thought that interviewer was out to get him. i dont know protocol for this sort of thing but i do wish jenny released a statement.
bottom line: its a shame this is happening to our boy. we know this was not his intent. im sad it hurt some fans feelings. i would be devastated if rob ever did something that hurt my heart. so that saddens me for them. and i am not fond of jenny lumet's writing skills when it comes to magazine articles. the end.
it's obvious Jenny Lumet tried to write a shock and awe story. I'd say it was a given. it's Details... duh. she wasn't thinking about how it's going to look for Rob. unfortunately, this one's going to haunt him for a little bit. not too much harm done, though. all will be forgotten once he's on his way to the inevitable Oscar buzz ;)... meanwhile, let's all agree to ignore idiot bloggers who desperately need English 101 for spewing the usual hypocritical tripe...
I just woke up and saw this!!! WTF????!!!!!
In this we can only see how jealous and corrupted people are. They're just waiting for Rob to say something "wrong", which I don't understand why is wrong, to cast stones at him! In fact, they are MAKING him say some things they want just to insult him afterwards! And for what!? Luckily there's us and in the end they will be the ones who will get sotnes in their heads! Ha!
I don't actually think that there is this much controversy... Apart from this blog (that I didn't know existed), did any big blog like hilton, or eonline actually go that way?
I only read Lainey's article and it had nothing to do with this part of the article...
This blogger was trying to stir something, but I think it failed because a couple of articles on the net doesn't mean a real controversy.
Then again, I don't really read gossip blogs usually (unless they are reposted on Imdb for example), so maybe there is more controversy than I think...
This kind of people is so f*cking stupid that it makes me sick. They are waiting for anything he says to use it against him. He's spontaneous, honest and funny, and we love it, but they just use it against him.
I hope they don't make him change with all this bullsh*t.
Rob, we love you just the way you are. Ignore the bad people :o)
...I knew this would come back once they run out of things to write about Rob.
I never find Rob's comment racist at all, I would know because I'm a black South African. Even though South Africa is no longer under Apartheid regime, it is still one of the most racial societies. I’ve been subject to racial remarks and comments. I can therefore say from what I read from that article Rob is not a racist!!
@averagegirl well said…..
Tink - I have to say, that was a fantastic response you wrote here. Really clear, unemotional and to the point. Nice :)
...I would like to post a comment on Jenny Lumet's blog. Just not sure where to go.
As a european black woman, i was offended by rob.
What did he mean by acting like a negro?
I don't care if jenni is a half black american, it doesn't give him a pass.
Even if it was jenni who was the one saying acting like a nego, i would have been even more offended.
How does a negro act like?
This just show me that he is full of prejudice. In his mind black people don't act like the rest of the world. This how he came across for me.
You can say whatever you one. But here in europe people used this alot. And it's a negatif comment.
I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and don't hold it against him but his comment was uncool.
I don't care for the used of the word negro.
But when you say acting like a negro you imply something. It's a prejudice.
Hope he learn from this.
dam--perhaps it would help you have a different perspective if you read some of the clarifications here and watched the use of quotation marks.
damourkrist, you should read solas's explaination of his comment @ 10:51 (above). His words are in no way negative.
Tink, loved your comments!
I read solas explanetion.
I read other people explanation.
And like i say i don't hold it against him.
But it doesn't change the fact that it still isn't cool the remark.
he is not the only one to do this he won't be the last one.
I don't say this because he is a celebrity. I say the same thing to my brothers.When my brothers say someone is acting like a gipsy especially here in europe where people tend to hate them, i tell them to stop with those kind of prejudice.
When you start puting people in a box, you create prejudice.
And i saw it in his comment.
Do i hate him for that? no
Do i hold that on him? No
Why? Because the writer of this article should have known better. His people should have check the article first. And because i think It was just a poor used of word. And he is young and have the time learn.
And because i'm biased; i like him.
I just hope he learn from this and never make the same mistake.
I also think that there is a way to adress this in media without making rob look like the devil.
If media really want to educated people about issues they need to start to have another approch of problems. And not using scandal for everything and nothing.
But i really hope that people will let this go.
I, too, hope that people can just let this go. Tink, I LOVED your comments-you are so right on. You, too Solas. damourkrist, I really encourage you to re-read Tink's explination...I honestly don't believe that your understanding of the comment and its context is correct. I will say, the fact that that word was used was not cool and unnecessary. Another, much less emotionally-charged and potentially offensive word could have been used to get the point across.
But I am SO not here to start or perpetuate an argument. Let's all move on! =)
Sadly, I've been waiting for this to take flight. IMO, Jenny whateverhernameis did not do him service in this interview. People who think they know Rob's personality might "get it" and enjoy the interview, but to most who don't follow him, there are several things that don't go over well. The beer drinking...was it necessary to mention this? The "negro" comment should never, ever have been used. Not in America. Rob may not have understood how sensitive this topic is. I'm caucasian, so I can't say how using or hearing this word makes African Americans or any others of that race feel, but I do know enough that this is a word that should not be used. In any case, Jenny brought it up and opened the can of worms. Her interview stunk IMO. Someone else could have done a better job.
Bombarding that guys site is probably not a good idea. He will turn it around and say a bunch of caucasian girls,who have no idea how it feels to be labeled with this term, are defending the remarks. Best thing to do...don't give the guy hits on his site. When sites get hit, more sites pick it up. Let the story die. Just my opinion.
lallieB- I liked the interview as a psychologist--it not only showed growth on his part, insight into leaving a bit of control, but it also read very much like stream of consciousness, possibly flowing more freely from the beers.
I am so glad there were no insipid hackneyed questions such as: are you looking forward to working with your twlight cast again? or-we hear you had great chemistry with Kristen-- - how does it feel to be one of the sexiest men alive? and I am surely glad and relieved to not have to suffer through another 'Interview with a Vampire.'
It might not have been edited well, his subtleties and references and humour might not have been clear enough, but at least it was new, interesting, and not superficial.
@solas, yes I totally get your POV about no hackneyed questions, but just think of all the things you would ask Rob or hear him speak about, given the opportunity. The boy does love to talk and has an amazing range of interests and thoughts about a lot of things. Would you or any of us here, take that golden opportunity and steer the conversation down the track she chose? I know it's Details magazine for men, blah, blah, but I'm just saying, she got a gift and due to her inexperience or naivete, sullied it.
As always, thanks.
@Tink, I think this thread is dead, but brilliant comment.
This thread may be dead but I need to say THANK YOU for so eloquently expressing yourself. I completely agree with your impressions about Jenny's article. It may have captured some of the things we love about Rob's quirkiness but it is NOT communicated WELL. And I'm sorry he stepped on that land mine she laid for him - but it was so obviously a silly non sequitor NOT a statement reflecting his personal beliefs in anyway.
I bet Rob is sorry if his comments offended anyone - but it's DETAILS and Ms. Lumet who owe HIM an apology.
The article WAS a hot mess.
lallieB--for sure I would have had other questions for himself, and would not have left anything hanging with questionable entendres or intent.
On the other hand, most questions I myself come up with when I see the facebook or myspace 'ask Rob a question' activities are so psychological in nature, that if he answered them honestly mght be too revealing, too raw for himself.
Posted comments with these facts at his San Francisco Chronicle article, and YouTube video, Celebuzz and others. Thank you!
YouTube video is under Zenni Pattinson.
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