Why do I think these tweets are legit? Because the "moody looking boys" seems to describe Rob's posse quite well :)) And because Jayne Sharp doesn't need the popularity/hate tweets she is bound to get after I post this. Public place, exclusive club that not everyone can get into...Spare her the "don't tweet the location!" tweets, he is not a nuclear bomb that needs to stay hidden for public safety :)
Thanks to Lucy for the tip :)
...I wish I could see him!!
yay for him being out & about. Wonder who the moody boys were? I have my guesses. Who is not touring now?
Tom is quite the moody fucker lol just sayin.
i just wish i could see him in person too.hahaha!love rob so much;)
Yay for Rob going out with his "moody looking" mates!
Ahem...it's actually my birthday! How nice of Rob & co to remember and celebrate it for me. Such thoughtful boys :)
yep sounds like the real deal and it also soundslike Sam Bobby and Marcus! Good I hope they are aall having a good time in London wish I were there you guys I know we would have a good time I don't drinkmuch and am real quiet during the conversation letting the men talk! I would love to get a bunch of us together and just make the rounds as it were to all the exclusive places like this around and just enjoy my life. 'Bumping into some moody looking boys!' LOL they were prolly a little paranoid someone was gonna tweet their location or oopps already happened! LOL! Robs right with Twitter and the like there is no where on earth he can go and expect he won't be tweeted on!
I'm so happy right now! Everytime I hear he's been spotted in London I want to jump of joy! :D
Cool beans. Glad he is out and having fun with his moody boys!!
London is so good for our boy.
So good.
I am still recovering from the Details photo, but I am happy that he is with his "moody looking boys" and having fun. He deserves it.
@Divinesally - LOL!
@Fae - ???
FILMLB = Fuck, I love moody london boys!
That's awesome.
Rob is having fun with his friends? It looks great to me!
He works so hard and deserves a break to have fun, mainly in his beloved London.
Hope you had a blast, baby!!! Downtime very important.
Good one, fae!!!!
@fae: i can't agree more!
hi ltavares ;)
@CL I meant "moody looking boys", but "moody London boys" is better! :))))
jayne is married to comedy dave from radio1 breakfast show
good for him, out with this friends. glad that he was out with the "moody" group, maybe that kept any fanz away from him. that pic from earlier this week when he was out and all of those girls were there, he did not look happy.
oh, if they were moody, they were at the right club "Grouch-o" LOL
Hope you ladies have a wonderful day!!!
Good to hear that Rob is out with mates and claiming back some of his former life. He has been doing a pretty good job of avoiding the papps and I guess it is not as hot for him in his hometown so thank f*k for that! He will be pretty busy with Bel Ami so will need his downtime especially as RM publicity revs up shortly catapulting him yet again into Summit's media madness.
Anyone know when and if Unbound Captives is on the agenda?
I'm so glad that Rob is back on home turf now !! You just know that the moody boys are the Brit pack :rofl:
Waterfalls EPI is up, and IDBIV updated!!!
Oh!!! and Expectations update also
rpg - also Univ. of EM. and love on the siene so much to read this morning :)
what is IDBIV??
Should be heading your way w/old coot in less than three weeks. Got to stock up on some JD at the liquor store. Bring your lusty!!!
no fair! i want to bump into Rob too :) i know someday i will look into those lovely eyes, smell him and have a taste of those mouth watering lips... *sigh
lol a girl can dream.
have fun Rob :)
LOL at FILMLB and Gouch-o
Thanks so much for the tweets. Isn't twitter wonderful? And thanks for linking Jayne beause I as just wondering who she was and who gets into the private club. I'm glad, on one level, that Rob has a semi-private place to have fun. "Absolutely Stunning"...as if we didn't know that but to hear it from someone like her, who meets and sees a lot of people, is really something.
Oh yay for UOEM!! IDBIV is I don't believe in vampires....very good....
Old Coots better watch out!!!
I love it when he does as I ask..he's so accomodating :) XO
I told you girl, he listens to you..you need to ask him to pay me a visit....
@rpattzgirl I'll ask him personaly as soon as he responds to my request to stop and see me :)
Kelly, he obviously has very high respect for you. He always seems to do what you request.
It must have been your loving eyes!
It's her smile.
(just ask her Nana)
Hey RPG...
You still around? I've been trying to flag you. I finally made it over to your blog yesterday. Said I would and I just wanted to let you know, I did (on the RM spoiler thread)
Now then...Twitter? Wonderful? I can think of a few words for it, but wonderful wouldn't be one of them. I hear Rob doesn't much care for it either.
Actually I don't really care if people twitter to say they've run into him...AFTER THE FACT! What I don't like is people giving him up 'in the moment' and then if 'the birds' gather, then he has to go. That is disruptive to his life. But it looks like that is not what happened here. So...no problem.
And that IQ thing at the top of the blog? I don't know 'bout that. Mine was tested at 154...or was it 144? Who gives a shit? Anyway, his can't be 125 'cause he's a helluva lot smarter than me and there's no way I outscored him by 20-30 points. Shit. I cannot do higher mathematics (they lost me at algebra) and I can't even spell.
'Course mine was done in college and I'm guessing this is an online test, right? I bet if they tested him properly, his score would be off the charts. Either that or they'd stamp 'village idiot' on his forehead and send him on his way.
Sometimes the most intelligent amoungst us are those wandering the streets babbling to themselves. That's why they go nuts. They're not average and they cannot 'hang on' in an average world. What am I talking about? What does this have to do with Rob out and about in merry ol' London?
Speaking of out and about. He's not gonna have much time for that once he starts back to work. No more late nights for awhile for you mister. Those 5 am wake up calls are a bitch, ain't they?
OMG I wish there were a picture to see how stunning he is; I mean to see if he still has the same beard etc since the shooting has started.
And I really really need to meet that man cos everybody who has do say he is more stunning in reality than in pictures! how can this be? I really really need to see that by myself if such a thing can indeed exist! how can he be more beautiful than in pictures lol?
He is Robine. Believe me.
He has such exquisite features and such beautiful skin AND that bone structure. But truly, it's his eyes.
Those unbelieveably amazing, gorgeous fucking eyes. With the longest eyelashes I've ever seen on a man.
If it weren't for his heavy brow and beard, you could put make up on him and he'd make for a stunning woman. Yet, he isn't feminine looking. He's beautiful, yes, but he's masculine too. Such an unusal mix of the two.
His is the epitome of male beauty.
those IQ things are ridiculously easy, but not all IQ tests are meant to be on the same scale. when people hear of someone having a 125 IQ people think its above average and good score, but its depends which "brand" of IQ test it is. Mensa I think measures it to 220 with the average at 100, High IQ Society measures to 250 with average starting at 110.. they are have different measures of what classifies average, above avg, superior, etc. Granted, on any scale having a 145 is excellent score. For Mensa it will allow you membership, but for other societies you may fall just below. If you are really interested you should just take an actual test, but those tests make me feel like a genius so i'll stick to those
I`m still LMAO @ "moody looking boys"!! =)
Are they all still in London? I thought Bobby was going on a European tour?
Glad he had a night out before the filming and promotion begins.
Bobby was in Hamburg, Germany last night and it was utterly amazing, even the supporting act was damn good. But they hadn't had his cd there, only a list where you could put your name and wait until it is send to you. Somehow and I still don't know how I missed to put my name on the list... so no cd but still a great night.
I'm around-at work, trying to sneak in my Rob time...
I'll head over and look at the RM thread=back in a few....
Wow, Nik, your mind fascinates me!!
Oh to be in England now that Rob is there!
Pictures please I want to see the STUNNING, the PRETTY, the agony of going without seeing him is killing me!!!!
I've watched Little Ashes 3 times this week and whoever told me to put on the subtitles in English thank you so much.
Rob speaks in French a lot in the movie and it sure helped to know what he was saying!! Duh. He had to go through such an emotional roller coaster in this movie I would think something that intense would really stay with you for a while. So much dialog was implied, not spoken, that it took me 3 times to actually realize what the hell was going on. It's hard to believe that is Rob in LA, seriously he is so weird in it and arrogant and not very endearing in some places, but also very tender and genuine in others. I thought he did well. And it was a visually stunning film.
Robs right with Twitter and the like there is no where on earth he can go and expect he won't be tweeted on!
Does that wash out??
Sounds like bird poop!
I'm glad he had his annual night out at the Groucho Club. "Moody boys". From this day forth the Britpack shall now be named "MoodyBritPack".LOL
lol @femroc's comment! that was funny...
Now to the topic, I always enjoy hearing about Robert. Lucky girl!
At least Rob got to recharge his batteries. He's been the Energizer bunny too long.
I don't pay much attention to IQ scores. My nerdy, eggheaded boyfriend in college (but holy hell was he cute), used to think he was superior because his tested somewhere around 190. But he was a dope. Didn't have a lick of common sense (but holy hell he was cute. my undoing...good looking dorks, especially if they can make me laugh). I was afraid to take one for fear I would score a 2 and then ol' egghead would leave me.
And RPG...
What do you mean by 'fascinate?' Fascinate good? Or fascinate...'back up slowly boys and for god's sake, make sure she hasn't got a sharp object in her hands.'
Just askin'...
Actually. You don't have to worry 'bout sharp objects around me. However, I am not allowed a glue gun. My sisters finally banned me from using one after I once glued my foot to the inside of shoe. True story.
Took me hours to get that fucker off of my foot. I'm not kidding. This really happened.
Rob's friends may be described as "moody boys" but I don't think any of us would refer to Rob as a "boy." **ahem** Lovely MAN, that.
@Nik--You have me giggling. My super brainy (and handsome) #1 son is very accident prone. Good thing he is a theoretical physicist and doing math instead of in the lab doing who knows what.
Nikola6, yeah, I've read your story when you met him before he became famous and I really enjoyed reading it; you're so lucky.
I also know ppl who met him last year and they also told me he's more beautiful than in pictures; and it's very hard to imagine him more beautiful than in pictures or in movies lol.
Well now that you have insisted on his eyes, it must be hypnotizing to look at them when he's looking at you while talking lol. I don't know how I would make it to avoid staring right into his eyes or look away.
Good babe, always good....
I was just kidding with ya RPG...I think. LOL!
And Robine...
I was absolutely struck by his beauty, but truthfully, I wasn't on my knees in a pool of drool around him and only because, I had no idea who he was. So I had no problem talking to him.
I just saw a beautiful, frightened boy that I figured was about to get his right smack in the face by Hollywood. And he did.
If I met him today, I seriously doubt I would collapse, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to approach him in the same way.
He's famous now and from here on out and for the rest of his life, he can only be viewed by other human beings through that prisim of fame.
And it is dazzling and distorting. And utlimately...kinda sad.
@nikola6? you met him? before he was famous? where are you in la? and was it someplace he frequents then but can't now?
'I was absolutely struck by his beauty, but truthfully, I wasn't on my knees in a pool of drool around him and only because, I had no idea who he was. So I had no problem talking to him.
I just saw a beautiful, frightened boy that I figured was about to get his right smack in the face by Hollywood. And he did.'
how was he frightened? were you someplace during the whole Twilight thing or was Harry Potter? Was it at a premiere or a pub? I figured you knew somethhing about him but never in my wildest dreams did I suspect you had actually spoken to him? Did he still have his accent? And did he use any wonderfully british phrases that only the brits would use? tellmetellmetellme...I love stories of brushes with greatness! Remember when David Letterman used to have audience memebers stand up and tell about their brushes? would love to hear or be directed to where that story is.
I met him at Comic Con 2008. I went with a friend who was looking to see Hugh Jackman. I'd heard of Comic Con but didn't really know that much about it. Thought it was just a geek fest for comic book movies.
I also didn't know much about Twilight. I had started the first book on recommendation from my niece, but knew nothing about the movie or had even heard of Robert Pattinson.
When he came out during the panel and the pandemoneum (sp?) ensued, I didn't know what was happening. But something about him and the fact that he was so obviously overwhelmed by it, just tugged at my heartstrings. I thought...'he's got no idea what's about to happen to him.'
Meeting him was a totally random thing. It was afterward in a practically empty hallway. I was with another person and he came up to us. She was too tongue tied to talk, so...I did. I put my arm around his waist and asked him how he was doing, how was he handling all of this? I think at first he was a little surprised at my boldness in touching him like that (not something I would normally do with a stranger, but...he just got to me and like I said, I didn't see him as this big star but rather, as just this frightened kid) He told me that it was scaring him. And so we talked for just a few minutes about the perils of fame. I told him I'd been raised in Hollywood around the business and that I'd seen a thing or two over the years. He was kind and soft spoken with no airs or arrogance about him. I didn't take his picture or ask for an autograph. I just spoke to him. You'd be surprised how people respond when you just treat them normally. But as I said, I didn't know any other way to treat him because I wasn't looking at him through that prisim of fame. He wasn't famous to me in that moment.
He kissed my cheek and said he had to go do some interviews and that was it.
If I ran into him today, I am absolutely sure I would not speak to him in the same way, with the same ease. Which is too bad. This is what happens when you become famous. People treat you differently.
But I know I was very lucky in getting that small moment with him 'cause it's never going to happen again. And I have wondered occasionally, if I had known that day what he was going to mean to me, would I have been the same with him? I don't know.
Sorry to those who've already heard this. It's beginning to sound like I'm bragging now and that's the last thing I want to come across as. But when someone asks, it would be rude to just ignore them. I hope you all understand.
Au contraire. This is a wonderful thing that you experienced. A once in a lifetime event for the average person. I have not heard this story before and probably wouldn't be as modest about it as you!!! Thanks for sharing.
@nikola6...wow! thank you so much you are the tops girlfriend and that is the sweetest story of meeting a huge star I have heard yet. Thanks again and why not just put it up on your blog for all time and just direct people to your blog and then they can read at their leisure...! ;) I loved it so much and the wording was so nice. I loved the way you described your feelings and your interpretation of his during the whole thing. You got to copy and paste this to your blog! okay I'm shutting up now! I want to move to LA! We love it! I looooove L.A.!
There are quite a few of us ROBsessed Regulars who have met The Pretty@.
I love hearing all the fan encounters.
He is just as you imagine him to be...
Only a million times more gorgeous; a million times more gracious; and a million times more wonderful, etc.
: )
oh yeah and is the link to the twipic the right one you were thinking about? we asked rpg to direct us to it and she gave us this: http://twitpic.com/su1tr is this the one you were talking about? Jeez the guy is packin' isn't he. Sweet, self deprecating or not...he's entirely MALE! *He must thump his chest like a silver back when he looks at himself in the mirror!* LOL! Poor Baby! Truly that just makes me want him more of course! And ohhhhhh...wait a minute! I think I know what happened. He might've been sleeping just before they landed and just got woke up! You know ladies? And especially if he had been dreaming? ;)))))) You know how these things just come up for guys? Bless his heart he does have every aspect of his life in the publics eye now!
Thats okay baby you just go on like you're doing...you can't help it if you're dreaming when you sleep. And certain sitchs just rise to the occasion! LOL! okay I'm stopping now! Love you Robert take care Darling, you mighty, mighty Kong!
Hey girls, I think I can't catch up with you! What picture??? What happened???? Tell meeee! :)
Hmmm, I guess we know why he likes the button fly jeans now (re: http://twitpic.com/su1tr) Don't want to think about the damage a zipper could do.... **ouch**
@laurie...uhhhhh...yeahhhhh...I'm gonna share a little something here just thought you know why not? ummmm...the zipper on commando? with a above average guy? not a good thing! my ex husband, who is above average and loved to go commando...yeahhhh...you guessed it...he got it caught in the zipper one day! yeah! I didn't know how we were gonna get him out but eventually and here comes the OUCH part we just had to unzip it quick! talk about a near trip to the emergency room! And he wouldn't even think about it...wouldn't even let me call 911 to ask how the hell we were gonna do this! So I just decided you know like a band-aid? just rip it off quick and deal with the damage later. luckily for him there was only a red mark along there...not but about 1 inch along the underside! yeahhhhh....so yeah Robbie P better be careful if he goes around like that much cause OUCH is right! And from the looks of that photo he looks like he's about the same size as my ex-I know I may be wrong but looks that way and things could get caught! Robbie be careful that is something you don't want or need right now! Just sayin'. ;) Just thought I'd share!
re twitter- I disagree. It might be Ok in London, but in US if anyone twitted his whereabouts when he is in a place, within minutes the paps and crazies would circle like vultures, waiting for him to come out so they can attack and get another piece of his heart and suck away his peace of mind. I agree more with the idea of twittering AFTER the fact if one must twitter at all.
Re IQs-- As I've said before, I administer IQ tests, and there are many types. Some are standardized but the more efficient ones are the ones individually done. The multiple choice ones leave so much room for error! 125 is above average, but from what I have seen from Rob's interviews, his understanding of characters, of literature, of process, he is far above average--unless he just is good at memorizing and read a lot of smart answers to spit out at the right time, which I doubt.
Some people with extreme intelligence cannot handle the world and go mad. Some are intelligent with data and not with people (social intelligence). There is a modern movement now that measures for different intelligences: music intelligence, social intelligence, etc. but for me the bottom line consists of reasoning and critical thinking, and applying it to not only data, but also to the real world and people within in, and even 'thinking out of the box'.
I would wager that Rob has intelligence in many areas, and I would also imagine that his intelligence was actually an impediment when he was in school. He got in trouble in school, was called 'lazy'; way more often than not, in my experience, this is symptomatic of a highly intelligent child who needs to be educated in a different way, not as another brick in the wall.
wow....speechless there for minute...I actually tilted my head to the side to make sure that what I was seeing what actually what I was seeing;). Honestly, the only thing that came to mind was "Jesus, as if all the other men needed something else to feel inadequate about!" Thanks for the link, Imjabara!
Nik, I love your "how I met Rob" story. And I really love how you describe him. I'm glad your approach allowed him some normal conversation during that insane time.
I never thought I would say this, but I'm actually glad not to see any pictures of Rob out on a night with his boys in London. He's experiencing some real life down time, lulling him into feeling like a normal human being. We, of course, know otherwise, but I'm more than willing to allow him some measure of privacy, (as much as it kills me to do so), so that he stays sane, approachable and himself whenever he gets in front of a camera to speak on any topic/movie, or has a fan encounter. Yes, IFLTM.
Happy birthday Jeswah.
I always said to my mom I was a genius on some things but hated school. I have a family full of teachers and they looked at me like I was crazy. About 5 years ago my mom finally said "your emotionally intelligent" Musically -I would be too. But standard school absolutely killed me. Bored me to tears. My sister has all kinds of degrees and Doctorates-Dumb as dirt when it comes to people and not very sensitive to vibes in the air. If I could make a living in this area Id be a millionare. Right now Im a great nurse.Yes theres different types of intelligence-bout time!!
Oh yeah-theyr probably moody cause they cant relax. Just speculatin. These guys want to hang-theyre afraid of possibly being bothered by too many people perhaps. I agree with the chic who said "tweet the day after" Damnit let the guy breath and chill. Admire from afar. Try not to stare-buy him a drink?? On me ROb!
Watching video of Comicon 08 just makes me cringe with nervousness for Rob - cause he does look so overwhelmed and in shock by the screams the attention the LUV being bestowed upon him. Imagine just feeling like a regular dude and walking out to all of that - BOOM! Your life is changed forever.
I've had tiny little brushes of fame when I sang in 80's rock band and it is very very empowering, adrenaline rushing and gives you a false sense of security and all kinds of power and strong feelings, we had some female and male groupies that would follow us around and one got a little out of hand which was scary. I can't imagine the huge intensity he must feel from the WORLD of attention he's getting from millions and millions of adoring and not so adoring fans. There are a lot of crazy people out there.
@Imjabara, yeah, that story gives me chills. My husband is a tall, slim, but large guy too. He doesn't like zippers for all kinds of reasons. Says they are just not made long enough for a big guy, get stuck at inopportune moments, and catch on "stuff" to name a few. Never asked him if he had a personal experience like your ex. Embarassing in the extreme to say nothing of painful.
@solas, the school system here has a program to put kids of like ability together instead of skipping grades. The theory was to let the child work at his or her level and still benefit from a more or less normal social interaction. Trouble was the teachers spent all the time telling the kids how brilliant they were and really didn't teach them how to learn. The goal was to get them into University by age 12 or 14 which we decided not to do because our son wanted to go to a regular public high school. I've seen too many bright kids who seemed mature in their teens revert back to teen behavior when they were in their 20s and beyond because they lost out on being a teenager when they were one. Frustrating. Still amazed that our son came out of it OK.
Rob does seem exceptionally bright to me also. He seems grounded and balanced too which is quite a wonderful thing.
@jlsent...sorry couldn't remember the rest...but sure...always willing to help out a fellow Robsessor! LOL! and what a sight huh? I left it up on another tab and keep going back to make sure and sure enough there it is! and does anyone else think that maybe he could of been dreaming or sleeping and woke uup that way!? LOL! didn't mean to spell it with the extra u. and was this the last time for New Moon or something else entirely? Wonder why they are smilin'? this one is funny in so many ways!
Laurie--learning how to learn is one of the most important skills yet ignored in most schools, where information and politically correct drivel rule the day. At risk of sounding totally radical, i will say that most schools destroy children, especially intelligent ones. Most teachers don't know how to deal with them. I homeschooled my son for a few years when his school could not handle him, and regret not homeschooling my older daughter, as well.
Skorpia--if you were bored, you were not being taught properly and you probably were far brighter than classmates, and possibly the teacher.
Femroc-- I know a bit of what you mean. I sang in a rock band in highschool and then in coffee houses and lounges during university years. Definitely did not get screaming, thank G-d, or I would have run under a table and hid, but did have people recognize me and ask for autographs which I thought was so weird. The greatest thing for me was hearing people in dorms playing MY songs! It meant they not only liked the songs, but that they were listening enough to know my lyrics!
I was a pretty girl back in the day, and had guys come over and put their arms around me as if I were theirs (pretty scary for myself with issues of people invading my personal space or touching without permission) but again was not screamed for or jumped on, thank G-d. I cannot think of females in music or film who were screamed for and accosted like Rob is. Is it more a female to male thing, do you think?
There was another tweet from Jayne after (not that I was stalking twitter, much):
"he was absolutely beautiful! Almost unreal. No beard either x"
Yep seems like the beard on Rob was just Rob being lazy about shaving due to him being on vacation lol. Rob just went back to his hobolicious self hehe.
That Rob has been able to be pretty much left alone sans some pics by paps (the ones with his sister) and some on Isle of Wright (fan pics I recon) still shows me that the hysteria around Rob isn't as big here in Europe as it is in US. He IS able to be "left alone" here. Ppl notice him obviously but the paps in London for instance do have a lot of other more scandal prone celebs to stalk lol.
I think he may be able to be filming Bel Ami pretty much undisturbed too..time will tell if this also will apply to the outdoor scenes in Hungary..something tells me he will sans some twi fans that may find out the locations. I do NOT for one second think it will be as crazy as in NYC while filming Remember Me.
So yes I do think Europe is a lot calmer about this whole Twilight saga hysteria than US is. That hysteria only lands here when a movie or DVD is about to be released.
@maryann okay hate to b a stalker but what fan pics from the isle of wight? where are they? link? I know, I know, I'm not helping his privacy but I googled the isle and ddn't even know it was there! so beautiful, so lost in time! would love to see where at what geographic location of isle. thx.
Lallie raises her hand, me, me, me. Can I tell Imjabara the story:
On or around New Year's Day, a 13 yo girl on the Isle of Wight goes to the grocery store with her mum (and her cell phone.) There is a group of people walking along the street in front of the store, they were wearing hoodies & faces partially covered, but sharp girl immediately recognizes one of them. "You're Kristen Stewart" she says, K. replies "oh really?" She asks for a pic with her and "someone" snaps it for her. It is unclear whether she also recognized Rob, but she got a pic with him too on the opposite side of sidewalk. Posts on her Facebook and hello internet. I don't know how you search the archives here, but they were posted. Little girl did an interview about her encounter on the local radio station. Turns out she's not a big fan of Rob's (go figure). The other people in the group were Rob's well known friends. There was also a tourist's photo of the group walking near the beach on the Isle of Wight, also posted here. And yes, Rob and Kristen, along with his best buds, spent New Year's together, in a very lovely location. Seems it's a tradition for Rob and the boys to go there.
I am glad that he hadfun and taken some breathe he was tired and its good for me too see him happy
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