As we all know by now, Robert Pattinson will be on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon March 1 and The View March 2 to promote his new, nonvampire flick Remember Me.
But how much more press he'll be doing around the time of the film's release is probably going to be limited to not much else...
While he'll be in New York City the last week of February for the press junket and is expected to attend the big premiere on March 1, he has to get back to Europe sooner rather than later to continue filming Bel Ami.
When asked if there is a chance Pattinson would be hosting Saturday Night Live, like Taylor has done already, our insider said, "I can't imagine he could. Maybe he can make a cameo, but to host you need about a week to rehearse."
Pattinson's Remember Me costar Emilie de Ravin will pop up on The View with him, but she'll probably do a publicity push in Toronto without him.
As we first told you, Pattinson and de Ravin shot a fashion spread at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for an upcoming issue of Vogue.
Although we're hopeful Rob will be able to squeeze in some more television appearances for Remember Me, don't fret too much. We hear Summit is planning another gangbusters promotional tour for the June release of Eclipse.
Source E! News
This pic just kills me! RM right around the corner. Gangbuster promo tour~I imagine this will be yet another Rob frenzy!!
I'm just getting high looking at him ;) No brain function....
This picture!!!
same thing,
different day,
Kate thank you girl.
@Anni your Avi to die for.
You're welcome.
I LOVE that pic too! GAH
This photo of him makes me breathless...
I can't wait for this movie so much!!!March, hurry up!!!
I was just thinking that if he is going to actually be in Water for the Elephants he might not have to much time to do promotion for Eclipse. Is not that I would mind seeing Rob on a promoting tour for Eclipse but I would much rather see him in Water for the Elephants. It's an extremely beautiful book, so I really hope he will get this role.
I have no words. I feel... weak. Again.
Well, two: breathtakingly beautiful.
Two more: it hurts.
(you do that to me, Beloved...)
Muah! :x
Rob/Tyler`s most beautiful picture. My favourite one. No more words. I am breathless...
can't wait for the bedroom scene. no restraint needed for this character.. and oh man eclipse is only five months away ladies!
and next month is going to be amazing. remember me, remember me publicity, details mag cover, vogue cover, and new moon dvd release. holy macro!
who's excited? i think i may get overwhelmed.
You guys always know how to wake me up. Thanks Kate.
Good morning!
So, no OscarRob, huh? I was really looking forward to seeing him in a tux in March. I will settle for Tyler, Details mag, Vogue, JF, The View and NM. March will be a very good month.
Why is March suddenly my favorite month? For now anyway. LOL. This movie is going to kill me dead.
Can't imagine Taylor Lautner as the host of Saturday Night Live. He seems like a nice guy, but come on. Other than Shark Boy and Lava Girl what has he done pre New Moon? That was just wrong on so many levels in my opinion.
Can someone please translate FILTM??
I'm sorry to hear he won't have time to do more press because I miss him like crazy in interview and on television, but glad the reason he is not is because he is filming yet another movie so we can see him in the future, too. How long does this obsession last? It is really playing havoc with my life. I check Robsessed before work, over lunch, again after work, before I go to bed. Scour the internet for any glimpse of him in the evening, have his picture over my computer and on my screen saver, the movie and every book or magazine in print with an interview or picture of him in it next to my bed, and the Twilight CD in my car with Never Think a touch of a button away. I have really gone completely over the edge here. I just want him to be so successful and happy and to know how much he is adored by fans everywhere. I'm a grown up. What's wrong with me???
@Sharon - Fuck I Love This Man!
LOL! Thanks, Barbara. I thought I knew the first word, just couldn't figure out the rest. Some interesting attempts though. FILTM!!
Thank You for the updates-Can you guys do the calender thingy like last time with New Moon and guest appearences??
Nothing wrong with you. I think I am worse. I made even a school´s project about Rob, for a Science Fair, with my students.
Rob full time!!!!
I know it's exhasting for him, so I feel a little guilty, but...I am SO READY for the next Rob frenzy!
There's nothing wrong with you Sharon. He's the most beautiful and original guy to hit Hollywood in...I don't know how long. Were just the first wave (the ones who were there at the dawn of his stardom. we 'got it' first) But as he gets older (and shakes the teen idol tag) and makes films other than Twilight, more and more and more AND MORE women are going to fall in love with him. Repeat. There is nothing wrong with you.
And to those who'd like to see more promotion for RM...
Considering what he had to do in November and what he's going to have to do again in June, if he had to sandwich in another huge promotional push between those two, wouldn't the media start getting sick of Robert Pattinson? Not to mention those who already can't stand him or ANYTHING Twilight retlated. And he just doesn't need anymore backlash.
None of his other films are going to recieve the gargantuan publicity of the Twilight films. Those are a worldwide cultural phenomenom. Most of his films will have a talk show or two, a magazine cover or two and the entertainment shows; Ent. Weekly, Access Hollywood, "E", etc. That is 'normal' promotion for a film. Not the over kill (which turns alot of people off) for the Twilight films. But I'm afraid all of that promotion for those films has spoiled us and that maybe we expect that each time he has a film out?
Sorry, but that's just not gonna happen. And thank god for that. If it did, the media would get sick of him and they'd turn on him like a pack of vipers. There's so much overkill with Twilight that what he really needs with his other films is an approach with dare I day...a lighter touch?
I really don't think the promotion for RM is going to require a calender. It's only going to be a couple of days worth, not a near month like for Twilight.
I mean, they can make a calender, but with just a couple of appearances it's not gonna be the frenzy of a Twilight film. But I would be checking out Ent. Tonight, Access Hollywood and "E" in the days preceeding and following the film's opening AND Entertainment Weekly in the weeks just before the film opens (I'll bet they're dying to give him another cover 'cause they sell so well, but they get a lot of crap for it too).
Just a thought.
Last line, "Summit is planning another gangbusters promotional tour for the June release of Eclipse". (Oh, shocking.) Gwen wants an Eclipse promo tour tee! LOL, but showing support for R, K & T's massive PR efforts. Amazing, with the grace under pressure!
Eclipse World Tour - 2010
Los Angeles
They've marketed everything else...why not the marketing itself? ; )
Denver? Not that there's anything wrong with Denver, but with those other cities named, it just sorta jumped out with a...huh?
What I'm wondering is, when are they gonna take a trip down undah and show the Aussies some love? Australia has shown TREMENDOUS support for these films and they deserve some lovin' too. And I don't mean from just the second tier (the wolfpack and supporting players). I mean from Rob and Kristen and Taylor.
I know Australia is a haul (a 14 hr. flight from LA. I know, I've done it), but they've been to Japan TWICE and they're going again.
Dear Summit...
Get thee asses down to Australia. Maybe for Breaking Dawn? (and bring me back some Tim Tams, willya? The best goddamn cookie I've ever eaten).
And to quote Gwen...
"They've marketed everything else...why not the marketing itself?
You my girl have hit the proverbial nail right smack dab on the head. They'd market these kids' toliet habits if they figured it would sell even ONE MORE ticket.
@dina, thanks ;)
Maybe I can see him in London :D or Rome. Would he as gorgeous as he was in Rome before or even more.
March is my favorite month too after March June.
Kate, thank you again.
Sharon-Welcome to the club. Obsessed is an actual state we seem to be in. I just shake my head and wonder why I have so much time on my hands to swoon over this beautiful "boy" man. He has me hypnotized---unbelievable but true. Just wish him the best---oh, those eyes!!!!!
sigh....every part of this man is exquisite. His eyes, the lashes, his nose, his skin, his hair, his lips, his jaw. every inch.
I get lost looking at any part of Rob.And its been that way every single day for the last year and a half.
Amazing isn't it? :)
I love this picture!
I think a cameo appearance on SNL would be perfect for Rob to do - he could focus on just a small piece and not have to host the whole thing and it would be even more special cause it's a "cameo".
That would be awesome - I'm so watching SLN that weekend to see if he appears.
Eclipse World Tour - 2010
Los Angeles
One of these things is not like the other!
La la la la la!!!
WTF - Denver? No offense but....????
Cubic Zirconia
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