1st: Who is the coolest Spiderman?
"Tobey Maguire is too old for the role." told an Insider. Now they are searching for a follower. Favourite is "Twilight"-hottie Robert Pattinson. Our readers think, that he would be the best choice for this role, too. (Kate: Well as we know this was just a rumour and is not happening)
Is Robert cooler than Zac?
At the moment, these two are the most successful actors in Hollywood.they always generate a wave of enthusiasm and make girls scream. Robert and Zac. But who is more successful? Experts say: "Zac doesn't have a chance." Since Robert succeeded with "Twilight" everybody just wants him. Our female In Touch readers love Robert as well as the British "X-Factor" candidate Lucie Jones keeps an eye on the actor. Much to the annoyance of his girlfriend Kristen Stewart. (Kate: Gah are they still running the Lucie Jones story {rolls eyes})
I can't rememeber if we had this before...
Big Thanks to Nina for sending us these
God, if I read Lucie Jones' name one more time! I hate name droppers trying to get their name in the press by mentioning someone else.
A bit off topic-I just finished reading Water for Elephants last night and looooved it. It helped that I picture Rob as Jacob (oh the irony in that statement:). I really think this could be an amazing movie and hope he can fit it in. I think he could knock it out of the park, not to mention there's sex scenes! For now, I'll placate myself with RM and counting down to its opening
Thank god does not even come close to how I felt about the whole spiderman rumor...Rob is wayyyyy to smart for that....
Trina ITA about WFE.... Loved it and he would be perfect as JJ...but he must play the old JJ, not just the young one!
Zac is not my type. Rob is the only actor who turns me on now. And that spiderman costume? Nobody deserves. It must be extremely uncomfortable.
Rob/Spidey ? Only to remake that scene in the first movie when Mary Jane kisses Spiderman in the rain. Very hot!!!!
I'm glad Rob wont be doing Spiderman, he can do far better than that. As for Zac, ya he's okay my little sister likes him but not my type!
one question to the fellow german robsessed people:
is his synchronized voice in RM the same as in twilight/new moon? I can't help myself but it sounds SO different to me...
humm...Although I love both Rob and Spiderman, I don't think Rob matches the Peter Parker character... he's too handsome and charming for the role. I just cannot picture him as Spiderman.Actually I've been thinking that Adam Brody would be a perfect fit. What do you girls think?
Zac is too boyish for me, Spiderman isn't working for me either. I'm just not making the Rob out saving the world connection. Though he could surprise us someday. I need to get out more this having only one (and untouchable at that) fantasy man has got to stop. There's a lot to be said for the ability to stay focused but.... I need to get out more. Have a great day!
@rpattzgirl: Re: WfE casting-I read this on another site that producers wanted to get an older actor that looked like the younger to play old JJ, and someone mentioned Terrance Stamp-I think this would work. I just don't want Rob to get the inevitable "Benjamin Button" comparisons.
@Ale Cavalcanti
I like Adrian Brody but...
How about Joseph Gordon-Levitt?
You've seen (500) Days of Summer ( 500 dias com ela)?
Marc Webb, director of the new Spider-Man, is the director of this film.
Spider Rob,LOL. I rather see him without custom the cover up.Rob shouldn't wear any costume that covers up his beautiful face.
Why they even compare Rob to zac?? Come on,Zac=boy,Rob=MAN(delicious and gorgeous).
Ale & LTav, maybe AB, but JGL bit better? Brother collected comics, so Gwen read them. All. PP was geeky, angry, INSECURE, highly intelligent and big time smart ass. Tobey did a fab job, but PP is a bit "eternally youthful", IMO. Interesting.
And Zac? PFFT! Rob is already a superstar! ; )
@ Julia
Yep, it's the same one... Johannes Raspe :) Only in Harry Potter Clemens Ostermann did the synchronizing, but he died :(
But does Emilie have the same on as in Lost?? Because her voice sounds really off to me :S
as someone has said before, it's the same voice.
i really don't like his "german voice" that much since rob's own voice is just as gorgeous and sexy like the man himself. you just can't translate or transfer that in german or any other language, can you?
even if i'm german myself i have seen all of robs movies in english for that reason, i just watched both, twilight and new moon one time in german (besides a 1000 times in original language approx. *hihi) and i did not know if to laugh or cry. i just did not feel it.
me speaking for myself i'm not a fan of dubbing at all but with rob it feels even worse.
on the other side not everyone speaks or understands english so for lot of people dubbing might be a good and important thing but i just don't like it.
Although I generally hate it when Rob's gorgeous voice is dubbed over, I guess the German voices are ok this time. The real problem is the awful translation!! They are really changing the original meaning and taking a lot of the expression from the sentences by using inapt words. To me most of the dialogs (I already knew fom the American original trailer) suddenly sound awkward and don't make much sence anymore when I hear them in this German version. Really don't know why they can't get that right - unfortunately the same thing happens to a lot of movies, books and TV shows when being translated into German.
@sidd-o: thanks, wasn't quite sure about it at first =)
to me, twilight was one of the worst synchronized films ever, cos all voices sounded kinda stiff compared to the original. when it comes to new moon they did a better job.
the RM synchronization sounds weird and emotionless at some points.
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