Robert Pattinson: I'm allergic to vaginas...
The quote is from Rob's Details Magazine Interview.
Rob gave them something to run with and this will follow him for a LONG time. Me? I'm just glad I get to write vagina over and over on the blog :)
I'd be allergic to them as well if Megan Fox was pushing it in my there's an image for you...
And I'd like to take this opportunity to give my 2 cents about the Details interview: I thought Rob came across as an actor completely immersed in his "artsy" world, over analyzing everything and making simple things complicated. I don't take anything he said in that interview literally...including the vaginas :)) Chill out Rob, life is not that complicated...
Thanks to Stina001 for the scan :)
LOL, Goz! Saw the pix of MF and thought the exact same thing! Ah, Rob. We do love you.
I can definitely see that the vaginas quote is gonna haunt him. Poor Rob.
My feeling about that article was that it was fresh. He was talking about loads of different things and I found that so interesting. It gets so dull hearing about the same old screaming Twi fans, prisoner in the hotel room stories over and over.
I loved the elephant story especially. I hope he gets to do "Water for Elephants" as he would hopefully be working with Sean Penn and that will be so cool.
Typical Rob statement, hahaha
I also think this remark will haunt him like the one on Ellen where he said he was okay if they (fans) wanted to grab him.
Thanks Godze again.
PS: found your valentines pics on Rob Pattinson Who? Hope you can put them back up too.
bild zeitung is like the
OK magazine totally nonsense
Okay, so I heard the entire quote was a joke. "I'm hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vaginas; they make my dick swell!" I thought it was hilarious and sounded like something a young man would say after spending all those hours with naked women. All in fun, but taken completely out of context. So what else is new. Maybe he was just having fun with it.
Ok, this was posted by Brenda over on our other LONG thread (hope you don't mind, Brenda):
So someone on another site has explained the vagina comment:
It's an old British joke. "DOCTOR DOCTOR, I think I'm allergic to vaginas!! Why do you think that sir? Because every time I see one I swell up and need to rub."
February 14, 2010 4:55 PM
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Its a joke. I just wish I knew what he ment. Now I think about Rob even more (that I don't need) because I'm trying to figure out the vagina comment.
Thanks Gozde.
I was defending his honor (that's what it felt like) all weekend on other ridic blogs.
I came to this conclusion. The people who are running with this story were never fans in the first place. They were/are the Twi-haters and he never stood a chance with them anyway. As I said in another thread, his true fans have his back, and these websites that are leading with this story are just doing it to get hits. I agree Gozde that this may haunt him for a while, but some other celeb will have drama in the next week and this will be yesterday's news. Fingers crossed.
Gwen - Thank you! Now I can go back to work. I knew it was a joke!
I interpreted it this way: He was on a photoshoot with all these naked models, and there were boobs and crotch everywhere. I imagine it was somewhat nervewracking to have to pose with all that vagina everywhere, especially if you're a man and trying not to walk around with a raging hard on. So, he (in typical Rob 'verbal vomit' style) said he was allergic to vagina. He also commented that he was glad he was hungover. It probably made the photoshoot feel a bit tolerable if he was still sort of drunk, etc.
Anyhoo...that's how I interpreted it. Paps make such a big deal over the stupid things he says. If they would just stop and realize that Rob says stupid things all the's part of what makes him so damn cute.
Can't you just see Kristen shaking her head and rolling her eyes like she did at his VMA statement about a little coming out in his pants? LMAO. I can hear her "good job Rob." LOL
Poor Rob. I didn't like the article much, thought the author talked a bit too much about herself. She probably misquoted him or left off the end of the joke like Kat said.
Gwen, omg...that makes so much since. LMAO
A few of us have already explained or alluded to what this means already: There is a joke about a man going to the doctor, saying he hates vaginas; that he is allergic to them. The doctor asks him why he thinks he is allergic, and the man says--because everytime I am near them, I get terribly swollen. (some add that the man also said, And I have the urge to rub).
Meaning, in the context of the article ( where Rob was asked about the 12 hour photo shoot with naked women), Rob was saying it was uncomfortable, even though he knew about the shoot, how could you prepare-- he had that 'allergic' reaction--that he was 'swollen' to speak. Which, BTW, makes it pretty clear to anyone with brains that he is not gay. But we don't expect tabloids and ragazines etc to display use of brains. Although the joke is adolescent boy all the way, it was brilliant of Rob to reference it rather than blatantly be uncouthe and say, as Sarah Bear noted, that he had a raging H.O. the whole bloody time.
Those with understanding will understand, those without will not, and those who want to attack the poor lad and trip him up, and those who are utterly deluded, will either understand and ignore, or will not understand at all and splay their ignorance and/or stupidity for all to see.
Just to put the fun back into the day...
I would be willing to allow Rob to test out his statement that he is allergic to vaginas, by offering up mine to him. We can test the theory over, and over and over and over....
I am also willing to rub lotions, creams (and what ever else the doctor suggests) on Rob to cure him of said allergy.
LMAO CL, I think that line is already pretty long.....get in line woman!!
OMG girls watch the vid his face at the very beginning..u can tell when he spots the models..he's like OH SHYTE..and just alil hint..don't blink at the 1 minute mark..where he's standing next to the tub looking down at the model..and keep ur eyes pointed at the center of the screen ;)
EWWW! cant stand that M. Faux! hmm,they didnt have a pic of him and KS did they? wonder why? cowards lol!. Rob lives in his head. He mite jump from one subject to another faster than you change your thong.But i LOVE HIM,WARTS AND ALL. and no ROb doesnt have warts-...that I know of..That vagina comment is gonna haunt Rob,like George clooney and that "im never getting married" comment. ROb had puzzay thrown at him since twilight. He was being sarcastic or trying to make light of it.
Funny, cause I visited a few sites to see what the fans?? were saying. Many, many gals said, yes he is allergic to vaginas as them make him swell-so many got it but more said it proved he was gay. I think those who really like/get him are just laughing, others are puzzled, and for some it just confirms what they already believed. A few threw in his love is TomStu and sited the two together buying underwear. Thanks to Gwen and Kat re the British interpretation. Oh to be young and not put asunder by society's prudishness!!
Am now squinting after examining photos minutely for signs of "swelling" ;) Thank you ladies for being the "voices of reason" over Rob's latest utterances.
*hi fives Kem* you go girl! we like it DIRRRTY! lmao!
It's brittish humor and hysterical...some people just can't take a joke...
As Suz said the other night, people have just been waiting for anything "off" so they could twist & turn how they want it to be...
Rob is on top of the world right now & people will look tp every opportunity to knock him down...
I thought the article/interview was very well done, and that he may have let his guard down a little too much since many don't always seem to "get" him.
It's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last!
You go Rob!
That's just ridiculous. I hope that this all craziness will be over before he comes to USA to promote RM. And I hope that there won't be someone that stupid who instead of focusing on RM-related things will ask him if he's really allergic to v...s or was it just a joke.
I just wonder how does Rob feel about all this...
I hope he doesn't give too much sh*t about it.
It just meant that he is a normal guy surrounded during 12 hours by gorgeous and naked women... Physiologically, there might have been some reactions to all the flesh in front of his eyes, no? Some reaction that caused a kind of swelling... LOL...
Everyone thinking it was a gay remark or his coming-out has it all wrong! It's the opposite.
After all, what happens to our ovaries when we see sexy Rob? And I'm not talking of naked Rob... LOL...
So Pattinsonian, so british...
There's a thread on making fun of him for this comment and I was so angry, I had to leave.
hahahahah Skorp..All I can do it laugh..not at him of course..but with him..his face looks so tortured sometimes during the vid..and the pic of him with the O face at first..I just think..what happened Robert?..someone text ya and ur cell start vibrating in ur pocket???..OH NO~!!!..LOL..those ppl wondering those things can't see a very very teased and ummm "full-blooded" man when they see one..LMAO
Rob is sexy, has sense of humor, intelligent, a good actor and I`m gonna always support him and respect him, no matter he says or makes. No matter the character he has played or gonna play. No matter who was his co-star or is gonna be his co-star. He has chemistry with anyone.
Rob isn`t the man I thought he was. He is better. He is human and original.
For the people who considere themselves "his fans" again, only after seeing Rob/Edward giving french kisses in Kristen/Bella ( Oh! I knew he couldn`t be gay! ), or people who thought he was a racist , go look for prince charming in your dreams, in another world. We are not perfect. Think of it, please.
Sorry, but I`m still in shock with the intolerance of many people.
Poor thing! Can't you just see him sitting in his hotel room reading all these headlines, laughing and being utterly adorable about it, being all insecure like he is, and just cringing over his big mouth? I would give anything to be a fly on the wall and witness his reaction! Imagine how they are teasing him on the set all day about this!!!! Poor thing. He's just too adorable for words. It's so hysterical really when you think about it - he wants to be taken so seriously yet for the next 10 years this is the ONE quote that anyone will remember - I hate vaginas!!!!! Makes me love him just a little bit more.
Kathy--many here think of myself as prudish but I got it right away, and appreciated Rob's subtle (almost prudish) reference.
I don't think this was a stupid thing to say--again, it was brilliant. And if he had given the whole joke, it would no longer have been subtle, so I don't think the joke was cut off. It was kind of (don't hate me for this) an inside joke. 0:-)
i hope ,he will be recovers again after these hours with the naked girls
otherways he and we needs therapy
he has to get cured
he has to be Deroy
go cullen lover07 go
i dont belive for a second that he is affraid of vaginas! i large amounts they can seem quit scary!
Oh I forget:
I`m allergic to ignorance!!!
I love you Robert Pattinson, my favorite actor. You`re brave, dude.
This comment seems so random and disjointed (well actually the whole article does)But my point is, it looks/sounds/reads like a partial comment. I'm sure there was some kind of joke in to why JL wrote that in the content she did is beyond me. I can see Perez doing a huge happy dance over that...but we all know.
I'd rather write 'pennis' instead... (jus'sayin...:)
Btw, I still gladly offer mine for him to get over this thing... ;-)
I don't see the video as functioning--I don't think I was online the day it was posted. Is there a way to see it?
Godze I love your comments,I think some people take Rob's interviews way to literally!! Often I think Rob is just having fun with us, but obviously his intelligence and sense of humour doesn't resonate with some fans.
Personally I love his style, and interviews really should be about his work and not his personal life.
LOL @ LT! And you say you are not brave enough??? :)
interesting xorobos-- thought it was a sensible article, and again, it would not have had that subtle humour if the whole joke were there.
The reason she wrote it there is: the artcle/interview accompanied the photoshoot, and she asked him about it; his answer was his 'allergy'-- meaning, it was uncomfortable being aroused by strange naked women for 12 hours.
@ kem- ya I know chic,God Bless you and your Eagle eyes. I wish I knew how to make a vid of that and Zoom the hell out of it, send it to all the jerks who said "He's GAY!" No gay man would get a woody ;) Hey I wonder how many bathroom breaks he took?? LMAO!
WEN-- a LOT of what he says is Rob having fun with us-- or at least with himself. It is like stream of consciousness stimulus response exercise--someone says a word, the stimulus, and it stimulates a response. He has a lot in his mind, much everstreaming even in his conscious, let alone his subconscious, and so a verbal stimulus will wake up a response that is humourous to himself, but not always to others, especially if they don't know the jokes and ideas he has in his brain.
Details vid:
gwenn - that is hilarious...but rob better stick to acting not stand up comedy LOL. I really wonder what he is thinking about with all of these comments taken out of context. love the allergic vaginas comment associated with megan fox pic too funny.
thanks Gwen :-)
@Solas you are so right!
Oh Gözde..."I'd be allergic to them as well if Megan Fox was pushing it in my there's an image for you..." *dies laffin* you KILL ME..LMAO!
Yea solas..he's a saint ^_^
He was uncomfy alright..really really uncomfy..he didn't have Kristen's knee there to help him adjust..LOL
I think maybe more women should go some lingerie and some heels..then walk around in front of ur husbands or bf's all day..*suggestion*
The only problem I have with the article is..he makes some very profound and deep statements but yet ppl are still on about the fuckin vagina and negro jokes..PLS
I LOVE RObs sense of humor. He's be a hysterical drinking buddy. Can you imagine having a shitty day at work and he calls you up saying "piss on it! you owe me pint" you'll reply "what? for what?" He'll say "cause I need to get smashed to hear this drama" :)
So glad it's a pic with Megan Fox.......good quote for her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAnd I'm a Detail's magazine model's black chandelier corset....
Later Chicas
Kem I agree with your last observation (nd possibly the first ;-)), but that is simply how it is with the words of intelligent people: people who lack understanding (or choose to) will not concentrate on what is really worthwhile, intelligent, or profound, but will go for the sensational, or the LCD, or whatever supports their agenda.
@Haystack & CV - hopefully with this comment and the reaction, the line got a little bit shorter...but bring your comfy shoes and some snacks, we're gonna be here a while.
@Gwen - I can't watch the video at work. Am dying to see it. Will be running home tonight to see.
Yeah Kem but you know how those simple minds are...easier to grasp on what they know.
I wonder exactly what question was asked that he answered that way -
Lumet: Rob, so, what was it like doing the photoshoot with gorgeous naked women? Did you enjoy it or did you feel like a fool?
Rob: No, I really hate vaginas, I'm allergic to vagina.
(total sarcasm to a ridiculous question)
Lumet: So, Rob, how was it being surrounded by naked women for the shoot? Do you enjoy those kinds or shoots?
Rob: No, I really hate vaginas, I'm allergic to vagina.
meaning- I hate cheesy pornography (which he admits later on.)
"But I can’t say I had no idea, because it was a 12-hour shoot, so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours. But I wasn’t exactly prepared. I had no idea what to say to these girls. Thank God I was hungover.”
My favorite line that no one is talking about:
ROB: "So now I’m relinquishing a bit. I’ll be a tiny bit naked. Except tonight I won’t, because it’s fucking freezing and my balls will shrivel up.”
OMG - just imagining him talking about his private parts. swoon. shriveled or not, i'll take them!!! now THAT's a great line!!!!
(I just realized that spell checker doesn't recognize plural vaginas as a word.) hehe.
Rob , darling don't drink beer while talking to reporters! Look what you've done! This quote is gonna come back time and again and bite you in your - smart and adorable!- a$$!! Oh , I know his mum , and sisters and friends and Kristen have given him some sort of lecture! alright! Oh, boy, oh boy, you'll have to be ready to give answers and explanations!
Well, not to us, we love you anyway, 'cause we know you're too intelligent and original for some to grasp! And yes, charming, charismatic and a bit childish!
Love ya'!
I love that when this magazine wants to use the "I'm allergic to vaginas" quote, the first pic they think of is one with Megan Fox LOL.
I'm afraid the poor boy is going to be Rob "I hate vaginas" Pattinson for a looooong time to come. No pun intended :-)
*points to solas* yeah what she said Kem :)
The plural would be vaginae.
Mia--since his family is British, they probably knew teh reference, and are probably relieved he didn't just say he had a freakin h.o. the whole time.
Hey, I was leaving to listen to tunes..guess I can do both..and yea I know Skorp..I know sex and men..I can't help it..but I did love what he said about acting and the elephant story was animals as he does..he gets embarrassed with his feelings like any young man does so he has to put jokes to them..too cute..and another suggestion for men with that know they're gonna have the prob around women..ummm TIGHT briefs..he bought the wrong underwear..LMAO
Solas, did u say LSD??? hmmm ;)
*pictures Robs shriveled up balls* Wheres tha fluffer??? Isnt what those porn shoot chics do to get the guys going ?? *clears throat* I would happily and thoughrly pulls those babies out for ya rob he he!
He knows what he's doing! ;)
@Kemberly LOL!!! :DDDD
OH and I can totally see Kristen rolling her eyes as well.she always gets his jokes cos she thinks like him............Lol.........luv them both.
Oh I admire how bright and witty he is! What's wrong with saying what you think and not pretending!?
Never change Rob, never change! :DDDD
hehehe Fae..I can't help it~!!!
I'm a good girl..
I'm a good girl..
I'm a good girl..
NO Kem--:-)LSD was fromin my Koolaid reference last week which no one got, probably because I am so ancient I knew about it before Jonestown.
LCD for those who don't know is a term from math that can transfer to other disciplines: Lowest Common Denominator. If you don't understand my use of LCD in that context, please ask. :-)
@Kem-bet he had those underoos strainin for relief. I dont know how he did it for so long. Blueballs.
Well, I liked his 'artsy' comments a lot, and the elephant stories. Prefer the overcomplicated and the convoluted attempts to reword everything he says - makes for much more entertaining reading. ;)
Skorp-with Robert u'll be exhausted I'm guessing..LOL
He needed a wheelbarrow Skorp..LOL
Why is that so effin funny in German? "Ich habe eine vagina allergie"...HA! Thank you, thank you, Gwen for explaining the joke! Makes total sense. It didn't bother me before, though, either. My take: Rob is a brave guy and is determined to push himself professionally, which, um, includes the 12-hour nekkid shoot. But he is also a 23-year-old normal horny guy and also seems to me quite modest. And if all those nude parts were wandering around, um, shaved then maybe it was even weirder...
the only thing that does bother me a little bit is that Jenny Lumet and/or his publicists didn't include a wee bit more explanation. I do think Lumet likes him a lot and feels protective of him--that's pretty clear. I wonder if she feels bad about her part in this firestorm?
And, yes, she is part African-American (granddaughter of Lena Horne), and she said "negro" first. She's allowed.
On the other hand maybe the pubs are going with the any-publicity-is-good-publicity thing. Who knows.
I do think he's basically untouchable right now and if he loses some tweener fans he won't mind a bit. I just hope he is truly laughing the whole thing off and not embarrassed. I can just hear him. "Oh, God, really? Everyone thinks I said what?" And KS: "Way to go, Flippy."
@Kemberly hahahaha I know you are, just like me! ;)
*farts laughing*
@Solas: read Electric Koolaid Acid Test - got the ref. lol
Wondering how many female Rob fans have actually read "Details" when Rob isn't in it? He's not the first to mention vaginas...or vaginae, in that mag. Just the first to have it go round the world....heh!
I just have fun breaking down what he says..and watching everyone else do it..we all have our own points of view and I know there is some crazy shyte that pops into my head from the things he says..he's not stupid..he's GOOD at what he does really..when u can say something or put something down on paper that can make everyone go off on so many different directions and can identify with on a personal level..u've mastered wonder he wanted to be a political writer..he's not perfect but he is clever..he's not exactly completely unfiltered..those gossip mags try to do it with whole articles..when u can say one or two sentences and have everyone's priceless~!!!
Hahahahaha Skorp..OMG what do you eat???~!!! *stinky*
One post that made sense from CNN: When you are allergic to something - you swell, you turn red, you start feeling weird things being caused by the allergant. That is how simple the whole thing is, except, it is Robert talking!!! BUT uggggh, like all things about Robert, it got out of proportion because it is HIM talking!!!!!!!!!
OMG AP..I had read the article on the first legal male prostitute..very very interesting.
*waves it in Kems direction* bask in the ambience hon. Robs witty thats fo sho. He makes my life interesting. I love these type of interviews. You get inside of his mind. NOthing is rehersed or so it seems..
@crazy vamp
It is the second compliment you make me this week (risos).
But Rob deserves a defense, does it?
Maybe I'm crazy, but I have the feeling that this guy will change the world, and back much better.
I'm glad that he is allergic to vaginas ;) he has as reaction at least.
@CL,like your test idea. You maybe want to mention it to him when you see him (soon) ;)the look on his face would be priceless.
whoa Kem-where can I find it!! DO they have a pic?
@toomuchpretty great comment and I agree with your last statement about him laughing it off, loosing tweener fans. But the KStew "way to go flippy" was perfect! LOL
HE'S A DUMBASS..just sayin'
It was all so simple - when someone is allergic to something, they swell, they sweat, they turn red, they start feeling weird things... that is all what he means by that. But he is a sensation, so it got all so out of context. so be it!
LOL He says vagina and the NB's are on fire! ;DDDDD
I got that Rob was joking.I looked at other sites and some commented that he may have been uncomfortable due to possible smells and ugly vaginas. LOL
Gwen- Thanks for posting what Brenda said on the other thread. Now that I know what the whole joke is it's even more funnier. LOL
@Annie - *waves hello from across the pond*
If I can summon up the courage to do that, I just might. I can't imagine that moment. What would he do? What would he say? Nervous just thinking about it.
@toomuchpretty - LOL, flippy. =)
One more thing, this interview also shows how uncorrupted person he is and doesn't think anything bad could come out of this, but as we can see not everyone is as good as he is, he's honest like a child, but at the same time he's a teaser with a healthy young man's brain, what a lovely combination! :DDDDD
LOL Fae-I <3 my vagina..that's why I'm here~! :)
Girls, I know the vagina thing was a joke..I'm not trying to complicate it..LOL
LMAO@smells and ugly..I smell a tween remark.
@Kem-thanks babe!
Rob uncomfortable with the smells and ugly va jay jays?? BWA HAHAHAHAH! *toots* Its a miracle the models hasnt sunk IN,theyre so skinny.
For real Skorp..but it's a men's mag..what ya gonna do?..I have probs with them still showing anorexic looking models in teen mags..not the ones for the mags..the models in the ads more than anything..but that will never change.
At least he had the balls to do it..we can say that..he had to know it was gonna be alil uncomfy..but with Bel Ami coming..gotta get use to it..LOL
Glad you got the reference,AP; I thought you might. :-) Some last week thought I was talking about Jonestown. :-(
@Fae, of curse NB's are in fire. But we are always on fire when it comes to him. The man is fuckhawt ;) I rather listened to that interview then reading it.
That is exactly the way I took that interview too, Goz. Exactly. He talks symbolically and vaguelly and randomly all the time in these interviews. It was clear the photoshoot made him nervous and he was just randomly expressing that. At least that is how it came across to me. So now the gossip rags will start saying he is gay, I suppose. Egads! Let the man be. Just let him continue working and entertaining us.
Solas-Mass consumption..following the crowd..peer pressure..a sense of false euphoria ;)'s all the same.
@CL, he could 3 things, laugh and give you the dazzle stare , make a teasing comment or walk away with a smile ;)
IF I was a guy-theres no way I would do something like that. They would have to numb my wienerschnitzel to do it. I have a teen son and you should hear these boys talk! SEX and every position on the planet. How to do it and when. Where etc /...He should have a big S on his chest for having his mind not working overtime on during that shoot. I loved that photo of him wrapped in the scarf-Im a freak I know :)
Ah, well... we saw it coming... I hope he did, too, and won't take it to heart :)...
@CullenLover, Kemberley, and Skorpia-LMAO! You guys' comments on this are hilarious. Spot on though. In that context, and the British humor witht the joke, it makes total sense. And on a personal note-anyone who thinks Rob is gay is a dumbass! ;)
@Shani-LOL! Here here gal. Smelly and ugly....bahahahahahaha. ;)
Fave: Bathtub~!
Anything wet....
@Skorpia-LOL! Raging hormones for sure in that situation-OVERDRIVE. Amen sista. Your spot on again.
You're not a perv, either-the scarf pic was freakin' HAWT! MY god. Images of MOTU float in my head..........hehe.
@Kemberley-LOL! Anything wet undeed........hehe. ;)
Quote: "symbolically and vaguelly and randomly all the time in these interviews"
Put it in the kool-aid..sent it out for mass consumption to perceive how they want.
At this point..Robert has so many women following him..he can stand on a mountain top and scream..I'M FUCKIN GAY..there is now way ppl would get behind it..LOL
*shudders at the thought of Rob being gay,then smiles singing* de de de another one bites the dust!! We lost too many beautiful men to the gayness. Love them all-that would kill me If I lost ROb too.
Just for the record...Bild Zeitung is one of the crappiest "newspapers" in the german area.
They did a little joke at the end... when they mentioned that his only emotional relationship was with his dog, they added something like: Well, pussies are just not his thing, as it seems.
How very witty ;) ...
I know..I about cried when NPH came out completely..but he's still gotta love him.
--they sound jealous hehe! Here kitty kitty kitty....
I've repeated this like three times in the past year..but it's still funny to me..Kristen, quick, cross ur eyes and bark~!!!
whos LPH Kem?
Gwen - I read that on another site too - they were saying that same thing.........that it makes me "swell".
Don't you think it was Lumet's job to get to the bottom of that statement before printing it?? Did he say more about it that she didn't print?? Did she just drop the ball so to speak? Or did she just know it would get the attention it has bringing more to her article????????
I think the latter.
@ Kem -BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHA! cross eyes and bark ! oh no she didnt!
I'm wondering how his speech would have evolved if he drank more than four beers.... Neil Patrick Harris, Skorp..he was like my first actor crush growing up.
Another thing that popped into my head and made me fall outa my chair laughing..PLUS..feel is pain..when I first read this article and saw where he said he hated vagina and was allergic to vagina..ummm I LOVE sea food but I'm allergic to it...
Robert seas model
Robert seas vagina
Please! Rob is so not gay. NPH is so another breed of to speak. :P
@Kem-LOL! Good one. ;)
awww Doogie Howser!! he was soo cute! yea,my crush was Johnny Depp in 21 jump street. I cracked up when I was at wally world and they have it on DVD. Johnnys lips on that cover were DELISH!
Talk about torture..when u want something soooo bad and you love it..could live on it even..but u just can't have it..sniffle :(
OK, now I'm just being silly..I really need to stop commenting when I have the giggles.
Oh Butterfly just gave me a sick feeling............I cannot imagine Jimmy Fallon NOT jumping all over that vagina comment............he will be compelled to say SOMETHING about it. Oh poor Rob......he puts himself in such awkward and embarrassing positions doesn't he?
A few years ago I was following Hayden Christensen and people were saying he was gay and he'd done some artsy photos that looked like it and his comment about all the hoopla was that he thought it was funny, he invited it, liked the fact that everyone was confused about him and he had that level of mystery.
I'm not sure if Rob would LIKE that from his fans but he sure has it whether he does or not.
@ Kemberly LOL...I honestly believe that it'll pass!!!
I like them all older now Skorp..I can't wait till Robert gets older..he's already starting to fill out in quite a few places..LOL
oooO Hayden is a hottie too! Love them bad boys (when He was Anakin). Ok guys-love our chat but I have to do laundry and wash Robs underwear..again..*slaps azzez all around*
@Cindy-not if I can help it..LOL
*hands Skorp the protein spot remover and slaps her @ss*..LOL
I read this joke on a board, it's an old british joke:
A man goes to the doctor. Says,"DOCTOR DOCTOR,I hate vaginas; I think i am allergic to them."
Doctor,'Why do you think that sir?"
Man,"Because every time I am near them, I get terribly swollen and need to rub."
Re: jealous and hateful people posting ridiculous comments about Rob, I think this sums it up.
"There are always envious idiots everywhere."
Said by Georges Duroy in Bel Ami
Nobody get the joke?
It makes sense to me. Rob doesn't hate vaginas, he loves them a little too much IMO lol
@Kem and Skorpia-LOL! Skorpia, I'm withh you on JD-21 Jump Street was my introduction to his hotness too! ;) Love those bad boys.....for sure......;)
@Skropia again....LOL.-Protein removal spray....washing Rob's underwear....OMG! LMAO. You and Kem are in rare form.....bahahahahahaha. ;)
@Cherrie-I agree totally! Here here.
AAAAAAAAnd I'm *poof* Markus's brains after all the Mexican-made anabolic steroids....
Later Chicas
OMG - and I am just saying this because I live in Germany and I know something about the Bild Zeitung - it is total CRAP. Nobody buys this shit and even if then it is - let's say - the lower half of the population. 1/3 of this is about football, 1/3 about famous peoples lifes and the last 1/3 is all porn. Of course they would print something like this. I don't even believe the interview is real. They write such a crap in it all the time, you wouldn't even believe it. I am rolling my eyes everytime I see this paper... you should see how I was ROFLMAO when my dad read in passing that Rob was in Munich 10 meters from where I was in that exact moment he was supposed to be there... and Bild wrote something about him having a free autogramm signing hour there... Who believes this crap???
I'm not familar with Details magazine but it appears to be for a mature audience. From a business prospective, the goal is to sell mags. The writer knows this and has the ability to use a quote in a way to invoke different interpretations. Controversy sells. I have given quotes before and when I see it in writing, I'm like WTF that's not what I said. Personally i'm not impressed with this Detail writer but the mag will sell.
This is an old joke that Americans may not be familiar with ? "I'm allergic to vaginas, they make me swell up." He didn't tell it well (most likely because he was drunk) but I'm surprised more people didn't get it. Particularly considering the "thank god I was hungover" crack that followed. Rob is not gay, it was a joke, get it Vaginas makes his penis swell!
How long before Lumet offers an explanation??? A day? A week? He is probably dying of embarrassment by now. I'm surprised no one has interviewed those models yet.
Bild Zeitung is so crap it's almost a comic, just like the Scottish Daily Record.
@pj: Jenny's not a regular columnist for Details. She's a screenwriter who knows Rob.
And if Rob could stand up and walk out then he wasn't 'drunk' as defined under English law. It's illegal to be 'drunk' in a pub. Truly! lol
Wow, he could come out and say to everyone "I am GAY...." and you all wouldn't believe him. I'm sorry, but he said he HATES vaginas. That sorta tells all there. If I say I hate cats and am allergic to them, then that means that I don't want to go near them because they cause a negative reaction...they make me itch and give me hives, makes my eyes swell up. So I stay away from them. Same thing here...he dosent like women! The boy is gay...I'm sorry, but this is all need to face this and love him anyway. If you love someone, you accept them no matter what they are. Who cares if he's gay? I don't.
Oh, btw, I have a british guy friend. I asked him about this comment "being allergic to vagina's", if that's some british humor. Said he never heard of that. Said it sounds like what he said, that he dosent like vagina' in that he's gay. Not makin this up.
OMG! Dlisted is too funny.LMAO
"Not only does this make me imagine millions of Twitards stuffing their vaginas with Claritin and spraying their labia down with Nasonex, but I also can't help but picture his ass cheeks breaking out into hives during during this shoot. Sparkly hives filled with unicorn tears, of course."
"RPattz's penis breaks into a sneezing fit whenever a clitoris waves at him, but an elephant's trunk has the opposite effect on him. RPattz almost got a blow job from an elephant's nostril, and he loved it. Dumbo fucker!"
@solas, re. your comment at 1:47, you articulated brilliantly exactly what I tried to say about Rob's mind and how he responds, but couldn't quite make it coherent. I feel like you were inside my head. You nailed it!
@Shani - lol - I saw that too. Michael K cracks my shit up!
Re: Rob's Details shoot and interview - The shoot was hot. Go Rob! Loved the interview. He's such a hoot! Anyone that doesn't get it? F#@k 'em. Less people chasing him around I say.
LovesRob- I'm sorry, but your guy friend apparently doesn't have a sense of humor. And just because he hasn't heard the joke doesn't mean anything. If you haven't been paying attention to how Rob jokes all the time taking the "piss" out of things(another British thing). Then that's on you. Rob is sarcastic,contradictory and complex. And just too smart for his own good.
Have you heard of this saying,"one monkey doesn't stop a show"?
Keep believing what you want to because it's not going to make a difference in Rob's life at all. Rob will keep doing Rob.
Candy Girl- So true, Micheal K is funny as hell. He cracks me up every time. Nobody can break it down like he can. His mind is so dirty and fucked up. LMAO Love that fool.
@LovesRob-really?..I send the whole article and pics to an English friend of mine and we spent two hours laughing at it..and he had never heard that joke either..but he concurred that the whole freakin article was BS..that's the point..the ONLY thing that I got from it was how he felt about acting and actors..and even that he's not sure how strongly he feels about..he's far as a different take on the vagina comments..lets see here..I've once stated that I hate dick..didn't want nothing to do with it..why???..because dicks are attached to men and men were nothing but drama and drama is nothing but BS..ever hear the saying?.."I'm allergic to BULLSHIT?"..he doesn't really have time for it at this point in his life..he's got enough as it is..BUT, that leads me back to this article and him spouting it so well..*gets my stamp out*..hold still Robert..I just need ur forehead..LMAO time briefs..TIGHT cotton briefs....
are you for real......have you not been reading the comments on this blog.Rob is not gay,it's his way of saying something that means the exact opposite.
And btw,we do love Rob no matter,that's why we're here.
I respect your opinion. Particularly, I don`t think he is gay. Love is the most powerful feeling in the world. Continue giving your support and love to Rob as always. He`s building a great career and he needs more and more fans like us all, you may be sure of this.
I don't believe Rob is gay at all, but he's going to figure out that not everyone has a good sense of humor. People take things literally. Remember when Kristen said when asked if she and Rob were dating maybe we are, maybe we aren't, maybe I'm a lesbian or something like that. Well, to this day there are people who are convinced she's a lesbian.
Thanks for the clarification. That explains alot.
I'm sorry, but don't agree with you all. Not trying to cause any problems, I just think it's pretty obvious. It will all come out, and I think alot sooner than later. Still love the boy...he's the best!
This is the only blog where everyone thinks he's joking....about 85% of everyone else thinks he's pretty much come out.
@LovesRob: Oh, be honest - you're here to stir. You keep coming back to say the same thing over and over ad nauseum. You think he's gay, you think he's gay... Ok, little engine, I hear you. There, art thou happy? AND??? Who gives a shit if he's sleeping with 2 men, a goat and a small hamster - just hope he's getting some luvin'. Ok, am off in a cloud of evil smoke...
I still respect your opinion. He has sense of humor as I have and you have too, he is intelligent and honest. He knows what`s the best for him. Let us leaving him live his life and it`s very good to know you will continue to support Rob. He is the best, for sure.
@AP: I'm so glad you're finally getting it! :)
Doctor, I hate Robert Pattinson. I'm allergic to him.
Why do you think that, madame?
Everytime I see a photo of him I stop breathing and my panties explode.
..Or maybe an elephant AP..LMAO
@LR: Finally getting what? What's "it?" That he does hamsters? That I'm doing hamsters? It's possible...I've been hungover myself lately.
@Kimberly: could be - although I think someone might notice the elephant in the room... ;)
@Solas: missed your reply earlier. My eyes were crossing slightly, I think. Jonestown - bit creepy, but I guess not all know about tuning in, turning on and dropping out. Well, I didn't either for a while, lol, but now I've read quite a lot, including Wolfe, Ferlinghetti and cummings. And, of course, Kerouac.
How bout..turn on, boot up, jack in???
@Kemberly: Er..are you talking about an amp or a drive? lol I was talking about Leary's mantra for the original acid heads.
Timothy Leary, an advocate of psychedelic drug use who became a cult figure of the hippies in the 1960s, reemerged in the 1980s as a spokesperson of the cyberdelic counterculture, whose adherents called themselves "cyberpunks", and became one of the most philosophical promoters of personal computers (PC), the Internet, and immersive virtual reality. Leary proclaimed that the "PC is the LSD of the 1990s" and admonished bohemians to "turn on, boot up, jack in"
Cult = An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers. A religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
^^^^ Look familiar? Want some kool-aid???..LMAO
@Kemberly: Um...yeah - got the ref but Koolaid was about the sixties, not the eighties, meaning the acid heads not the cyberpunks. Thx for the explanation of 'cult.' Might have missed that
we always go thru this, someone tries to fill in for us what Rob was thinking, as if....
give it time, and Rob will put his foot in his mouth again, as he explains the comment...
at any rate, Rob is gold right now, so who the hell cares what he says...
What do they all have in common? What does it all boil down too?..go down to the basics..what started it? All of those "cults"?
Public Perceptions of a charismatic leader. :)
Kind of funny. So if he's gay in real life and has people supporting that, then they are haters. I see we have a lot to advance in society. Way to make it harder for people to come out of the closet.
Also hilarious. How everyone here is like ohhh this is what he meant, it was a joke guys. Can you read his mind? NO. LoL. Then why speak on his behalf.
EXACTLY RP..he's our golden boy..can't say or do no wrong at this point..we're all drinking the kool-aid here..half the women on here believe he farts sparkles..and would do ANYTHING he told them..LOL
@Issov: Is he in the closet? Just give me any deets and I for one would be happy to help him. Need a bit more than the line about vaginas,though, as he's also said he isn't gay. I don't know his mind.
After having read the interview, I love even more to Robert, is a smart, charming, wonderful, hopefully never change!
@Kemberly: oh, so you're talking about Rob being our charismatic leader and we're the cult. Bit slow - thought I was commenting about the 60's. Wasn't aware I was in a cult, but I guess I must be, as I'm a fan. lol So you and RPFD don't think much of him then?
Ppl will think what they wanna think and in the doesn't matter..well unless he starts telling everyone to commit mass suicide or drop LSD..LMAO
people will PERCEIVE what they want to PERCEIVE out of any and all interviews that he does..but it doesn't long as they are perceiving HIM. ;)
Well, don't think I'm in quite that 'devout follower' category - lol - and not sure others would go that far, but don't know all their minds either. Take it you don't see yourself as drinking the koolaid. Or do you? ;)
Nah, I lurve Robert..I just know better then to listen to anything he says..LOL..but I can see with my own two eyes..and that mofo had a damn hard-on..LMAO
OH I forgot to tell ya..I can pretty much talk ur ass in circles and still make u wind up at the exact same spot where u started..kinda like Robert..LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
AAAAAAAnd I'm off..faster than a prom date's dress....
Later Chicas
Ah, so you do 'feel the lurve,' and see the Better eyes than mine. In future I'll be sure to natter with you only when I want nowhere? If that's what you meant...Nite. ;)
Again, the reference I made last week (when everyone was off the wall, and it wasn't a full moon, so I asked 'Didn't your mothers tell you not to drink the koolaid?') was not a reference to Jonestown; it was a reference to the 60s koolaid of acid/LSD/sunshine, which had nothing to do with a cult or leader or even massive consumption. It HAD to do with people tripping out, some with Leary guidance, some not at all. It wasn't a massive lose your identity morph into the borg thing, but rather massive individual journeys into the mind and psychodelia, and lunacy sometimes permanent, and eras later of flashbacks. THAT is what the thread sounded like at that time, NOT a cult or mass consumption, but rather a afew off in their own lala lands, as if they took a drink from the magic sunshine koolaid pitcher.
Perhaps unfortunately at least for this venue, I, too, have a subtle dry humour that references stuff many people don't know or forgot about, and so elicits inaccurate or inappropriate responses sometimes.
I'm a little late to the party here, but in the off chance that you checked back in, I just had to reply to your comment.
Two things...
If someone sat 500 reeces peanut butter cups down in front of me, I figure I could polish them off in a couple of days. I'd be sick as a dog moaning...'I HATE reeces peanut butter cups.'
However, as soon as I recovered, I'd run right back out and get some more. Do I hate reeces peanut butter cups? No. I love them. I worship them. I want to rub them all over my body. I love them so much that when they take control over me and I consume too many of them, I HATE them. Same thing with Rob and the vagina comment. He'd had so much of them that day, yet he couldn't have them, leaving him I assume aroused and tortured and therefore he hated them. Jokingly allergic to them; leaving him swollen, etc.
Does this clear it up for you at all? If not, how 'bout this?
I don't give a good flying fuck what 85% of the moronic, uninformed internet is vomiting up right now. If you honestly believe that Robert Pattinson would 'out' himself in such a way, then you don't know shit about Hollywood. He is being groomed to be the next great leading man of cinema and if he had such a 'secret', I promise you, it would be buried soooooo deep. Why? Because Hollywood sees him as a future comodity and they don't want 'anything' messing with that. If it were true, he would never come forward with it until he was so established that it wouldn't matter anymore. But not right now as he's in the infancy of building that career.
If he were to stand up and say, I'm gay, this fandom would fracture and Summit would lose their shirts at the box office because of the homophobia in this country. We will accept gayness in female stars, but not in male stars. Or should I say, our male 'movie stars.' And how many in this fandom would accept a gay Edward Cullen? How many cannot seperate fantasy from reality.
Anyone who thinks that Rob would out himself in such a matter hasn't got a clue. Just fucking think about it. Use your head here. Why would he do this to himself and shoot his budding career and stardom in the foot, just as he's barely getting out of the gate?
Solas-I could keep this going for sooooooooo long just for a laugh..but I'm bored with it..if u go back to the original thread that u said it on..I WASN'T EVEN ADDRESSING YOU..I didn't even say ur name..I took what u said and put a spin on it..others knew wtf I was pls..when u talk about inappropriate responses..make sure they are even responses first before anything..ur ego astounds me..don't you need to like call Robert and counsel him on the trauma his Father caused by yelling at him for walking in on him naked or something???
Once again, totally not based in reality. Just keep LYAO; it's a good cover.
@Solas: trying again - got sidetracked - as thought that's what you were referring to. Right now I think I'm ready for the pitcher. lol Gotta run...
rob is saying what he thinks go on my love we all love you like this
LOL AP..when she said that last bit..she must have been on a pitcher..or two..or three....
and yes I knew what u meant..LMAO..but I put a SPIN on it..wish ppl would keep up.
....And I wasn't laughing at UR comment..JesusfuckingChrist~!!!
@Kemberly: Um...totally lost here -too slow to keep up with the spins. ;) Ah, well, back to my pitcher...
Hahahaha fuck it..i give's funny to me..that's all I care about..LOL
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