"Remember Me" Greek Postcard

This was found in a Resaurant in Athens.

Source Twilightholics


  1. I guess I need to take a trip to the cinemas to see if we don't have that kind of specials.

    Emilie <3

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We have finally, here in Poland the official poster for RM:-)


    I can't wait for this movie!!!

  4. @Magda

    Seriously, the translation of the title is such a shame...
    Atleast don't tell the others!

    Let it be our little polish secret :x

  5. @Tombert

    Yes,I know :-( Why are they doing something like this??? Who hit upon that idea???

    OK. Let's keep it only to ourselves :-)

  6. Probably a monkey infront of the computer.

    Or they asked kids in kindergarden.

    One of the two.

  7. There it was!!! I was fighting over this very last one with a 13year old, the other day outside of the movies. The things I do for this man.

  8. Fighting with 13 year olds over a post card is still wrong.

    Even if it's Rob.

  9. ...And while i was waiting for my movie to start ,i turn my head and i see the Remember me postcard!!!Needless to say,i was ECSTATIC!!!

  10. I still dont get this...whats next? Remember me pic on Birthday cakes?

  11. Greece loves Rob Pattinson. I went last May and there were twilight posters everywhere... maybe they just like twilight lol...

  12. omg! I was in the center of the city having a drink with a few friends and I came accros that same postcard. Needless to say that I took a handful...okay I admit it I took more than a handful...okay fine, I only left one and took the rest... there were like 20 or something. What's more, for the rest of the night I couldn't take my eyes off that card... I wonder what will happen on march 11th...
