Remember Me - Ask Robert Pattinson Video #4

Robert Pattinson talks about Tyler's Journey :)

Source: Remember Me Facebook page, don't forget to be a fan :)

Thanks elikarae :)


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Angie said...

RPL, I have not seen the one where he is lying down.

Emily said...


TheDogsBollocks said...

Ohh...and Hi Sabrizzz

kimberlesk said...

Em, you're not the only one -- just ask Babbles!

Ellie said...

Hi, Sabrizz and Jules!

I can't wait to see my first Kellan CK billboard. I hope I won't be driving!

Sabrizzle said...

Hi DB! And Emily, Kim, Ellie, Jules, and whoever else I missed!

Emily said...

Sabrizzzz! How are you?

LOL Kim!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Angie's here!!!!!!!

There should be a lot of happy s/o in the world due to Robert Thomas Pattinson.

Sabrizzle said...

I'm good, currently consuming massive amounts of vitamin C in hopes of not catching my roommate's nasty cold. How are you, Emily?

Ana73 said...

adm - the one where he is laying down is the best one :)) and i would love to be the sprayer too, that was just a turn on to watch him get sprayed

TwiHartRK said...

Hey Sabrizzle!!

TwiHartRK said...

Ana - you spray - I'll towel dry ;)

Sabrizzle said...

Hi Alie, muah!

Emily said...

Stay healthy! I'm husband should be home from basketball any minute. *hoping for overtime*

Ana73 said...

that wolfpack has NOTHING on kellan :))

Angie said...

LOl @ Ana would be a nice job!

Jewels64 said...

@kimberlesk OMG!!! That was one rocking Supernatural! I loved it!!! I loved how....well nevermind...this is a ROB blog.

Hi gals! Rob is in hizzzhouse!!! Get ready bizzitches!

Bel Ami is gonna kick our collective ass!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Does anyone have the link to Kellan lying down? Haven't seen that one. Should I be scared? I think Emily said, "the package is big."

RPLover said...

here, Kellan (bulge) fans-check this out! ;)

Ellie said...

I've gotta check out all the Kellan CK pics...I did see that one where he's being sprayed...
is it hot in here???

Ana73 said...

twiheart - oh hell no, i want both jobs :)) and i would throw a third job in there too LOL

Ellie said...

BIG package, CL, BIG...

TwiHartRK said...

ADM - it's behind the scenes photos. I'll look for a link brb.

Jewels my ass is partially kicked just thinking about it. I must have several lives at this point to withstand the punishment over the last year. And it's only gonna get harder.

Yes, Kim - I said HARDER.

Em- fingers crossed for OT.

Sabrizzle said...

Yes, the package is muy grande!

nikola6 said...

No Emily...

I didn't make it to Sundance this year as I'm back in Los Angeles.

And I didn't realize that Wide Awake is finished. I think I better go start reading it before it gets pulled like The Office.

Jewels64 said...

My kids need to be put to bed. Sorry y'all. Gotta go.

Miss all of you. Will check back in! Muuuah!

Sabrizzle said...

Bye Jules! xoxoxo

TwiHartRK said...


Oh Ana - I think I know what kind of "job" that might be

Emily said...

I didn't know there was a video RPL! I just saw a few pics.

His commentary is making me laugh. "CK underwear holds you together." LOL!

Ellie said...

nikola, you will not regret it. Again, WA is the bible of fanfics... Darkward just pulls at your heartstrings.
And I agree, Kim, Lola's Vampward is the way SM's Edward should be...NO fade to black...

Angie said...

Emily, I laughed at that too! I may have also drooled a little. Yikes!

TwiHartRK said...

Nik - WA is a must read! Yes, do it. I think there is even a link to a pdf on her 100%

Night Jules- I'm in the same boat darlin.

Ellie said...

See you later, Jules...hope the boys are doing well. :0

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Good God Kellan! I reserve KOL's Sex on Fire for Rob, but damn, Kellan! The buldge is, just wow! And the chest! Who said the Wolfpack has nothing on Kellan. Hell yea!

Ellie said...

Jules, that should have been a happy face: :)

Sabrizzle said...

I still haven't finished WA, I keep forgetting about it when I have time. :(

RPLover said...

LOL, you're welcome, ladies! ;)

I'll forever love Rob, but there's no harm in looking around...LOL

Ellie said...

Not an O face. *giggle

TwiHartRK said...

OH Yea - no one does Vampward like lola - uninhibited, unrestrained canon E - YUMMMY.

Angie said...

TwiHeart, there is a pdf for WA. I was so happy to be able to save it.

Emily said...

Me too ADM. LOL! The V, anyone??

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Ellie! :0

TwiHartRK said...

ADM - Kimberlesk's avi has a bib for ya ;)

TheDogsBollocks said...

Are you guys staying for a while? My mom just woke up and duty calls. I got 30 minutes off which is a total miracle.

Emily said...

Oh yeah, RPL. Kellan is eye candy. Rob is everything candy.

Angie said...

RPL, I like to look. But, I am loyal to Rob!

Ellie said...

Sabrizz, you're not getting your roomate's cold, I hope. The semester just started!

Ana73 said...

rpl - i hadn't seen that video, i just saw the still shots but OMG when he pulled part of it down, i would love to see that man naked.

Ellie said...

DB, I'll be here. xoxoxo

Angie said...

Thanks, TwiHeart!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

ADM - There is nothing wrong with window shopping. Rob holds our heart, mind, soul, etc. Kellan? Eye candy.

Ellie said...

Ana, there's a video???

RPLover said...

LOL, Emily! and I've got a sweet tooth!

Sabrizzle said...

I'm trying to prevent getting it, Ellie! She keeps sniffling like crazy, and last night she was making whimpering sounds while I was trying to sleep. I wanted to punch her...

Ellie said...

Em, Kella's got quite the V...

RPLover said...

here ya go, Ellie!

Emily said...

He gives off such an innocent farm boy vibe in interviews and when he talks. Then the clothes come off...

Ellie said...

Shamizzle, "whimpering"??

Ellie said...

Thanks, rpl, I'll look later when I get off here

(yeah, I said "get off"

Sabrizzle said...

Yes Ellie! I was like, "what the fuck?! It's a cold, put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"

TwiHartRK said...

Well, ladies. I'm out for A WHILE. Have a great night. Enjoy the window shopping and don't get a tooth ache.
"Sweet" Rob dreams to you.

Ana73 said...

emily - that is funny "innocent farm boy"

yes i agree - just eye candy. rob is the real sweet candy 24/7

Ellie said...

Sab, stick her in the shower and let her whimper in the steam!

Sabrizzle said...

Goodnight Alie! Muah!

Angie said...

Good night TwiHeart.

RPLover said...

Em, I know! I'm picturing him catching gummy bears in his Calvin's right now...

*slaps self* huh? wha? oh yeah, I love you, Rob!

(shhh, don't tell...)

Ana73 said...

good night twiheart :)

Ellie said...

Olive juice, Alie!
Don't forget to lock the door to the Naughty Room when you and Rob are done...He'll give me the key later...

RPLover said...

Night, TwiHeart! :)

Sabrizzle said...

Pfft, I'd rather stick her somewhere far, far away from me.

Angie said...

RPL, we will keep your secret.

Emily said...

Night Alie!

LOL Ellie!

My husband is the same way when he gets sick. Men (and apparently some roommates) are such babies. :)

Ellie said...

Still not best buds, huh?

Emily said...

LMAO RPL! Catching gummy bears in his CKs. I don't know if there's any room to spare.

Sabrizzle said...

LOL Alie, it wouldn't be as annoying if she wasn't a total bitch on top of it!

Ana73 said...

emily - i think all husbands are that way but when you are sick it's like "are you done being now, how long do you think this will last" LOL

Emily said...

So true Ana!!

RPLover said...

thanks, ADM. haha

There's a few celebs I've got crushes on, but it's nothing compared to Rob! This is true lurve...;)

Marna said...

Wow, I just looked at the thread and saw 272 comments, so i don't know if I'll be reading them all, but does anybody else wonder why he doesn't smile at all in these videos? Not even a little grin.

Sabrizzle said...

No Ellie, not at all.

Ellie said...

Men are such babies when they are sick!

Oh, and I think the gummy bears would just melt on contact...that could be fun!

Ellie said...

I know Sab, just kidding.

RPLover said...

omg, LMAO, Emily! I meant while wearing his Ck's, but your way would be MUCH more entertaining!


Ana73 said...

marna - because that is his serious modeling look i dont think any of the CK models smile

Ellie said...

Hi, Marna...join the fun!

angie-k said...

I'm only partially here...MotU is owning me tonight. I'm trying to catch-up.
and I can't oh my to the Kellan eye candy, but I wouldn't fly to NY for a chance to see him.

Angie said...

Marna, my guess would be that he takes the questions seriously. He is concentrating on the answers. Not thinking about smiling.

Ana73 said...

i really wish that rob was shedding some clothes for the Details mag. he isn't even talking off his shirt, that was a bummer to read.

Emily said...

Oh! I totally thought you meant tossing them in the air and seeing if he could catch them in his undies. LMAO!

Ellie said...

Em, I thought that, too...

Angie said...

LMAO @ Emily!!!!!

Emily said...

I agree ADM.

*giggles* Sorry, still picturing Kellan and his "hidden" talent.

Ana73 said...

emily you are really funny, plus there is no more room LMAO

RPLover said...

hahaha-no, I was thinking about that Q & A he did for Twilight and he had a chick come up onstage and toss him gummy bears to catch in his mouth. It was really cute, but I'm interested in your "vision"! O.O

Ellie said...

And Em, his talent doesn't look too hidden!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Emily - LOL! Like a circus act?

Angie said...

gummies in his undies would look like pimples on his ass, so wrong! LOL

Emily said...

You're nice Ana. I don't know why my mind went there. Nevermind, I do. I honestly thought that's what RPL meant.

RPLover said...

OMG, I'm totally LMAO at Kellan's gummy-undies... XD

Ellie said...

ADM, I just think they would melt.

Sabrizzle said...

LMAO @ gummy undies! Sounds tasty!

RPLover said...

LOL, ADM! so very, very wrong...

Angie said...

Ellie, then he would have rainbow manties.

Ana73 said...

they would melt and then he would be really "Hot & Sticky" LOL

RPLover said...

Taste the Rainbow!!

sorry, I just had to... ;)

Ellie said...


Emily said...

Ellie...great minds. And no, it's not hidden AT ALL!

ADM - LMAO & Eewww-ing at the same time.

Ellie said...



reminds me of Skittleward...

Angie said...

LMAO @ RPL, yes please!

Sabrizzle said...

Hahahaha, I think it would be very easy to find the treasure at the end of that rainbow!

Ana73 said...

that would be a VERY BIG treasure :))

Emily said...

I am LMAO over here!

Ellie said...

Sabrizz, that pot o' gold? lol

RPLover said...

LMFAO! wow, this conversation just took a colorful turn!

Emily said...

*off to watch the video again*

Ellie said...

rpl~~ *groan

Angie said...

Oh, Rob you need to come out and play so that we can stop talking about Kellen's rainbow pants!

RPLover said...

heeheehee, sorry Ellie! that was a cringer for sure. ;)

why do I get the feeling that Kellan would really enjoy these comments?

Ana73 said...

no wonder Anna McClynn (whatever her name is) keeps going back to him :) i would go back for seconds too.

Sabrizzle said...

Yep, one very large pot of gold Ellie!

Ellie said...

coz he may be a dirty boy??

he's got that gleam in his eye

SluttyPattz said...

Banner is FIERCE and love this video.

RPLover said...

you see what a drought make us do?!

how long is it until March again?

Angie said...

Hi, Teri!

Ana73 said...

rpl- i get the same feeling. kellan really seems into himself, not in a bad way but he seems to have a real big head, actually TWO heads LOL.

Ellie said...

TOO long, rpl, too long...

RPLover said...

Ellie, definately!

Ellie said...

LMAO, Ana!

babbles said...

Did I miss anything... Had to do a Cold Stone run with the Fam... Mmmm Coffee Lovers in a choco waffle cone...

Emily said...

I can't stop laughing at "a colorful turn" RPL!

The only reference I could think of was "That's a horse of a different color." But that's sort of gross.

RPLover said...

Hey, Teri! =)

Ana, ITA...about both heads. lol

Emily said...

Hi Teri!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@RPL - ITA! Where is Rob? Why won't he come out and show his beautiful face. Love you Kellan, but you are not, nor will you ever be Rob. Let's see it's 6AM in London, is Rob sleeping or on his way to the set? Inquiring minds want to know!

Sabrizzle said...

Yummy Brooke, did you bring back any to share with us?

Ana73 said...

ellie - i am over here laughing...i read your comment "too long" i was like what is she talking about, yes my mind is in the gutter...

but i agree a month til we get some rob :(

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Hi Teri!

RPLover said...

bwahahaha, Emily! It may be gross, but I think it's accurate!

oh, man, I'm an NB tonight for sure...

Ellie said...

Brooke, we're discussing Kellan's rather large...ahem...attributes.

Ellie said...

And I LOVE Cold Stone!
The vanilla ice cream with berries! YUMMY!

Steph is Legit said...

wow you all work fast.. i was n here an hour ago and there were about 60-70 comments and now we are well into the 300's lol

Emily said...

Mmmm...Cold Stone.

Do they make gummy bear ice cream because I feel a craving coming on.

Ellie said...

Yes, Em, you can get gummies in there (that's what Kellan said...)

babbles said...

Em.. It's true... I have the byproduct of FF with Rob infused imagery staring at me from the baby swing as we speak...
I considered going after him for child support...

RPLover said...

Cold Stone rocks! and Coffee Lovers is my fave...damn, now I want some ice cream! ya know, to go with the gummy-undies...

Ana73 said...

emily - you are stuck on those gummy bears tonight :)

Ellie said...

rpl, the NB's and RK's together...
beautiful! :)

RPLover said...

hmmm, Gummy-Kellan Lovers...slurp!

Ellie said...

LMAO, make me smile.

Angie said...

Yes, Ellie, the RK's and NB's do Rob proud.

And, would be proud to do him!!!


RPLover said...

Ellie, ITA! NB's + RK's = fun! =)

Ellie said...

babs, he's pay you in Hot Pockets...

Emily said...

LOL @ child support! Awww...sweet little angel. Your baby that is, not Rob.

Mine is definitely not Rob's. I seriously doubt he weighed 26 at 6 months old.

Ellie said...

I mean, *he'd

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Good night ladies! I have truly enjoyed my time here tonight.
Sweet Roblicious dreams to all.

Emily said...

I love your evil laugh ADM.

babbles said...

Ellie, I can't think of others ways he can pay me...

Ana73 said...

i loved chatting with you all tonight, you ladies are tooo funny.

good night and sweet rob dreams and sweet gummy dreams too :))

Ellie said...

Yes, we'd do him...drink a red bull, Rob...the naughty room's getting busy tonight.

Angie said...

Good night Ana.

Ellie said...

Good night, CL! It was so nich chatting with you!
Some fucking delicious cookies to you! lol

RPLover said...

night, CL!

I'm going to have to say goodnight, too-it's been fun! =)

Ellie said...

nite nite, Ana. Sweet Rob dreams for sure, for you!

Angie said...

Good night CL.

Ellie said...

And good nioght to you also, rpl...always a pleasure, my sweet. :)

Emily said...

Goodnight everyone! It's been so much fun!

Sweet Rob dreams! Throw some Kellan in too if you want.

Ellie said...

babs, how might he pay?????

Angie said...

Good night RPL and Emily.

I must be off as well. Good night!

Ellie said...

Em, you too???

Sweet Gummy bear Rob dreams, love.
Olive juice!

Ellie said...

Crap, am I the only one left?

nite, ADM! :)
really nice talking to you again!

babbles said...

Oh Ellie... Don't play dumb... Your brain is right there with me bb

Emily said...

Olive juice to you too Ellie & Babs!


Sabrizzle said...

I'm still here, sorry I got distracted.

Ellie said...

Well, yeah, I'm right there with you all the way, bb! lol

Ellie said...

And I can think of HUNDREDS of ways for him to repay...just look at the equipment in the naughty room! lo

SluttyPattz said...

Hi ADM, RPLover, Emily and CL!! I can't stay long wanted to drop in and say Hi. I read the comments tonight you ladies ROCK.

ADM - I am reading Darkenss now and love it thanks for the rec. I'll drop in tomorrow night when I have some more time. RL was kicking my butt today.

Night, Sweet Dreams.

Monique said...

I love, love the new Banner... so hot, so sexy, so serious. I love to listen to him in interviews. So well thought out and I love the movie roles he picks. No Spiderman please!

I agree with Nikola6... It's SM... she wouldn't put graphic married sex in Breaking Dawn... she's going to put a "Stalker" story of a young girl in her book? It drive me crazy when people ... " so called readers of the books call Edward one... Geez!!

Cherri said...

Wow it look like I got Rob all to myself you've all been gone for hours.

Loisada said...

Well then Cherri you'll get the late-night pleasure of seeing this..... absolutely gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

I don't want any more teasing and tweaking, just give it to me in one good long shot!!!!

That's what I'm saying - give it to me already lol

drabrasil said...

oh my.. the banner is gorgeous.. thanks!!!

drabrasil said...

hey.. i am going to burst..
take a look of firstROB picture from the upcoming 'details' shoot at

Fae007 said...


Yeah the movie's gonna hit many in personal level!

Anonymous said...

@dra thanks so much dra thanks so much! He is turning out to be the sexy movie cinema God I had always pictured in my mind. God help us all! We're gonna have to take out special med insurance just to look at him in the future! Like he will have to be viewed behind a curtain with a paramedic standing by! LOL! And he doesn't even have to be nekkid! ha! I love you Robert you're doin' Hollywood old style!

Cherri said...

I may have had Rob all to myself earlier but I sure as hell couldn't type. Sorry about that ladies.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@Monique---Okay, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on the matter, but good intentions or not, Edward entered Bella's room, without her knowledge or permission, repeatedly. To watch her sleep. Legally, that's stalking.

(That's my take and I'm entitled to call Edward a stalker from that perspective. And I've read the books MANY times.)

Supernatural fairytale aside, this is a severe invasion of privacy and illegal. How would you feel if some fan did this to Rob?

twilitemom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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