Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
Woody Allen. I'm pretty neurotic. Robert Pattinson is like the last person I want to be compared with. I think any girl would throw me under a bus to be within five feet of Robert Pattinson. I actually think he's an attractive guy. And I watched most of Twilight, and I think he was really intriguing.
He's right though... I would throw him under a bus!
LOL kat!
I cannot stand Woody Allen. Poor Paul if that is how he would be portrayed.
yeah, my friend like him and Rob. I tell her he is the poor girl's Rob. LOL!
Ya know, Paul is cute... bur not only would i throw him under the bus for Rob, I would run him over, step on him... And stll his soul...
At least he knows where he stands in the food chain
LMAO Kat!!!
Me, too, I'm afraid. Nice that he recognizes it though.
Yup. Bus. Sorry. LOL! ; )
Vrroooom vrrroooom, here comes the bus. LOL
Omfg... The skanks and losers are still arguing on the othe thread....
Geez... It's been fun tonight.. I'm out... feel free to trash me when I'm gone too... That's what losers do best...
Night NBS..
Where were all the RKs tonight? Missed ya!
bumpbumpbump....just ran him over with the Robbarrow!!!
RPG, ff cures all ills. Yeah, left a while ago too. Can't take the crazy talk very long... ; ) Hugs!
One is sort of like tofu, never fully satisfies. While Rob is like Kobe steak.
i mean id rather sacrifice someone else than kill paul, but if he wa sin my way and it was the only solution i hope they plan a nice funeral for him
I wouldn't throw him under the bus because I think he brings some pretty too, especially when he takes his shirt off because WOW. I would push them both out of the way & then have myself a nice Rob/Paul sandwich. :-)
lol! @PAUL ...throw 'im under a bus to stand within 5 ft. of Robert Pattinson! *thinks for a nanosecond* yeh, ole right! and he saw most of Twilight! LOL! most of it? like it was too painful to watch the new taker of the hollywood leading man throne in action of screen...! I wondered if most of hollywoods young handsome actors wouldn't have something to say about our Robert! and I was right they 're all running and hiding in shame! Look there goes another and another hiding in Robs grizzlyRob cave to find out how 'e does it! It's genetics and a really sweet disposition mates! that's e does it! plus 'e just 'as that something special that is so down to earth, so approachable, and yet sexy and worldly and sometimes intimidating...other times not so much...just real honest and good. Like an Angel!
Very perceptive Mr. Wesley. Me too, under the bus you go!!! LMAO. He tries so hard to brood... *shakes head*
Paul Wesley is no Robert Pattinson. I would throw myself under a bus for Rob any day! Rob is my soulmate... but NO ONE believes me! I'm new 2 Robsessed... I hope 2 meet Rob one of these days!!
@Sol love your picture.
Your writing much up with the calmness and the beauty of your face.
Paul who??? I think I wont see anybody else if Rob was there.
I just read somewhere he is like, 27 or something. Bigger stretch to play 17 than 23!!!
I would throw my own mother under a bus if she dared to stand near Rob.
j/k LOL!!!
ROTFL I might be driving all those busses ;-) Just kidding here.
@Solas: Great new picture,love!
I might ask if I he can hoist me on his shoulders :)
He's not bad looking either...but I'll take Rob.There's more to Rob than just looks.
He's not bad looking either...but I'll take Rob.There's more to Rob than just looks.
hey, you can´t compare them! PW has beautiful eyes - that´s IT, otherwise he is just a boney version of jay leno.
rob on the other hand.. praise the lord.
I would not throw Paul Wesley under a bus! I'm sorry gang, but I think he's just as hot... don't shoot me.
I wouldn't throw Paul under the bus either. I think he's great on the Vampire Diaries, his character Stefan has many qualities that remind me of Edward.
what can I say he is right under a bus lol ROB there is nothing that I cant do for you attractive guy sure he is the most attractive men entire of the world FILR<3
I would not throw Paul under a bus or anywhere else. I still love him from the time he was on that CBS show called Wolf Lake. Then he went to American Dreams. He was hot then and hotter now. Love Rob, but there is always room for one more hot guy. Threesome. Yes please!! LOL
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