From PopCornBiz
The pairing of Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan as father and son in "Remember Me" has had fans atwitter since the cast was announced, but it's the film's surprise ending that will keep the buzz alive.
Pattinson is sharp in this beautifully shot film, and one-time James Bond Brosnan is in top form. Their thick onscreen New York accents might slip a bit in the heat of their constant arguing, given Pattinson's a Brit and Brosnan an Irishman. But Pattinson makes coming out on the wrong end of cop fights and cramped student living in New York look appealing, while the polished Brosnan looks perfectly at home in his big business surroundings.
But the big talking point when this movie hits screens next month will be the surprise twist of an ending. For the sake of maintaining the surprise, we'll keep the details short on this massive twist. Suffice it to say it makes "The Book of Eli's" blind-reveal look pretty tame in comparison. It's a whopper.
Popcorn Biz will have a full review shortly before "Remember Me" opens on March 12.
PLEASE don't discuss the ending etc in the comments, keep it spoiler free or I'll send Angry Edward after you or even worse Angry Gozde!
Thanks to Tess for sending us the link
This movie is going to be fabulous in every way... and we won't talk about it until we see it, I promise!
WOOOT!!!! Go rob. I'm telling you, superstar after this!!!
I think we'll do what we did with New Moon and put up a spoiler thread each day for a while so that it won't ruin it for people. That worked really well last time and seeing as I won't be seeing it till the start of April and Goz won't be seeing it till the end of April it'll keep us safe too. ;-)
you great kate :)
Thanks Kate... In France, we won't be seeing it before April and it would be a shame to know too much too soon...
I LOVE the reviews this movie is getting and I hope this will push the movie further into success too. Can't wait to see this one and I will bawl like a baby just because!
Love the fact Rob get praises from the reviews I have read :-).
Angry Edward? Should we be afraid now? C'mon, Edward is a softie. In fact he didn't even kill James... ;)
I'm so glad that RM is getting such good reviews, I can't wait for the audience reaction too.
It opens on March 26th here in Italy, thanks for keeping this site spoiler free :)
I'll be there watching you, Beloved. Drooling, for sure. Happily enjoying to see you on a new role ~ with a stupid smile dancing on my face.
Though crying at the end, inevitably ~ and trying to desguise it, as I should...
Hum... I can't wait.
Love you, Gorgeous!
Muah! :x
BTW how hot is Rob in that picture?? Ahhh the jaw...
Love the jeans, although he's hiding the fingers porn LOL
~ it should have been: 'disguise'...
Thank You Kate!
Spoiler Free for Remember Me!!
(just reading that teaser made me nervous)
Mmmm, Angry Edward you say? Liking the sound of that.
(Too hooked on MotU)
Both father and son are really yummy... Incredible... LOL... Too early for those kind of thoughts and I've been up all night so... let's go back to work... Mind over matter... LOL...
Can't wait for RM. Thank you ladies for keeping the spoilers at bay!
I can't wait to see RM...
Rob IS a good actor! why do critics aways sound suprised then they say that. This movie is going to be fantastic. Opens here on April 2nd (why the wait??? don't get all these differant dates it's really anoying) :(((
I think we're all abit addited to MoTU LOL. I didn't think anything could top that but just started reading Alpabet Weekends and it's very funny!
Now how you feel, late night, early work then housework... no I think the house can wait LOL
I hope this film gets great reviews. It will be so great for Rob.
Thanks Kate!!!
LOL at Angry Edward or worse angry Gozde!
So, what have I missed ? Just catching up on all the new blog entries now !!
Exciting, can't wait for RM! :D
Dessert First & Catwoman, I am HOOKED on MOtU! I can't wait for the next chapter. Maybe Rob will have some "Fifty Shades" moments in RM??? Minus the red room of pain. I would love to see Rob in a movie that had the red room of pain!
Have you girls read Emancipation Proclamation?
Really looking forward to this movie (I have to wait until April too Kate *sniff*) and I just know Rob will be amazing in it!
Thanks Kate you're a star x
Ahhhh, Rob is so beautiful in this picture. I know we always talk about all of his beautiful features but we never mention those BROAD shoulders! Goodness look at how much he has developed since Twilight.
But I know Rob wants to be known and loved for more than his beauty and from what I've seen of his acting in the RM scenes he will be! Expect more followers on this website after this movie hits the big screen. We will have to share our Rob with more admirers.
Jen: Bring on Bel Ami...
Mr Duroy strutting and swaggering and alot more besides. CANNOT wait for that movie ;))
Dessert, I have not read Bel Ami yet, but have the script and the book is on the way from Barnes & Noble. I have heard it has many a steamy scene. I am trying to finish Em. Proc. first before starting something new (have your read it??). I won't read RM script b/c I want it to be a surprise. With Twilight, you always know what's gonna happen, and b/c Bel Ami was a book first, there is no surprise. So that's why I've resisted w/RM, as hard as it's been, to not read the script.
jen: Bel Ami book arrived this morning. I needed something to take on holiday. I have read the first page (swaggering and strutting) but I want to save it for March 8TH. Tempted to find the "interesting" parts but I will resist!
Em Proc... don't think thats on my favourite list.
I love them both, well I love Rob more but you already knew that.
15 days to go.
I pray for good reviews like everyday.
Watch out ladies after this movie, the line will be three times round the planet.
I can tamme angry Edward but I wouldn't like to be anywhere close to angry Goz
I cannot fuction today I think I have to move to the States to have my normal sleeping hours back.
@Dessert You are gonna love this book. It's a beautiful read.
Where are you going lucky you?
@Dessert You are gonna love this book. It's a beautiful read.
Where are you going lucky you?
dina: * I must resist *
Nile cruise then three days in Cairo.
Will be fab
Will miss you all on Robsessed though :(
It's a shocker but actually in Romania RM is being released on 12th of March. Here we almost never get movies released at the same date as in USA. I'm really happy I don't have to wait for it until April. So for the UK and France fans out there come to Romania to watch the movie :)I'm really scared about the ending of the movie. I really really hope is not going to be to sad... but I don't know why I just have a bad feeling about it... :(
dina: too true... it just gets interesting and before I know it it's 1am!
What a fabulous review!!!!!!!
Omg!!!! Can't wait !!!
Send angry Edward after me! ;D
I am SO excited to see RM...I'm hearing such good things about it (except for the accent
And yes, spoiler free, PLEASE!
thanks, Kate!
(olive juice, bb!)
I've just discovered MOTU after reading so many comments about it... Dear me! Might have found something very interesting... LOL...
Fae: Are you biting your lip? You know what that makes him more angry LOL
Dessert First Not only that I'm biting my lip, I'm rolling my eyes like crazy as well! ;D
I can't wait!!!
We are in the home stretch, now. I also love films with endings that I did not expect, especially because almost everything I watch and read is so predictable. I loved 'no way out' for that reason, as well as '6th sense.' If anyone can suggest other films where the ending is totally not expected, please let me know.
I am hoping some trolls will not just come in and blurt out the movie. Is there a way to prevent this? Some people can be very spiteful and immature.
Fae: what a naughty girl! LMAO!!
RM I cannot wait to see Rob without the vamp make-up on the big screan.
Put your daggers away I'm just saying... I love Edward too!
solas: 6th sense - now that was a shocking twist
"the usual suspects" had a very good ending.
@dessert. WOW lucky you :))) Egypt during spring is the best.
@alyna thanks for the info, I will let my sister in law know about it.
Speaking of.... Saw another RM commercial last night during American Idol! That makes 5 times in 2 days!!!
ITA about spiteful people trying to ruin for others... I caught that!
@Solas "the others" that was a good one. I love love films with a twist.
The best twist ever for me is Usual Suspects! God, Kevin Spacey was incredible... Seven was not bad either!
@Solas did you watch "The Others", I would suggest that one for you if you didn't.
@Dessert First I'm a good girl! LMAO!
I totally knew what was going to happen in 7--that was too predictable to me. Usual suspects, I had a feeling. I don't know what The Others film is; will look it up. Thanks.
can't wait!! and check out the jaw porn :)
Dessert first-how is AW coming along--i;m almost finished. you will love Bel Ami--especially thinking of Rob as Duroy--yummy
Dessert, & any other FF fans, Here is a link to a great story, Emancipation Proclamation. Orig. was on FF site got removed for some reason. Author has her own blog. She has playlist to go with story, as well as pics, etc. Awesome Edward (with some Robisms)& Bella story, with a twist!
You won't be able to stop reading it, and there are 68 published chapters so far! Sempre...
Fae: yeah somehow I think your inner goddess disagrees with you, I'm sure she's tutting and shaking her head at that last remark. LMAO!
I'm reading and blogging at the same time. Up to chapter nine so you know what I've just read!
Please NO finger porn my inner goddess wouldn't be able to take it LOL!
* Mr Duroy has entered the building *
RM roll on April...
@dessert--there is a little finger porn--the letter O was pretty wonderful--LOL--enjoy :)
wensdazzled: I ment pics of finger porn LOL
@Dessert First, here is the link again :)
wensdazzled: besides my inner goddess tells me I have no grapeseed oil LMAO!
Jen; I have so much on my favourites list but I will keep the details, thanks ;)
@Dessert Firts She'll definitely make flips and turns and have a victory grin on her face afterwards! ;D LOL
@Jen thanks!
Err... yes, please, get a spoiler thread for this one two after the premiere... We'll come and read it if we want to. Our choice...
"Au revoir les enfants", a Louis Malle's movie, has a surprising ending. Beautiful movie... :)
Thankyou have bookmarked your you tube page (again!) so I can get my fix of Mr Duroy 24/7. U make brilliant vids, you are very talented.
Inner goddess now on the floor bacause she's just seen finger porn vid after reading chapter eight of AW!
I'm in love with my avi. Just love where his hand goes. And his lips... :))) Despite the kabuki mask...
@Solas "The Others" is the one with Nicole Kidman, if that helps.
@Dessert Firts AW is which one???
Fae: Alphabet Weekends
Fae: "O"
Unfortunately, I know the ending of the story but I still cannot WAIT to see RM. Rob seems to fit the role for Tyler perfectly. I'm loving the reviews its getting and I know Rob will continue to surprise the people who thought he was strictly Edward Cullen. Rob can do anything :)
Unfortunately I know the ending but I still cannot WAIT to see RM. I'm happy to see Rob steering this way in film. I can't wait for him to shock those that thought he was strictly Edward Cullen. Rob can do anything ;)
crazy vamp:
My favourite eclipse line...
"Bella please stop trying to take your clothes off"
"Oh did you want to do that part"
Makes me laugh every time!
@ Dessert: one of my favs too...;)
@Fae, I loved the others :D
Oh, I am so nervous for Rob...I just want him to get fantastic reviews and break out of the Twilight box. I know he wants to do great things and I believe he can. Are there any more reviews out there?
Saw the RM promo last night during American Idol and my daughter and I quit breathing. Now getting a hard time about Rob from my sons and DH. So busted. Actually though it is sort of a relief to be out of the closet, LOL
@Dessert First O! :D
@Annie of course you did! :DDDD
@Fae, lol.You know me so well ;)have you seen Old boy?
LOOOOOL! This is from someone's blog, saw it on google's pictures!
@annie... I saw Old Boy... Weird! I thought I was gonna spew up when I understood what was happening... Kind of movie I don't want to see too often... Anyway it was great...
Anybody seen The Lovely Bones? Beautiful movie, pure magic despite the story...
Yes Annie I've known you my whole life! LOOOL!
I haven't seen The Old boy. What's it like?
Fae: Photo of which Edward do you think? RR or V? LOL
toomuchpretty: I agree
Dessert First RR? V?
@wens - Waves to Wens!!!
Didn't I tell you that the "O" chapter was uh-maz-ing! I mean Edward and the table???? Super. Hot!
@Annie - how's my video coming along? ;-)
@DF - Egypt! So jealous.
Fae: MoTU joke, Red room (naughty Edward) or Vanillia (nice Edward) I just wondered which one
@annie---OMG--you are a goddess--i love your youtube channel
I think this is RR! :DDDD
@dessert--LOL--my inner goddess is wondering if you can get grapeseed oil at the grocery store :)
"O" is definatly that!
I need a t-shirt with ROBsessedpattinson on in to wear in Egypt don't you think? Just to spread the word
@Fae, It's diffrent and raw.
One of the best movies I seen.
@CL,working with it bb right know. Have to take break because I faint from time to time. I hope it's finished tonight. So many delicious pics. Any absolute favorite??
@wensdazzled,thanks sweetie *blushes*
wensdazzled: yeah mine already checked the kitchen and she's wondering the same thing. Now she's having an argument with domestic goddess for being on here instead of getting dinner ready (RL sucks!)
@CL-waves back--yes, AM is my fav so far--the table-the rest--LOL very hot
@dessert--i think V edward with a little RR edward--i'll start out slow LOL
any rec for ff? i have uni of ed mason on my list
@CL,I just have the dirtiest fantasy about Rob and I'm not reading any ff. What happens when I start reading??
Heading out for a bit....
wensdazzled: thats one my fav list but not read it yet
Domestic goddess looking daggers at me so I'd better go and do dinner. Hope to be on again later
@dessert--yes RL does suck--happy Rob land is such a nice place :)
@annie--the fantasies occur much more often when you start ff-LOL
@Annie what about my James Bond? :)
Oscar Rob, Bafta Rob, Vanity Fair Rob, RM Rob when he's suited up! :), New Moon premiere Rob, Oscar Rob without a bowtie, Cannes Rob ARE MY FAVOURITES for that video! :))))
And try not to die please! ;)
This blue shirt .............. OK, Rob can wear a paperbag over his head .. but what you still see (from the neck down)'s still sexy ... mean super sexy
(o my god ,english kills me.Forgive me)
OK that`s enough for the moment I`m quiet now you poor because you read this
Im so excited. Without spoiling anything, the ending was so surprising and I have never been so emotional while reading something in my life. I can't wait to see the movie.
Carry on......
I know it ages back in the comments but just wanted to say "The others" has a brilliant twist at the end great movie and also loved the twist at the end of "The Sixth Sense" I actually had to go back and check because I thought they had made mistakes with it, very clever and I also loved how most people who saw it also kept it secret!
LMAO wens!!
@Fae ;)there are many Robs that I can use.I try not to die but I wont promise anything.
BTW is there any Rob that isn't delicious?
@Kate, when I saw both sixth sense and the others I had to analyze everything in my head. Even Fight club is the same. Love films that leave you with questions at the end.
@Annie the answer is NO of course! :)
Actually there is...there are certain pictures... I don't even wanna think about it! ;)
Did you watch "Yu-on", Japanese, original "The Grudge", that ending left me what tha?????
what about the ending of the Haunted Airman--didn't it seem some important parts had been left out? i didn't read the book but felt i needed more info
@Fae,Yes I did but I wished I didn't. That film i very scary,messes with your mind. I had nightmares for weeks after that movie.
I've been reading MoTU and I got to chapter 67 and I'm such a technotard I cant get to it on the other site . Would someone please post the link to it. Please soon. LOL
CV--I did see "Au revoir les enfants", but was not surprised by the ending. The Haunted Airman seemed to have been missing stuff; I have not read the book on which it was based. Psychologically, the ending was totally logical.
is 'The Others' very scary?
I've never heard of Yuon or the Grudge.
@Solas, The Others is not that scary, but define scary for you. :)
Fae--I was wondering myself how I would define scary, considering I have almost been killed many times, and have seen wars, spoken with survivors, was practially raised on westerns and WW2 movies ( so lots of violence)etc.
Yet, some things just creep me out. I ugess examples are best, and then extrapolate from there. Bodysnatchers (which I saw as an old rerun when I was a child, and called it 'the peapod people') was scary, yet I could watch it--although it DID give me nightmares and made me paranoid. I don't think I could bear seeing The Exorcist-- I saw just the coming attractions for it, and my big sisters, who love scary stuff and even loved to scare the heck out of me, came back from watching it looking green and told me to never see it. I got scared by Cruella Deville in 101 Dalmations and hid under my seat, but I was about 3 years old. I have not been scared by any Harry Potter movies, wasn't scared by 6th sense or 7. Does that give you an idea?
Solas I can't help but notice that you've almost been killed many times??? I don't like to hear that, you worry me, I think you're a nice woman. Tough life you had ha?
Well yeah most of those things, you've mentioned scare me too, especially The Exorcist and similar devil stories and ghosts like The Ring and The Grudge.
But The Others is a ghost story but not really the scary one. It's interesting- mother and two children feel the presence of the ghosts in their house, who want them out of it. But I can tell you it's really interesting.
...I seriously cant wait to see this movie!
I've read a few reviews and they are outstanding. This movie is so important for Rob. I seriously cannot wait to hear all the accolades! We need this show to get on the road, already!!!
Fae--I AM a nice woman.
yet, yes, i have almost been killed many times--sometimes with deliberate acts, sometimes by accident, sometimes by negligence.
On the bright side, other than as a young child in school, I've never been bored.
@Dessert, You are reading Alphabet Weekends by glory-days? I'll add to my fave list. I read the summary it it sounds good.
PLEEEEAAAASE read Emancipation Proclamation. You will love it. It's Fan Fiction crack. Bella born into slavery (human trafficing, Edward speaks Italian and is a Mafia Prince. There's all these secrets from the past...
Here is a review of it, just to get an idea:
BTW, you were asking Fae if she likes Vanilla Edward or Red Room Edward (I use the term "Fifty" myself). I am more of a Vanilla girl, with some Fifty sauce on top. How's that for an answer?
@Solas I am so sorry to hear that, that's so awful, I can't believe it, how could anyone do that!!!!
But I'm glad you're ok now and that you got over that, thank God!
@JEN I like Vanilla Edward too, but a little bit of Fifty can't do you no harm! ;D
Fae-- Also, as a child I was really terrified by even the sight of clowns and monkeys, and they still creep me out.
Any clowns or monkeys in The Others?
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