Reports everywhere this evening claim “Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.
The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”
HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividing Breaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.” We’re told that from a practical standpoint, separating the story into two parts and shooting back-to-back is what makes most sense.
Earlier reports seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to timing, specifically, that filming may begin in October.
Gossip Cop will keep you posted when plans are officially finalized.
Thanks to Gossip Cop for the info
Does anyone know where they're going to film it? I know Rob mentioned Portland, but has anyone heard anything else?
Bedroom scenes will be filmed in my bed.....with me as Bella's stand-in, of course.
Good morning,
I read on deadlinehollywood that it was official. Just make the movie already. One or two, just decide and get it done, so Rob (and the others) can get on with it and get it on (in the movie).
@xxRobxx - LOL! Wouldn't that be wonderful. There would be 1,000 takes of each scene. =)
Aww, Beloved, I'm in agony here, looking forward to watching that honeymoon...
Hmm... I can hardly wait. =)
Isn't there a risk by waiting so long to film Breaking Dawn that the public gets tired of waiting and passes on to something else? I guess that all of you, just like me, have already seen all the important scenes in our dreams anyway! I want to see Rob playing something else, being somebody else than Edward...
Ok, the first time I read about this I got completely disappointed for two reasons.
The first is that IMO although BD is a huge book, the important stuff isn’t that long (especially when it comes to Jacob’s part).
The second one is that I’m afraid that people may get tired and lose interest until the release of the second movie.
But I thought about it again and I believe they can make it work!
While watching Twilight and NM I felt that everything was rushed. And I hated that many of the after-Italy parts were not included.
So, if BD will be made into 2 movies they can include all the important parts! (I sooo want to see everything about the honeymoon!!)
They probably won’t be 2-hour movies though…
About the ending of the first movie, I think it could end with Edward trying to save Bella’s life after her having given birth or with Bella opening her red eyes after her transformation!
I just hope they won’t ruin it!
I can't decide whether I'm happy or not about the decision of splitting BD in two movies. I know we'll have the chance to see more of Robward, but won't it be a little bothering? For us and most of all for them. I think it's time for the the three of them to move on.
@sissidelyon - Those loyal to Rob want to see him in anything he chooses to be in. It doesn't matter that the wait for BD may be done in two segments.
Waiting for any of the Harry Potter movies didn't diminish the receipts for that franchise. Waiting (if you're old enough to remember) for the Star Wars and Star Trek sequels, for the most part, didn't diminish those receipts.
We're talking Robert Thomas Pattinson here! You cannot honestly believe that fans won't want to see him because the mind-blowing fantasies dulled interest in another Twilight with him in it. There have already been gnashing of teeth, sleepless nights (and days) waiting for RM and now BA. Even those who have read the script(s) are eager to see our man on that big screen. We salivate over the outtakes. We compare notes about our speculation of Rob. Of course, we want to see him in differing roles, but to even consider that revisiting a role from a novel that most of us have read at least two times wouldn't hold our interest and motivate us to trot ourselves into a theater is incredibly short-sighted.
We'll be panting and lusting for Rob for years to come. As said on this site a hundred times, "He could read the phone book and we'd be there."
@Barbara... I am unfortunately old enough to remember Star Wars... LOL... and even Star Trek ;o)
For that reason and many others, I just hope that I'll get over my obsession and just be happy to see that a new film is coming out with him in it... It would make my life much easier ;o)))
Ach--let me know when it is in the theatre alredy and I will go.
I wonder how much of the argument is about how much sexuality will be displayed and in which way.
Why can't they just figure this out already, it should not be this hard. This has been going on for months now. I'm not very excited about this or these movies because I thought that "BD" was an awful book but, still just figure this out.
Oh for Pete'ssake. Why can't they make a decision about this and get on with it. I really, really want Breaking Dawn, but I would also like to see Rob in Water for Elephants and I imagine one may depend on the filming schedule for the other.
Difficulty is landing a director who will do two films of this scope back to back. You have to have the experience and the stamina. Summit is 'courting' big names - not unexpected who's at the top of the list - and I'm crossing everything they'll be able to say something soon. Patience wearing thin all
Are we even the teeniest bit surprised?
Box Office Receipts. ; ) Still, "More Edward!" Win!
I feel like Im being c*ckteased. Breaking Dawn is my fav book. I just dont understand what the hold up is?? Finalizing what? Whats taking so long? -are all 3 (Rob,tay and KS) on fo shizzle? How about the rest of the characters? Last I heard (months ago) at eonline they said they went in and joined forces for a pay raise. Then ZIIIP! nothing. get to steppin SUMMIT!! and wtf? I keep hearing its stepphie M holding it up-is that true?
It is all about money. Two movies, of course. As much as they can get. And PG-13, 'cause there are way too many teens in the world, and we (mature women) will go see it anyway. Repeatedly. And we will love it. And lust for it, anyway. Repeatedly. :-0
@skorpia: No, not true. Hold up is W-H-A-T-D-I-R-E-C-T-O-R. If you can get someone suitable to sign today, I, for one, would be very relieved, cock or no. ;)
I hope Rob gets a big fat pay raise to do two BD films, that's all I can say. If he's going to have the Twilight hysteria following him around for another two years then they had better make it worth his while!
PLEASE NO 2 MOVIES! Lets get this over, honeymoon, birth and conversion...there, that didn't take long at all!
I want to see the cast in other projects besides Twilight...RM, WTTR, Runaways, Bel Ami, and all the other movies other cast members are involed in.
Gah, I wish they'd just get on and do this already - all this pissing is about is really frustrating. Twilight is just dragging on and on now, even if they only wait 6 months between parts 1 and 2, we're still talking 2012 before it's all done (I'm guessin, no idea really). Grrrrrr!
Well I don't know if I'm happy about this or not. But overall it seems like a bad idea to me, to do BD in the first place. BD is a terrible book that of course has it's great moments, but yes overall it is a mess. And it doesn't have enough material to be turned into two movies.
However I like the idea of two movies, because if they get a good script writer the first part of BD good turn out very good, with a good/tasteful/steamy and more detailed honeymoon then the bone we got in the book. And also Bella's pregnancy could be written in a way were we have Edward doting on her and protecting her feircly, without Jacob or Rosalie (leave him out of the the first part of BD all together. He left in the end of Eclipse and leave it that way). Then the first part could end with Bella opening her red eyes, as a vampire.
Then I can completely ignore the second part, whether they want to put the imprinting or not, etc. And emasculate Edward, and put a lot of Jacob in there, I wouldn't care because I know I won't be watching it at all.
Now my only concern is if it might interfere with shooting WFE which has a much better storyline than BD and a great love story. I care much more for this role, than that stupid BD book, where the author completely ruined the E/B romance and emasculated Edward grrrr, and then added all sorts of weird stuff grrr again. But anyways if they will shoot in October then there is plenty of time for time to have finished shooting WFE.
My other concern is if it is made into two movies, and they don't get a GOOD script writer (and make it LOOSELY based on the book) then the movies will most probably suck. And how a successful saga might end on a flop note.
For the others I don't see them having a successful career after Twilight. But for Robert as talented and charismatic as he is, I see a great future. And I wouldn't want BD to interfere with him shooting other movies, since he seems to be picking great character driven romantic/dramatic roles.
If Rob agreed to do 2 movies, so...
I would prefer only one, because every big studio wants Rob to work in their projects and he needs time in his agenda.
Besides that, who will direct these movies? And Melissa Rosemberg`s scripts, again?
By the time these movies make it to the theaters, the teen fans will no longer be teens. Gad.
Get on with it already. I'm guessing they'll film it all at once, afterall, vampires don't change. It'll be difficult to look the same over years.
I'm sure Rob got a nice back-end deal as well as a raise. There is a screenwriter for BD. Her name is Melissa Rosenberg. May have heard of
Well, having seen Valentine's Day, I think it's a good thing Taylor has BD. He's ok, but nobody will be sending this movie any V's.
@jmm4832: I'm sure he did get a pay raise, but it better be a hefty one. He has so much overhead, like security detail, to pay for.
@D.M.: Emasculate Edward. Yeah, the was in second part of BD. The imprinting Jacob/Renesmee stuff was a major loss of focus on Stephenie's part. I know she loves Jacob and wanted it all to work out but surely she could have invented another way.
Taking focus too far away from Edward/Bella waters down and creeps out (Renesme).
Forgotten. WFE? What movie is that?
@jessegirl, Water for Elephants (reading the book now).
Yes jessegirl, WFE stands for Water For Elephants.
BD was long slow BORING... and ROB doesn't need to be cast as Edward for freakin EVER!
Summit no doubt wants two movies for the sake of the dollar... but I feel bad for Rob... If I were him... I would NOT want to be doing this Twilight shizz any longer than I have to. There's no real depth to the stories (yeah, I said it)... and they just get cheesier and cheesier.
I liked Twilight... but great cinema it it NOT. Let's move on please.
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