New/Old Robert Pattinson Pics

What? Oh ya you heard about the impregnating stare??

Well I don't like to boast but ya it's true.

Do you want me to show you?? Are you sure?

Ok then, here ya go. Just don't come crying to me in 9 months.

Let me concentrate.

There that's it! My work is done

Who's next??

Taken at the T Mobile Launch Party in Jan 2008
Big Thanks To Socialite Life


Anonymous said...

Come on can we all have some of that plain gravy pls????

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

OMG,kate. It worked on me and it's your fault.
Those eyes takes you to other dimensions. I think I forgot my name.

Butterfly25 said...

OMG, Kate, that's so freaking funny!!! I love your comments:D And I love the pics too of course!

And Rob can impregnate me with a stare anytime he wants. I won't be crying. I promise:D

crazy vamp said...

Good God! Delicious!!!
He did not impregnate me (not that easy, it would take A LOT of his nice 'body work' first, hehe;-), but left me aroused for sure...

Oh, I love this man!

crazy vamp said...

Where are my manners?

Thank you so much, Kate! :)

Unknown said...

BAHAHAHAHA OMG!!!that was hot and hilarious....I'm deffo up the duff after that!

Cherri said...

Sweet it again, do it again. Yep, I stopped breathing. Don't tell anyone. I'm speechless, again!

Ellie said...

Brilliant, Kate, just brilliant!
Thanks for your insight into the inner workings of Rob's mind...and his f___hot stare!


Emily said...

Bwahahahaha! I love it Kate!

I can't tell you how much I miss seeing those pants. And the beanie.

Emily said...

Oh, hi Ellie!

Lisa said...

Hot damn I just dropped an egg!!

Medical science could learn a thing or two from him!

Btw...anyone else ever notice how some clothes we see over and over and over again but then there are items like this fairly new looking tshirt that just seem to disappear into the Robert Pattinson Patented Abyss?

Yelida said...

Well if I am going to get pregnant anyways...I definitely want more than just a stare from him!!

Great comments btw! love your blog

Vican said...

Holy shit... I-.. I ca- I can.'t... I just-... holy shit. That's just... wow.

*goes to lie down until the ability to speak returns*

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sheesh, that Stare is freaking HOT! (Gwen looks around for her panties. Just. Gone. Poof!) LOL.

You guys do realize that Rob could, in fact, take over the world with that Stare, right?

; )

Anonymous said...

Just to quantify;

Jaw porn - check

eyebrow porn - check

pouty lip porn - check

finger porn - check

sligtly hairy facial hair porn uummh - check

Steaming as always

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Kate, Total Package. Check. ; )

LOL, oh, you guys. So, so bad.

Lisa said...

@ Gwen~

He can plan to take over the world every night, like The Brain, as long as I get to be his Pinky.


...god, I miss that cartoon LOL

Anonymous said...


You found your panties yet??? LOL

Est said...

"Ok then, here ya go. Just don't come crying to me in 9 months."

"Who's next??"

buaaahhh ajajajjaaj

Cherri said...

I'm back.......I promise I won't stop breathing this time........ oh ya shhhhh no screeming, just moaning and whispering.

Sweet Jesus......This must be heaven......

I figure if I'm going to be pregnant I may as well wear him down a little bit;)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Lisa, what a world that would be! And can see the line forming for Pinky (ITA on missing P&tB too) applications!

Wait---in Rob-World, everyone would have to wear plaid? Like, all the time? Gwen can't wear plaid.

(Bad, bad, ju-ju!!! Pigtails, red/white/blue plaid, 1976 Bi-Centennial wear for a year. GUH!)

Anonymous said...

Pictures 3,4 and 5 are the best in this badge of pictures...Robert looks so dreamy in those 3 especially!

I also like picture number 6, I find it cute and funny, I wonder who the girl is who appears to be hiding behind Robert's back?

And his smile is just too sexy and cute!

Agnes said...

I have infertility problems so I seriously hope it helps to conceive. :)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Kate, spontaneous combustion.

(CSI epi, next week...wink.)

RPLover said...

"And that's how it's done."

bwahahahaha! Perfect, Kate-thanks!

Now I just have to explain to the DH that he'd better get ready for an incredibly pretty baby No. 2. =D

Anonymous said...

God it should be "batch" not "badge" of pictures! LOL

Oh please somebody needs to add an edit button! at least we can save ourselves some embarassment with our typos *grins*...

Anonymous said...


consider it practice for Bel Ami not sure if going to cinema to watch it will be a wise move.....if you get what I mean hee hee [laughing nervously]

Jeswah said...

Hahahah! Kate that was hilarious :D thanks!

LTavares2011 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

@ Gwen~

I don't do plaid either, having spent 12 years in plaid Catholic school girl uniforms. *shudders*

Lemme tell ya, there is a blackmail photo of yours truly out there wearing a red/white/blue patchwork pants outfit (matching top and bottom with a hideous little "pixie" haircut that made me look like a boy) from July 4, 1976 that will ruin me if it ever falls into the wrong hands...

LTavares2011 said...

Wow!!!! You are a genius Kate!!!!

I am breathless!!!
With Rob I would prefer the traditional way of getting pregnant, but he can look at me with his beatiful stare only for begin.

NawtyMeenx said...

WOW - I know you tried to warn us - but those pics need the Surgeon General's label on them! Just, WOW. My ladybits are practically VIBRATING!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Kate, Bel Ami viewing will need some planning. Everyone will need a "personal zone" of empty space around them. AC cranked on high. Maybe some medical personnel on standby.

LOL! ; ) Yeah, it's not going to be pretty, Kate. Well, Rob, yes. But the rest of us?

Jessica said...

These are GORGEOUS!! Made my day, because I'm having the WORST day ever!

crazy vamp said...

@ Gwen, take over the world with that stare? Oh, girl, I would take off all my clothes with a sight of that stare. It is so demanding!! Imperative! Possessive!

(oh shit, DH is arriving home. Why the hell that early???)
Gotta go!

crazy vamp said...

Ops! Hi, JC!
(and bye, JC! :)
Talk later!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Lisa---similar outfit, same date. Same blackmail potential. Oh, but long hair and glasses.

Fae007 said...

Ok if it's Renesmee I'll find out in a few days, I'll let you know!
FILTM!!! :))))

@Jessica what's wrong? can we help?

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

My ovaries hurt!

Kate your comments rock.

This man can do no wrong. And if he's wrong I don't want to be right.


Fae007 said...

Answer to pic #5- YES...SIR! ;)

Lisa said...

@ Gwen~

Aaaahhhh...the 70's. So happy they are over LOL

MatildalovesRob said...

*thud* seriously, fuck me.

There's a scene in Bel Ami whereby George needs a favour and it involves charming women with some pears and he's giving sexy vibes left, right and centre to get what he wants. With looks like that ... oh.God.

a. aten said...

Uhhh, I think my current fetus of 8 weeks was just joined by a sibling. Now I am having TWINS!!

Angie said...

Kate, that is hilarious and so true. Rob looks GOOD!!!

nikola6 said...

Shit. I can't even have kids and I think he just nailed me. Crap. Now I'm gonna have to go buy a car seat.

It's those damn eyes. Damn! Damn! Damn!

Damn him to hell and back!

Get thee behind me Satan...

And bend me over...


nikola6 said...

And thanks Kate. Your comments were hysterical...

And so friggin' acurate.

Suz said...

wait.. what?

Where am I and why do I suddenly want pickles and mint choc chip icey cream?

margot said...

... gahh ...
yupp ... it works ...

... even if not in person ... even thru monitor ...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Geez, my due date is in 9 months-holy fuck me eyes

jc(britlover) said...

I pledge allegience to the body/face/beanie of Robert Thomas Pattinson, and to the hotness for which he stands. One union of NB's under Rob, with creative fantasy licenses for all!!!

Rob, you are the f*cking hottest man in the universe.
Thanks a mil, Kate! You rock!

LeslieHeartsRob said...


_______flatline______ I have to put up with morning sickness and midnight cravings..........

But it is soooooo worth it!! Thanks girls!!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Holy crap that you?? Your one hot NB!!!

Fae007 said...

@jc LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I'm fallin of my chair right now!!! Pledging allegiance! :D

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I meant you``s the pregnancy brain...


Fae007 said...

Someone get me those eggs with maple syrup on it or I'll start to shoot!!!! :))))))

crazy vamp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
crazy vamp said...

It was a lil over the top...

drabrasil said...

I liked it.. total package- check!!!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

JC - Laughing out loud! I am laughing out loud with my right hand over my heart.

nikola6 said...

Is there such a thing as 'lil over the top' on ROBsessed? If so...I do believe we've got a mountain or two to climb, before we find it.

And now in addition to a car seat, I gotta go out and find a friggin' crib.

You listen to me mister. You just keep those peepers of yours shut. You hear me?

Or you're gonna need more that 18 million to take care of all of these goddamn kids.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae LOL
@Gwen, this the stair that could take over the world.

And if he did we would be his personal guards always ready for his orders ;)

jc(britlover) said...

Hi NB's!
@LHR-girl, notice it's not a close up~lol. Hot, as in flash!!!
You guys are cracking me up with your preggers alerts. Looks like you'll all be ready to deliver in one of our favorite months, November. Your love children can all audition for the part of Renesmee! lol

Fae007 said...

JESUS Annie!!!! Are you trying to kill me??? You really hate me!!! Ok positive now, got the blue line!

nikola6 said...

I think we should all take the pledge. Remember how in Bye Bye Birdie they all took the Conrad Birdie pledge?

Same thing here. 'Cept that Conrad was a doosh and of course, Rob is not.

He's the devil.


I'm having the devil's spawn. We all are. It's world domination I tell ya. One crazy, pregnant, nasty bitch at a time.


And a fuckload of pampers.

jc(britlover) said...


hope you don't have morning sickness on the old coot roadtrip!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

LOL My grandson is blasting "I did it all for the nookie"

Me too hun!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm already having weird cravings and am feeling lusty....

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae,Yes I try to kill you.I'm feeling alone in the underworld.BTW I kill my self first ;)

jc(britlover) said...

Well then, Rob is really in for it after we force (invite) him into the van. Lusty pregnant gals don't mess around!! If the van is rockin', don't come knockin'!!

nikola6 said...

Oh my god. It's started. I'm not kidding. I'm nauseous. 'Course it could have been that two week old post roast I found in the fridge while scrounging around for some lunch. Nah. It's him. He tagged me.

The...the...the little bastard.

I swear to god, I ever run into him again...I'm gonna get him.

And punch him right in the face.

Fae007 said...

LOL Annie, let's kill him now! ;)

jc(britlover) said...

I loved Bye Bye Birdie. Had a major crush on Bobby Rydell back in the day.

Hey, CL
I'd like to see Rob "stand at attention" while we take the pledge!

nikola6 said...

Where's lostinphilly?

I wrote her a dream day in NY with Rob over on the Jimmy Fallon thread.

Ah. She's probably off throwing up somewhere. Damn morning sickness.

Took one look at these and couldn't even comment. Nope. Had to run straight for the toliet.

Speaking kidding. Really.

momof5 said...

I've had 5 children, but I'll take another one from him any day!!

Cherri said...

Nicola - please don't hit him, I'm in luuuuuuuve!!!!!!! I read your day dream, it was very good!

Your all cracking me up! Thanks for the laughs!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae,he is angel. Don't need to kill him ;)He kills us and enjoy it SOB ;)


LeslieHeartsRob said...

LMFAO @ jc & RPG!!!

Anonymous said...

me me me i'm next.
LOL kate you can do FF.
i miss rob :)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@JC - It will be my duty and pleasure to make sure his flag does not fly at half staff.
I will salute him, but my hand won't on my forehead.

Fae007 said...

@annie you're right destroying angel, but what is SOB? :)

Fae007 said...

@Cullenlover07 you NB!!!!!! :D

AP said...

Thxs, Kate. Certainly is.. :)

Nancy said...

@kate, OMG, Did you actually say impregnancy stare!~!!!! Just love it and you. Killer

I am dead.

...wowie! said...

ooooh. That's too funny!

Nancy said...

@gwen, I love wearing plaid. Wore it on Senior Trip (madras plaid) to Cedar Point. \

So bad you can't wear plaid. Its Rob's favorite shirt! (or didn't you notice) hehehe, smirking here.


Megan said...

OMG those pictures were to much for me. Thank you thank you for posting them!!

I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Megan said...

Oh, and Kate you are 100% correct, if a look could get you pregnant than that was it!! I am now knocked up!!

Nancy said...

@CV, hey girl, didn't you know that Rob got a girl hauled out of LA for taking all her clothes off in front of him! He said this on Ellen! Just hilarious. He said he abused his position. hehehehehe
Ellen still let him off with a hug.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@jc, I think we all would like to see Rob "stand at attention" while we take the pledge ;)just thought of that can impregnate too.

Do I write these o just thinkit. Can't tell apart fantay from reality anymore. I'm in Rob world,looking down to Earth...

Tess said...

I'm suddenly craving...... ROB!

My God Kate!! You're a genius!

Great post BB... xx

dina said...

@kate mercy me woman.
Who strugles for multi-Os tonight?
Tonight is the night girls let's go for it.
Get big Os, love children, endless lust. Night in blue satin stare.
Or maybe day?

Nancy said...

@JC, @CL
"stand at attention" hahahahaha

OMG, just picturing that with the stare. I'm done for the night.

jc(britlover) said...

half staff and not on forehead~LMFAO!!!

You're not kidding. Rob at attention..........OMG!

Fae007 said...

@Annie what is SOB???

Nancy said...

@fae, did you really ask about sob???????

son of a bitch... you didn't know that, hits head on wall........

Love ya

Anonymous said...

OMG girls u r killing me! Rob stand at attention??? *thud

Fae007 said...

@Nancy oh yeaaaah ahahahaahaha LOL, I'm so stupid sometimes! I can't believe I asked that, I'll shoot myself! It's not my fault, blame this guy! :)
Love ya 2! :)

Nancy said...

I may get to finish watching Haunted Airman tomorrow nite. Hubby working, my first copy died at Chap. 8, saw bathing scene so far.

Not sure if I want to view Little Ashes. Seen trailer and not really sure about it. Read what you all think of it, so sounds good. But enjoying Rob helps.

Trying to get people at work to see Remember Me. Will keep it up. I thinks he's going to blow Summit's mind. He's the star of Twilight, even the cast mentions it, even K. Stew. (She has same last name as me, hehehe)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Fae,LOL. Don't worry,he has that effect on all of us. Please don't shoot yourself, you're pregnant,remember ;)

Nancy said...

Have to ask, did anyone enjoy the Sandra Bullock + Craig Ferguson You Tube I sent this morning? I really loved it and had it DVR'd. So new people saw it and never saw Craig before. They really loved him too. They were also laughing with split sides.

Let me know.
Love to all.

angie-k said...

don't know where to begin! OMFG!
You NBs are on a roll!!
My sides hurt! not to mention the ladybits!!!

CL- sent you an email.

fuckity-fuck-fuck I Love This Man!!

Fae007 said...

@Annie Oooo right, I have to take the best care in the world of that baby! ;)

Nancy said...

NB's I'm sorry I'm not in NY. Wish I was now. Would love to watch RM with you. I am only a 6 hour drive away, to NYC anyway. I know there's no parking, been thru Times Square to Long Island for daughters softball tournament, got lost downtown and had trouble getting on correct bridge, but finally made it. Would you believe, even had NYPD block right lane, come out the their guns drawn and I was looking for a movie cam. What's the chances of that? So Cool.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Fae,what time is it over there? Here 01.22. I think I'm going to sleep thinking of Rob ;)

Goodnight Fae and all the NB's

Fae007 said...

here is 1:24! :)
Goodnight Annie!

VeilsofLight said...

That third picture.

I wasn't even gonna visit here tonight.

And now I've having twins.

crazy vamp said...

You know what I do not like in these pix? The girl behind him. Ugh! Who is she? Back off woman! Get in the damn line!

crazy vamp said...

@ Nancy, yes I remember that story. But, if I took my clothes off, he would be sooo (what is the word here?) speechless that he would not (surely not!) kick me off!

(speechless... or scared? Scared, definitely!:(

angie-k said...

@Nancy - the video was great. I like Craig, but don't stay up that late watching TV thanks for sharing it

You should join us for Operation Robstock! We're flying in on the 28th


jc(britlover) said...

Night annie.


That's right, sister! Tell that woman to back off with her shiny gold shoes and don't think you can cut the NB line!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

VoL, LOL! Very funny.

And Nancy, weird! Was just talking to teen son about Cedar Point---less than an hour ago! (An original Buckeye here.)

So sorry, Rob, but Gwen cannot wear plaid. She can, however, admire the Pretty that is you---in, or out, of plaid. ; ) Tux, Tweed, Black Freaking Tee (!), Shirtless...

crazy vamp said...

Hey, jc! No, no one can cut the NB line. Crap, it is already a long line! I don't know what number I got.
Please, girls, do not worn the poor guy out... deal?

Fae007 said...

NB's talking about wearing plaid?
I want to wear it, in the morning, when I have nothing else to put on, except an over-sized plaid shirt! ;)
Yeah I like plaid!

Well godnight laides, gotta go take a good rest beacuse of my condition now! ;)


jc(britlover) said...

We just need to get to him first.
Dibs!!!! Or at least second or third place. Oh, hell, I'll take what I can get!!!

Marna said...

I've looked at these a number of times today, now I know how octo-mom feels.

roxiegirl said...

F Me. God that is one gorgeous hunk of a MAN. But we all know that....shiiiit. Off to FF land with visions of Rob in the head...

angie-k said...

lol! at Marna!
if that's the case there will be a lot of litters of lil' Robs running around!!

jc(britlover) said...

Rob's stare, the gift that keeps on giving!

Nancy said...

@angie, would love to join you.

the 28th of what? Mar. I can watch on the 15th for $5.00 at local cinema. But would love to watch with my friends. (Rob Friends that is) I'll try to do it again. May do this.... keep in touch.

Love all NB's. As we all love Rob

Nancy said...

@angie, sent email to you.

Hope to meet up.

Barbara said...

@Nancy - loved the vid on Craig and Sandra. lol.

Thank you for sharing.


angie-k said...

Operation Robstock -

CL07 and I are flying to NY on the 28th of Feb and departing on the 3rd of March. We plan on being at the red carpet on the 1st and following him to the view on the 2nd.


neverthink said...

oh i've got sumpin to dip in that gravy. heh.

Nancy said...

Isn't that fantastic. My son, wife, best friends, (couple) really cracked up. He'd never seen Craig before. They all had a blast watching Sandra and Craig about "The Proposal". (anyone else it's on You Tube) We all laughed til our sides hurt, crying. Its just like Rob. So good it hurts.


Nancy said...

@angie, God, I'd love that. Hope we do it. Email me back. Will try to meet up. Have Cell and gps, so won't get lost. hehehe

@CL read above,

Love to all Rob lovers.... can't help it. Would it be great to really meet him in person. I will not scream but I may faint. Cannot promise otherwise! He's just too Yummmmmmmy.

Nancy said...

@angie, God, I'd love that. Hope we do it. Email me back. Will try to meet up. Have Cell and gps, so won't get lost. hehehe

@CL read above,

Love to all Rob lovers.... can't help it. Would it be great to really meet him in person. I will not scream but I may faint. Cannot promise otherwise! He's just too Yummmmmmmy.

Nancy said...

@nik, sorry I missed you. Love Dogma too. Its one of my favorites and forgot to list. Will be adding. I am a George Carlin fan too. Have followed him for more years than I can count. Hubbie brought back tapes from Korea in the early 70's.

Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, George Carlin, Whats not to love in that?
(didn't recognize the girls)

Nancy said...

Okay, I'll say it. What is Plain Gravis that's on his T?

Hate the lady with the golden heels whoever she is! It is not ME!

Okay, I am melting now. Just love Rob too much, I guess. My wish is to meet him in person, talk to him quietly, and just chat about things. He is so cool.

nikola6 said...


Dogma was great. I've been a fan of Carlin for years. The man was a genius and I say that believing that word is thrown around far too much. My current favorite standups are Lewis Black and Eddie Izzard. The reason I like them and Craig and the late George is because in addition to being so damn funny, these are/were highly intelligent men. They know their shit.

But what do you think of the idea of a black comedy with Rob playing both Jesus and Satan? The quisessential good twin/bad twin?

I'm not kidding. I think he could do it.

Apotamkin said...

LOL! International security alert!!
i lost my uterus+ovary 12 years ago now i'm healed!thanx Rob & Kate for the tip:)

Ninja TwiNerd said...

Hell, I regrew my nonfunctional uterus and am pregnant with triplets!! Damn - what was I saying? There should be warning labels on those photos!!!

HeartThePretty_EvenMore said...

You are too funny. Just made my day. Thanks!!

LM said...

What just happened? How did he just do that? Lost time in his eyes.

Nancy said...

Okay, I'm done. Just love him to death. He really kills me.

Why does he affect me more than any other male on this planet? I really have no idea why.

Hint: He's gorgeous, he's real, he's honest, he talks a lot (so do I), he mis-buttons his shirts, he has blue/grey eyes like me, his hair is something I want to run my hands in, Love his laugh, love his stare (I stare too), he's thin like me, his voice is ethereal like an angel, His family looks great, (good in-laws), just fantastic inside and out. Love the whole package. (even if he doesn't believe it) WHich he doesn't!!!!!

Rob, I love you no matter your demeanor, your family, your looks.
I love the WHOLE package, which is you.

Nancy said...

Sorry NB's,
lost it there. Just had to talk to Rob as if he's reading this blog. Don't know why I did it, but I did.

Love you and Hugs

Capitu Santiago said...

I have no words now... I feel... weak.
Rob, you're Beautiful!

Robine said...

Yummy yummy!
That's how I love Rob best! with 3-day-beard! THUD!

How come each time I want to comment I have to sign up again (although with the same password etd)? without doing it it would'nt recognize pas password!

crazy vamp said...

@ Robine, it happened with me, to. Try this:
where it says username, write your EMAIL! And then your password. It should work.

crazy vamp said...

I can't get over these pix, but I really need to have some work done. (stupid job!)

skorpia said...

EEEEEEEYYYYYYEEEEEG G G G G G AAAASMMMM!!! *sweats smiling* No one works me like Rob- does it everytime . God Bless him..

Katie said...

Hahaha, OMG, the captions are hysterical! Perfect. :) Thanks for the laugh.

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