Photo has been resized to fit the page. Right click and save it will save to full size

Ok so I just tried to do what Rob is doing with his fingers in the photo above and I nearly broke them!
Ok so I just tried to do what Rob is doing with his fingers in the photo above and I nearly broke them!
Source Twifans. Thanks to FePattz for the tip
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Ok, we all know how hot Robert can make brooding look, but its so cute to see him smiling and joking with people in shots. It's amazing how he can literally look edible in every shot. Brooding, pissed, sleepy, happy, sexy, thoughtful....*SIGH*
These are amazing photos!!!!
Kate, ignore my email, I just sent this before you posted it!!!
Can't wait for this movie!!!!
These are great. Thanks Kate.
I love the pics of Rob and Ruby.
In one pic they seem to have the same eye color. Looking like siblings, for real.
Thanks anyway rpg ;-) PB was being mean to me today and wasn't loading them very fast!
I can not freaking wait for this movie!!!
bumpbumpbump...don't spin out on the butter. hehe
That's the shirt I was talking about! :D
And these are great! That Ruby girl really looks like she could be his sister!
And that friend of his is cute! ;) Oh wait, Rob just sent me a threatening message, sorry baby, he's not cuter than you! :)
And the one with a guitar...o, to be that guitar... :D
Ok: is he actually moving his fingers on those strings? C'mon! Talk about tease...
Lena Olin is a lovely lady, but these 'family portraits' are making it really tough to contemplate...
Hey Rob, strum me instead of the guitar.
Thanks again Kate! How is it only February 7th. Why is not March yet??
RPG-sent you an e-mail.
Great pictures. I have noticed his eyes in his other movies. They change from blue to gray, just like mine and my kids. The color depends on what he's wearing and how bright it is and if he's indoors or out.
Its really the total package of Rob that makes me melt.
I love the guitar pic. Can't wait for March...
I want a new ask Robert video :(
I don't blame Lena for holding on to him tight! I would never let him go!
ahhhh, WetRob with a guitar...*sigh*
These pics are awesome, thanks Kate! and I'm LMAO that we're still saying bumpbumpbump! ;)
linked ya!
how's your head this morning?
yea the guitar, wet Rob, whole new set of dreams there!
GAH! the guitar one. THUD.
Love these stills. More lovely teasers. They're working. I'm still on pins and needles over RM. Hope fickle critics have their game on w/reviews, but we know Rob will ace this role!
L0l~You'll probably need a good "tuning" as well!!
yeah my assessment of this shoot in nyc? he looked like he was very spite of the fangirls attacking him, *see frizzzy hrd b88otch*, and remember he is Exec. Prod. on this flick and so looks really happ and at ease like his life is going where he wants it for once?
his eyes are so incredible I would have to look at these alll day before the prpr wrds made their way into my conscious thinking.
@rpg bumpbump...LOLArpg! you guys are going places! I laughed and laughed and laughed...he has got to appreciate our wit he's English after all!
the one where hes leaning over to be closer to Ruby? love his eyes in that one. it's almost like he's giving us a secret sign with his eyes as if to say, 'heres a look for you NB's out there!'
Oh! and the guitar I think is his own and this is exactly how I sit holding mine when I'm blogging and checking my email except I'm on my bed and my laptop is on a wooden t.v. tray! LOL! but when i've a notion I've sat as he is in this photo before. Oh by the way I love my guitar! It's almost like it has a personality all it's own. but I take offense to someone else picking her up and playing her! Even my kids! It's like SHE has a life all her own and waits for me to pick her up so she can convey the images and feelings shes felt during the day when I had to put her down! yeah , he's done this to me!
I just love him in all these scenes and the look on his face just keeps getting sexier and sexier the older he gets and he is aging rather quickly but in some areas he's slowing down and settling in as it were, in some of these shots. I remember him saying that this role is closest to who he is personally than any other role he's done so far. And the first one where all the other males on the planet are gathered in the background? isnt that a funny one! It's as if an alien race came down to earth saw Robert standing there in the park and all the rest were backdropped in around him and they made their assessment of our beautiful guy and took the picture as an example of human male beauty exemplified in Robert, you know the one in a 10,000 men example!
'why look at this one!'
'yes, yes, yes, he is the cream of the crop isn't he?'
'we ought to do experiments on him.'
'no! you don't mess up the best of the lot'
'we observe, not interfere! grab one of those substandards in the back if you want to study! we'll see how they're put together and know this ones dna by the substandard!'
'aye captain will do'
and off they go to abduct the subs in the background behind Robert. yeh, i know he does this to me! He started it with his beauty!
For the guitar picture-
"Strumming my pain with his fingers
Singing my life with his words
Killing me softly with his song...
Telling my whole life with his words..."
hey, RPG! It feels a little like it was run over by a wheelbarrow, but I'll be ok. ;))
I was just re-reading our comments from last night-damn, we were on a roll! hahaha
Killing Me Softly is such a beautifully written song. Very sensual, like our boy. Especially when fingerporn applied~that would be the icing on the cake.
These are amazing pics...Rob looks wonderful in all!
@jc, ditto on the nerves! Really want RM to do well. Back, Evil Naysayers of Rob! Back to Hell!
So want this movie to be a home run for Rob!!! ; )
@lmjabara, He is one in the million ;)I hope the aliens clone him by millions or maybe not. The world would explode.I don't think it can handle more then one Rob.
I notices the NB look too ;)he is messing with us.
Seeing him making me very religious, singeing hallelujah.
@RPG - Whew, got it. Thanks. Was at a really good part and wanted to finish.
@JC - you got that right, sister. A fine tuning! =)
@RPL - I said in another thread that all though I had a lot of fun out last night, I almost wish I would have been here, you guys were so damn funny.
@Fae - Love that song!
Oh!!!!! Lena Olin holding on to him tight! I am with jealousy!
What a lucky woman!!!
Ruby and Rob are so cute together. And the way Rob is playing the guitar? Wet hair, he is so thoughtful, seems like a boy.
Rob is a force of nature.
@jc Are you trying to kill me with that avi??? Are u crazy, putting THAT as your avi! ;))))
@annie Jeff Buckley Hallelujah??? I have that song on repeat past couple of days! :D
OMG I LOVE these. Love the family photo shots - they are so NEW and not old recycled stuff - how great!!!
The one of Rob and Lena and Ruby - so darling. And Rob and Pierce at the gravesite - very nice. Both super handsome men.
Wow I'm getting more and more excited for this movie now...........duh........I guess that's the point, huh!
amazing...he is so cute!!!
jesus, I cannot hold myself!!!!
I know we were hysterical last night...doesn't take much to keep us entertained!
Hope everyone has a great day, I'm actually going to try and pull myself away from robsessing for a little while today...
(yeah right)
Wow I hope we really get to hear him play guitar some in this movie..........does anyone know if he really plays something??????? Like more than 10 seconds of something??? Or sing??????
That would be awesome.
LOL, CL...I think we got all the details of your trip worked out for you last night-you're welcome! ;)) heehee
@Fae,YES that one. LOL me too.I'm listing to it now.
Well baby I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew ya
I've seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah.....
Well maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who'd OUT DREW YA
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen in the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah.....
I'm so moody tonight(duh,what would you expect being a cancer).
killing me softly....
There is just something NOT right about him showing his SEX EYES while he's with that precious little girl!!!!!!! Check out the "f*ck me" eyes in the pix with Ruby where he's bending down to be closer to her level!!
See.......he can't even help it.......he's super sexy even when he's not supposed to be.
F*CK!!!!this man is going to kill me..!
@everyone! look down there in the avis for all of us and look! 3rd row, 2nd in! ahhhhhhh*thats a gasping intake of air* that one I call, the Oregon Woodsman! Yes! And I'd use it for my avi except it does things to me better left unsaid! wink, wink nudge, nudge! In that particular shot of our man, and he looks ALLLLLLLL MALE to me in that one, his look is so potently male that I put it on my fridge to keep me out of there and it's the one sitting on the ledge of my window when I write, blog etc. I never have ever gotten tired or bored looking at it and when I showed it to my co-workers at cubicle ville, at work, they all got really quiet and just looked and looked and one even went over to the copier and made herself a copy in black/white of course and with the greatest of reverance, walked back down the aisle towards me with my man clutched to her chest and this ....look... on her face. Yep! to all of us we know 'the look' one gets when they've been struck by the testosterone laden gaze of our sweet, Mr. Pattinson! That's right a convert! On that day and with the Oregon woodsman clutched reverantly to her chest she is now accessing, not daily but that will come, Robsessed! And she is finding she is getting lost here as we are only I believe we call it loving our lives even more since finding dear Mr. Pattinson! There you have it ladies...the Oregon Woodsman. find it blow it up stick on your walls and contemplate. The look in the photo is indescribable and yet so comforting and dare I say authoritative and to me he is showing his Godhood in that photo. He does look to be more than a man in that photo.
ok, so I just took a closer look at the first pic-wtf is he doing with his fingers? Is he double-jointed or something? o.O
Perfect song- original by L. Cohen, but Buckley's version is better! The words are amazing!
I'm moody too and so inspired... :)
yeah!!! killing me softly.. is a very very good song choice to describe what this man is doing to me (to all of us indeed!!))) !!! HA!
@imjabara I don't know what picture you're talking about????
@lmjabara, Can't you link the pic. I'm so curiois :) The avi pics changes so I don't know witch one you mean.
@Fae, yes his is better. Moody for me is good. I always get my ideas when I'm moody and sad.
okay, I give up. Missed the bump bump wheelbarrow joke.
I'm curious as hell.
What thread is it from?
Been reading ff. Got caught up on Laid Bare.
@imjabara - we're trying to find what you're talking about. can you please link??
Nancy - the wallpapers posted yesterday thread
don't have anything in your mouth when you read it!
everybody now: "IMJABARA LINK, LINK, LINK!" :D
longer version of twilight interview in 2008. robert swears around 1.13
Nancy, it's in the thread under the new wallpapers post...we got a little silly to say the least. :)
@Fae: Buckley's version is great but Cohen is the master. Buckley's "Lilac Wine" is definitive for me, though.
Luved Cohen's comment at the Grammy's: "I was always touched by the modesty of their interest." lol
Gonna steal part of his his line for RM: First we take Manhattan...
More RM pics, that's definitely a lovely Sunday. They are really teasing us, there's a constant trickle of set pics now. I love how little Ruby really looks like his sister, with almost the same eye-color in the pic!
@imjabara - huh? I am confused.
Angie - how's MotU treating you? Surprised your's so addictive. =)
RPL/Angie - We are so getting thrown in jail in NY. Will be on CNN.
I'm off for a while-have a great day, ladies! =)
CL, try and holler "Hi, NB's!" into the camera before you get hauled off! LOL we'll wire you the bail when we get the word.
@AP I agree that Cohen is the master, but Buckley is sooooo soulful, his interpretation of that song is touching.
And "Lilac Wine"- I have no words to decribe it! :D as well as the many, many other his songs!
@fae, love Killing me Softly too.
Now, picture Rob singing it but changes words to "her" song for a guys point of view.... hehehehe
Like we need more fantasies...
@Nancy But I don't wanna change "HIS fingers"!!! :DDD
@fae everyone go down the right side of this site and look at all our avis down there ? got it? then look in the 3rd row...2nd one's Amandas's 'fowllowers' of this site...just above the how to be trailer? look aat him and if I can I will try to get a link to a better, bigger shot of that! you got to appreciate in a bigger size!
So now I'm stuttering in print. Well, sometimes do it in life, too, so par...
@Fae: yeah, Buckley does give it his all for any song he does. Luv that about him. :)
CL- I'm multi-tasking!;)
O/T (sort of , but not really) I need to get a new digital camera that also takes video. Any recommendations? Trying to keep it under $150
@Imjabara- Oh that picture! Now I see it! But can't see it well, it's too small.
@Fae and AP, your talking aboutmy favorite songs :) Love the lilac wine.
Let see if I can find the avi....
is it this:
@okay fae good one girl now everyone I have it in my personal foler on my computer how do I get it to this site so it's big enough to enjoy? all you techy girls let me know I know it's prolly very simple...but my mind is scrambling right now and can't think.
Fae, I love his fingers.
Longest ones I've ever seen. He's a natural pianist. He's always twisting them, cracking them, moving them.... finger porn.. GAH
wonder what they look like strumming a guitar. I own one but never really learned how to play it. do play organ and clarinet, but not for years. I was a band nerd. Did it all, concerts, contests, quintets, marching, the whole sheebang from age 10 to 18.
Music was a major for me in HS.
@Annie I don't know if that's te one! And about Buckley- I love all of his songs! :)
@Imjabara I think maybe just copy paste? :)
@imjabara - duh! I think it is the same pic that is on my avi
@Angie - me, too. Deep into The Submissive while trying to do laundry, file/shred papers, eat, comment and dream of Rob. It's a hard life.
Will research some cameras.
@Annie - I love that picture. It was my desktop pic for quite a while. Something about HairyRob, just love him.
@Angie - LMAO! Just realized that, too.
I think I found the right one :)
Take a look and say if this is the pic!
@Nancy seeing him strumming a gutiar would probably kill us, so... :)
I own one too, but the strings are little broken, have get that fixed.
I don't play it too, but I've been playing a piano since I was 8. Piano and guitar are my two favourite instruments, but with some reason I love the piano more, it just gets me somehow.
AP--I don't get what you meant by 'tough to contemplate' re 'family pictures.
Nancy= my son's eyes are like that as well. When he was a baby, and a young child, his eyes were green on sunny days, or when he wore blur or green, but they were brown on cloudy days, or when he wore dark colours! Now his eyes are mostly brown, but on sunny days they are hazel golden brownish green. My son is another chameleon. :-(
CL and angie, It is not the same pic I think. Look at the second link and you see the difference.
you have to read this comment at the Vancouver Sun. It's the first listed as "Romantic Fool" after the article.
It will blow your mind. We've been looking at the Robsten the wrong way. OMG I got tingly reading it, it explains so much and it feels like the truth to me, but who really knows.
I almost copied and pasted it here. Better to go there, I think. Its a long comment. 9:50 am on 2/7/10
@Fae, yeah all of his songs is great. He died too soon :(
AP--yes, Leonard COhen is THE man. He even says it: I'm your man. :-)
kristen calls Rob Flippy because I guess he has impressed her too with his elastic joints lol! we r going nuts aren't we:) what would each of us do to get a chance to meet Rob I tried to sit and calculate the life times that he needs to give each one of us a couple of minutes to just talk! Gosh! I love those photos I wish he was family it would have been truly healing:)sorry I'm very platonic and i know it's rather fiery in hear lol!
not the same pic - but very close/similar - same mood
@Annie yeah I think that's the one. :) He looks so commanding at that one! :D
Yeah he left too soon, such a shame... :(
dear god I found it I repeat I found him on photobucket! God bless photobucket f**kity f**ck f*ck it, wont' let me post the html code linking to photo bucket!
lol! in HERE!
your sons eyes sound fantastic. Never seen that before. Brown usually stays brown.
Usually blue eyes are never completely blue. They are 2 colors. Either gray or green too.
But I am of mixed heritage,
Hungarian, Scotch, Irish and German. More Hungarian than anything. Most of my cousins have same eyes, (Hungarian side)
OMG! These are really new ones!!!
I love them!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
@Nancy, I don't know what to say about what "Romantic Fool" comments....
"He is a celibate Catholic"????
Anyone read Vancouver Sun article yet. I google Rob every day to read what other sites say about him. That's where I found it.
It says that Kristen is gay and that's why the bitchy comments and why the goofy stuff. (No wonder Rob moans kissing her!) Isn't that a man's fantasy?
Okay, I just went over the top. Sorry, but love Rob to death. He kills me.
seen this?
@Nancy can you please send the link for the article again?
@AnnieforPatty: I am torn between his studio recording and the live version - both are great.
The irony of dedication is hard to take, though.
never thought about her being gay at all. Wonder why? Was worried about the stories regarding Tom Stu. Most gorgeous men are gay. Refuse to believe it about Rob. Rock Hudson is the one that fooled everyone. Loved the Doris Day movies. They had chemistry too. Watched them all on TV all the time.
@all the on my avi and go to my blog on this site! I finally figured it out and he is waiting to look at you! I got it off photobucket by just straight posting to my blogspot acct. which is here apparently! gooooooo! click and lick and look!
or do a google search, it is listed on the news, follow the Vancouver link
It's the comments section below that article.
@Solas: I don't know if you've read the script or not, but suffice it to say this is a film about families disintegrating through loss, and finding their way back. Seeing these 'happy' portraits just gets me a bit...
Er...I think I'm getting maudlin between RM and JB, so better take a break. On a brighter note: Ruby and Lena have the same nose and eyes....uncanny.
What a wonderful Sunday! Thanks for posting these...the beautiful just oozes out of this man.
March 12 can't get here fast enough!
Sorry, I give up.
Try googling Rob Pattinson.
News is always listed first.
Click on vancouver.sun link.
@annie, it never occured to me, but it does explain her behaviour, doesn't it. I mean on the interviews. And maybe why Rob is growing a beard. Notice she went to London but Rob's friends were included. Rob is trying to tell us the truth thru his body. GOD, he is so great! What a guy. He just grew more in my mind, (like he really needed to) I am totally hooked.
@Nancy I still haven't found the article (yeah I'm that clumsy) but from your comments I see it's something about Kristen being gay??? You know I always thought that, she has that look on her face like she's checking teh girls, haha, idk. And what are they saying about Rob?
@nancy, what you mean by "And maybe why Rob is growing a beard."
yes! win! this is it1 and did you get my blog on this site i finally made one to send from photo bucket its very big and clear. Ha! take that and yeh
angie-k, I have your avi as well but enjoy, am enraptured by the look on his face in this shot with sun out of his incredible eyes! something so powerful about him in this male and sooooo virile! thats the new word of the day describing our young mr. pattinson...VIRILE! GOD talk about an impregnating's like he's hypnotizing us all with the gaze he's got going on in this photo! Wow! I'm tired now time for a smoke and a drink! There's just something about a beautiful man in facial hair and the way he's run his fingers through his hair is absolutely perfect in this shot.
Well, if Kristen isn't into guys it must have been a tough few years for Michael. I'll ask him next week.... ;) Gotta run...
Ok I read teh article, looks explainable to me (if that's even teh word). But what are they talking about him getting married soon??? I love the fact that he's Catholic! :)
I have never wanted to see a movie so much in my life, and I have never not wanted to see a movie so much in my life. My stomach clenches every time I see new pictures. I almost don't want to look any more. He's so beautiful it borders on painful. I don't know how we're going to recover from this movie, though.
@rpg - Don't you love the picture of him with the guitar?! It never occurred to me that we might actually get to hear him play the guitar on this movie, even though I've seen other stills of him on the rooftop with the guitar in his lap. Holy hell!
They love Rob too.
they really say Kristen is bi or gay. but the comment sounds like one of Rob's sisters or best friends. Too much insider information/feelings in the comment I thought.
The beard is a guys way of saying, I am all man, don't you think? I always did. That's an old-fashioned thought though. Seems the Brits also feel that way. Of course, I'm probably wrong about that.
I really love Rob and hated to read the nasty comments about him, don't know why. I still want to protect him. That's the Mother instinct in me, I guess.
@Nancy Yeah I love him too, but what about getting married????
Being double jointed has its advantages.........just sayin`.
OMY! These pics are so lovely. Can he be more beautiful in this movie?!? GAH! Can't wait-hold up, is it March yet?!? LOL!
@Kate-thanks baby doll-these pics are AWESOME.
@RPattz-LOL! I agree totally-he is "bump bump" worthy for sure....;)
@RPattz and Haystack-The guitar pic slays me too....*THUD*. ;) That pic is a fanfic by itself.....hehe. :)
I hope the critics love it and Rob gets an award from it. I really think he's going to nail this part.
Especially from the Screen shots and I've read the orignal script.
OK-uh, I don't thinkRob is gay....let's not go there. I mean really, would a gay guy dress like him anyway?!? I think not. LOL! I pray he'snot though-lord, that would suck. As for Kristin, I don't know-I hope she's not either. Theres more than enough of that in Hollywood in my opinion.
@Leslie-LOL! I am with you on the double jointed thing....;)
@Nancy - I have it, too, so I am sure you understand where I'm coming from. And I couldn't agree more about Rob's acting. He is maturing on and off the screen right before our very eyes, and as irrational as it sounds, I am proud of him.
Nancy, sorry, but sounds like total garbage to me. Totally don't buy KS doing any chasing---all video I've ever seen points completely the other way around. Not to mention all the other mean crap in that comment. Delusional much?
But, R&K's relationship is strictly their business, not mine. ; )
@lmjabara - VIRILE!!!! good word!
love adding more and more pics to my Rob file.
off to the real world...
I`m with you Gwen.......he`s not shagging me (unfortunatly), so I don`t care who he shags!!
It's none of our business and I don't believe any of that crap. Anyone can write a article or post a comment and someone else will say it's a "reliable source", etc. and then write some drivel claiming they know something. I call BS on it. I like KStew and clearly love Rob. End of story.
I'm gonna stop reading some stuff. My head spinning and I don't like it!
Back to Looking at Rob ;)Better for my head.
@nancy..thanks for the article an yeh, that did cross my mind a bi'ht about her...but I also find it believeable she wanted him also...thus the bi comment from the 'romantic fool' blogger on the vancouver having rread that and knowing the studios as we all do maybe this person was enlisted say, to propagate more hype to yet again throw us off track...although he does go out and was seen with a bunch of girls out on the town with out her or his buddies...and when he's with his buddies, she sometimes is there but ...the vibe is hard to read...and usually I'm pretty astute in reading things like this. Maybe that's why no one can get a proper beat on this whole sitch cos of the way 'romantic fool' put it in that article. It also said he will be getting married soon...thus the house he just bought in england on the isle of wight! carol uk directed us to an article that said it was kristen and rob who bought the house together tho...more propaganda. and look how long she was with Michael before Rob? There is that...although she does do the guy thing really well...joan jett in the runaways. and rf does say inthe article that she couldnt hook him or make it work with him but they had mutual respect for each other professionally and stayng in character of bella for him so he could get over his shyness was so touching and sweet. and would explain her bitch mouth from time to time in interviews...she is acting almost frustrated about something definitely. I think I would go with the bi thing with her she seems more that way than just gay. maybe that s the whole crux of the sitch with them. yeah and I'm intrigued about the beard growing thing Nancy what did you mean about it? in reference to him not being interested in Kristen in that way? Like did you mean he's thinking oh well guess I'll grow a beard now! And he's marrying Camilla Bell? that was well hidden... and well planned apparently. well if he's been celibate than no wonder he wants to get married and settle down with a good woman! he's been waiting long enough! discuss!
As long as Rob continues to give us more opportunities to watch his lovely face on the big screen what he does in his private life is his business. We can all speculate until our ears fall off, but the only ones who should care what's going on are the ones personally affected by the relationship.
Just give me a good dose of Rob's beautiful, sexy self every day and I'll be happy. As long as Rob is satisfied he'll continue making us happy and that's all that matters. :)
Imjabara - PLEASE POST THAT LINK..........we're curious about it cause it does sound great from your description.
@ Nancy - good job being involved in music - why didn't you keep going after 18?? I've made a life and career with music - have a Masters plus degree in it.
Argghh!! He is looking stunning in all of the pics!! I cannot wait to see this movie and I'm so excited to be going to New York for the remember me premier!! EHHHH!!
Well, I am not an authority like the vancouver sun, but, based on observaton and paying attention to their actual words at various times, here is what I think:
Neither Rob nor Kristen are gay or even bi.
They love each other but I am not sure which kind of love that is--at the very least is the love of caring about someone.
They were both raised at least superficially as catholics but neither of them is actually a devoted catholic.
They are very good for each other at least at this point in their lives; no one could relate to what they were experiencing except each other, plus they have many common interests and goals--kindred spirits at least.
Spreading rumours about their sexuality is not nice, and sometimes it smacks of denial, as in-- they aren't really together, they just do that to hide the homosexuality, etc. as if to minimize or eliminate the 'threat' Kristen presents to those who still hope for their future with Rob. And it seems disrespectful, at least to me.
I had a long tirade I was going to post here but Pffffft. Suffice it to say that I don't think Rob is gay.
@solas, Amen. Well said.
@Gwen & LHR--ITA
@pattinsoncheeseburgs - Hi! Angie-K and I are going to!!!!! I mean we will be outside the theater, probably getting arrested trying to see Rob, but if you want to meet up with us, let us know.
@everyone! here it is...
now once there go to the comments section right under the article and look at 'romantic fools' comment on the whole thing. that's where this info is coming from and yeh , sound s like a family friend of Robs maybe...knows some stuff sounds like...
Yeah I'm tured of the speculations too, the more popular you are, the more stories hey write. Let him be, I think he's just very normal, conscientious young man, whose life suddenly changed, and who's not corrupted by fame. As much as I admire him, I feel sorry for him and afraid for him. And that is starting to show on the outside, he looks worried to me. But at the same time I somehow feel that he's very steady and won't let that happen.
this would also be a good bookmark or post to our personal blogs to save as in scrapebooks scrapbooking! detailing this would also back up a time line he may have about getting married soon. you never know until things like this actually happen in real life...then it would be fun to go back here and check to see if it all played out as this bloggr let on. huh?
@Imjabara, let's just admire his work for now, and remember that he's still very young and has many things to do! :D
i saw that 'romantic fool' comment...
so now Kristen is bi or gay? and Robert will marry camilla bell??
oh my gosh.
total crap.
When asked what he saw ahead for himself when he is in his 30s Rob has said he wants a family. He wants to be a young dad and "make" (which quickly changed to "have") a kid young so he can do things with him. Does that sound like a gay man? I think not. Gay guys may adopt children but they don't talk about "making" them. He also has said he looks forward to being able to tell his grandchildren about what happened to him when he was 23 years old.
Sorry, I wasn't going there. Leave the man alone.
Rob is the MAN. Totally.
Isn't that what we're saying here? I just love him to death.
I totally refuse to believe the Rob + Tom Stu stories. It just doesn't fit what I see but the comment just made goose bumps for me. It felt right, like someone close to him saying that. The Camilla remark was a Red Herring?
Maybe Camilla 's friend ou herself made the comment.. It seems that the bitch that made it hates Kristen.
I do know that a lot of people hates Kristen because she is 'being' romantically involved with Rob.
Did Camilla audition for Twilight Isabella Swan role???
@Fae, Staying out of his personal life is the best thing to do. I'm not his friend or family so non of my business what he is doing. if he gets married or not or what Kristen does or not. I'm not going to read these article and I usually don't. hate gossip and don't gossip. It's just mess with your mind. It's not right to speculation either on other peoples sexuality, sorry. I sometimes write before thinking! Today is a exception,me bing in a strange mood. i think my brain needs something :D and that is more pics of Rob God ;)
Okay, I'm outta here. Sorry, didn't really want to start something negative.
BTW: Just remembered the VF pic's. With Kristen and Nikki kissing and hugging. It just fit the other remarks and Kristens attitude in her interviews.
I love Rob to death.
@solas yeh, I tend to agree but there are some really intriguing comments about them both ...but as a human being and a woman I feel bad for them both...andyeah it looks like they love each other and maybe they do and the blogger is doing what solas says to get the attention off them in one way so no one pays attention to them period. Either way as long he continues to make movies and lets us see him at least every couple of mths in the years ahead of him....I'll be happy and besides I think I'll be busy with the new standards i've set for myself in education, and other personal areas! soooo I'm lovin' the Rob and going to put into practice even further that which makes me uncomfortable but that has to be done to get ahead for myself and my children. the next couple of mths will be quit painful for me as an individual and I may say some things I don't mean all because I'm in so much personal pain...but not to worry I'll get through and try not to doubt myself too much as I'm completing these tasks. Good morning to you all and have a really, really Robtacular Sunday! LOL! :)
Aww, adorable... He looks so relaxed in some of these new pics. This movie will be so beautiful and sad. Hum...
Thank you so much for posting them, Kate.
Muah! :x
@Nancy, NP :D don't worry
I'm going to turn of my laptop before it catches fire ;)Too much hot and pretty pics of Rob's eyes.They can set fire to anything.
See you NB's soon....
I agree with you about Rob.
Rob is a grown up man and I have no right to judge him. Is he gay or not? The answer will change anything to me? No, never. I`ll always love him, because he`s the most interesting and attractive man I have known. I`ll always support him.
Part of the press is jealous of his success, because he`s handsome, intelligent, has strong personality and that is unbearable for them.
Worst for them!!!
Go to the comment of Romantic Fool
What kind of crap is this? Even though I think it´s possible that Kristen is either gay or bi, Rob has been celibate all the time and is going to marry Camilla Belle soon??? I´m LMAO!!!
By the way, do you think his legs are as flexible as his hands? Hmmmm...
Another try:
He is straight. His body language tells me so. (Guess what, my hubbie cheated on me and the only thing that was true was his body language, so that's how I KNOW this)
The Tabloids and YouTube are ridiculous! Do NOT believe a man's words, but believe their actions and body language. It tells the truth, ALWAYS! (From one who has been there and done that)
@nancy_yeh, believe you husband wascheating on me all the years we were together apparently...our son was 4 when it all started and now hes 16...part of his problem is his Dad doing that in front of him and letting our son see it all from the very our son does not relate to me but to the woman he's known has always been there and to his Dad who is his hero! I do know what you mean by body language and had I been more truthful with myself I would've seen it all that time ago and wouldn't known the real reason we fought all the time alll those years without stop...there were times when he was just mine...but then, looking back, I know when they were hooking up again because he would stop sleeping with me and we would fight again. So you see I do believe you when you say you see his body language and I do know it when i see it that I'm being truthful with myself. He seem to really care about her but now I don't think we've actually seen who he actually loves. just sayin' and don't feel bad no one thinnks you started a negative happens and sometimes as in this sitch there are others that can see it unfolding at the same time you did. So now I've got to finish a divorce that he started back in 2004! and I thought I had found my musician, artist, best friend for life. but he never felt for me like I felt for him. Which make Robs attributes that much more appealing to me...I know there are good men out there...I know there are...I just want to take my little girl and start over in a place I knew when I was still innocent and was just discovering who I was going to become before my dizzy hairbrained irratic mother, dragged us all to oklahoma and handed the reins over to an idiot to make the decisions about our lives! i never even had a chance to live like I always wanted. Now, i'm gonna have to start all over. keep on truckin' Nancy you're doing fine.
And I'm moving to an artists community to see what my daughter and I can contribute to this society.
thanks Nancy forthe link.
for the same reason I do not think Kristen is bi or even gay! Her body language to Rob is very clear.
only because that VF photoshoot that NR kiss Kristen..bullshit... so we can tell that Rob is gay because he likes to go out and about with his friends?
or Kristen is gay or bi because she play that kind in a movie ?? or because she talked about this stuff during press conference about that same movie??
oh come on!!!
like I said, a lot of people hste Kristen because she's that close to Rob...
I love both and I believe they love each other but this is my personal point of view .
@Angie, re digital camera! Recommend Canon PowerShot SD790 IS. Everyone in the family has one, it's that good. Does great with video!!! (That's a hint, btw!)
Does run about $180, but you may be able to find it cheaper by shopping around. It's the dimension of a credit card, but about 1.5 cm deep and twice the wt of a Blackberry. ; )
Oh what a bunch of HOOEY!! This woman commenting on the Vancouver article is smoking something strange.
Almost laughable.
I don't really care what celebrity is sleeping with what celebrity.
I do however, care a great deal about this young man who has brought laughter, fun and you wonderful women to my life.
@fae thanks I'll take it! means alot coming from a Robsessed peer,...think thats the correct spelling...I used to be a really good speller also...
Nancy, I have no polite words for this: those self-serving sanctimonious comments from the Vancouver Sun have no place on this blog.
There are other forums for people who feel the need to judge and dish out their "morality." Just enjoy The Lovely and the positive things he has to offer.... which do NOT include drawing short-sided conclusions and make judgments about a 19-year-old girl envied by women the world over.
"Celibate?" Heeheehee! I know he wears a lot of hoods but don't think he's trying for monkdom. Sorry, but that reference just tickled my funnybone. Time for a wee drinkie. :D
@Lois. I am down with you all the way.
Personally I think the relationship (whether it's romantic or otherwise) Rob and Kristen have is an amazing thing considering the pressure both are under. It's such a crazy world nowadays so it's great to see two people with such respect for one another.
sorry, but someone read the latest news on robert be the reason there is no date to shoot BD? and apparently he is jealous and envious of a co-star? does anyone know if this has any truth?
I went away for one afternoon and the world of Rob is in some crazy frenzy. Neither one of them can possibly be gay, that's crazy! I can't stand to hear another word about it. Please talk about something else.
The last thing I will say about this subject is that IMO no two people who look at each other the way they look at each other are gay or bi. Hope that makes sense.
This video kind of proves the point, don't you think?
I'm off to a SuperBowl party. Check in later. Have fun!
The lovely ladies here at ROBsessed run a GOSSIP FREE site.
I wish we could respect their integrity by keeping gossip related links and stories out of the comment sections.
When REAL news hits, it almost always hits here first.
Oh and HEY! These Remember Me Rob pics are WONDERFUL! xxx
thanks Gwen! I'll check it out. My old camera is a canon powershot A550, but i wasn't exactly happy with it, and then I dropped it. maybe they have made improvements since the A550.
and to add my 2 cents - Rob & Kristin: not gay end of story
@Loisada: Absolument. My only bit of french but sounds more positive than english.
@Ana: no more rumours, please. :) Delay on BD nothing to do with Rob,or his likes or dislikes. Well, he'd like a start date...
@AP: ok, sorry...
@Suz-I totally agree with you. I visit this site everyday and LOVE it! Rob and his glorious self give me an escape from the stress of is refreshing to click on a website and see those beautiful eyes starring back at me. We should bask in all that is Rob and remain blind to the rumors and speculation.
A HUGE thank you and group hug to all who make this site possible!!! :)
Hi ladies,
Love to all. This feels like home and I hate negative remarks.
I do NOT hate gays. My daughter is gay and I love her to death.
I do Not hate Kristen either. I made jokes earlier about jealousy, but didn't mean it. I wish I was her kissing Rob is what that was about.
We all live normal everyday lives, don't we? And this site is so great and wonderful. Come here everyday for my Rob fix thanks to Kate, Godze and Kat. They do great work and save us time. Most of the bloggers here are Great. Love you all too. I do NOT want to create a rift. You are to important to me now.
Would love a USA Robsessed Convention, probably Ohio would be good. No worries about pappz here. Think about it.....
These pix just make me want to see the movie more. Is it March yet? Thanks for posting. Maybe RM will do better than Avatar? Wouldn't that be a nice surprise?
@Ana: Of course, we'd all like a start date so I guess that creates a lot of speculation....nobody likes to wait. ;)
Thanks Hon. I too come here for ALL MY Rob news. I am devoted and ROBsessed.
I feel very protective of this place. ROBsessed has given me so much. Friendships, Fun and Rob. It's what it's all about!
Thank you ROBsessed Team! xxx
Sounds like the FOOL part of Romantic Fool is very appropriate for that poster.
Posting hearsay as fact is FOOLISH!!!!!!
Laurie - where did you see or read that about Rob wanting to be married by his 30's and "make" a child? I really would like to see him saying that - what was his "body language" like? Rob tends to tease a lot but I don't really think a guy would say that unless he meant it - cause it would be such great teaseworthy fodder for his mates later.
@cullen lover. WOW beautiful video thank you very much.
@All of you! Aaaaaw these last few comments made me very happy! About making friends and having fun and escape from reality!
BIG HUG to all of you!
CL- thanks sharing for that video.
love it.
@femroc - I saw a clip of the interview where he said he wanted to be a young dad and now I can't remember if it was posted on this site or if someone shared it in a comment. it is driving me crazy that I can't remember which interview it was.
here is the post about being a young dad.
I do not hate gays either. I only do not like people jumping to conclusions based on gossips.
I do believe in what I see.
Here's the young dad interview
; )
@angie and CL, how is planning for operation Robstcok goes? Found any wheelbarrow big enough for Rob?
Suz -
Thank you for the post. Hearing his laugh has eased the disappointment I was feeling.
Hugs to you all, I love coming here gazing at Rob and chatting with you all.
I think Lena Olin has a little crush. Not even Ruby between them can stop her touching him. Hehe! And who can blame her.
I doubt any of us hate gays. But a lot of us hate rumour-mongering. As suz put it so well,
"The lovely ladies here at ROBsessed run a GOSSIP FREE site.I wish we could respect their integrity by keeping gossip related links and stories out of the comment sections.When REAL news hits, it almost always hits here first."
Truly, their love lives and sex lives are not our business. As fans, I would hope we wish them great love and happiness, either together or each on his and her own, no matter with whom.
@femroc, I've been away for a few minutes and see that Suz and RPG put the link up about the young dad comment. Don't think he was teasing about it. I also think there may have been another one but I can't find the link. If I find it I'll put it up.
Are we going to be blessed to see Rob play guitar in this film?!!!!
Can't wait!
First pic, why any of those men in background can be like 10% as good looking as ROB? There is so much difference maybe that's why he is in front of the camera :D and those fingers...
thanks suz & rpg for posting the link for interview. refreshing to know that I'm NOT losing my mind.
annie - 1 wheelbarrow - check! ;)
If you are ever looking for something.. just google ROBsessed and a little blub about whatchya need...
i.e. ROBsessed Young Dad
chances are you will find it here 100% of the time.
ROBsessed Rules! xxx
I read that fool's comment and literally had to walk away from my computer. @Nancy, how can you take any of the crap she's putting out as credible?? Puhleeze. I read the rest of the comments here so I'm not going to repeat, but kudos, ditto, ITA to Solas and Loisada. Thank you. My blood was boiling at what she stated as "fact". And gimme an effing break: No studio is telling them or anyone how to conduct their personal lives! God bless Kristen and Rob, keep them safe and ignorant of the mindless, shameful, defamatory sludge some morons think is OK to expound on regarding the personal lives of 2 people they know nothing about. An opinion or what you may think is one thing, we do it all the time here, but she crossed a line.
Phew. I'm finished.
"God bless Kristen and Rob, keep them safe and ignorant of the mindless, shameful, defamatory sludge some morons think is OK to expound on regarding the personal lives of 2 people they know nothing about." amen, LallieB, Amen
Lena is awfully friendly and to close to Rob.It looks like she don't want to let go but who can blame her.
Good night ladies, sweet Rob dreams
Did you all hear we are getting 2 RM clips this week on AOL Moviefone and MySpace?
One or two clips is all I ask for...just enough to hold us over until March. :)
Nancy, it's not about questioning, criticizing or even accepting anyone's sexuality, but thinking that aspect of their lives is even our business.
Suz, thank you for being diplomatic and welcoming. Am still working on my patience button, as my own mama bear tends to respond with a pro-active knee jerk!
There is a wealth of good intentions and support on this site, both between users and the "lovely ladies" who run it. At times we forget that being ROBsessed means we should extend that love, support and respect to both him .... and HIS.
ps: Olin is one smart sexy lady who obviously knows a good thing when she sees it.. who would expect any less of the lovely Lena!!
"At times we forget that being ROBsessed means we should extend that love, support and respect to both him .... and HIS."
Yup, well said.
Ok, new topic! Sort of, regarding DS's tweet yesterday about "adding more Edward" to Eclipse. And working weekends. Which he has since NM was released. Is any of this making anyone else nervous, besides Gwen? LOL, but logically, if it needs so much tweaking/work, then...
This is one of those "lie to me" moments. Gwen wants reassurances that her fav of the four books will be absolutely fantastic! And she's currently not. At. All. (Stupid annoying tweets...)
Thanks, solas. That's going to be my little prayer from now on...along with a lot of other personal ones, of course.
Gwen - ITA Eclipse is my favorite book, too I am very nervous about DS and the movie.
Love these new photos of the cast together...
Love Rob.
Love the ladies who run Robsessed
Love people who spread unfounded gossip about peoples sexuality? not so much.
Give it a rest and just enjoy the view. Remember... Karma is a b*itch..
LOL, we're back to the Kristen is gay thing? I guess playing Joan Jett must have rubbed off on her :-).
In the pictures with Lena Olin, Rob looks uncomfortable to me. He doesn't seem relaxed at all. Maybe Lena is hugging a little too tight LOL
Haven't posted in is hard to keep looking at what u cannot have. Frustrating as all get out. Yummy-yum cookies in the cookie jar on a very high shelf & no chair to get to em. I find it hard to suffer in silence and put myself through it (sad face)..Anyhoo...has anything shocking or truly surprising happened since New Years? Please tell me :)
Well, back to RM.
I am, like the rest of you, really looking forward to this movie. Robert looks fantastic, sexy, and the role looks like a good one. Rob is surrounded by many veteran and venerable actors.
Lena's body language in the photo, is, of course, acting. She's his Mom, touching her 'son', loving, proud but not lusting.
That said, has anyone else noticed how women of all ages are always touching him? I see it in candids all the time. They just can't help themselves. MmmHmm...
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