My ovaries are doing happy dances right now!The young dad statement during new moon promotions floored me...and now this?!Are we sure hes 23...I mean most guys I know at 23 would jump out of the nearest window when these things are brought up!He must be an alien...I mean really...!
Off topic-- but I haven't seen Nikola6 lately and i know she was not feeling well. Anyone hear from her or see her on another thread? Or has she changed her name?
Yes, he is real. Amazingly, isn't it? Being this young and all kinds of wonderful. I truly hope he gets all he wants and so much deserves. In his career and personal life. Hum... I love this man. Well, why not? GAH!
'Aww, Beloved, going through all those interviews? I hope you can have some fun, too. And some brit beer... I know a wonderful pub on west side Manhattan. Wish I could join you there...' Have a happy sunday and a magical week! Muah! :x
My stomach is all butterflies! I am having trouble focusing on anything. Had to make a list of things to do, and it was hard for to write. I call this the Rob-effect.
@Gwen - Yay! I'm sure you will have so much fun today and love that you have the bb set up.
@RobPornPusher - Finally it's Sunday! Tutorials for the video editing software?
LMAO Gwen, very true! Internal sedation...fainting...that would be my luck.. Finally get to see this god, and I'd either faint, pee myself or throw up!
@angie & CL yes more Rob porn. Need to learn and learn and learn.
I can't wait for the first twitt from NY ;)operation Robstock 2010 is going to begin soon. Don't forget anything pls and wear nametags in case of loss of consciousness.
@RPG - I think mine is dead, like Edwards. It's been working too hard to keep going and just gave up.
@RobPornPusher - I am going to Tweet so much you'll be sick of us. I won't make any promises that the Tweets will be coherent. Name tags, LOL! Seriously.
@CL good ;D I'm serious, I would forget my name so if I'm gonna do something like this.I would wear a name tag, LOL When I reply to your twitt do you get it in you phone?? IDK how it works... I get dizzy thinking about you two...
Hi girls... Have to read what I missed... Quick note on Nikola6 she told me she might not have internet for a few days so that might be the reason for her quietness!
@solas... Don't worry for Nik. I got an e-mail last week. She's moving and wasn't sure to have an Internet access at her new place... But she promised to be back soon...
i was reading some tweets and people who have seen Remember Me have loved it!!! They're giving the thumps up... even though i'm a year younger than Rob, i kinda feel like a proud mother, like super happy for him (i'm so lame), he really deserves all the praise!
annieRPP: I met my husband when we were both 16, married at 20 and it will be 21 years this year! If your not sick of my e-mails I will tell you my life story! LMArseO!!
This guy is more or less what every women on earth, whatever her age, whatever her religion or language is longing for... I wish him all the love and happiness in the world and hope he gets his long and happy marriage and his kids... I trust him to be smart enough not be fall in love for somebody who would break his heart and just be there for the money... We've seen it before with other gold diggers and it would be a shame...
Operation 2010 is in full effect!! I`m am super excited for you two, CL and angie!!! And I am read for my phone to be BLOWIN` UP!!!
I'm truly proud of Rob's parents family, Rob, the Pattinsons to be responsible for bringing such a gorgeous person at these times where nothing else seems good. I really wish Rob Rob gets his wish with Kstew I believe she is the one who is having cold feet just like Bella, I think if Kristen like asks her mama she ll definitely tell her marry him NOW! what is she waiting for isn't it obvious Rob is a catch!
@Annie. I just sent you an e-mail and I'm off. Somebody just mentioned Kris and I promised myself I didn't want to be part of any bashing... and not even be in a place where my name could be associated to it... LOL... not that much...
sorry i m such an old fashioned Egyptian woman, fell in love at high school 17, married my love at 23 and we have Noor our precious 12 year old and yes there is nothing better than loving, marring and parenting when young, we should all have our desert first to quote Ally:)
Hi Annie, the publicist's here! I'm alive! Tough job I have you know, everybody asking about you the whole day! I think I'll have to become the barracuda woman! LOL!
LOL~Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya', tomorrow. You're only a DAY A-WAAAAAAAAAAY!! Oh, Crap. It's almost here!! I"m too excited. I think I might need some anti- anxiety meds!!!
Nice tweets about some of his interviews, and yes like you all I love the one where he talks about wanting a "long happy marriage like his parents". That was too charming, but to me it's nothing out of the ordinary, I mean everyone wants to have a long and happy marriage, noone wants to have a short miserable marriage. However this shows that Robert is mature and real.
But the thing that everyone seems to be ignoring because of Robert's charm (not that I blame you! lol) is the fact that there were 3 publicists there who interrupted this really good moment (I still don't understand why to begin with). Now why WHY would not one but three publicists need to be there? Talk about overkill!
I mean don't they realize that they make Robert look weak and controlled? Basically they don't put Robert in a good light.
And second, as much as I hate to say it, but Rob being an executive producer on this, I find it very hard to believe that he has no say about their presence there. So more probably than not he approves of their presence there...and that is just sad.
Sorry D.M.. but they don't make him look weak or stupid or anything else... They are doing there job... When so much money is involved that's the way it goes... The publicist is the one that passed for an a..hole if a question is to "personal" and not Rob for answering that the question is to personal to be asked... LOL... Could you imagine Rob saying to a journalist "F... off with your stupid and boring questions I've already heard a thousand times!"? And honestly, his publicists are good. Look at what Tom Cruise done on Oprah's show! LOL... nobody would want to see Rob doing this!
Fae007: I can't help the way I speak, I don't say ass and I thought I'd just write it as I say it! I must say that it's a pain in the arse to type so if the jokes wearing thin I will stop LMFArseO!!!
sissidyleon Robert never had publicists before, and he never made a fool of himself. For you to say that the publicists are needed, and not one but three, or else he'll end up acting like a fool is sort of insulting to Robert don't you think? I mean if he handled himself wonderfully before without any interferance and won so many fans because of that, why would they suddenly need to control him, and why would he suddenly need to be controlled?
Anyways I won't argue lol...I just find it off-putting and overkill with 3 being there and not just 1 to at least make the enviroment seem more natural and open.
@fae,message ;) You are brilliant bb. think about Be Ami interviews. All of us is going to be dead. Did you notice the way he said Bel Ami? My heart just stopped for a sec.
yeah Solas was thinking the same thing about Nikola.
hey Dina? yeah, I'm beginning to think my original thoughts about our man...that either he's an alien/Angel can't decide which orrrrrrrr....
He is just totally English. would seem they all have this thought's something I feel they are raised with along with social awareness.
While growing up they all seem to know alot about world economics and how other people on the planet live...they are so socially conscious at such a young age in England.
They are allowed to drink in public pubs and have conscentual sex at 16 remember. They are given the adult card earlier than we are. They think about the long haul ahead of them at an earlier age than we are made to think about it. Seriously.
Remember the comments Rob has made in the past about how he even got going in the business? How his father really had to push him to that Barnes Theatre company? Or he problly wouldn't have gone and we wouldn't be seeing him now. His folks really guided him along. They absolutely took him in hand and prbably said, ' know you can do what you're doing or you can make something of yourself that in a few years down the road will afford you the credibility to do the things you've always talked about doing.' and he has said he always hated when people, other than his parents, told him what to do. He's never liked that. I'm speculating here about how much. But in interviews it's been a recurring theme with him.
He is making comments like that I'm sure to prepare his fan base for the eventuality of his being/getting engaged to know who. I truly feel this event coming up soon. Just got this gut feeling.
Ummmm...this is purely speculation but he has done everything he said he wanted to do by this age...the getting married part and staying that way is a very good way for him to be and get more stable. It does get you more credibility as a person if you show how mature you are at an early age by doing these things he's doing. Especially in the business he's in. It can only help.
It's a thread I feel the English try to teach their children to keep the society on the whole in one piece. We are not of that thinking and as you said, 'is he real?' that is us americans...oh geez are you american I forget? do you live in the states?
It's all part of who the English are.
Yeah they deal with teen pregnancy as do all places around the world, but the common mindset is to be the stable person to find the stable person to spend the rest of your days with and therebye being a stable family pillar to add to an already well built society. Stay together for life and build a strength of union. A family to the enlish isn't just a marriage's deeper and Robert has been taught that...obviously. I love him for it. This is absolutely one of the reasons he has such a strong fan base.
We can often never put our finger on what his appeal is? sound familiar?
I know it's this way of thinking. Seems to be the majority of how the English think...I mean they go into it with a serious mindset. Not like us Americans who think, '...well if it doesn't work I'll just get divorced.'
They don't think like that on the whole...some may but most don't.
Anyway, sorry for the long post but my Son and I were discussing this exact same thing in the car yesterday on the way home and he agreed completely. He is 16 and very mature for his age. I've always spoken frankly with him and let him know in no uncertain terms he has to prepare for life and not just let it happen to him as I very erroneously did.
I know Rob is planning his very existance right now...down to whom it is he wants to spend the rest of his life with and I feel he knows his own mind well enough he's most likely made that decision already. And more love and luck to him if that's his mindset at this point. I know he is a quality person and he's also working very hard to set up a future for his family he seems to be planning on having very soon!
This is the person whom has come to mean so much to me. And this is the reason why. And why I believe in him so whole heartedly.
I'm sure you all feel pretty much the same about Robert Thomas Pattinson. He is changing us all one woman and hopefully one society at a time.
imjabara: on the whole I aggre with what your saying but I think It has more to do with his upbringing than being English. I hope everyone in the world thing long and hard before they commit to marriage. Having parents that love one another is a good example for him to follow.
Fae007: please don't let IG out the box! She tends to get a little crazy if you actualy ask her to do things!!!!
@Dessert now your justifying yourself through your IG, like she's doing all that yoy wouldn't do cause you have "English reserve" LOOOOL Ok I have a Croatian reserve too, the stupid IG is sometimes speaking instead of me! Blame it all on her! LOL
Lovely tweet about the long and happy marriage...:)) I met my husband when he was 22 and we're still together and in love after 15 years ! So yes, that can happen, and young guys can wish for that too. I know, I know maybe not that often... but still!
You guys are all just entertaining me this afternoon. I'm dealing with RL stuff while checking in here every so often. You all are just keeping a smile on my face. that's all. :o)
Hey if y'all want to come and reconcile all these bills and stuff, that would be AWESOME! heheh Somehow I think you'd rather be talking about the Pretty. ;o)
@imja I agree with you but I also agree with Dessert. The state of his mind I think is a combination of two things a)the stable, caring full of love upbrinking he had and b) him being in love for so long with the one that must not be named. I could talk for ever about how things have changed lately all over the world and why, but these are Rob's happy days which we have been expected for so long , so maybe some other place some other time.
@dessert--tommorrw is going to kill me--i have to work and can't check often or see the pictures and there will be so much new stuff on--oh, the pain-- :)
Why 3 publicists for 1 interviewer? Seems like overkill to me, & I wonder what they did to "ruin" the moment? There must have been a question that he answered for the marriage thing to come up, did she ask something about Kristin at the same time?
I hope we get to read the result of all these interviews.
@dessert--did they give you any idea? at least a publish date LOL. at least we know how long to hang on--prob-some red carpet tuxrob--but what else?? the suspense--i can't take it--LOL
wensdazzked: I don't tweet and will be out for most of the day ( busy RL tommorow) Hopefully by the time I get on here some info will be coming through or will I be in bed? Will have to check Tuesday morn. Who the hell invented time zones... Bet it was a bloody man! LMArseO!!!
@dessert-- think the premier is at 7p so 1am your time--but the outside stuff when CL and angie get to lick him should be earlier--:) i'll have to check when i get home--LOL about the time zones--it had to have been a man--we would have done a better job :)
wensdazzled: I know that she wouldn't dare do otherwise but IG is getting fidgety for her "new" fix. If I show her BAFTA Rob today you know she won't stop shouting on about it! LOL!!
@Angie and CL if you hear me have a happy trip and have so much fun and the best time! Take a good look at him!!! And everything you can! ;) And most important BE SAFE! ;D
@Dessert and Wens mwa! LOL teasing... :)))))) Love ya!
I've read a lot of tweets so far giving high praise for our boy. Some who were surprised that he could act. Those who said the movie is a life changer. And some who said this was the best movie that they have seen this year. I'm so proud of him.:-) With all the craziness that went on in NY he was still able to focus and deliver a brilliant performance. Congrats bb!!!
And to that beautiful wish of his of having a "long, happy marriage like his parents"...may God bless him to have that...and the kids at a young age too.
I'm glad to hear Nik is doing fine and just moving.
DM- I think the lady really doesn't know who Rob's people are. Because from what we saw yesterday it was only manager Nick and Summit's publicist(blond lady).Who knows who the third person is?
Marna- What the publicist probably did was just say times up and no more personal questions. Like how the blond publicist did to Ryan Seacrest during the LA premiere for NM.
"I've read a lot of tweets so far giving high praise for our boy. Some who were surprised that he could act. Those who said the movie is a life changer. And some who said this was the best movie that they have seen this year. I'm so proud of him.:-) With all the craziness that went on in NY he was still able to focus and deliver a brilliant performance. Congrats bb!!!"
oh, I am so happy to reag that.(BY THE WAY, I am new here) For one thing that I am sure when I see this movie on the big screen,I will definitly cry my heart out(at the end, don't tell me the script) come on rob
@dessert-sorry--English--maybe you could record your husband saying some things that Rob has said when there is a drought again--it would work for us--LOL
I just realized that with CL and Angie - WE at Robsessed could be getting a real EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!! Only for us........woohoo!
No pressure girls!! LOL
We're just all really excited for you and know you'll let us know what's going on. I wish you had one of those voice recorders, in case you do get to meet him, I'd forget everything he said, I'd be so nervous. A little nervousness is good, keeps you going and keeps you on your toes....... so excited for you. Be careful ......and be cool.........DON'T SCREAM!!!!!!!! BE COOL.......he responds to that.
annie, met my hubby officially when we were 11, our grandparents grew up next door to each other, dated at 16, married at 19, and have since given up disentangling family members, and he's my Rob porn pusher (books, dvds, mags) You, my darling, darling lady (along with Goz, Kat, and Kate), are my daily pusher!
Ok, looks like the yellow bag at Heathrow is maybe being held by Rob's bodyguard. You don't see KS with the bag any other time. I think the bag is Rob's. Perhaps Tom gave it to Rob as a gift for the premier??
Loves Rob- No, you were right yesterday that it was Rob's. Remember that pic of him at LAX and walking behind him was Brook Shields (she was on the same flight)? Well he had that bag in his lovely sexy hotass hands then. So no new gift from Tom. Sorry bb. lol ;-)
Solas, neither have I, although she might have avoided the troll threads, for one thing. Nicola6, are you okay? We miss you. Moving and internet free for a while?
NY travellers, -have a blast! Send him air kisses for me, us, etc...
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Young dad, long and happy marrige. Is he real?
My ovaries are doing happy dances right now!The young dad statement during new moon promotions floored me...and now this?!Are we sure hes 23...I mean most guys I know at 23 would jump out of the nearest window when these things are brought up!He must be an alien...I mean really...!
Off topic-- but I haven't seen Nikola6 lately and i know she was not feeling well. Anyone hear from her or see her on another thread? Or has she changed her name?
Thanks, Kat
Charming ain't the half of it!!! Rob is going to be EVERYWHERE!!! Glad he is being "found out" by more of the general population.
Rob is one in a million, that's for sure!
@Solas,me either. Hope she is alright...
Yes, he is real. Amazingly, isn't it? Being this young and all kinds of wonderful.
I truly hope he gets all he wants and so much deserves. In his career and personal life.
Hum... I love this man. Well, why not? GAH!
'Aww, Beloved, going through all those interviews? I hope you can have some fun, too. And some brit beer... I know a wonderful pub on west side Manhattan. Wish I could join you there...'
Have a happy sunday and a magical week!
Muah! :x
Hey ladies,
@Dina,Sarah, JC - ITA. I have always maintained that he is an Alien-Human hybrid.
@Solas - I haven't either, I hope she is well and just to busy with RL to comment.
@RobPornPusher - Good afternoon. How are you today?
Oh, how I love Twitter.
God he coujd charm the pants off of anyone!!!
Long happy marriage... Rob you are a precious gem...
nik is in the middle of moving & will be off line for a while..
Hi CL annie & RPG!!
I know he is REAL and men like him DO exist. I met my husband when he was 23 and we've been married 13 years... Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to Rob??
Be still my heart!!!
Good morning ladies!
you're a lucky gal for sure....
Good Morning, all! ; ) How excited are CL & Angie right now?
Have about an hour before Wedding Time! Woot! Pretty excited here too! So Cool!
Got Tweets set to Blackberry now. Ready for Robstock 2010. And did we mention PICTURES???!!!
@CL, Angie, rpg Hi,
I'm good CL,watching tutorials.have to learn more...
Have you doing? It's sunday ;D
Hi gwen :)
Hi Gwen!
Robstock 2010!!!! God I would have to be sedated for sure!!!
I'm running on adrenalin right now!!!!!!
CL - did you get any sleep last night?
RPG- thanks! I count my blessings for hubby everyday. How many husbands would understand this trip?
oops! Hi Gwen!
annie - tutorials for pushing more Rob Porn? ;)
What a lovely thing for him to say and I hope he gets his wish!
Getting warm fuzzies from all the positive movie reviews for RM!!!
Kinda like, "See? Told ya he was GREAT!"
Rob's not just a (damn fine) Pretty Face! ; )
My stomach is all butterflies! I am having trouble focusing on anything. Had to make a list of things to do, and it was hard for to write. I call this the Rob-effect.
@Gwen - Yay! I'm sure you will have so much fun today and love that you have the bb set up.
@RobPornPusher - Finally it's Sunday! Tutorials for the video editing software?
@RPG - Waving hello!
RPG, no sedation would be required. Tend to FAINT when over-excited. LOL.
Being anywhere NEAR Rob? Oh, definitely wouldn't be standing long.
What time do you guys actually leave????
I am sending you nothing but big happy wheelbarrows full of love, luck & melted butter!!!!
@Wen, ITA!
Need coffee, brb.
LMAO Gwen, very true! Internal sedation...fainting...that would be my luck.. Finally get to see this god, and I'd either faint, pee myself or throw up!
Thanks RPG for the info on Nik.
All of you going to NY--enjoy; be safe.
We leave late afternoon and land within 15 minutes of each other. Around 7 PM EST.
CL - butterflies flew away days ago! I've got the pterodactyls!!
I'm having a VERY HARD time focusing on anything and now I have to go to RL.
Definitely the Rob-effect!!
ROBSTOCK Ground Support - keep those positive vibes coming!!
Girls forget us not. I am so happy for you.
omg!!!!!!! My heart is just thumping hard for you two!
@angie & CL yes more Rob porn. Need to learn and learn and learn.
I can't wait for the first twitt from NY ;)operation Robstock 2010 is going to begin soon. Don't forget anything pls and wear nametags in case of loss of consciousness.
you're welcome...hoping shell be back online soon!
angie-k & CL,
land, get a drink & then let the games begin!
@Gwen Cooper 426 I agree with you there should never had been any doubt that Rob has great acting ability and potential.
@RPG - I think mine is dead, like Edwards. It's been working too hard to keep going and just gave up.
@RobPornPusher - I am going to Tweet so much you'll be sick of us. I won't make any promises that the Tweets will be coherent. Name tags, LOL! Seriously.
@Solas, i've also noted that...I hope she's well!
LMAO! Name tags! Not a bad idea! Wrist bands, medical alert case of fainting, need kiss from Rob!!!
To all going to NY hope you have a great time!! I'm so jealous!! Send our love to Rob and send tweets and pictures!!
Add "In case of emergency contact Ground Support Unit" to those tags!
; )
@CL good ;D I'm serious, I would forget my name so if I'm gonna do something like this.I would wear a name tag, LOL
When I reply to your twitt do you get it in you phone?? IDK how it works...
I get dizzy thinking about you two...
CL & Angie - so excited for you both, soak up the moment for us all ;)
Need to go back to sleep for a while...bbl
CL & Angie - I hope you have so much fun...and bless you both for a safe trip.
Oh, how i love these comments from those that met rob.
Where is my publicist??? She is no where to be found ;)
Hi girls...
Have to read what I missed...
Quick note on Nikola6 she told me she might not have internet for a few days so that might be the reason for her quietness!
Echo of good luck to you gals going to NYC. I will be here glued to the computer awaiting your adventurous happenings!!
Happy hunting!!!!
Thanks to all. Just got off the phone with Angie and we are all set, so nervous and super excited.
We hope to be able to bring back great stories, videos and pictures.
Talk to you all soon!
@RobPornPusher - Yes, they will go straight to my bb.
@CL & angie
O. M. G. So excited for you!
LOL~I'd do all three~pee, vomit and then pass out!!
I met my husband when I was 17 and he was 21. We'll be married 38 years in Apri. He would wish me a great trip if I were going to NY!!!
CL and Angie, I just want to wish you both the best of luck. Have a great time!!!
Do they make foldable wheelbarrows?
I think he makes these statments because he is happy in relationship,has someone in mind as he gives these answers, that is my opinion
@jc,that's so sweet. meeting each other so young and staying together.
@solas... Don't worry for Nik. I got an e-mail last week. She's moving and wasn't sure to have an Internet access at her new place... But she promised to be back soon...
He's so sweet. I don't think he realises how charming he his. Every girls dream guy.
Solas: I was abit slow with my answer but I only got as far as your question then went and caught up on all the other threads!!
i was reading some tweets and people who have seen Remember Me have loved it!!! They're giving the thumps up... even though i'm a year younger than Rob, i kinda feel like a proud mother, like super happy for him (i'm so lame), he really deserves all the praise!
I met my husband when we were both 16, married at 20 and it will be 21 years this year!
If your not sick of my e-mails I will tell you my life story!
This guy is more or less what every women on earth, whatever her age, whatever her religion or language is longing for...
I wish him all the love and happiness in the world and hope he gets his long and happy marriage and his kids...
I trust him to be smart enough not be fall in love for somebody who would break his heart and just be there for the money... We've seen it before with other gold diggers and it would be a shame...
RPG, you are so lucky to have a husband so understanding of your trip! Hope everyone has a great time in NYC.
Good Morning, NBs!!
Operation 2010 is in full effect!! I`m am super excited for you two, CL and angie!!! And I am read for my phone to be BLOWIN` UP!!!
I meant ready........see I already can`t concentrate...
@dessert, I'm tired of your mails,love to read ;)
Any French girl here???
@everyone hey girls how are you todey
@CL and ANGİE girls I am so excited for you two you must be dying now how it feels being about to meet with rob
@dina I am not sure if he is real cuz he is so perfect to be real
annieRPP: you sick of my sexy English accent already?... Your so fickle!!
@AnnieRPP... Bonsoir!
@dessert lol what were you sending with mail to her with your sexy eng.
ask annie, I was looking at Robward/BAFTA Rob/Bond Rob.....I got dazzled and can't remember what the hell I said LOL!
@dessert plss send me the same mail :D
@annie what did she send to you:D
@Dessert, LOL I meant I'm NOT tired of your mails. See that's what happened doing two things at the same time!!!!!
@robsessive, LMAO she was talking about Bel Ami,a lot of sex etc ;)
*best telephone voice*
Arn't we being a tad nosey?
@sissidelyon, can I have your e-mail?
Or just mail to me if you don't want to write here. I need to ask you something ;)
I'm truly proud of Rob's parents family, Rob, the Pattinsons to be responsible for bringing such a gorgeous person at these times where nothing else seems good. I really wish Rob Rob gets his wish with Kstew I believe she is the one who is having cold feet just like Bella, I think if Kristen like asks her mama she ll definitely tell her marry him NOW! what is she waiting for isn't it obvious Rob is a catch!
@Annie. I just sent you an e-mail and I'm off. Somebody just mentioned Kris and I promised myself I didn't want to be part of any bashing... and not even be in a place where my name could be associated to it... LOL... not that much...
sorry i m such an old fashioned Egyptian woman, fell in love at high school 17, married my love at 23 and we have Noor our precious 12 year old and yes there is nothing better than loving, marring and parenting when young, we should all have our desert first to quote Ally:)
Hi Annie, the publicist's here! I'm alive! Tough job I have you know, everybody asking about you the whole day! I think I'll have to become the barracuda woman! LOL!
And Dessert TEASING AGAIN!!!! Bloody 'ell!!! ;D
@dessert you are right
@annie can I have your mail?
Oh and could I love this guy more???
He's so sweet! :DDDDD
I don't want to be a young mom! :(
@Solas-I was wondering the same thing about nikola6
@fae007 hey girl I love your new name can you come to yahoo chat:);)
@fae007 actually I would love to be a young mum if dad is ROB:D
Morning, Leslie & fellow NB's
LOL~Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya', tomorrow. You're only a DAY A-WAAAAAAAAAAY!!
Oh, Crap. It's almost here!! I"m too excited. I think I might need some anti- anxiety meds!!!
@jc goodmorning actually its evening in here:))
sissidelyon, I think you're smart and I'm going to leave this thread too.
@Fae, thank God.I was so worried ;)
DG is beating IG witha stick at the moment so I'm abit slow on answering!
Martini Gal: HI, Nik is without unternet at the moment
Robsesssive: I think we're all abit nosey!!
Fae007: me... tease... never
@annie I am adding you now
@dessert yeah I guess we all :))
@fae007 honey are you hearing me
@Dessert yeah, see that ARSE thing for example!!! :P
Hi Robsessive thanks for the name! ;)
@Annie Worried??? For me??? Nothing can happen to me, I'm a vampire! LOL
and the most important thing today ANGIE and CL- HOW ARE YOU???
Nice tweets about some of his interviews, and yes like you all I love the one where he talks about wanting a "long happy marriage like his parents". That was too charming, but to me it's nothing out of the ordinary, I mean everyone wants to have a long and happy marriage, noone wants to have a short miserable marriage. However this shows that Robert is mature and real.
But the thing that everyone seems to be ignoring because of Robert's charm (not that I blame you! lol) is the fact that there were 3 publicists there who interrupted this really good moment (I still don't understand why to begin with). Now why WHY would not one but three publicists need to be there? Talk about overkill!
I mean don't they realize that they make Robert look weak and controlled? Basically they don't put Robert in a good light.
And second, as much as I hate to say it, but Rob being an executive producer on this, I find it very hard to believe that he has no say about their presence there. So more probably than not he approves of their presence there...and that is just sad.
@annie I added you honey:)
@robsessive, added me to what? :D
@fae,did you see his remember clothes up for auction??
@annie to my hotmail:)
Sorry D.M.. but they don't make him look weak or stupid or anything else... They are doing there job... When so much money is involved that's the way it goes... The publicist is the one that passed for an a..hole if a question is to "personal" and not Rob for answering that the question is to personal to be asked... LOL... Could you imagine Rob saying to a journalist "F... off with your stupid and boring questions I've already heard a thousand times!"?
And honestly, his publicists are good. Look at what Tom Cruise done on Oprah's show! LOL... nobody would want to see Rob doing this!
Oh and that is why I can't wait for the Bel Ami press junket and the WFE press junket. I'm glad that all his upcoming movies are non summit related.
I can't help the way I speak, I don't say ass and I thought I'd just write it as I say it! I must say that it's a pain in the arse to type so if the jokes wearing thin I will stop
@robsessive,ok ;)
sissidyleon Robert never had publicists before, and he never made a fool of himself. For you to say that the publicists are needed, and not one but three, or else he'll end up acting like a fool is sort of insulting to Robert don't you think? I mean if he handled himself wonderfully before without any interferance and won so many fans because of that, why would they suddenly need to control him, and why would he suddenly need to be controlled?
Anyways I won't argue lol...I just find it off-putting and overkill with 3 being there and not just 1 to at least make the enviroment seem more natural and open.
@dessert ohh thats ok honey :)
@Dessert No, no you just talk that way! :D
@Annie Are we buying it?????
I want that pants! LOL
you said earlier that you doing two thing at same time, does that mean that you'll be peddeling fresh Rob porn sometime soon?
@Dessert yes she will! ;DDDD and we will be dead!
@annie and fae me too annie I have just watched your video girl you will kill me its a pure rob porn
* IG says in her best seductive sexy voice ever *
Now THATS teasing
An official Whaddadoo Ladies!
I've had some connection problems here this morning, so I'm trying to get all caught up. So forgive me if I have missed something.
@fae, LOL you want the best item ;) I can have the t-shirt and the withe shirt...But like as I said as long as they're not washed...
@Dessert, My brilliant publicist answered you question ;)
It's so hard to find the things exactly as you want it.
@Dessert that IS teasing!
"mercenery"... OMG!
IG needs air!
@Annie of course I want the best item, as long as they're not washed! LOL
Thanks for calling your publicist brilliant! :)
@fae007 what needs air?
How do I follow Robstock2010 on Twitter? What is the address? CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE????
Fae: what time is it where you are? It maybe a little early for IG to get all worked up LOL!
@fae,message ;)
You are brilliant bb.
think about Be Ami interviews. All of us is going to be dead. Did you notice the way he said Bel Ami? My heart just stopped for a sec.
@dessert she is in crotia
@annie well if we can handle with that talk we will be able to watch interwiews
yeah Solas was thinking the same thing about Nikola.
hey Dina?
yeah, I'm beginning to think my original thoughts about our man...that either he's an alien/Angel can't decide which orrrrrrrr....
He is just totally English. would seem they all have this thought's something I feel they are raised with along with social awareness.
While growing up they all seem to know alot about world economics and how other people on the planet live...they are so socially conscious at such a young age in England.
They are allowed to drink in public pubs and have conscentual sex at 16 remember. They are given the adult card earlier than we are. They think about the long haul ahead of them at an earlier age than we are made to think about it. Seriously.
Remember the comments Rob has made in the past about how he even got going in the business? How his father really had to push him to that Barnes Theatre company? Or he problly wouldn't have gone and we wouldn't be seeing him now. His folks really guided him along. They absolutely took him in hand and prbably said,
' know you can do what you're doing or you can make something of yourself that in a few years down the road will afford you the credibility to do the things you've always talked about doing.' and he has said he always hated when people, other than his parents, told him what to do. He's never liked that. I'm speculating here about how much. But in interviews it's been a recurring theme with him.
a little more...
He is making comments like that I'm sure to prepare his fan base for the eventuality of his being/getting engaged to know who. I truly feel this event coming up soon. Just got this gut feeling.
Ummmm...this is purely speculation but he has done everything he said he wanted to do by this age...the getting married part and staying that way is a very good way for him to be and get more stable. It does get you more credibility as a person if you show how mature you are at an early age by doing these things he's doing. Especially in the business he's in. It can only help.
It's a thread I feel the English try to teach their children to keep the society on the whole in one piece. We are not of that thinking and as you said, 'is he real?' that is us americans...oh geez are you american I forget? do you live in the states?
It's all part of who the English are.
Yeah they deal with teen pregnancy as do all places around the world, but the common mindset is to be the stable person to find the stable person to spend the rest of your days with and therebye being a stable family pillar to add to an already well built society. Stay together for life and build a strength of union. A family to the enlish isn't just a marriage's deeper and Robert has been taught that...obviously. I love him for it. This is absolutely one of the reasons he has such a strong fan base.
We can often never put our finger on what his appeal is? sound familiar?
I know it's this way of thinking. Seems to be the majority of how the English think...I mean they go into it with a serious mindset. Not like us Americans who think, '...well if it doesn't work I'll just get divorced.'
They don't think like that on the whole...some may but most don't.
Anyway, sorry for the long post but my Son and I were discussing this exact same thing in the car yesterday on the way home and he agreed completely. He is 16 and very mature for his age. I've always spoken frankly with him and let him know in no uncertain terms he has to prepare for life and not just let it happen to him as I very erroneously did.
I know Rob is planning his very existance right now...down to whom it is he wants to spend the rest of his life with and I feel he knows his own mind well enough he's most likely made that decision already. And more love and luck to him if that's his mindset at this point. I know he is a quality person and he's also working very hard to set up a future for his family he seems to be planning on having very soon!
This is the person whom has come to mean so much to me. And this is the reason why. And why I believe in him so whole heartedly.
I'm sure you all feel pretty much the same about Robert Thomas Pattinson. He is changing us all one woman and hopefully one society at a time.
God I want to be just like him when I grow up. :)
robsessive: thanks that means only +1 hour from me.
annie: Do you really want me to say the name of the film Rob is currently working on? Sounds like bellamy when I say it too!
@Dessert it's 7:05, it's never tot early! ;) do you know where my country is located?
Annie checking! :)
"Bel Ami" I love that, the way he say "L"! :))))
sorry I mean too early
@dessert where are you from we have one hour between us with her :)lol
@dessert LOL,teaser ;)
@robsessive Don't you see she's ENGLISH!!!!! that's why she's teasing! LOL
imjabara: on the whole I aggre with what your saying but I think It has more to do with his upbringing than being English. I hope everyone in the world thing long and hard before they commit to marriage. Having parents that love one another is a good example for him to follow.
Fae007: please don't let IG out the box! She tends to get a little crazy if you actualy ask her to do things!!!!
robsessive: 100% English.
@Dessert I'm not asking her to do anything, she's got her own crazy mind! LOL
@fae lol I got it right now:)
She has none of the English reserve that I myself have!
*IG rolling on the floor with laughter saying that I'm kidding no one but myself*
@Dessert and Fae - you guys are cracking me up. hhahaha
@dessert lol you made me laugh girl:)
and robessive and annie - you too are cracking me up
Martini Gal & robsessive
feel free to join in. It looks like Fae and I are taking up all the thread LOL!
@martini why?:)
@Dessert now your justifying yourself through your IG, like she's doing all that yoy wouldn't do cause you have "English reserve" LOOOOL
Ok I have a Croatian reserve too, the stupid IG is sometimes speaking instead of me! Blame it all on her! LOL
@dessert actually I am in:))
stupid typin I mean you're! Blame it on my inner clumsy, who doesn't know how to type girl!
Lovely tweet about the long and happy marriage...:))
I met my husband when he was 22 and we're still together and in love after 15 years ! So yes, that can happen, and young guys can wish for that too. I know, I know maybe not that often... but still!
I think the joke is that I have NO English reserve when it comes to ROBsessed! I just like to blame her because it makes me look good LOL!
You guys are all just entertaining me this afternoon. I'm dealing with RL stuff while checking in here every so often. You all are just keeping a smile on my face. that's all. :o)
OMG--could he be any sweeter? he's such a charmer :)
@dessert,annie and Fae--Mercenary;bel ami--plans for a new vid--i too love the way he says Bel AMi it's just so sexy, then theres gurls--
glad to hear about Nik- i was wondering where she was too
CL and angie have fun and tweet often
Hi Wensdazzled, did you enjoy the music last night?
@Martini, happy to entertain you ;)
I'm getting bored with myself right now!!!!
@dessert-thanks, yes i did. alot of young talent there--was actually surprised
so, that are the plans for rpp's new video??
@annie--how could you ever get bored with all that rob porn surrounding you? LOL
@martini--waves--hi bb
annieRPP: how can you be bored with all the lovely sexy Rob pics you have!
@martini yeah I agree with annie its good to entertain you:D
our IG must be on the same page
You say ass, I say arse!!
Hi wens!! **waves**
Hey if y'all want to come and reconcile all these bills and stuff, that would be AWESOME! heheh Somehow I think you'd rather be talking about the Pretty. ;o)
@imja I agree with you but I also agree with Dessert.
The state of his mind I think is a combination of two things a)the stable, caring full of love upbrinking he had and b) him being in love for so long with the one that must not be named.
I could talk for ever about how things have changed lately all over the world and why, but these are Rob's happy days which we have been expected for so long , so maybe some other place some other time.
@Martini (shaken not stirred of course) I'm happy you're entertained! LOL
@Dessert I got the joke! She is the perfect excuse!
@martini--i know, i have a lot of RL stuff that needs to get done today but this is so much more fun--LOL
@dessert--i like to say Arse though--LOL
gotta go girls you all take care sweet dreams with rob see you
@Fae--any new creative designer/executive prod plans to share with us?? sex hair/ finger porn? :)
Because I don't look at all Rob porn I have!!! I do other stupid things.
@Fae,just say no comments ;)
@wens and everybody as a publicist/creative desinger/executive prod. I may announce that some SERIOUS, DANGEROUS DOPE is in preparation! ;D
and P.S. no comments! ;D
lol,I think I need to hire someone too cook for me.I don't have time for anything else then being with Rob...
@fae and rpp--i so (heart) you two--can't wait for the next vid--just a tiny hint, please---
i know what you mean about hiring someone to cook, annie--i've gotten so addicted to this i want to drag my laptop everywhere--LOL
@wen,yes my laptop is my life now, LMAO....
@Wens heart Annie, she's the director! :D
No hint yet, sorry...
not even a hint at the direction? you 2 are such teases--LOL
I know Wens! LOL
Real life calling!
*in a very annoyed English accent*
bloody RL!
We talking Rob Porn now....
a new fix????
@desser--they are talking a new fix but they aren't even giving samples :(
someone should invent a gadget for the laptop, I'd buy one LOL!
@dessert--that would be great--how is the IG doing?
bloody hell and they say I'm a tease!
To be honest wens she's looking annoyed! Her favourite pusher not giving much away and no free samples!
Yeah... eyes for daggers at the moment! LOL!
@dessert--tommorrw is going to kill me--i have to work and can't check often or see the pictures and there will be so much new stuff on--oh, the pain-- :)
Why 3 publicists for 1 interviewer? Seems like overkill to me, & I wonder what they did to "ruin" the moment? There must have been a question that he answered for the marriage thing to come up, did she ask something about Kristin at the same time?
I hope we get to read the result of all these interviews.
@dessert--did they give you any idea? at least a publish date LOL. at least we know how long to hang on--prob-some red carpet tuxrob--but what else?? the suspense--i can't take it--LOL
wensdazzked: I don't tweet and will be out for most of the day ( busy RL tommorow) Hopefully by the time I get on here some info will be coming through or will I be in bed? Will have to check Tuesday morn. Who the hell invented time zones...
Bet it was a bloody man!
sorry wens spelt your name wrong - must be all the late nights Rob is giving me LOL
wenand Dessert,you're killing me ;)If i haven't done it already.
RL sucks!!!!!!Bloody hell
@dessert-- think the premier is at 7p so 1am your time--but the outside stuff when CL and angie get to lick him should be earlier--:) i'll have to check when i get home--LOL about the time zones--it had to have been a man--we would have done a better job :)
annieRPP: hope it's grade A. Don't want knocked off stuff. 100% Rob and nothing else!!
@dessert--i don't think annie would give us anything but 100% rob--even if she won't give us any hints :)
wensdazzled: NYC only -5 so will be 12 midnight here. Are you going to relay info?
@dessert who else but Rob???
wensdazzled: I know that she wouldn't dare do otherwise but IG is getting fidgety for her "new" fix. If I show her BAFTA Rob today you know she won't stop shouting on about it! LOL!!
@Angie and CL if you hear me have a happy trip and have so much fun and the best time! Take a good look at him!!! And everything you can! ;)
And most important BE SAFE! ;D
@Dessert and Wens mwa! LOL
teasing... :))))))
Love ya!
Fae007: don't make IG put on her sexy English voice - you may crack and spill!!
I've read a lot of tweets so far giving high praise for our boy. Some who were surprised that he could act. Those who said the movie is a life changer. And some who said this was the best movie that they have seen this year. I'm so proud of him.:-) With all the craziness that went on in NY he was still able to focus and deliver a brilliant performance. Congrats bb!!!
And to that beautiful wish of his of having a "long, happy marriage like his parents"...may God bless him to have that...and the kids at a young age too.
I'm glad to hear Nik is doing fine and just moving.
DM- I think the lady really doesn't know who Rob's people are. Because from what we saw yesterday it was only manager Nick and Summit's publicist(blond lady).Who knows who the third person is?
Marna- What the publicist probably did was just say times up and no more personal questions. Like how the blond publicist did to Ryan Seacrest during the LA premiere for NM.
@Dessert RIIIIIIGHT, like English accent could make me do anything! ;P
gotta go now really! RL
Fae: catch you later - I know you'll be back LOL!
RL calls for me too
Wens if your there I will be back...
@dessert--i will relay--i'm going to be here when the premier starts to see all the tuxrob i can--LOL
please don't let IG get her sexy British voice out--she'll drive us all over the edge--LOL
i just wish we had a clue about the next rpp/007 video--hint, hint, plead, plead :(
just walked passed the laptop and could't help clicking that reload!
BTW wens, not British - English!
"I've read a lot of tweets so far giving high praise for our boy. Some who were surprised that he could act. Those who said the movie is a life changer. And some who said this was the best movie that they have seen this year. I'm so proud of him.:-) With all the craziness that went on in NY he was still able to focus and deliver a brilliant performance. Congrats bb!!!"
oh, I am so happy to reag that.(BY THE WAY, I am new here)
For one thing that I am sure when I see this movie on the big screen,I will definitly cry my heart out(at the end, don't tell me the script)
come on rob
@dessert-sorry--English--maybe you could record your husband saying some things that Rob has said when there is a drought again--it would work for us--LOL
Update on CL and Angie!!!
they are on the way to the airport.
@annie--thanks for the update
Mum and dad raised a good son for him to want to follow in their footsteps.....Honor thy father and mother! He is.
That's so cool that he said he wants a long marriage and to be a young dad........but with Kristen?
Imagine how that would feel - if he said....."I can have any woman in the world and I want you." How lucky can you get?
RPG - tends to need sedation when she gets excited.
Gwen - tends to faint when she gets excited.
femroc - tends to need to PEE when she gets excited!! I could never do the camping out thing!
@femroc--LOL--i tend to hold my breathe--
i meant breath--its hard to type when dizzy from lack of oxygen-:)
I just realized that with CL and Angie - WE at Robsessed could be getting a real EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!! Only for us........woohoo!
No pressure girls!! LOL
We're just all really excited for you and know you'll let us know what's going on.
I wish you had one of those voice recorders, in case you do get to meet him, I'd forget everything he said, I'd be so nervous. A little nervousness is good, keeps you going and keeps you on your toes....... so excited for you.
Be careful ......and be cool.........DON'T SCREAM!!!!!!!! BE COOL.......he responds to that.
annie, met my hubby officially when we were 11, our grandparents grew up next door to each other, dated at 16, married at 19, and have since given up disentangling family members, and he's my Rob porn pusher (books, dvds, mags) You, my darling, darling lady (along with Goz, Kat, and Kate), are my daily pusher!
to all you lucky ladies going to NY *squeeeeee* enjoy!
Ok, looks like the yellow bag at Heathrow is maybe being held by Rob's bodyguard. You don't see KS with the bag any other time. I think the bag is Rob's. Perhaps Tom gave it to Rob as a gift for the premier??
Loves Rob- No, you were right yesterday that it was Rob's. Remember that pic of him at LAX and walking behind him was Brook Shields (she was on the same flight)? Well he had that bag in his lovely sexy hotass hands then. So no new gift from Tom. Sorry bb. lol ;-)
Solas, neither have I, although she might have avoided the troll threads, for one thing.
Nicola6, are you okay? We miss you.
Moving and internet free for a while?
NY travellers, -have a blast! Send him air kisses for me, us, etc...
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