Do you have trouble sleeping because you just saw a picture of Robert Pattinson and can't "cool" down?
Do you see an old picture of Robert Pattinson and automatically know where/when it's from?
Do you hide your "infatuation" with Robert Pattinson from your friends/family and coworkers?
Do you find playing "Where's Rob?" fun?
Do you have friends with Robert Pattinson pictures as their avatars on Twitter, facebook etc. and you think that's TOTALLY normal?
Do you check ROBsessed first thing in the morning, last thing at night....and 20 times in between?
Do you know what RobStu, Robsten, Taybert, Robvador, Robward stand for?
Do you read "Robert Pattinson ... promo" as "Robert Pattinson ... Porno"?
Then you suffer from ROBsession and apparently there's a cure now! I got this in my inbox about 2 weeks ago:
I tweeted it, not sure who came up with the song but we decided it should be our theme song and asked the always BRILLIANT PetitBiel to make a video for us :) We exchanged some ideas and we are honored she accepted to make it for us!
So without further ado here's our official stand on the cure for ROBsession:
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Rehab....Just Deal Us Some RobCrack :)
Thank you Biel :))
Love it.... Thank You Biel :-)
You can't make me go!
*feet on both sides of door, hands holding on for dear life*
Who the hell would ever want to be cured of Rob??? ; ) Blasphemy!
(Gwen. Happy as a clam in her Robsession!) LOL!
Love the video by the way. Thank you Biel!
Gozde, Kate, Kat and Biel - your are the coolest women in the world.
I answered yes to all your questions!
Long live our ROBsession!
sniff, I am so gald to know I am not alone!
That vid was perfection...the lip bit, the scruff, the happy trail, the stolii shirt and sexspenders, HAVE MERCY!!!
Robssessed...yeah yeah yeah!
my pleasure hun, I've enjoyed the thing soooo much!!!! Many thanks for thinking of me for such a delicious commission!!
*bisous* to you, Kate, Kat and the wonderful community of Robsesseds!!
@Gozde and Biel - You both rock!
The video sums it all up.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
LOVE THIS. Thank you so much for making it Biel! xx
I loved it !!!! *fwoah*
I loved it !!!! *fwoah*
MotU updated and it's phenomenal!
yes to all the questions, but...
nooooo rehab!
i love it! "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Rehab....Just Deal Us Some RobCrack :)"
what a briliant video, the best!
thanks biel, for the video
thanks gozde, kate and kat for your amazing work in this blog ;)
Mille mercis et grosses bises Biel! You are a pleasure-dealing goddess!
Gotta say, Biel, this vid freaking ROCKS Big Time! Take a bow!!!!
(The irony of the vid/fantastic smoking hot shots of Rob is that there will likely be a few more converts to "The Robsessed".)
; ) Thank you, Biel!
okk my day SUCKED until RIGHT NOW. and now i am a happy happy girl!!
Thank you Biel & Gozde &Kate & Kat!!!
Mwah! love you all.
: )
okk my day SUCKED until RIGHT NOW. and now i am a happy happy girl!!
Thank you Biel & Gozde &Kate & Kat!!!
Mwah! love you all.
: )
Awesome Biel!! perfect song. No no no! If loving Rob is wrong I don't want to be right! Bring on the Robcrack. Oh, Rob's crack....THUD
I don't have a Rob problem, I see a picture of him, I drool, my panties melt, then I die. No problem.
Why do those pictures of him wearing a ring just make me melt?
Love it Biel.. thank you for feeding the robsession... with your goodies... You ROCK!!!
and thank you Gozde, Kate and Kat and all who help Robsessed deliver the goods...
<3<3<3 you all HARD!!!
OK, from 3:42 on KABOOM went my undies!!
OH MY ROB congrstulations Rbsessed!! thanks Biel!!!
Ok,now I know that I'm totally and hopelessly Robssesed. No cure for me,have to suffer for the rest of my life ;)
thank you PetitBiel, Gozde, Kate, Kat.
I love Biel's videos!!!! And this one.... one of the best ever.. with all the new ROb pics so HOT!!!!!
Thanks Gozde, Kate and Kat for requesting such a genius as Biel. Such an expert in making Hot Rob videos!!!!!!
@Biel: I LOVE YOU CHICA!!!!!!!!!! This just has really topped this kinda week we're having with all these presents everyday!!!!!!!!!
so happy!!!!!!!!
OMG!! Is it my birthday???
That is the most awesomest, sexiest, brilliant Rob video ever!!!
Thank you Biel! *worship*
Thanks Gozde, Kate and Kat!
My answer to all of the questions to are you ROBsessed is HELL YEAH!!!
Yeah thanks.... I really needed that rehab LOL
No way I'm going to rehab! I know what I'm doing and I am loving every single minute of, no matter how addictive it is... LOL...
So when I saw this question I realized how horrible I am.
Do you check ROBsessed first thing in the morning, last thing at night....and 20 times in between?
I check this blog in the morning before I even check my email and then it's the last thing I check before I go to bed.
LOVE the video - goddamn that man and his utter sex appeal - how am i supposed to concentrate now? lol
By the way - ive been reading this blog for quite some time and decided to actually 'sign up' with my own account so i could start interacting with you guys - so a bige hello to you all from me! :D
Not a good idea when that first sigh, I mean LE Sigh, HIS SIGH comes at full volume in a pretty crowded room!
Now I'm tooootally blushed, and have this stupid grin on my face!
Biel, your talent has lo limits or what????????
Goz, Kate, Kat, Biel, Gaga (lol)... THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO F*CKING MUCH! Really THANKS!!!!!
Today I appreciate it more than any other day!!!!!
What? Someone called us obsessed???
Well we are a NON-REHAB center! And everyone is invited- "YOU CAN CHECK OUT ANY TIME YOU LIKE, BUT YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE..." :)
And our name is the NB's, not obsessed! :DDD
And how hard I try there is obviously no cure!
you nailed it thats me to a "t" but I dont check Robsessed its my home page and I dont hide it I show it off loud and proud I Love Rob,Robward,and everything Rob
And P.S. my asnwer to all the questions was YES! :)
And girls, YOU ROCK! ;)
And you expect me to be able to sleep now?? The only thing I will be able to is faint *thud*
10 Robgasms for that video! Awesome
Holy Mother of God!!!
Thank you so very much Gozde and Biel. Perfect song, perfect video, perfect subject matter and I fit your Robsession guidelines perfectly! You guys ROCK!!!
I'm suffering all symtoms!!!
The good new is that I'm not alone I have you all Robsessed pals who help me endure it, hahahaha
Damn. Can't see the vid on my iPhone. I'll check it out at home. BUT the GIF of Rome Rob. Holy hell in a handbasket. That's the hottest thing I've evah seen!! Jesus H Christ. He SO knows what he's doing as he works that camera. F*ck!!!
Biel, you are great ! thank you for another amazing video. I don't think i ever want to be cured of my robsession. i love you all !
but this is my theme song
LOL! Hotel Robsession, and we never want to check out of here, do we!!!
Welcome aboard.
ahhh ROFTL :)))))))))))
true. true.
"Do you hide your "infatuation" with Robert Pattinson from your friends/family and coworkers?"
i thought i was the only one and i felt bad!!!
Welcome Nickie!
I don't know, this might be the best one you've done, Biel. I think I could watch it all day on a loop and not get tired. Do I need to go to Rehab? No, No, No.
Thanks so much to all you lovelies, Goz, Kate, Kat, & Biel!
well i already knew i was robsessed, no surprise there.
surprise was that i've been recovering from a baaaadd case of the stomach virus since last week, and every time i was queasy, i checked robsessed and presto i felt ok and happy again!
and p.s. loved that there were no robward shots, demonstrating that it is, obviously beyond a doubt, rob we love.
amazing video, completely made my day :D
sorry i think i should have write "badly" instead of "bad"
Goz, Kat, Kate, Biel...simply...thank u. U women rock.
PS- I hated the song before. ROBsession made me love it, understand it, and empathise with ms. winehouse....i knoe EXACTLY what she
I hide my obsession, but my kids know about it.
That video is freaking brilliant.
Thanks Gozde and Biel; that was cute. :-)
I tolja I was going to change the dissertation to Robsession. ;-) But the rehab wasn't my idea--honest!
ok let me start with my name...las and i am a i dont want no stinking cure..whew..that feels so much better getting that off my chest.
@jc exactly! :D "Such a lovely place, such a lovely face
Plenty of room at The Hotel Robsessed
Any time of year you can find it here..." ;)
"They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast" :D
Wow i'm drooling over my notebook right now thanks to this Rehab video!Like the young Kirsten Dunst's character 'Claudia' famous quote from "Interview with the Vampire" movie: "I want some more"!
Long live our Rob-dealers!!Great job =)
To everyone,I have a cure for these illness ;)
A visit from Dr.Pattinson cure me from this obsession for sure(because I'd be dead).
ok, my answers are: Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, and HELL YES!
I am Robsessed for now and for EVER! Love to Gozde, Kate and Kat, all my lovely NB's and RK pals, and to Biel for totally knocking this one out of the park. LOVED IT.
come on, girls, out loud...
Fuck I Love This Man!!
@Nickie, welcome! ; )
LOL. That's really the one and only cure!!! But it would be short term~you know we'd have to suffer a relapse and get cured over and over again!!
ACK!!!!!!!! i got no WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sdlkfjghshgsejkfhg;ekjhg;khgja;oikgh;oakjrhg;akerdg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all the welcoming messages! Feel free to drop me a line anytime!
Also if you guys are into goth, rock, punk, alternative lifestyle i run a magazine called Devolution which you may be interested in - apologies if this seems like a hijacking post....i also wanted to say that we are giving away over £50 worth of Twilight Beauty Make Up in our latest issue too :D
My love of Twilight and running a magazine meant i was lucky enough to get sent samples and feature them in an 8 page fashion spread and giveaway......
but ignore me and my magazine spiel
lets get back to the reason why were all here showing our love and appreciation for Mr Pattinson <3
I can't thank Gozde, Kat, Kate and, of course, Biel for her amazing and beautiful videos, enough for helping me survive my Robsession. Where would I, and the rest of the robsessed be without you ladies?
I can honestly say I absolutely love everything about this man. He has changed me forever and there is no going back.
I feel sorry for others that are obsessing over anyone besides Rob. I can't imagine anyone else having such a huge following and supportive fan base. It makes me realize what all of us already know...there is noone else out there that even comes close to Rob. He is truly one of a kind and the greatest drug...EVER!! I am loving my Robsession and I'm not going anywhere cuz FILTM!! <3 you ladies so much! Thank you for sharing all the Rob love and giving us all our daily fix! Cheers!
Biel~ to put it simply, YOU OWN!!!!!
On one of the other boards I frequent, we call our thread, Rob's HalfWay House; where we don't cure the addiction, we feed it.
We have always said that Rehab was our theme song. Now it just has allllllllllll the pretty to go along with it.
RobAddicts of the world, UNITE!!!
Goz; I answered yes to all of the above. But, you forgot one...more than recognizing individual pics, being able to spot a manip at a 1000 paces specifically because you can identify the parts of any RobPic...yeah, guilty.
Kat and Biel,
I've been lurking here for a couple months now and I've only posted a comment like once. You guys are the best. Your sight has actually made me addicted to Rob. I love the constant updates and humor, the blog is always fresh, everyday. It's great to know you are my choice of method to my drug and rehabilitation facility.
Man, I hope Robert reads this blog 'cause it's arguably the best.
excellent video - as always !
no chance of rehab ... no no no ....
Rob truly is like a drug and Robsessed is our
NO rehab for me!
thank you, Biel
thank you, Gozde
And thank you Biel. I've seen your other work and you are damn good girl. And thank you too little instigator, you.
Thank you Gozde, and the lovely ladies of Robsessed. There shouldn't be a cure for this, he makes us happy, so what?!!! Life's too short. Enjoy beauty wherever you can find it.
And Biel, you rock!!! Your videos are the best!
As always you've done an amazing job Biel, thank you so much. And thank you Goz, Kate and Kat to fill my days with such a Greek God ;-)
Love you!
Hello... My name is Caroline... and I'm a Rob-o-holic!!!
Gozde said:
Do you read "Robert Pattinson ... promo" as "Robert Pattinson ... Porno"?
LMFAO - funny, because it's true!
@jc,I honestly don't think I survive a visit from him, that's why it is cure for me ;)but if I survive of course I relapse as soon as he is gone ;)
@Fae, I'm a permanent resident of The Hotel Robsessed ;)
@Biel: There should be a new Oscar category: Best videos of Robert Pattinson. And you should be the winner for the next 100 years!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
@Gozde, Kate, Kat: I love to be robsessed with you, I can´t thank you enough for making this site!
Yes, I´m showing all signs of Robsession, and this is not going to change!!!
You guys are so freaking talented. Love it!
Yeah, my friends got together and had an "intervention" for me. It didn't work!!!
gosh, I really had to stop myself from licking the screen =)
but yeah, for the 100th time: thank you so much ladies, this was an awesome idea and yet again a breathtaking video!!
Rob is like "my own personal brand of heroin!" Can we all say amen to that?
Repeat after me: My name is________and I am Robsessed and proud of it! :D
Do I hide it? I try to, but I don't do too good of a job at it...Heck...I have his picture as my wallpaper on my Blackberry for crying out loud!!! So everyone knows...they just don't know how bad...I mean GOOOOOOOD my obsession is!!! ;D
Great video, ladies...Such wise, witty and creative women you all are! You guys ROCK!!!
I answered 'yes' for almost all of them ~ hum... maybe to all of them, to be totally honest. GAH!
Though I don't want any 'cure', thank you very much. I've been enjoying every step of my Robsession for over a year.
But if you insist, I'll tell you what would be perfect right now:
Send Rob over here! Alone.
(Thank you, Biel)
Muah! :x
thank you Gozde and Biel x
oh my god! i was reading the post and i answered yes to every question! the video is perfect!
I am hapilly robssessed and i feel perfectly fine, so no rehab thank you ;)
Thanks Biel for another amazing video .
To be cured from Rob it would be like the worst thing ever, so I don't want any cure. NO WAY!
I love this site and FILTM
Absolutely gorgeous video! You did a great job. It's on my computer, its on my iphone - I can get my fix anywhere! Thanks !!!!!
I answered YES to all the questions and NO, I don't want to be cured. I've never felt better!!
I'm addicted to coffee ~ and my husband got me a frame that says:
"I don't have a problem with caffeine. I have a problem without it".
It could also apply to my Robsession:
"I don't have a problem with Rob. I have a problem without him".
Yeah, it could. :x
wooooooooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaah
the video is awesome... don't want to be cured or anything !
Thx for the link, u made my evening ! that..............RomeRob???????
Ok...I think I`m done........
(oh...and thanks to Biel for all of her wonderful videos and to the Big chicks ROCK!!)
The tried to make me go to ReHab
I say
Too many of us answered yes to your questions Godze. Biel, your video is incredible! It's funny, sexy, beautiful and drool-worthy.
Who wants to be cured of Robsession?!! No one, just more Rob. In fact, why can't there be 24 hour a day Rob tv!
Falling down...thank you, ladies all. Biel, great choice of pics and you included Art... :)
@CullenLover07 said...
Gozde said:
Do you read "Robert Pattinson ... promo" as "Robert Pattinson ... Porno"?
LMFAO - funny, because it's true!
LMFAO hilarious!!! and true!
Sweeet!! oh the barrage of gorgeous pictures feels exactly like mental drugs... the rush, the high, the low!! you can't ever get enough of that beautiful face...the goofy expressions, those eyes my God!
Thanks to Biel always amazing work, and as always the inventive ladies of Robsessed! you go girls with your top of the line ideas!! *hoot hoot *
biel and gözde thanks a lot it was like a real rehab about our robsession FILTM
Love the video. And I will never go if they try to make me got to rehab. Happily sinking further into my Robsession! always..awesome vid Biel..Thank You..and to all the ladies that asked her to make it. LOL @ my Daddy thinks I'm least to my face~! If my Daddy were still around..I'd have already met Robert several times and poor Robert would have been propositioned by now I'm sure.
~Kemberly, "Daddy I'm not preggers but I need a shot-gun weddin~!"
~Daddy, "Sure Darlin'. Is it that Patterson kid with the wild hair and two left feet?"
~Kemberly whines, "Daddy I love those two left feet and that wild hair."
~Daddy, "Sorry Darlin', I'm on it."
LMAO..I was a bit spoiled. :)
Hello my name is Kember....
And I forgot the OUT LOUD
Carry on...
If being ROBsessed is wrong, I don't want to be right!
sigh.....see.....I can`t concentrate......
so beautiful!! :) all the best images and videos of Rob and the best photo shoots! Thank you Biel you are genius!!
and thank you Gozde Kate and Kat :) you are three wonderful women who make my day everyday :))
Love you forever Robsessed :)
@LHR -
CullenLover07 hearts LeslieheartsRob.
Your comment at 4:16 PM was insanely awesome.
@Womadsart - I know, right.
~Rome Rob
LOL! Once again, girl, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!
OMG i have all the semptoms,i suppose i'm robsesed too but no need rehab
LOVE IT! That is def some ROB Crack that I WANT!!
Gratulation for this video from
Austria. You are all so talented.
Thank you so much!!!!
Awwwwww....thanks hon!! I heart you too!! I heart all my NBs!!!!
Great minds think alike...or I guess dirty minds would be a better fit...;)
I will forever be addicted to this man..this blog and all the wonderful Robsessed ladies who come here.
Thanks to you all.
I am PROUD of being ADDICTED in ROBERT PATTINSON ( laughs)
I am going to drink my beer and open my 8GB`s pen drive full of Robert Pattinson photos.
I am laughing until now!!! Thank you.
Loved the video!!!
Guess what? I've got a fever and the only prescription is MORE ROB! (and cowbell)
They tried to make me go to rehab, I said NO, NO, NO:)
We are all happy here in our padded cell with Rob.
Thanks Biel, Goz, Kate, and Kat for being our suppliers;)
No cure is needed! Thanks for the lovely reminder that we are all in Rob heaven and we are all ROBsessed!! Biel=genius-thank you, thank you!
Gozde, Kate, Kat and Beil - thank you. It feels good to be validated.
LOL @Jules
at first I read violated
ahh yea
that works, too
Again Biel you have done Rob sexy ass justice. I bow down. Thanks Goz for asking for this.
But this was already my anthem back in Dec 08 when my Robsession began. LOL
3:38- RomeRob. Rob needs to bring that sexy devil back.
Destroyer and Savior
Yes,yes,yes to all the questions. I thought I was developing some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder. Now I know I am just completely robsessed. Thanks Biel you've done it again....GREAT VIDEO!!!!
Suz - I think we're both reading what we're thinking today. I just did the same thing on another thread.
Freud has nothing on us.
Biel, your an friggin' genius BB! Hallelujah on that....NO NO NO! ;)
Goz, Kat, Kate-You guys so ROCK! Great idea, and you guys and Biel are so AWESOME. THANKS!
ADM-LMAO! You said it hon! AMen! LOL.
@Shani-LOL! Hells yeah BB. Great anthem. And yepper, RomeRob's return would be VERY welcome. Hehe.......;)
LOVE IT!!! Biel you are the best!
Best fanvid EVER!! Holy sheet. Thank you.
RIP Annie
Holy Crap! Rob and Emilie coming up on ET!!!
@Biel I really want your autograph! :D You are very talented! Amazing!
First time posting here, although I visit the site everyday.
I just have to say that this video is sooo perfect!!! (like Rob)
YES, Yes, YES, to all the questions...
I knew from the beginning that the Robsession was a no-cure disease...from which i happily die everyday xD
Thank you for that amazing video Biel... I'm a fan of your work since TO video :D
And to the lovely dealers ladies from Robsessed, thanks for all your dedication to this blog :)
Oh, i forgot!
God! I just realized that I AM A ROBSESSED WOMAN!
WOW!! Yes to all the questions!
Srsly, I've working on my New Years resolutions, and one of them is to 'Robsess less'. Still failing in this one like 70%, but slowly getting there... oh boy...
Anyway, after 'Carnaval' classes start, and I'll have no other choice, but work, work, work...
I'll miss my Rob fix and the NB's crazy talk :(
@ Biel: I LOVED the vid! Thanks!
I've been happily lurkin' for some time. IS THIS HEAVEN???
My 2 cents: *what ya'll said*...!!!
Rome Rob for sure. He was smoking hot there!
Wait a minute: isn't he always?!...
LOL. Love the video. Agree. No no no to rehad when it comes to being Robsessed.
Thank you Gozde and Kate for giving us Rob obsessed fans a haven(forgive me if I forgot the name of anyone else running this blog), and thanks PetitBiel for the video.
Biel, you are an absolute genius and talented too. I'm not Robsessed. I can stop any time I want him-I mean I want to.
P.S- Is there a link to the "happy trail" shot?
Fuck Me Running!!!!
THANK YOU Goz & Biel!!!!
F I L This Site!
F I L T M !!!
almost forgot
{waves} Hello NBs!!!
...and I also answered YES!! GOD YES!
to EVERY question...
oh, wait, not every question - I'm out of the closet. My friends and family know about my ROBsessed infatuation!
That was amazing. Loved it. Nobody can get me to Rob-hab. Never.
Ang - jump up one post.
GREAT VIDEO!! AHHHHH....I'm completely at peace with my ROBSESSION knowing that i'm not alone!!
OMG just another perfect video by Biel, gosh your videos ARE dangerous. *so dead* xxx
I'll be robsessed till the end of the world and one day longer
I swear
Merci Beaucoup LOTS & LOTS! ☺
And the *only* way I'm going to Rehab for my Robsession is if I am given injections from The Pretty at least once an hour.
I wonder what he could use as an injector?!?
This is all kinds of awesome. Thank you so much for posting it. I could watch this pretty much 24/7 until Remember Me comes out and then again while I wait for Eclipse. Thanks so much. Beautiful! The guy cannot take a bad picture.
Actually I'm feeling like I may need rehab or some help.
But then other times I think he's just going to save the world with that heavenly face and I may as well just give into the Robarmy that will eventually takeover the world.
My name is LilliAnn and I am Robsessed and proud of it!
OMFG....that has to be the best friggin' Rob video EVER made!! I can hardly breathe.......
Spectacular video! So many great images of Rob in character and as himself. With one glaring exception: There is not one image of him as Edward. This is NOT a criticism or complaint, at all. I just think it's interesting and says something significant about what Rob means to us here and a bit ironic. If not for "Edward" (a role he will be playing in 4 films) would this site exist and how many of us would be Robsessed? Likely the least interesting character he will play as his career progresses, and yet I always feel compelled to give kudos and thanks (on my knees!) to CH (and KS, too) for seeing something in this virtually unknown "unemployable actor" that would change his life and ours forever by casting him as Edward. The key that opened the door.
These are some of the greatest pictures of Rob. Happy Rob, pensive Rob, goofy Rob, serious Rob. Every word that you wrote about a Rob obsession I am guilty of and I agree. Don't want no stinkin' rehab. Just more Rob, Rob, Rob.
Thanks for making my day! No rehab for me. . . lol
Omfg. This is ME. Yes to all questions. The video...what can I say? Biel is a genius. Once an artist finds her's absolute magic. By the way, I am typing this legally DEAD after having watched all the new Remember Me goodies. I too have no interest in rehab.
¡Maravilloso video, es perfecto....como Robert, quieb becesita curarse!
Gozde and Biel:
It would be a bloody curse to be cured. We want to be under THIS spell.
Robsession saves!
Actually, did you know that it's a fact that Robsession is revered in heaven. Angels wait in anticipation for Biel's next video.
@lallieb: I agree. Twilight Edward, you could make a devilishly angelic video of that major Robfest. I'd love an Edward video, what should have been in NM mixed with the best of Twilight.
HOLY HELL!!!! That video almost made me fall out of my chair! I also am so so sick with the Robsession and don't care who knows it!!! :D
Great Video Biel... and wonderful suggestion Gozde.
All together now -->"REHAB IS FOR QUITTERS"
gah... he's delicious.
yes yes YES!!!!!
I am a newie to this Site and newie to Rob. 6 weeks, 4 days and 3 hours still counting.
Am I Robssessed? HELL Yeh!
Do I hide it? I am afraid to say I do. I did not think it was normal and I have never felt this way or wanted so badly to feel this way about anyone, real or otherwise. I have never felt so passionate about someone.
However after seeing this video and reading your comments (you lot are so funny) I am very proud to get up and shout
and come out of the closet.
Who cares that I am 44 and he is 23 (born on the same day/year as my daughter - won't forget her birthday now! LOL)
Rob is a beauty to behold, a man's man, and a woman's delight.
I love this. This is so me! ;)
Thank you, for the fix! I might just make it through the next hour or so.
Thank you! Raised my temperature at least 10 degrees. I am addicted!!! Did I thank you? I will never, never, never go to rehab. NO, NO, NO. Did I thank you? I smiled all the way through this. Thank you!
Dear God yes, have mercy. Did I thank you?
My answers are: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and ... yes.
Do I want any cure? NO!!! I doubt there is anything in the world that could cure me of this:)
Thank you Biel. This video is just amazing, like the rest of your videos.
Thank you Gozde, Kate and Kat for your incredible work on this blog.
Long live ROBsession!!!
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