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Fabulous Robert Pattinson Wallpapers
Some gorgeous Wallpapers for you from Cynthia
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Dear God, thank you for Robsessed. It is my favorite blessing yet. And yes, i realize I've been blessed with a husband and four children. Amen.
Wow, it's like battle of the Rob-Wallpapers! And everyone benefits from the really HOT fallout! These are fabulous!!! ; )
The first three wallpapers are amazing! Wow...
But I must say that the fourth one is not up to par with the other magnificent three! (right click and save) *dreamy sigh*
(Now to change the wallpaper on my computer or not to change th wallpaper of my computer that is the question)
These are awesome, Cynthia! Especially the first one-Rob IS Sex On Fire! RAWR!
Gynazole update, NB's!
Two times at the same day. I can not stand it!!!
The first wallpaper: Rob, you light my fire any time. His sexy stare.
The second one: Rob, why so serious? Beautiful!!!
The third one: Rob and his impregnating stare. His lips are so cute!
The fourth one: Rob Bond. Delightful!!!
Great work Cynthia!
Kate, thanks for posting them.
Aston Martin and Rob- absolutely lethal combination!
FILTM!!! and FILTC!!! :D
Good god my day just finished off nicely, he just gets better and better every fricking day!
These are awesome Cynthia!!!
Now, to decide which ones to print like a billion of, so I can wallpaper the house. ;)
You guys post the best wallpapers!
#4 "Pattinson... Robert Pattinson, vodka martini shaken, not stirred." :D
Thanks, Cynthia. I'm kinda liking the third wp. What am I saying!! I love any pic of Rob with equal passion. Just like a snowflake, they're all beautiful and no two are alike! Keep 'em coming.
..."Oh and make that stoli vodka." ;)
The first one........FML
D I`m rally dead!!
Somebody tries to kills us today :) But it is a sweet death.
FILTM even from underworld
really...I can`t concentrate...
@Fae, you're in a good mood tonight ;)Are drunk on Rob? I know I am.
You can't concentrate due to your delicate condition!!!
@Annie I guess I am! The NB messed up all my clothes in the closet and came out to play! :)
@Fae,finally ;) let her out more often. Do you get silly too just by looking at his pics? I just can't stop smiling. If he does this to me with his pics what is going tome LIVE? Dead on spot?
yeah I know, one look and pooooof fly, fly my brain!
@ jc
I know, right!!
Stupid pregnancy brain!!
Jeez-Louise these are drop dead...lickable & luscious!!!
lick lick lick and save
Damn! need new panties now...
Operation Robstock is in effect!
NY here we come!
soooo it seems kstew was caught getting her freak on (among other things) at the sundance with ORLANDO BLOOM .........Yikes this girl sure gets around Huh......i hope Rob wore double layer condoms and gloves wheb he touched her,iam hoping this rumor is true because its about time she let Rob out of her clutches so he can move on to something more clean and i guess the million dollar question is going to be did she Trade up or down LOL.......ok iam outta here :-)
RPG, RPL, Gwen or ADM - I'm playing catch-up from last night - somebody please send me the shiny peen!!! I need to see it! ;)
Awwww!!! Thank you everyone for your kind comments!! I'm glad you all liked them :)
After leaving the bar, the Star claims, “They hooked up that night at a condo Kristen rented. She said it was wild, and she’d love to do it again!”
Minor point: Stewart didn’t rent a condo in Sundance.
Major point: This NEVER happened.
Stewart and Bloom did not hook up, sources close to the situation (and no, we’re not talking about the dude from Jersey Shore) assure Gossip Cop.
why are we talking Stewart here. This is Robs place ;)
angie-shiny peen on the way!
girl you know better than to come drop a shit bomb like that then run...
I know you don't like her, but let's not spread rumors...if nothing more than out of respect for Rob..,
GC has cleared up the nasty on this one...
@Annie so with you on this! You're damn right!
RPG - got it! thanks! that is hilarious!
Kristen and Orlando - as if! HA!
Oooh, Rob, I'm on fire, too!!
(you could bring me your hose...;0
LOL, CV. ; ) All the NBs are feeling frisky this evening!
(Gwen's still looking for her panties---thinks they spontaneously combusted from the Stare photos. Poof!) Rob is so talented that way.
lol @cv
Firehose Rob!!
Gwen - it must be a conspiracy! my panties are missing, too! LOL!
Ahh, I just watched Rob on Jimmy Kimmel.... so adorable!
I love the story about the last time he cried becuase of the cold medicine commercial- so adorable!!!
A littany at dusk updated! Woot!!
CullenLover07 where are you???
Operation Robstock is in effect!!
Love that pix of Rob - sexy hair for sure.
i saw these wallpapers at work and i FINALLY changed my blah desktop to the second pic of rob, just beautiful. now i have something to smile at in the morning.
as far as kristen rumor, blah, blah, blah.
but did anyone see the CK pics of Kellan, his body looks HOT :)
oh and FF 10 of them updated since last night and i am still catching up. hope to talk to you ladies later.
I know I'm trying to get caught up too, and I keep starting new ones-jeez FF has taken over my life after Rob..
Sigh, just watched Rob on Ellen too, so freaking adorable talking about BC being the dame forest as Oregon..
The updates appearing on Twitter are at least 24 hours ahead of the ones via email. Damn!
You ladies are awesome. <3
RPG - are you reading FF "Fault"??? That one totally took a left turn and i am lost.
FF this is not my life is officially the saddest one that i have ever read, i actually cry everytime it's B POV.
I know i read too many and i need to get a life, dont we all :)
I haven't read the most recent chapter of fault.... It's waiting for me...
And I agree... This is not my life is soooo sad....
OMG, you girls really kill me. Love being here, anytime.
WE have got to meet up and chat.
Love to all,
FILTM (too much) (probably a stalker) No not really
Now what?
@femroc, love your avi. Good one.
Hey Ladies...Love the wallpapers.
WOW there were so many ff updates.
I read the Fault ipdate and I had a feeling that's where it was going. I get crazy..hmmm wonder why.
Also EP hello cliffhanger.
CW&IA makes me smile, cry, sigh you name it and it does it.
This is not my life - breaks my heart.
Expectations and other moving pieces pretty much owns me right now. So different from any ff I have ever read.
update not ipdate LOL
eaomp is really different I agree.... it's hard in the beginning with all the hate....but looks like some walls may be coming down!
teri - you are not kidding about a cliff hanger on EP. i hope she dont take too long to update.
expectations is great too, real different from the others.
fault - i totally didn't expect that, this one is cuckoo bella or fight club bella :)
still waiting on wallbanger update...
oh, little ashes came in the mail today YAY!!!
gonna watch it as soon as i put my little man to bed. so i am off, hope to talk to you ladies tomorrow.
OH @Ana, me too, on the wallbanger update.
As far as I know from reading Fault I think the Bella's Dad killed the boy that he caught in her room and that's why their relationship is so strained and he freaked out on Edward that time. I think that James is some type of weird Manifestation she has created to deal with all of this. I remember reading in one of the chapters her saying that James didn't show up when Edward was around but always knew when they were fighting b/c then he would show up. I hope I am making sense.
Gah Teri, love the new AVI!!!!
Wow, good synopsis on fault.... I didn't think of that.... I have to catch up & see what happened...
EP cliffhanger killed.... They finally had a breakthrough and then BAM!!!
teri - i didnt think of that. but i think i am more confused. so if charlie killed that guy dont you think everyone would know though what happened with her. and i think her sleeping with edward really did freak her out. she needs so serious help more than what edward can giveher.
Thanks @RPG - I like my avi. I hope no one gets pregnant looking at it.
By the way your Avi is not to shabby.
Yay just speculation on the Fault but it does kind of give me a fight club vibe.
I have to rest now, early day tomorrow. Goodnight Ladies.
@Ana - I think people do know but no one talks about it b/c she's so fragile. You basically get everything from her POV anyway, and she's clearly a lunatic.
OK, I have to say it, EP is turning into The Perils of Pauline. 67 chapters, & she's no where near the end. A story is supposed to have a beginning, middle, & AN END, she needs to bring this thing home & stop inventing situations. I wish I hadn't invested so much time reading this thing so that I could just walk away. Seriously, all 4 of the Twilight books are 117 chapters, so she's basically written as much as the first 3 books combined. Enough already.
The wallpapers are amazing!!!!!
I thank God I never got invested into ff, except for one, Laid Bare, I have no idea what you're talking about after that.
My mind is clean so far. (smirk)
I must admit I re-read Stephenie Meyers books over and over and over and over. You get my drift, but I really do love "Twilight" and "Breaking Dawn" the most. Was not that crazy about New Moon movie, especially since they left out the scenes of Bella thinking she was dreaming with Edward in her bedroom right after Italy. Absolutely loved that part, but of course, they deleted it in the movie. Hate that, they always do. My favorite scenes from book to movie.... Oh well. Hollywood, are you listening. Of course not!
Wow, I love these!
#1 just kills me. It's so hot. It's screaming: Sex on fire!!! Rob is Sex on fire!!!
Thanks Cynthia:)
butterfly I agree with you sex on fire wohoo oh god thats killing me just keep breathing just keep breathing FILR
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