Kristen Stewart was a pre-“Twilight” 17 years old when she filmed the coming of age drama “The Yellow Handkerchief,” with British actor Eddie Redmayne in New Orleans, a film due out later this month. But the two stars revealed to AccessHollywood.com on Thursday that Kristen learned her first details about her then-upcoming co-star Robert Pattison from Eddie, who turned out to be a R-Patz pal.
“Randomly, at the end of this, you were about to do ‘Twilight,’” Eddie said, turning to his “Handkerchief” co-star Kristen during Access’ interview. “I had known Rob since I was [younger]. So I was like, ‘Yeah! You’re working with my mate Rob!’ You’re like, ‘Really? What’s he like?’ I was like, ‘He’s a good boy.’”
Kristen said although she first attempted to find out more about her “Twilight” co-star from his pal, she realized Eddie’s lips were fairly sealed.
“I sort of got from [Eddie] that they were friends for a long time and he wasn’t going to say anything bad about him. Even if there was something bad, it was just sort of like, ‘Yeah, it’ll be good,’” Kristen laughed.
Eddie confirmed he and his British boys club buddies stick together, a group that includes Eddie, R-Patz and “Vanity Fair” actor Tom Sturridge.
“They’re like, so almost incestuous,” Kristen said.
“It is incestuous,” Eddie laughed. “Rob and Tommy Sturridge and I – we’ve all been at it for a while now and it [is] so funny what happens when you start doing the jobs and you work with other people and you realize the whole industry is incredibly incestuous.”
You can read the full article at Access Hollywood
Thanks to Coral for the tip
“Randomly, at the end of this, you were about to do ‘Twilight,’” Eddie said, turning to his “Handkerchief” co-star Kristen during Access’ interview. “I had known Rob since I was [younger]. So I was like, ‘Yeah! You’re working with my mate Rob!’ You’re like, ‘Really? What’s he like?’ I was like, ‘He’s a good boy.’”
Kristen said although she first attempted to find out more about her “Twilight” co-star from his pal, she realized Eddie’s lips were fairly sealed.
“I sort of got from [Eddie] that they were friends for a long time and he wasn’t going to say anything bad about him. Even if there was something bad, it was just sort of like, ‘Yeah, it’ll be good,’” Kristen laughed.
Eddie confirmed he and his British boys club buddies stick together, a group that includes Eddie, R-Patz and “Vanity Fair” actor Tom Sturridge.
“They’re like, so almost incestuous,” Kristen said.
“It is incestuous,” Eddie laughed. “Rob and Tommy Sturridge and I – we’ve all been at it for a while now and it [is] so funny what happens when you start doing the jobs and you work with other people and you realize the whole industry is incredibly incestuous.”
You can read the full article at Access Hollywood
Thanks to Coral for the tip
A good article!!
Kris is a good girl and was a good friend of Eddie during the movie and it we can see that knows perfectly the ambience and friends´s Rob.
Loyalty among friends speaks volumes!!
Friendship is all!!!
That is why I love Tom Stu, even more each day.
Love Rob too, of course. (LOL)
So happy Rob is surrounded by such good people. Friends like that are priceless. It takes a special person (people) to make those kinds of bonds.
<3 <3 <3
Watching brit awards ad they had to mention his name :D He is every where.
Good friends are hard to find.
*waves at* angie ;)
*waves back* @annie :)
I'll have to wait for the BAFTA to get posted here. I don't have BBCAmerica :(
@angie,I think you can watch it online. I don't have it either.
guys the BBC have an i-player service where the most popular programmes are posted online after the broadcast..pretty sure Baftas will be available on the i-player service straight after they've finished on TV.
I wonder whether Eddie razzes Rob about having kissed Kristen before he did...
thanks annie and Gee - I'll have to give it a try...now it is off to RL for the day after my morning ROB fix
LOL! you KNOW he had to rub it in. I have a teen son and believe me-his friends are his brothers. They grew up together and fight like crazy. They talk about girls...fascinating stuff coming from a guys point of view. Theyre smart. They can figure us out EARLY. They just play "dumb":)They can get away with alot more that way...I would love to hear Rob and his friends "shoot the shit" Happy he has grounded friends,who pop his head if it gets to big,give him a punch in the arm in affection, and let him know he's da bomb when he gets insecure. Great laddies!
Robs got great friends for sure... and how lucky is Kris to be in the middle if all these great guys!!!
Rob is the baby in his boy pack but he looks the oldest ;D
I KNEW I had seen this kid somewhere before..he's in the "The Good Shepherd"..I don't know why it didn't come straight to me..love that movie..that and "The Other Boleyn Girl". He's a cutie..but this whole Brit-Pack thing is really starting to get on my nerves..LOL
I thought it kind of cute that she was pumping Eddie for info on her upcoming co-star; what's he like, etc.
Well, she'd just gone through one hell of a sexually charged audition with this guy (heard Rob got so carried away that he fell off of Catharine's bed. That's hilarious. I guess he really is a wonky doofus. So adorable) and I too would have been curious as to what kind of a person -that I'd just made a VERY strong connect with- that what kind of person he was. Obviously, she found out.
Obviously. LOL!
By head count, just how big has this pack of boys grown into? Well, there's Rob and Tom and Marcus and Bobby and Sam (although he's Canadian but STILL, a subject of the Queen) and now Eddie. Have I left anyone out? (Crap. At the rate this herd is multiplying, soon we'll need score cards). So that's two actors, three musicians and one drop dead gorgeous fuckhawt actor/musician.
All seem like nice lads although you got to figure there's a drunken thief somewhere in that mob. And the drunken part goes without saying. LOL!
Now all K has to do is snag a role opposite Tom and she will have made out with half of them. It is a very incestuous business indeed. Case in point, this summer Rob will be making out with an actress who once portrayed his mother on screen. Bet the two of them will have a laugh over that.
Kristen is one lucky girl to be amongst these young talented male actors and to call all of them friends too :)
barbara - i thought the same thing...i do wonder if he does mess with him about starring with kristen first and kissing her first LOL.
Your label is really cute!
Isn't there also a Johnny who's part of this Brit pack too?
@jmm4832: yes, johnny flynn. and there is also andrew garfield, who is an actor and his girlfriend is shannon woodward!
robert went to her birhday party last year (the night of the rumors with kate perry...).
These boys sure know the true meaning of the word "Friends" :) It is precious.
On a more sarcastic note - just because I couldnt resist - I can see next week tabloids covers from here: "Exclusive: R-Pattz and friends in incestuous relationship! R-Pattz declares: Im allergic to vaginas" LOL
Gosh I just don't like that word............incestuous ...........being used in connection with Rob. There is already so much gay talk about him and then the vagina thing and now this.......jeez what next?
You people are clueless....brit pack friends...hahah...incestuous? yeah, I believe that! Tom is so obviously gay it's not even funny!
Gosh 2 times in one week we are graced with your insight and your views of the intellegence on this blog...Wow, girls, how lucky are we?
Hi ! I just wanna say that this blog is great, I watch it every day ! Thank you for all this news !
I created my blog, and I want to know what you think about it....http://lets--fall--in--love.blogspot.com/
Thanks (sorry for my english, I'm french !)
Love this guys take:
rpattzgirl, leave the puppy alone! You know if you dangle a tidbit she's going to get all excited. You'll just have to clean the floor afterwards. (wags finger)
Very lucky that someone here knows the truth....ME!
@annie for patty
THANKYOU so much for the feed link- I don't get BBCamerica so I really appreciate your posting that link.
this is kinda cool that Robsten will be together in a totally different setting - hope we get some good pix from it.
Ladies - our FREE FOR ALL was really fun last night. And I woke up this morning still "thinking" about it!!!!
I know, what was I thinking? I'm sure she pees & craps all over herself frequently..
I just LOVE British humor and British men. He's a lovely man, loyal to a mate and so polite during interviews about a movie he's in with KS and all the questions about Rob.
good article good conversation :D:D
@annieforrpatty thanks a lot for the link:D
*waves* Hi everybody!!
*steps in puppy poo* Damn! Why didn't anyone tell me!! Now I've got to go clean my Chucks!!
@femroc and robsessive,you're welcome ;D
@rpg, just tell me and I beat the crap of her ;)some dogs need to be disciplined.
OMG clara..new fave Robert pic..Thank You :)
it is good he had so many trust worthy friends. they will keep him grounded and get him throught this crazy time. he is a tremendous actor and i hope he has a long career.
Maybe that d*ck is still stuck in the zipper!!!!
Hey, girl! Sorry about your chucks. lol
Love Eddie. Saw him in Tess of the D'Urbervilles and The Other Boleyn Girl. What a great actor and even better friend. Rob is so lucky to have him and the rest of guys in his life. Friends like that are priceless.
Dazzle- Sweetie pumpkin pie. No. TomStu was with Camilla Belle for two years.If you mean "gay" as in these boys are gay for being in long term relationships with one girl instead of being players than you're right. And you know all you have to do is Google. I see now you're one of those who believe every actor is gay and his gf is a beard. I think you need to become a member of "Oh No They Didn't" if you're not already. It may be one of the best gossip sites, but they are full of the most cynical and bitchy people who have their gaydar on full force. You will feel right at home with them. Go and be merry.
You know it's still stuck...or maybe it's up someone's ahem, cough..
hehehehehehe ;)
These guys are just making wildfire....LOL. I love all their quips. It's like "We are in this together...and eff the world!" Hahaha.
LUV your avi!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, where's the NB posse tonight!!! RL weekend, I guess. Very anxious to get a glimpse of Master Rob at the BAFTA's tomorrow. Wonder how much we will get to see!
Baftas will be cool.
I love the 3 amigos pic here...eddie, tommy and robbie.
pant. thud.
I guess kristen's next big adventure will be a film with tommy, and then she will have a complete set. oh, the envy.
Thank you Shani. That just had to be said.
And Dazzle? I went over to that site you put a link up to and oh my yes, such a reputable place that was.
I have to wonder if you are in fact a gay man yourself who's got such a hard on for this guy that it compels you to run around the internet screaming that he's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but there sure as hell is something wrong with labeling people when you don't know. None of us do. But there has been NOTHING in this very public life of Robert Pattinson's to indicate that he is a gay man. So until you can produce some photographic or audio evidence...take your shit elsewhere and shut the fuck up!
Now then, we can add two more, Johnny and Andrew, to the herd? Like I said, soon were gonna need a score card.
I really like eddie after seeing him in the interviews with kristen. I hope we see more of him soon.
Not a gay man...im a hetero female.. And yes, I will try to get some photos of Rob and Tom together in bed...I'm workin on that for you all....
My apologies for my eroneous assumption.
As for hunting up pics of Rob and Tom in bed? You do that. And if you can't find any, I hear there's this contraption called photoshop. Have at it.
Do you realize that you have no credibility and do you know why? Because you're a 'one note' poster. You've only got one thing to say and you cannot back it up. Ergo; you've got no credibility. Even if you were to produce a 'pic' of the two of them in some kind of compromising position, because of the way in which you have presented yourself, most would assume it was a manip because you've got no...wait for it, credibility. And you've done that to yourself.
Try discussing some other things once in awhile and see if maybe that perception of you might change a bit. Oh. And when you're done hunting up compromising photos of men you do not know, go out and find your life. It's out there waiting for you, I promise. But you're gonna have to go get it.
Unless Dazzle...
You are indeed Rob and/or Tom and when the two of you get bored, you log onto ROBsessed to play and to get us ladies all worked up into a dither. And if so, then the two of you should be spanked. HARD! And sent to bed without your supper. And made to watch a 72 hour marathon of The Hills...with NO BEER! That's right. You should be made to watch that thing cold sober.
Oh Behave!
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