Since we've been getting tips about the new Eclipse stills thought I'd make a small post and say: Yes, we know there are Eclipse pictures out there. We posted them all yesterday but then removed them on good faith. We'll post more when we can. Now onto our regular coverage :))
Totally Understand Guys! Love this blog!
But EEEEEEE to the stills you posted yesterday!! Happy, carefree in love B/E for the win!! Cutest stills ever.
As sexy as R/K chem can be, im super excited to see their playful side! And if the clips are any indication, Eclipse is gonna be good! They looked SO in love! Forget Jacob!
Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the Eclipse photo's - they are beautiful, and I can't wait for the movie! Eclipse is my favourite of the 4 because it's so romantic and Edward is just wonderful in the story.
Good to see that we get at least 3 sloppy scenes - in the meadow, in Bella's bedroom, and Edward's bedroom - so I see a 4-poster there? Oh my!
So, all you people who said there was no chemistry between Rob and Kristen - can you honestly still believe that after see these pictures?
When the gorgeous and so beautiful Eclipse stills return, Gwen will be here waiting with bells on!
Hugs, love and thanks! Goz, Kate & Kat, this blog is fantastic.
Thank you :))
The stills were cute and hot and cute and HOT :)
Can't wait to see an trailer! :)
I don't even know what has happened but I have my trust on Gozde, Kate and Kat... Thank you for your hard work so we all can enjoy Rob... I support you all the ways.....
Is that true eclipse trailer will be release on 20 march?
Gozde, Kate, Kat...we all support u n love u :) Don't worry, haters will be haters and people need to grow up n chuck their immaturity. Whatever they say, let them. We know u're right. U know u're right. N the day all these haters realise u're right, they'll thank u n apologise :) They're just jealous cuz, in Edward's name, this blog is the best EVER. And i know everyone here seconds that. :) So don't worry. We love u <3
Gözde, Kate and Kat, I respect and support your decision. It is your blog.
And about Robert Pattinson. He is a beautiful man, has sense of humor, intelligent, a good actor and I am gonna always support him and respect him, no matters he says or makes. No matter the character he has played or gonna play. No matter who was his co-star or is gonna be his co-star. He has chemistry with anyone.
I love you, Rob!!!
Regardless of the whole putting them up pulling them down debacle, those pics were scorching hot!! I gasped literally when I first saw them. Those two (R&k) are just sizzling!!!I'm so eager to see this movie, and hope that DS won't drift too far from the core love story.
The Love story as the stills prove is basically ALL THE DRAW to this saga, more than any background BS or action. here's to a movie better executed than NM, and even more romantic than Twilight!
Those Eclipse stills were just perfect. I loved each one of them. Can't wait to see the movie!!! Or at least some trailer first:)
Gozde, I agree, anything with Rob is going to be hot:)
Thank you Gozde, Kate & Kat for your work on this blog! You're the best!
Love you ROBsessed!!!
Love you Rob!!!
:)) Thank you guy. We really appreciate the trust and love. I'm all teary here. After all this blog is for us, the fans. We don't serve anyone but the fans :)
LOL... There seems to be years between the two movies... In Twilight the guy is discovering love and "sex" and in Remember me, well, he is more than practicing...
Seems to be a beautiful and moving movie.. I am not sure it's the kind of thing I want to see right now, my love life being a desert ;o(
I was in RL yesterday when all the fighting started, so I am still confused, but I support and trust ROBsessed, Gozde, Kate and Kat 100%. The Eclipse stills were breathtaking and it was great to see them while it lasted. We will see them again.
Thanks for all you do! You are by far the best Rob/Twi blog out there.
I love you guys!
I can't get my head around why negative things have been posted about Rob's photo shoot and interview in Details Mag....
The pictures may come as a bit of a shock for some people but they've got to realise that Rob is a full grown man, not little Eddy Cullen in his pea coat.... He's a sexy guy and photographers are going to want to shoot him in mature situations.
He's always said strange things in interviews... it's part of what he is. I don't know Rob at all, but I honestly don't think he would deliberately say things in an interview that were likely to offend people.... Shock them a bit yes, but racist remarks - no way, he's not that daft.
Really adored the beautiful shots from Eclipse, and seeing Rob in costume for Bel Ami.... Oh my! What a great couple of weeks for Rob's fans!
Go boy, you're only here once!
Thank you guy? lol that was supposed to be thank you guys :)
You go Goz! I love this place and all you ladies.
Ok now off to work & RL.
Later all and i wish you many a Robsessed daydream today . wooooooooohooooooo
it stop snowing outside -sun comes out. let`s sing
"we ...love rob`n roll "
Understand and support you, Goz, Kate, and Kat! I love this blog and all the work you ladies do! Thanks for the opportunity to view those unbelievably hot pics on Valentines Day:) It was great while it lasted, but I know that as soon as you can, they'll be up again.
Trust & respect all decisions made here...
Photos were hot... They'll be back at some point...
Love ya Robsessed!
Gozde, Kate, and Kat...you guys rock HARD!!!! That little sneak of Eclipse got me so freakin' excited for it and eased some of my reservations about Mr. Slade.
You guys are wonderful...this blog is wonderful...Mr Pattinson is wonderful...the world is wonderful...(ok, I think I've had enough coffee...)
Goz, love you guy!!! (LOL) I love you guys, and love the blog. Those pics were smokin hot, can't wait to see them again. Love all things Rob. Can't wait for Eclipse, it's my fav after twilight. Edward was definitely the better man, as shown in this book.
Gozde, Kate and Kat, you will always have my support. I always trust your decisions.
Gozde, Kate and Kat, Robsessed is the best.
I am relatively new to Robmania. I've been active since November and your blog is the only place I feel comfortable. You always bring a smile to my face.
Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life and for your respectful posts.
For all of you who have not seen the Eclipse stills everyone is referring to--you can find them here (hurry!):
Agree with LesleyHeartsRob - I think Mr Slade is going to do just fine with Eclipse... They are the pictures I always wanted to see. And if these are hot, what's Breaking Dawn going to be like ..... oh my
One other thing I'd like to say about those Eclipse shots.... Isn't Rob's hair great! Loads shorter than in Twilight, a bit shorter than New Moon - and the side burns... oh boy I love him in every film he's made, but these Eclipse shots are something else ....
We entrust ourselves to your capable hands, Godze, Kate and Kat.
Good decisions now might lead to perks in the future. Smart adult women, you are.
And Rob is LOVE. Robler, Robward and DuRob. And just Rob, in all his unfiltered interviewee glory.
@Carole UK, totally agree.
Rob's hair in those new stills looked really great. It even looked more like Rob's style rather than Edward's. The colour was great, a bit like golden. And I love the side burns too. He really rocks them:)
We know you cherish your follower fans Gozde, as much as Robward cherishes Kristella. And you know most of us are truly grateful and supportive.
Every blog attracts its share of detractors and envious competition. Pfffffff! Let them spew... the wind will blow it right back in their faces, luv!
David Slade? He seems to have a great eye and the sensual sensitivity to strike an edgy balance between some raw UST and righteous violence to make Eclipse one hell of a movie. You don't need to be your actors best friend to pull some of their best work out of them. Anyone else even more psyched now to see the end result?
FILTM and FILTB <-- thats for Gözde, Kateand Kat ;)
No more needs to be said.
The Eclipse photos were sizzling with R/K or E/B chemistry...Thanks for posting them...
Totally understand the situation and simply adore this blog...
Love u all...
Loved the little peek of Edward's chest - Bella had to work SO HARD to get those buttons ondone!
I like how each director takes the next movie to a higher level just like the book. Slade does have a darker side but so does eclipse. I think the pictures show that he is well aware that there is another element going on here and he seems to get it. Can't wait to see it all come together.
Thanks Gozde. We know how things work with rules and things and you need to do what you need to do... They are exciting photos and we'll be waiting to see them again at the "right" time! Thanks for keeping us up to date! We love you guy too! lol!! I love this site and I'm always on your side since everything you guys do is for us!
Gozde, Kate and Kat, I have been following your blog for a long time now and seldom comment, but just want you to know how much we silent ones also adore you and appreciate your work for us true fans of Rob as well. I only come here to your site now and am never disappointed. I love the great photos and interviews, and I love, respect and admire your integrity and the love which you bring to Rob and us. Thank you. Thank you.
Sorry guys. I was logged on under my friend Will's account so I'm repeating my post again..
Thanks Gozde. We know how things work with rules and things and you need to do what you need to do... They are exciting photos and we'll be waiting to see them again at the "right" time! Thanks for keeping us up to date! We love you guy too! lol!! I love this site and I'm always on your side since everything you guys do is for us!
OH MY OH MY !!!! I was away like for two days and the third world war was up. OMG what have I missed?
I missed the pictures I missed the fights I missed the comments. I should have know better :(
than go somewhere with no internet.
Thank God my robsessed friends saved the pictures for me. Thank you Kathy and Mika I own you girls one.
Goz, Kate Kat, I know they will be up again when the time is right.
I sometimes think people talk just because they have the tongue in the mouth! Why the hell is there always somebody who judges and criticizes what other people do? This is Goz, Kate and Kat’s blog and they can do whatever they want with it, and if people don’t like it, then stop looking at it! Every now and then, it happens that somebody doesn’t agree with their choices (i.e. all the fuss about Rob and TomStu London pics) and I always think: if you don’t like it, go check other sites, it’s plenty of them! Don’t bother Goz, Kate and Kat with all that crap!.
I think this is the best Rob’s site out there and the only one I check every day, more times a day, and when such things happen, I’m afraid sooner or later, those 3 great gals will decide to shut it down, leaving us alone in our madness. Please Goz, Kate and Kat never do that: when you’re sick and tired of all this s*it, think of us, your devoted admirers, and keep cheering up our days with your talent and humour, please.
Gozde, Kate, and Kat-Thank you so much for allowing me to come to my happy place to bask in all things Rob. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. We respect you the decisions you all need to make. (group hug)
Ignore the haters. They only bring unhappiness to this wonderful blog. Who wants that negativity spoiling the beautiful pics of Rob?
Rob does say things that shock us now and then alright.
My favorite is from a mall visit he did promoting Twilight and the girls were screaming like crazy and the interviewer asked him how he got his hair to do what it does........... he very quickly retorted......."I get 12 year old virgins to lick it"
OMG so sexy and racy and off the wall and gotta love him.
I don't understand why the Eclipse pix were taken down - can anyone explain?? I wish I'd saved them - they were so good.
Maybe I've been in outer space somewhere and just haven't heard the explanation. Did we violate some rules/terms??
I saw that the youtube of the Details shoot was also taken down due to violation of terms. Boy was it HOTTTTTTTTT!
Wait! you guys got a hold of the Eclipse stills and HAD to remove them? Damn-they were hot,I was hoping to get my fix. Im glad I was on yesterday to view them:) Either way ,thank you for posting them.
@Skorpia - I can email them to you if you let me have your email address.
Just managed to lick & save before this disappeared - phew!
Lick Rob's hair - now that that's a thought to carry round for a few hours!
I didn't save them either, but I hope they'll be out again soon, maybe, as someone said, after the trailer. I was like: "Now I can't save them, hubby is near, I'll do it tomorrow, but somehow I had a feeling they would disappear". Sometimes I think I have kind of a sixth sense, LOL.
Gozde, Kate and Kat
Thank you for the best Valentine's Day ever w/ your fabulous posts. You are always our guiding light. Love and appreciate you!!
Hum... Anything about Rob makes me melt like butter on a hot pan.
I admire the actor, adore the humble human being, love the good hearted guy, and lust for the gorgeous man...
Well, why not?
Muah! :x
Sunflower - let me have your email addy and I'll send them to you
Love this blog
Goz, Kate & Kat
i think everybody here understand the situation. this is a wonderful blog and you do everything right
@Carole UK
I will be SOoo happy X)
As always, you guys handled this with grace and class. Well done! And for the record, I am VERY much in your corner, Goz, Kate and Kat. I have your backs, and so do a lot of people here. You did NOTHING wrong, but I respect your handling of this situation. Good for you! Loves ya, and keep up the fab work, ladies. ;)
We need to rally behind Robert. On CNN's website, Entertainment portion, they published Detail's interview portion about "allergic to vagina". I really believe that what he meant was he is wary of women (not us though) because if had sex with them, they'll likely to sell the experience for thousand$$$. But people don't get Robert. He is funny and ironic at times.
Goz, Kate & Kat
I support your every decisions .
Have to take this opportunity and also THANK YOU guys, Gozde, Kate & Kat!
I love this blog, I come here EVERY DAY, am not a great poster though, as English is not my first language.
I sooo appreciate all your hard work and your brilliant humor....
It is your blog and you decide what´s on and what´s not, end of story!
Please don´t let some stupid troublemakers tear you down...people just need to grow up.
those pics were HOT!!! y'all need to put RobsessedBlog on text alert and say goodbye to sleep. This way you dont miss this stuff if you did. We need to move fast in this Robsessed world. Things shift quickly. Can't miss the fire that explodes from a Rob pic. *crazy tink*
Thanks again for making my VDay super romantic with super romantic B&E pics. Eclipse was my fav and I'd been nervous about it. But from the stills...looks like I can find great comfort in how B&E's love was represented. Can't have Taylor with his big ole Jacob raining on my parade too much. SO bravo to Rob & Kristen for bringin' it. I should never have doubted it, right? ;)
Loved all of the Eclipse stills we saw yesterday. Thank goodness I saved them. Kris and Rob really showed how great their chemistry is. CH and Kris were right in choosing and standing behind Rob.
Goz- I support you and I saw the whole mess that took place on twitter yesterday. It's sad that so many of Rob's fans are filled with so much hate and jealousy.It's toxic. Where is the love at? They are too old to be acting like that.*shakes head*
I don't have any idea of what people said on twitter or whatever, 'cause I do not have any of those things. :-0
But it is your blog. Your decision.
We love your blog (obviously). And support your decisions (also obviously).
Peace and love! :-D
Thanks Carole. I've been away for a while, real life stuff :-)
Hope you read this:
Thanks again. Love you!
@Sunflower, I have now emailed them to you. Enjoy!
annie got it right:
I'm sure there will be a right time to release those...u guys are the best I'm sure u have to do what's right...thanks
This place is my second home. Don't post regularly, but love hearing from all of you. Come here several times a day and love it. Thanks for all the work you guys put into it and the way you show integrity in all you do.
I truly love you all :) *wipes away a tear*
Excuse my language. But what did I fucking miss. I don't check this website for ONE day and now there are ECLIPSE stills out there! Can someone please send me a link or something so I can see ALL that I missed? Thank you.
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