Clever TV Talk About Robert Pattinson's BAFTA Look

I thought Rob looked great (as always) and I have to admit I did want to push that one curl back out of the way.

Clever TV need to do their research, I think. ;-)


twigirl1901 said...

I prefer his "Twilight hair" but saying that, he just looks awesome however his hair looks

skorpia said...

I prefer his sexy hair..thats his sig. I didnt like that hair he sported at the Baftas. Anyguy with a full hair can do that. But The Hair-Robs hair. NO MAN could pull that convincingly. Like he said his hair is the "other star"

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

The beard was for a movie? God people are stupid....

I love his Bel Ami hair, and the curl is to die for....

skorpia said...

---and I still say his Rob said "FK it ,,Im out" and fell asleep.

solas said...

These people have not a clue about Robert, do they?

Angie said...

Seriously, these people don't do their research.

I'm cool with the hair. Any Rob is a good Rob!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Nope they really don't...

solas said...

The curl reminded me of a nursery rhyme, so I adapted it:
There once was a boy who brought so much joy even with the curl in the middle of his forehead;
when he was good, he was very very good, but when he was bad--he still wasn't horrid.

skorpia said...

RPgirl-I read some comments that those who read the book,say that the character Rob plays had a mustache and beard?? I didnt read the book.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I freakin' loved his hair!! I was very schmexy looking.......of course I've never seen a hair cut on him I didn't like...but that's beside the point!

And I'm totally with you RPG about that little's just begging to be put back with the rest.......;)

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Rob could be bald and I would love him.

Do your damn research people. I love BaftaRob and his Rob-Ami hair.

Hi RPG!!!!

skorpia said...

I didnt like the hair..but the curl looked made me think that his hair was rebelling and had to cut loose :)

Angie said...

solas, I like it!

vdengg said...

I prefer the Twilight hair but the curl was cute...he could play Eric when the House of Night series become movies!!!

Unknown said...

Apparently, "Clever TV" is not so clever, or they would realize he is in the middle of filming BEL AMI.

No, I did not love his hair that night. I am betting he came straight from filming and as a guy is a guy, just didn't bother to do much with it. Prefer the messy, wild, beg-to-run-finger-through-tosseled look!

Like clean shaven, love a bit of scruff, not so fond of full of beard.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

In the book he had a beard...don't know if they're pasting a fake one on him (god I hope not) or leaving him clean...

HeneciaD said...

ohhh god what are they sayin' I love that hair really rob is good in everyway and like his bel ami hair too

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Hi CL...
I'm being good today....

solas said...

My theory about the hair and the curl: Rob has a lovely hairstyle for BelAmi, which we saw in photos that had been posted here. And when he is filming, the stylists on set perhaps the woman he congratulated?) style the hair according to the period and the filming needs.
In RL, he is on his own, and he not only wants to be able to just dash out of the shower and not deal with fussing, but he also most likely does NOT want to be his character when he is in RL. and since hair is part of his taking on the character, he would have it different.

AP said...

Falling down. 3 min on Rob's hair with a lot of mmming, umming and dead air? :D

@Kate. lol. Nobody seems to be able to resist wanting to touch Rob's hair, wet curl or no...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Rob has said countless times he does not like to shave...and that is why when he's not working you'll see the beard....

angie-k said...


These ditzy chicks were driving me crazy! Am I the only one to yell at the computer?

Seriously clueless! Helloooo!

GrizzlyRob - not for a movie!
clean shaven - BEL AMI people not BD!

Loved the Bel Ami hair! And yes, I would love him bald, too!
the curl was not photoshopped - it was there to tease me! I just kept wanting to run my fingers over his forehead and push it back into place...

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Rob-Ami hair... hehehehehe love it

Anonymous said...

Whatever way Rob wants to wear his hair is fine with me. I am always happy to see him anytime. This drought stuff kills me!

kat said...

Solas, that is cute! :)

Re Rob's hair. He doesn't care--doesn't do anything to it. Just puts on a suit and shows up. His hair does what it does. That's what I love about him.

AP said...

@Solas: I know that rhyme...only I was told it as: "there was a little girl, who had a little curl.."

And I agree: I'm sure his cut looks even better on set with Jenny et al around... :)

angie-k said...

ok, sorry about that rant

I don't deal well with ditz

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

@angie - "it was just there to tease me." Robler

Suz said...

Insert Chandler Bing Voice

Could these wenches BE any more annoying?

AP said...

@Solas: Missed it was your adaptation - enjoyed it. :)

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@rpg-waves hi--i hope they skip the moustache sp?--it would be as bad as LA

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

Kate - According to RPatzNews Twitter feed, there is a new RM interview with Rob and Emilie. Can't get to at work or would link to it.

Ang - LOL! ...there to tease me....

RPG - ;-)

snickerdoodle6949 said...

These girls are complete idiots!!! They don't do ANY research apparently!

Chocolate Martini Gal said...


Anonymous said...

Do they pay those dozy moos to do that, what a pair of twats lol

Fae007 said...

It truly has life of it's own! And I love it, wild or gelled! :D


wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@fae--love the curl!!

Fae007 said...

wens me too! FILTC! :D

Fae007 said...

even though the curls are annoying to me, cause I've got them literally for sale, but his I like! :D

AP said...

@Aujouret: less than two days to resuscitation, I think...

Dessert First said...

No comment...

Dessert First said...

* I love BAFTA Rob *

Sorry sliped out!

Dessert First said...

Angie-k: we seam to be the minority, let it go LOL!

Martini Gal: like your thinking.

Aslaug said...

I have to be honest, I did giggle a bit when I first saw him at the BAFTA's.. :P But as always, Robert can wear a garbage-can and make it work! <3

LeslieHeartsRob said...



You have the best one-liners EVER!!!!!!!

(well...I guess that was kinda two, but you know what I mean!)

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

Fae, me too FILTC ;)
and the curl is there to tease us. Robs hair has a mind of his own,LOL

I love him no matter what.He can do what he wants with his hair or face. It's HIS face and head :D

Fae007 said...

@Suz LOL @Chandler Bing's voice, I could totally hear him! :D

solas said...

yes AP-- I am very very skilled at adapting. :-)

Dessert First said...

I agree Rob's hair in any shape or form is fine with me but I think he does look sexy with "can't be bothered" hair. BTW Your BAFTA vid isn't helping my addiction LMAO!

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

He's is going to sexy on steroids with his Rob-Ami hair in Bel-Ami. Don't know how KST and UT are handling Mr. Sex on Fire. I'd be the most unprofessional actress around trying to run my fingers through the scene, out of scene, whatevs.

Dessert First said...


I can't wait to see RM but...

I'm jumping around like a toddler dosed up on too much sugar waiting for Bel Ami !


papagáj said...

I can almost hear hair's shouting:
F...k off and leave us alone.


LTavares2011 said...

Rob is always sexy. He is the best!!!

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Dessert, it's not suppose cure the addiction ;)

@CL, I want to see Bel Ami NOW!!! He is going to be so great in it. who can be professional with him???

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

Bel Ami is going to do me in--dag

RTP_KJS_Lover said...

@Annie - The video that you made for me *patting herself on the back* I have sent to a couple of my friends, who were like, HOT DAMN! They loved it too. Thanks again!!!!!!

@Dessert - Annie is a pusher, she feeds the addiction she doesn't cure it. =)

Srsly, I need to get some frickin work done, but I just want to play...

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

@CL - I want to play too! I don't want to work. **pouty face**

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@CL and Martini--we could have a world wide sick out--LOL

i don't want to work either--

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Maybe I should just close the door to my office...

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@CL :DDDD that makes me so happy. My new mission in life, Get as many as I can addicted to my favorite and only drug Mr.Robert Thomas Pattinson ;D

@wen, that's a very good idea. Can't we have a Robert Pattinsons day? like everyday of the year ;)Roberts names day here is 7 juni. I don't know if every country has the same system.

Capitu Santiago said...

Yeap, Rob does not like to shave ~ and he does not care for these things. That's one of the things I love about him, too.
He never does anything and is always looking incredibly gorgeous.

His 'congratulations' to the woman at the BAFTA's was deadly hot (hello, LT!). The impregnating stare was there! I'll bet she is obsessed with him by now, too. Maybe she is already on this site.
Hum... Poor woman. Welcome to the torture of being obsessed with this inaccessible Greek God! The torture is worth it...

Muah! :x

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@annie--LOL--that is a good mission

i think we should have an international rob pattinson day--

Chocolate Martini Gal said...

Takin a Rob-nap at work... zzzzzmmmmZZzzzzZzZzzz

International Rob Day...zzzzZzzZZMmmmzZzzzZzz protective custody....mmmmmzzZzzZzzzzzZ wheel *hic* barrow zzzzZzzzzZMmnnzzzZZZZZzz heeheehee. ZzzzzzZZz

Dessert First said...

annieforpatty: aka Rob Pusher!
don't stop the vids comming, yopu got me hooked on BAFTA Rod and you can't leave me now....
(Yeah definately addicted!)
I got to go cold turkey for 10 days soon. I pity my sister she's going to get the fall out LOL

Cullenlover07: did you get my blog about toddler with too much sugar?
I've been like a bloody kangeroo over Robsessed I can't remember where I posted it LOL!

wensdazzled: BEL AMI !!!
you're as bad as my pusher LMAO!

Dessert First said...

International Robert Pattinson Day

13th May

Just a thought.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dessert First said...

the typo imposter is back ( must get IG to kick him out.


see I'm that addicted I can't even get the words out
babbble bbal blahblaf

I got it bad

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Totally like the BAFTA "do"! Then again, with that BEAUTIFULLY GORGEOUS FACE???? What's not to love? ; )

Fae007 said...

I agree with Dessert First! May 13 it is! :D

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Love it! International "Rob" Day!!!

Let the drooling begin (or, for those us here, never cease)! ; )

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

The international Robs Day may 13 it is. We have to do something special for that day.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

"of" ... can't type... Too much (snort---no such thing) Rob.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Sheesh, Annie! Something we don't already do regarding Rob? Does that EVEN exist? (Like Suz said, Chandler Bing voice!)

Dessert First said...

Sorry for calling you a pusher but I've gone abit crazy today. RL full of bad news today and this is my happy place

May 13th it is his birthday after all so it's the perfect day

Dessert First said...

Fae: don't forget who came up with the date ....
I'm first in line!

Marna said...

I prefer his normal hair, but I just don't understand how nobody seems to realize it's for Bel Ami. How is that little bit of knowledge only known here? It's stupid.

annieEvilRobPornPusher said...

@Dessert First, you can call me almost anything when it comes to Rob ;)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

The man could sport a mullet.......oh or even a rat-tail.......and he`d still be SEXY AS HELL!!!

Dessert First said...

annieforpatty: I'm kangerooing alot today - just posted to you on the BAFTA blog!

Cindygal said...

Ya Rob looked hot...i'm must I didnt like the hair that much!

Carole UK said...

I love the longer hair, and especially the sexy long sideburns.

I like all his hairstyles - he's so so damned handsome he could have a crew cut and he'd still look devastating!

RPLover said...

didn't even watch it...I loved the hair.

and LMAO @ LHR...ITA with ya! although a rat-tail might stop me in my tracks for a sec...hahaha

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

international rob day--celebrate

erect a statue likeness of him-

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

LOL @LHR--he would be hot but i don't think i want him to try the mullet--LOL

Loisada said...

Oh Wens.... no you did not say Rob and erect in the same post!

And I was trying to keep the NB tamed today ;)

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

@loisada--i did tee hee wondered if anyone would notice LOL

MMc said...

Gosh they are clueless - what drivel!

MMc said...

Rob is bald in Little Ashes for a moment.........he looks good - has a nicely shaped head.

wensdazzled by ThePretty said...

i loved him in little ashes--it shows how good he can act. i cried through the whole thing

Shani said...

I'm so late on this. But these girls are not clever and that's putting it nicely. And how is it that they don't know about Bel Ami? I wouldn't come back to them as a source for Rob info for nothing. They are a waste of time. This is laughable.

skywaitress said...

I loved the hair! The best part was the curl! Rob would look good with any kind of hair.

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