EXCLUSIVE: Hollywood is always looking for great villains. Now I’m told that Christoph Waltz, a frontrunner in the Best Supporting Actor race for his portrayal of the charmingly sadistic Col Hans Landa, will make a deal to star with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson in Water for Elephants, the Richard LaGravanese-scripted adaptation of the Sara Gruen novel for Fox 2000. Francis Lawrence is directing. The role at first appeared to belong to Sean Penn who's been on a self-imposed big screen sabbatical, but the deal went south. Instead, Waltz will play the heavy in the Depression Era romantic triangle involving a veterinary medicine student (Pattinson) who joins a 2nd-rate travelling circus and falls for the star performer (Witherspoon). Waltz will play her husband, a dangerous paranoid schizophrenic animal trainer who is as mean to his wife as he is to the circus creatures. Gil Netter, Erwin Stoff and Andrew Tennenbaum are producing.
Waltz was a journeyman German TV actor when Quentin Tarantino cast him to play Col. Hans Landa, the charmingly sadistic and manipulative Nazi officer. It got him a Hollywood agent at ICM, and the chance to make Hollywood films. Pending a deal, this would be Waltz’s second studio role. He played the villain opposite Seth Rogen in The Green Hornet for Columbia Pictures.
Source Deadline.com with thanks to Twilight Ladies
Waltz was a journeyman German TV actor when Quentin Tarantino cast him to play Col. Hans Landa, the charmingly sadistic and manipulative Nazi officer. It got him a Hollywood agent at ICM, and the chance to make Hollywood films. Pending a deal, this would be Waltz’s second studio role. He played the villain opposite Seth Rogen in The Green Hornet for Columbia Pictures.
Source Deadline.com with thanks to Twilight Ladies
Hmm that's interesting, rather happy with that actually. I'm not a big Penn fan, and Christoph was really good in Inglourious Basterds - very creepy but in a good way :)
I've not read the book/script so no idea how he fits in with the character age/looks wise though.
I can picture him better than Sean Penn for this part.
I can really picture him as the husband, much better choice than Penn. Really looking forward to this film... :)
I think Waltz is an excellent choice to play August. He was fantastic in Inglorious Bastards. I can already see the scenes played out between August and Jacob in my head - oh, why does it have to take so long for movies to get made.
I agree, was having a hard time with Penn as August. Think Reese is great choice and Rob as Jacob, is perfect. Loved the book, can't wait for the movie.
Ditto---think Waltz seems like a much better fit for this role than Penn.
Rob getting this kind of attention just makes one giddy. Love it!
cant wait to see rob again so waiting for the movie and my mind still working on dirty things
What a good news. His Hans Landa was kind of perfect.
@gwen you are right
Wow!! Christoph Waltz!!!
I loved him in "Inglorious Basterds". He`s a great actor, was awarded in Cannes last year and has been winning all the prizes this year too. Have you thought one day Rob can work with Quentin Tarantino as well? Waltz may present him to Rob. Great!!!
LT--I am not sure why, but I have a bad feeling about that-- Rob with Tarentino.
I also feel Reese is too old for this part, although I think she can do it well enough. I guess I was picturing someone younger when I read the book.
Perhaps because she played his mother in Vanity Fair.
So, I'm guessing this means Rob's a definite for this movie?
Or...did I miss something?
I've had my head buried so far into fanfic (I blame RPG and Gwen LOL) that it's very possible that I missed this...I think I missed Christmas, actually...
This is an inspired choice, but I do agree with someone who said that he's a little old for the part. I loved him in IB. He deserves the accolades he's getting, and hopefully an Oscar too. August in the book is supposed to be 12 years older than Marlena, who is about 23-24 in the book. But as for actor chops, he's got them..in spades. Funny, he played a Nazi in IB and will play a Jew in WfE. Range!
@Lisa did you miss the christmas lol :)
@ robsessive...
I think I remember there was a tree in the house...there could have been. I remember putting bows on packages...could have been last year though ;)
What can I say? Fifty owns me...
Apparently he's 53, which suprised me because he looks a fair bit younger than that in IB!
so Rob is in for sure? That's great. I can see Waltz in the part of August more so than Penn.
The poor guy is going to need to rest some time--he's been working nonstop.
@Lisa: Yeah, pretty definite. Ah, take this Waltz...
wait!! did i miss something? Is rob doing water for elephants for real???!!! I thought he was being considered buy nothing was offical--someone give me the 411
I'm so excited for Rob. And is it me, or are all his leading ladies older? GAH. My inner cougar is relishing this.
@wensdazzled - ITA. If Unbound Captives is a go and BD starts shooting in the fall, Rob will most likely be working non-stop from now through spring of 2011. Great for us (lots of movies to see), great for his career. Not so great for his free time.
@Robsessive - how are those dirty thoughts coming along? LOL!
Spunk_Ransom say still Rob still not 100% confirmed but looking good.
Loved the book and could see Penn as August but did not really think he would go for the role.
Rob should be fab, yet more panty melting moments.
Ahh the hardships of obsession
@haystack--my inner cougar is purring to. i just wish his big screen movies came out faster in DVD--the people at the theater are starting to recognize me-ha!
Well I've never seen him in any movies, but from his looks I think he fits with the picture of the paranoid villian who is capable of being charming as well. He looks like a good choice for Marlena's husband. And yes I agree Acconati, I don't like Sean Penn either.
I am really looking forward to Robert in this movie!
I love Jacob/Marlena...
wensdazzled, I know what you mean. I had my fingers crossed every time I went for NM, hoping that there would be a different person at the window.
ITA with everyone. Much better choice than Penn.
Yet another "can't wait" Rob movie.
This is so exciting!!
@ADM--we'll have to get to work on the Rob Pattinson only theater you guys were talking about a while ago--i can only drag my daughter to NM soo many times :)
Ahh, I really wanted to see Sean Penn in this role....oh well...
I'm just glad it's getting made and Rob's in it!
OMG is it for sure that Rob is going to shoot WFE? I hope so!!! and what about Sean Penn? When are we going to know for sure Rob is in it? (have to know whether I'll have to buy the book lol).
Like some other people, I don't remember hearing that Rob is a definite for this movie. Is there confirmation somewhere?
Oh OK, I've read too fast; only had eyes for Rob lol. So I can see there'll be no Sean on it. So who is that Christoph Waltz? never heard of him? what movies did he play into?
Robine same here! Who is he?! Lol!
have a new RM clip around.. have you decided not to post them??
just asking...I know that some do not like to see spoilers but I don't care..I will see this movie hundred times and will buy the DVD soooo...
just saying..
the clip is ' I'm undecided'...
Oh, don`t worry about Rob working with Tarantino. Brad Pitt and George Clooney have worked with him and they liked it. Rob is a smart guy and Tarantino is a good director and great screenwriter. I have read the screenplay of Inglorious Basterds and it is genial. Even so, I respect your opinion.
It's listed on Rob's IMDB board...
I really liked the book and am loving the cast so far but is it just me or is it ironic that Rob plays Reese's son in Vanity Fair and now will play her love interest? I wonder what the chemistry will be like. Personally I think Sean is an a-hole and am glad he's not in the movie. My apologies to SP fans, I will concede that he is a good actor. Rob is picking such interesting projects!
the chemistry won't be a problem--i think rob would have chemistry with a rock--after his story about the elephant we'll even get his chemistry with the animals--and i don't mean cougars :)
I just got this book from the library today, excited to read it! If I can tear myself away from the FF, that is. LOL
@RPL you'll love the book--but the ff is much racier and harder to step away from :)
Ooooh I think that Waltz will work even better then Shan Penn. He made an extraordinary performance in Inglorious Bastards and he will definitely win that Oscar. If he does it right this will probably be Rob's best role so far. I'm so excited for Water for Elephants. It's such a wonderful story.
Amazing, Christoph was such a plesant suprise in IB, so simple but yet very captivating with his mannerism. if dont know who he is watch the movie people!
i have watch a couple intervs; and the way he uses language to express himself is mesmerizing so freaking eloquent in 4 languages!!
wensdazzled, you ain't kidding! ;))
Is it bad that the only real books I've read since discovering FF have been the Twilight books for the 4th time? Obsess much?! haha
@RPL--some other good authers are JR Ward and Larissa Ione--alpha males and jr wards characters are vampires. i do love the Twilight ff. it's all the naughty things you know E/B wanted to do but didn't :)
So is this movie official for Rob?? I never heard whether it was official or not. Starting to sound like it!! How exciting!!
thanks, wensdazzled! =)
Trina= But for the excuse of being a paranoid schizophrenic, August's very nonJewish behaviour was far closer to a Nazi's anyway.
@wendazzled and ADM: Speaking of multiple viewings at the theatres and people recognizing you -
Hah, I strategically go to different movie houses.
Regarding Christoph Waltz: All indications are that this guy can act and I'm not a SP fan either. But still think he's too old.
Ignorant comment though 'cause the book is on my pile of stuff I haven't read it yet. Dying to.
Reese: Wonder what Rob thinks, playing her son in one movie and love interest in another.
This is a great book! I think the role well suited to Rob and his taste.
I really LOVE this casting.
Rob must be excited and nervous at the same time. Starring alongside someone like Christoph Waltz would encourage anyone to bring up their best..
Wow, just wow!!
I am so thrilled that Rob is going to be in this film.
I do wish Sean Penn was going to be in it too.
I think filming starts in June.
Is that correct?
This is great. This guy is red hot and will most likely walk off with the Oscar next month which will only bring more attention to this project. And as much as I enjoy Penn as an actor, he can be a bit of a dose to work with. But all I've heard of Christoph is that he is a very lovely guy.
And yeah Haystack...
All of Rob's leading ladies post Twilight have been older than him. Expect this to continue throughout his twenties and that's because he looks older himself. Although there are a couple of girls in his age group I'd like to see him work with and they would be...Kiera Knightley and Ellen Page.
Would love to see him in a remake of Terrance Mallick's Badlands with Ellen. God. They would be perfect.
Oh. I hope this one is a GOOOOOO!!!
Is Reese for sure signed on, or is it possble they will get someone younger, or that hasn't played Rob's mother?
@Solas: be a little fair to Reese she's only 10 years older than Rob - couldn't be his mother in real life. ;)
What this is really saying about Rob is that Hollywood is putting him in the ring with the big boys and girls. They really do think he's the 'next guy' with the looks, the box office and most importantly, the talent. And Remember Me is going to be the first test of that non Twilight related box office. Not sure how I'm going to do it, but I'm gonna try to see it at least 3 to5 times that opening weekend. Normally wouldn't do that, but this one needs a good opening.
And I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again. The tragectory of his career has been nothing short of bloody miraculous.
I am so excited for this film. As much as i want him to do UC, I'd rather see him do this one more. As I've said previous, this is the kind of role that can land an actor an Oscar nomination.
And yes. Put the fic down and read this book. It's a wonderful story. It's got EVERYTHING!!! And I got through it in just a few days. It's a page turner.
@Marna: yeah, well I think when he spilled the..er..peppermints about his pachyderm tryst it was somewhat confirming of his involvement...lol
Who's really going to remember that Reese played his mother for five minutes in a film (that came out in 2003) that nobody has even seen? (except for Rob nuts -and yes, I'm pointing a finger at myself- who were looking for his deleted scene?) This film was a big flop as there were quite a few expectation placed on it. And Rob's scene wasn't even in the film. Yeah, some in the media will mention it but truthfully, they shared a couple of minutes of screen time together and not in a mother/son capacity as their characters didn't even know each other. They spoke a few lines of dialogue to each other and then he took her hand.
The age difference thing is not going to be a problem either in that Reese in her early 30's can play five years younger and Rob in his early 20's can play five years older. Stand them next to one another and you're not going to see a huge discrepancy in age (I'm hoping his next older leading lady is Natalie Portman). He and Reese are gonna look fine together. And who knows? They might even make Marlena a few years older than Jacob, to emphasize her already being a married woman and him an innocent where woman are concerned.
Although I had to laugh in the book when Jacob said, 'at 23, I might have been the oldest male virgin in the world.' (or something like that) All I could think of was Edward and I thought...they might want to cut that line because that could really get a laugh out of the Twilight crowd. I hooted myself when I read it.
AP--yeah yeah.. I just have this picture burned in my mind of this lovely lad in period clothes, with Reese as his real mother.
And since in my world, some girls are having babies at 17 or 18, it just isn't a stretch for me.
I had pictured the character younger.
I loved/hated Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds! He was outstanding! I'm glad that Rob gets to work with him... that will certainly be an interesting experience! :D
I am sure I will get over it, but right now, I am thinking--ewww. And I like Reese, the ewww is not for herself, just for that picture in my mind....
Since the guy playing August is so much older, perhaps it makes sense to have Marlena a little older, but something is still off.
I can see Rob with Natalie Portman.
I think so too AP. By mentioning it in the interview, that was pretty much the confirm I was waiting for. Actors do not tend to talk publicly about films unless they're pretty damn sure they're going to do them.
That's why I think he is going to do Unbound Captives. He's talked about this one for over a year now and he was the first one cast. Not Jackman or Weisz. PATTINSON! And before Twilight even opened. So I think it's pretty safe to say, they want him and he wants it too.
The scene between Rob and Reese In VF? Yes, their characters were mother and son, but they didn't play that out on screen. You didn't see scenes of them interacting as parent and child. They were virtually strangers as Becky did not have involvement in Rawley's upbringing. They really were strangers. They only touched at the final moment of the film when he reached for her hand and even then they didn't make skin to skin contact as they were both wearing gloves.
Now I could see a little squicky if they had in fact interacted at length as mother and son; embracing and touching as such. But they didn't. Don't see it as an issue at all here. Actually no. i wouldn't be able to see ANY squicky at all. They're actors playing roles. Now what I did think was weird?
Michael Douglas and Gwyneth Paltrow playing husband and wife in some such sexually charged film. Michael had known Gwyneth's parents (producer Bruce Paltrow and actress Blythe Danner) since before Gwyneth was born. She's known him her entire life as an adult friend of her parents. To play opposite someone you known in such a capacity, to play opposite them in a sexual way, yeah, that might be a little bit difficult to seperate.
But you'd be surprised what actors can do once that
little red light on the camera flips on.
I'm really happy that Christoph is going to play this part. I think he will bring more to it than Sean. He did a brilliant job in IB. He has won and been nominated for awards so far for that Nazi character and now he is nominated for an Oscar. Great choice.
I think he would be a great fit for this role. I've seen him in Inglourious Basterds and he was very scary and creepy. I have a very strong feeling that Christoph would do great justice to this role in Water for Elephants. I can see him being very charming and at the same time be parainoid schizophrenic! Great casting!!
OMG that is too funny - Rob's going to fall in love with Reese Witherspoon and she played his MOM in Vanity Fair?????????
Brings a whole new vision to the words - mother f******r!!!
This should be interesting. I'm glad it does sound like he's taken the role but sorry he didn't get SEan Penn in there......Sean directed Into the Wild that Rob liked Kristen's part in so much that he was Jonesin' for the Twilight part so I'm sure he'd like to have worked with him.
@Nikola: Thanks for enlarging upon VFair. I was running around, and on empty. Estranged son was definitely more the relationship so might make it easier for Solas to deal with, lol. Not to mention it's only in deletion. ;)
Picking up on your Douglas/Paltrow connection - I just saw "A Perfect Murder" for the first time the other day, and liked it. Of course, the sexual charge was not between them, but Gwen and Viggo. Suchet was a standout, though.
I so hope that Rob gets this part. I read the book and went back to familiarize with the character and chuckled at the fact he is "Jacob" and briefly in book his roommate is "Edward." This would be huge for Rob and I can absolutely picture him in the role. Please, please, Hollywood "gods".
Does that mean that Rob is for sure doing Water for Elephants? I had not heard that the deal was complete. If so, I am extremely happy. This is a big league part and he is perfect for it.
Yes, I do know that the VF scene was deleted and that there was not much mother-son interaction. It simply set up in my mind that relationship between them, and I do think she just looks much older, a more 'mature' woman. HOwever, she can act fairly well; perhaps she will pull off something believable enough for her to belong with Rob's 'Jacob.'
I had thought something was off with the Douglas-Paltrow relationship as well, (It could be cultural for me; although biblical men were sometimes way older than their spouses, in my culture, as I've said, girls are married at 19 or 20 usually, the boys at 22 or 23, and if people are divorced or widowed i still do not see a big age difference; )and as much as I am not a fan of adultery even celebrated or rationalized in film, I really wanted her more with the artist.
Well, I know I made an off-the-cuff comment about Reese and Rob from VF earlier, but they could pull it off.
I'm really tired of the older man (sometimes way older), younger woman relationships being accepted and the opposite not. And they've--who, I don't know--created a weird term for the female who is with a younger man.
'Cougar', yeah, who pounces on unsuspecting young men; it's as if the guys are victims. I don't buy it. There's something mean and sexist about the term 'cougar', although it is evolving, from what I can tell, from people's use of it lately.
Course, the relationship and ages (or approximations)of the characters in the book are the relevant ones here. I can't speak to that yet, but, from what you have said, isn't the psychotic husband supposed to be younger than Christoph? Or no?
In any case, if he's supposed to be Reese's husband, that age difference is just as salient as the one between her and Rob.
Personally, I'd love to see Rob do something uproariously funny with Ellen Page. I think they'd spark off each other in a really interesting way, nothing to do with sex particularly, just interesting. SHE'S one of the best actresses of her generation. And the most natural, genuine person, a breath of fresh air. I think Rob would love her.
Yeah you're right AP, the real sexual charge was between her and Viggo. It's just that knowing of her lifelong relationship with Douglas and even though I am able to seperate actors' roles from their real lives, it creeped me out a bit that she was playing his wife and had to kiss him. And I'm sure some of my own personal history played a part in my reaction to this.
And jessegirl...
Jacob is 23. Marlena I believe 21 and August 12 yrs. older than her making him 33. Obviously with Christoph being 53, they're going to have to play with that a bit. Although damn, he sure don't look 53. If I were writing it, I'd leave Jacob a tender 23, Marlena maybe a few years older than him and August the several years older husband (40ish).
I think it actually makes some sense to give Marlena a few years on Jacob as she is already a married woman and he's still an innocent.
And yeah, I could so see Rob and Ellen paired up onscreen. A real quirky pairing those two would be. I know I earlier suggested a Badlands remake for them, but I could also see them together in a Coen Bros. comedy like Raising Arizona. Shit, that was a funny movie.
In fact (and don't anybody throw anything at me), I could have seen her playing Bella. I really could have. She's a kinda plain jane but then like a swan, she can transform into quite a little beauty. She's even got the big brown eyes.
Don't get me wrong. I loved Kristen
in the role. I just think Ellen could have played her too.
@Solas: Well, I think a lot of women would like to end up with Viggo, especially when's playing an artist... ;)
@Nikola: I think that unsettling element played into the relationship in the story in Murder. Made for a good undercurrent
Well, Jacob still is 23 but they seem to be skewing a little older for August, probably since he now embodies Uncle Al as well. Penn is 50 so Waltz is not that much older, although, of course, actual actor's ages aren't as relevant. i agree that Marlena has to seem more experienced and world-weary than Jacob. She definitely needs to be a ‘woman’ rather than a girl. Totally unrelated but Reese is another very petite actress…..lol
oh my gooodness things are moving so quickly for our lovely hero! I'd forgotten that Reese will be in this movie...she problly got the green light as she played his mom in vanity fair...I'm with Rob on that one. how rediculous was that? she's not even 10 yrs older than him and she was playing his mother....maybe that's why his role lay on the cutting room floor and now she's gonna be his sweetie! I just finished this book and it will jerk tears right out of the deepest places in your heart...especially since Jacob is in an old folks assisted living place and his kids hardly ever come to see him! any word if Rob is gonna don the m-up for the old part? God he could do that as well he's so good at being in the moment. Well now I'm gonna have to see inglorious! and I hate nazi's...like Harrison Ford said in Raiders, 'NAZI'S! I hate these guys!' LOL! this is getting good ladies and gents if there are any lurking...our guy is getting greenlighted left and right with all his projects and there seems to be no end in sight! yay for us for him? he will need to check in to a hospital just to get some R & R! Or a spa whichever he prefers...doesn't he love massages? I think he will choose a spa for a time huh? but first get all these movies shot and in the can as they say in hollywood and let us overdose on some hot, sweet, melt-your-butter, make your panties explode Robbie P in the theatres! mmmmmm...mmmmmm....love me some Robbie P. ;x mmmmwwwaaa baby you rule my heart, mind and soul!
Charmingly sadistic? Man, that creep's been haunting me in my nightmares for months. He's a fantastic actor, though.
The book was fantastic and could make a great movie...
i just LOVE christoph waltz since the first time i've ever seen him on tv at least 15 years ago.
i'm german and despite him being born in austria, his career mainly took part in germany so far.
he's one of our finest actors and i'm so happy for him that he's hitting the big screens worldwide now, after all this years! wow!!!
he's beyond words in inglorious basterds and it would be fantastic if he would be a part of this movie. the thought him and rob working together just makes me happy somehow!
Waltz is not German - he's Austrian! (Finally another Austrian actor sucessfully working in Hollywood!)
Btw, I think he will be great as August!
Christoph Waltz is born in Vienna and studied acting at Max-Reinhard-Seminar (famous Austrian acting school).
"Reinhardt" of course
@Lisa, Fifty owns me too. Just finished Chap 69.... Love the author of MotU. Now reading Safe Haven. At least its complete.
Also didn't know Rob was a definite in this movie.
It is listed on the IMBD.com site under Rob's name. I think I checked it before.
@Nikola: Missed the comment about UC. It's looking iffy, though, with current attached cast. I am beginning to think WFE was Netter's alternative offer...at least for this year.
Just to be clear I have no problem with Reese in this role, I think she'll be perfect and I love the pairing with Rob. I really enjoyed Vanity Fair and saw the movie way before I knew about Rob because I like the book by Thackeray and I am a fan of Reese. On a side note Kristen Stewart has said in interviews that she would like to play Kate in East of Eden. How interesting would it be if Rob and Kris were in that movie adaptation together? I would love to see them in a non-Twilight project.
Someone-- I have often thought of Rob for East of Eden, and I think Kristen would do well there as well.
Would she want to play an aging Kate as well?
I have thought of Rob for East of Eden as Caleb, not because he has some ways of James Dean, but because of the depth of the character, the pain, conflict, and torture.
Rob in the James Dean role seems like a natural fit, and, agreed, Rob can easily pull off the tortured, conflicted character of Caleb. Dean was so good in that role.
For that reason, it almost seems too neat a superimposition--is that a word?--. I don't know, I'd rather some new material would come Rob's way so that people won't be making comparisons between him and Jimmy, know what I mean?
Those powerful roles don't come along every day though. Still, I'd rather Rob followed his own--not Jimmy's--drummer.
Don't want to see Rob in any remakes of classic films where his performance will be compared, especially to James Dean. His acting chops will come from making characters his own on the big screen. WFE, when will we know??? I will be so disappointed if this doesn't pan out. I hope his commitment to UC does not jeopardize it.
I agree with both of you about not wanting Rob to be compared to James Dean, may he rest in peace. IMHO, Rob is far better, and I only thought of him for that role because of the complexity of the character and its portrayal.
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