From The
Fans of the Sunday Times interviewer Camilla Long were treated to apparently real-time updates of her interview with Twilight star Robert Pattinson, thanks to the wonder of Twitter. To say she is a convert to his charms doesn't quite do her justice. "I am interviewing him and am basically beside myself and was not knowingly a fan before," she tweeted her Sunday Times colleague India Knight. "Robert Pattinson just kissed me. Actually did ... Clean smell, delicious beard ... not a fan before, am definitely now …"
And from Camilla's Twitter page
Wash your mouth out with soap, Rob is NEVER stinky!
Thanks to TwiFanZone for the tip :)
Ahh resistance is futile! Imagine what would happen if he actually seriously turned on the charm...I think people would literally explode ;)
ahhh-Robs Sexystink strikes again. Its his NATURAL smell that does a woman in. Pheramones...gotta love em. Im afraid I would dry hump his leg. Just TRY to pry my thighs off him:)
Kat you have read my thoughts:
" Camilla Long, wash your mouth out with soap, Rob is NEVER stinky!"
"Clean smell, delicious beard...not a fan before, am definitely now …"
So she started to be his fan only after getting to know that he actually doesn't stink and that his beard feels good? hmm...
"Get to the end of the line, woman." Well said Kate, well said. I just wonder how long is that line at the moment??? Geez!!!
Another one bites the dust. No woman is immune to Mr. Sexy. How has he stayed single this long??
Get to the end of the line beotch!!! LOL
How did she even stay coherent?1
He KISSED her! She SMELLED him! She felt his BEARD!
I'd a died!
The line forms to the left, and it goes for miles and miles and miles....
Soft beard? Kill me now. I love GrizzlyRob. Smells good? Duh! He kissed her??? Lucky B*tch!
Rob bringing peace to the world, one lady at a time.
It's a bit strange, though, that she twittered while she was interviewing him, not afterwards. If you could talk to him face to face would you waste time on updating your tweets? and shouldn't she rather concentrate on his answers and her next question to get an interesting interview? Something we haven't read a hundred times before?
If he saw what she was doing I wouldn't blame him if he had started giving monosyllabic answers. Of course, he is too polite and charming to do that.
I have never ever thought of Rob as stinky. Gorgeous yes. Sometimes perhaps unkept like he just rolled out of bed, but hey, if it was my bed, I wouldn't complain. Oh, did I just say that?
I'm with skorpia.
My sentiments exactly.
I second Skorpia's comment. He's just got IT. Charisma out the wazoo....looks to make any woman fall to her knees and beg for his peen.....and charm oooozing out of every pore of his body. (pant pant pant). Yup, line forms in London and extends to Hawaii. GET IN LINE PEEPS! I'm number 4,00028381 and I'm gonna stay here in line until.....sigh, until my breasts fall. LOL
jjajjaja KAT u'r so funny...just when I thought that all that smelly stories would end...this woman comes out with this again???old news
anyway...of course no one is inmune...don't forget he can impregnate with a single look..he has a miesterious power on women!!
He KISSED her? On the cheek? On the lips? Where? I want him to kiss ME!!!
Kate- I was going to say, "another bites the dust" too.
Rob is our destroyer and savior.
clean smell, DELICIOUS beard, just brushed against cheek...okaaaaayyyyyjust kill me now I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead...well I guess she deserves it for going to school and being the only beotch with brass balls enough to land a position at a newspaper magazine? to be able to be an interviewer and get the interview right? bwwwwwwaaaaa eeeeeeeeeeeeee...hiccuh, hicccuhhh I'm never gonna be ......? able to ? I wanna smell Rob Pattinson! I wanna be next to his beardy, sexy, beardsex! I knew it would be soft I knew it! He is such a schmoozer isn't he? I also want a time traveling delorean! I want to go back and tell him how sweet and precious a man he's gonna be and to side step the little girl who likes him so much she kicks 'im in the shins in school. the other little girls were prolly dumbfounded and a little intimidated by him whilst in school. I never spoke to the one guy I thought was a killer handsome love puppy! too intimidating. and then of course after dating my best friend he moved! wasn't there long enough for me to ave a go at 'im. Of course not! NOOoooo because I was born....*looks around a little taken aback at her own rant* oops sorry carry on! ehhhheeheeheheheh..
yes and can you imagine that smell? god ...heaven.....angels sing....clouds part....sun breaks thru....lisa stands with arms outstretched, head thrown back in absolute rapture...soaking up the Robscent!
LOL!!! Hell, yes, get to the end of the line (just follow that long winding thing, you'll see the end eventually). But, dammit, he kissed her:(:(:(
heheheh probably he took a bath that day for the interview, even stinky, drunk, beard, Rob is still gorgeous..lucky Stewie, sleeping on that beard...hehehe
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