In a few days, 'Remember Me' stars Robert Pattinson and Pierce Brosnan will be interviewing each other for an Artist on Artist feature, and we need your questions! So please submit a question in the comments of this blog post, and maybe one of these hunks will give you a shout out. Here's our q: Who would win in a fight, Edward Cullen or James Bond? Now it's your turn!
To submit your question go Here and leave your question in the comments.
And just in case you missed the last Artist on Artist with Hayley here it is!
Artist on Artist: Robert Pattinson & Hayley Williams
Artist on Artist MySpace Video
I love love this interview.
I heart you Kate my two favourite men together. I ask for no more.(not true I ask for alot more but..)
Rob AS James Bond! Now there's an interesting thought, Rob can pull of the dress sense and he has the voice already..... not sure about doing the stunts. We don't want him to hurt himself do we ladies - might need nursing back to health!
if he would be a bond guy I would be a bond girl an interesthing thing like it
*Here I go again*
CullenLover07's question for Rob to ask Pierce:
Pierce, will Rob marry CullenLover07?
Loved the one with Hailey. It as super cute.
Wow, it shouldn't be this hard to type on my BlackBerry.
Hailey = Hayley
As = was
Rob in a musical -film like Mamma Mia /mmmhhh when he sings ), or Remington Steel or James Bond I think that would be something for Rob, too.
But Pierce as Edward ,I don`t now
I love this interview too
This two men are- double pak of pure sex
I love this interview!! One of my favorites because they're having an actual conversation--no Q cards or phony's great! I hope the one with Pierce is just as good if not better!
In a James Bond movie with Rob I would like to be Q. I would invent some crazy toys for Mr Bond
wawing CL girl lol you made me laugh
this should be a great interview--we can listen to both of them and their yummy accents
Rob as Bond--yummy--we already know he can pull off the suit and the sexy but the stunts could be interesting. maybe he could just sit in the car and look HOT LOL
i really liked the one he did with Hayly of paramore--it was cute and he laughed alot
thanks, Kate--you are killing us :)
LOL I'm trying ! LOL
wensdazzled: IG has big grin... she found extra virgin olive oil in the kitchen LMAO!
extra virgin olive oil lmao
wensdazzled: would that work?
I do not know the exact story with the olive oil, but I have extra virgin olive oil with chilli.LOL
@dessert--i honestly have no idea if it would work--LOL
does anyone where you buy grapeseed oil?? LOL
your IG needs to know
Pardon me for a moment...........
This is gonna be a great interview!! I`m so freakin` excited it`s not even funny! The one with Hayley for Twilight was hilarious!!
robxD: I think that would sting somewhat LMAO!
sorry ff joke gone bad.
wensdazzled: I can get it easily here in England so I can post some if you get the desire!
Martini Gal: I'd pay to see that movie LOL
@dessert--LOL, thanks that's sweet of you. i'll have to see what i can find>
james wonky bond like it:))
Naughty naughty girls talking about oils and IGs and alphabets and whatnot! There are Wonky Bonds about!
Can you imagine Rod in his armani suit driving an Austin Martin?
IG just fainted LOL
where the hell did ROD come from LOL!
Did I say I was tired???
@dessert--an armoni and an austin--
goes the
who's Rod??? LOL
Rob in a tux...........driving an Aston Marin.............
gotta go--RL calls
@dessert--have fun with Rod--:)
wensdazzled: I think I need a cold shower let alone my IG!
Please don't let him play the piano otherwise we're both done for..
She sneaked a peek at finger porn earlier ans passed out
That was supposed to be Martin.......see...I can`t concentrate.....
Leslie Harts Rob:
perhaps the car was too much for our ROBsessed hearts to take but it does sound very sexy!
It's so great that they are interviewing eachother (:!
But please, no twilight related questions D:
Ok you guys did it to me with the Armani suit, an Astin Martin and that impregnating stare...
How am I supposed to drive back to work!?
@DessertFirst My mistake .Excuse me, but it helps if you have cold feet LOL
Martini Gal: sorry couldn't help myself!
That was really cool. I didn't know why Haley was but he mentioned on the commentary on Twilight that the lead singer from Paramore had mentioned gargen burgers. LOL Now I know where that came from. I am composing my question. LOL
That Myspace interview with Haley and Rob is a classic. That's where we learned that Rob is paranoid,hates garden burgers, can't act scared and was a hand model. LOL
I loved it and it was like we were intruding on their first date. They were too cute and conversation just flowed. Oh and the best part was when Rob made fun of her saying "Here". Really that was the best part of her song. LOL
But I can't wait to see Rob new interview with Pierce. What gems are we going to get this time?
@LHR girl you are dreaming same with me but in mine I am with him in that Aston Martin and we are going to his house you know what we will do in there :) ohhh his smell is coming thats a light colored hause and a messy room
O/T, and possibly already mentioned, but Icy had to move MotU to Twilighted.
; ) Caught it on a tweet, wasn't sure if all those reading were aware.
You will need an account to access Twilighted, fyi. Easy.
LMAO @ LHR (as usual!)
Hi Robsessive!!
I also love how MotU has changed the way we all talk to each other. IG, Red Room, Fifty, "oh my", flax seed oil, etc. We should send the writer a big thank you note.
@Gwen - has been infiltrated by TROLLS and haters. Everyone is having to move their stuff.
I just got my Twilighted account last week.
Gwen it's not on her blog anymore?
@CL yeah you are right red room:) favorite
Whad-it-do CL?!! I do what I can...
Oh dud that was EP not motu- dammit WTF?
Dunno, RPG. Was reading it off Love the update notices. Or did.
WTF with the Trolls and Hate lately? Seriously? Someone needs to put Midol in everyone's coffee...
Oh...and I finished the LB update last night.......HolyFlyingFreakin`Crap,Batman!!!
That was freakin` HAWT!!!!
CL, what are they busting on TOS? The NC-17 (or M) stuff? Please tell me they aren't yanking folks for putting A/N in chapters?!! (Many do.)
Sigh. Trolls sucks.
Everytime I see they have a GARDEN BURGER somewhere I laugh like crazy! :D
LMAO @Gwen......Midol.....*snort*
My two favourite people in the world!!!! Such a good interview! Love Rob & Hayley!!
@Gwen I need to register but I couldnt do it
Need to pay more attention to Twitter news (ie, There was a FREE PASS for RM giveaway here in Denver---which "sold out" in two hours. Bummer.
Upside, found a (yes, one) theater with showtimes for March 12 on Fandango. Hoping that more will become available soon. Isn't RM opening fairly wide? Kinda shocked so far...
LHR, or "Anti-Troll Magic Fairy Dust". Either could work. ; )
@FAE wawing sister I gotta go now plss come to yahoo chat tomorrow I missed you
nooo, no trolls at ff--how do i get a Twilight acct--does that have the moved stories--i need to know how MoTU ends
Sent this in to Goz, K&K on tips, but haven't seen it here yet:
Yeah, Baby! ; )
@Qwen--LOL--those damn trolls,
why can't they just get along??
Yes, Wens, Twilighted seems to be the new sanctuary for all of's suddenly banned fic.
Just caught a tweet that said Icy had to move. Sign up for an account; it's pretty painless. ; )
LOL midal in the coffee-
@Gwen - Not sure. It seems that it's just anti-Twi. Part of me thinks it's Steph Meyer and she's not happy with all the Twi-porn and Red Rooms, Alphabet Weekends, and an Edward with tats, but who knows. I was in the middle of The Submissive when took it down and I was all like, nnnnnnoooooooooooooooo, then I found out it moved to Twilighted. Surprised it took this long for MotU to be moved.
@ Gwen
Or we could just spike their drinks with would be faster...;)
what did I miss? I was reading "Q"
LHR, so instead of "...all the lawyers" it'd be "...all the fucking trolls who like to cause trouble because misery loves miserable company". Or something like that. LOL while rolling eyes...
CL, weird. Every genre/storyline/character has been fic'd at one time or another. Hell, the original Spock and Kirk generated slash-fic BEFORE the internet. Not that Roddenberry would have minded. Not to mention, it's kinda like trying to stop the planet from spinning...
Bet there's an NC-17 Mickey & Minnie fic out there somewhere. Eh, shudder. But LOL.
I'd go with the quicker route. Make that shaken, not stirred!!!!
This is gonna be awesome... Two generations of really hot guys... Could see what Rob will look like in a few years just by looking at Pierce... Both are so yummy... Wouldn't Rob be a fantastic James Bond? In a few years off course...
I guess I'll have to see this interview a few times before listening to it... Get my brain back to the conversation instead of the looks... I'm a naughty girl! It's rude to objectify men ;o) I am really shamefull.... NOT...
wensdazzled: IG kicked Rod up the backside and senting him packing for being a typo imposter - ROB for 007!!
Fluffy bunnies?
I have a few interesting questions I'd like to ask Pierce - but I'll beehave. ;)
@Gwen: RM opening reasonably but not super wide. Not blockbuster but major film. Repeat biz may not be as strong, given the story, but looks to open solid - we all hope anyway. Performances are film's strength, as many as saying. :)
@qwen--thanksfor the info--i reg at twilighted--the picture for MoTU is pretty hot!
Talking about trolls... They are everywhere....
I had the time of my life at lunchtime today... I try to keep it low key with my obsession of Rob but I made a nice wallpaper for my computer at work and some mean bitch trying to be mean and embarrass me by talking about my favourite sweet called him Nick Patterson instead of Robert Pattinson... Might not sound funny when written down on paper, but it was just pure joy for me to answer her back... and tell her that I had no problem at all with being addicted to a 23 year old guy.. Keeps my libido high and I get fun..... Stupid jealous lady... LOL...
@dessert--fluffy bunnies?
Posted three questions. Yayaya.
@sissi--good for you!
what's with all the trolls this week?
Gwen, Durty Nelly gives a great explaination of the trolling going on at
She is angery and uses every word in the book. You have been warned!
Adm, thanks for the Nelly link! Wow and it does make sense as "the trolls" seemed a wee bit methodical in getting fics off. LOL. Jeez, Louise.
Hmm, thinking this is a by-product of the horrible job market---some twats are now sooooo bored they go PLAY FIC POLICE.
ITA with DN. (Well, except for the last part. Cause Gwen also refers to herself in third person. At times. And is not a fucktard. Just a wee bit mental.)
GWEN! NN-17 Mickey Minnie?! thanks for the mental image, I'll be having cold sweats all night.
Sorry, Goz. Language! Gosh darn, it! Where's that * key? ; )
See? I got so bothered I couldn't type straight. NC-17. Duh.
wensdazzled: ummm you know the electrical variety ( ok so they're not fluffy but I was trying to be good LMAO!)
What did I miss about MoTU???
Ah, Lemonless, so laughing right now!
I know, right? Ehhh. But you KNOW someone wrote that! Betcha a shiny new nickel!
(Not going to hunt for it, don't want to see it. LOL.) See, Efffing Trolls? See how easy that is? Don't like it? Don't go looking for it! And DON'T FREAKING READ IT!
Yes, the Shouty Capitals were intentional. God Bless, Icy.
I know I'm half asleep but what a troll?
Dessert, Icy had to move MotU---see above comment somewhere...
Because of a Herd of EFFING TROLLS.
Gwen, I know, right!
@dessert--fluffy bunnies--got it-LOL
MoTU got moved to twilighted
trolls are the nasty people spreading hate about rob and apparently 50 too
wensdazzled: I'll sign up tomorow, I finding hard to focus ans I might goof it up LOL
Why hate Rob ???
Sick twisted people.
I hated trolls as a kid. You know, the plastic ones with the fluffy snaggly technicolour hair? Frigging hated them. Nothing's changed.
Hello Lemonless
Lemonless: I remember them, I didn't collect them. I have 4 older brothers so didn't rate dolls much anyway. I was too busy climbing trees and getting scrapped knees to care!
Hey, Dessert! Thought I was talking to myself, there. Guess it's dinnertime over the water.
I agree with your earlier posts: this site is playing havoc with my sleeping patterns. As if I didn't look like a vampire before all the sleepless nights! (Bela Lugosi vamp, not our lot, btw.)
Lemonless: I wish.... It's 11.23pm!!
I think my poor laptop is slow today.
It may be ROBsessed out! Or maybe because I tripped over it when I stumbled out of bed this morn LOL
Lemonless: I know what you mean.
My hair don't look a sexy mess in the morn and too much conceler under the eyes can give you the "Edward stare" that scares the crap out of everyone alday LOL
Dessert: Where does the time go? The same place as my taxes. I was late logging on tonight and I've got to be up extra early tomorrow so I've got to try being disciplined, but we miss all the fun being this side of the International Dateline.
But we still have the Pretty on our soil, so that sort of makes up for it!
Lemonless: 4 late nuights in a row has just about finished me LOL
do you think we're talking amongst ourselves tonight? We has everyone gone?
Sorry Lemonless, My eyeballs are trying to focus and failing and my laptop is acting like a dinosaur. I'm going to call it a night. Off to see Rob in his armani suit driving an Austin Martin.....
Sweet Robert dreams, hope to catch you tomro.
Sweet dreams, Dessert. Luxuriate in those leather seats till the alarm goes off tomorrow.
night dessert--get some sleep bb
The Hayley interview was one of my favorites which led me down this twisted garden path to "ROBsessed". Thanks for posting it. Interesting to see him then compared to now. Not so different, but more confident and mature in his present demeanor in interviews, yet still lovably awkward and genuine. Very excited about the AOA with Pierce.
Sorry to interrupt the convo here with my little comment.
Question: Are you all on GMT time? Just curious. I love that there's peeps here from all over the map.
I'm on EST here, lallieb.
I know it is old, but this is still one of my favorite moviephone interviews of Robert with Kristen and Stephanie. He is so cute and funny and quirky and you see how his mind works. I love "why 2? Why not 1, or 3?"
I'm in Central Standard time in the midwest.
Love the interview. So cute - before he was so guarded about what he would his laugh.
Can't wait!!.. and I liked this one. It seemed likey they had fun. Like normal talking and such. :D I smiled through the whole thing. I love Rob's famous face at the garden burger!! lol!
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