Screencaps of Remember Me Facebook page's 6th "Ask Rob" video. Enjoy! (You can see the video HERE if you missed it)


Is he possessed? You are scaring me Rob :)

Pout for me Rob....

Is he possessed? You are scaring me Rob :)
Pout for me Rob....
Something tells me that Kimberly Dawn will be licking and saving that screencap with her name. LOL
Oh, and the guy in the screencaps, yummy!
oh, the hands,hair and those lips--lick,save,lick,save--
wensdazzled: U avoiding me? LOL
Please no hands...
@Wens, ADM - ITA.
@Gozde - LMAO! The claw.
@Robert Pattinson - Why do you do this to me? Everyday, I get closer and closer to falling over the ledge. You are killing me!
wensdazzled: IG had to go and lie down last time feeling week at the knees.
@dessert--your poor IG--she needs an EVOO break--LOL
FILTM lots and lots!!!
Can't wait for the movie! Still proud of not watching any of the clips from remember me beside the trailer (:
No kristen is <3
woo woo Kimberly Dawn!!!! Your name into fame!
He makes being tired and stoned and bored so DAMN HOT!
i was just telling a friend, i was looking through pics on my computor and noticed that he wore this shirt during twilight promotion, he wore it with a blazer over it but you can see the emblem. i think its from Much Music, kristen is wearing a plaid dress. just thought it was funny to see another shirt he wears all the time,lol.
Really love the pout!! Well, love everything, but the pout is nice!
He does seam to wear that shirt alot, lets hope it get washed now and then! Ever that or he was given a truck load LOL
He still makes it look good but he could wear a paper and still look damn sexy!
oh damn....
He's not stoned. Kim certainly got a 'cap full of answers... :)
*takes laser pointer and zeros in on Robs bouffant* And this is exhibit A. WHich should have been worn at the BAFTAS. ROb sex hair- I LOVE YOU!!! ,clicks to another screen with caption *SAVE ROBS HAIR*
You're probably right. But there are some pictures, interviews, etc, where he seems borderline stoned because he is probably so tired and bored, and I just love that look on him. :) He makes disheveled HOT.
The Claw :D
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