Rob's is not that bad but Alex looks like he's about to molest someone :)
And why is there a silver chain on Rob's wrist and not Alex's? Does Rob strike you as someone who would accessorize?
Thanks to RobStenation for helping me find the Rob manip :)
Kate and I can't agree on which one is worse. Help us decide:
And an old one manip :)
Aw I always liked that manip of Rob. I thought it was funny and cute. Jewelry on Rob ALWAYS freaks me out, though. I don't mind the tooth necklace, but I hate the bracelet and the rings from the VF shoot.
yeah gözde rob is ok but... I dont get this photoshop thing
Thanks for the photos I love to see Rob pillow
Gozde sorry but Rob is Rob ... Alexander definitely do not like not my type
My love is: Rob
To me Alex's photoshop looks more real, but still it looks fake.
And Rob's photoshop? No, no and one more time no!!! It looks so fake and bad!!!
I prefer Rob wearing 5 layers of clothes then this naked photoshop of him. Who's with me?
Oh, by the way, have you seen this??? That's so funy. Even NCIS agents are Team Edward,hehe:
than, not then, sorry
Rob's face color is really off. I don't like Alex's pic here, he looks like a wonky Jim Carrey. But both men are gorgeous. Rob, of course is way hotter!!!
Oh come on, you guys, it's not that bad! It's way worse when those tabloids flip Rob's face. Now THAT'S something to get upset about.
Well, this Rob on the beach manip looks really hot and pretty real. When I saw it for the first time, quite a long time ago, I even thought it was real. But the body they used here just doesn't do it for me. I mean, I don't like the hairless chest on men. That's why Rob's chest drives me crazy every time I see it in some real pictures of him...
lol. lovely faces, but the arms look kinda out of proportion, jewelry is so NOT Rob.
izzy thats bad becuse of they used rob I think like that
Im embarressed! I have that pic of Rob on a mouse pad. I still havent used it yet -it pisses me off how it isnt him. Cheesy as all hell but I love that manip..
--oops I meant dark nipple,slippery when wet Roberto:)
Online sale websites offer Rob's products, but it's from manip pics circling around (body photoshopped), printed on all sorts of objects.
I think manips are funny and some are really good-like the one of Rob laying on the bathroom floor in the white shirt & jeans-gives me hot flashes!
I agree, it's the flipped pictures that piss me off!
Oh, and the pinky ring in the VF photos???
Fucking hot as hell...,,IMO!
yeah rpg it was hot FILTM
I like the rings and necklaces on him, but noooo to a silver bracelet! the leather ones are cool.
These manips both suck IMO, but Rob's is worse because his head looks way too small for that body. I do agree that manips can be fun, but they need to be done well! The flipped, wonky-nose pics REALLY piss me off.
That freakin` pinky ring from the VF shoot.............sigh......I don`t know why, but that was the hottest thing!!
They are both bad shots of beautiful men, but I completely agree that Alex looks like a total creeper in his. Blech!
@rpattzgirl and @LeslieHeartsRob - I hate facial hair and jewerly on men, yet when Rob does it it's hot. Haven't figured that one out yet.
BTW-saw Little Ashes last night and it definitely did NOT deserve the critical drubbing it got. It was very well done. In the beginning I was very conscious that it was Rob playing Dali, which isn't good. But by the second half he was blowing me away. That scene right before he leaves for France was AMAZING. He needs to start making room on his mantel for his Oscar because I'm betting he gets one within five years.
Oh shit. Does Rob even have a house much less a mantel?! He'll have to put it at his Mom's I guess..
These are too funny. Rob's head isn't even the same color as "his" body. LOL. Love his hair though.
Candy Girl, I saw Little Ashes last night too and really liked it. Yes, as reported there is a lot of homosexuality in it but for the most part it is handled pretty well. Rob is outstanding as this bizarre, outrageous genius. I found it fascinating because I knew very little about Lorca, Benuel, or Dali's personal life nor much about Spain at that period in time. They were amazingly creative and avant guard. Rob looked quirky at times and hot at times. I swear he has chemistry with anyone and everyone with whom he shares the screen, male or female. There is truly nothing he can't do and do well. This movie made me appreciate him as an actor even more.
@Sharon - yes, Rob is only going to get better. I can't believe he had no formal training, but then I don't think Johhny Depp did either. Have you noticed how his voice changes in each role? It's amazing. If he's playing one of his characters (except Edward), I can't tell it's him if I'm in another room. I didn't know anything about Lorca either. I'm glad I do now. He was a hero.
I agree about Lorca and Javier Beltran played him very well. Beltran was 25 when he made Little Ashes. He looks older to me. Can you imagine Madrid at that time and all of these creative people living together at the same place. It must have been a very exciting time. What about the scene when Dali goes a little mad and shaves his head and is shirtless and laughing with paint all over the place. Rob does crazy very well. I don't know where that well of pathos comes from. He has to be a very deep, emotional person to be able to pull all of this off including his performance as Edward.
He is truly a gifted and amazing actor.
Yes! That scene stood out to me as well.
I'm getting LA in the mail tomorrow so I can't wait to see all this you all are talking about and I would imagine Rob could do crazy well.......he loves One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Jack Nicholson...........maybe he should resurrect this classic film.
THAT would be awesome.
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