Our friend Maria Lindholm from ELLE Sweden interviewed Robert Pattinson at Cannes Film Festival. We posted the sound clips from that interview before.
Jessica (Gossip_Dance) asked her what Rob smelled like and here's her answer:
I couldn´t smell him even if he was only half a meter away but since we were sitting at a beach restaurant maybe it would have been different if we were stuck in a funky hotel room.. What I did notice was that he was so furry in a blond way, big eyebrows, long long eyelashes, lots of little hairs sticking out from his shirt and sleeves. Sort of sweet if you can picture the type. My guess is he smells like hotel soap and maybe a little bit of dirty hair...
Thanks to Maria for sending us the translation. Leave her some love on her blog. The picture above is in HQ over there :)
Smells like the scent of heaven lmao
oh my god what kind of question is this sure he smells like heaven like you never know before better than everything that you had been smell a kind of smell takes you from yourself
You're serious. *shakes head* There is the brink of insanity, and then there is the abyss.
Oh, what a pretty boy in that picture!
I would say that is a fair assessment of what I think he smells like. Hotel soap and a little bit of dirty hair. Not bad.
If only I could get close enough to find out.... Wow that would be an experience!
I imagine he would smell like a mixture of aftershave, cigarettes and hair products - oh and maybe a bit minty from chewing gum?
Well I'm going to have to go for a lie down now ....
actually for me he is like an angel that comes earth with a mistake god thanks for that mistake
I'd assume musty scent mixed with cigarettes. He can shower all he wants. but he wear the same clothes and smokes a lot. I don't know cuz I have never smelled him so I am just going to assume he smells like heaven.
carole yeah that makes sense if can get close enough to do it I would have an hearth-attack :) but I wouldnt let it Rob would be with me
I would imagine Rob to smell like a combination of cigarettes,maybe Heineken, minty chewing gum,and just Rob---you know guy smell (but a nice guy smell,not sweaty. Shit, just to be able to have a chance to smell him would be like heaven to me!!
I bet he smells schmexy....
There are fans who comment here who've been up-closer and personal. I think I'll go with their take...
Pillows+ciggies+soap+my perfume (at various places on his body),sweat=SEXYSTINK! Available at retailers nearyou. OK seriously though. Does anyone know if ROb wheres cologne?? If so what the hell is it?? I want to buy it!
I meant WEARS. BTW-that sweat is from marathon sessions in the sac y'all:)
lostinphlly I said it too girls can you imagine rob is with you he is close really close with his perfect smile and green-grey the most beautful deep-looking eyes and he lets you to do it
skorpia you are a real nb yes after a non-sleep night I would be smell like him and he has my smell too I dont care anything else after that night out of him and we would do it again and again I wont tell him 'stop'
Please, don't ....
carole you said please dont for who
Teen Spirit!
HEHE! I likey this blog! Ive been asking everyone what he smells like. Begging them-I got a nose like a blood hound. Im dying to smell him. Only because Ive met some reguler guys that Ive been attracted to just by their scent. Then their are guys who are gorgous and smell just wrong. Its all chemistry my dahling. Thats why I hate ciggies. It changes your scent. Masks it.
yeah I would love to be tired because of him I want to tell something more but if you want to read
It`s very funny!
For me Rob is unique. I think he has a sexual scent. The one which drives me crazy.
JC his that way is a truth :)
I don't care how he smells, cause he is furry. And if you saw the Haunted Airman, in the massage scene, you can also see a little light hair on his neck near the hair line. Total hairporn, little hairporn, bodyhairporn...doesn't matter it's Robs porn
Grape robolicious??? and cigarettes. And I don't care if he smells bad, that's what showering together is for! I would behead someone for one 24-hour period with Rob.
I mean, stop, this is too much for me.
I am way beyond teenage years but I would kill for a chance to get up close and personal with this guy.
Wait, this is a bit early for a Naughty Bitch sessions, isn't it??
Oh my god I am imagining him right now actually I am sitting on my bed:)I wanna do bad things with you Rob :)
Carole its the time for me because of the time difference but if you all dont want I wont talk
cullanlover hehe you made me laugh but you are right
No, carry on!
what carry on means
Vote for Rob as the best Vanity Fair cover in a decade, Johnny Depp is currently leading! Isn't it great "Little Ashes" is up 54% in popularity on the IMDb board! I wonder if it is because of the GLAAD nomination?
if means if you want to continue talking, then please do !
Is there a link for the best VF cover voting?
thanks carol than I am starting with my dream which I saw first night of the year and couldnt forget
best vf cover I dont know ?
at first he was in the middle of a crowd across the street than I saw him I went there and took him from that crowd he said come with me and we went to his car I didnt ask where we have been going
O/T Reminder:
Vote for Rob---because he's Pretty!
; )
You can vote every 10 minutes and poll ends Jan 20th.
Furry! LMAO
Long long eyelashes...
Rob probably smells like cigarettes and Kristen.
He probably smells like strawberries!
guys are you reading what I am writing
come on then, what happened in the car!!
@Robsessive - Please, do, continue. But, be gentle, I am at work. :)
we were talking it was nice too saw him while he is smiling we both was happy than he stopped the car in front of an house after that I asked if it was his house after that I woke up in his bed but my dream was going on there were scenes about the night that we had
cullanlover I will try to do it but that dream was really naughty :) and you and carole girls thanks for reading
I've always gone for very pretty guys .... sad but true.
Years ago I had an enormous crush on an ice hockey player - he was Canadian and absolutely gorgeous.
The one and only time I got talking to him one on one, I totally froze and came out with a load of rubbish. If I got the chance to be anywhere near to Rob Pattinson, I just know the same would happen!
Either way I bet he smells absolutely delicious..
yeah carole I am sure he smells delicious
now I am telling the scenes
girls where are you
Still here! Just jealous that you have sexytime dreams with The Pretty. I can't and it pisses me off. Even if I fall asleep reading Twi-porn, still no dreams of Robward.
I'm sitting here waiting for you to tell me what happened next in your dream .... it's sounding pretty good so far!
Ok sorry that was gift for me I think it was really nice I didnt remind how clothes disappear I think that was becuse of being under his magic than we were in bed he was on me first he kisssed my neck than I kissed him from his lips than he started first it was weird for me but I started to fly
Sigh.......I love that picture! I think this may call for an avi change (when I get home...) because not only is there JAW PORN...but there's LIP PORN and EYELASH PORN too!!
(keeps repeating...you're at work...you're at work...keep the breathing steady...be calm...)
I can feel his body totally I was out of breath because of what he did to me than he changed our position and let me to breath we were wet I just watch him and touch his wet hairs
My goodness I bet you were upset when you woke up and realised it was a dream!
@ LHR - for real!
He was happy with me we were getting more crazier I was like ah Rob there were signs in the places that he touch and they were burning he started to being harder on me yeah I cried when I woke up
@ CL - I know, right!! =)
I was about to faint when he got back and say lets sleep you are tired I smiled and said no dont stop I will go on mum needs me sorry
@LHR - Is there CHEST HAIR PORN??? If so, please direct to where. It gets me every time. I love when it's peaking out and calling my name.
Shouldn't comment on BB. I meant, peeking out.
now I am back should I go on:)
I am sorry I can't function right now that picture is freaking killing me SERIOUSLY disclaimers ladies. I literally yelped while on a call and then had to gain composure. whew.
oh teri lol
@ CL - I was distracted by the JAW PORN and EYELASH PORN...those are my favorites...but you're right...there is CHEST HAIR PORN too!!!
@ Teri - LMFAO!! I had the same reaction, I wasn't on the phone at the time...but everyone around me looked at me like...seriously??!!?? It was pretty funny!
@LHR I was lucky cuz I am at home
LHR & Teri - it's not fair to be at work and casually check out ROBsessed and be stunned by The Pretty. As LHR said, stay calm and breathe. LOL!
It's hard for me to focus now.
Robsessive - again, jealous of your dream.
LHR & Teri - it's not fair to be at work and casually check out ROBsessed and be stunned by The Pretty. As LHR said, stay calm and breathe. LOL!
It's hard for me to focus now.
Robsessive - again, jealous of your dream.
@cullanlover finally someone told something I hope that you will see im in that way too I think that was a gift I asked before but should I go on I dont know
Bet he smells like a guy! Ciggs probably cause he smokes like a chimney-but a guy. Musty smell is probably correct too as he says he doesn't know how to do laundry. I'm torn about Robsten, but I got to admire a gal that doesn't try to change a guy--impossible task. When you're in love/or not, it doesn't matter.
Seriously though, I know this is way over talked but gals, Rob had an 8000+ lead on Federer and now it is down to 5000 and at this rate, Roger will overtake Rob. Petty maybe, but I was not happy that J Depp was chosen sexiest man alive and we had no input into that, but come on---who is sexier-??????
Hey, where is Suz? She's one of those luckiest girls in the world who got to meet Rob. She surely remembers how he smelled. Suz, where are you????? We need you here!!!!!
@robsessive, you lucky girl. Your dream sounds really interesting and it's pretty hot.
It would be really great to have a dream with Rob as my chances to meet him in real life are like 0%.
What should I do then to have a dream about Rob???
@butterfly I did not do something special but I had make a wish to met him I was so sad becuse of being far away from him and I am thinkin him always you know 7/24 so you can try it
How are you guys?!?! Lmao!.. haha sry had 2 ask it!.. And that pic is so hot!(:
*how old are you guys* oops! stunned by that pic! ;)
I'm going to block this site. It is very dangerous. How can I concentrate when every time I come here it is a f*ing hot pic of Robert and then all the comments that wake up the NB in me. No, i'm not coming here again *lying*
BTW he smells like me because if I can get so close to him i'm not letting him go until every inch of his body smells like my perfume ;)
Here is the link for VF cover:
Oh for pete's sake. I will sacrifice myself, (as I am so self sacrificing) and go and find out once and for all, what he smells like.
I hereby promise, I will detail every little smell. I will catalog it, color code it and send sample smells.
I know, no need to thank me, I am just kind like that. But for the sake of all women, world wide, I will personally, take on this chore. I will not come back until my sniffer is worn out and the investigation is complete.
All for the sake of you darling women, I know, often I am referred to as a Saint. But really, it is emmbarrassing and I am blushing already!!
I guess the VF best cover contest is already closed, cause I couldn't vote anymore. And it seems that Johnny Depp's cover won...
One thing about the picture used in the post. Altough I think he looks beautiful as alwyas here, I don't like it in terms of what kind of photo it is, as it surely is a pappz photo and he clearly looks so sad here. But it's all because of this damn drought... How far is it to RM promotion??? Or maybe earlier, the Oscars???
@Janece, I'm sure each of us here would happily sacrifice herself to find out how does he smell IF ONLY we had a chance...:)
Just out of curiosity, I keep reading things from people mentioning Rob as being blonde. He doesn't look at all blonde to me, & I never think of him as one. Is it just me who's missing it? Do you think he's blonde?
New RM stills here's the link
@ Marna! I think he's reddish brown... :), I noticed his reddish hair and beard :D
He's so English! But in a good way haha!
he was blond when he was a little boy, but his hair got darker as he got older. but the body hair stays blondish. it happens. my husband was also a blond child.
I saw those Teri.... he looks so buff in 2nd shot. The NM workouts really worked wonders!
got that right Loisada.
I guess Kristen would be the best person to ask.......she could probably do a molemap of Rob's hot bod as well.........she's 1 very lucky lady..Lol
OMG,just looked at the time I posted my last comment,it's actually 8.20am,15th Jan where I am.That's like 18hrs behind my post.
He smells like sex. The end.
@ Loisada
*just me*.
i can NOT handle this pic!!!!!!!
just couldn't breath watching it, i"m not joking.
sorry for my bad English, there was a story of meeting Rob by two fans at some event, on another fan-site,don't remember where. they took picture, Rob was hugging both of them. they have been asked after "how does he smell like?" (in my opinion as well as in yours i"m sure, THIS IS THE MOST STUPID QUESTION EVER). their answer was: "HE SMELLS LIKE A HEAVEN"
That ladies, is one god holy picture.
Love the Fuzz! :D
I've been with a smoker and I'm a non-smoker, but I couldn't really smell the smoke on him, so I don't know, maybe Rob, too, manages to keep the smoke smell away and smells just like a clean guy (I thought I heard he wears Hugo Boss?)...
@Team Six Pack: HAHAHAHA!!! That's the best answer I'v read so far!!! :D
I'm still going with that fan from Vancouver from earlier this year who said Rob smelled sexy. LOL
along with the cigarettes and mint gum, he's probably bathed in that man musk that just makes you want to nuzzle and nibble and grab and clench and beg and strip and crawl under/over and...damn it, I'm supposed to be sick and this isn't helping!
mmm...he's got lovely, long lashes, a long tongue, big feet, he's tall...I wonder...mmm...what else is long, tall, or big?...hmmm
@jlsentangledweb I think he has the full equipment ;) Everything is perfect, the hair, the face, the tongue, the mouth and lips, the eyes, neck, chest and those long legs and the other things attached to it ;)
annieforpatty, the perfection is duly noted and goes without saying :)
Holy fucking eyelash porn!!!
Rob smells like whatever you want him to. We'd like it no matter what. I imagine the scent of slept on cotton sheets, rumpled cotton clothes,cigarettes and to ramble, this talk about sheets is making me think about running my hands over his face first thing in the morning before he's shaved. Damn!!
@jc - Great minds think alike!!!! I was totally thinking the same thing!!
Well, it's just the NB in us!!!! lol
*just me*
once i have read Rob's favorite is Serge Lutens cologne, but who knows? we should ask his agent lol
The NB's are here and enjoying this thread. I've never commented on, um, Rob's sensual side (makes me feel like a real cougar), but I do love hairy men, and Rob's lovely blonde hairy body is very attractive. Cigarette breathe might be a problem for non-smokers, but Kristen is a smoker so it gets cancelled out between them (if there is a them, please don't start, just an observation). I'm sure he smells musky and doubt very much he wears cologne, thankfully. As an aside, I'm very glad that Rob has no tats or piercing on him. Kind of rare in this day, but he's natural perfection.
hmmm... little blonde furry hairs sticking out everywhere...
Why am I now thinking of, and smelling peaches?
Now I'm humming that damned Presidents song!
I want him to smell like Gucci by Gucci pour homme... :))) what a combination that would be...
@Tess, peaches works for me!
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