Tom Sturridge mentions his best friend, Robert Pattinson

I truly love how these guys stick together as friends and watch each others backs, the whole Brit Pack really do rock (and they're not bad on the eyes either).

Tom mentions Rob at around 2:56 and Bobby Long, Marcus Foster and Johnny Flynn at the 2:15 mark.



Angie said...

A true friend!

Suz said...

Love these boys..


RPLover said...

I <3 the Brit Pack! =)

Rhonda said...

Love him. Such a great, deep voice. What a loyal friend. But poor Sam :( , he must have forgotten to pimp him out.

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Argh, can't they ever get Rob's last name right? So embarrassing. ; )

Just seems so awkward/sleazy/creepy when the interviewers pointedly ask about Rob to friends and family.

(Maybe it's just Gwen.)

kat said... voice.

LTavares2011 said...

Rob is a good guy and he attracts only good energy, happiness. He has good friends. They care about each other. I love Rob and Brit Pack.

Ana73 said...

ADM - you said it right, that is a true friend. they all probably hate having to answer questions about him because they never know when their words will turned around.

isn't that great that over the holidays they ALL got together, even though they are filming movies and playing gigs.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Argh! Who's Robert Patterson or Pattison??? Really???

Class.... Pure total class... All these guys are just the most delicious, caring, respectful, loyal and lickable group of guys...ever...

They are all lucky to have each other in their lives...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I haven't listened to johnny flynn, will have to check him out!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

And this movie kicked ass!!!! God it was so good!!!

RPLover said...

ah, I'm jelous, RPG, I don't think my theater is going to have this movie! booo. guess I'll have to wait for dvd.

I just checked out Johnny Flynn yesterday, only listened to a couple. He's good, but not as much to my liking as Bobby. I could listen to him play for ever! :)

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to say that I find Tom more attractive than Rob sometimes? Don't kill me, he's just more my normal type...the dark hair...ANYWHO, he seems like a great friend. And I really want to see that movie.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

that sucks that you didn't get to see it... PSH is brilliant.... The music, the friendships, what they went through for their passion & beliefs...

And TomStu is just a little piece if pie! I bet it will be on DVD soon..

Juliet4Rob said...

Love Tom! Love Rob! Love them all! But the thing I love the most is their friendship. We should all be so lucky to have friends like this. I wish them all much success and happiness as they conquer the world! BTW-I could listen to Rob and Tom talk forever!

RPLover said...

I'm hoping so! it looked really good and I like the cast. it'll be the first time I've seen Tom in anything.

AP said...

And the soundtrack is great. 2 cd set - well worth having.

RPLover said...

thanks AP-I'll bet it is! I'll have to check it out.

Never heard of this story before-everytime I see the trailer I always say "God that looks good!"


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I know! As soon as I got home from the movie I downloaded the soundtrack! I hadn't heard some of those songs in years!!!

Ana73 said...

rpg - did you read update of MOU, getting more interesting...

movie didn't play here either, have to wait for video. looking forward to it even more.

RPLover said...

going to watch Public Enemies-Depp is lookin' pretty fine! LOL


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I did!! Wow...I think we're gonna see some crazy soon...
And are we EVER going to find out why is so 50 shades???

SluttyPattz said...

so sweet.

SluttyPattz said...

Ana and RPG I read it and need another update stat. RPG I also just caught up on This is not my life and I love how different this story is.

Ana73 said...

i am also reading Things that go bump in the night, it is really cute.

SluttyPattz said...

I also just finished getting caught up on With Teeth on the twilighted Thread ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

ITA... This is not my life & eye contact both have me hooked...
I sooo need another high anxiety update too...

I'm reading the cocky & the cougar too... It didn't grab me at first, but now it's starting to get interesting...

SluttyPattz said...

Yeah I have my cousin totally hooked HA now and she's still craving a Wallbanger update.

I will have to read The Cocky and The Cougar. I am all caught up on my list of rec's. Oh I think there is one Escape that I haven't read yet. Have you read it?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ohhh things that go bump & with teeth??? I will add to my list!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

No Escape yet, but it's on my list as well...

And dream like you'll live forever is awesome...
I love dickward....

Ana73 said...

rpg - i felt the same about the cocky and the cougar but i love it now.

the other thread posted a site with more pics of them walking together with the group but it was more of sam's sister. nothing of rob.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I love how all of them are so loyal to each other! Nobody name drops or says anything other than I've known (insert BritPack member) forever and we're friends. Those are the only kind of friends to have...the ones that you know you'll have for your whole life!

SluttyPattz said...

added to my list dream like you'll live forever. I am off to bed ladies, night, sweet dreams.

Ana73 said...

good night teri!

rpg, are u staying on?

jlsentangledweb said...

we should all be so lucky as to have friends like Rob's

lallieb said...

How much does it say about Rob, that he has such loyal, good friends that he has maintained through the madness of his sudden tsunami fame. A LOT about his character. He's not just a pretty face.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yep I'm here....

Sweet dreams Teri

I'm still in early chapters of c&c I think ch 7....

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


you are so right! It speaks volumes as to Robs inner self, soul...I've never been lucky enough to have those kinds if friendshiips... Geez, what does that say about me? Lol..

Moved around a lot, so hard to connect sometimes!

Ana73 said...

rpg - i have been meaning to ask u how r things going w/your daughter better i hope. i read your blogs during the holidays and u were so right on everything u said about the holidays. i was really down on christmas eve and then i rented my sisters keeper which totally sent me over the edge. i killed the holiday happy mood with the movie and i literaaly sobbed thru the whole movie but i felt so much better after, just to let it all out. christmas day i was much better :)

Ellie said...

Ah, TomStu had such integrity and shows such loyalty to his friends. So wonderful to see... *sigh
(He's such a cutie!)

Good evening, ladies!!

hornycorn hag said...

Really did their homework didn't they?... "Do you know Rob Patterson.. um.. Pattinson??"

(Insert severe sarcasm font here) Nah lady.. they all enjoy hanging out with total strangers.

Ellie said...

I caught that too, Mona...such IDITOS!!! lol (yeah, I spelled it that way on purpose...)

Emily said...

Hello ladies!

Me too, Kat - I officially love TomStu. He is the definition of classy.

Tom sounds exactly like Rob. The "yeah, yeah, yeah..." is one of my favorite Robisms and I love that Tom does it too.

Yeah, they TOTALLY did their homework. "Did you find Bobby Long on the internet?" *eye roll*

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

things are still crazy with her... but she is safe right now.. Thanks for asking...
I know I fell apart over the holidays too... And that movie definitely you need to avoid!!!

Hi Ellie!!!

And honry hag!!! Lmao, love your name!

AP said...

@RPG & RPL: Yeah, I luv it. Curtis really knows his music. Fyi, dvd is out in the UK as Boat That Rocked, if you can see that format. US version should be out soon.

hornycorn hag said...

Good evening Ellie, Emily! Hiya ladies!

Ellie said...

Hey, Em!!!

Tha was another blunder on their part! eye roll for sure...(MOTUward won't be happy about that eye roll)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Lol Emily!

Ellie said...

rpattzgirl, how are you, bb??
It's been a few weeks, for me...vacation got in the way.

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Uh oh, no eye rolls or lip biting!

Ana73 said...

ellie - u r funny eye roll will not be tolerated ;)

Ellie said...

Oh, forgot about the lip...
Did you read the new chappie today?
SO much info in it!

Emily said...

At least they didn't linger on the subject of Rob and sort of took the hint to drop it.

Love that voice...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

I'm good! We missed you!
How was your vay-kay?

Ellie said...

TomStu has a REALLY nice voice. Soothing and sexy.

And yes, I was wondering if they were going to keep on about Rob, after Tom indicated that he doesn't elaborate on Rob.

Ana73 said...

i cant remember who did the interview on Radar Online where they kept on and on about info about rob...i dont remember which one but they wouldn't say anything about him.

AP said...

@Emily: lol re homework. Tom was a little disconcerted, but unfailingly polite. His mum would've been proud. I am a fan of her acting too.

I've gotta go but enjoy your time of day or night, whatever it may be.

Ellie said...

The vacation was great! We went to Disneyin FL!

Got some pics of PE with the characters...and one of him with the Loch ness monster topiary (get it? NESSIE?) lol

Emily said...

AP - I know! He is so polite.

Ellie - Soothing and sexy for sure!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh yea, great motu update... I love that icy updates so often!

hornycorn hag said...

Take care AP.

Ellie, your cleverness outshines us all! Cracking up at Nessie!

Ellie said...

I am on ff overload lately. I had about 20 updates to read when I got back. WHEW!

Emily said...

LOL @ Nessie!

Ellie said...

Have a good evening, AP! :)

Mona, we took a bunch of pics with PE.

One that stands out is him with Toy Story's Woody (bwaaaahahahaha...)

hornycorn hag said...

Yeah baby! Edward with a Woody.. lmao I get it!

hornycorn hag said...

Hey Emily how's your new little one doing? I guess he's getting big now huh?

Ellie said...

Mona, it was my dd that took the pics! (I guess I must be taking lessons from the Bad Mother's Handbook...) :)

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Night AP!

sounds like a wonderful vacation... Lmao on Nessie!!

they are all very protective & gracious about each other...
Is that a Britt thing, or just good genes???

Emily said...

I can't wait to see them Ellie!


Emily said...

He's good, thanks for asking!

He's six months old now. I can hardly believe it. He's a monster...he weighs 25 pounds already. lol

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

bwahahahaha! Bad mothers handbook! Good role model!

hornycorn hag said...

RPG.. you can tell they aren't typical American boys huh, they'd be going behind each other's backs to call the Paps, and trying to get paid for the most intimate interview and pics. Shame isn't it?

Ellie said...

rpattzgirl,when I held pe for a pic with the UP characters, the girl assisting the photographer asked, "Is that Robert pattinson?" I just looked at her and giggled. I said, Um, it's EDWARD...

Ana73 said...

emily-is this your first?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Ok lovelies,
off to read some cocky before bed... 5:00AM comes too early!
Have a good night!

Ellie said...

Hey, I'm switching from rpattzgirl to rpg...much easier. :)

hornycorn hag said...

sleep sweet RPG.. enjoy your reading!

Ana73 said...

good night RPG! let me know when you get caught up to the last chapter.

Emily said...

Ellie, do you have barbie Edward or the other one? The newest ones don't look half bad...

Ana - No, he's my 2nd.

Ellie said...

Ah, sweet Robdreams, rpg...good talking with you, lovey. xo

Emily said...

Mona - I still laugh at your screen name. Didn't that stem from the "lesson" the 15 year old taught us all those months ago?

Ana73 said...

emily - they are so cute when they are that old and then they get older and it all goes downhill :)) just kidding.

ellie - it seems like you had a lot of fun with PE.

well i am off too ladies, sweet rob dreams to you all. going to read some more FF before bed.

Ellie said...

Em, it's the first one that came out. I got it at FYE, I believe. I'll give you my dd's blog address and you can see him.

Emily said...

LOl Ana!


hornycorn hag said...

oh yeah.. we kept getting called hags and my niece used to call unicorns, hornicorns, so I told the girl we were only hags for the unicorns he gave us.. lol... thus.. I AM a hornycorn hag

hornycorn hag said...

sleep sweet Ana, enjoy your reading as well!!

Ellie said...

Good night, Ana! sleep well. xo

Em, here's the address:

hornycorn hag said...

What?? Did I run everyone off, or bore them to sleep? lol

Emily said...

Well, that'll teach you to think that the real Rob was chatting with you. I was fooled I know.

Thanks Ellie! Wait...that's your daughter's blog? I've looked at the before and I love it! Why am I so slow?

Ellie said...

I'm here!



Anonymous said...

Well that was awkward.

Marna said...

Tom seems like a very nice guy & a good friend, but he just does nothing for me in the kitty dept. Something about his looks are a little too in touch with his feminine for me.

Anonymous said...

I loved Tom in The Boat that Rocked, not quite Rob jaw or finger porn, but he does have his own going on.

Smooth and tasty, even with the sideburns.

jc(britlover) said...

What a gem of a friend. I love it when he says he doesn't want to add to the "oceans of words" already written about Rob.
A few American bratpackers could take a lesson from the ever so loyal Britpack!!! Sometimes it is just best to keep your fool mouth shut.

Haystackhair said...

That's great they are such good friends to each other. And it seems they are all so well spoken. What great vocabularies they all have!! I never used words like "most eloquent youth" in my
20s. Probably would have said "wicked f*cking cool youth". LMAO

jc(britlover) said...


skorpia said...

sexy voice,loyal friend and that lowere lip is delcious lookin. Sorry Rob! Thanks Tom for taking care of Ole Roberto.

Chele said...

Holy crap! Johnny Flynn is the guys whose music I've been stalking on YouTube for months! He's amazing! I had no idea he was part of the BritPack (I don't follow that stuff). See, now I REALLY need to meet Rob so he can introduce me to Johnny!

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