When reading a novel, most of us develop our own images of its characters based upon our interpretation the text. It must have been a bit surreal for you, having already played Susie, to picture yourself within the context of the book.
SR: Yeah, it’s weird. I really sympathize with the likes of Kristen Stewart, who’s playing Bella in Twilight. I think teenagers can make their points more well known than adults, and they feel quite strongly about things — [especially] with a book like Twilight, which I read and loved and that everyone just was sort of obsessed with. And if anyone has their own image of what Bella should be like and then they see Kristen, everything is blamed on her, you know? Luckily, that hasn’t happened for me, but because I’ve done about four movies now that have been based on books, I can see how people would be like that — and even how I would be like that. But I wouldn’t blame the actor or anything. I felt a little bit of pressure, not only because [The Lovely Bones] was a book but because the whole movie was, in a way, on my shoulders. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When I interviewed Kristen for New Moon, I was struck by how protective she was about her character.
SR: Yeah, it doesn’t seem to her like she’s making a movie that has about three sequels and is based on a book and all the teenagers are going to see it. It seems to her that this is a very serious role that’s important to her, and I respect her for that. I felt the same way when I did Atonement and people would come up to me and say, “God, that was an awful child that you played. She was such a bitch.”
People really said that to you?!?
SR: Yeah! People said that to me ... so I can see why Kristen would feel defensive about her character.
Speaking of Twilight, I heard that Robert Pattinson snuck into the Lovely Bones premiere.
SR: Yeah, I heard that when I was at the after-party. I didn’t see him, though.
You figure he’d at least have the courtesy to say hello.
SR: [Laughs] Actually, someone said that to me: “God, you think he’d come up and tell you how awesome you were.” And I was like, eh, it doesn’t make a difference. It’s okay. I can see why he would just want to sneak in. I mean obviously, if he snuck in and didn’t do the whole red carpet, then he just wanted to see the movie, which is great. He didn’t want to do the whole, “Oh look, Robert Pattinson’s here!” He seems like a really nice guy, though.
I guess it was considerate of him to not want to steal the spotlight.
SR: Exactly, yeah. Because he would have. [Laughs]
SR: Yeah, it’s weird. I really sympathize with the likes of Kristen Stewart, who’s playing Bella in Twilight. I think teenagers can make their points more well known than adults, and they feel quite strongly about things — [especially] with a book like Twilight, which I read and loved and that everyone just was sort of obsessed with. And if anyone has their own image of what Bella should be like and then they see Kristen, everything is blamed on her, you know? Luckily, that hasn’t happened for me, but because I’ve done about four movies now that have been based on books, I can see how people would be like that — and even how I would be like that. But I wouldn’t blame the actor or anything. I felt a little bit of pressure, not only because [The Lovely Bones] was a book but because the whole movie was, in a way, on my shoulders. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
When I interviewed Kristen for New Moon, I was struck by how protective she was about her character.
SR: Yeah, it doesn’t seem to her like she’s making a movie that has about three sequels and is based on a book and all the teenagers are going to see it. It seems to her that this is a very serious role that’s important to her, and I respect her for that. I felt the same way when I did Atonement and people would come up to me and say, “God, that was an awful child that you played. She was such a bitch.”
People really said that to you?!?
SR: Yeah! People said that to me ... so I can see why Kristen would feel defensive about her character.
Speaking of Twilight, I heard that Robert Pattinson snuck into the Lovely Bones premiere.
SR: Yeah, I heard that when I was at the after-party. I didn’t see him, though.
You figure he’d at least have the courtesy to say hello.
SR: [Laughs] Actually, someone said that to me: “God, you think he’d come up and tell you how awesome you were.” And I was like, eh, it doesn’t make a difference. It’s okay. I can see why he would just want to sneak in. I mean obviously, if he snuck in and didn’t do the whole red carpet, then he just wanted to see the movie, which is great. He didn’t want to do the whole, “Oh look, Robert Pattinson’s here!” He seems like a really nice guy, though.
I guess it was considerate of him to not want to steal the spotlight.
SR: Exactly, yeah. Because he would have. [Laughs]
To read the rest of the interview head over to the Source Hollywood.com
Her eyes are amazing! Little bit unearthly. ; )
ps. Keep voting for Rob!
ITA Gwen!! Her eyes are so beautiful!! I think I may have another girl-crush!!
She was amazing in Atonement... just amazing. I am in awe of Saoirse!
P.S. She is what about 16? Too young to play Susanne in Bel Ami?
@Suz: She`s 15, what I personally found unbelievable.
She was awesome in Atonement and I can´t believe how beautiful she became.
her eyes are amazing and she was great in atonement.
i am looking forward to seeing this movie, hopefully this weekend the book was really moving.
that is great that rob went to see the movie without all of the fanfare, that is why we love him so much...
OT - not sure what happened to the comment box but SM has responded to the story yesterday of the breaking dawn movie at www.stepheniemeyer.com
I think Kristen should play Suzanne. :-D
me if I like Ronan Saorsi interpret the character of Susan in Bel Ami has the characteristics...
Oh I realy liked her in Atonement. One of my fouvorite movies. Ian Mcavoy one of my favourite authors as well. I will never forget Keira's gown in this movie. James Mcavoy? OMG those eyes.
So we have another example of an interviewer asking someone about Rob just to get the hits. Rob has nothing to do with this movie, he just happened to go to the premiere. Why would they ask her about him? And they're not even really asking her so much as leading her into saying what they want her to say. It's just sad, she's 15 years old, has the lead in an important movie, & they ask about Rob.
Looks like you like them both, dina. The author's name is Ian McEwan, the actor is called James McAvoy. ;-)
I also liked the latter in Becoming Jane, and Ian McEwan is always a fantastic read.
i agree Kristen to play Suzanne in BA.
She's so pretty. God I love Irish names. Being that I'm a Kathleen, should that surprise me? LOL
So looking forward to this movie it looks amazing. Is Saoirse likely to get another Oscar nomination?
She's awesome and I can't wait to see this movie...
Oh, and Rob is pretty awesome too!
@phos thanks I realy like the way McEwan writes. Usually when a book becomes a movie most of the time is a letdown but atonement the movie was even better than the book.
haystack--ITA irish names are lovely indeed. So says So'la's) ;-)
The Lovely Bones is one movie that will be tough for me to watch, even though I'm looking forward to it so much. I can't even watch the trailer on Youtube without crying.
I loved The Lovely Bones! :D I wonder what Rob thought of it...
I haven't seen Atonement, yet, but I plan to.
I feel we can expect even greater things from Saoirse Ronan, in the future :).
to Marma,
The journalist didn't ask about rob to have hits. Not everything is about conspiracy. This is just a part of the interview.
The interviewer just ask her how it was to play an iconic part , iconic in the sense it is an adaptation of a movie. And saoirse in her reponse made an analogy about kristen playing bella and from there at some point the journalist just happen to ask her about the rumour someone started on twiter about rob being at the premiere. It's not like the interviewer was the one to bring twilight to the table. Jeez people stop freacking out for nothing.
I have not seen the movie. I loved the book.
I don't think is a good idea to have kristen in BA. I like her a lot but i want this people to do thing on their own to have more credibilty before being a team again in a movie.
They should hire a french actor or a british one.
Atonement was a great movie and Saoirse was brilliant in it. I can't wait to see her in The Lovely Bones. From the commercials she seems to have done a really good job.
damourk--the dynamic of the relationships and the personalities are so different, that I thnk it would be brilliant for Kristen specifically to play Suzanne. The contrast between the adoration between Edward and Bella, and the using/manipulation of Belami toward Suzanne, plus the contrast between Bella's personality as caretaker, always worrying about others' feelings, not revealing her emotions, and the personality of Suzanne-- dolled up, coddled, pampered, spoiled, and tantrummy, would be a wonderful exhibit of character portrayal ability.
I'm not convinced that Rob was in fact at the Lovely Bones premiere. If I'm remembering correctly there was only 1 person who tweeted and said he was there? But I agree that Rob would be considerate enough not to steal the spotlight, so maybe he was.
I don't understand why they had to choose so famous actresses to play in Bel-Ami, and none of them are French. There are some really good french ones (and I'm not saying that because I'm French) who can speak English as well. I wonder if they tried this way or were looking for big names first.
now my comment sounds a bit aggressive. Don't read it that way, I was just throwing a question in the air.
And I like all the actresses they chose. Especially Kristin Scott Thomas.
To solas
Like to read your post, very interesting and passionate.
I really like the book. I live in france. And i had to read it for school in hightschool with les liaisons dangereuses.
It's not that the dynamic of the character will be the same. Because i knowit's not the case and here the character are more cholorful and well writen.
The part is really good and i think is a part every young actress will be glad to play.
But under the situation of twilight environement, this two should give is a few years before staring in another movie together.
They personnal relationship due to their charisma tend to overshadow they work unfortunatly.
If this two didn't have already 3 movie together and maybe 2 others to come, and if people wasn't so passionate about the dynamic in their private live, i would say kristen can be a good idea for the role. And that role is really powerful.
I also think that kristen doesn't have the time. She is going to be at sundance from Jan 21rst to jan 30th. The she has a movie out in feb 26 and another one on march 29th.
A french actor like audrey TauTou( she was in da vinci code with or in comercial for chanel) can be great for role.
Keira also can begreat, but for me know the best choice is evan rachel wood.
I am not familiar with the french actresses at all, but the other actresses you named are, I feel, too old for the part of Suzanne.
I understand your concerns about Rob and Kristen in a movie together, but aside from the fact it makes him happy (he said so), that he wanted to make other movies with her and she with himself, I think no matter what they do and where they are there is going to be the speculation and garbage, so at least them be happy in their own world together, plus as I said above, the contrast would be wonderful and an opportunity to display acting chops if the same 2 people can play such disparate roles.
Of course if her schedule doesn't allow for it, it would not work, but I would see that as a pity.
Audrey Tautou is a great actress, but I don't think she would fit for a role in Bel-Ami. At least, for one of the women he seduces. She looks too fragile and when I read the book, I found that the women he chooses are all strong (I guess it's more challenging!).
Hidden fairy,
can we speack in french a little bit?
que veux-tu dire?
Solas ,
Evan rachel wood is only 22. She can fit the part.
Audrey Tautou is really tiny; She is in her late 20' or early 30' but she is youthful.
She played the love interest of that french guy all the american girl wated to be edward Gaspard something , he was the young annibal.
She is great.
It's Gaspard Ulliel, yep. I'm looking for French actresses at the moment. I have nothing else to do at 1 am apparently!
I think Umma is the best cast there. What a breathtaking couple will they be! Do you girls think he was in love with Madelein?
To hidden,
Voila c'est concernat to commentaire sur Audrey Tautou,
Je pense qu'elle peut etre bien pour le role, est ce que tu as vu le film un long diner de fiancaille, dans ce film elle semble montrer une capacité a jouer des roles fort pas seulement de femme fragile. Dans certaine scene dans coco egalement.
BTW, the first time I saw the Lovely Bones trailer, I thought she was Sylvie Testud's daughter (even if she's too young to have a girl that age). It's all in the eyes.
Désolé c'etait long dimanche de fiancaille.
damourkrist : bien sûr, je n'ai rien contre Audrey et j'ai beaucoup aimé Un long dimanche de fiançailles, coco ou encore ensemble c'est tout. C'est juste une histoire de sensation, de comment j'ai perçu les personnages en lisant le livre. Et l'intérêt d'un acteur, c'est justement de montrer des visages multiples. Mais tu la voyais dans quel rôle?
Accually if it wasn't for Rob, Vissent cassel would be an ideal George for me.
je la voie bien comme suzanne.
C'est vrai que ce n'est pas le choix Ă©vident. Mais je pense qu'elle peut etre remarquable quand le role est interessant.
Je veux vraiment qu'il y'ai une actrice francaise ou du moins francophone dans cette production.
dina : I'd rather like his sister Cecile to play Mme de Marelle.
moi aussi j'aimerais.
@hidden You are right she would be perfect.
Un long Dimanche..was poetry in motion.
Holy geezuz in FF heaven right now!!!!
High Anxiety was EPIC!!!
And CW/IA ,LATR, & the training all updated!!!
Thanks, RPG! ; ) I need a weekend to catch up on ff! (Stupid Christmas decorations---should take themselves down.)
ps, VOTE Rob!!! Seriously, the other guy's camp has been pounding away today. We have to keep Rob on top, right? (Ahem.)
Or bottom is good too!!
Hopefully the French film industry has rules where at least a certain amount of the actors have to be home grown. I cannot believe that there is not a suitable young, talented actress in France who could take on the role of Suzanne.
Lovely bones was well done, cinematography wise, if you like the nostalgia of that period in the 60's and surrealist dream like sequences?
Peter Jackson does like his tableau's BIG???
Did not live up to the book as far as storyline went. ...but then movies rarely do??
katykeene : but considering the film is not French, I think they don't have to take French actors. Like in ChĂ©ri… (that was also a very long dream like sequence)
but "Hidden Fairy" I thought this was a movie being made in France. An English adaptation maybe, but from a french story. I have to admit I do not know the story, have not read the script but had been given this impression from what I have read about it here??
katykeene : yes, the novel and its author are both french, but I think the crew will be all English people. And if they shoot somewhere in Poland (I'm not sure where they said) even though there are lots of moments where they are supposed to be outside in Paris, it won't be much shot in France. So I really hope they'll still come in Paris. And they HAVE to insert some french words here and there (Please!).
When I say I do not know the story I have to admit I have wiki'd it so I do know that much. I have not, however, read the book or script(as so many here have) so I am not sure where the movie version is taking the story.
From what I gather they are making it in France with English and American actors playing French characters hence my comment about having some french actors involved.
I didn't know some had the script of this one as well. But the novel is really worth reading. But I'm still trying to imagine Rob with a mustache (and I fail everytime I do).
Ha!hidden fairy I write slow and you posted just in front of me. So sad if it is not filmed in beautiful Paris. I did not know that they were using Poland. I assume it must be cheaper?? What a shame.
He does look good with the beard though IMO. As long as they don't go for the Dali type Mo...that was hilarious.
I think they are filming in London & Budapest... Interier in London & exterier in Budapest....
Ooooh, I know who I pictured playing Suzanne when I read it. She's not French but… I thought Tamzin Merchant, aka Darcy's sister in Pride & Prejudice (with Keira) would be perfect. She's 22, but it could work.
Yes well I sometimes skim over comments so maybe I misunderstood if Bel Ami is one of the scripts fans here have read but if anyone has got it I would be interested in reading it myself.
Uhhh, guys, is this what I think it is????
You might find the book faster that the script!
Hidden fairy you are up very late???? Are you in the middle of a severe weather front at the moment I just read this in the news?
I am in Melbourne, Australia and on Monday we had a day that reached 45 degrees celsius.
rpattzgirl : do you think they've been diving around the "cough cough" hidden location or they took a direct plane to Iceland?
Right now I'm in the south of France, it's the middle of the night, raining and very cold!
Thanks for the advise I will check the book out.
Has to be a manip....
Seriously! Lol
Of course I was joking. It's always hard to define when you write though!
I've been to Iceland last winter and I assure you : there is no better place to hide. Plus : you can swim in natural hot water when it's snowing outside. Once you forget the strange smell of sulphure, it's heaven!
RPG, IS that what we think it is?? it's grainy, so could be fake, could be real...heard anything else? O_o
sounds lovely!!!
Well I have to go nice chatting Hidden Fairy. Hope the cold is bearable for you. I would prefer that to the heat to be honest. My son is in London complaining about the 0 degree weather they are having but not in a hurry to come home to this heat.
no idea! It's floating all over Twitter and no one knows anything about it.
It looks exactly like them, but could also be really good manip!
yeah, it does look like them, but could be a fake, you're right! checked radaronline, tmz and Gossip Cop and there's nothing on any of them...
time will tell! if it's real, it's pretty HOT, I gotta say! ;)
I know someone was joking about it being rehearsal for breaking dawn! Lmao!
God it's dead tonight.. Everyone getting caught up on FF or something!
must be...I'm only 1/2 way through the HA update-RL got in the way today-had to get my windshield replaced! damn rocks...
oh well, kid's going to bed pretty soon, then I can concentrate on what's important! LOL
bye kaykeene, and I should follow as well!
If he kept his beard for Bel ami, don't you think it's strange that he's now clean shaven? And what's this strange frame anyway?
ahhh that sucks! I'm going to read a while & check back in later!
rpg - wouldn't she have longer hair right now??? not unless it an older pic but if it's an older pic than it would have been out a while ago, dont know...
wow five stories updated today...HA-was freaking awesome, i love this story, edward is just so sad :( Love at the ruins, love no the siene, escape were all great too. reading CW&IA right now.
I LOVE this girl, so young yet so talented! She was amazing in Atonement and I don't care Lovely Bones has been cirtically trashed I'm seeing it because I love her and the book.
RPG, I agree it looks like them. Except the sidburns are very short. I have never seen him wear them that short.
Can't see him shortening them at this time. They would be appropriate for the time period of Bel Ami. Who knows!?!
That should be sideburns.
ADM, you're right, it's hard to say but the sideburns do look pretty short...
we're such detectives! :)
RPL, we see all! LMAO
i feel weird looking at the pic like if it's a private moment, it's not like it's a movie we are watching. i dont know maybe i am just rambling...actually both of their hair cuts look really short, not sure.
@RPG - I am not up on all the ff, what is High Anxiety and where can I find it?...if you don't mind.
Is the tinypic true? Haven't seen it anywhere else.
I just voted and we are at 42,141. Go Team Rob!
LOL, It is too grainy to tell. But that ear seems kind of big. He has tiny elf ears. :)
ADM-ears are too big LOL
Cullenlover07, here is the link.
hmmmm, ear does look kinda big, but the profile looks like him...where's Watson when I need him? =)
CullenLover, here ya go:
ADM, jinx! LMAO
Agree on the ears, btw.
*Smiles as she goes off to read*
Well if he doesn't have elf ears then it's not Rob! Twitter folks are guessing it's a manip oh him from little ashes & her from adventureland... but her hair was long in that & Rob did not look like that in LA...
Just finished cw/ia.... sigh... it's almost over... I will mis Tatward big time!
I gave up on escape... It was boring me!
High Anxiety is up there with Wide Awake... I adore this Edward do much...
I don't think that looks like them very much. And where is the rest of the vid - there wouldn't be just THAT.
Where would they be now at this time of year where it would be warm enough to be in the water? South of France? It does look like them, but maybe it's a manip? Wow...what if it were for real!!!
RPG, HA was really good. Reading CW/IA now.
Check out the eyebrows...Rob's eyebrows are alot "bigger" than that. And he looks younger in this video.
femroc, I agree, if it were them for sure, there would be more film or pictures. Sold to the highest bider.
rpg just read the CW&IA Update and I am sooooooooooooooo going to miss tattward.
I also read cocky and the cougar today per your rec and loved it can't wait for the next chapter.
I will say though High Anxiety is really starting to rank up there with CW&IA, EP, and WA for me which is saying a lot.
just got done with CW&IA, loved it. can't believe it's ending already but i guess HPA is coming. I have to agree HA is up there with WA and EP it is really really good.
when is wallbanger coming back. I miss clive?
I started the FF you rec'd last night...abbraciare.. Good so far...
I'm dying for c&c to update !!
Before I start reading it, is HA really that good? Everybody likes EP, but to me, it's the-story-that-will-not-end. It starting to get on my nerves. Is HA worth it?
Dina--in the book, I think he actually did love Madeleine at first, and that is where it all came tumbling down for him.
i also found it interesting that the church of the madeline is mentioned so often, including his 'victory' wedding at the end. His religion was the religion of Madeline--of doing whatever was neccessary to survive, get ahead, get out of life what one wanted. He learned it from her as if it were a catechism.
HA is to die for!!! If you ever read wide awake, it's that good....all human... and this Edward is just precious.... effed up, but precious...
rpg - told you, you would get hooked on C&C, i feel for her maybe is the age relation LOL.
marna - for me EP could go into 100 chapters, i just love the way she writes, it just draws me in, she gives so much detail.
I agree Marna you must read HA
RPG, I hope you like that one. Edward is flirty and cute in that one.
I think I warned you that there will eventually be tears.
Teri, I agree. Need more Wallbanger!
Marna, read HA.
you did & I'm glad I listened to you! I love it...
A litany at dusk is killing me right now...that just has me shaking & crying... waiting on update right now!
i will start litany at dusk tomorrow.
and i miss wallbanger too but i am going to get serious with you...could you ever be someone after you heard that person have sex with another. i thought of that at the beginning when i read that one, i dont know if i could, because she actually HEARD them and the cat did too LOL.
you did warn, yes... Agh, don't know if I can take anymore tears! It's ridiculous how wrapped up I get in these stories!
ADM--is there a ff of Bella and Edward meeting up later (after he escapes Fork that first time)> If so, would you recommend for myself?
Lol Ana73!
I've only read 2 chapters of wallbanger! It just didn't grab me!
OK, I guess I'm going to read HA, I love WA, so hopefully I'll love this.
solas, the one that RPG is reading is the one where Edward leaves Forks so he want kill her. He then meets her in collage. It has some sex scenes and some language that might bother you.
I will say it is a lovely story. If you want to risk it I will give you the link.
RPG it took about 4 chapters for wallbanger to grab me but its so freaking funny I have to read it. The other stuff is really angsty so its a good balance.
I will say that the HA chapter where Emmett saw Edward after the shower and his shaven AREA OMG I laughed so freaking hard it was hilarious.
well i want to read one more chapter before bed...
so good night and sweet rob dream to you all!!!
oh and thanks for the rec. start it tomorrow.
warning on alad, it's BRUTAL....
night ladies - happy reading and Rob dreams.
Oh yeah check the new Avi :)
I agree! That was one if the funniest things I've ever read... Poor bald balls... today's update was very funny too!
Geezuz Teri!!! The tongue!!
Night Teri & Ana!
Good night Ana and Teri.
Teri that avi will drive me crazy!
Vincent Cassel is a wonderful actor but he's a little too old for Georges.
Saoirse is 'luminous.' She could be
Suzanne. Um...not in favour of Kristen as the one thing I don't think of her as is 'sheltered.' lol
AP=that is why I think it would be great for her to show she can act.:-)
ADM--ok--thanks anyway.
Saorise reminds me of Uma Thurman as the young teen seduced in Dangerous Liaisons.
@Solas: I agree it might be an interesting acting exercise for her, but I don't think it would serve the film. It is a smaller part on screen, and needs to 'read' instantly. I would go for an actress who signals more naivety than K. Nothing to do with her ability, of course. :)
@ RPG: Interesting picture... Breaking dawn rehearsal? Doubt it...
@ femroc: Thanks for the compliment on my translation!
IS THIS REAL?? http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=10zo978&s=6
what a gentleman Rob is to not steal her thunder..
I was amazed at the Resemblance between Saoirse Ronan and 'Flora' in Bottecelli's painting "Primavera".
Uncanny IMO. check it out:
So...I would once again like to thank all my NB's for letting me start reading WA...it has completely taken over my life!!! I have dishes in the sink...my freakin' Christmas tree is still up...and I keep missing everybody on here because I'm too busy reading...plus my internet connect at home isn't working so I have to use my phone which is just a pain!!
(sarcastic tone) Thanks!!
Is this real?
Here is the ENTIRE video
This video was cut and is being spread around the internet as "you know what" by people who are irresponsible and not real fans AT ALL.
Great detective work Suz!!!!
Rob O Cops.
We are here to serve and protect.
(mostly serve)
; )
@suz you are one step beyond, I was about to post the same thing. Boy pll have time on their hands.
This is so much better and so real
http://www,youtube.com/watch?v=tlmblo2op64 all four parts hilarious I have to go to work, check them out so funny.
LMAO @ Suz!
A sweet video nevertheless!!!
Thanks Suz, that's what I thought!
@LHR, you're welcome (wink) and we're sorry (hug)! Yes, ff should come with a warning---time may shift upon reading. (Very easy to lose entire weekends due to ff. Yes, it is.)
Gwen's Christmas trees are still up, but coming down today. Unless there's a Wallbanger update. Or MoTU. Or UoEM. ; )
LMAO @ Lslie and Gwen.
Yes, ff can hold you captive. Everything else just seems so unimportant when you have something good to read.
I know!! I'm a little over half way through WA...it was hard to stop and go to bed last night!!
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