By the way UK peeps can pre-order the 2-disc New Moon DVD now. We'll let you know when you can order in the US. (Big bummer about the no-Rob in the commentary :(( It sucks... )
Can't believe Rob and Kris aren't on the commentary........that's the only reason I want one,specially after the Twilight commentary.To hear them interact was great and Rob's oh so sexy voice.boohoo..........
I won't hear/see the audiocommentary withouth Rob. I think he is lurking(?), he doesn't like fame(?) , it's shame. He is an actor, he would believe in himself !! But what is the Summit is pushing him to the darkness? Shame on them ! Ok, I like CW, but I love better Rob on the audiocommentry! And we can do nothing yet.
I replied to the Twilight (Summit) tweet this AM, to ask if there was commentary with Rob, Kristen and CW, and no one responded. How rude. LOL! Love the card. It's yummy.
On a different tangent, the tennis guy is now about 3,000 points behind. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd say that Taylor's fans are voting for the tennis guy.
And yes, what is a commentary without the three main stars...okay, without Rob?
just been to see NM again this time they showed the RM trailer intake of breath all around me really looking forward to this. On a related topic why are the movie studios fixated on the fanboys? NM cost 50m to make and with the amount of product placement in the movie they must have covered a good chunk of the budget. NM is closing in on 700m that's more than Wolverine made or Hancock and they had tentpole budgets.NM managed this revenue with a mainly female audience. On the subject of the commentary I thought the big 3 and CW were doing the commentary when did that change?
Ok didn't we all read some where before that Kristen,Rob and Taylor were doing the commentary. I am soooooo pissed about this. I may boycott the Damn DVD
Ok didn't we all read some where before that Kristen, Rob and Taylor were doing the commentary. I am soooooo pissed about this. I may boycott the Damn DVD
pining, not entirely sure but I hope so! a couple of friends want me to come out for a drink, but I have to work in the morning so I'm not staying long. I'll check in when I get home and hopefully you'll be here! btw, check your email. ;)
Recently, George Clooney and Robert Pat tin son have been linked (through mutual co-star Anna Kendrick) in a jok ing back-and-forth about their good looks. Today, though, it’s good deeds that might bring the two together, and it’s no laugh ing matter. There’s a lot of talk about whether Pat tin son will par tic i pate in Clooney’s telethon to raise relief funds for earthquake-devastated Haiti next Fri day, Jan u ary 22. As of now it looks like Pat tin son has not for mally joined the event, although it remains a dis tinct possibility. A source close to Pat tin son tells Gos sip Cop the “Twi light” star has not received a call, but “I’m sure Robert would par tic i pate if asked.”
info from another site about Rob possibly participating in a relief telethon for Haiti - God knows they need all the help they can get and movie stars should be sending many of their extra millions to help.
femroc - i am not knocking down the stars for doing this but my only thought is...shouldn't you want to give money to help those over there like to the red cross without having a star to persuade you do it. i never understood these "star" telethons. i already gave because i wanted to not because rob or george clooney told me too. although i would sure love to see him again :))
i have been watching too much CNN and it is so freaking sad :(
adm - thank you, and i know it is probably ending soon, i actually stayed up really late last night to finish reading it to the latest chapter. i love tin man edward but he is finding his heart now through bella, it is so cute.
Some stars get a real guilt complex about making SOOOOOOOOOO much money when there are things like Haiti, Katrina, Tsunami's going on in the world and homeless everywhere while they live like gluttons in the huge lap of luxury none of us can ever imagine. So they want to give back to ease their own pain, on one hand, and of course help people. Watch the Globes tomorrow night - they'll say a lot about it, I bet.
Media assumes young people can't see past their own noses, I guess, so R/T/K could get their attention?? JMHO
Hiya, Pining! Crazy day today, popping in/out and playing catch up here!
Question re: dvd---think it'll include bloopers? Gwen loves bloopers! That would be cool!
And out of curiosity---and a b-day next week (Gwen's old) which is always an excuse to have her guys get her Twi stuff---guess how much that Trading Card of Robward is? $435.00 Wow. If anyone's interested:
Kinda off topic but if any of you have time to vote for Rob at Hello Magazine's Grand Finale please do. This is the location He only has at 1500 vote lead over Roger Federer right now (who would have thought a tennis player would have so many fans???)
Good evening ladies... Been out drinking with the ex(male)boss.... hmmmm interesting evening...
I swear in less I'm a ra-tard, Chris W said that he, Kristen, Rob & Taylor just finished the commentary... It was just a few days before nm came out... I don't get it!
RPG, thought the same thing. That they were filming the dvd commentary right after "The NM World Promo Tour" (sounds like a rock concert, doesn't it?). First of Decemember-ish?
Maybe we were just both drinking and imagined it---all at the same time.
(Gwen's got a full glass of cab right here, right now. TGIF!)
Hmm....I wonder if they're waiting for everyone to buy this one in March and then they'll release one with the commentary later. Bastards...that would make me so mad but I know I'd buy both.
Oh, and I am so NOT pre-ordering it this time. That was a giant pain and when I finally just went to Target to get the first one, they had like 500 copies.
Maybe they changed their minds? About doing the commentary---or ran out of time? They WERE crazy-busy right before Thanksgiving and then with the holidays, but still... (Insert Gwen whining.)
Hi Gwen, rpg! I tried to get away with keeping my Borders one (after it arrived a month late) along with the Target 3 disc one but my husband strongly encouraged me to return it. Can't blame him, I guess.
I also have 3 copies, the Borders one, the Target one, & Blu Ray. Everybody better not come out with a different set with different good extras or I will be pissed.
Hi, Ana! I totally shocked at the price---you know, a Trading Card!?! Well, evidently, a Pieceworks Trading Card includes an actual piece of clothing worn by, in this case, Rob during the movie shoot. They cut it up and include it with a movie still as a card. (I think.)
LOL. Had NO idea that a card would go for that much money. (Then again---piece of shirt worn by Rob. Could finally answer that question---what does he smell like? Kidding!) can we not rejoice knowing that the DVD of New Moon comes out only 8 days later than "Remember Me" hits the theaters? You think maybe Summit knew what they were finally doing? What a push to put peeps in the theater to see Rob!!!!
I know...Eclipse is such a mystery. Well, minus the script getting leaked. Which I do not want to hear ANYTHING about. :) Sometimes I forget that they're done filming it. I'm nervous...I hope it does the book justice.
yeah, what the heck is going on with eclipse, just nature shots and nothing else :(
i am not pre-ordering the movie either, there were tons of them when i went for twilight at target. my husband thought i was crazy cuz i was there when the store opened.
I made my husband get up at the crack of dawn and go right when the store opened. Then I went back later to get one for my mom and there were so many still! I think he was mad.
Um, why does the Target description list Jacob as the lead??? For real? That's BS.
exclusive Twilight 3-Disc Deluxe Edition DVD includes iTunes Download of Film and Bonus Content - Only at Target - Taylor Lautner $24.99 - Quantity: 1 -
Yes rpg - Edward's piano concert was A-MAZING! Boy's got serious talent. Rob playing the piano is the single sexiest thing I have ever seen. And yes, I am including shirtless Rob in that statement.
kat - no shit, i was thinking the same thing when i saw the piano shot, what he could do with those fingers. did you notice how kristen was looking at them too, i know i should have gone there LOL
put carrots in the microwave, flip the bird while playing baseball, hold a defective megaphone, sew up a hole in a SToli shirt...oh, wait, that's TomStu's job...
Ana - Those long, lovely fingers. What wouldn't I do to have those fingers touch me? Which reminds me of ff...and Edward and his fingers....f*ck, it's too much for me.
well you know what they say about a man's hand size, well i could just imagine...and that pic that rpg had up this week my imagination could go even wilder :))
Emily - I love when Edward put his hand on Bella's chest in Twilight (lion falls in love w/ the lamb part) and you see the length of his fingers...and you wish you were a fictional character...and that was your chest....
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TOTAL EPIC FAIL!!! Why would they not have him and Kristen and Taylor (well I could care less about Taylor-LOL)
This twilight pic- so beautiful.
Whoever came up with the idea of cutting up pieces of wardrobe and selling them off like this was a financial genius. Lovely still though...gorgeous.
Can't believe Rob and Kris aren't on the commentary........that's the only reason I want one,specially after the Twilight commentary.To hear them interact was great and Rob's oh so sexy voice.boohoo..........
so Ladies can I just say ... clavicle.
We need to bombard summit and tell them this is a NO BRAINER they need actor commentary. arrrgh
I won't hear/see the audiocommentary withouth Rob. I think he is lurking(?), he doesn't like fame(?) , it's shame. He is an actor, he would believe in himself !! But what is the Summit is pushing him to the darkness? Shame on them ! Ok, I like CW, but I love better Rob on the audiocommentry! And we can do nothing yet.
I replied to the Twilight (Summit) tweet this AM, to ask if there was commentary with Rob, Kristen and CW, and no one responded. How rude. LOL!
Love the card. It's yummy.
On a different tangent, the tennis guy is now about 3,000 points behind. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd say that Taylor's fans are voting for the tennis guy.
And yes, what is a commentary without the three main stars...okay, without Rob?
just been to see NM again this time they showed the RM trailer intake of breath all around me really looking forward to this. On a related topic why are the movie studios fixated on the fanboys? NM cost 50m to make and with the amount of product placement in the movie they must have covered a good chunk of the budget. NM is closing in on 700m that's more than Wolverine made or Hancock and they had tentpole budgets.NM managed this revenue with a mainly female audience.
On the subject of the commentary I thought the big 3 and CW were doing the commentary when did that change?
Aw man!! The commentary on Twilight was the best! Hope they realize their mistake on NM and put them back on it for Eclipse!
Ok didn't we all read some where before that Kristen,Rob and Taylor were doing the commentary. I am soooooo pissed about this. I may boycott the Damn DVD
Ok didn't we all read some where before that Kristen, Rob and Taylor were doing the commentary. I am soooooo pissed about this. I may boycott the Damn DVD
Yes Alice,
Chris w said all three of them had just done the commentary right before nm came out...
i loved the commentary in twilight except CH was irritating as hell. she talked tooo much.
what a bummer we dont get to hear rob's beautiful voice thru it :(
OT - started another FF
it's pretty good and it wont be long, not finished though.
oh, and whoever rec'd Naked Guy Upstairs, thank you, i loved it.
CW said that all four of them were doing it (I mean the commentary, NB's-sheesh! LOL) and I believed him-I wonder what happened? I'm a sad panda :(
pining, not entirely sure but I hope so! a couple of friends want me to come out for a drink, but I have to work in the morning so I'm not staying long. I'll check in when I get home and hopefully you'll be here! btw, check your email. ;)
Ana, that was me, I think. I love it. Not sure how much more there will be. It is so cute.
Recently, George Clooney and Robert Pat tin son have been linked (through mutual co-star Anna Kendrick) in a jok ing back-and-forth about their good looks.
Today, though, it’s good deeds that might bring the two together, and it’s no laugh ing matter.
There’s a lot of talk about whether Pat tin son will par tic i pate in Clooney’s telethon to raise relief funds for earthquake-devastated Haiti next Fri day, Jan u ary 22.
As of now it looks like Pat tin son has not for mally joined the event, although it remains a dis tinct possibility.
A source close to Pat tin son tells Gos sip Cop the “Twi light” star has not received a call, but “I’m sure Robert would par tic i pate if asked.”
info from another site about Rob possibly participating in a relief telethon for Haiti - God knows they need all the help they can get and movie stars should be sending many of their extra millions to help.
femroc - i am not knocking down the stars for doing this but my only thought is...shouldn't you want to give money to help those over there like to the red cross without having a star to persuade you do it. i never understood these "star" telethons. i already gave because i wanted to not because rob or george clooney told me too.
although i would sure love to see him again :))
i have been watching too much CNN and it is so freaking sad :(
adm - thank you, and i know it is probably ending soon, i actually stayed up really late last night to finish reading it to the latest chapter. i love tin man edward but he is finding his heart now through bella, it is so cute.
Ana - you're definitely right.
Some stars get a real guilt complex about making SOOOOOOOOOO much money when there are things like Haiti, Katrina, Tsunami's going on in the world and homeless everywhere while they live like gluttons in the huge lap of luxury none of us can ever imagine. So they want to give back to ease their own pain, on one hand, and of course help people.
Watch the Globes tomorrow night - they'll say a lot about it, I bet.
Media assumes young people can't see past their own noses, I guess, so R/T/K could get their attention?? JMHO
Hiya, Pining! Crazy day today, popping in/out and playing catch up here!
Question re: dvd---think it'll include bloopers? Gwen loves bloopers! That would be cool!
And out of curiosity---and a b-day next week (Gwen's old) which is always an excuse to have her guys get her Twi stuff---guess how much that Trading Card of Robward is? $435.00 Wow. If anyone's interested:
Someone's making a LOT of money here.
Kinda off topic but if any of you have time to vote for Rob at Hello Magazine's Grand Finale please do. This is the location He only has at 1500 vote lead over Roger Federer right now (who would have thought a tennis player would have so many fans???)
Yes, Pining, worked on some a bit this afternoon actually! ; ) You were mentally nudging me, weren't you?
And the avi, YUM!!! Shiver & Gah!
Good evening ladies...
Been out drinking with the ex(male)boss.... hmmmm interesting evening...
I swear in less I'm a ra-tard, Chris W said that he, Kristen, Rob & Taylor just finished the commentary... It was just a few days before nm came out... I don't get it!
unless, not inless-maybe I am a ra-tard
RPG, thought the same thing. That they were filming the dvd commentary right after "The NM World Promo Tour" (sounds like a rock concert, doesn't it?). First of Decemember-ish?
Maybe we were just both drinking and imagined it---all at the same time.
(Gwen's got a full glass of cab right here, right now. TGIF!)
WTF? No Rob, KStew and TayTay commentary? That is just so freaking lame!!!!
I mean....don't get me wrong...I love CW!!!!
Oh damn...I'm gonna miss having bong inspired commentary for New Moon!...... LOL!!!!
I remember him saying that too.
Hmm....I wonder if they're waiting for everyone to buy this one in March and then they'll release one with the commentary later. Bastards...that would make me so mad but I know I'd buy both.
Oh, and I am so NOT pre-ordering it this time. That was a giant pain and when I finally just went to Target to get the first one, they had like 500 copies.
And RPG, was it "good interesting" or "bad interesting" re drinks with ex-boss?
(Gwen blames an over-indulgence in ff for her naughty question.)
; )
Hi Jules! I lame. But I do enjoy CW so I guess it's not a complete fail.
yes!! he specifically said that in an interview! If two of us heard it then we weren't that drunk! WTF?
Although, I know Rob wasn't in the movie that much, but still!!!! He is who we want to hear!
Epic Fail...
Hiya, Em! You're not alone---have THREE copies of Twi. Reg, Special Ed and Blu Ray. Just in case one breaks.
Yeah, Hubs laughs too. ; )
Maybe they changed their minds? About doing the commentary---or ran out of time? They WERE crazy-busy right before Thanksgiving and then with the holidays, but still... (Insert Gwen whining.)
I want to hear Rob! : ( Sad Panda.
Hi Gwen, rpg! I tried to get away with keeping my Borders one (after it arrived a month late) along with the Target 3 disc one but my husband strongly encouraged me to return it. Can't blame him, I guess.
I also have 3 copies, the Borders one, the Target one, & Blu Ray. Everybody better not come out with a different set with different good extras or I will be pissed.
hi ladies - i have been back and forth, just got done cleaning my house.
gwen - i saw that the card was $435.00 what is it made of???
oh, and i remember reading that CW had just finished the commentary with r,k,t i dont know what happened either.
Shh, Marna! Don't give them any (more) evil ideas! ; )
also, do you think there are going to release it differently at all the stores, i hope not but target's was the best.
Hi, Ana! I totally shocked at the price---you know, a Trading Card!?! Well, evidently, a Pieceworks Trading Card includes an actual piece of clothing worn by, in this case, Rob during the movie shoot. They cut it up and include it with a movie still as a card. (I think.)
LOL. Had NO idea that a card would go for that much money. (Then again---piece of shirt worn by Rob. Could finally answer that question---what does he smell like? Kidding!)
Hey Emily! How are you?
You are singing the praises of my company "Target".... Target put out the best DVD of "Twilight" in my opinion!!!
Here's hoping they do the same this year!
Jules - Yay for Tarzhey! Theirs was by far the best. Here's hoping they'll do it agian!
Re the other's trading cards---Tay's was $324; Kristen's $234; Ashley's $265 and so on...
(Gwen is still shaking her head in disbelief. Wow, the money some folks are making on this!!! And doubt it's Rob!)
gwen - that is crazy, you dont even know that it is really rob's shirt. someone is trying to cash in on rob :(
Ana, exactly! Could be a total scam! can we not rejoice knowing that the DVD of New Moon comes out only 8 days later than "Remember Me" hits the theaters? You think maybe Summit knew what they were finally doing? What a push to put peeps in the theater to see Rob!!!!
jewels - u r right, didn't think of that. it's gonna be rob, rob, rob everywhere LOL. can't wait :)
Jules - LOVE your avi!!
Thanks Em! Thanks Ana73! I'm just sure that Summit is gonna milk the cash cow that is RPattz to the ends of the Earth and back!
I'm not complaining that I get to see more Rob....I just wish he got more respect from the studio.....
Still dying to see new "Eclipse" stuff...but I guarantee that there is a super tight lid on that shit until the New Moon DVD comes out....
I know...Eclipse is such a mystery. Well, minus the script getting leaked. Which I do not want to hear ANYTHING about. :)
Sometimes I forget that they're done filming it. I'm nervous...I hope it does the book justice.
Hey there!
I'm on Amazon right now, should I buy the three-disc Twilight? I just have the single disc.
*Hangs head in shame*
Thanks for letting me know Gwen!
CullenLover07...YOU MUST GET THE 3 DISC SET!!!
It is a must! It's the best of the whole 'Twilight' release!!!
More added stuff than you can shake a stick at!!!
DO IT!!! NOW!!!!!
De nada, CL. ; )
Would think that all versions of NM dvd will include a special Eclipse trailer. Anyone agree?
(Gwen's not at all anxious for Eclipse or anything...)
yeah, what the heck is going on with eclipse, just nature shots and nothing else :(
i am not pre-ordering the movie either, there were tons of them when i went for twilight at target. my husband thought i was crazy cuz i was there when the store opened.
I found all of you!!!!!!
I'm doing my happy dance!!!
It was lonely on that thread up there!
((need I say more? xo)
Hey, Em!
I made my husband get up at the crack of dawn and go right when the store opened. Then I went back later to get one for my mom and there were so many still! I think he was mad.
What Jules said, CL! LOL! ; )
Glad you guys weren't pushing me to buy Rob's $435 (!) trading card...
I'm disappointed on the "No leg hitch"...
@Jewels - LOL! I am on it! Amazon only had two-disc, but Target has 3-disc. Entering information right now....
Oh, is there a new post...? I forget to refresh the main page sometimes.
If we are spoiling....I'm gonna have to jump threads. :)
"What?" on the thread up there or the leg hitch?
I was gonna come chat to wind down.. but my eyes are betraying me and keep closing. Grrr....
Happy Hat Day!
How's that warm beer going, for ya'?
Oh, shit, pining. I'm sorry that I wrote that.
It's putting me to sleep.
Pining! I'm getting dizzy---this thread/up thread. ; )
Yes, LOVE your new avi---and thank you! Love my Black Tee Rob---with Sex Hair and The Stare. Just yum. (Sorry, Gwen is drooling over here.)
It's okay...I will erase it from my memory. Much like JerseyRob.
Ellie... don't ask... it will scar you.
NOOOOO! Not NJRob! Run! Run far!
letabitchknow, Em!!! :)
Click if you dare. I'm so going to get roasted for bringing it up again.
Just have a look and then we will not speak of it again.
Pining... there is still hope. I for one, believe it's there... in some fashion. I have to believe.
Shit Ellie... you were warned.
LOL, the posts on that thread. So pitiful, the pleas, the crying, the tears...
NJRob, shudder. And gak.
ok you guys are killing me with that spoiler... dont want to hear no more - fingers in the ear.
but that does suck - no leg hitch.
Are we here or there?
Uhhhh, it was good interesting.. But not going THERE...
I won't pre order again either... better just to go buy it..
I have two twillight.. The two & the three disc... Love Edwards piano concert!
Oh, crap, yes, NJROB!
And hell, I'm from Jersey...
oh please dont bring up jerseyrob that was really sick, couldn't even look at it :((((
@PiningFTP - No worries.
Um, why does the Target description list Jacob as the lead??? For real? That's BS.
Twilight 3-Disc Deluxe Edition DVD includes iTunes Download of Film and Bonus Content - Only at Target - Taylor Lautner
$24.99 - Quantity: 1 -
I'm staying here. MY computer takes too freakin' long to switch threads.
Oh, and Kat?~~~~~~
(shit, what's the rest???)
Oh crap... erm....
LOL Ellie!
Yes rpg - Edward's piano concert was A-MAZING! Boy's got serious talent. Rob playing the piano is the single sexiest thing I have ever seen. And yes, I am including shirtless Rob in that statement.
Uh oh, did we slip a spoiler?
Have faith... Script is an early draft.. And DS could have had pity & added it...
Emily... the things he could do with those fingers.
Re the LH (sorry Pining!). Kat's right, keep the faith! R&K are believers in the Book (!). They know how, uh, dedicated we are to SM's words...
Ok dammit, we just want the freaking LH!
; ) Think positive. It's there. It has to be.
kat - no shit, i was thinking the same thing when i saw the piano shot, what he could do with those fingers. did you notice how kristen was looking at them too, i know i should have gone there LOL
Yes! CORE!
We ARE out of practice!
Time to get the whipping bench, Kat.
And maybe a FBLC, perhaps???
oops i meant to type "shouldn't have gone there"
I'm off to wait by the FBLC.
Good night... sweet dreams
Ah, what those fingers can do...
put carrots in the microwave,
flip the bird while playing baseball,
hold a defective megaphone,
sew up a hole in a SToli shirt...oh, wait, that's TomStu's job...
Oh he'll yea, fingers on that piano???? Best damn finger porn... Geezuz... You know he's flexible and bendy...
Sweet Rob Dreams, Kat...Olive juice, babe.
Ana - Those long, lovely fingers. What wouldn't I do to have those fingers touch me? Which reminds me of ff...and Edward and his fingers....f*ck, it's too much for me.
LOL pining!
Goodnight Kat! Thank you!!
I may have to revisit my Twilight DVD tonight.
well you know what they say about a man's hand size, well i could just imagine...and that pic that rpg had up this week my imagination could go even wilder :))
Ellie - Carrots in the microwave never fails to make me laugh. Really, Rob?
Let's not forget strumming on his guitar - the second sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Any of my girls here?
CL07 - that is funny i was thinking the same thing, in all the FF's he is like the greatest fingerf**ker LOL.
emily - i think all of us are going to pull out that part of the DVD LOL.
DB! Just you know, talking finger porn. The usual.
Ellie is here somewhere...
So happy you could make it tonight!!!!
Lol Ana73!
That photo kinda says it all doesn't it?
We had quite a discussion one night on if he was a righty or a lefty.... he's defintitley a righty!
Emily - I love when Edward put his hand on Bella's chest in Twilight (lion falls in love w/ the lamb part) and you see the length of his fingers...and you wish you were a fictional character...and that was your chest....
well i am out and i WILL watch the dvd before bed :))
good night and sweet fingerporn rob dreams to you all!!! finger porn in action...
Good night, Ana.
Lovely RobDreams to you!
Tongue! That's it! Ana, ITA on the long fingers. But that pix of him licking Anna's cheek? His incredibly long tongue?
Other parts, well, those parts would just be proportional, right? ; )
Good night Ana. Sweet Robward dreams to you.
Goodnight Ana!
LOL CL! If only...
rpg...I believe Ellie is the resident expert on that particular subject.
You're right, Em...I am that perv.
He goes righty.
Watch GoF, before he dives into the water...
*wink, wink
His thumb alone is better than most peens out there, just sayin....
gonna check out the new thread.... LOL!!!!
I guess I'll be breaking out the GOF DVD as well tonight.
Okay, I haven't seen my husband pretty much all week so I'm gonna call it a night. Have fun!
Sweet Rob piano playing dreams to you all!
Goodnight Ellie, DB, CL, rpg, pining, Gwen, Jules!
really??? I will have tp watch GoF again.. But all photos prove righty for sure....
RPG, ITA on the thumb... Yes, indeedy.
Should we all move up to the next thread???
Am I the only one still here???
But, yes, you are correct.
As Ana said earlier, he (in ff) is the best finger f*cker out there. So jealous of KStew!
Nighty-night, Ana & Em!
rpg, it's SO true!!!!
Night Emily & Ana!
Good night, Sweet Em!
Olive juice, girl!
ITA, CL. KS, very lucky! Gah, pix of his fingers alone make me shiver...
New thread?
Yeah, let's move up...
Sure, let's jump up! ; )
(R&K VF photo shoot moment.)
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