Robert Pattinson "Yes, Yes, Yes"

There's nothing new in this and there's only a little bit of Rob in this video but my favourite bit is at the end at 2:33, you'll see why! LOL


Kelly said...

And we all know the YES! ;P

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yes! He's dating Listen Hewitt!
I knew it!!!!

BTW Kel, I added my 3 things :))

Kelly said...


You know who said "Yes" at 2:33 right?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Yes, that was Suz!!!

Kelly said...

YEAH!!! lol

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I crack up everytime I hear the "YES!"

Oh Suz...

jc(britlover) said...

Yes, indeed!!!
Lucky Suz

Kelly said...

& Lucky me :)..

Unknown said...

this is too funny. looks like they were somewhat caught off gaurd.

Susanne said...

Love it! Suz, you rock!!!

Angie said...

I love the response she gets with her "yes"!

MMc said...

Ok I'm missing something - was it one of our girls who said YES at the Regis show when he said is it the drama the biting........?? If Cause Rob responded to it.

Why did he say yes to all of those rumors - I don't get it - he had a chance to set things straight and he just confused everyone even more. I mean WE know he's kidding but others that don't know him might not get that.
Even Matt seemed a little confused.

jc(britlover) said...

Why, heaven's yes!!!! Lucky Suz AND lucky Kelly. I'm sooooo jealous, but happiness for you guys should outweigh jealousy!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Both Suz & Kelly were in the audience, and that was indeed Suz...

I think his sense of humor is's his way of saying
it's none of your business!

MMc said...

Oh cool - So I guess you've posted tons of info about the Show and your encounter with Rob, Kelly and Suz, right????

Where can I read that?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Click on Kelly's name, and you'll find her blog, as well as Suz's there's vids & photos!

Kelly said...


Yes it was... two of us

Take a peek

MMc said...

thanks rpg

Kelly said...


This one is just pics of R&K :)

Anonymous said...

Lol this is funny!... and my day will come to meet Rob!(: does he like drag racing?! lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is funny...I have seen it before..I think it's so cute how Robert basically makes fun of the rumors here...LOL I love his interviews and his humor...he is just effortlessly charming and down to earth.

MMc said...

Thanks Kelly - that was an awesome video of ya'll with him.

What a huge treat........was he as sweet as we think he is?

Fae007 said...

You girls are so lucky!!!! What is he like in person????? A few feet away from you...

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

FF alert...

ragweeds updated!

twmmy said...

Vote for ROB. It's end is on 20th of january. You can vote in every 10 minutes.

Suz said...

ha ha ha ha!

Does this mean my legendary status has surpassed my own mind?

Katie, thanks so much for sharing.

I can relive this 2.8 seconds of my looooong life again and again and again and again and again (you get the idea!)


Fae007 said...

what is he like, what is he like??? tell meeee... :))))

Suz said...


He is decadent.

You can read all about my RobFilledYear wait whaaaa?


sorry distracted..


Fae007 said...

Thank you so much Suz! :)))
That's you in the picture with him??? OMG I can't believe I'm talking to someone ho has actually SEEN him and MET him!!! I probably sound insane to you now. Sorry about that :)

Suz said...


I think you sound lovely.


Kelly said...


He is everything good thng we believe about him. A gentle soul truly... a very very special person

Kelly said...


<3 you

Fae007 said...

Thanks Suz! Hugs! I sound obsessed, but guess I'm not the only one, probably you get these kind of reactions when someone sees your photo!

Suz said...



@Fae, you can email me anytime.. I am an open book!

Fae007 said...

@Suz I would definitely email you right now, 'cause you seem like a nice, interesting person and you know that I'm gonna ask you all the details about meeting this particular boy, sorry I'm just honest! :)

Suz said...

fire away Fae!

(I picture Liv Tyler's character in That Thing You Do)

Kelly said...


You are an ICON! Your fandom goes.. soon he will be hoping to see you at R&K :)

Suz said...

ha ha ha ha ha

Kelly, that could explain their "open invitation"

I bet you can't wait to be in my presence tomorrow. LOL!

Fae007 said...

Did you get mi email? :) and thanks for the Liv Tyler comparison! :)

Shani said...

Kellan killed me with the between the legs comments. LOL And if anybody has seen those pics of him jogging(possible free balling) you'll get why I love what he said. LOL

Kelly said...


You know I can not wait to be in your presence!

Suz said...


10 A M

It's a date.


SluttyPattz said...

lol Suz that was sooo funny. LUCKY LUCKY GIRL.

JandR said...

Suz's yes is my fave bit of this one!! Oh and Rob's response..hehe

Now Listen Hewitt...mmm...well now we know that everything written about him is true! :)

JandR said...

Hi Suz, Kelly and RPG - three of my fave gals all here together! Miss you...

Butterfly25 said...

I love Robert's: "Yes... Yes... Yes..." and how he thinks about the answer to the first question. He's just adorable!!!

And Suz, I love your "Yes" too, you lucky girl!!!

Suz said...


Miss you girl!

It's not been the same around here!

: (

Please keep in touch!

@Butterfly -- extremely lucky! xxx

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