Topp Magazine interviewed Rob in London last week and it will be published in a future issue of the magazine.
In the meantime they are teasing us and telling us about meeting Rob.
Thanks to Marystat for the translation :))
TOPP met Robert Pattinson
What is it like to meet one of the most popular movie stars?
Friday January 22nd. TOPP reporter Stine Hartman got to chat with a hugely popular teen idol in London.
The 23 years old ”Twilight” favorite, Robert Pattinson, who in a few years have risen from a relatively unknown ”Harry Potter” actor to be mentioned side by side with the biggest stars in Hollywood, is the hot topic at the moment and on Thursday he took time off from his busy day to be interviewed.
Many of you will probably be envious as you now get to hear that we have met the RPattz in person, but we are saving the interview for the next issue of the magazine.
What we now want to hear is how it really was like to meet Robert in real life.
- He is deadly handsome; even though his face almost disappeared in the heavy facial hair he has now. He almost looked like a guy who had lived in the forest for a couple of months, but was still very attractive. He is no diva and seems to be like the guy next door where he sat next to me drinking one diet coke after another, admits Stine to

- At the beginning he seemed very tired. This was after all his only day off for a while now as he goes straight into filming Bel Ami, which premieres next year. But he was able to promise us steamy hot scenes with both Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, explains Hartmann.
- He wore very casual clothing – woolen sweater, black jeans, sneakers and a cap and didn’t really seem to care that much about fashion. However he could reveal that he did like Marc Jacobs a lot. A plus for me who sat there with my brand new Marc Jacobs! He smiled when I said that I liked Marc Jacobs a lot too, reveals Topps reporter to
- But unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures of him or ask questions about his private life, but I still managed to pry a couple of things out of him, says Stine.
You can read about if he is a romantic or not and how he picks up a girl in the next issue of Topp…
Photo credit: INF Daily
Thanks to Marystat for the translation :))
TOPP met Robert Pattinson
What is it like to meet one of the most popular movie stars?
Friday January 22nd. TOPP reporter Stine Hartman got to chat with a hugely popular teen idol in London.
The 23 years old ”Twilight” favorite, Robert Pattinson, who in a few years have risen from a relatively unknown ”Harry Potter” actor to be mentioned side by side with the biggest stars in Hollywood, is the hot topic at the moment and on Thursday he took time off from his busy day to be interviewed.
Many of you will probably be envious as you now get to hear that we have met the RPattz in person, but we are saving the interview for the next issue of the magazine.
What we now want to hear is how it really was like to meet Robert in real life.
- He is deadly handsome; even though his face almost disappeared in the heavy facial hair he has now. He almost looked like a guy who had lived in the forest for a couple of months, but was still very attractive. He is no diva and seems to be like the guy next door where he sat next to me drinking one diet coke after another, admits Stine to
- At the beginning he seemed very tired. This was after all his only day off for a while now as he goes straight into filming Bel Ami, which premieres next year. But he was able to promise us steamy hot scenes with both Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci, explains Hartmann.
- He wore very casual clothing – woolen sweater, black jeans, sneakers and a cap and didn’t really seem to care that much about fashion. However he could reveal that he did like Marc Jacobs a lot. A plus for me who sat there with my brand new Marc Jacobs! He smiled when I said that I liked Marc Jacobs a lot too, reveals Topps reporter to
- But unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures of him or ask questions about his private life, but I still managed to pry a couple of things out of him, says Stine.
You can read about if he is a romantic or not and how he picks up a girl in the next issue of Topp…
Photo credit: INF Daily
Thanks to Olia and Maria for the tip
LMAO how did I KNOW you'd use the hot steamy scenes as headliner for this one Gözde? Love it lol.
Will have to look for the next Topp issue to be out in stores...and then groan at the articles..they aren't excatly Pulitzer prize material...LOL
The Drought is over?!?!?!?!?
Lucky bitches is right Robsessive.
So want to be in the forest with GrizzlyRob. I love Marc Jacobs, too, can we be friends?
I'm going to go back to the thought that No One Will Get Out Alive after Bel Ami. Rob will kill us all.
I'm jealous of that interviewer! "Deadly hadnsome"! Really??? Oh give the woman a bloody medal!
yes fae they should give :)
"Deadly handsome"... you tell ME this??? oh boy... *sigh*
I actually like grizzlyRob...
Oh hot damn... I like ANYRob...
I don't think this one will be rated PG-13, Yahooooo, kind of upset about Remember Me now. Expected NR-17 at least with the plot and bedroom scenes.
Lots of Sexy Rob in this movie... just imagining it and heart rate goes up and up....
He is the most dazzling male I've ever seen in my life. Adorable, cute, cuddly, delicious, mouth watering, unbelieveably gorgeous. No one else can come close.
I agree with the interviewer about Rob being deadly handsome, that is a fact. I have seen it myself. *sighs with the memory of that*
Why do I have "I'm too sexy" stuck in my head now??? ;)))
I just clicked on the Topp magazine link and they've used a picture from the Haiti telethon which makes me want to cry !! His eyes looks sooo sad !!
Bagsy first in line for a hug.... and then whatever that may lead to.... lol
@ Maryann: okay, NOW I'm jealous!...
@ Nanc: nice description!
What? Did he have a leaf in his beard? Pine needles? ;)
I'm most looking forward to the scene where control. I think Rob could
Uma and robert are gonna be hot! That's the hottest ticket in the whole movie, long limbs a-flailing galore with those
Bel Ami is the movie I'm most excited for with him, way more than Remember Me, and not for pervy reasons either. He was born to play wicked.
@Nance: I think RM is being marketed somewhat like "The Notebook." Similar rating. Disappointing for some but I guess they figure more audience.
"and how he picks up a girl"
umm, he appears in the same country as her?
ohhhh did she have to say "Deadly hadnsome"????? I was telling my self that he just look good in my fantasies and pics. I didn't need to know that he is deadly handsome. There is enough torte. Did she said that they couldn't take his picture? Why???? I want to see him....
Deadly handsome... I'm sure just about everything about him is deadly....
God this movie us seriously going to make women a bunch of screaming banchees...
I think the scenes with Christina will be the hottest tbh because George's sex with Madeleine is more about her appeasing him in her 'wifey duties', as opposed to the sex with Clotilde which is more passionate !!
i've read the script and the 'F-ing' word as a desciption of an act comes up more than once ;)
I just left my body with deadly handsome and I forgot about "hot scenes". If RM don't kill me Bel Ami definitely would.
Rosa - Definitely, there's a fair few 'treat them mean' type scenes and a few very mean scenes where George is just wicked !!
Yummmmmmmm !! arrggh !!!!! lol
Deadly handsome... where have you been under a rock or something?
I started to read Bel Ami! :))) Georges is still nice in my book, he's just starting to work for the paper.
I didn't get this line at the first paragraph "admits Stine to"
He is deadly handsome that's for sure.
I just found this, hadn't seen it before...
"He is deadly handsome"
Truth! End of.
The drought is finally over!! Does anyone know when he'll be starting the "Remember Me" promotion?/Know when he'll be answering some of the question about Remember Me on facebook?
@crazy vamp: Thanks, glad you feel the same. He is so Yummmmy.
@AP: God I'm really looking forward to Remember Me, but afraid now after PG rating. RATS. Expected some hot sexy scenes here...but not expecting it now. Do enjoy Pierce Brosnan though.
I have NO plans to watch Runaways or Rileys with KStew... She's not that good an actress to me.
Rob is the better actor, in my opinion. So is Ashley Greene and Kellen Lutz. I plan on watching their movie, Warrior.
Ashley played the perfect Alice and Kellen played the perfect Emmett. Peter did a great job as Carlisle, but the hair didn't look right. Not impressed with blonde men.
Billie Burke and Taylor Lautner did a fantastic job too, but Rob outdoes them all. Guess that's why he's the HOT actor world wide now.... hehehehe
Sorry but Yummy just goes with Rob.
If I am ever lucky enough to see him up close, and I don't die on the spot, I think "deadly handsome" would be how I would describe him.
Or, unbelievablyfuckinghotsexygoodgodheispretty
Suz - how do you/did you describe him?
@ annieforpatty
thanks for the video! i had already seen it before but i love it
so embraceable...
Uma Thurman arrived to London ~ there's article from 25 January about her at Heathrow airport and return from New York where she has an apartment (age 39, has boyfriend Arki Busson from London, ex-husband Ethan Hawke & 2 children)
Christina Ricci has birthday on 12 February, 1980.
Let the "Bel Ami" filming begging!
Without or with their woolen hats,
A paradox with hot cool cats.
Steamy scenes just go with 'hot'
Will I like it? i might not!
Will you like it? Yes, you will--
Even more than old 'Kill Bill'
that was a crack interview ,old and good.
AP & Nanc, I think you'd probably be suprised at what you can get away with a PG 13 classification. The likes of the Notebook has a few racy scenes and that was a PG13too.
Bel Ami will almost certainly be R rated however !lol !
Eeeek, I'm trying not to get too excited about BA cos its so far away still (till we get to see it) but it's just so difficult with teasers like this!!
I can't help but feeling so wrong about the obsessiveness with the steamy sex. *sighs* so wrong but so oh so right ;)
My only hope is that if they going along the same lines of The Notebook which was PG13 over there it recieved a 15 rating in UK.
thanks @matildalovesrob
I just might be looking forward to this movie again. Love Rob no matter what he's in. He's a great actor and fabulous person.
The Man is Beautiful on the inside and outside... enough said.
FILTH NOGOOHA (No one gets out of here alive) Ya know, I'm totally dead.
Unearthly Beautiful
Hey @suz
Love Unearthly Beautiful. Good one.
Is he to die for?
Like Bella, I can't find the right words to describe him.
What really scares me is that everybody who has seen him says he is even more beautiful than in the pictures.
How is that possible???
And how will I survive when I see him in person???
@Suz: How did you manage to stay alive and not die from a heart attack on the spot???
Lick... Lick ..... OMG
Dead here...
I really love you gals since we're so into Rob. Wish we could watch the movies together. I'm in NE Ohio.
oh he is so deadly handsome!! sooo yummy! FILTL(ick)TM from head to toe!
@sleeper really? *jumps up and down
omg can't wait for BA to start filming. praying for some set pictures.
I am definitely not gonna make it out of this movie alive...
@susanne ITA how is it possible??? i might just drop dead if i see him in person.
@annie thanks. don't know why he is shy he got a very soulful voice. em ♫ in love with the voice in the radio ♫ :)
um, wait, where am I?
my mind is already watching Bel Ami- just hope they can match or live up to the scenes I've created ;)
It is absolutely true.
He looks a million times better in person..
How did I not collapse in his presence? I honestly do not know.
It was a miracle.
I do remember trembling for about an hour or so after...
lit'rally trembling
@lexi, I don't know either but he don't want to listen or look at himself. His voice when he sings is even more beautiful then his face.
My only question is what is Topp? Is it available on line? Is it a British magazine?
Oh Suz........sigh, I`m so happy for you!! I literally would have passed out if I had been in your shoes!!
Suz, good on you that you had the chance to actually meet him in person. That is awesome. Maybe some day.....sigh.
@Suz - Perfect. Perfect description.
Have I mentioned that I am so insanely jealous of you, but so insanely happy for you at the same time.
OH YES I will be seriously looking forward to the sex scenes in BEL AMI....STEAM STEAM STEAM PLEASE!
He's so damned brave. For someone so shy, he's so able to do sex scenes. AMAZING. LOVE YOU ROB!
Would have to agree that he is most definitely more beautiful in person than he is in photos. Hard though that may be to believe, it's true. Met him at Comic Con in 2008 before I knew anything about Twilight or who he was. I mentioned this here several months ago but for the newbies amoungst us...I actually got to speak to him for a few minutes and he was absolutely lovely. It was just him, me and another woman standing in a hallway (no throngs around us so we could actually 'talk'). He had his arm around my shoulder, mine around his waist and he even kissed me on the cheek as he said goodbye. I was calm as could be. But if that were to happen today, I fear I might just wet my pants. If I only knew then what he was going to mean to me.
And my favorite word to describe his beauty? Ethereal. It's in his eyes.
As for the sex scenes in Bel Ami? Yeah, it's gonna be a romp and I suspect the hottest ones will be between him and Christina (if they follow the story that is). I would swallow my teeth though if this ends up an NC-17 as those films are almost impossible to market (tv and newspapers won't air the ads), but most definitely this will an R. A very hard R (yeah, it'll be hard allright. hee hee).
And this being a European film, they won't be as reticent to go for the depiction of sexuality as they are in American films. Although...they could release a more provocative version for Europe and a more tamer one for American audiences. That's been done many times before. If so, we'll just have to wait for the director's European cut.
As for Rob's only 21 he went for it in Little Ashes (to some degree) and I can't imagine him holding back here.
A romp indeed.
Mr. Pattinson in hot steamy scenes?
Someone please bring a broom to sweep up my ashes...
Wah, wah, crying like a baby and whining. I love ALL pictures of Rob, but I want more videos, I want to hear his voice, what he has to say, hear that giggle, see all those heart-stopping hilarious facial expressions he has. There's never enough. Why? Why? Robsessed is my methadone, it takes the edge off, but doesn't take the craving away. NO, I'm not a heroine addict, but clearly addicted to Rob,(duh!)and expect no intervention here, thankfully.
@Nik, WHAT? I did not know that, missed that post. Very interesting. Assume you went as a Twi fan to CC, Team Edward (?), somewhere along the line, the real Robert Pattinson cast his spell over you. At least you had that contact before the spell was cast to savor and replay in your head. Nice. (Tell me more)
Bring it Rob!!! Nobody likes a tease.
How he PICKS UP A GIRL??????
Duh.......he looks at her?????
that's all it takes.
Nikola6 - holy cow! so freaking jealous! how many times do you replay that day in your head? if you knew then what you know now...
nikola, I am all kinds of envious right now...spill details please, like how does he smell? His arm around you?!!!...swoon....Jesus Christ! Of course, he just has to be one of those people who are even better looking in person!
Actually, I didn't go as a Twilight fan or team anything. I went with a friend who is a big Hugh Jackman/Wolverine fan. She is disabled and asked if I would go so I could help her. I'd heard of Twilight from my niece and had even begun the first book. But I had no idea of the phenomenon, the insanity on the internet or who the hell Robert Pattinson was.
Looking back, what I really remember most about that day was that I felt I was witnessing the birth of a star. Sat there and watched it happen with my own two eyes. Didn't realize it in the moment though. It was as the months unfolded and the buildup to Twilight turned into this tsunami. I believe even Rob himself has said that it was Comic Con 2008 when he first truly realized that something was...HAPPENING!
As for how he was? He was just lovely. Warm. Polite. Soft spoken. Unassuming. Yeah, shy. I liked him right away. Men that young and THAT good looking (he truly is unbelieveably beautiful in person) have a swagger, a cockiness to them and that young man did not. He had a kindness to him. And he smelled great. Not deoderized or aftershaved, but natural. Clean yet musky too. You know, that 'man' smell? I can't describe it. He smelled the way I like a guy to smell; Clean but strong. Masculine. That's how he smelled. Masculine. I guess it made an impression on me because I still remember it and this was months before his smell was even an issue.
The other thing I remember is that I actually got to talk to him for about five minutes. It was just him, me and another woman in a hallway without throngs of people pulling and tearing at him for attention (and how I ended up in that hallway was totally random) And so, because I didn't know him and therefore was in no way intimidated by him I had no problem whatsoever in talking to him. It was pretty effortless now that I think of it. But you have to remember, I was born and raised in Hollywood and being around famous people does not send me into a tonge tied twisted knot. And he really wasn't much famous to me at that point. Hell, he wasn't much famous to me all to me.
But yeah, I do remember feeling his arm around me (I'm 5'3", he's 6'1" and I was wearing chucks so I just kinda fit under his arm) and I do remember the softness of his lips as they brushed my cheek as he said goodbye. But I'll tell ya, I'd have traded the kiss just to have had more time to talk to him. We talked about the perils of fame and I swear to god, that boy was listening to me. If not, he's a good faker, 'cause he kept looking me directly and intently in the eyes.
Considering what has happened to him since that day, I now realize how lucky I was to get such a moment, before his life up and ran away from him AND before the walls of insulation and isolation started getting built up around him. I'll never get another moment like I had that day back in July of 2008...before all hell broke loose. And that's okay. No complaints here. I know I got more than most will ever get. And I'm grateful for it.
I didn't get him to autgraph anything because I don't collect them and I didn't get a picture either because I don't own a camera or have one on my phone. (I'm an old fashioned gal who thinks that phones should simply ring -not play a song- and then fulfill their sole purpose which would be to send and receive phone call. yeah. I'm weird that way)
Did I answer your questions? Or did I yammer on in a meandering and confusing manner? Let me guess.
I can't wait for the steamy hot scenes!! They had better not cockblock us this time...
Wicked Rob is gonna be the death of me...
Thanks for sharing the experience, Nikola! I think that after the absolute chaos of that Comic Con, your calm, sincere conversation was very likely a balm to Rob. His personality sounds even better than he looks and that's no small feat.
nikola6 I am not "used" to be around famous ppl but I too have met a few in my lifetime and the ONE thing that strikes me every time, if you act calm and not like some hysterical fan being all crazy but actually try to have some sort of convo with them, they actually appraciate it and do listen to you. Atleast the ones I have met. They may even let up the "protectie walls" they have around them if they notice that the person isn't a "rabid fan" from their perspective.
Thanks for sharing your experience, sure sounds like a great one!
I kind of shut down all such fan emotions when I meet my fave ones...Met Bon Jovi a few times and I either are just silly old me...being goofy like with anyone I'd meet, famous or not. OR I shut down all the "fan" emotion and act like I would towards anyone, being polite. I may call out their name loud and try to get in a question in a crowd but I never scream at them. I never shiver or blabber.
It is really weird but I just "shut down" totally when I meet celebs I know who are and like. Very strange indeed..Inside I am all shaky but on the outside? Just all smiles and calm lol. Weird.
Then the aftermath comes..My mind is like "was it a dream? did it happen?" lol.
*yells* CLEAN AND MASCULINE SMELL?! I KNOW THAT- ITS CALLED PHERAMONE OVERLOAD. Nikola I got a shitload of questions to ask you :) come back! Thanks for answering my number one question. Now heres another-how did you wind up with Robs arm around ya? Your a really lucky gal!
And Ben Parker? Ami gets more and more a good way. lol
Ben Parker?
Oh Suz, Nikola6, how lucky you are to have met him in person! Thanks for sharing.
@Solas: listen to Ben's music here:
thanks ap--sounds like major U2 influence!
ok--and some Jeff Buckley influence there as well.
so what has he to do with Bel Ami?
Solas: he's music/vocal tutor for the film. He worked with Scott Thomas on Nowhere Boy - John Lennon biopic. Of course, with my luck, everyone in the film will sing - except Rob! Grumble... ;)
OK--I am now confused--why do they need a vocal/music tutor? i can understand if this were stagework, and someone needed to learn to project, but i did not think this was apropos in movies.
This isn't going to be a musical, is it??? (I DETEST musicals, and if I go see 9 it will only be because DDL is always worth watching.) or--
Are they all going to fake French accents?
Please explain; I am not familiar with the world of filming at all and cannot fathom the need for vocal/music tutor.
Because the women do some piano playing and a little singing per the book/script. I mentioned Ben because I like his music, and was pleased to see he was involved - that's all. It's no biggie.
Doesn't matter if it is a biggy or not; I like to understand. Many thanks. :-)
I am not recalling or picturing (from the book) anyone playing the piano or singing, although it fits with the time period -no TV or radio or stereos or internets; what DID they do for entertainment? ;-)
I wonder if Bel Ami would have had such an -ahem-'active' life if he were in these times--would the women have said, 'Now is not a good ti'me; Lost is on soon.' ? or--I have to catch up on the Robsessed blog'? :-D
@Nik, I tried to send you an email but don't think it went through. Just wanted to thank you for sharing your story, that serendipitous twist of fate, that brought you up close and personal with our boy. You articulated and described it so beautfully, I felt like I was there in the corridor with you, and how apt your words about how his life would be turned upside down after that event. Only question: How did the hug and little kiss happen? You must have said something he really appreciated or you glamoured him? Or maybe you just asked him for a hug, because you had a premonition?
Warm regards from a fellow Virgo and admirer of KS's "boyfriend" ;))
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