People Magazine compares Sarah Palin and New Moon and
In Touch Weekly says Robert Pattinson is turning into Zac Efron... Excuse me while I hurl...
In Touch Weekly Dec 14, 2009
In Touch Weekly Dec 21, 2009

People Dec 14, 2009

Thanks to
Gossip Dance for the scans :)
Disney zac has never had tossled hair, until he started copying Rob. He had the over styled school boy hair cut before that. They have this so back to front, it should be tagged as "WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!"
Lmao at the tags Gozde...
SP will never go away & that's more scary than any horror movie...
And to say Rob is turning into Zac, that doesn't even deserve my comment..
You can't compare the man to a boy. Zac is too "sugar & sweet-boy-next-door". Is Zac's handlers trying to change his image?
And one word for People Mag:desperate!
This might be the most desperate tabloid journalism I have ever seen. I am speechless. (And that happens very rarely!)
geez, pining and RPG already said everything I was gonna say! Palin, Efron-gack, bleh.
I love how the article said that they were going to buy a house together to find out if they're compatible. Yep, investing in real estate and creating a potential legal entanglement if they break up is definately the way you test the waters and find out if you actually want to date someone. sounds logical to me!
(by the way, that comment was NOT designed to once again flog the dead horse of a relationship debate! don't give a crapsten!) ;))
Holy Crap! ITA with tags,comments.
Not worth a response; however, Rob copying the Disney puppet:
Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! People really turning into a rag mag!
I remember reading the Twilight/Palin comparison and thinking "how bizarre"....but maybe it was the fantasy world connection that led them to that comparison.
you aren't kidding about hurling, just looking at those pics of zach made me want to hurt. i dont understand how they could even think of comparing GQ covers...
about the house hunting, doesn't kristen own her own house right now, maybe just rob is house hunting to start investing some of his money. i dont think they are looking for the love shack LOL.
"Zac Efron is a nice guy but is there a grown up woman that finds him sexy?"
Gozde you are soooo right!!
And also Rob is unique..our wonky dirty humble hot guy!!!
Who's copying who exactly??? I've nothing against Zac, my little sister totally likes him but Rob is soooooo not turning to Zac!!! Instead I see Zac turning to Rob!
I'm with jl...WTF!?!
More trees waisted for useless crap.
WTF???? tell me they did NOT just post full picture of Kristen's place in a magazine! there is no respect...we have seen the plant and the red door before in pap pics...but really??? why not just post the address as well and be done with it... :S tomorrow half the crazies in LA will be holding a convention on her lawn :S
regarding Rob and Zsc...that's just too ridiculous to even start thinking about it...just LOL
Rob said he wants to buy a house, talking with Ellen Degeneres.
And about Efron, pfff, waste of ammo.
My NBs have said everyrthing I was gonna...but I just want to throw this in for good measure...
That is all...
Even Rob's doll is hotter than Efron's doll.
Zac is NOT copying Rob!! He's had that haircut before! So don't say what you don't know. He had to look older for Me and Mr. Orsen Wells. And he is gettting older. He wants to break away from the Disney image! So he is not copying him! Neither is copying neither!(:
so looking at the pic again...were there any pics from the new moon promo of just rob and kristen because most of them just have taylor cropped out but you can always see just a little bit of taylor's suit in most of them. also, did you notice the location of rob's hand, naughty-naughty boy.
oh, and pining, whenever you get back...lovelovelove the new avi!
finger porn=WIN :)
Rob did NOT want to do a teen movie, did NOT want to be a teen idol............THEY thrust him into that world with stupid crap like those bogus comparisons.
Rob has his own style he doesn't copy others he sets his own pace and anyone who really knows something about him realizes that - GAH I hate the manipulation of the media.
Gag to Sarah Palin and the Zac and Rob comparison.
July 2007¤t=july2007.jpg&newest=1
August 2007¤t=august2007.jpg&newest=1
@Ana Yes that was the first thing I noticed in that picture weeks ago. Kristen's peekaboo see thru dress and Robs hand curved right under her boob!!!! Whew - makes me tingle. That lucky beeeaaach.
He has had that hair before SaraH. Correct!
The article said they were looking for house to RENT .......that's a good idea.
You can get out of that commitment a lot easier than if you buy.
Can't believe they showed Kristen's home - they are certainly thrust into a higher socioeconomic class now - that is so hard to handle even for adults, I can't imagine young people doing very well with handling all that money success and fame that happens SO quickly - it's really impossible to deal with - as time goes on we will see how they really manage to stay grounded and true to their roots and the way they used to've gotta change when you are just in another world now.......they will change, they have changed .......but I just hope their changes are for the good, not bad, and they aren't going to need rehab in a year or so many others that get so screwed up by fast fame and fortune.
It sounds so wonderful to have all that money and attention but it can really mess you up when you have it and even more when you lose it. Lindsey, Britney, Matthew Perry, Robert Downey JR., Gary Busey, Nick Nolte, Kobe, Tiger list is a mile long.
Sometimes it amazes me how we idolize these people who rarely have finished High School, rarely ever gone to college, can't keep a family together, lie and cheat on spouses and have multiple partners and ruin their childrens lives, drink/drug and rehab all the time and we hand them millions of dollars.
Sorry - I just get totally pissed off sometimes at how backassward our U. S. society is in what we hold high.
Idolizing Rob is a fun pastime and something I'll continue to do cause I like him so much...........and I like talking to all of you so much.......but I'll always believe it is wrong that they make millions for pretending to be someone else, when we who do the REAL work of the world get shit.
That sounds so sour grapes and jealous, I'm sorry, but think about it.
I like them... they brought to life characters from a book a love... But, whenever or if ever they come out an say they are together... it's is none of my business... That part of their lives have nothing to do with me as a fan... I am a fan of their work... also... when an article say "friend" says... who are these friend. Because reoprters talk to friends and they never say anything that I've heard. MMHO.
To me Zac E. is a nice looking young man.. but nothing compare to Robert... their looks are totally different Zac's face are kinda round and I think he would tend to go towards chubby... to me at least. Robert is sexy cheekbones... eyes brows... lashed and eyes. Plus he's tall all legs, hands, feets, lips...and..
femroc, you're right, I read it more closely and it does say rent-that's much better! Thanks =)
Urgh, you'd think magazines would get sick of spouting the same drivel over and over again. But clearly not!
I've never thought of Rob as being similar to Zac (more clean-cut and pretty/safe boy). They're similar ages and both actors, that's about it.
No comparison at all. No way is Rob turning into Zac! I think you ladies are right. There may be a bit of desperation & have nothing better to print. Ridiculous!
The credibility of this entire mess is shot with those GQ covers. They say that Rob is imitating Zak? Well whose cover came out first? It even says, Rob in April and Zak in May. Don't give this shit another thought.
While Rob is fueling a worldwide phenomenon that has already hit the one billion mark (with 2 to 3 films to go), Zak's 'Orson Wells and Me' has been a dismal failure. And you don't see Zak being cast opposite actresses who are 16 and 26 years older than him (Emilie was 5 and I don't know how much older Christina is than him). Could you honestly see Zak Effron seducing the 49 yr. old Kristen Scott Thomas? It would be laughable. I promise you, no will laugh when Rob does it.
One is a man that Hollywood is very heavily investing in. The other a boy that Hollywood is not. Zak is a pretty Disney kid and once he outgrows his teen idol days, Hollywood will toss him on the scrap heap. He'll probably end up in television. It's so simple. One is a man, the other a boy. Period.
One last thing...
They do need to find somewhere to hang their hats because it can't continue to be at their parents houses or hotels. And I don't think they need a 'getting to know you' period. They've known each other for over 2 years and they've been co-habitating for nearly a year.
Interesting note...the first house I ever remember living in was up in Beechwood Canyon. My parents bought the place when I was 3 and my Dad lived there until he died. It's the 'original' Hollywood Hills, where the early stars used to live (Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Katharine Hepburn, etc.) before they built Beverly Hills and Bel Air. It's a mix of run down, quaint and old fashioned cottages. Alot of 'young Hollywood' lives up that canyon until the become big ass stars and end up in Bel Air or Malibu. A few of the bohemians end up in Venice. I would think this particular canyon would be a perfect fit for Rob and Kristen...for an LA abode that is. It's weird. Up in that canyon you are only 5 minutes away from Hollywood Blvd., yet it's so quite you'd think you were out in the wilderness. People even leave their front doors open. I loved living there and if I can ever manage it, I'll move back.
P.S. If they do choose Beechwood, I'll bet I can guess what the main factor was. He'd be less 10 minutes from Sunset and Vine (I think it's Vine) and what is sitting on that corner?
Correct. The only 'In-n-Out' in Hollywood. LOL!
On January 11, 2010, it was announced that Sarah Palin signed a multi-year contract to provide political commentary on Fox News as a contributor.
Another P.S.
Beechwood Canyon is also the SAFEST of all the canyons, meaning...
It's the only 'original' one and the only one with shale in the soil, meaning the others are all 'man made.'
The houses up Beechwood withstand the disasters while all around them (in the man made canyons) the houses come tumbling down. My parent's home was built in 1919 and it's still standing and has withstood every earthquake and mudslide.
Class dismissed.
....and much like a high school one pays attention..LOL
I believe Zac will go somewhere! He is a talented actor! He is just getting started! No need to freak!
They've got that backwards!rob did GQ first and zac copied his pose!rob has had messy hair since forever zac only recently ditched the pasted-to-forehead look to imitate robs scruffy do!just because efrons been around longer doesn't mean he was the first to do everything...except make my skin crawl!
I understand where you're coming from and you know what? So do alot of actors who get paid these enormous sums of money. And those who've got a conscious about it, are embarrassed by it I think that Rob is one of those. Remember what he told Ellen about the joke car and she was appalled and said...'who's taking care of you man?' He basically told her he wanted a simpler life style. He said..."I just want to be one of the people."
He also once said that he 'hated money and what it does to us.' He said he wished he could 'do what he does for free and just give it to the people.'
Those three things; his wanting to live simply, his additude towards money and his wishing he could just give his talent away to the people, told me a WHOLE LOT about Robert Pattinson and got me to thinking...'well, well, here's something new and different.'
If he were to announce...'I will only accept $100,000 a year for all of the work I may perform in that year as an actor' he would be lynched by his fellow actors because he would be undermining the market. He can't do it. Ralph Fiennes works with a very tiny theatre group in London and is only paid 'scale' when he does so and has come under fire from his fellow actors for doing so. The reasoning is, if a big star who can get more, is willing to take less, then how can a struggling actor whose trying to make more...make more?
But I'm gonna make a prediction here. I don't think were going to see Robert Pattinson living an ostentasious (sp) life and flaunting his wealth all over the place. Now, as his fame grows and when he has children, he will have to live in more secure digs. Which usually means something more secluded with security. He won't like it, but if he's going to have a home in LA, he's going to have to do it.
He could more simply in NY (a downtown loft perhaps) or maybe find some little cottage in a little village somewhere in England.
Another thing to consider...
If your name generated hundreds of millions of dollars, don't you think you should be compensated for that? I doubt you or anyone else would turn it down. But I do know what you mean? I really do. You know who's really important to society? It's not our movie star or our athletes.
It's our garbage collectors. We can go a long time without our favorite actor, but how long would it take for our neighborhoods to be buried in garbage if we didn't have someone come pick it up for us?
I have a feeling darlin' that Rob would agree with that assesment wholeheartedly...that the garbage man is more important to society than he is.
Once again, Zac has had that hair before!¤t=august2007.jpg&newest=1
Sorry Kemberly...
I know that I tend to go on and on. Occupational hazard of the writer I guess. For what it's worth, I am self conscious about it. I know that the internet was not designed for discourse, but rather, one or two sentence comments.
I just had some information about that neighborhood 'cause I used to live there and I thought it might be interesting to those who are interested in him.
If I could communicate in a couple of sentences, I would. But I don't know how.
Sorry again.
Zac who? One word--Pffffft!
@ Nik: It is interesting. Sounds like a nice place to live. How's your book doing, by the way?
As for the article I'd rather take it with a grain of salt, after all it's a gossip magazine, isn't it? Of course they come up with a story about them searching for a house - very soon there will be stories about jealousy because of all the attractive ladies Rob seduces as George in Bel Ami - you can bet on that.!
How much house hunting can they have done since the New Moon premiere? Rob is still in London, right? They were apart for some of the holidays, then England.
too bad Rob's GQ was before Zac's. and it has been said that Zac is turning into Rob cuz he has even been dressing the way that Rob does. but these magazines had to try i guess. but Rob is NOT turning into him. if anything Zac wants to be like Rob! lol
I won't waste any time on the Zac biz. Yawn.
But- I as far as the house hunting thing- Rob did say on Ellen that he'd like to buy a house.
And I also think he and Kristen are already living together.
I am not saying that they bought a house. A permanent home together is a big step, but living together in hotels.
That's my guess.
Hey Phos...
How are you? It's always nice to see one of the old gang. Have miss your comments. As for the book, it's coming along. Some days good. Some days a struggle. Interestingly enough, it's about my parents and some of it does indeed take place up in that canyon in that house. Take care and come play more often. Wish alot more would (of those who were here when I first showed up; a nuttier bunch if ever there was).
And as to who inquired when they would have time to house hunt? Well. They did spend an entire month in LA after NM promotion until just before Christmas. That's enough time to at least start to look. But then the stupid damn tabs have to give up the locations where they might possibly be looking. I hate the tabs. HATE THEM!!!
And I still say I'd prefer him up Beechwood because it is the safest of all the canyons in the Hollywood Hills.
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