I forced myself to stay up for Rob-had to see my boo! Thanks for putting him up asap:) Y guys rock!! GIVE GIVE GIV -and pray for the people. I thank all the entertainers theyre absolutely on their A game now, BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! I cried like a baby.Love soul music. Stevie WOnder is da bomb. Mary J blige is my girl. Those who watched what was your fav performance?? FYI-I saw Jack Nicholsan manning the phones:)(complete with sunglasses) I hope Rob met him!!
I love the way Rob says Twitter and Haiti. His accent is so cute. He looked like he really didn't want to be there. It doesn't matter though, I think it was really great of him to do it, because, lets get honest, lots of people are only watching to see him.
i have no idea what he said because of the nerves!! it's a little difficult for me to understand english but this time i couldn't understand anything!:( i don't know why i was so nervious...
He did a good job with his lines. He seemed really touched by the moment. Proud of him taking time out to give back.
God bless the people of Haiti.Please Lord touch peoples hearts to give. Let the money get to them in time. Let medical help come in time. And let those who are lost be found. Amen and Amen.
This is why you guys earn the spot of my homepage!! Once again you have made me smile and brightened my day!!LOVE YOU GUYS!! Kate, Kat Godze.... Keep up the great work!!
He didn't seem scared to me. He seemed truly touched and looked like he was going to cry. The beard worked so much better without the hat on his head. He's just gorgeous inside and out no matter what. Well-off to donate ladies. Have a nice evening!
omgomgomgomgomg look at himmmmmmm! I love this man so much it's stupid not to mention he was just there and now he's hereeeeeeee! OMG I love You Rob thanks so much for showing up and appearing for something like this. And Sting came on right after Rob? c'mon! 2 really f**khawt men from the UK! Yeah, i think I'm gonna take my daughter out to my Mom's more and more for when Bel Ami comes out! OH my effin God Rob keeps gettin' better and better! I told you guys...he is a God and maybe a little bit of Nephilim mixed in. Nephilim is the race of beings that resulted when Angels took human women for their lovers! Has anyone seen His Mum? She is angelic especially when he was 2 in those pics in the park in london/barnes? Gawwwwd help me I thought I wass cured but he is just so beautiful and the beard is the way to the promised land for me! and yeah he looked really serious I imagine he's got a lot of pressure on him for tonight...and he's going through alot of personal changes and thinking alot of time I'm sure about he and Kristen and what the future must hold for them...the new house on the isle of wight...the holidays they just went through all good but serious grown up stuff and Rob was always a happy go lucky kind of guy who enjoyed his free time...just playin' in pubs and drinkin' and partyin with friends. Now...ole cupids' taken his heart hostage and he's a prisoner to that as much as if she had drugged him and locked him in her basement. The guy wants to do right and he's thinkin more like an adult! God I love him so much it hurts and even more as he matures and gets that fantastic angel look in his eyes! Love him...love the mature grizzly/teddy bear look god give me an englishman like Robert pleeeeeease! I need to go to the UK!
Rob looked scared to death, but he sounded very good. Someone said they hoped he shaved, but if you saw most of the celebrities they just came "as they are" so he fit right in. As for getting through the phone number, almost impossible so I went to the website and donated
Wow, very quick! @Sparkledazed, thanks for confirming that was Christina A. Thought so, but some others I have not been able to identify like the first band that played and also that first female singer with long strawberry blonde hair?? I know I should know her, but can't recognize her. The performances are so moving. I definitely recognized "the Boss" (my obsession for some for 30 yrs.). I see Madonna and very moved she's singing that song (right now). My favorite. I'm now a bit of a mess, need to pick up phone and donate. Oh yuh, Rob, I'll be replaying it. Bless him for showing up, he looks great!
I read on Twitter that Rob has donated to Hope For Haiti $1mil. He is a good man... compassion and a good heart. I donated myself, so I feel good to say I took part in helping the Haitians.
"He looked like he really didn't want to be there. It doesn't matter though, I think it was really great of him to do it, because, lets get honest, lots of people are only watching to see him." Totally agree.And it only proves that he's not a selfish person.He knows that being there,even if against his own will, would make a difference.So he just did it.;)
I doubt he was emotional just because of the issue in Haiti. He's said time and time again he hates doing this type of stuff, saying lines in front of cameras etc.
It's all so sad and I'll donate whatever I can to help. Rob was so beautiful, so sweet and emotional. I'm very proud to be a fan of a great guy like him.
Rob was right about how technology has probably saved many of the people there who had phones and texted people or called or facebook and twitter got information out quickly.
Rob out of his element and looking not so comfortable reading the lines. Don't matter, he SHOWED up because George asked him and he knew it would be the right thing to do for a good cause. Thanks sweetie!
How long is the telethon?? I got to work the niteshift and I should be sleepn now--but this music rocks. I hope someone makes a vid and cd because I would LOVE to buy it!!aLL PROCEEDS GO TO REBUILDING HAITI!
Wow, you are really quick! Rob looked a bit uncomfortable, but he spoke solemnly and clearly. His voice is so beautiful.
The stories and images are heartbreaking. Don't give up if you keep getting a busy signal; I kept dialing for a good twenty minutes straight before I finally got through to an operator. I wish I could give more than money.
...um, a selfish moment, but I almost cried when the operator messed up and pressed several buttons and hung up on me when he put me on hold to speak with one of the celebrities :*(
@sparkledazed, Cold Play. Yuh, that makes sense now because that Chris is such a handsome, pretty guy and I kept thinking who has a front man that looks like that?
I thought it was a little odd that Rob had to have his bodyguard as he entered the telethon. I wonder if he's been laying so low cause he's had threats or something dangerous has happened. Sure hope not.
He did great. I didn't think he looked uncomfortable at all. He seemed very genuine and probably touched to be included. Maybe a bit shell shocked like VOL said.
Thank you to everyone who is giving. Also it's awesome to see these celebrities using their position and talents to help.
It was lovely to see Rob again - just saw him on TV. I think he sounded as sincere as he could pre-recording to an autocue. What on earth is happening with that hair though? Looks curlier and not as if he's just threaded those fingers through.
I believe Rob pre-recorded his part of the telethon. They probably had the bodyguard with him in anticipation of paparazzi because it was announced he would be participating.
Since the UK part was pre recorded - I wonder how many takes Rob did of his little one minute speech before he got it right!!! I bet he was glad it wasn't live.
Honestly, Rob did extremely well! He was very serious, as he should be! And I was so proud of him, doing this when it's not his thing. What is absolutely amazing is the fact that the others up there asking for donations? Those are some serious heavyweights in the industry: George, Halle, Nicole, Leo, Morgan! It's absolutely incredible that Rob was asked to do this.
And he looked so freaking Beautiful, just wow.
I'm just in awe of the pure talent and love coming from all of them---and for those donating! ; )
@ Gwen - Hi Gwen!!! Rob is so A list! So proud of him. He did a great job (while looking so fine) and was in the company of true stars. What a great event for the Haitian people.
Now can someone transpose what he said? It went so fast it was hard to comprehend it all.
Gwen - you're right........Rob was the ONLY really NEW star that spoke........ALL the others were very very seasoned veterans.........for him to be in that company was amazing. Just incredible in fact..........I mean Clint Eastwood, George, Halle, Matt Damon, Denzel, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller, Leo DiCaprio, not to mention the great musicians - none of them were newcomers either except Rhianna was probably the newest.
Lots of heavyweight names. I bet his parents were so proud of him.......I know we are.
Wonder how it felt to be doing that and no one was screaming at him!!!!
@Angie~I think everyone gets the operator that processes the pledge and then you may or may not get passed on to the celeb who probably thanks you for the pledge. So its probably a hit or miss to actually talk to the celebrity
I'm surprised at some people who said it looked like Rob didn't want to be there. How is he surpose to look?? Its a somber thing, so your not goin to be lookin like your at a party or something.
it didn't look like rob didn't want to be there, i think he was just in a somber mood, it's a freaking sad situation - he cant be all smiles or anything. but he did look extremely nervous.
@Ana - ITA. I think he was nervous and overwhelmed by the situation.
He was the only "new kid on the block" there besides Taylor Swift, everyone else was very established. I mean Ali, Clooney, Roberts, Pitt, Denzel, Damon, Stevie Wonder, Bono, Springsteen, etc. AND our Rob, this kid from Twilight. I am sure he was a little freaked out, I would be!
As we knew he would, Rob did us proud. Very touching and emotional evening. Rob can certainly be confident that his celebrity was put to such good use for this cause. Entire program was so inspiring. Thanks for the post. God, we love you, Rob!
Just want to say the Rob was awesome. He DID NOT look scared, uncomfortable or nervous, and certainly not like he "didn't want to be there". He was serious b/c the occasion called for it and he sounded truly sincere regardless of the fact that it was on a cue card....And I love his beard and wavy hair and sexy voice...He's just so perfect, inside and out....
BTW: I THINK the guy singing with JT is Michael Franti. His song Say Hey (I love you) is awesome....
He look so serious... and all I could think was what Rosalie said of Emmett from Twilight... "My Monkey man". and I have this stupid grin on my face seeing him... like not just a photo... Am I suppose to miss this man so much? And happy to see him Caveman and all.
I love the songs... Justin Timberlake song was so moving. Mary J... what an amazing voice... Bruce Springsteen... Jennifer Hudson and most of all George Clooney...what can you say about this man getting all these people together so quickly.
I got through to donate but not to talk with any of the entertainers who were manning phones. It was enough though to get to see Rob on my television. He did a great job.
Rob was wonderful as always. Nervous? perhaps. Emotional? of course. Sad? logical, but I don`t believe he was there for duty(obligation). He wanted to help and certainly helped a lot. I love Robert Pattinson because he is a nice guy, spontaneous and I am very upset with some comments that are not fair to him. Robert Pattinson is a wonderful human being !!!!! As we say here in Brazil Rob "mandou muito bem" (did very well) in Hope for Haiti. Love ROB !!!!!!!!
@Barbara, yes I have listened to JB's iconic version of "Hallelujah" as well as many others. I actually became a bit obsessed with this song. However, Leonard Cohen wrote it and although he thinks it has been over-used, my most favorite version is one that he sings in concert and also KD Lang's version. They're all on YouTube. So, to hear it sung tonight, though shortened, was very emotional. Thanks.
The telethon was amazing and hopefully it will be very successful in helping the people of Haiti. We thank all of the celebs and performers who graciously donated their time and efforts. The performances were all awesome and very moving. We thank Robert for his time and effort to help. I cannot tell you what he said (I'll have to watch the video)because I was just staring at him and fangirling out. But he looked amazing,as usual.I think he seemed a little nervous,but he did much better than when he presented at the Oscars last year. Christina was absolutely amazing. She's so very talented and sings with such emotion. All in all, a successful night that hopefully will have some kind of impact on the tragedy in Haiti.
I hope the donations are pouring in. My hubby and I donated with credit card and it was more simple than I imagined.
Rob did a perfect presentation. He was somber as is the mood for this night, but heartfelt. I did not see that he was scared, but very much in the disposition of the event.
I am very proud that he would do this. I am proud of all the stars that did this and for the people like you and me that step up and give what we can.
nite-nite termites. Kemberly, just saw that you posted..hey girl, haven't been on her in awhile. I grounded myself due to lack of housework and I was PISSED about it...but no point in arguing with HER!!!! Jules...hey there, hi there :-)
MTV just printed this about Rob's performance. "You could see the heartbreak in Robert Pattinson's eyes as he read the story of a Haitian girl stuck beneath the rubble for days, and as he spoke, the room got densely quiet." The article goes on to say, "And Coldplay, playing with a pair of acoustics and a winsome violinist, brought real heart and soul to their song "A Message." When Martin sang, "My song is love," you believed him.
It was a real once-in-a-lifetime night. And, really, you'd expect nothing less — especially when the stakes are this high, the tragedy this immense, the emotions so powerful. Hopefully you were moved. And hopefully, you helped."
So proud of Rob. This also may account for the expression in his pictures when he was leaving the taping this morning. As someone earlier said. Not fear. True emotions. I love this guy.
I'm signing off from a very emotional night & so nice to share with you all. I'm watching it all again from my DVR. Amazing, moving performances, and our beautiful man/boy showed up looking nothing like I've ever seen before, with a full beard. So not Edward, all good. Love him and hugs to all of you tonight.
@Spakledazed and Femroc-I agree with all you've said-say it gal!
@Suz-Here here! Let's all do what we can.
@Shani-Amen. Just-amen.
@lmjbara-lol! Your enthusiasm is wonderful! ;) Well said. We'll see how the Robsten thing turns out. I think he was just focused on the event, and rightfully so.
Robert Pattinson did an amazing job. He may have been reading the lines, but his delivery was nothing less than that of a heart felt story being told. Not only could I feel the emotion, but could also visualize the event. Speaking from a "Moms" perspective and having children at a university his story touched my heart deeply. To imagine a child of mine going through such a horrific ordeal...
Robert seems to have a very gentle spirit and from his expression while telling his story it appears that this reached out and touched him deeply as well.
His family, I'm sure are exceptionally proud of him for the good person and kind man they have helped him grow to be.
Some people assume to much. I'm just glad that he was able to make it to something like this. Something that would be for a greater cause. Kudos to Mr. Pattinson!
I'm praying for the families and people affected by this disaster.
I thought he did fine. He seemed a little stiff, but not totally uncomfortable.
But am I the only one who found it ironic that in his speech he talked about the benefits of twitter, facebook and texting, when it's those exact mediums that have created such havoc for him on so many occasions?? funny.
Anna Kendrick and Taylor was there answering phones too. So they were the newbies besides Rob.
And I think he wasn't scared either. Someone I know said he was "scared shitless". That comment to me was over the top and dead wrong. He wasn't "that" nervous. Saying that means he was shaking and crying and about to have a nervous breakdown. Not even close. It was a serious moment and he was heartfelt. A bit nervous yes, but not to where he is about to lose it.
I thought Rob did just fine. Amazed that you got this clip up so fast. It just ended here. Rob has said that he gets emotional and if he starts to cry he weeps. I had the feeling he was keeping himself in check so he didn't get too emotional during his delivery. He's just a super sweet guy. That's one reason why we love him.
I'm just watching it now (after fast-forwarding through to see Rob first!). I thought he did a brilliant job. It's impossible to tell if he was nervous or just serious and emotional. It doesn't matter either way - he still did it and did it well.
They could have done with introducing the acts, I don't know who some of these people are which is a shame cos they're really good!
Uncomfortable ? No, I just though he was incredibly moved and his eyes were quite glassy/watery, especially near the end, which moved me beyond words! He's such a sweetie and for an amazing cause!
Okay, just watched Rob. Nice job, he looked suitably serious and sincere.... and gorgeous with that beard! He could have taken his hands out of his pocket though!
Yes, he's privately educated and quite well spoken without being a "toff". He doesn't have a regional accent, but there's quite a bit of American in there these days!
Was he only on the once?
Well done Rob, we are proud of you, and hope you helped to raise lots of money.
I think he's do the good perfomance. Rob is a goofy guy, watching he so serious was give a glimpse the other side is he...A gentle and softly heart....
Thanks to you Rob for doing this, he was nervous thgh.Is that beard for Bel Ami? I hope not we cant hide that beautiful face.Love his voice I could listen to it all day, Imagine what he sounds like on the phone with that English accent...Ahhh if wishes were horses...
@shani - I thought he looked really really scared doing his presentation, and I still do... and I find it rather endearing. But I never said it in a disrespectful way, I never would, and I love that he accepted to help when we all know he said many times he's not comfortable with the media. So I can't see how you could interpret my comment as OTP or wrong, because it wasn't meant to be. I'm just commenting again because I find this unfair and also to clear any misunderstandings.
In think, too, that Rob looked uncomfortable (like he did at the Oscars)... although sweet as! I think that's his usual reaction when having to "recite" something written by someone else. I guess he'd rather say something he had come up with himself, something he really wanted to say... or as jmm4832 said he'd have rather be taking people's calls.
Anyway, it was a good deed and he looked so sweet with that fuzz and dishevelled hair! :)
Yes he is sweet and he was nervous but wouldn't we all be if out of the blue we got a call that they wanted us to be on the telethon and we had no time to prepare for it? I mean in his business he gets rehearsals and numerous takes and the chance to do it over and over again until you the actor and the director feels like you got a good one and then this happens! As we all must have felt the shock that something this disasterous makes us feel, imagine his heart thumping erratically out of his chest when the call comes and the voice on the other end is George Clooney or someone equally important asking you to do this? Its a heart stopper. I mean the poor guy was rehearsing for bel ami is that right does someone have the info? Also did someone hear or see the thread somewhere out in cyber space where Rob is being considered or asked for a role in the upcoming remake of and you gotta wait for it*.....* DELIVERANCE? Did I read that one right? Jon Voights part would be the only one I would hope he would accept for that one. Jon was everyones Robert in the day...swinging blonde hair, beautiful eyes and sculpted cheek bones and jawline...dimple in the chin and he can act. Robert. But I just can't see him doing Deliverance. Its' so ichily, yeah its a word, it's my word, graphic. I mean Little ashes was one thing but male on male rape? EEEEeeeewwwww...Please Robert we know you can act and after Bel Ami and Unbound Captives, everyone else in the world, straight males included, will be on your team! Don't do Deliverance! Please! If it's the kind of art piece you as an actor feel the need to do then find something else to achieve that unless you just feel the need to do this for some personal reason us fan girls and tender hearts don't see. I trust your judgement so far Robert...You are the man after all, but jeez Baby, not Deliverance! I love you,
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wow u r quick!!!!!!!!!
all the entertainers sound awesome. Christina was phenom.
Damn! He's barely off my tv box and these are up LOL
Ya know, I can't get thru on the phone lines...wonder how long that number is good for?
I love Rob and his new beard. Sexy caveman look. Damn!
On a side note, Beyonce sings so beautifully.
Rob looked so uncomfortable
@ Sparkledazed
She was! I'm going to dl that song, as well as Shakira's version of that old Pretender's song.
Some really amazing performances tonight.
And look at the celebs Clooney was able to get. Speilberg and Robin Williams manning the phones? Wow!
LOL Yeah, sexy caveman!! =)
Rob, compassionate and eloquent.
nzkstewlover, I think Rob would have rather been on the phone talking to people taking pledges, LOL.
I forced myself to stay up for Rob-had to see my boo! Thanks for putting him up asap:) Y guys rock!! GIVE GIVE GIV -and pray for the people. I thank all the entertainers theyre absolutely on their A game now, BEAUTIFUL MUSIC! I cried like a baby.Love soul music. Stevie WOnder is da bomb. Mary J blige is my girl. Those who watched what was your fav performance?? FYI-I saw Jack Nicholsan manning the phones:)(complete with sunglasses) I hope Rob met him!!
I love the way Rob says Twitter and Haiti. His accent is so cute. He looked like he really didn't want to be there. It doesn't matter though, I think it was really great of him to do it, because, lets get honest, lots of people are only watching to see him.
i have no idea what he said because of the nerves!! it's a little difficult for me to understand english but this time i couldn't understand anything!:( i don't know why i was so nervious...
Kate: you're so quick!!!
He did a good job with his lines. He seemed really touched by the moment. Proud of him taking time out to give back.
God bless the people of Haiti.Please Lord touch peoples hearts to give. Let the money get to them in time. Let medical help come in time. And let those who are lost be found. Amen and Amen.
This is the perfect example of why I LOVE you guys sooooooo much!! Kate, Kat and Godz.... YOUR THE BEST!!!
I think he looked great :)....
Poor Rob looked scared shitless! I think he was terrified to do this.
You are quick!!!
He did a great job. Notice that he didn't introduce himself? No intro needed... :-)
Now I'm going to watch him and hear his beautiful voice again. I love my DVR.
Dont forget, you can purchase ANY of these performances over at ITUNES.
Mary J Blige..
Wow!! I was just watching this on TV and now it's posted here! You guys are quick! I'm impressed!
Nice to see Rob. It's been many many days since we've seen a good picture of him.
John Legend and Christina are my favs so far. And the celebs on the phones are doing great.
This is why you guys earn the spot of my homepage!! Once again you have made me smile and brightened my day!!LOVE YOU GUYS!! Kate, Kat Godze.... Keep up the great work!!
I don't think he was scared or nervous mostly emotional. He was probably holding back the tears.
He was perfect.
It was said from the heart.
He didn't seem scared to me. He seemed truly touched and looked like he was going to cry. The beard worked so much better without the hat on his head. He's just gorgeous inside and out no matter what. Well-off to donate ladies. Have a nice evening!
omgomgomgomgomg look at himmmmmmm! I love this man so much it's stupid not to mention he was just there and now he's hereeeeeeee! OMG I love You Rob thanks so much for showing up and appearing for something like this. And Sting came on right after Rob? c'mon! 2 really f**khawt men from the UK! Yeah, i think I'm gonna take my daughter out to my Mom's more and more for when Bel Ami comes out! OH my effin God Rob keeps gettin' better and better! I told you guys...he is a God and maybe a little bit of Nephilim mixed in. Nephilim is the race of beings that resulted when Angels took human women for their lovers! Has anyone seen His Mum? She is angelic especially when he was 2 in those pics in the park in london/barnes? Gawwwwd help me I thought I wass cured but he is just so beautiful and the beard is the way to the promised land for me! and yeah he looked really serious I imagine he's got a lot of pressure on him for tonight...and he's going through alot of personal changes and thinking alot of time I'm sure about he and Kristen and what the future must hold for them...the new house on the isle of wight...the holidays they just went through all good but serious grown up stuff and Rob was always a happy go lucky kind of guy who enjoyed his free time...just playin' in pubs and drinkin' and partyin with friends. Now...ole cupids' taken his heart hostage and he's a prisoner to that as much as if she had drugged him and locked him in her basement. The guy wants to do right and he's thinkin more like an adult! God I love him so much it hurts and even more as he matures and gets that fantastic angel look in his eyes! Love him...love the mature grizzly/teddy bear look god give me an englishman like Robert pleeeeeease! I need to go to the UK!
Rob looked scared to death, but he sounded very good. Someone said they hoped he shaved, but if you saw most of the celebrities they just came "as they are" so he fit right in. As for getting through the phone number, almost impossible so I went to the website and donated
Lisa, I saw JACK NICHOLSON answering a phone. Impressive! Waiting to hear U2...Bono is my hero.
Wow, very quick! @Sparkledazed, thanks for confirming that was Christina A. Thought so, but some others I have not been able to identify like the first band that played and also that first female singer with long strawberry blonde hair?? I know I should know her, but can't recognize her. The performances are so moving. I definitely recognized "the Boss" (my obsession for some for 30 yrs.). I see Madonna and very moved she's singing that song (right now). My favorite. I'm now a bit of a mess, need to pick up phone and donate. Oh yuh, Rob, I'll be replaying it. Bless him for showing up, he looks great!
OK, that made me cry..screw you guys..I'm going home.
Aww, he looks just beautiful- such a man!
I read on Twitter that Rob has donated to Hope For Haiti $1mil. He is a good man... compassion and a good heart. I donated myself, so I feel good to say I took part in helping the Haitians.
he looks like a teddy bear and i just want to hug him.
thanks for posting this.
first band was Coldplay
Damn, I just watched him and it's up. So quick. Rob did an excellent job. So proud.
Kinda OT - why does everyone have a beard? Following in Rob's footsteps? I mean, JT.
"He looked like he really didn't want to be there. It doesn't matter though, I think it was really great of him to do it, because, lets get honest, lots of people are only watching to see him."
Totally agree.And it only proves that he's not a selfish person.He knows that being there,even if against his own will, would make a difference.So he just did it.;)
i love Rob.. this is an understatement..
Justin Timberlake is singing the song Hallelujah now and making me bawl like a baby
I think he looked very genuine and sincere, not scared.
Yes, OMG, Justin singing "Hallelujah" I'm a puddle. One, if not most beautiful songs ever written.
angie-k...me too. George Clooney looked way more nervous. Love George...Love Rob.
Tonight the NB in me is gone. Rob brokemy heart with his angelic voice and emotions. I'm so emotional right now by all of this.
I hope Haiti gets all the help they need.
Rob was a sweetheart, looked like a angel to me with his beautiful face and voice.
FILTM x1000000000000000000000000000
I doubt he was emotional just because of the issue in Haiti.
He's said time and time again he hates doing this type of stuff, saying lines in front of cameras etc.
He look shit scared tbh.
*blows into tissue* here I go again. *Holds up lighter and sways* Let it be...let it be...
Yes, it was Shakira? My first guess.
wow you guys are quick...
rob looked great and was very respectable in his presentation.
It's all so sad and I'll donate whatever I can to help. Rob was so beautiful, so sweet and emotional. I'm very proud to be a fan of a great guy like him.
Brad does not rock the beard like Rob does!!!!
Rob was right about how technology has probably saved many of the people there who had phones and texted people or called or facebook and twitter got information out quickly.
CL07 - no kidding about brad, i hope it's just for a movie, it's starting to look like a dread lock.
This is definitely an upside to being a celebrity... you can use it to shine a light on people who are in need.
I'm feel his compassion is evident, and I think he did a wonderful job.
I'm proud of everyone who took part and made a donation.
Someone do a before and after Before Rob and after Brad:) *dodges tomatoes*
So inspirational...so sexy...so angelic... :')
lallieb...yes shakira.
what a combo here - jay Z, Rhianna, Bono and the Edge, wierd group.
Hey did ROb get on da phones?? Is he still there?
Who was the guy singing with JT? in the beanie??
Omg thank you Kate... I'm just sitting here crying like a selfish bitch because I can't can't watch for another hour..
Omg Rob, I love you... Like hard
You want weird :O throw Lady gaga in that mix!!
Jay-Z, Rhianna, U2....Fabulous.
so i just saw jennifer aniston, and brad was there too. i wonder if angie is there too???
Fem I dont know-I was wondering the same thing.
@Sparkledazzed, agree. WOW! Downloading that song.
neil young is on, he is so cool.
Ok whos the old dude-I know but I forgot:(
*slaps forehead* Thanks Ana!
Neil Young...fabulous song writer.
Rob out of his element and looking not so comfortable reading the lines. Don't matter, he SHOWED up because George asked him and he knew it would be the right thing to do for a good cause. Thanks sweetie!
waiting to hear Redemption Song...will they do it?
He did great--the love.
They all are doing great.
How long is the telethon?? I got to work the niteshift and I should be sleepn now--but this music rocks. I hope someone makes a vid and cd because I would LOVE to buy it!!aLL PROCEEDS GO TO REBUILDING HAITI!
sparkledazed - that is so true about that song...someone should have thought to perform it.
it just finished. Thanks rob!! fun hanging out with ya gals!! xoxoxo!
Wow, you are really quick!
Rob looked a bit uncomfortable, but he spoke solemnly and clearly. His voice is so beautiful.
The stories and images are heartbreaking. Don't give up if you keep getting a busy signal; I kept dialing for a good twenty minutes straight before I finally got through to an operator. I wish I could give more than money.
...um, a selfish moment, but I almost cried when the operator messed up and pressed several buttons and hung up on me when he put me on hold to speak with one of the celebrities :*(
@sparkledazed, Cold Play. Yuh, that makes sense now because that Chris is such a handsome, pretty guy and I kept thinking who has a front man that looks like that?
finally got through to the telethon phone number and gave a donation...
is it wrong that I feel very bummed that I got an operator and not a celebrity?
I didn't recognize the old guy. Did you?
I really liked a lot of the music. I pre-ordered it on iTunes. 100% of the proceeds go to help.
I thought it was a little odd that Rob had to have his bodyguard as he entered the telethon. I wonder if he's been laying so low cause he's had threats or something dangerous has happened. Sure hope not.
I echo what Tess said.
He did great. I didn't think he looked uncomfortable at all. He seemed very genuine and probably touched to be included. Maybe a bit shell shocked like VOL said.
Thank you to everyone who is giving. Also it's awesome to see these celebrities using their position and talents to help.
It was lovely to see Rob again - just saw him on TV. I think he sounded as sincere as he could pre-recording to an autocue. What on earth is happening with that hair though? Looks curlier and not as if he's just threaded those fingers through.
Emily, completely agree with everything you said.
I believe Rob pre-recorded his part of the telethon. They probably had the bodyguard with him in anticipation of paparazzi because it was announced he would be participating.
keep watching mtv....
lallieb, coldplay makes he hot4foreplay...ba da bump!
annie - i am did they show rob again cuz i had to give my son a shower???
sunshine - the "old" guy was neil young
Since the UK part was pre recorded - I wonder how many takes Rob did of his little one minute speech before he got it right!!! I bet he was glad it wasn't live.
Just added some screencaps for you to enjoy, night night xx
Honestly, Rob did extremely well! He was very serious, as he should be! And I was so proud of him, doing this when it's not his thing. What is absolutely amazing is the fact that the others up there asking for donations? Those are some serious heavyweights in the industry: George, Halle, Nicole, Leo, Morgan! It's absolutely incredible that Rob was asked to do this.
And he looked so freaking Beautiful, just wow.
I'm just in awe of the pure talent and love coming from all of them---and for those donating! ; )
Kate - you just blew my mind! THANK YOU!!!!
@ Gwen - Hi Gwen!!!
Rob is so A list! So proud of him. He did a great job (while looking so fine) and was in the company of true stars. What a great event for the Haitian people.
Thanks ADM.
This is making me cry. So tragic but it's also bringing out the best in people.
They're talking to George Clooney right now, what an outstanding guy. Can't believe how fast he pulled this all together.
@ana not yet,but I'm waiting.
Now can someone transpose what he said?
It went so fast it was hard to comprehend it all.
Gwen - you're right........Rob was the ONLY really NEW star that spoke........ALL the others were very very seasoned veterans.........for him to be in that company was amazing. Just incredible in fact..........I mean Clint Eastwood, George, Halle, Matt Damon, Denzel, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller, Leo DiCaprio, not to mention the great musicians - none of them were newcomers either except Rhianna was probably the newest.
Lots of heavyweight names. I bet his parents were so proud of him.......I know we are.
Wonder how it felt to be doing that and no one was screaming at him!!!!
@Angie~I think everyone gets the operator that processes the pledge and then you may or may not get passed on to the celeb who probably thanks you for the pledge. So its probably a hit or miss to actually talk to the celebrity
I'm surprised at some people who said it looked like Rob didn't want to be there. How is he surpose to look?? Its a somber thing, so your not goin to be lookin like your at a party or something.
ITA with all of you...I`m so freakin` proud of him!!!
Emily, it was such an amazing event. That was a ton of work to get it ready so quickly.
it didn't look like rob didn't want to be there, i think he was just in a somber mood, it's a freaking sad situation - he cant be all smiles or anything. but he did look extremely nervous.
by the way did anyone figure out who played with justin t. i think it could have been dave grohl???
@lallieb - If you liked tonight's Hallelujah, listen to Jeff Buckley's original recording
I'm sure Haiti will be blessed with the outpouring of love and concern shown by donations tonight.
Well ladies...I think I`m done...have a good night and if you can donate, please do!!
Arg...house guests are minutes away. Gotta go. Good night all.
Good night Leslie.
@Ana - ITA. I think he was nervous and overwhelmed by the situation.
He was the only "new kid on the block" there besides Taylor Swift, everyone else was very established. I mean Ali, Clooney, Roberts, Pitt, Denzel, Damon, Stevie Wonder, Bono, Springsteen, etc. AND our Rob, this kid from Twilight. I am sure he was a little freaked out, I would be!
that was Matt Morris with Justin
For those asking about Rob answering phones. The celebs doing the phones were in California. Rob as we know ..was not
As we knew he would, Rob did us proud. Very touching and emotional evening. Rob can certainly be confident that his celebrity was put to such good use for this cause. Entire program was so inspiring. Thanks for the post.
God, we love you, Rob!
Just want to say the Rob was awesome. He DID NOT look scared, uncomfortable or nervous, and certainly not like he "didn't want to be there". He was serious b/c the occasion called for it and he sounded truly sincere regardless of the fact that it was on a cue card....And I love his beard and wavy hair and sexy voice...He's just so perfect, inside and out....
BTW: I THINK the guy singing with JT is Michael Franti. His song Say Hey (I love you) is awesome....
He look so serious... and all I could think was what Rosalie said of Emmett from Twilight... "My Monkey man". and I have this stupid grin on my face seeing him... like not just a photo... Am I suppose to miss this man so much?
And happy to see him Caveman and all.
I love the songs... Justin Timberlake song was so moving. Mary J... what an amazing voice... Bruce Springsteen... Jennifer Hudson and most of all George Clooney...what can you say about this man getting all these people together so quickly.
angie - never heard of him...now i feel like the girl who didn't know who Neil Young was except for in this case i am too old LOL
I got through to donate but not to talk with any of the entertainers who were manning phones. It was enough though to get to see Rob on my television. He did a great job.
Well done Rob... thank you for coming out of hiding... Brillant :)
Thanks Kate...
Or....maybe Matt Morris....lol
Sorry. HE looked like Michale Franti to me....both great.
New blog post by Kat you can read what Rob said.
I'm really going to bed now! xx
Good night ADM @ Leslie!
26 min for me... I got big ass family drama circling the wagons... Geez grow the fuck up, there are way worse problems in the world people!!!
rpg - go lock yourself in your room and let the drama go on without you. oh, and turn your tv up really loud.
@RPG, you're going to love our angel. How can he be more adorable ;) Have u checked my blog. Have some t-shirt ideas....
Rob was wonderful as always. Nervous? perhaps. Emotional? of course. Sad? logical, but I don`t believe he was there for duty(obligation). He wanted to help and certainly helped a lot. I love Robert Pattinson because he is a nice guy, spontaneous and I am very upset with some comments that are not fair to him.
Robert Pattinson is a wonderful human being !!!!!
As we say here in Brazil Rob "mandou muito bem" (did very well) in Hope for Haiti.
Love ROB !!!!!!!!
@Barbara, yes I have listened to JB's iconic version of "Hallelujah" as well as many others. I actually became a bit obsessed with this song. However, Leonard Cohen wrote it and although he thinks it has been over-used, my most favorite version is one that he sings in concert and also KD Lang's version. They're all on YouTube. So, to hear it sung tonight, though shortened, was very emotional. Thanks.
The telethon was amazing and hopefully it will be very successful in helping the people of Haiti. We thank all of the celebs and performers who graciously donated their time and efforts. The performances were all awesome and very moving.
We thank Robert for his time and effort to help. I cannot tell you what he said (I'll have to watch the video)because I was just staring at him and fangirling out. But he looked amazing,as usual.I think he seemed a little nervous,but he did much better than when he presented at the Oscars last year.
Christina was absolutely amazing. She's so very talented and sings with such emotion.
All in all, a successful night that hopefully will have some kind of impact on the tragedy in Haiti.
Matt Morris was on ellen this week
I think there is some kind of threat going on in England right now. Maybe thats why he has his Bodyguard with him.
I hope the donations are pouring in. My hubby and I donated with credit card and it was more simple than I imagined.
Rob did a perfect presentation. He was somber as is the mood for this night, but heartfelt. I did not see that he was scared, but very much in the disposition of the event.
I am very proud that he would do this. I am proud of all the stars that did this and for the people like you and me that step up and give what we can.
It's 5am and I'm still awake. Goodnight ladies :)
nite-nite termites. Kemberly, just saw that you posted..hey girl, haven't been on her in awhile. I grounded myself due to lack of housework and I was PISSED about it...but no point in arguing with HER!!!! Jules...hey there, hi there :-)
MTV just printed this about Rob's performance. "You could see the heartbreak in Robert Pattinson's eyes as he read the story of a Haitian girl stuck beneath the rubble for days, and as he spoke, the room got densely quiet." The article goes on to say, "And Coldplay, playing with a pair of acoustics and a winsome violinist, brought real heart and soul to their song "A Message." When Martin sang, "My song is love," you believed him.
It was a real once-in-a-lifetime night. And, really, you'd expect nothing less — especially when the stakes are this high, the tragedy this immense, the emotions so powerful. Hopefully you were moved. And hopefully, you helped."
So proud of Rob. This also may account for the expression in his pictures when he was leaving the taping this morning. As someone earlier said. Not fear. True emotions. I love this guy.
I'm signing off from a very emotional night & so nice to share with you all. I'm watching it all again from my DVR. Amazing, moving performances, and our beautiful man/boy showed up looking nothing like I've ever seen before, with a full beard. So not Edward, all good. Love him and hugs to all of you tonight.
Kate-you rock! Way to go gal. ;)
@Spakledazed and Femroc-I agree with all you've said-say it gal!
@Suz-Here here! Let's all do what we can.
@Shani-Amen. Just-amen.
@lmjbara-lol! Your enthusiasm is wonderful! ;) Well said. We'll see how the Robsten thing turns out. I think he was just focused on the event, and rightfully so.
@Chicago Shari-Thanks for the MTV quote! Nice.
Robert Pattinson did an amazing job. He may have been reading the lines, but his delivery was nothing less than that of a heart felt story being told. Not only could I feel the emotion, but could also visualize the event. Speaking from a "Moms" perspective and having children at a university his story touched my heart deeply. To imagine a child of mine going through such a horrific ordeal...
Robert seems to have a very gentle spirit and from his expression while telling his story it appears that this reached out and touched him deeply as well.
His family, I'm sure are exceptionally proud of him for the good person and kind man they have helped him grow to be.
Some people assume to much. I'm just glad that he was able to make it to something like this. Something that would be for a greater cause. Kudos to Mr. Pattinson!
I'm praying for the families and people affected by this disaster.
I thought he did fine. He seemed a little stiff, but not totally uncomfortable.
But am I the only one who found it ironic that in his speech he talked about the benefits of twitter, facebook and texting, when it's those exact mediums that have created such havoc for him on so many occasions?? funny.
well I'm guessing he meant to say, use twitter, facebook etc for better things like this rather than causing havoc on his life.
Did anyone else die a little bit when he said 'thirst' or was that just me?
Anna Kendrick and Taylor was there answering phones too. So they were the newbies besides Rob.
And I think he wasn't scared either. Someone I know said he was "scared shitless". That comment to me was over the top and dead wrong. He wasn't "that" nervous. Saying that means he was shaking and crying and about to have a nervous breakdown. Not even close. It was a serious moment and he was heartfelt. A bit nervous yes, but not to where he is about to lose it.
I thought Rob did just fine. Amazed that you got this clip up so fast. It just ended here. Rob has said that he gets emotional and if he starts to cry he weeps. I had the feeling he was keeping himself in check so he didn't get too emotional during his delivery. He's just a super sweet guy. That's one reason why we love him.
I don't think he was nervous or scared at all. I think he was just sincere.
I love the way he says Twitter. He's got a very posh accent, doesn't he?
Any Brits care to weigh in on that?
I'm just watching it now (after fast-forwarding through to see Rob first!). I thought he did a brilliant job. It's impossible to tell if he was nervous or just serious and emotional. It doesn't matter either way - he still did it and did it well.
They could have done with introducing the acts, I don't know who some of these people are which is a shame cos they're really good!
@Julbie - weigh in on the accent? I'd say yes, he does have a reasonably posh accent. But in a good, well-spoken way, not in a toff/sloane way lol.
Uncomfortable ? No, I just though he was incredibly moved and his eyes were quite glassy/watery, especially near the end, which moved me beyond words! He's such a sweetie and for an amazing cause!
Rob looks so hot!!
He did a awesome Job!!!
Robert we love you!!!
Okay, just watched Rob. Nice job, he looked suitably serious and sincere.... and gorgeous with that beard! He could have taken his hands out of his pocket though!
Yes, he's privately educated and quite well spoken without being a "toff". He doesn't have a regional accent, but there's quite a bit of American in there these days!
Was he only on the once?
Well done Rob, we are proud of you, and hope you helped to raise lots of money.
I think he's do the good perfomance. Rob is a goofy guy, watching he so serious was give a glimpse the other side is he...A gentle and softly heart....
Luv him sooo muchh
all those screencaps crack me up.. they are the same pic.. not that im complaining
Thanks to you Rob for doing this, he was nervous thgh.Is that beard for Bel Ami? I hope not we cant hide that beautiful face.Love his voice I could listen to it all day, Imagine what he sounds like on the phone with that English accent...Ahhh if wishes were horses...
@shani - I thought he looked really really scared doing his presentation, and I still do... and I find it rather endearing. But I never said it in a disrespectful way, I never would, and I love that he accepted to help when we all know he said many times he's not comfortable with the media. So I can't see how you could interpret my comment as OTP or wrong, because it wasn't meant to be. I'm just commenting again because I find this unfair and also to clear any misunderstandings.
In think, too, that Rob looked uncomfortable (like he did at the Oscars)... although sweet as! I think that's his usual reaction when having to "recite" something written by someone else. I guess he'd rather say something he had come up with himself, something he really wanted to say... or as jmm4832 said he'd have rather be taking people's calls.
Anyway, it was a good deed and he looked so sweet with that fuzz and dishevelled hair! :)
Yes he is sweet and he was nervous but wouldn't we all be if out of the blue we got a call that they wanted us to be on the telethon and we had no time to prepare for it? I mean in his business he gets rehearsals and numerous takes and the chance to do it over and over again until you the actor and the director feels like you got a good one and then this happens! As we all must have felt the shock that something this disasterous makes us feel, imagine his heart thumping erratically out of his chest when the call comes and the voice on the other end is George Clooney or someone equally important asking you to do this? Its a heart stopper. I mean the poor guy was rehearsing for bel ami is that right does someone have the info? Also did someone hear or see the thread somewhere out in cyber space where Rob is being considered or asked for a role in the upcoming remake of and you gotta wait for it*.....* DELIVERANCE? Did I read that one right? Jon Voights part would be the only one I would hope he would accept for that one. Jon was everyones Robert in the day...swinging blonde hair, beautiful eyes and sculpted cheek bones and jawline...dimple in the chin and he can act. Robert. But I just can't see him doing Deliverance. Its' so ichily, yeah its a word, it's my word, graphic. I mean Little ashes was one thing but male on male rape? EEEEeeeewwwww...Please Robert we know you can act and after Bel Ami and Unbound Captives, everyone else in the world, straight males included, will be on your team! Don't do Deliverance! Please! If it's the kind of art piece you as an actor feel the need to do then find something else to achieve that unless you just feel the need to do this for some personal reason us fan girls and tender hearts don't see. I trust your judgement so far Robert...You are the man after all, but jeez Baby, not Deliverance! I love you,
Love Lisa J.
I am really glad that Rob went even with his busy schedule...awesome!
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