Thanks @delaneyg84 and to Laura for the tip.
Robert Pattinson - MORE EW Outtakes...
Is it my birthday and I didn't realize.... oh my... enjoy...

Thanks @delaneyg84 and to Laura for the tip.
Thanks @delaneyg84 and to Laura for the tip.
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Holy Shit! Does he NOT remind you of Elvis in that last one? Whoa. Amazing!
The first one is also, just, gah!
So heart the outtakes!!! ; )
First MotU updates, then you give us a pic of 50 Shades in that first shot...!!!
Dead and
LOVE out takes.
See how he closes in on KStew - sweet.
Where do we find the ReAL pics from this shoot?
OMG i`m on my way to work - 6 in the morning.
Short visit to this site - an now - THIS!!!
Is he real? Such a beautiful man. Unbelievable. Please more Outtakes.
Ok the pix are moving! The one of Rob standing---very Elvis. ; )
LOL, VoL---was actually hoping for MORE fireworks with Mrs R actually. Gotta find that vid...
Fem, ITA , their "couple-ness" is showing in that pix! Cute!
it's hurt too look into his Gorgeousness..
and I cant consentrate anymore
sometimes it's difficult for me to breathe after saw his face and this pain seem never ending even almost 1,5 years
The black leather jacket!!! I love the man in that jacket. Ooooh, these are really nice. So close to Kristen. It is cute. These are outtakes?? Wow. Rob is a photographer's dream, and ours come true.
For the love of God! Stop it!
I was just about to go to sleep and then this.
The 3rd, 4th and 5th are killing me.
He's so fucking sexy! Chest hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those long legs that I want wrapped around me.
Can't take anymore.
...going to have sweet Roblicous dreams.
Good night!
Thanks Veils for the vid tip.
Wish 50 was the type to pay late night visits now and then, but it seems once he's got his claws into a gal (ropes on a gal!) he's good and faithful. Why should Bella get all the fun?
Loisada you are SO right! That first one is definitely Fifty Shades!!
And I loves me some Fifty Shades....*sigh*
Need more DomWard....
The second one is all "rob as bill compton". what a wonderful tie in to the alex post below. I love these outtakes and that he is smelling kstew.
Dear Rob,
I fucking love you.
The end.
Oh my fuckity fuck....
Wonky feet alert....
Geezus I need help....this man is going to kill me...
There is something called The Marquardt Mask--a series of lines made into connected geometric shapes that can be overlaid on a portrait as a standard for artistic beauty. Marilyn Monroe's face fit, so did Marlene Dietrich's. I've not seen it used on a man but I willing to guess it would fit on Rob's face too.
oops, meant to say I am willing, not I willing.
VoL, fantastic vid, great tip! ; ) And wow, the song? Corrupt, by Depeche Mode, just a perfect fit. Just. Wow.
Damn...what a beautiful man!
okay first one ....'wtf?! did I tell you you could get up yet?!' *sigh*
second one...carved by the hand of God!
third dirty to me
fourth on legs! hand in hair porn!
fifth one....yeah Portrait of a Sex God next on A&E! *THUD* I'm dead and gone! I thought the last bunch were hot...but these! Well it's official! He cannot, no matter how hard he tries, take a bad photo shoot! He is just genetically predisposed to be beautiful at any angel. i mean angle. GILYR...God I love you Rob! The first one made me yowwwllll a li'l bih-t. Talk about Worlds Finest Cat Nip? Raaawwwwr!
@loisada I'll bite what is 50 shades? and where do i go to read it? ff? just put me out of my misery now...let me know the whole name of the story...title to search by....please. :) thanks so much.
50 shades is from
master of the universe fanfic....
And speaking of MoTU.... Holy shit....
I'm confused on HA update... It was the same chapter from a few days ago???
Imjabara, here's the link.
Be forewarned: it's a BDSM story, of the tamer kind, but still kinky. Edward's nickname is 50 shades, and he's VERY alluring.
Oh my god... There are even more EW outakes.... Goog gawd....
Rob's main photoshoots 2009 are by: Steward Shining, Hedi Slimane, Bruce Weber (@vanityfairmag), Mark Seliger (@harpersbazaarus), Ben Watts (, Norman Jean Roy ("Vogue" issue March 2010)
Mean Rob grrrrrr :)
:( My INTERNET was gone last night. It not a good weather here, it just snowing and snowing...
@Fae, I missed all your comments and I think you are Rob ;)
I have to go now so I write about these pics later because I just can't think right know,wan to look and keep looking :D
BTW my tee is ready, I'm going to pick it up soon :D
he always makes me speechless...
Fuck, I love him so much!!!
Love these pics - I hope there will be more and more!
So I was on my way to study, cause I have pretty big exams starting next week... I was a very good girl... So why on earth did I have to come here???!!!! Little devil told me:"Go, pay a little visit, I know you want to.."
The first pic!!!!! D.E.A.D.! I am ruined!
@Annie you so broke me! Damn it! Now everyobody knows! ;)
Sorry you missed last night, it was very sparkly! :D
I'm in a unicorn heaven right now and i don't wanna come back..EVER!
This man is pure sexiness and i fu*king love him.
Ummm, I guess it's my birthday too, and I didn't know it.
I saw a few more - including one I'd have to call an ALL TIME FAVE - over at
(Kat, if this is incorrect protocol, please do what you need to; I just wanted to share the LURVE!)
And thank you for this!! :)
Well Good Morning to me!!!!!!
Holy freakin' flying crap!!!!! (I'm at work)
How the holy heck am I suppose to concentrate now????????
I literally had a very loud intake of air when these appeared on my screen!!!!
*keeps repeating*
you're at work...breathe're at're at work...
He does look like Elvis in the one where he's standing...and I LOVE Elvis!!!!
Holy Shit is right! #5- ForeheadPorn alert! Rob, you kill me every day, but it's such a good thing!!!! Come on March, I need to see Rob in action.
Must say again that I love this banner.
Rob is penetrating me.............with his eyes. Everytime I visit.
@jc Did you say penetrating? Did you? Did you use this word here in this very blog?
Aren't you afraid of the consequences? Well lay back and wait.
@jc haha! It won't take long for the reactions on that word of yours! I see comments coming like avalanche! ;)
I just LOOOOVE when he sucks his cheecks like this! The lips... hmmm...
LOL dina!! "lay back and wait"???
God! That early in the morning? Yes yes yes -- pleeeeease haha :-DDD
Holy catnip! Oh mY sparkly unicorns!Ummm well nOw...
THese are obviously for me. My birthday is on Saturday. Happy early birthday to ME!
FILTM!!! ILTFTM over and over...
dear GOD!!!!
call 911...
oh GOD!!!!
MOTU update eas good right? I saw it last night and read it within 15 min!
oh and have read the DFRM update too...
Okay, I'm done with guessing... what is 'unicorn'?? I'm sure it has something to do with fanfiction; and, since I do not read it, I'm a innocent virgin here ;-)
Ooops, sorry! I googled 'urban dictionary' and then 'unicorn'... okay! Got that! oh boy, now I'm blushing... (not really...;)
@crazy vamp LOL u ask what the "unicorn" is??? well think a little, I know you'll realize! :DDD
I don't know about the ff, since I don't read it too.
awwwwww crazy vamp..ur so
@ Fae (i.e. our Rob, as Annie found out): omG, YOU come on here (yes, I said 'come' to Rob) to explain this to me? Yeah, I already know what that means... thanks... *grin*
(sorry, Fae, could not resist! :-D
og my gosh!!!
moreouttakes aT
some new, some old
I am F*cked.. I am work.. how I am supposed to work today?
the 3 first ones are new to me!!!
this man is my undoing
the 3 first ones at
@ Kemberly: do you swear it is Rob's crack? God! It looks a lot like his - not that I've seen in person...!
Adorable! Lickable! ;-)
Did you say sucks!!!!!! Wow, penetration and sucking all in the same morning!!!
Have fun girls, I'm off to work. Can't wait to come home to Robsess later.
dra, don't forget to breath!...
hahaha crazy vamp..YES it's Rob's lil tushy..isn't it just cute apple bottom luscious ;)
U gotta be up on ur slang gurl....
*whispers* follow the white wabbit..LOL
jc!! Did you say 'come' too?? haha!
All in one single Rob/glorious morning??
@ Kemberly: and who said that this guy does not have a butt? What more do they want? A fat butt??
He is perfect, not too much, but some...
*mind in the gutter again*
Outtakes of this man kill me dead and gone to heaven....Looking at Rob is torture of the sweetest kind! FILTM!
mmm it is nice..isn't it..*spank* ;p
have I said how much I love this place????
the sparkly unicorns actually came up last night on our trip to Smuttyville
penetrating indeed!!!!!
I'll be coming back for more...
Great pictures as usual!
Rob is gorgeous!
@crazy vamp LOL even I am irresistible to myself! ;)
explanation- unicorn- RARE mytchical creature! "I love a happy unicorn, they are so rare!" As Aro would say! :D
And NB's for the love of God, penetrating, sucking and come in the same sentence on this blog is NOT healhty!
I mean healthy! ;) can't type anymore!
and the bottom is perfect, I noticed it in "How to be"! yeah, you heard me!
I love the Elvis references...
I think he is the FIRST man to come along SINCE Elvis to posses that same rare beauty..humility and rawness.
During the LA Premiere someone did ask him how he liked being the New Elvis
His reply: "I wish I could Daaannnce like him!"
Soooo Robert.
@GH Rose,thanks for sharing.The firstone with eyes closed,my God...makes me think very very dirty.
and now to his pics here. I like the look on his eyes in the first on. the rest I can't talk about. He is just so damn gorgeous.
hmm... lots of nice words here this morning, penetrating, sucking and come. I don't want to write the sentence that I'm thinking now*blushing*
@Fae, I picked up my tee with my dad. He asked me what that does mean. LOL, what I'm going to say to him,yeah dad it means Fuck, I love this . I just laughed and told him it is a secret. He had made a another with green text,I think it's called Fluorescent or something(visible in the dark). Thank God he doesn't know what that means.
@Annie LOL! I was thinking the same thing, what am I going to say, what that means, so I was coming up with different words, but everything was stupid haha!
@annie, @fae,
How about Frankly, I Like Tall Men?
Love this site and the posters. It always puts a smile on my face, especially the pictures. Thanks Kate and Godze.
@Nancy,thaks.that was better ;)
Suz, re Elvis (my very first crush---I was 9), don't you think Rob would be excellent in a remake of one of his old movies??? Girl Happy, Viva Las Vegas? Oh, the singing!!! Rob can act, sing, play piano & guitar---what's not to like?
Ah, swoon. (Hey, Chicago was a recent musical! They're not all dorky...mostly.)
Rob could rock the Elvis movies!
Thanks Nancy!
I was kinda interested with the marquadt mask, then searched for it and also wonder how Rob's face would fit. Anybody here who can crop Rob's beautiful face and try the marquadt mask on him? and maybe send a link...?
Umm, that second one is so hot, that I'm feeling a little breathless. If they had cropped above the pants, I might have wondered what in the world was happening below the waist to make him throw his head back, close his eyes, and look painfully pleased.
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