Remember the girl who bumped into Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in Isle of Wight? You know the pictures that shook the fandom? Well someone tracked her down :)
You can listen to her interview on Isle of Wight Radio HERE.(The link works best with Internet Explorer, the girl is on at around 7 minutes :))
haha.. i'm actually listening to it while typing this comment.. haha. girl sounds so giddy! and she sounds a bit mature. doesn't sound like that cute girl from the images. but she really sounds excited though. haha..
so she says it was really outside somerfield. "i just looked out and didn't realize who they were at first but then i heard them speaking and realized it was her [/them]." they didn't have security w/ them but had friends along. so we know, it wasn't just the 2 of them there. another thing we learn is that the girl just posted her pic on facebook and perhaps, some person saw it and uploaded it on some twi-blog.
i realize this isn't the whole interview that we're hearing, but i like how she doesn't actually confirm that they're dating or anything, and points out that they were with other friends. while we all make our own conclusions i give her credit for not stating any opinions on the status of robsten.
ps: It sounds like a local radio program, and the little girl DID get a shot that alluded the paps, so she's sorta news worthy, especially locally. I love that little "say cheese" smile on her face though, too funny.
This sucks for Robsten. I hate that they can't get privacy, friends or lovers. Geez. Not clicking the link. Not going to promote at all where they were seen (thought WE weren't going to say WHERE this was taken to begin with!). I'm annoyed. Sorry. No I'm not. I'm annoyed.
Wow! they went to the isle of wight.I've always wanted to visit there my grandfathers family are from there.No peace for the famous.Leave the kid alone though.Thats going abit far.
Why some people always try to make some excuse that they aren't together?And so what if they were with friends, this is change anything?Did you think she is going to UK, in this particular case, just to visit a friend?In the NYE?Please!
This has ruined my new year - all this time I thought he was squirrelled away just up the road from me, and now I find he's in exotic locations like the Isle of Wight!
Let the little girl have her 15 mins!! I wish people would stop bleating abt Rob & Kris's privacy being invaded - YOU ARE READING ROBSESSED OR RPATTZ DAILY - you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!! if you don't like it stay off the sites and they will fold - they exist to please the people out there who want to know where Rob & Kris spent the hols . I think the odd photo is fine , they are film stars!! and really lucky , rich and good looking - they will look back on these as the best years of their lives!
Holly is terribly sweet. I think she's just a fan like the rest of us. Nice interview. R & K know that if they are alone together or with their friends that they might very well be spotted by fans or paparazzi . It's just their life these days. One day the media attention will be on someone else.
I agree with CAROLINE! Why can´t you people just accept they are together? she could spend Ny in Dubai if she wanted to, but not, she went to the UK to spend holidays with him, yes with ROBERT, so accept the reality, they are so together
They just got duped my an 11 year old lol. They probably were banking on the fact that this little girl did not have a twitter/myspace/facebook/ other social networking site.. i guess they were wrong lol.. or maybe they just don't care? At least she was being honest with what she saw. I think they are together, but she alluded people to be open to options so I guess that will make some people happy.
You would think these two kids would be sick of each other by now. They work together, spend off time together, and are in just about every tabloid you can think of. They could have called each other and wished the other a Happy New Year (I’m sure they have long distance service). Joking!!!!! Kristen must be Robert’s best friend, his special lady friend or maybe he is thinking about adopting her (smile). These two kids seem to be such down to earth people. I look forward to each of their upcoming projects.
Haven't listened to the interview, I suspect this is some local radio station and hey if the girl isn't really saying anything about Robsten per se but talks about meeting them and that there were friends with them, I cannot say this is an invasion of their privacy. It is pretty non descript then. It would be worse if she had started to blabber on about them dating or whatnot...
well she did mention that she knew her pictured sparked the rumor that this was a confirmation. I personally had my confirmation when K was sneaking out his hotel room in LA in august when she not only has her own home in LA, but her parents home as well. The little girl was very aware of the situation so kuddos to her for just saying what she saw.
Is anyone else having problems with the audio? I sat through seven minutes of scintillating Isle of Wight news only to have it cut off at Hollie's part. Arghh!
To sum up what she said: She was with her mom and she thought she saw them, but wasn't sure until she heard them speak. She got a picture with them and they were with friends and did not look like a couple, she understands the picture poses as a confirmation, but she did not allude us to believe whether they are or aren't a couple. The location that posted on various websites was in fact real.
for the love of F.......GOD,i think Tiger should of hired R and K to do his PR work because they are fucking good,they have some folks so brainwash that its amazing, yup she went to the UK to spend time with friends WTF,K could of gone anywhere in the world but NO she choose the UK LoL And ROb was there because they were practicing for BD,Reading the script and stuff lol Yup folks she could of spent New years with her family but Nooooo she had to practice reading the script with Rob lol you see i can make up BS+excuses+to+just+to+make+myself+feel+better,R+and+K+have+to+thank+the+little+girl+for+staying+on+script+,i+guess+she+got+the+memo+lol+and+iam+going+to+let+some+kid+push+BS+down+my+throat,i+get+enough+of+that+from+R+and+K.
so the kid said that they were with friends so they are not dating WTF is this The BS iam hearing?? i think this is the excuse they are going with when they make their Denial in up coming interviews to the folks who are just Dumb or just wantg to hear what they want to hear, by the way cute and smart kid.
oh and Tiger Woods please get in contact with R and K if you want the public to see pass your troubles because they have the ability to fool and brainwash the public , they are Fucking good,if you can leave a guy's hotel room in the morning wearing the sme cloths you had on the night before ,then Deny it and have the public believe it.......then you are very good,where were these two to help Bill Clinton.
i trust that kid said they hang out with their friends. i heard that kristen fly to london with her bro. so i think the statement by sum1 claimed that rob waited with black van at the airport and hugged kristen,then kiss her forehead, nose, was completely bogus..?? well watever..i think rob n kris don't want to talked bout their 'are they or aren't they' R/ship its bcause they still work on it..just wait and see
sorry for my ranting and raving folks but iam just tired of the lies and deception,they can be truthful and still maintain their privatecy,many couples do it,it just makes them look bad to be sneaking around and having being outed by a kid,not a good example,i expect this from K because she is a teen,but Rob is a grown man of 23 he should know better.ok iam done off to work.
oh she flew with her bro ,so why is Rob there?? and why she choose to take her bro and friends to the UK?? Listen to yourself folks stop drinking the koolaid...........oh hi @Dina Hugs :-)
RPTMO I understand the wanting to know business. I think in some respect you are right. Its amazing how stupid they believe people are at believing their ploys. Yes I would like a confirmation too, but at the end of the day the don;t us anything. Despite everyone's protests their only obligations are to the people directly involved; mainly themselves.
I also heard about her brother being there.. (not the black van incident though lol). I mean her bro could be there, but at the same time I highly doubt it. All it takes is one person to say "I heard her bro was there" and then that instantly alleviates the problem. Most likely it was someone who just said it to once again delude people into thinking they were just playing scrabble.
None of you all know me.. suppose I went on a random website and was like "I heard the entire Stewart family was there" it seems easily believable, but is it the truth. No or at least i don't think so.
From what the pic demonstrated and what the little girl says all we can deduct is that she/ was in the UK and was hanging out in ____ with RP + posse
oh and NM promo is over sooooo why are they still together?? and dont give me the 'Friends' crap, friends say Happy new year over the phone they dont fly thousands of miles with brother in Tow, iam not a Robsteb shipper,i dont even like the f....girl,if i wish he had choosen someone else but it is what it is,i just dont like the lies.
yeah that's true.. well whatever.. i just adore their cuteness when they together..doesnt matter what their status.. if this speculation ended life would be boring.. so let them be..
RPTMO... I think you are my new best friend lol. Although I do try and keep an semi unbiased opinion. I agree with EVERYTHING you have said thus far lol
@Steph :-) hi.......with me its not about a confirmation,its more about lies,i know they want their pricatecy i understand,but this makes them look bad,i know they are both going to Deny it soon and folks are going to believe the lies, i think thats the scary part.i love Rob but my love is not blind.
I just wish they could confirm it so I can say "I told you so". I've always been that person who has a knack for always being right. So this is all about proving a point. I hate being lied to as well. I'd love to blame Kristen cuz I can't stand her either, but like I said earlier as important as I like to think I am (lol..sarcasm?) they don't owe me shit. It's more like they owe it to themselves. I would be embarrassed if someone publicly dismissed me like that, but that's just me.
1. The girl never said they didn't look like they were dating. The interviewer asked her if they were holding hands and she said no, they were with friends.
2. Kristen flew to freaking cold England from sunny LA where her family and friends are to spend it with Rob...Is there really anyone who still doesn't think they are dating? Really?
3. I love that in the end it was a little girl and her photos and not the papz who would have killed for the shot who confirmed their relationship. Ironic
4. Maybe know that we basically know the answe to are they together, people can focus on their work. I mean Rob has Remember Me in March which is huge for him. And Kristen has two huge movies at Sundance this month.
OMG HELP!!!! That fucking interview STOPPED and won't play anymore just as it was coming on!!!! Is there another place to listen or can someone transcribe it? email me please
I don't find it odd that Kristen's brother MIGHT have been there. I mean, Kristen and Rob are dating and I'm sure Rob likes her family so why couldn't he be there? It doesn't matter though. They are TOGETHER and that's what counts. Hope they're having a great time.
I believe they're together, and am delighted. It doesn't surprise me that they would be there with friends. They're both incredibly mature individuals who know that if they want their romance to last, they'll need the support of their best friends and family. It's great that Robert wants his super tight knit group of friends to get to know her, and that they're getting to know each other's families, too. They need a community of loved ones to support their relationship in the midst of this crazy environment.
Remember, that Robert has been so busy with work in the U.S. for a year that he's been extremely homesick. He's had a chance to get to know Kristen's family and friends on her cultural turf. It makes total sense that she would want to spend time with him in his natural environment, too. They do come from different cultures and countries, after all.
Possible Scenarios for her bro being there (for the record I dont think he was, but I could be i said earlier. I think all one of their PR people have to do is drop a rumor on a website such as this one and then listen in on our reactions) with that said...
1. Her bro never been to the UK so he wanted to go 2. He too became friends with RP 2. Overprotective of his sis and was looking out for her. 3. Brought his gf (if he has one) along so a fun NYE 4. Entire Stew fam celebrated together and are still there
Honestly. I think the last one is plausible. Its rude to miss xmas with your fam to fly across the world to see someone unless you havnt seen them for months like those who are in the armed forces or something. Personally the whole family could have been there. No one cares to take thir pics so they can slip around unnoticed. I dont now. Its just an idea and its prob wrong.. just something to ponder
Someone claimed the picture was photoshopped and that they recreated it and proved it.. its funny because i asked this person for said recreation and they havnt been back since... hmmm weird lol
@Rpattz-Turns-Me-On You are not ranting your just telling it like it is girl!! And and thank you for that, but as you know some people still have their heads buried in the sand!
Although.. for the record.. as I stated over at LTR yesterday:
"I’d fly thousands of miles for that booty call… in the middle of a three seat row in coach even….. next to an extremely large sweaty man who smelled of chicken grease , whose identical twin brother was in the other seat beside me…. OH COME ON!!!! ROBERT F*CKING PATTINSON MAKES A BOOTIE CALL TO YOU>> YOU FLY!"
I never really commented here before but I read comments all time. I didnt hear the rumor of kstew brother being there. I did read someone where that a girl say rob and kristen at dinner with his parents on new years eve. I read another girl said that the isle of wight there some hotel bar that last new years eve rob friends ( britsh brat pack) and rob were at. Its some place with not alot of people they hang out there with friends and drink and some play music. She said her and her friends had drinks there last year and spot them and hanging out there.So maybe that where they were staying. The only thing is I read so much on these two I cant remember where so as soon as I find it again Ill post the links. I believe there a couple. Come on you dont travel around world on 12 flights to spend newyears eve with a costar you just saw.
Holy mother of god, they were with friends? They weren't kissing and cuddling? The world is coming to a fucking end. *Snort*
Some people say they aren't going to listen to the interview to "respect" their privacy? The pictures shouldn't have been posted in the first place to respect their privacy.
Chere, seriously? Disclosing their location at this point DAYS after is like saying the sky is blue. Anyone/everyone that saw the photo know where they were.
Gozde, I agree-the little girl is cute-love her accent! And in the end who really cares if they are together or not? All that matters is our Rob seems to be happy and we all love a happy Rob. :)
oh pleaseeeeee folks already knew they were there before the pics were taken because they were walking around,the pics just confirmed it.whan you choose to a an actor or politian you are selling yourself as a brand to the public,so all this pricatecy crap is getting tired.
RPTMO - you are great this morning,love reading your comments.
about R&K i just cant believe that no pappz have got a pic of them together, with all of these "sightings" at the airport, restaurant, hotels and shopping... i cant hear the interview either but will try tonight when i get home.
Fear not Robsten fans-This debate will NEVER end. Even when he's banging some other chic. Or she's still talking to her ex MA.I love ROb. He has no privacy-he's a star he's in demand. If he wanted privacy he should be a monk or retire in the woods (NOOOOO!!) Lets be realistic. NO ONE IS GOING TO LEAVE THEM ALONE. They dug themselves a hole (much to my dismay). I dont feel sorry for them at all. Any time you have 2 major stars(in the big league)hook up. It makes headlines. The fact that they didnt "formally" announce anything is like nothing we ever delt with-and for soooo long! So I wait..and wait..and wait-I doubt its going to last. But it makes for an interesting 5 minutes of my day eh? Oh and what Im waiting for?? The breakup. Cause I cant wait to see who's next.
@rpattzgirl, Oh geez....... AMEN... :D luv @rpattz-turns-me-on, First, Rob & kristen don't really need to do anything. They don't need to admit anything to anyone or they do if they want to. They CAN do whatever they want and they DO! Who cares. And why judge.. It's more fun like this anyway. We like to speculate.. it's fun! They are movie stars and they cope very well with all this silly stuff. All I care is that ROB is hot and talented and I like to watch his movies and stare at him like.... almost all day long!!! And @fifi-c, AMEN to you too!
OK gang Godze is god on this site and in truth her mantra should be for all of us... "If he isn't banging me then I don't care who he's doing just so ling as he's happy" (or something to that effect):)
One thing I gotta say--I think it's clear by now that Robert and kristen have a certain mo when out in public.
At this point they aren't trying to totally hide the fact they hang out together on their off hours. And like travel to hang out.
At the same time, they don't really do the PDA thing though, save it for that little display in Paris where they seemed unaware they were being watched.
There are lines they cross and don't cross, and I think by design. They don't mind people knowing they are close, but they aren't gonna elaborate how so.
If people are hoping the kid is gonna tip the scale for them with observations on body language, you're out of luck. Kristen was in UK, and people will take what they will from it.
and one more thing: they knew very well the minute the kid got that picture, it would hit the internet. That's just how it works nowadays for them. They took the picture realizing this.
Yeah, they're together, and no, they don't owe the fans shit. All they owe us is a good movie. It's their personal life, and it's their decision as to whether or not they want to out themselves and then possibly become hounded even more by the paps.
It doesn't make them look bad when they avoid the question-- they're only protecting themselves. As a fan neither of us deserves to be privy to their lives. Some of you are only bitter because you want to be privy to every strip of information about someone else's life. Listen to yourselves.
Furthermore, they never lied about being together. They simply avoid the question, and refuse to answer it. Kristen said "are you serious" when asked about it at a press conference, and when Letterman asked Rob about it, he said "I've been cryptically avoiding this question."
Last year, they simply said "We're not together." This year, instead of answering "yes" or "no", are avoiding the question.
Kelly, LMFAO! So true!!! Actually, I would have been hanging on his leg as he was getting on the plane. LOL. And I don't see any lies or deciet, I see two very shy and private people who don't owe anyone an explanation of what they do in their private lives. Goz, is it wrong I read these posts to see the shite hit the fan? LOL.
They aren't publicly dismissing eachother. If they were, robert wouldn't be playing host to Kristen on idyllic isles. lol
They are dismissing the traps that are laid at their feet, to publicly come forward.
People in their industry realize sharing things publicly comes with a price. You give people 5 inches--they take 20 feet.
If Robert and kristen come out publicly, it will not change anything that's happening around them-the frenzy will still be there.
The only thing that will change is they themselvees would be putting a public floodlight on private matters regarding their relationship.
They want to keep somethings private. They know we know at this point. They just don't want to go into the bloody details with us. I'm not sure why people don't realize the very good reasons to pass on this too.
katie- good comment. The point is, once they say "we're together," then people will want to hear it from them when they break up, what they do together, what kinds of dates they go on, and ultimately, when they break up. I wouldn't want my entire relationship detailed or asked about by everyone, or for so many people to be aware of it. What they're doing makes absolute sense.
what's with bitter people looking forward to a breakup? Geez, it always goes back to people wanting to act like they know what's better for Robert than he does.
As if him having a crappy breakup would make them happy.
I thought they were together, and when the VF came out, I thought maybe I was wrong. I didn't take ir personally, or wish him to "pay" so I could be right.
Grow up. Wish him well, he looks like he's happy right now.
PS: Realize all nonfans of twilight and R/K understand why they are quiet as churchmice by the way about thier relationship..
They think their fans are extreme and will probably bust Kristen's kneecap with a tire iron in retaliation.
The only people thinking they look bad for not coming out is a certain demographic of fan. Most everyone else totally gets why they don't come out. lol
ok so here are the excuses/story to make some folks feel better.......So K took her bro and family to the UK for some family bonding time ,on their way to the store to buy some Gum or Cheese ,K bro shouted 'is that Rob'? R said Duh and they had a friendly greeting, K had noooooo idea he was going to be there,they were two ships passing in the night (Rob being the hotter ship) *Ahem* so on with the story.....they said hello,took some pics with the kid and parted ways vowing to see each other again within the next hour............and that+folks+is+the+story+of+how+R+and+K+met+in+the+UK+LoL+..........see+folks+i+can+write+FF+to.+:-)
yea i get why they are hiding and keeping on the DL,but the sneaking around is not come zac and van dont sneak around or the couple from True Blood?? there is more to this story it is very bizarre.
Ok i don't like to comment on rob and kris relationship much because is always the same thing.
Here is the way i seeit.
As much as some fans don't want this two to be near each other( they're alot of them just go to nonsten, E,imbd board..), these two are very close. They are definetly closer than just friend. To what extend are they close? That i don't know. Do i want to know? no Why, Because it's their life, not mine. most o my school friend don't know who i fuck because it has nothing to do with the relatioship i have with them.
Do ithink it will make their life easy if they say yes or no to the question? Absolutly no. Look at brad pitt and angie, every week they are breaking up, fighting, jealous of jenifer aniston and all that. If you say something you're doomed. If you don't you're doomed as well. So for me taying numb is the best solution.
Sure you have the but she was open while dating mike and all that. Yes she was a little bit but she has learned her lesson very well. you live and you learn from your mistake. And i think she is doing it find.
Does all this mean they are a couple? I don't want to know.
SO Please rob and kris never give an andswer to the fiending.
zac and vanessa got together when they were just becoming famous, it wasn't a big deal back then.
THe only true blood castmember that anyone cares about is Alex, and notice how he handles his love life: he stays MUM as they get, with many rumors swriling around him who he's hooking up with. He remains vague.
Robert's bigger than any of them exponentially, and he's similar to Alex in how he handles himself. He just stays mum and keeps things close to his vest.
And by the way how do an interview expect a confirmation from this girl? I mean she saw them for what 1 min, god know that if you see me at a grocery store with my boyfriend or my bestfriend you're going to for the minute you see us tell who is who.
Can people just let this two do their thing alone without trying to figure out why they do it this way and not hat way? Because everyone is entitled to live their life the way they want it.
oh how do we know her fam or bro is there?? we have confirmation of Rob's friends being there but not her fam.............@Wen i know some of my comments may offend some folks and i apologise,but i refuse to drink the kool aid R and K are serving.
By the way kristen brother is not in the uk. The one she always travel with taylor was a couple day on a forum in the us. this info came from people who always try to find an excuse for everything. The same people who say she went there because she has no friends in la so that is why she went to the uk so she can drink. If they can just go watch her pics all around the net they will see that this girl has a social life outside her works and have been drinking in the us for like forever.
we the public dont accept or tolerate lies from folks in the public eye, politicians are brought down for deception all the time, look at the fall of tiger woods,they both denied it in recent interviews,like with Rob in VF.......are you folks telling me that they can lie but others cant,the rules dont apply to them? different standards are set because of what???
people keep expecting them to act as we would under normal circumstances.
But they aren't like us, and their circumstances are extreme.
they have their private life and their public life, each star needs to decide how much to blur those lines. Madonna blurs them big time for instance, while someone like Scarlett johansen and ryan reynolds don't.
RObert and Kristen are of the "don't blur the lines" approach. This approach has it's pros and cons, but no approach is perfect. I tend to respect the don't blur the lines approach, it means they are trying to not taint real life with all the bs that surrounds their public life.
She's 13, a teenager in her prime, and probably wants to be cool or it-girl and we talk about her as if she is a little cute kid and we adore her quirky smile.
How embarrassing for her, I bet she is regretting the day she put those photos on her FB page.
rpattzturns me on-I like your posts too by the way. :)
But Robert didn't lie in VF. Look at the actual quote from Vanity Fair--he said they were good friends. They are. Vanity Fair added the "just"--it was the only thing not in quotations.
Robert for months now has refused to comment on his persona life like he did in the past. He doesn't deny thier relationship at this point. The only thing he won't do is confirm it.
There are good reasons to not go down that road.
Politics is a PERFECT example as to why you shouldn't. Bill Clinton in '92 went down that road of opening up his personal life, and it basically opened him up to more scrutiny about OTHER personal things including his womanizing.
Robert is trying to find a line to draw in terms of how much he offers about his personal life. Drawing lines is a good thing really.
Robert has not denied a relationship for six months now.
One thing to keep in mind is that Kristen was being called a cheater in the press in summer. No one knows when she broke up with her ex and then started dating Robert, but people have thought the worst.
I tend to think he's been careful public in regards to their relationship because it seems Kristen bears the brunt of the criticism, not him. He can do no wrong in the media, she can do no right. I tend to think he's a little protective of her and realizes how being linked to him can be hard for her.
Hey, I'm the public but I didn't vote for Rob or Kristen, who last I heard aren't married or doing the extra-marital golfing, to represent my constituency. Oh, I'd like to vote for Rob, but I understand he's not running. Damn! Unreliable bloody actors!
I see references to Bill Clinton being thrown around, not being an American I can't comment on that. But as to politicians in general I could care less who they are sleeping with as long as they govern well.
I have essentially the same feelings when it comes to Rob. I don't care who he's sleeping with as long as I can still see him in the movies and that he is happy.
Wow! Tracked the little girl down bc she stumbled across R & K and was fortunate to get a picture in the UK. What is the wold coming to? So picture was not a Photoshop after all. But wait K's brother is there and friends too. Put out one fire start another and on and on and on. I hope they never tell. This is so CRAZY! But hope they are happy. That's all I care about.
I wish people would stop being critical of Rob and his dating choices. We can't possibly understand the extreme scrutiny Rob lives under. Rob is an entertainer and only owes us fine performances and not details of his love life.
when i mention politicians it was a metaphor as to talk about character, i dont care who he is sleeping with either,you guys miss my point its not the act itself but the deception that iam calling into question,when i say we the public as in the fans who support their careers,as i said before its not the hook up or act iam talking about its being caught in a lie after the Denial
Does anyone really feel scandalized by Rob's decision to avoid/not answer the question? I don't think he's ever come out and lied, either. He makes it a point to say why he can't answer the question. Remember, when Letterman asked if they were dating, he did not say "No, we aren't dating." He said "I've been avoiding this question." He is actually going out of his way to be truthful when he doesn't even have to be. He could have gone around saying " No, we aren't together" to every interviewer, but he hasn't. He's simply avoided, or talked around it. Or one of his handlers would say that the question was off-limits. There is no need to be scandalized. It's so over the top.
@rptmo: well, if you really feel, even metaphorically, that Rob's 'character' is on a par with that of corrupt politicians, and the behaviour of Tiger Woods, then wouldn't it be fairly impossible to be either supportive or a fan? By one's own standards? Have to do a lot of convolutions otherwise. Course, there's always choice...
I hope this doesn't sound totally weird (or weirder than usual for myself) but I want to explain a phenomenon about having a sense of self and privacy: In the world of psychology, when a person (especially a stressed or traumatized person) starts giving away things that are dear to him, giving away all of his stuff, it is usually a warning sign for suicide, G-d forbid. It doesn't mean everyone who gives away stuff is in danger, just that it is a sign of concern. We also look at people who suddenly share their personal private life details with strangers as displaying a warning sign of a social disorder--too many unwarranted 'strokes' too soon. Some people are in such aggravating situations, like real or social or emotional prisons, where they just throw their hands up and say--Go ahead--take it all--take whatever I have and whatever I am-- they give up on having the sense of or right to a self. Some in this position then create an inner world where they CAN be safe and have something to themselves--their dreams, their phantasies--and want to remain in that inner world. You can see how unhealthy that turn is. Some people don't even have a sense of self yet, and leaving everything open leaves them in a perpetual adolescent situation, where they cannot develop the sense of self due to lack of privacy and personal space. Of course, a person could just be a giving person, a saint or monk with no need for personal items, etc., but on the whole, these are warning signs. Why? Because a healthy human being needs to have a sense of one's own self and personal space that is neither invaded, nor taken away, nor not considered important. When one is in the public eye, espcially where one's personal life has nothing to do with the public needs (in contrast, for example, some might feel a politican's personal life DOES impact his job), it is especially important to create a safe place for one's self, one's personal space, that one can own and not share with anyone unless it is on one's own terms, one's own choice (because then the person still 'owns' or controls it). This is even moreso for people who for one reason or another (such as a job where one is always travelling, or away from homebase, or without a homebase) do not have a safe physical space for retreat. (This is one reason little ones need security blanket, and older humans need little momentos, photos, etc. so wherever they go, they have that little piece of home.) Why I am explaining all of this? You know. Rob and Kristen need to have some things for themselves, to NOT share, but to guard and call their own.
wen: I mentioned BIll Clinton because he's a prime example of what happens when you open the door widely on your private life.
He was one of the first politicians to really open up about the hardships of his abusive childhood and unstable family. It personalized his campaign, made him more relatable.
BUT it's also the same thing that opened the door for folks to ask other questions regarding his private life, and his indiscretions.
I merely used him as a reference point because PR wise, he's a big poster child for what happens when youopen yourself up too much publicly--it's like opening the floodgates and at some point you don't control when you can shut that gate again.
post-Clinton, PR wise, public figures tend to try to control those floodgates better for their own sanity.
Even if he lie so what? Who doesn't lie in his life? why would he give a yes or a no to something that in the first place isn't the journalist to ask.
I mean why is it so important to know who he fuck or not fuck? once people will know this they will ask, since when are you fucking each other, how often, is it good , is it this is it that. If he say no, why, are yoy single, have you ever talk about her in that way, why aren't you out with other girl, is it because you're gay? kris are you still with Ma, who break up, do you still love him, are you going back together, who is next, are you a lesbian and i can go on.
we should not care about this stuff. I know it's easy to stay than to do. Every celebrity out there lie about there love life. And i think it's normal for them to lie , to protect themselve. When you have trouble in your couple you don't want the world to talk about it so you lie. You say everything is great. When you're cheating on your mate, you lie to the public, because who wants to be known as the cheater. When you're falling for your co star, when asked about you shoud lie, because if it doesn't work out you'll have the akward interview, remember kristen durst and spiderman interview promotion it was painfull to watch.
So for me i just think everyone in hollywood and elsewhere are just a bunch of liar. I don't expect a public figure to tell the trough that often, but that is just me and my cynism.
It's my first time commenting on this blog.And I am source for the last NYE Rob sightings. So for those of you who are interested here is my story:Last year I went to London from LA to see a friend of mine and she and her friends took me to Isle of Wight by ferry to spend the NYE.We stayed in Spyglass Inn ( as my friends told me it was the most famous and best in town).Anyway,IOW is a very remote place(my British friend's grandparents live there), mostly for the retired and the elderly.There is a festival held in there each year ( summer time) and good beaches as well.So i assume it gets better in summer.Anyway,we went down to Inn bar (it's called the Spyglass boathouse restaurant and there are boat photos/paintings and anchors on the walls).We were the only people there, around 9pm some boys&girls walked in. They were Tom Stu&Bobby Long&Marcus Foster&Robert& &Tom stu's little brother Arthur as my friends recognized him.There were 2 other girls and 3 other boys with them. They drank beer and had fun. Robert took a lot smoke of breaks, so did my brother and so he saw him outside smoking in the freezing cold. My friend spotted them next morning on ventnor high.We never saw them again,i didn't want to leak it ,thought it was unethical and since his location has been pinpointed this time i came forward.So when this time i saw the photos, i said to myself, ''he must be spending each NYE on the isle'' :) Also Kristen was NOT with them. Two non famous girls were.All of them seemed pretty drunk and giggly.Sorry for the epic comment. Just wanted to let you know...
really? I was there too and I did see Kristen with them. in fact R / K was very loving, very mostrendo PDA, parevian really a couple.what are my proof? the same as yours and my story is as valid as yours unless you show photos where you show that Kristen was not with them?..
please is more than proved that Kristen was the new year eve with Rob, why would travel from so far just to go shopping with him and not be together on New Year's party, by God! all you nonsten do not know that most invent to deny the fact that Rob and Kristen are together and in love....sorry for my English
Mum: Stay away from those scruffy blokes out front.
Little girl: WHere? They do look a bit knackered, especially that tall wonky one.
Mum: Probably just more slumming musicians trying to bum some change. Well my baby's staying far away from that!
LG: You hear the girl, she's a yank! She sounds like..... you know, Kris....Kirstin,,, Oh what's her name, Bella! Twilight!
Mum: What, Twilight? Twilight!
LG: I gotta get a picture! Score!!!!
Mum: Well make it snappy, and put on your jacket!!! (Or women round the world are gonna be barking at me!) And make sure to get a pic of Rob. Forget the girl, just get Rob!!!
damourkist--I think there is a difference between lying and keeping one's business to one's self. How many people, out of self-preservation (physical or emotional or psychological), disguise themselves, pass as something they are not? Is it a lie?
The bottom line is, of course, it isn't anyone's business. But when others make it their business, as if they are running a totalitarian/fascist society, etc , then those of us with a sense of self and self-preservation will hide and guard that self.
as i said in my earlier post i know my comments will offend and for that iam Sorry.......its nothing personal just my observations and take on the whole situation.......anyway off to catch the train.i love NYC :-)
Sigh, we're still discussing this. Now we're arguing about whether or not her brother was there. Why does it even matter? How does her brother being there mean they aren't a couple? Kristen has stated in a number of interviews that she's very close to her brothers. Cameron is older than her, so there's a very good chance that he's around Rob's age. If Kristen likes Rob, why wouldn't her brother? It's not unusual for a group of friends to be together on NYE, why can't they & include her brother.
Rob has stated a number of times that he doesn't like relationships that are like E&B, where they just concentrate on each other & ignore all their friends. It makes perfect sense to have other people with them (including her brother) for NYE. Just because we don't see PDA, doesn't mean they're not DAing all over each other in private.
lizzyblue, this was last NYE,2008-2009 NYE.I thought Kristen was seeing Micheal at the time... I think you have trouble reading English as well.If you have read through my comment,you would have understood I meant last year's (2009)NYE. I have photos as well,taken by my friend and in the back Tom Stu&Marcus&Bobby and Rob are easily seen.They are my personal photos and i do not wish to post them anywhere and reveal my and my family members' and friends' faces as neither do they.And you were on isle of wight a year ago as well? even if you were,you weren't at spyglass inn my friend as the only the so called Brit pack and my friends were there. If you spotted Kristen on the Isle a year ago,then you've spotted her somewhere else ,as she wasn't in the boathouse rest.
lizzyblue, this was last NYE,2008-2009 NYE.I thought Kristen was seeing Micheal at the time... I think you have trouble reading English as well.If you have read through my comment,you would have understood I meant last year's (2009)NYE. I have photos as well,taken by my friend and in the back Tom Stu&Marcus&Bobby and Rob are easily seen.They are my personal photos and i do not wish to post them anywhere and reveal my and my family members' and friends' faces as neither do they.And you were on isle of wight a year ago as well? even if you were,you weren't at spyglass inn my friend as the only the so called Brit pack and my friends were there. If you spotted Kristen on the Isle a year ago,then you've spotted her somewhere else ,as she wasn't in the boathouse rest.
i agree!! her Bro being there or not does not change the facts,she could of dragged her mom and whole fam with her,it only proves she bought a whole lot of plane tix,her fam being there or not does not change the fact that she flew thousands of miles with fam in tow to be with Rob on the where the hell is my train?
@rptmo: I'm not offended, btw. I was just confused by the level of comparison, so was wondering. Then again, what if Rob is the 'bad guy?' Well, its no good - I can't stay away...his voice, his face, even his... etcetera etcetera ;)
RPTMO, you keep comparing this young celebrity couple to politicans. Do politicans owe it to the public to be honest about their private lives, yes. Why because they serve us the public and they were voted into their positions by the public. Celebrities are doing a JOB called acting. They owe us nothing but acting in a movie and promoting that movie. The rest is theirs but we've become a society that is nosey. It started a long time ago and has gotten so bad with all the advancements in technology that you don't have to see someone taking your picture and posting it because there are lenses that will snap you from a mile away. So while you may feel safe, if you are a sought after celebrity of the moment, you never are far from the public eye.
I have always felt sorry for celebs that have their private lives out there for everyone to criticize. They chose the job yes but they chose their JOB not the stalkers that come with it. Am I to blame for creating a job for these stalkers, sure because I do frequent the blogs and online websites dedicated to my favorite celebs. I can't help it, it's a guilty pleasure like searching your name on Google. Do I feel that R&K owe us, the fans, some kind of answer to their relationship? Sometimes I'd say yes because it would end most of the speculation and slow things down a bit. Sometimes I say no because they obviously feel something deep for each other that they don't want to share with the rest of the world and that is their right. I have seen how cruel people are to couples and celebrities with their rude crass comments about them and I wouldn't want to be in that position. Where they are right now is in speculationville and no one knows for sure one way or the other so they cannot print anything that isn't speculation.
I still think that their story is extremely romantic and if they sold it to a magazine for millions and donated that to charity, it would be a way to immortalize their story and do something good from it but I'm not them so I just wait.
@Marina b4 I forget: thank you for sharing your story. Imagine the IW New Year's tradition is now kaput, but at least they got 2 good years partying with Hendrix's ghost!
Loisada--Sooorrrry-- some here seem to see things through the eyes of a scorned woman, some through the eyes of a peacemaker, some through the eyes of a mother, some through the eyes of a psychologist, etc. And some of us put a few of those together--it's who we are. But I just washed my hair, so I don't have my psychologist hat on right now, just a towel. :-)
I always used to associate Isle of Wight with Leonard Cohen; when I was a kid he played there and started (at least I think he started) the idea of lighting something so he could see the fans as zillions of points of light.
Relax. Breath. In...Out...In...Out. See, it is not that bad. Seriously. Specially since you don't have one single justifiable motive for your aggravation.
You don't know Rob. You don't know Kristen. You're not his friend. You're not her friend. Rob doesn't know you, Rob has no clue you even exist. Kristen doesn't know you either, and has as little clue about your existence. Meaning, they don't own you a smallest tiniest bit. Of anything.
On a second note. They haven't denied anything. No comment means exactly that you know. So stop being a crybaby and just breathe.
I think the girl is cute, she's a little bit of a celebrity now for getting a coveted "shot" that huge papparazi outlets couldn't snag for bunches of money!
And it makes me wonder, if perhaps Robert and Kristen preferred it that way. That maybe it's best for the news to come out this way instead of the paps.
Or not. lol it may have just been something they didn't think twice about.
Either way, I like the way they do things. I'm all for intrigue and mystery--I bet it adds to the spice. lol
no they are not politicians and were not voted in to hold any public office but they are selling their image as a brand,if we the public dont buy their careers are over,politicians maybe held to a different and higher standard that the celebs,but they are all doing the same thing selling a brand only in a different capacity.
Cohen, yes! What a nice tie-in Solas. And we know Rob loves Buckley, who loves Cohen... And nothing makes me want to scream Hallelujah more than Rob!
I wear every one of those hats myself, including the overanalyzing one. But I try (try) to keep the judgmental self righteous one in the closet, which is why I'm trying to change the tune here a bit! Your warm wisdom is always appreciated love.
Once again you're wrong. They're not selling themselves, like the politicians, they're selling their acting. Two completely separated issues, which you seem to have a hard time getting.
I guess i see things differently--and this has nothing to do with psychologist, mother, religous scholar, etc-- but I don't see them selling themselves as a brand- they are artists and get paid for their art.
or do I totally misunderstand the outside world and how it works?
THey sell us imagery at the end of the day. Robert and Kristen sell imagery and fantasy. That's what Hollywood is all about. They sell us Edward and Bella.
Now, if they were very public about their relationship, people would be thinking they are still selling us imagery and fantasy to an extent--that their relationship is a convenient, self promoting thing.
As a result, the fact they are trying to keep their relationship private is a respectable thing. They don't want that real, private thing getting mixed up with the fantasy and imagery that is their jobs.
They are trying to seperate the two.
Sometimes their attempts are silly, sometimes they are downright disatrous. lol
But at least they are trying to seperate the two, and not let the fantasy and image tinge something that is real.
I just want to reiterate this-- attempting to keep something that you care a lot personal and private is a lovely thing. You know that saying -- too many cooks in the kitchen? Times that by millions for these two.
crybaby LMAO funny as hell i like that one but you see.....freedom of speech is a bitch int it?? so iam going to breathe In and Out In and Out and say God bless America *Hugs* :-)
If I'd add one other thing to my previous comments.
What exactly do you think will happen when they answer this for some reason so incredibly desirable question? If they say yes, they are dating, what questions do you think will follow? How often they do it, or what she thinks about his ..., how good she is in bed, an so on. If no. Who are they dating, how close friend are they, do they do it still? Not to mention all the even more dumb rumours that would follow, no matter the answer.
I would probably have less respect for R&K if they did start parading around in front of the press all the time like Katy Perry and Russell Brand. To me, Rob's private life is his and he doesn't owe me anything. It is nice to know he's with someone. I'm happy if he's happy. RPTMO, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be....
Thinking back about 80 years, give or take, when I was in the twenties and dating, I was NOT at all forth coming about my relationships, to friends, especially family and most of all strangers who really didn't care. It was new, it was sometimes scary. It was fun, it was emotional and talking about it to anyone was losing a part of me. I needed to keep it to myself to keep it real. To not blow it into something it wasn't.
I get why Kristen and Rob are evasive and I am proud that they are!
It is really no ones business. He owes me NOTHING!
Now, that said. I am a HUGE fan of his. Even though I am way too old to be crushing on a kid that is way too close to my son's age. I want him to be happy. If that means he has a girl friend that he has been friends with for several years, good for him. So glad it is that, instead of him bed hopping with every bimbo that catches his eye. I find it rather endearing that he has had his eye on one girl for so long. Refreshing in my view.
I guess what I am confused about is all this fighting. Hating his choice in a girl. Hating that he hasn't told the world he is dating. Ummmm, why do some people care that much??
I agree with whoever said on the other thread that this is getting to be like a really bad soap opera. That person even said that some form of denial would surface, and it has (you psychic of something? lol). Well I wouldn't call this a denial per say, but the little girl did say that they weren't holding hands. (I also find it sad and hilarious that this little girl was sought out. to begin with, for an interview about this silly topic).
Also if they had other friends with them, why didn't they just let one of their friends take the picture while they both stood with the girl, instead of taking two pics separately?
I agree that unfortunately there is dishonesty going on here. There is a difference between wanting to have privacy, and between trying to actively act like they're NOT a couple. I mean Kristen wouldn't even stand next to Robert most of the time, during the New Moon promotional tour.
Wanting privacy means that a private couple in love would still hold hands when they are walking down the street together, but then can and would choose NOT to comment on it if asked by the media. But they wouldn't spend so much time hiding, sneaking and trying to pretend that they are NOT together.
And they are just making it worse for themselves by keeping up this kind of contradicting behavior. Unless they do want the attention that the speculation brings them?...hmmm (but I would like to think better of Robert and Kristen, although unfortunately it is starting to look this way to me)
Like I said this is just bizarre... unless they are just friends, and she just wanted to spend New Year's with him and his friends because she can't drink here at her age or something (but I find this scenario far fetched at this point, possible but far fetched).
Anyways this whole thing is really starting to suck the fun out of being a Robert fan or a twilight fan...sad but true...and I feel that this whole thing is unfortunately dragging Robert down.
I'm done with this topic, hopefully for good lol. I wish them all the best, whatever they are. Now I can only hope that we can go back to just discussing Robert and having fun. And that Robert will not change as a result of this, and continue to be honest, open and down to earth.
For being so proud for US you sure don't know its laws. Poor shame... Anyway, just for your information, you actually do have a right to keep silence and not to answer a question, specially a dumb and irrelevant one. (Want me to find the paragraph for you? ...)
Hahahahaha Thank You Jules for pointing these lil savory comments out to me..jewels of wisdom that they are :)....
I'm gonna tell my opinion straight I always do without getting into a big ramble and goes it....
Celebrities = High Priced Roll Playing Hookers~!!!<333
God love em for it..because someone has to do it..can't wait to see Robert half naked in Remember Me..*wiggles eyebrows*..YEP, I only look for the best in my Hookers..LMAO ;)
Wait, what? Rob's not a hooker! Bitch, he has a girlfriend or not. ;o)
This is my opinion on the selling comment/s:
Celebrities are packaged the best way to ensure success. It is why they have publicists, stylists, get media training etc. It is why we, the public, are sometimes shocked when we hear about a celeb doing something "out of character".
Personally, I wouldn't pay to see a movie if I disliked the leads, no matter how talented they are. Part of being a bankable actor is being loved/idolized/admired by the targeted demographic. Their audience. No matter how much praise they get from peers or how many awards they receive, nothing's doing without the support of the public. Actors have scripted answers for a reason and I'm not saying all answers are scripted but a lot are. An actor can't sell their acting skills if no one cares enough to watch them in the first place. That's part of the reason Rob wasn't getting many jobs before Twilight, he wasn't bankable, well-known or adored by millions as he is now. If his image was that of a drunken, crass, idiotic dolt, his star would fade fast. While I think we can all agree that our Rob seems to be a sweetheart, not all actors are. And "selling their acting" is not enough to succeed.
The actors who "come out off the pen" behaving like they're the shit become has beens in no time. The successful ones who don't bother with image don't start out that way, they seem to evolve into jerks/wenches.
As for the relationship between Rob and Kris, I couldn't give a crap less. They don't owe me shit.
:-) @Erika it seems from your contact calling to my name and seeking me out that you are quite found of me *Blush* i do swing both ways but sadly iam already taken but maybe if you drop by NYC we can have a drink if you are old enough......i know my opnions are different,if we all thought alike it would be very boring,this is why i repect other opinions,i guess it comes with Being an adult.
Well what you want me to say. Should I address someone else when it is in fact YOUR unjustified opinion I argue? Which by the way you seem very reluctant answering. As for the adult comment, well, your need to mention that states far to well against your words than I could ever formulate myself.
I have no reason to doubt anything about these pictures, & yes, I do believe they're a couple BUT, I would just like to remind everyone that we all believed those pictures of that Erica girl too. They were real pictures, but not a real situation.
Why are people picking on that little girl? She seems very sweet to me & isn't trying to puff herself up. She's excited about meeting them & to find herself the center of attention, but she didn't exaggerate anything & just stated the facts as she knew them.
@ damourkrist, AMEN!!!! Who gives a flying f if they lie or not! If they are together how cool. If they aren't, well, oh too bad! But they can lie and DO WHATEVER THEY WANT... they are celebrities and they need to protect themselves and they are also probably instructed to do so for publicity... who cares!
@ rpattz-turns-me-on... Just chill..... IT'S ALL GOOD :D
If he's happy, he's happy and that's all I want--with or without Kris, in whatever fashion THEY decide--I think we should just sit back, watch, and enjoy...I mean, Rob's HAPPY.
Can we try to not insult American citizens. I do not come onto this site ash bash other nationalities. It's rude and saying comments about stereotypical Americans is just biting into ignorance. Not everyone is American on here, but a good majority are. these be mindful of that when you make comments,
About the brother being there and other friends being doesn't make me think they are any less together. Her brother is likely friends with Rob as well. He went to Japan with Kristen last year for promo and spent a large amount of time in VC during NM filming. As for his friends, most people hang out with friends on NYE and not just with their gf/bf or significant other. Didn't most of us hang out with friend whether we were in a relationship or not? There were also multiple tweets from a few people that spotted R/K and his parents only having dinner together NYE..before the partying began. These two are together. Anyone who thinks otherwise has just invested too much time in denial.
um...why would a couple hold hands publicly when people shit themselves over them just being in the same town?
Everyone's scrutiny of them is the reason they don't say anything and try to maintain some reservation in public.
Guys, this isn't rocket science.
There's Robert the public persona.
There's Robert the private real live boy.
The public persona has been packaged to a degree. He "answers" to several people, you realize that, right? He's FLANKED by his manager and agent half the time.
The real private live boy is trying to live his life away from that persona.
That's why he's been MIA almost completely since his "job" promoting NM has finished.
He wants to have real private live boy time away from the public glare.
That real live private boy seems to like to hang with his costar.
He's not shoving their relationship in our faces cause he's not a publicity whore.
If you would rather he and kristen make out and pose for the paps 24/7 like Russell Brand and Katy Perry, sorry. That's not their vibe.
RB and KP are cute in their own way, but personally i'd barf if Kristen Stewart was twitter makeout pictures of her and robert every three hours!!!!
seriously admit it: if kristen twitter makeout shots of her and robert every two seconds the way katy perry does with russell brand, everyone would be like "she's throwing it in our faces! Smug hoor!"
These two can't win, their fans have put them in a catch-22 situation.
@rpattz-turns-me-on I kind of see the point your trying to make. But one thing I'm sure of is you are taking far to much heat just because you are stating your opinion. I bet if we were having these conversations face to face we all would probably be making more sense. I think that one thing we can all agree on is we love Rob, and some of us love Kristen and want them to be happy. (And some of us would probably kill to be part of their inner circle and know what is really going on LOL.)
The kid did not say that "they were with friends so they are not dating". She just said "They where with friend and people say them being together confirmed it".
i think summit just wants them mum bec if actors are a real couple the movie usually flop. remember the bulldog lady guarding rob? why no guard w/ kristen? she also has a reason to keep mum. they are young and if they are inlove they probably couldnt get their hands off each other. so goodluck summit deny all you want.
@rpattz-turns-me-on, I think you are pretty immature and a little desperate to find out Robs personal life. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! it's no ones business. And I'm disappointed to hear you calling Rob and Kristen LIARS when at no stage have they lied. When asked whether she is dating Rob. Kristen said "I want to keep some things for myself" A nice way of saying it was her private business. Rob stated only that he has "been avoiding the question" another polite way of saying "that's my business". What right do you think you have to know Rob and Kristen's intimate connections! When there relationship is stronger, they will come out more when they are ready.
rptmo: Zac and Van actually hid their relationship for 2 years or so before they came out. The same goes for the trueblood couple. They were dating for sometime before they admitted it
I heard Rob say in some interview that he was a famous guy now - he should be dating some super models. I wonder what would happen if he did. How long would they stay with him?
They'd probably get death threats from his rabidly possessive fans.
hmmm...models getting death threats for dating Rob....somehow I'm okay with this. I mean your a model AND you get to fsuck Rob. That's just too much good fortune.
@Jules-as usual always right and willing to take the time out to explain urself..not me..LOL
@Sparkle-U crack me up girl :)
@Solas-Oh just yuckipoo-poo *stamps foot* (there I did it better for you) ;)
There are too many friends on here jumping on one person together and fighting over something so completely ridiculous it's laughable..IS he fucking you?..u said that a lot on here when ppl thought they were together before..and u jump on ppl now when they say they still might NOT be together.has it become that important to you..ask urself why..I could jump in and argue both sides and win..but I'm not arguing over something this trivial..what I do think the truth that Summit or Kristen & Robert or both are playing games with you all..and ur falling for all have gone from one extreme to the much it's laughable..alot of you are calling out a certain person's name *gives her a golf clap* ;)..I would be reveling in the attention as well :)..and I'll be the better person here by stating the obvious here....
@Erika-WTF does her being American have to do with Robert, Kristen, and this post? They weren't even in America..I can argue my country's amendments with you all day long..but I would rather (as a true American) shove an ABBA cd up ur ass sideways and tell you to fuck urself..just sayin....
Well U know Sparkle..I'm always here to make AMENDS for other's total fuckwitness..(not a word btw..but gawd-damnit they should put it in the Constitution)..LMAO
Marina- I saw a few pics of what your talking about. It WAS last NYE. There is the pic with Rob in a field with Marcus and a girl talking to Marcus. It's at nighttime. Rob has on that black and white plaid shirt and his other layers along with the beanie. Then there is another pic with Rob(buzz hair cut)in a bar sitting by a boy(Arthur, TomStu lil bro)with his head back laughing with his mouth wide open. There are 3 other pics with Tom Stu walking with a group of guys down a road at nighttime.All of this took place in Isle of Wight last New Years Eve. So it must be a tradition to go there. Who knows about next NYE though. LOL
I heard about Kris bro being there too. Regardless, Rob & Kris ARE together. Rob said that he didn't want to be like a lot of his friends that fell in love and forgot about their friends all together. It's nothing new to hang out with friends during NYE or any other time.So since they want to be private that's their choice. I'm just glad that others who were so blinded can now see that YES Rob and Kris are in fact together. And for those who wanted to argue me down. I guess you see now that my instincts were right all along. I did switch my opinion up about these two being together during all this. But when it started to get more obvious I took off the blinders. Makes me wonder how difficult some are in real life to see things right in their faces? But I guess some people are really stubborn like that? *shrugs*
I tried to read all comments, but it got pretty intense. @Sparkletramp, @damourkrist, your comments reflect why I finally understood why Kristen & Rob decided NOT to admit anything. At first I couldn't understand that, but now I REALLY do. Would not make difference either way and would be disasterous if they are together. Every move would be photographed, speculated on, dissected, ad naseum, and yup break up rumors would circulate to sell mags (see some recent rag mags covers about Brad & Angelina). The feeding frenzy would really go into overdrive. @Marina, that would explain them going there for NYE. I've heard it's really quaint and beautiful from Dutch co-worker just today! @solas, wow, Leonard Cohen reference. Hallelujah! The most soulful, beautiful song ever written IMO. You spoke to another one of my obsessions. Lastly, I really don't want to read another comment about Summit dictating what they are doing. That is fucking crazy! Gimme a break. Are we living in the 1940's and Kristen is Judy Garland. Jeesh.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»Her smile is kind of weird
You're serious. Tracked down a little kid to ask about someone else's private life? Holy God. When will the idiocy stop?
For me this is really not a good thing...poor Rob and Kristen
haha.. i'm actually listening to it while typing this comment.. haha. girl sounds so giddy! and she sounds a bit mature. doesn't sound like that cute girl from the images. but she really sounds excited though. haha..
so she says it was really outside somerfield. "i just looked out and didn't realize who they were at first but then i heard them speaking and realized it was her [/them]." they didn't have security w/ them but had friends along. so we know, it wasn't just the 2 of them there. another thing we learn is that the girl just posted her pic on facebook and perhaps, some person saw it and uploaded it on some twi-blog.
i realize this isn't the whole interview that we're hearing, but i like how she doesn't actually confirm that they're dating or anything, and points out that they were with other friends. while we all make our own conclusions i give her credit for not stating any opinions on the status of robsten.
she's really cute.
from other sightings, it sounds like possibly one of her brothers is with them, as well as two of his friends and their gfs.
too funny though she's like an insta-celebrity in her own right though.
ps: It sounds like a local radio program, and the little girl DID get a shot that alluded the paps, so she's sorta news worthy, especially locally. I love that little "say cheese" smile on her face though, too funny.
This sucks for Robsten. I hate that they can't get privacy, friends or lovers. Geez. Not clicking the link. Not going to promote at all where they were seen (thought WE weren't going to say WHERE this was taken to begin with!). I'm annoyed. Sorry. No I'm not. I'm annoyed.
The only thing I wonder is, what's going on with Kristen's hair? It's a big poof on top.
Wow! they went to the isle of wight.I've always wanted to visit there my grandfathers family are from there.No peace for the famous.Leave the kid alone though.Thats going abit far.
Why some people always try to make some excuse that they aren't together?And so what if they were with friends, this is change anything?Did you think she is going to UK, in this particular case, just to visit a friend?In the NYE?Please!
This has ruined my new year - all this time I thought he was squirrelled away just up the road from me, and now I find he's in exotic locations like the Isle of Wight!
Let the little girl have her 15 mins!! I wish people would stop bleating abt Rob & Kris's privacy being invaded - YOU ARE READING ROBSESSED OR RPATTZ DAILY - you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem!! if you don't like it stay off the sites and they will fold - they exist to please the people out there who want to know where Rob & Kris spent the hols . I think the odd photo is fine , they are film stars!! and really lucky , rich and good looking - they will look back on these as the best years of their lives!
Holly is terribly sweet.
I think she's just a fan like the rest of us.
Nice interview. R & K know that if they are alone together or with their friends that they might very well be spotted by fans or paparazzi . It's just their life these days.
One day the media attention will be on someone else.
I agree with CAROLINE!
Why can´t you people just accept they are together? she could spend Ny in Dubai if she wanted to, but not, she went to the UK to spend holidays with him, yes with ROBERT, so accept the reality, they are so together
They just got duped my an 11 year old lol. They probably were banking on the fact that this little girl did not have a twitter/myspace/facebook/ other social networking site.. i guess they were wrong lol.. or maybe they just don't care? At least she was being honest with what she saw. I think they are together, but she alluded people to be open to options so I guess that will make some people happy.
You would think these two kids would be sick of each other by now. They work together, spend off time together, and are in just about every tabloid you can think of. They could have called each other and wished the other a Happy New Year (I’m sure they have long distance service). Joking!!!!! Kristen must be Robert’s best friend, his special lady friend or maybe he is thinking about adopting her (smile). These two kids seem to be such down to earth people. I look forward to each of their upcoming projects.
Haven't listened to the interview, I suspect this is some local radio station and hey if the girl isn't really saying anything about Robsten per se but talks about meeting them and that there were friends with them, I cannot say this is an invasion of their privacy. It is pretty non descript then. It would be worse if she had started to blabber on about them dating or whatnot...
well she did mention that she knew her pictured sparked the rumor that this was a confirmation. I personally had my confirmation when K was sneaking out his hotel room in LA in august when she not only has her own home in LA, but her parents home as well. The little girl was very aware of the situation so kuddos to her for just saying what she saw.
Is anyone else having problems with the audio? I sat through seven minutes of scintillating Isle of Wight news only to have it cut off at Hollie's part. Arghh!
Yup, Candy Girl, I think all the Robsten fans broke the link. Just at the beginning of the Robsten part, it stops.
Damn, and I had to listen to all that other crap about parking on the Isle of Wight, LOL.
To sum up what she said: She was with her mom and she thought she saw them, but wasn't sure until she heard them speak. She got a picture with them and they were with friends and did not look like a couple, she understands the picture poses as a confirmation, but she did not allude us to believe whether they are or aren't a couple. The location that posted on various websites was in fact real.
for the love of F.......GOD,i think Tiger should of hired R and K to do his PR work because they are fucking good,they have some folks so brainwash that its amazing,
yup she went to the UK to spend time with friends WTF,K could of gone anywhere in the world but NO she choose the UK LoL And ROb was there because they were practicing for BD,Reading the script and stuff lol Yup folks she could of spent New years with her family but Nooooo she had to practice reading the script with Rob lol you see i can make up BS+excuses+to+just+to+make+myself+feel+better,R+and+K+have+to+thank+the+little+girl+for+staying+on+script+,i+guess+she+got+the+memo+lol+and+iam+going+to+let+some+kid+push+BS+down+my+throat,i+get+enough+of+that+from+R+and+K.
so the kid said that they were with friends so they are not dating WTF is this The BS iam hearing??
i think this is the excuse they are going with when they make their Denial in up coming interviews to the folks who are just Dumb or just wantg to hear what they want to hear, by the way cute and smart kid.
oh and Tiger Woods please get in contact with R and K if you want the public to see pass your troubles because they have the ability to fool and brainwash the public ,
they are Fucking good,if you can leave a guy's hotel room in the morning wearing the sme cloths you had on the night before ,then Deny it and have the public believe it.......then you are very good,where were these two to help Bill Clinton.
wow!so happy to see them together and robsten!
LOL RPTMO amen sister. But this is not even funny any more.Poor Clinton he should have known better.
i trust that kid said they hang out with their friends. i heard that kristen fly to london with her bro. so i think the statement by sum1 claimed that rob waited with black van at the airport and hugged kristen,then kiss her forehead, nose, was completely bogus..?? well watever..i think rob n kris don't want to talked bout their 'are they or aren't they' R/ship its bcause they still work on it..just wait and see
sorry for my ranting and raving folks but iam just tired of the lies and deception,they can be truthful and still maintain their privatecy,many couples do it,it just makes them look bad to be sneaking around and having being outed by a kid,not a good example,i expect this from K because she is a teen,but Rob is a grown man of 23 he should know better.ok iam done off to work.
oh she flew with her bro ,so why is Rob there?? and why she choose to take her bro and friends to the UK?? Listen to yourself folks stop drinking the koolaid...........oh hi @Dina Hugs :-)
RPTMO I understand the wanting to know business. I think in some respect you are right. Its amazing how stupid they believe people are at believing their ploys. Yes I would like a confirmation too, but at the end of the day the don;t us anything. Despite everyone's protests their only obligations are to the people directly involved; mainly themselves.
I also heard about her brother being there.. (not the black van incident though lol). I mean her bro could be there, but at the same time I highly doubt it. All it takes is one person to say "I heard her bro was there" and then that instantly alleviates the problem. Most likely it was someone who just said it to once again delude people into thinking they were just playing scrabble.
None of you all know me.. suppose I went on a random website and was like "I heard the entire Stewart family was there" it seems easily believable, but is it the truth. No or at least i don't think so.
From what the pic demonstrated and what the little girl says all we can deduct is that she/ was in the UK and was hanging out in ____ with RP + posse
Oh geez.......
oh and NM promo is over sooooo why are they still together?? and dont give me the 'Friends' crap, friends say Happy new year over the phone they dont fly thousands of miles with brother in Tow, iam not a Robsteb shipper,i dont even like the f....girl,if i wish he had choosen someone else but it is what it is,i just dont like the lies.
yeah that's true.. well whatever.. i just adore their cuteness when they together..doesnt matter what their status.. if this speculation ended life would be boring.. so let them be..
RPTMO... I think you are my new best friend lol. Although I do try and keep an semi unbiased opinion. I agree with EVERYTHING you have said thus far lol
@Steph :-) hi.......with me its not about a confirmation,its more about lies,i know they want their pricatecy i understand,but this makes them look bad,i know they are both going to Deny it soon and folks are going to believe the lies, i think thats the scary part.i love Rob but my love is not blind.
I just wish they could confirm it so I can say "I told you so". I've always been that person who has a knack for always being right. So this is all about proving a point. I hate being lied to as well. I'd love to blame Kristen cuz I can't stand her either, but like I said earlier as important as I like to think I am (lol..sarcasm?) they don't owe me shit. It's more like they owe it to themselves. I would be embarrassed if someone publicly dismissed me like that, but that's just me.
1. The girl never said they didn't look like they were dating. The interviewer asked her if they were holding hands and she said no, they were with friends.
2. Kristen flew to freaking cold England from sunny LA where her family and friends are to spend it with Rob...Is there really anyone who still doesn't think they are dating? Really?
3. I love that in the end it was a little girl and her photos and not the papz who would have killed for the shot who confirmed their relationship. Ironic
4. Maybe know that we basically know the answe to are they together, people can focus on their work. I mean Rob has Remember Me in March which is huge for him. And Kristen has two huge movies at Sundance this month.
OMG HELP!!!! That fucking interview STOPPED and won't play anymore just as it was coming on!!!! Is there another place to listen or can someone transcribe it? email me please
At Steph's Legit - Exactly!
I don't find it odd that Kristen's brother MIGHT have been there. I mean, Kristen and Rob are dating and I'm sure Rob likes her family so why couldn't he be there? It doesn't matter though. They are TOGETHER and that's what counts. Hope they're having a great time.
I believe they're together, and am delighted. It doesn't surprise me that they would be there with friends. They're both incredibly mature individuals who know that if they want their romance to last, they'll need the support of their best friends and family. It's great that Robert wants his super tight knit group of friends to get to know her, and that they're getting to know each other's families, too. They need a community of loved ones to support their relationship in the midst of this crazy environment.
Remember, that Robert has been so busy with work in the U.S. for a year that he's been extremely homesick. He's had a chance to get to know Kristen's family and friends on her cultural turf. It makes total sense that she would want to spend time with him in his natural environment, too. They do come from different cultures and countries, after all.
Possible Scenarios for her bro being there (for the record I dont think he was, but I could be i said earlier. I think all one of their PR people have to do is drop a rumor on a website such as this one and then listen in on our reactions) with that said...
1. Her bro never been to the UK so he wanted to go
2. He too became friends with RP
2. Overprotective of his sis and was looking out for her.
3. Brought his gf (if he has one) along so a fun NYE
4. Entire Stew fam celebrated together and are still there
Honestly. I think the last one is plausible. Its rude to miss xmas with your fam to fly across the world to see someone unless you havnt seen them for months like those who are in the armed forces or something. Personally the whole family could have been there. No one cares to take thir pics so they can slip around unnoticed. I dont now. Its just an idea and its prob wrong.. just something to ponder
So I hope this puts to rest the previous the great debate over Kristen's picture being photoshopped!
If she's not there for Rob (sarcasm), she's dating one of the guys from the Britpack !!!! LMFAO !!!!!
@Sam.. if you scroll up I posted a comment that summed up the interview.
Someone claimed the picture was photoshopped and that they recreated it and proved it.. its funny because i asked this person for said recreation and they havnt been back since... hmmm weird lol
@rapattz-turns-me-on You are hilarious making up excuses to feel better...good one LMAO!!!
@Rpattz-Turns-Me-On You are not ranting your just telling it like it is girl!! And and thank you for that, but as you know some people still have their heads buried in the sand!
Don't care... I am team
Although.. for the record.. as I stated over at LTR yesterday:
"I’d fly thousands of miles for that booty call… in the middle of a three seat row in coach even….. next to an extremely large sweaty man who smelled of chicken grease , whose identical twin brother was in the other seat beside me…. OH COME ON!!!! ROBERT F*CKING PATTINSON MAKES A BOOTIE CALL TO YOU>> YOU FLY!"
True Fact!
I never really commented here before but I read comments all time. I didnt hear the rumor of kstew brother being there. I did read someone where that a girl say rob and kristen at dinner with his parents on new years eve. I read another girl said that the isle of wight there some hotel bar that last new years eve rob friends ( britsh brat pack) and rob were at. Its some place with not alot of people they hang out there with friends and drink and some play music. She said her and her friends had drinks there last year and spot them and hanging out there.So maybe that where they were staying. The only thing is I read so much on these two I cant remember where so as soon as I find it again Ill post the links. I believe there a couple. Come on you dont travel around world on 12 flights to spend newyears eve with a costar you just saw.
Holy mother of god, they were with friends? They weren't kissing and cuddling? The world is coming to a fucking end. *Snort*
Some people say they aren't going to listen to the interview to "respect" their privacy? The pictures shouldn't have been posted in the first place to respect their privacy.
Kelly, hell yes!
LOL :)
Chere, seriously? Disclosing their location at this point DAYS after is like saying the sky is blue. Anyone/everyone that saw the photo know where they were.
#DebateTillWeDie :)
The little girl is cute :)
Here we go again. Better than FFs.
Gozde, you in danger, girl!
(channeling Whoopie)
Gozde, I agree-the little girl is cute-love her accent! And in the end who really cares if they are together or not? All that matters is our Rob seems to be happy and we all love a happy Rob. :)
All that matters is our Rob seems to be happy and we all love a happy Rob. :)
Thanks Heidi :))
Kelly--- I nearly spit on my computer! Hilarious and SO DANG TRUE!! You made my morning!!!
Just glad he is not alone and that he is with friends and family. The guy deserves some fun. Glad this is the only pic we have seen.
Amen Kelly!!
I would be on a plane before I hung up the phone!!
oh pleaseeeeee folks already knew they were there before the pics were taken because they were walking around,the pics just confirmed it.whan you choose to a an actor or politian you are selling yourself as a brand to the public,so all this pricatecy crap is getting tired.
@Wen Hugs :-)
RPTMO - you are great this morning,love reading your comments.
about R&K i just cant believe that no pappz have got a pic of them together, with all of these "sightings" at the airport, restaurant, hotels and shopping... i cant hear the interview either but will try tonight when i get home.
Fear not Robsten fans-This debate will NEVER end. Even when he's banging some other chic. Or she's still talking to her ex MA.I love ROb. He has no privacy-he's a star he's in demand. If he wanted privacy he should be a monk or retire in the woods (NOOOOO!!) Lets be realistic. NO ONE IS GOING TO LEAVE THEM ALONE. They dug themselves a hole (much to my dismay). I dont feel sorry for them at all. Any time you have 2 major stars(in the big league)hook up. It makes headlines. The fact that they didnt "formally" announce anything is like nothing we ever delt with-and for soooo long! So I wait..and wait..and wait-I doubt its going to last. But it makes for an interesting 5 minutes of my day eh? Oh and what Im waiting for?? The breakup. Cause I cant wait to see who's next.
she said they had friends with them...I wonder if Tom Sturridge was there too.... God! i'm dying to see new pics of him!
lol, I love how people hanging on a 13 year old kid who met them for a couple minutes to figure out if they are a couple or not.
Like the kid cared about Kristen--she just wanted to lean into Robert and call it a day......
@rpattzgirl, Oh geez....... AMEN... :D luv
@rpattz-turns-me-on, First, Rob & kristen don't really need to do anything. They don't need to admit anything to anyone or they do if they want to. They CAN do whatever they want and they DO!
Who cares. And why judge.. It's more fun like this anyway. We like to speculate.. it's fun! They are movie stars and they cope very well with all this silly stuff. All I care is that ROB is hot and talented and I like to watch his movies and stare at him like.... almost all day long!!!
And @fifi-c, AMEN to you too!
OK gang Godze is god on this site and in truth her mantra should be for all of us... "If he isn't banging me then I don't care who he's doing just so ling as he's happy" (or something to that effect):)
One thing I gotta say--I think it's clear by now that Robert and kristen have a certain mo when out in public.
At this point they aren't trying to totally hide the fact they hang out together on their off hours. And like travel to hang out.
At the same time, they don't really do the PDA thing though, save it for that little display in Paris where they seemed unaware they were being watched.
There are lines they cross and don't cross, and I think by design. They don't mind people knowing they are close, but they aren't gonna elaborate how so.
If people are hoping the kid is gonna tip the scale for them with observations on body language, you're out of luck. Kristen was in UK, and people will take what they will from it.
and one more thing: they knew very well the minute the kid got that picture, it would hit the internet. That's just how it works nowadays for them. They took the picture realizing this.
@ Rosa I like both of your comments, both are very true observations.
Yeah, they're together, and no, they don't owe the fans shit. All they owe us is a good movie. It's their personal life, and it's their decision as to whether or not they want to out themselves and then possibly become hounded even more by the paps.
It doesn't make them look bad when they avoid the question-- they're only protecting themselves. As a fan neither of us deserves to be privy to their lives. Some of you are only bitter because you want to be privy to every strip of information about someone else's life. Listen to yourselves.
Furthermore, they never lied about being together. They simply avoid the question, and refuse to answer it.
Kristen said "are you serious" when asked about it at a press conference, and when Letterman asked Rob about it, he said "I've been cryptically avoiding this question."
Last year, they simply said "We're not together." This year, instead of answering "yes" or "no", are avoiding the question.
Kelly, LMFAO! So true!!! Actually, I would have been hanging on his leg as he was getting on the plane. LOL. And I don't see any lies or deciet, I see two very shy and private people who don't owe anyone an explanation of what they do in their private lives.
Goz, is it wrong I read these posts to see the shite hit the fan? LOL.
They aren't publicly dismissing eachother. If they were, robert wouldn't be playing host to Kristen on idyllic isles. lol
They are dismissing the traps that are laid at their feet, to publicly come forward.
People in their industry realize sharing things publicly comes with a price. You give people 5 inches--they take 20 feet.
If Robert and kristen come out publicly, it will not change anything that's happening around them-the frenzy will still be there.
The only thing that will change is they themselvees would be putting a public floodlight on private matters regarding their relationship.
They want to keep somethings private. They know we know at this point. They just don't want to go into the bloody details with us. I'm not sure why people don't realize the very good reasons to pass on this too.
ps: why the brother is possibly there:
Kristen's family is protective of her. She almost always travels with a brother.
I think that's nice, that she isn't wandering around everywhere like an orphan the way Lindsay Lohan did as a teenager.
And she says her brothers are her best friends. And she's their only sister with everyone up in her business.
katie- good comment. The point is, once they say "we're together," then people will want to hear it from them when they break up, what they do together, what kinds of dates they go on, and ultimately, when they break up. I wouldn't want my entire relationship detailed or asked about by everyone, or for so many people to be aware of it. What they're doing makes absolute sense.
what's with bitter people looking forward to a breakup? Geez, it always goes back to people wanting to act like they know what's better for Robert than he does.
As if him having a crappy breakup would make them happy.
I thought they were together, and when the VF came out, I thought maybe I was wrong. I didn't take ir personally, or wish him to "pay" so I could be right.
Grow up. Wish him well, he looks like he's happy right now.
thanks sparkletramp. :)
hi wen!
PS: Realize all nonfans of twilight and R/K understand why they are quiet as churchmice by the way about thier relationship..
They think their fans are extreme and will probably bust Kristen's kneecap with a tire iron in retaliation.
The only people thinking they look bad for not coming out is a certain demographic of fan. Most everyone else totally gets why they don't come out. lol
ok so here are the excuses/story to make some folks feel better.......So K took her bro and family to the UK for some family bonding time ,on their way to the store to buy some Gum or Cheese ,K bro shouted 'is that Rob'? R said Duh and they had a friendly greeting,
K had noooooo idea he was going to be there,they were two ships passing in the night (Rob being the hotter ship) *Ahem* so on with the story.....they said hello,took some pics with the kid and parted ways vowing to see each other again within the next hour............and that+folks+is+the+story+of+how+R+and+K+met+in+the+UK+LoL+..........see+folks+i+can+write+FF+to.+:-)
@Katie I loved your comment about whats up with people looking for a crappy breakup!
Sometimes relationships do last, and breakups don't happen.
I just wish both of them joy and happiness!
@rpattz-turns-me-on LMAO I love your comments, go get em girl!!!
yea i get why they are hiding and keeping on the DL,but the sneaking around is not come zac and van dont sneak around or the couple from True Blood??
there is more to this story it is very bizarre.
Ok i don't like to comment on rob and kris relationship much because is always the same thing.
Here is the way i seeit.
As much as some fans don't want this two to be near each other( they're alot of them just go to nonsten, E,imbd board..), these two are very close. They are definetly closer than just friend. To what extend are they close? That i don't know. Do i want to know? no
Why, Because it's their life, not mine. most o my school friend don't know who i fuck because it has nothing to do with the relatioship i have with them.
Do ithink it will make their life easy if they say yes or no to the question? Absolutly no. Look at brad pitt and angie, every week they are breaking up, fighting, jealous of jenifer aniston and all that. If you say something you're doomed. If you don't you're doomed as well. So for me taying numb is the best solution.
Sure you have the but she was open while dating mike and all that. Yes she was a little bit but she has learned her lesson very well. you live and you learn from your mistake. And i think she is doing it find.
Does all this mean they are a couple? I don't want to know.
SO Please rob and kris never give an andswer to the fiending.
zac and vanessa got together when they were just becoming famous, it wasn't a big deal back then.
THe only true blood castmember that anyone cares about is Alex, and notice how he handles his love life: he stays MUM as they get, with many rumors swriling around him who he's hooking up with. He remains vague.
Robert's bigger than any of them exponentially, and he's similar to Alex in how he handles himself. He just stays mum and keeps things close to his vest.
And by the way how do an interview expect a confirmation from this girl? I mean she saw them for what 1 min, god know that if you see me at a grocery store with my boyfriend or my bestfriend you're going to for the minute you see us tell who is who.
Can people just let this two do their thing alone without trying to figure out why they do it this way and not hat way? Because everyone is entitled to live their life the way they want it.
oh how do we know her fam or bro is there??
we have confirmation of Rob's friends being there but not her fam.............@Wen i know some of my comments may offend some folks and i apologise,but i refuse to drink the kool aid R and K are serving.
By the way kristen brother is not in the uk. The one she always travel with taylor was a couple day on a forum in the us. this info came from people who always try to find an excuse for everything. The same people who say she went there because she has no friends in la so that is why she went to the uk so she can drink. If they can just go watch her pics all around the net they will see that this girl has a social life outside her works and have been drinking in the us for like forever.
How about just hoping for them good health, happiness, safety, peace of mind, no matter what or how they relate?
we the public dont accept or tolerate lies from folks in the public eye,
politicians are brought down for deception all the time,
look at the fall of tiger woods,they both denied it in recent interviews,like with Rob in VF.......are you folks telling me that they can lie but others cant,the rules dont apply to them?
different standards are set because of what???
one thought.
people keep expecting them to act as we would under normal circumstances.
But they aren't like us, and their circumstances are extreme.
they have their private life and their public life, each star needs to decide how much to blur those lines. Madonna blurs them big time for instance, while someone like Scarlett johansen and ryan reynolds don't.
RObert and Kristen are of the "don't blur the lines" approach. This approach has it's pros and cons, but no approach is perfect. I tend to respect the don't blur the lines approach, it means they are trying to not taint real life with all the bs that surrounds their public life.
She's 13, a teenager in her prime, and probably wants to be cool or it-girl and we talk about her as if she is a little cute kid and we adore her quirky smile.
How embarrassing for her, I bet she is regretting the day she put those photos on her FB page.
rpattzturns me on-I like your posts too by the way. :)
But Robert didn't lie in VF. Look at the actual quote from Vanity Fair--he said they were good friends. They are. Vanity Fair added the "just"--it was the only thing not in quotations.
Robert for months now has refused to comment on his persona life like he did in the past. He doesn't deny thier relationship at this point. The only thing he won't do is confirm it.
There are good reasons to not go down that road.
Politics is a PERFECT example as to why you shouldn't. Bill Clinton in '92 went down that road of opening up his personal life, and it basically opened him up to more scrutiny about OTHER personal things including his womanizing.
Robert is trying to find a line to draw in terms of how much he offers about his personal life. Drawing lines is a good thing really.
i read her bro and fam are Not there,
she was with Rob and his friends.until i see a pic of her bro in the UK iam going with this one.
Robert has not denied a relationship for six months now.
One thing to keep in mind is that Kristen was being called a cheater in the press in summer. No one knows when she broke up with her ex and then started dating Robert, but people have thought the worst.
I tend to think he's been careful public in regards to their relationship because it seems Kristen bears the brunt of the criticism, not him. He can do no wrong in the media, she can do no right. I tend to think he's a little protective of her and realizes how being linked to him can be hard for her.
Sorry to interrupt.... is he shagging me yet?........
ok just curious.. let me know ... or I'll let you know.. yeah.. ok buhbye
@Rosa hello :-)
Hey, I'm the public but I didn't vote for Rob or Kristen, who last I heard aren't married or doing the extra-marital golfing, to represent my constituency. Oh, I'd like to vote for Rob, but I understand he's not running. Damn! Unreliable bloody actors!
I see references to Bill Clinton being thrown around, not being an American I can't comment on that. But as to politicians in general I could care less who they are sleeping with as long as they govern well.
I have essentially the same feelings when it comes to Rob. I don't care who he's sleeping with as long as I can still see him in the movies and that he is happy.
Gossip cop wrote a piece on it.....
Wow! Tracked the little girl down bc she stumbled across R & K and was fortunate to get a picture in the UK. What is the wold coming to? So picture was not a Photoshop after all. But wait K's brother is there and friends too. Put out one fire start another and on and on and on. I hope they never tell. This is so CRAZY! But hope they are happy. That's all I care about.
I wish people would stop being critical of Rob and his dating choices. We can't possibly understand the extreme scrutiny Rob lives under. Rob is an entertainer and only owes us fine performances and not details of his love life.
when i mention politicians it was a metaphor as to talk about character,
i dont care who he is sleeping with either,you guys miss my point its not the act itself but the deception that iam calling into question,when i say we the public as in the fans who support their careers,as i said before its not the hook up or act iam talking about its being caught in a lie after the Denial
Does anyone really feel scandalized by Rob's decision to avoid/not answer the question? I don't think he's ever come out and lied, either. He makes it a point to say why he can't answer the question. Remember, when Letterman asked if they were dating, he did not say "No, we aren't dating." He said "I've been avoiding this question." He is actually going out of his way to be truthful when he doesn't even have to be. He could have gone around saying " No, we aren't together" to every interviewer, but he hasn't. He's simply avoided, or talked around it. Or one of his handlers would say that the question was off-limits.
There is no need to be scandalized. It's so over the top.
@rptmo: well, if you really feel, even metaphorically, that Rob's 'character' is on a par with that of corrupt politicians, and the behaviour of Tiger Woods, then wouldn't it be fairly impossible to be either supportive or a fan? By one's own standards? Have to do a lot of convolutions otherwise. Course, there's always choice...
I hope this doesn't sound totally weird (or weirder than usual for myself) but I want to explain a phenomenon about having a sense of self and privacy:
In the world of psychology, when a person (especially a stressed or traumatized person) starts giving away things that are dear to him, giving away all of his stuff, it is usually a warning sign for suicide, G-d forbid. It doesn't mean everyone who gives away stuff is in danger, just that it is a sign of concern.
We also look at people who suddenly share their personal private life details with strangers as displaying a warning sign of a social disorder--too many unwarranted 'strokes' too soon. Some people are in such aggravating situations, like real or social or emotional prisons, where they just throw their hands up and say--Go ahead--take it all--take whatever I have and whatever I am-- they give up on having the sense of or right to a self. Some in this position then create an inner world where they CAN be safe and have something to themselves--their dreams, their phantasies--and want to remain in that inner world. You can see how unhealthy that turn is.
Some people don't even have a sense of self yet, and leaving everything open leaves them in a perpetual adolescent situation, where they cannot develop the sense of self due to lack of privacy and personal space.
Of course, a person could just be a giving person, a saint or monk with no need for personal items, etc., but on the whole, these are warning signs.
Because a healthy human being needs to have a sense of one's own self and personal space that is neither invaded, nor taken away, nor not considered important.
When one is in the public eye, espcially where one's personal life has nothing to do with the public needs (in contrast, for example, some might feel a politican's personal life DOES impact his job), it is especially important to create a safe place for one's self, one's personal space, that one can own and not share with anyone unless it is on one's own terms, one's own choice (because then the person still 'owns' or controls it). This is even moreso for people who for one reason or another (such as a job where one is always travelling, or away from homebase, or without a homebase) do not have a safe physical space for retreat. (This is one reason little ones need security blanket, and older humans need little momentos, photos, etc. so wherever they go, they have that little piece of home.)
Why I am explaining all of this? You know.
Rob and Kristen need to have some things for themselves, to NOT share, but to guard and call their own.
wen: I mentioned BIll Clinton because he's a prime example of what happens when you open the door widely on your private life.
He was one of the first politicians to really open up about the hardships of his abusive childhood and unstable family. It personalized his campaign, made him more relatable.
BUT it's also the same thing that opened the door for folks to ask other questions regarding his private life, and his indiscretions.
I merely used him as a reference point because PR wise, he's a big poster child for what happens when youopen yourself up too much publicly--it's like opening the floodgates and at some point you don't control when you can shut that gate again.
post-Clinton, PR wise, public figures tend to try to control those floodgates better for their own sanity.
@rpatz turn me on
Even if he lie so what?
Who doesn't lie in his life?
why would he give a yes or a no to something that in the first place isn't the journalist to ask.
I mean why is it so important to know who he fuck or not fuck? once people will know this they will ask, since when are you fucking each other, how often, is it good , is it this is it that. If he say no, why, are yoy single, have you ever talk about her in that way, why aren't you out with other girl, is it because you're gay? kris are you still with Ma, who break up, do you still love him, are you going back together, who is next, are you a lesbian and i can go on.
we should not care about this stuff.
I know it's easy to stay than to do.
Every celebrity out there lie about there love life. And i think it's normal for them to lie , to protect themselve. When you have trouble in your couple you don't want the world to talk about it so you lie. You say everything is great. When you're cheating on your mate, you lie to the public, because who wants to be known as the cheater. When you're falling for your co star, when asked about you shoud lie, because if it doesn't work out you'll have the akward interview, remember kristen durst and spiderman interview promotion it was painfull to watch.
So for me i just think everyone in hollywood and elsewhere are just a bunch of liar. I don't expect a public figure to tell the trough that often, but that is just me and my cynism.
Hey guys,
It's my first time commenting on this blog.And I am source for the last NYE Rob sightings. So for those of you who are interested here is my story:Last year I went to London from LA to see a friend of mine and she and her friends took me to Isle of Wight by ferry to spend the NYE.We stayed in Spyglass Inn ( as my friends told me it was the most famous and best in town).Anyway,IOW is a very remote place(my British friend's grandparents live there), mostly for the retired and the elderly.There is a festival held in there each year ( summer time) and good beaches as well.So i assume it gets better in summer.Anyway,we went down to Inn bar (it's called the Spyglass boathouse restaurant and there are boat photos/paintings and anchors on the walls).We were the only people there, around 9pm some boys&girls walked in. They were Tom Stu&Bobby Long&Marcus Foster&Robert& &Tom stu's little brother Arthur as my friends recognized him.There were 2 other girls and 3 other boys with them. They drank beer and had fun. Robert took a lot smoke of breaks, so did my brother and so he saw him outside smoking in the freezing cold. My friend spotted them next morning on ventnor high.We never saw them again,i didn't want to leak it ,thought it was unethical and since his location has been pinpointed this time i came forward.So when this time i saw the photos, i said to myself, ''he must be spending each NYE on the isle'' :) Also Kristen was NOT with them. Two non famous girls were.All of them seemed pretty drunk and giggly.Sorry for the epic comment. Just wanted to let you know...
really? I was there too and I did see Kristen with them. in fact R / K was very loving, very mostrendo PDA, parevian really a couple.what are my proof? the same as yours and my story is as valid as yours unless you show photos where you show that Kristen was not with them?..
please is more than proved that Kristen was the new year eve with Rob, why would travel from so far just to go shopping with him and not be together on New Year's party, by God! all you nonsten do not know that most invent to deny the fact that Rob and Kristen are together and in love....sorry for my English
lizy--perhaps she meant last year--as in for new years 2009?
Rewrite New Years Eve at Somerfield's:
Mum: Stay away from those scruffy blokes out front.
Little girl: WHere? They do look a bit knackered, especially that tall wonky one.
Mum: Probably just more slumming musicians trying to bum some change. Well my baby's staying far away from that!
LG: You hear the girl, she's a yank! She sounds like..... you know, Kris....Kirstin,,, Oh what's her name, Bella! Twilight!
Mum: What, Twilight? Twilight!
LG: I gotta get a picture! Score!!!!
Mum: Well make it snappy, and put on your jacket!!! (Or women round the world are gonna be barking at me!) And make sure to get a pic of Rob. Forget the girl, just get Rob!!!
damourkist--I think there is a difference between lying and keeping one's business to one's self.
How many people, out of self-preservation (physical or emotional or psychological), disguise themselves, pass as something they are not? Is it a lie?
The bottom line is, of course, it isn't anyone's business. But when others make it their business, as if they are running a totalitarian/fascist society, etc , then those of us with a sense of self and self-preservation will hide and guard that self.
as i said in my earlier post i know my comments will offend and for that iam Sorry.......its nothing personal just my observations and take on the whole situation.......anyway off to catch the train.i love NYC :-)
Sigh, we're still discussing this. Now we're arguing about whether or not her brother was there. Why does it even matter? How does her brother being there mean they aren't a couple? Kristen has stated in a number of interviews that she's very close to her brothers. Cameron is older than her, so there's a very good chance that he's around Rob's age. If Kristen likes Rob, why wouldn't her brother? It's not unusual for a group of friends to be together on NYE, why can't they & include her brother.
Rob has stated a number of times that he doesn't like relationships that are like E&B, where they just concentrate on each other & ignore all their friends. It makes perfect sense to have other people with them (including her brother) for NYE. Just because we don't see PDA, doesn't mean they're not DAing all over each other in private.
Loisada:-) Very cute! :-)
Are we still arguing about it all?? Is he shagging me yet? No! Crap.. .. ok I'll check back later
is it really arguing?
I don't really see it that way at all.
The conversation seems to be more about how much a public figure should reveal--or not.
I think the conversation for the most part is an interesting one, and more interesting than me saying for the ten thousandth time I find him hot.haha
Some of us are taking ourselves way way WAY too seriously here.
Point of fact: Rob hasn't "lied" or denied anything in interviews granted to serious mags (VF included) for months and months and MONTHS!
Can we go back to enjoying The Pretty© This is a Rob fan blog, not a psychoanalyst's couch!
lizzyblue, this was last NYE,2008-2009 NYE.I thought Kristen was seeing Micheal at the time... I think you have trouble reading English as well.If you have read through my comment,you would have understood I meant last year's (2009)NYE. I have photos as well,taken by my friend and in the back Tom Stu&Marcus&Bobby and Rob are easily seen.They are my personal photos and i do not wish to post them anywhere and reveal my and my family members' and friends' faces as neither do they.And you were on isle of wight a year ago as well? even if you were,you weren't at spyglass inn my friend as the only the so called Brit pack and my friends were there. If you spotted Kristen on the Isle a year ago,then you've spotted her somewhere else ,as she wasn't in the boathouse rest.
lizzyblue, this was last NYE,2008-2009 NYE.I thought Kristen was seeing Micheal at the time... I think you have trouble reading English as well.If you have read through my comment,you would have understood I meant last year's (2009)NYE. I have photos as well,taken by my friend and in the back Tom Stu&Marcus&Bobby and Rob are easily seen.They are my personal photos and i do not wish to post them anywhere and reveal my and my family members' and friends' faces as neither do they.And you were on isle of wight a year ago as well? even if you were,you weren't at spyglass inn my friend as the only the so called Brit pack and my friends were there. If you spotted Kristen on the Isle a year ago,then you've spotted her somewhere else ,as she wasn't in the boathouse rest.
i agree!!
her Bro being there or not does not change the facts,she could of dragged her mom and whole fam with her,it only proves she bought a whole lot of plane tix,her fam being there or not does not change the fact that she flew thousands of miles with fam in tow to be with Rob on the where the hell is my train?
@rptmo: I'm not offended, btw. I was just confused by the level of comparison, so was wondering. Then again, what if Rob is the 'bad guy?' Well, its no good - I can't stay away...his voice, his face, even his... etcetera etcetera ;)
psssssttttt.. Loisada... is he shagging you yet?... is he shagging me yet?
Ah well he is very pretty to look at :)
psssst Kelly,
I did hear that mum in Ventnor ran out of the market and gave him a smack on the cheek (not the one we would have aimed at, mind you!)
That would explain the smirk he's wearing in the pic with her girl. Some hoors just have no self restraint!@
pssst... I think I may be one of those h0000rs.... just sayin :)
RPTMO, you keep comparing this young celebrity couple to politicans. Do politicans owe it to the public to be honest about their private lives, yes. Why because they serve us the public and they were voted into their positions by the public. Celebrities are doing a JOB called acting. They owe us nothing but acting in a movie and promoting that movie. The rest is theirs but we've become a society that is nosey. It started a long time ago and has gotten so bad with all the advancements in technology that you don't have to see someone taking your picture and posting it because there are lenses that will snap you from a mile away. So while you may feel safe, if you are a sought after celebrity of the moment, you never are far from the public eye.
I have always felt sorry for celebs that have their private lives out there for everyone to criticize. They chose the job yes but they chose their JOB not the stalkers that come with it. Am I to blame for creating a job for these stalkers, sure because I do frequent the blogs and online websites dedicated to my favorite celebs. I can't help it, it's a guilty pleasure like searching your name on Google. Do I feel that R&K owe us, the fans, some kind of answer to their relationship? Sometimes I'd say yes because it would end most of the speculation and slow things down a bit. Sometimes I say no because they obviously feel something deep for each other that they don't want to share with the rest of the world and that is their right. I have seen how cruel people are to couples and celebrities with their rude crass comments about them and I wouldn't want to be in that position. Where they are right now is in speculationville and no one knows for sure one way or the other so they cannot print anything that isn't speculation.
I still think that their story is extremely romantic and if they sold it to a magazine for millions and donated that to charity, it would be a way to immortalize their story and do something good from it but I'm not them so I just wait.
@Marina b4 I forget: thank you for sharing your story. Imagine the IW New Year's tradition is now kaput, but at least they got 2 good years partying with Hendrix's ghost!
@A Merci :-)
Loisada--Sooorrrry-- some here seem to see things through the eyes of a scorned woman, some through the eyes of a peacemaker, some through the eyes of a mother, some through the eyes of a psychologist, etc. And some of us put a few of those together--it's who we are.
But I just washed my hair, so I don't have my psychologist hat on right now, just a towel. :-)
I always used to associate Isle of Wight with Leonard Cohen; when I was a kid he played there and started (at least I think he started) the idea of lighting something so he could see the fans as zillions of points of light.
Relax. Breath. In...Out...In...Out. See, it is not that bad. Seriously. Specially since you don't have one single justifiable motive for your aggravation.
You don't know Rob. You don't know Kristen. You're not his friend. You're not her friend. Rob doesn't know you, Rob has no clue you even exist. Kristen doesn't know you either, and has as little clue about your existence. Meaning, they don't own you a smallest tiniest bit. Of anything.
On a second note. They haven't denied anything. No comment means exactly that you know. So stop being a crybaby and just breathe.
I think the girl is cute, she's a little bit of a celebrity now for getting a coveted "shot" that huge papparazi outlets couldn't snag for bunches of money!
And it makes me wonder, if perhaps Robert and Kristen preferred it that way. That maybe it's best for the news to come out this way instead of the paps.
Or not. lol it may have just been something they didn't think twice about.
Either way, I like the way they do things. I'm all for intrigue and mystery--I bet it adds to the spice. lol
no they are not politicians and were not voted in to hold any public office but they are selling their image as a brand,if we the public dont buy their careers are over,politicians maybe held to a different and higher standard that the celebs,but they are all doing the same thing selling a brand only in a different capacity.
Cohen, yes! What a nice tie-in Solas. And we know Rob loves Buckley, who loves Cohen... And nothing makes me want to scream Hallelujah more than Rob!
I wear every one of those hats myself, including the overanalyzing one. But I try (try) to keep the judgmental self righteous one in the closet, which is why I'm trying to change the tune here a bit! Your warm wisdom is always appreciated love.
Once again you're wrong. They're not selling themselves, like the politicians, they're selling their acting. Two completely separated issues, which you seem to have a hard time getting.
I guess i see things differently--and this has nothing to do with psychologist, mother, religous scholar, etc-- but I don't see them selling themselves as a brand- they are artists and get paid for their art.
or do I totally misunderstand the outside world and how it works?
Thanks, Loisada.
Leonard Cohen had a huge effect on me and my life, was kind of a saving grace.
BTW--am listening to Buckley's Halleluya right now!!!!
re: selling themselves
THey sell us imagery at the end of the day. Robert and Kristen sell imagery and fantasy. That's what Hollywood is all about. They sell us Edward and Bella.
Now, if they were very public about their relationship, people would be thinking they are still selling us imagery and fantasy to an extent--that their relationship is a convenient, self promoting thing.
As a result, the fact they are trying to keep their relationship private is a respectable thing. They don't want that real, private thing getting mixed up with the fantasy and imagery that is their jobs.
They are trying to seperate the two.
Sometimes their attempts are silly, sometimes they are downright disatrous. lol
But at least they are trying to seperate the two, and not let the fantasy and image tinge something that is real.
That's quite refreshing in this day and age.
Everyone please, stop arguing or even thinking and just look at this GIF... and weep!
I just want to reiterate this-- attempting to keep something that you care a lot personal and private is a lovely thing. You know that saying -- too many cooks in the kitchen? Times that by millions for these two.
crybaby LMAO funny as hell i like that one but you see.....freedom of speech is a bitch int it??
so iam going to breathe In and Out In and Out and say God bless America *Hugs* :-)
I just drooled all over my keyboard!
Riley--thanks-- that is an interesting perspective.
Me think thou art a SH!T Stirrer...
What ever floats it for ya babe...
If I'd add one other thing to my previous comments.
What exactly do you think will happen when they answer this for some reason so incredibly desirable question?
If they say yes, they are dating, what questions do you think will follow? How often they do it, or what she thinks about his ..., how good she is in bed, an so on.
If no. Who are they dating, how close friend are they, do they do it still? Not to mention all the even more dumb rumours that would follow, no matter the answer.
You also have freedom of silence. Did you forget that one, or does it not apply to actors in your world?
US citizen...figures.
oh and i dont argue,i just come here to state my opinions like everyone,with respect and love.
That's exactly what everyone thought you were doing..
Mission accomplished...
I would probably have less respect for R&K if they did start parading around in front of the press all the time like Katy Perry and Russell Brand. To me, Rob's private life is his and he doesn't owe me anything. It is nice to know he's with someone. I'm happy if he's happy. RPTMO, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be....
A Shit stir ummmm never heard that one before but it sounds HOT LOL ........freedom of silence ummmm i dont think so but thanx for the love :-)
Thinking back about 80 years, give or take, when I was in the twenties and dating, I was NOT at all forth coming about my relationships, to friends, especially family and most of all strangers who really didn't care. It was new, it was sometimes scary. It was fun, it was emotional and talking about it to anyone was losing a part of me. I needed to keep it to myself to keep it real. To not blow it into something it wasn't.
I get why Kristen and Rob are evasive and I am proud that they are!
It is really no ones business. He owes me NOTHING!
Now, that said. I am a HUGE fan of his. Even though I am way too old to be crushing on a kid that is way too close to my son's age. I want him to be happy. If that means he has a girl friend that he has been friends with for several years, good for him. So glad it is that, instead of him bed hopping with every bimbo that catches his eye. I find it rather endearing that he has had his eye on one girl for so long. Refreshing in my view.
I guess what I am confused about is all this fighting. Hating his choice in a girl. Hating that he hasn't told the world he is dating. Ummmm, why do some people care that much??
I must away... behave children
'Bye' ummmm i dont think so your mission is not accomplish LMAO but thanx for trying :-> love ya!
I agree with whoever said on the other thread that this is getting to be like a really bad soap opera. That person even said that some form of denial would surface, and it has (you psychic of something? lol). Well I wouldn't call this a denial per say, but the little girl did say that they weren't holding hands. (I also find it sad and hilarious that this little girl was sought out. to begin with, for an interview about this silly topic).
Also if they had other friends with them, why didn't they just let one of their friends take the picture while they both stood with the girl, instead of taking two pics separately?
I agree that unfortunately there is dishonesty going on here. There is a difference between wanting to have privacy, and between trying to actively act like they're NOT a couple. I mean Kristen wouldn't even stand next to Robert most of the time, during the New Moon promotional tour.
Wanting privacy means that a private couple in love would still hold hands when they are walking down the street together, but then can and would choose NOT to comment on it if asked by the media. But they wouldn't spend so much time hiding, sneaking and trying to pretend that they are NOT together.
And they are just making it worse for themselves by keeping up this kind of contradicting behavior. Unless they do want the attention that the speculation brings them?...hmmm (but I would like to think better of Robert and Kristen, although unfortunately it is starting to look this way to me)
Like I said this is just bizarre... unless they are just friends, and she just wanted to spend New Year's with him and his friends because she can't drink here at her age or something (but I find this scenario far fetched at this point, possible but far fetched).
Anyways this whole thing is really starting to suck the fun out of being a Robert fan or a twilight fan...sad but true...and I feel that this whole thing is unfortunately dragging Robert down.
I'm done with this topic, hopefully for good lol. I wish them all the best, whatever they are. Now I can only hope that we can go back to just discussing Robert and having fun. And that Robert will not change as a result of this, and continue to be honest, open and down to earth.
For being so proud for US you sure don't know its laws. Poor shame...
Anyway, just for your information, you actually do have a right to keep silence and not to answer a question, specially a dumb and irrelevant one. (Want me to find the paragraph for you? ...)
Hahahahaha Thank You Jules for pointing these lil savory comments out to me..jewels of wisdom that they are :)....
I'm gonna tell my opinion straight I always do without getting into a big ramble and goes it....
Celebrities = High Priced Roll Playing Hookers~!!!<333
God love em for it..because someone has to do it..can't wait to see Robert half naked in Remember Me..*wiggles eyebrows*..YEP, I only look for the best in my Hookers..LMAO ;)
Wait, what? Rob's not a hooker! Bitch, he has a girlfriend or not. ;o)
This is my opinion on the selling comment/s:
Celebrities are packaged the best way to ensure success. It is why they have publicists, stylists, get media training etc. It is why we, the public, are sometimes shocked when we hear about a celeb doing something "out of character".
Personally, I wouldn't pay to see a movie if I disliked the leads, no matter how talented they are. Part of being a bankable actor is being loved/idolized/admired by the targeted demographic. Their audience. No matter how much praise they get from peers or how many awards they receive, nothing's doing without the support of the public.
Actors have scripted answers for a reason and I'm not saying all answers are scripted but a lot are. An actor can't sell their acting skills if no one cares enough to watch them in the first place.
That's part of the reason Rob wasn't getting many jobs before Twilight, he wasn't bankable, well-known or adored by millions as he is now.
If his image was that of a drunken, crass, idiotic dolt, his star would fade fast. While I think we can all agree that our Rob seems to be a sweetheart, not all actors are. And "selling their acting" is not enough to succeed.
The actors who "come out off the pen" behaving like they're the shit become has beens in no time. The successful ones who don't bother with image don't start out that way, they seem to evolve into jerks/wenches.
As for the relationship between Rob and Kris, I couldn't give a crap less. They don't owe me shit.
:-) @Erika it seems from your contact calling to my name and seeking me out that you are quite found of me *Blush* i do swing both ways but sadly iam already taken but maybe if you drop by NYC we can have a drink if you are old enough......i know my opnions are different,if we all thought alike it would be very boring,this is why i repect other opinions,i guess it comes with Being an adult.
they've been trying to hide the "Robsten thing" for months and suddenly two pictures of a little fan explain it all???? i'm freakin out
i agree with you skorpia
and with you RPTMO
don't believe everything you read or see.
quit dumpin on rpattz-turns-me-on
just because they have a different opinion, doesn't give anyone the right to scratch their eyes out.
i think a little maturity is called for people...don't you?
Well what you want me to say. Should I address someone else when it is in fact YOUR unjustified opinion I argue? Which by the way you seem very reluctant answering.
As for the adult comment, well, your need to mention that states far to well against your words than I could ever formulate myself.
Losiada & Kelly, I <3 you guys big time! =)
*stick fingers in ears*
I have no reason to doubt anything about these pictures, & yes, I do believe they're a couple BUT, I would just like to remind everyone that we all believed those pictures of that Erica girl too. They were real pictures, but not a real situation.
Why are people picking on that little girl? She seems very sweet to me & isn't trying to puff herself up. She's excited about meeting them & to find herself the center of attention, but she didn't exaggerate anything & just stated the facts as she knew them.
o yuck :-(
gonna try to keep away from this for a bit.
@ damourkrist, AMEN!!!! Who gives a flying f if they lie or not! If they are together how cool. If they aren't, well, oh too bad! But they can lie and DO WHATEVER THEY WANT... they are celebrities and they need to protect themselves and they are also probably instructed to do so for publicity... who cares!
@ rpattz-turns-me-on... Just chill..... IT'S ALL GOOD :D
If he's happy, he's happy and that's all I want--with or without Kris, in whatever fashion THEY decide--I think we should just sit back, watch, and enjoy...I mean, Rob's HAPPY.
okay ericka
i have not commented for a few days
what was your question? or was it on the other thread?
Solas, what curdled your stomach, hun? :S
Was actually addressing rpattz-turns-me-on, of course I forgot to add the @ just then.
On a side note. I don't think that whining without ground, and accusing, once again a groundless one, can be considered an opinion. Just whining.
Reminds me, D.M., what contradicting behaviour, they haven't commented anything at all. How do you contradict a zero?
Can we try to not insult American citizens. I do not come onto this site ash bash other nationalities. It's rude and saying comments about stereotypical Americans is just biting into ignorance. Not everyone is American on here, but a good majority are. these be mindful of that when you make comments,
**Please be mindful not these be mindful
Loisada and Kelly...ya'll are cracking me up!!!
And he shaggin' you yet cause when he's done with you he's comin' (that's what she said) to my house!!
About the brother being there and other friends being doesn't make me think they are any less together. Her brother is likely friends with Rob as well. He went to Japan with Kristen last year for promo and spent a large amount of time in VC during NM filming. As for his friends, most people hang out with friends on NYE and not just with their gf/bf or significant other. Didn't most of us hang out with friend whether we were in a relationship or not? There were also multiple tweets from a few people that spotted R/K and his parents only having dinner together NYE..before the partying began. These two are together. Anyone who thinks otherwise has just invested too much time in denial.
um...why would a couple hold hands publicly when people shit themselves over them just being in the same town?
Everyone's scrutiny of them is the reason they don't say anything and try to maintain some reservation in public.
Guys, this isn't rocket science.
There's Robert the public persona.
There's Robert the private real live boy.
The public persona has been packaged to a degree. He "answers" to several people, you realize that, right? He's FLANKED by his manager and agent half the time.
The real private live boy is trying to live his life away from that persona.
That's why he's been MIA almost completely since his "job" promoting NM has finished.
He wants to have real private live boy time away from the public glare.
That real live private boy seems to like to hang with his costar.
He's not shoving their relationship in our faces cause he's not a publicity whore.
If you would rather he and kristen make out and pose for the paps 24/7 like Russell Brand and Katy Perry, sorry. That's not their vibe.
RB and KP are cute in their own way, but personally i'd barf if Kristen Stewart was twitter makeout pictures of her and robert every three hours!!!!
seriously admit it: if kristen twitter makeout shots of her and robert every two seconds the way katy perry does with russell brand, everyone would be like "she's throwing it in our faces! Smug hoor!"
These two can't win, their fans have put them in a catch-22 situation.
@Riley I like the way you think.
@rpattz-turns-me-on I kind of see the point your trying to make. But one thing I'm sure of is you are taking far to much heat just because you are stating your opinion. I bet if we were having these conversations face to face we all would probably be making more sense.
I think that one thing we can all agree on is we love Rob, and some of us love Kristen and want them to be happy.
(And some of us would probably kill to be part of their inner circle and know what is really going on LOL.)
The kid did not say that "they were with friends so they are not dating". She just said "They where with friend and people say them being together confirmed it".
Really some people are so desperate for them not to be together. They even twist a kids words.
i think summit just wants them mum bec if actors are a real couple the movie usually flop. remember the bulldog lady guarding rob? why no guard w/ kristen? she also has a reason to keep mum.
they are young and if they are inlove they probably couldnt get their hands off each other. so goodluck summit deny all you want.
I think you are pretty immature and a little desperate to find out Robs personal life. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! it's no ones business. And I'm disappointed to hear you calling Rob and Kristen LIARS when at no stage have they lied. When asked whether she is dating Rob. Kristen said "I want to keep some things for myself" A nice way of saying it was her private business. Rob stated only that he has "been avoiding the question" another polite way of saying "that's my business". What right do you think you have to know Rob and Kristen's intimate connections!
When there relationship is stronger, they will come out more when they are ready.
rptmo: Zac and Van actually hid their relationship for 2 years or so before they came out. The same goes for the trueblood couple. They were dating for sometime before they admitted it
I heard Rob say in some interview that he was a famous guy now - he should be dating some super models. I wonder what would happen if he did. How long would they stay with him?
They'd probably get death threats from his rabidly possessive fans.
hmmm...models getting death threats for dating Rob....somehow I'm okay with this. I mean your a model AND you get to fsuck Rob. That's just too much good fortune.
@Jules-as usual always right and willing to take the time out to explain urself..not me..LOL
@Sparkle-U crack me up girl :)
@Solas-Oh just yuckipoo-poo *stamps foot* (there I did it better for you) ;)
There are too many friends on here jumping on one person together and fighting over something so completely ridiculous it's laughable..IS he fucking you?..u said that a lot on here when ppl thought they were together before..and u jump on ppl now when they say they still might NOT be together.has it become that important to you..ask urself why..I could jump in and argue both sides and win..but I'm not arguing over something this trivial..what I do think the truth that Summit or Kristen & Robert or both are playing games with you all..and ur falling for all have gone from one extreme to the much it's laughable..alot of you are calling out a certain person's name *gives her a golf clap* ;)..I would be reveling in the attention as well :)..and I'll be the better person here by stating the obvious here....
@Erika-WTF does her being American have to do with Robert, Kristen, and this post? They weren't even in America..I can argue my country's amendments with you all day long..but I would rather (as a true American) shove an ABBA cd up ur ass sideways and tell you to fuck urself..just sayin....
Kemberly: Thank you for that!!! I literally gasped when I read that last bit.
Well U know Sparkle..I'm always here to make AMENDS for other's total fuckwitness..(not a word btw..but gawd-damnit they should put it in the Constitution)..LMAO
Marina- I saw a few pics of what your talking about. It WAS last NYE. There is the pic with Rob in a field with Marcus and a girl talking to Marcus. It's at nighttime. Rob has on that black and white plaid shirt and his other layers along with the beanie. Then there is another pic with Rob(buzz hair cut)in a bar sitting by a boy(Arthur, TomStu lil bro)with his head back laughing with his mouth wide open. There are 3 other pics with Tom Stu walking with a group of guys down a road at nighttime.All of this took place in Isle of Wight last New Years Eve. So it must be a tradition to go there. Who knows about next NYE though. LOL
I heard about Kris bro being there too. Regardless, Rob & Kris ARE together. Rob said that he didn't want to be like a lot of his friends that fell in love and forgot about their friends all together. It's nothing new to hang out with friends during NYE or any other time.So since they want to be private that's their choice. I'm just glad that others who were so blinded can now see that YES Rob and Kris are in fact together. And for those who wanted to argue me down. I guess you see now that my instincts were right all along. I did switch my opinion up about these two being together during all this. But when it started to get more obvious I took off the blinders. Makes me wonder how difficult some are in real life to see things right in their faces? But I guess some people are really stubborn like that? *shrugs*
You never suspect the Isle of Wight! ~ I hope they both had a lovely time and New Year! :)
I tried to read all comments, but it got pretty intense.
@Sparkletramp, @damourkrist, your comments reflect why I finally understood why Kristen & Rob decided NOT to admit anything. At first I couldn't understand that, but now I REALLY do. Would not make difference either way and would be disasterous if they are together. Every move would be photographed, speculated on, dissected, ad naseum, and yup break up rumors would circulate to sell mags (see some recent rag mags covers about Brad & Angelina). The feeding frenzy would really go into overdrive.
@Marina, that would explain them going there for NYE. I've heard it's really quaint and beautiful from Dutch co-worker just today!
@solas, wow, Leonard Cohen reference. Hallelujah! The most soulful, beautiful song ever written IMO. You spoke to another one of my obsessions.
Lastly, I really don't want to read another comment about Summit dictating what they are doing. That is fucking crazy! Gimme a break. Are we living in the 1940's and Kristen is Judy Garland. Jeesh.
@Kemberly, why are you even commenting if you think its to trivial for you. Your comments sound a little patronizing.
Although I do agree with what you said at the end. I hate the American paps, but I agree with you that people should not insult other nations.
Kemberly-your level of passion is basically equal to those you're condemning, it's a little silly.
Your argument is why do you care enough if he isn't fucking you.
Then you turn around and argue that Robert and kristen are playing games with us.
Which is it?
Should we not care because we aren't fucking him? They are living their lives and we need to live ours?
Or should we care cause they are actually engaging us, albeit in a school yard taunting way? They are living their lives in a way that's engaging us?
Self righteousness is on all sides, that's the funniest part of this.
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