Stating the obvious a little... but Rob is on the 'What's In' list for Movies in 2010 according to HitFix. (Sorry TayTay - it seems you're out, and you don't look too happy about that!)

What's In: Robert Pattinson vs. What's Out: Taylor Lautner
See the article and full list at the source:
HitFix via
They just fixed it! Rob is in the "out" list. WTF?! They're both in!
Everything else is spot on tho.
If i have to see another mag cover with a shirtless Taylor or hear him yap about his abs *sign* in 2010 iam gonna scream Ahhhhhhhh
dont get me wrong he is a goodlooking kid but he must realise that there is more to sex appeal that great abs.
its 6:32am in London.I'm drunk on twitter's robp0rn and not an ounce of sleep yet.Had to say I agree with rpattz-turns-me-on! & Thanks Robsessed, you guys do an awesome job =).
Are these people serious? Who made this list up... Bradley Cooper is on the out list with Robert. I would much rather go to the movie or read an interview or watch/listen to an interview with Rob that with TL talking about his Abs or repeating the company line... Can on say B.o.r.i.n.g.
Lunar jetson - I did that the other night and looks like I'm headed that way tonight too - I hope not - I need some sleep.
Rob should be on the top of the list........but..........that other list where he was Number 1 and Michael Jacksons death was Number 2???? I don't think Rob ranks higher than MJ on that event of the year. Sorry. That should really be in a different category.
@rpattz -
right - Does Taylor really think we're all THAT shallow........a great bod and good looks are all we want?????
Well...........yeah, that helps.
I think Taylor's new years list should have him keep his shirt on and his mouth shut,
On Rob's list he should take his shirt
30 of Robs HOTTEST stares - OMG
hello and sorry :) but if you check again the list of hitfix movies the list is different…sorry if a do wrong…but check !robert pattinson miramax etc. are on the list whats out…:( sorry for my english..i hope you understand me :) thanks and sorry again!!!keep your great job!i love your blog! :)
@Femroc i agree :-) and i prefer Rob's lean sexy Bod,Taylor is too musclely ummmm is that a word?? Anyway ita 2.26 am here in NYC and i cant sleep so iam watching Jurassic Park on HBO and reading about Rob .
and the folks who are putting Rob on the out list are fu....crazy,
with RM and Eclipse he is going to be Big this year.
What the?? Rob out? noooo way
check out socialitelife -they have a YEAR of TWILIGHT 261 pix of the whole cast
pretty good
Rob probably called them and told them to put him on the OUT list......pleeeeezz!!!
Oh, please Taytay is the blandest and most boring young actor out there. The only things he can talk about are his abs and regimen fitness. He is bland and blander and blandest. He is a well trained media puppy, that's all. Plus his mug is ugh: small squinty eyes and pug nose. Plus he is too muscly for his height. Plenty of women prefer lean bodies to bulky bulging muscles all over the place.
I'm confused is he in or out? This endless attempt to pimp Taylor is not going to work, the sort of fame that Rob has comes out of nowhere, Leonardo got it, Rob has it but Susan Boyle also has it! what marketer would ever have seen that one coming?
I wonder if you shot Taycob from the shoulders to the waist and put him in a line up could you pick his abs out from anyother muscle bound actor? it's his only usp, and fleshy faces don't age well look at Dean Cain. I hope someone else is still out there, I always seem to miss the party. Hope the New Year brings everyone what they want.
I think they're BOTH in. And can I remind people that you can like boh Rob AND Taylor?? Taylor is a great young guy who is obviously very excited to be a part of something so big. He always talks about his abs because he's always ASKED! He's only 17, I really don;t think he deserves the amount of hate he gets.
@femroc : woke up with a hangover haha and @tgill: I know right? They should stop forcing Taylor onto people. People like Rob because he's different. They should leave it that way!
@kelly2601 I don't hate Taycob, if anything I'm indifferent to him.I just find this attempt by the studio to have it either or exasperating, there is plenty of room for both of them. The fact is though that Rob has touched people by both the beauty of his face and the vibrancy of his personality, and those, unlike abs, are two things that you cannot manufacture.
I don't care what list they put him on, his acting speaks for itself - there is a 25 hottest stars list and both Taylor and Kellen are on it and neither Rob or Kristen are - utter nonsense. When RM comes out, people will be scrambling to put him on the top of their lists but he is always on top of mine
Kellan (K)lutz will always be C-list. This guy takes all the offers he gets in terms of ads, parties, Twilight conventions, everything which Rob turns down or has become too big to attend.
As for Taytay, Rob talks better about Jacob than Failcob does.
Well, so much for lists! Somebody stayed up all night working on this masterpiece. Duh!
I don't have anything against teenybopper boy,TL. It's just that he has zero appeal for me and no way in this world could he even begin to touch the magnatude of utter perfection that is Robert Pattinson. Sorry TayTay. That's just how it is. For me, anyway.
ITA jc!its not that i have anything in particular against the kid, he just doesn't measure up.rob has raised the bar significantly!i dont care about abs infact i think taycob looks over inflated!hes an ok looking kid in a disney kinda way but you either have robs sex appeal or you dont!the guy could sell sin to the devil with that panty dropping stare!the comments on the site are all negative and telling them to reverse the order.the just did it for hits so respective fans would come and fight their corners, but they will be sorry come march when the spike in ratings is long forgotten and our robbie is still king of the world!as someone over there said taylor couldnt even reach robs throne to steal it!the box thing still cracks me up!
Could we not degenerate into a hatefest, there's plenty of room for all of them, @chantalco if Kellan is doing the new Calvin Klein ads then he is not C list, and if he actually does the volunteer and charity work that he says he does then he has my respect. Actors take whatever is offered to them Rob admitted that himself that he took anything before he got Twilight.
If Rob ever read his fine a$$ is on the "out" list he would LHFAO. Then frame it. Anyone hear about the paps law that came into effect on Jan1st?? Im surprised u guys didnt cover it...Ole Roberto should benefit from it. No more crazy pap shots:)
What dope came up with THAT list? Rob is out? Wake up and smell the coffee! Rob is here to stay! I predict he will be bigger than ever this year!!!
Well, Rob is not A-list yet, he is B+++++++++list, so that surely makes Kellan C-list at most. Just because he has a Calvin Klein ad doesn't make him A-list. If you read his interviews, he's never asked about himself but about Rob or Rob and Kristen. What lead roles has had Kellan so far? or supporting roles in good movies? That's what makes an actor not underwear ads.
LOL about Taytay not being tall enough to reach Rob's throne, he needs the box to stand on...
dfAssuming most know these 'lists' aren't to be taken seriously. These kind of 'hot & cold' rankings are ways to generate interest, and reflect who they think has had more media coverage as opposed to those who might get more in future. I think Rob has been somewhat ‘over-exposed’ in the last year, not for fans, of course, but per media. He can take a little less spotlight now as there will be a build-up again March through June.
Please, only one King of the World. The first is hard enough to deal with. Happy for Rob to be a
Pattinson IN
Suz.... THUD
HitFix is on my "out" list for 2010.
And Rob honey, you're always "in" with me... you know that :)
Just read the comment about the throne on Hitfix absolutely priceless!!! if they wanted to generate interest they succeeded. Interestingly someone else there made the same comment that I made about Taylors next project Cancun the synopsis sounds ridiculous it's nice to see that Rob and Kristen are taking chances. Next year should be interesting if RM does very well then it will cement Robs superstar status
@chantalco: All due respect, but Rob is certainly A-list. By the standards of Hollywood, someone who can get a movie made is A-list. We all know Rob doesn't have to audition any more; he's said as much in interviews. He's got the Weinstein's wanting to make a movie with him, he's working with Thurman, Jackman, Brosnan. He's been on every major magazine cover in the industry. To me, that's A-list. Kellan Lutz I would say is B-list (with an A-list body, no doubt:)
Who the hell is df? Where am I? What...ah, twas a typo. Not addressing non-existent persons. Might help if I READ what I'm saying. Might...
Think there will be too much focus on RM, and heightened expectations, for it to be seen on its own terms. Maybe by time Bel Ami comes out there will be a better chance that hype won't distort. I'm really interested to see what he is signing on for after BD. What he's considering anyway...
Rob is A list,the other cast members including Ks is B list or C list like Nikki Reed.
A-agree w/list assessment
But, still, mega hot Rob has been my own personal "A" lister for quite some time! IMO, he has already become a bonafide star. Don't see that status changing. Rob will kick some ass in 2010!
i going to say SORRY ahead of time because iam going to offend some folks,this comment have nothing to do with the Topic but the other thread is full so i have to put it here..........
KL is no more B-list than Nikki Reed who wrote a script and has received awards for her work. He is C-list and nothing more. No lead roles in any movie. If Kristen (the real lead role in Twilight saga, but Rob has become a bigger star than her) is B-list, then surely KL is C-list...
Hei, don't bash Taylor, he is a cool kid. I like Rob an Taylor! Both are super sweet.
another DENIAL ?? you got to be fucking kidding me.......after denying a relationship during the NM promotion,R and K should be ashamed being caught together AGAIN......are you trying to tell me that a woman is going to leave her family and fly thousands of miles during the holidays just to be with a friend an co worker who have family in the same country?? who they trying to feed this Bull shit to??,i cant believe folks are buying this Denial Bull shit and allowing themselves to be lied to,is it because the lie is what they want to hear??
ok sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest after reading another Denial from Rob in a mag,
i agree with folks who say KL is B list not C,but Rob is Definitely A hands down.
ok sorry for the rant but i had to get that off my chest after reading another Denial from Rob in a mag,
i agree with folks who say KL is B list not C,but Rob is Definitely A hands down.
No, you don't HAVE to put it here, you just want to. Dammit. Was good to see a discussion that wasn't about a done to death topic that's frankly nobody's biz but their own.
@Haystack: Yeah, he's on my personal 'best' list too. Only one that counts. :) Gotta go..
No you really didnt have to write that here.threads dhould be kept separate, the other one will still allow posts if thats what you want to talk about.and btw the denial was probably recycled he hasnt commented on that stuff in forever!why cant we just enjoy the pretty and leave the rabid "robsten" speculation to the awful truth boards?!
well iam to lazy to put it in the other thread,its to long.DAMMIT lol
rpattz-turns-me-on, I think you're getting upset over nothing - there have been no denials since last spring, and definitely not during or after the NM promotion. Comments can be printed months/years after they were made.
So see, you can go back to drooling over Rob peacefully! It's so much more satisfying :)
Who wrote that list I wonder. Tom hanks is out. And what do they mean with "cheap indies"? Like, all indie work? Are they retarded or what...
And seriously, how did James Cameron end up on the in list. He did a bad flick for how many years? With all the technology and budget he was given he chose to make the main character fall in love with a CAT! Miauuu, now scratch me behind my ear?
With that lifted from my chest, I think Robert really deserves to be on the in-list. With his projects coming up and following each other through out the year saying he'll rock this year is an understatement.
and as i said in my earlier post SORRY to offend,i just hate when people try to insult my intelligence by assuming iam dumb to believe the BS that they are spewing,i refuse to be tricked by a 19 and 23 yr old,to old for the BS.i know to some folks lies are comforting because the truth sometimes hirts but i like to keep it real.
@Littlebear thank you :-) and on another note am i the only one who thinks Billy Burke (charlie) is HOT ?? i think after my Rob he is the hottest, here is my list......1 Rob (Duh) 2 Billy3 Peter 4 Kellan 5 Taylor ummmm
Seriously thats not what this thread is about!theyre not setting out to insult your intelligence, theyre just not broadcasting their business to those whom it DOESNT concern!ive had enough, i just want to enjoy the pretty in peace!
*Prepares to chant*
Seriously thats not what this thread is about!theyre not setting out to insult your intelligence, theyre just not broadcasting their business to those whom it DOESNT concern!ive had enough, i just want to enjoy the pretty in peace!
*Prepares to chant*
@rpattz, you're welcome! Sometimes things get in the way of our enjoyment of the pretty, and that's WRONG. We have to support each other :)
And yes, Billy Burke is definitely a DILF... ;)
Well we know this list is bogus. Rob "out" for 2010. LMAO Please. Rob has RM, Bel Ami, Eclipse, and UC all as the leading man. Taylor has a supporting role in Valentine. He probably want be on screen, but for a couple of minutes. His other movie role as Max Steel. And some movie he is developing called Cancun. And there is some other so called list that has Tay Tay as Top Money Maker star of Tomorrow???? Carey Mulligan I can believe because she is a terrific actress. But Tay Tay??? LMAO
Taylor Top money what?? they got to be fu.... kidding me,this is why most of these so called list are BS.
Billy Burke is
But Rob makes fine look bland!
@katie2601: Thank you! Jeesh, hating on Taylor. ITA with you.
Well the girls already got there first, I also checked the Hitflix, and their intro goes like "It's never easy to spot ... but here at HitFix we take pride in.. blah blah.. only insanely addictive pop culture personalities can provide" DUH!!
You clearly need to check on your sources, they might have been high on something when they made the list. I mean come on!! Rob has what!? two movies coming out and two movies to be made!! And Tay's like what? Ok he also has two movies coming out but he's only a SUPPORTING CAST on both of them!! I don't even think we'll see much of him in Valentine's day movie and the hype was all about him and Taylor Swift's smooch fest!!
Let's just see who's in when 2010 hits, am sure Hitflix will be eating all their words by the end of the year!!
Hope they won't choke.
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