Robert Pattinson in Popcorn Magazine (Germany)

It's times like this when I regret only studying German for two years! I want to know what they're saying about his face! In the meantime I'm quite content to just stare.

The translation is after the scan thanks to Robsessed83 and Katja :)

People that brush their hair out of their face want to show strength, power and sexual potency. In other words: "I'll get what I want". Robert is a fighter, very ambitious and target-oriented. (Gozde: Ooooh, I like that!)

Rob's high and broad forehead stands for intelligence and assertiveness. Such ambitious people would want to bang their head against a wall most of the time. If it's not working, they might even lose it.

A clear glaze, almost a glare, paired with bushy eyebrows. Robert can be dominant, maybe even despotic. He is goal-oriented and really ambitious, demanding and dominant between the sheets. A self confident guy who knows exactly what he wants and how to get it.(Gozde: Too much fanfic on the brain. Are they describing his facial features or trying to make me HOT and bothered? :))

Sturdy and pointing down, his nose stands for ambition, justice and a strong will. However, the alar wings of the nose are not very distinct, which means: Robert has a hard time putting himself in the position of others.

A beautiful, well-proportioned mouth, the lips rather small. Robert's sensitiv and artistic nature is unmistakable. But: he tends to be the brooding one, shutting himself off to other people a lot.

A broad Jaw stands for assertiveness and self-confidence. A guy like Rob won't get agitated easily.

Even if he's not the most talkative person, Robert Pattinson (23) is a fighter by nature, setting straight goals and won't let others get in his way. A guy with principles, even though he's not big on patience. If things go really wrong he might even lose it. That fact makes him a loner. Robert's only open to new things if he wants to be. His will to work and dominance are both remarkable. He wants to give directions, even concerning his love life.
His greatest fear: Being a loser!

Thanks to Gossip Dance
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