The favourite vampire
It happened on Croisette, but it's an everyday scene for him. He was entering a nightclub on Cote d'Azur and the mass hysteria in front of it reached a peak 15 minutes ago. Pattinson didn't know what to do, smile or worry about the extent of his popularity after the stellar success of the second of the Twilight saga movies. What was it that obsessed the mostly teenage girls? The rebellious style of a 23 years old actor? His dangerous radiant masculinity,despite his relatively young age? His angel face or the deadly combination of them all? Pattinson is aware of his popularity, how could he not be.
After his romance with costar Kristen Stewart ended, he started to run from the media world. He gave one of his last interviews in November of last year, it was necessary for the promotion of the movie.
"My life changed radically after the success of the movie and it became bizarre," said Pattinson, casually stretched in an armchair. "I can't understand the screaming. I can't understand why the restaurant where I dined only once during the making of New Moon in Vancouver suddenly the most sought after place to dine in otherwise idyllic city. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my family there and I couldn't get a table. Think about it, only a couple of weeks later and every table was booked weeks in advance."
To avoid the attention, Pattinson started to eat in less established, even cheap places..
"No one can imagine what the diners I visit lately look like," he smiled. "And no, I don't have a private life anymore. There is no chance for me to exit the hotel unnoticed and take a walk without being under siege. I have to plan in advance every step with complicated logistics. I don't have any time off. It's hard to believe, but lately I'm relaxed only during the making of the movie, because we are shooting in remote areas. I haven't left my hotel in months. Pretty stupid, right?"
Locked in his hotel room, Pattinson plays guitar, watches movies or reads. Whenever is possible and he's at home, he visits childhood friends and spends the evening in their company.
"My life is boring because I want to live it that way," he said thoughtfully.
"It' s not that rare for me to stay at home and the next day I read in newspapers where I have been. Unbelievable, but true. My Mum is an obsessive gossip magazines reader and she often googles me and she is upset if something is not written according to the facts. Ha Ha ha."
*The score for Twilight was written by his friends.
*He doesn't want to talk about Kristen Stewart.
*He admits he has problems differentiating love scenes in a movie and his private life.
*His aunt had a great sense of humour and she lived to be 96 years old.
* Once he received 20 pages of horoscope via mail.
Big thanks to the fab Darja for the scan and translation.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»"He admits he has problems differentiating love scenes in a movie and his private life."
Didn't Rob say in an interview he KNOWS exactly the difference here? "You get paid, that's the difference" or something like that?
Yep another BS article about Rob...sigh
Yes, Maryann, he did. I remember he said as an actor you have to know, because otherwise it brings a different connotation to it, with the actress getting paid and you getting paid. I remember thinking it was a very smart and thought provoking answer.
I think these translations can lose a great deal of truth.
Lost In Translation
The whole thing sounds bogus.
I don't think it's lost in translation I think it's just another gossip mag and paper never refused ink!
All the gossip ticks me off because stupid people that don't do their research believe it. Over Thanksgiving I got into a argument with my cousin and her kids as they were talking about Robs "drug addiction, and overdose", etc... They thought he was a drug addicted bum and it pissed me off!! People will believe it just because it's in print.
he has said EXACTLY that several times! You are so right!
Parts of it are real, or at least from other interviews he's done...
They picked a damn fine photo though!
Rob is going to lose the competition. Vote for Rob.
@twmmy, he was over 2000 votes ahead this morning! What happened? : (
Unfortunately, the voting continues until Jan 20th---a long time to stay with a poll...
Gwen promises to Vote Rob every chance she gets! ; )
Wow there are some really nice wallpapers of Rob and Emilee at
"After his romance with costar Kristen Stewart ended"
But I do love this phrase:
"His dangerous radiant masculinity" LOL
Who in Gods name is voting for Roger Federer?
I love the article, these journalists are wasted in magazines they should be writing fiction, no wait, they already are!!!
@Marna, I know WTF? See this is why they ain't never admitting anything 'cause it won't matter. People going to make up stuff either way. Credit to Kristen for realizing that (Rob concurred). At the time, I didn't, but sure do now.
Girls let's solve the robsten problem some other day. He is losing go vote, go vote.
@Dina, Yes, Vote, Vote Often!
Who the heck is the other guy; never even heard of him! Rob was up about an hour ago; now he's behind. Again.
And we all KNOW ROB is THE MOST ATTRACTIVE MAN. Hands down. ; )
Vote! Keep voting! (Jan 20th, poll ends.)
I love this interview with Rob on Amazon - you've probably seen it but he talks about his friend Johnny Flynn and is just very cool and calm in the interview. And of course looks super hot.
Gwen- He is an international tennis champ. I guess you have never watched Wimbledon? Or all those other tennis championships? He is a major athlete with major endorsements too. Like Tiger.
But I would never think in a million years that he would be winning over Rob in the looks department. He looks okay. But nowhere near as sexy and yummy as Rob.
femroc- I saw two of Johnny's music vids over at Letters To Rob when they posted Rob's playlist with vids of each song. He sounds pretty good.
He was singing with this girl in one and the other was one of his music videos.
Horoscope via mail??? If this is true it couldnt have been an accurate one. I am on the hunt for the time he was born so I can make an ACCURATE chart. Just the birthdate isnt enough. *sighs* someone throw this sista a bone!
Horoscope via mail??? If this is true it couldnt have been an accurate one. I am on the hunt for the time he was born so I can make an ACCURATE chart. Just the birthdate isnt enough. *sighs* someone throw this sista a bone!
Thanks, Shani! Gwen. Sports. Not. At. All.
(Honestly, ashamed to say NEVER watched a pro tennis game, nor been to a pro football game, nor hockey, basketball, soccer, hmm. The list is pretty extensive. Gwen apologizes for her complete and utter lack of anything sports-related. Gwen is truly a geeky scientist.) ; )
And damn skippy Rob is way hotter!
Good evening!
Just back from seeing Its Complicated... God I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life!!!
I voted probably 20 times today.. vote must be rigged!
LOL, do realize it's actually a "tennis match" not game. Tennis guy must have really loyal fans! And they've gone gung-hu in the last few hours.
But, we're Rob's fans. We can step up! ; )
RPG, the thought did occur. (Gwen waves! Good to know; that movie sounds great!)
RPG my love.. I saw this today, too..
I was worried that Alec was going to be too gross (he was)
And Steve Martin's "work" distracted me...
But Meryl... as always was SUBLIME.
Despite the men's lackings.. I LOVED this MOVIE..
and I Loved, Loved Loved.. everything Meryl wore.. EVERYTHING!
She is simply put.. a Goddess
@RPG Home sweet home LOL. I was almost thrown out of the movie theater. Such good fun.
Go vote guys he is gonna lose big. Shame to lose over a tennis player.
omg her clothes were amazing... and that is MY dream house....
Everyone was rolling laughing so hard a lot of lines were missed... I love anything by Nancy Meyers and Meryl... Well there's just no better actress...
femroc, great interview! Love the way Rob says "Los Angeles".
Amazing how sexy he sounds with his real accent; not that his Edward-voice isn't totally hot as well. Just yum all the way around.
: )
Hi pining, dina and gwen!
Meryl is amazing. Today I saw Mama mia on DVD. OMG she was beautiful, sweet ,tender... She is simply great. Pierse was there too, my other major crush.
she indicated it would update today but not yet... Sniff...
Hi, Pining! Today was busy; but yes, did a bit! ; ) Go Gwen!
Confession time; Steve Martin's always been pretty cute, right? Goofy, but just so cute!
It's Complicated, now on the must see list!
Dina, Mama Mia! Such a FUN movie (although, Gwen did cry in a few places). Literally, dancing around the room listening to ABBA songs. And yes, Meryl is amazing! ; )
I should watch it again! My guys are watching District 9. Again.
if you love Pierce, you might enjoy some of my pics from Remember Me Set
I know, I need an EP fix myself..,
I still haven't seen Mama Mia... It's good huh? Well of course it is, Meryls in it...
I'm watching Somethings Gotta Give.. Another favorite Nancy Meyers film...
@Pinig I know right? What am I gonna do? Listening to the song does your mother know, I was so much thinking of Rob and I was laughing all by myself.
@Gwen I did cry too, I am such a cryalot, OMG clinex has to sponsor me for remember me.
@suz thank you. You have just made my night.
I love you bb!
Rpg! Ditto my luv..
In Rob we Love
RPG my mother in law really liked Its Complicated. I have it on my list of must see movies.
LOVE the pic on this mag cover.
it's a great movie....I love that Nancy Meyers taps into the sexuality of us "older" broads... We ain't dead!
Yea, the photo on this mag is to die for!
hi, everyone! pining, are you still here?
well, duh, I guess you are! LOL
anyone stuck their head into the hand-holding thread? I'm skeered to peek...;)
I watched a movie last night, don't think I'm going to tonight. Watched "Public Enemies" with Johnny Depp, and I was dissapointed! Lord knows he looked good and there were some good moments, but it drug so much I almost fell asleep. :P
what movie are you watching?
RPL, hi! Snuck a peek in that thread a while ago---it SEEMS pretty civilized, but only read about 5 posts...
Gwen is all about the happy! ; )
Seriously multi-tasking; ff, blog, movie and that silly vote! And eating dinner and trying to refill wine glass. Gwen has skills!
Just started "Everlong". Seems good so far!
Swear that stupid vote thing IS rigged. What time is it in England? Maybe that's it. Rob is getting beat!
LOL @RPG and the old broad comment.
Pining you can have it the Rome Rob Avi I was going to switch tonight anyway for a new one.
ah! I've been wanting to see that one-Paul Rudd and Jason Siegel (sp?) are so funny!
I love movies like that, Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, Superbad...freaking hilarious.
Pining, my son LOVES that movie. Said it was "ballin'". Guyspeak for good. ; )
I read some of that thread earlier, looked like Leslie, Kelly, and RPG were trying to lighten things up for a while. :)
But then I see that it's up over 300 comments, and if there's fighting going on I just don't want to waste my time.
I think the drought is making people catty...although we have gotten a few sightings, to be fair!
@pining here's a link to Rome Rob.
Gwen- That's right it is called a match. LOL See you knew that much. Don't beat yourself up. LOL
earlier today Kelly was talking about getting your English rocks off or something-LMAO!
RPL, there was something about people/rocks being photoshopped... Yeah. (If ever a thread deserved a warning: Here Be Dragons )
Has Gwen given all of you NBs hugs lately? It is very nice HERE.
; )
aw, hugs back, Gwen! :))
any other NB's on tonight?
Shani, thanks! Gwen. > Bella-level clumsy. Cracks in sidewalk? Gwen will trip. Every. Time.
Sports = Gwen's kryptonite. Not pretty.
LOL, pining! that is one hot avi, I gotta say. ;)
He IS darn yummy, isn't he? Sheesh. ; ) Black tee. Stare. Sex Hair. Drool. (Rinse & repeat.)
Hey RPL,
I haven't been back to the hand holding thread since this got ridiculous as usual!
LMAO pining!!! We see Rob in all things!!
*sigh* that's what I figured, RPG. you would think they'd run out of ways to argue about it, wouldn't you?
LOL Pining, someone's trying to tell you something...
oh geez.... Robler avi... Jaw porn alert...
LOL, Pining. Honestly, it's not just you! I see "Rob" everywhere too.
It's not just the arguing... It's the disecting... mind boggling... I would just rather drool over his hotness and leave the rest alone!
Someone even got nasty with Nik, and I was done!
I miss him... sigh...
maybe when we wonder how they can be so ugly all the time, they're wondering how we can be so...giddy?
seriously, I wonder how they don't get bored.
whenever I log into a site like Facebook and there's a box that says "Remember me?" I always think about Rob and RM...
whenever KOL or Van Morrison comes on the radio I immediately think about Rob.
I think I'm a couple of weeks away from needing a 12-step. ;)
Pining, I'll be here all week! heehee
I hear that! It's pretty amazing (sick) that I can tie Rob into almost anything I hear or see...have serious case of Rob-addiction!
oh, man...I know exactly what you mean-my DH had Hot Pockets for lunch the other day and wanted to know why I was giggling at him. =)
I thought about saying, the NB's would know! but, sadly, he's out of the loop. LOL
Now see! Only the Robsessed would get the hot pocket connection! Too funny!
Kobe steaks
hot pockets
Hot meat!
Re other thread? Just hope Rob and/or Kristen NEVER EVER read the kinds of stuff posted. Most are so negative. Not to mention scary/creepy. Would totally freak me out if I were them. Karma people. Seriously.
Rather be a respectful fan than a crazed one. ; ) Peace, you know?
RLP, horny! LOL! And yes.
Gwen, ITA, you've hit the nail on the head!
LOL, "hot meat"-sizzling!
I've been trying to talk the hubby into watching it but he says he wants to wait until it's free on the movie channels-I knew it would be good!
Ever seen The Hangover? we watched it a couple of weeks ago, that was really funny, too.
and RPG, I loved Something's Gotta Give! I want to see It's Complicated, too.
I just watched Panic Room with Kristen as a kid and Jodie Foster - it was ok, very predictable and pretty boring but ok.
Kristen did pretty good in it but still her tomboy type self.
Kept looking at her thinking "if you only knew what you had in store for you"
Gwen where are you reading these negative comments?
Anyone seen 500 Days of Summer?
Gwen, not yet but I've been wanting to-is it good?
femroc, pick one of the "Robsten" photo threads. The level of arguing to/fro/up/down...shudder. And the tangents? Worst than a high school drama dept. Backstage. Opening night.
idk what his name is, but the kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun and Zoe Deschunel star in it, romantic comedy...looks good to me and got good reviews!
has anyone seen Henry Poole Was Here with Luke Wilson? I'm watching it and I know I've seen the lead actress before but I can't remember where...grrr!
Pining, I've been checking it all day, too! it'll be there eventually but the wait is killing me!
What's up NBs!!!!!
What's everybody been doing today?
I've been getting English Rocks list!
Kelly and I decided that that was gonna be our new catch phrase.
Re, 500 Days of Summer, Zoey Deschanel, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (tv show, 3rd Rock from the Sun).
Haven't seen; think it just came out on DVD. Looks really cute! RomCom.
It's on the list! ; )
Hi, LHR! ; )
Yes, Family Stone! Loved it!
hey Leslie! I saw your new catch phrase earlier-LMAO
The Family Stone is wonderful-I laughed so hard I cried and then I just cried. perfect combo!
I love Diane Keaton's role, and I don't always like her, but she played that perfectly!
I just skimmed thru the 300 comments... They calmed down toward the end... but wow.... It's embarrassing...
The hangover is freaking hysterical... Omg, wrong on so many levels & so funny... Haven't seen I love you man...
Land of women just started... I've haven't seen it,,, kstew is gorgeous as a blonde
Hey Leslie!
Getting your English rocks off!!! Woot!!
ROG, let me know about Land of Women. Just ordered that along with Speak. Looks good.
I love the family stone! I watch that all the time... The whole scene in the kitchen, the food spilling on sjp... The fighting I loved that part...
Let your freak flag fly!
Sorry, RPG! Can't key any more!
And Sorry Rob, this vote thing is getting TEDIOUS! Love ya, but...
Fav, fav Diane Keaton movie? Baby Boom. It's just sooooo freaking sappy and cute!
Good evening, ladies!
I just wish that these interviewers would get their facts or Rob's quotes straight...
Yup, Maryann, another bs interview.
Hi, rpg!!! xo
Check out this fan made thing. It made me LOL
Speak is really good.... sad....
Ellie my love! I just came to see if you stood me up tonight. I've been playing in photoshop.
Yeah...I was very impressed with myself because I think the majority of that conversation was before I'd even had any coffee!! And I don't usually function very coherently without my coffee!!
We were trying to keep it from getting bad, but it always ends up that way anyhow...
But from now on I will always have a special place in my heart for English Rocks!! ;)
Hey, DB!
I wouyld never stand you up, love! :)
Wish I knew how to daughter's the expert at that.
Cute, Marna! ; )
You know I'll always photoshop anything you need.
I know...I love her in family stone... Suzanne, such a sweetie!
Hi Ellie!
There's so many pics that you can have fun with... lol
I'd really rather have fun with the subject as opposed to the pictures.
Well, yeah, that's a given... :)
Oh, the things we could do...
ahem...okay, where were we?
I think I skeered people away?? I don't know anybody here anymore.
Gotta sign off for now... Land of women is getting interesting... And a certain cocky is calling my name..
Night all!
I forgot about Baby Boom! I love that movie.
*hangs head*
did everyone leave for the night?
night, RPG! :)
Night RPG!
good nioght, rpg...sweet Robdreams after your movie!
DB, I'm guessing that maybe it's a later time zone for the people that were on here earlier???
IDK...but I'm still awake, and it's a quarter to one, here.
Damn, I can't type tonight... *night
I'm still internet is acting wonky so if I disappear, that's why...
ok, if you haven't seen Henry Poole Was Here, I'd highly recommend it...simple story but really moving.
I'm still tearing up!
pining, I so hope that she updates tomorrow...High Anxiety hasn't updated for about a week, either. Man, I'm greedy! :)
Hi, pining for the pretty! Nice to meet you!
Thanks for the work compliment...I really love teaching. However, I really loved my holiday vacation away last week, away from
DB and I are old-timers here at Robsessed (at its beginnings). We just haven't been on for a while. Life seems to get in the way.
But I absofreakinglutely love it here. Goz, Kate, and Kat do a phenomenal job with it.
Oh, and I love that Brit boy.
Just sayin'.
Maybe. Quite Possibly. I'm a bit scary though. LOL. What are you still doing up anyway.
Hello PFTP. It's nice to meet you as well. I don't really care for Rob. I'm just here to stalk Ellie.
Ah, I'm amongst fanfic lovers...
um, yeah, me too.
EP's up soon???
I've been resisting the pull of the ff's but I think that I may have to I need another addiction!!
Pining, read HA! ; ) Good stuff!
DB, your avi is H.O.T...
pining, I'm not sure! my list is soooo long already, I don't know how many more I should add-LOL If you're looking for rec's, though, I would suggest HA, it's really good.
High Anxiety is great!
DB, don't you ever stop stalking know I love it! lol
And yeah, still awake. I'm sleeping in tomorrow.
RPG said that she thought it was going to update today...idk, though, I'm not signed up for the alerts.
Leslie, beware, it's totally addicting! but I'm loving it! =)
LHR, avoid if you can! It will suck you in. (Gwen resisted Twi ff for as long as she could. But, in the end, it was futile.)
Then some people want you actually WRITE the darn stuff too. LOL. Not naming any names or anything. ; ) Pining.
Ahhh Thank you RPlover. I just worked it in PS but you can't see the cute texture because my profile is locked and I'm to lazy to fix it. LOL.
What is HA? I'm sure I know and my day has just sucked so much I can't think.
LMAO at the fact that I just looked and saw that I have about 200 stories in my file on the computer... damn, I need a life.
And DB...I agree with're avi is smokin' hawt!!!!
It gets my NB juices flowing just like Gwen's, RPL's, RPG's, and pining's avi's do!! Of course there's the JAWPORN, etc also...I guess it really doesn't take much for me when it comes to The Pretty...
There is a page on facebook called
Robert Pattinson is UGLY!!
it has like a quarter of a million fans.
I'm sad.
Ahhh...I knew I know it. Im reading it already. I thought I was onto something new. Darn.
Gwen I think I read a one shot of yours recently???
Hi, Ellie & DB. And ITA with RLP on your avi, DB. HOT! ; )
now I'm watching LA Ink reruns...I'm getting a new tattoo on Friday, I'm so excited!
re:FF's, I'm also reading Clipped Wings and Inked Armor. RPG rec'd and it's another awesome one.
Gwen and LHR, nice to meet you!
rpl, we've spoken before. Nice to see you again!
DB, HA is High Anxiety, the one where Edward is forbidden to touch anyone under the age of 18, and Bella is 16...
Shit, I just gave away part of the plot line. Sorry if I messed anyone up on that.
DB, I can't see you ava! Well, I can't see anyone else's, for that matter...I don't know why they're not showing up. Which picture is it?
To the naughty room with you Ellie...and save some for me.
Did somebody say tattoo? I'm intrigued. Whatcha gettin?
I'm still fighting the maybe I can stay away from the crackfic...but the draught is really killing me!!! (and I don't count those new pics cause you really can't see him...and that's all I'm saying about them! =))
I'll send it to you Ellie...I gave it a texture. LOL.
Clipped Wings is SO good!
Have you read Master of the Universe
Angstgoddess's new one, Company Loves Misery?
Sent it to you...
Thanks, DB!
Nice to meet you too Ellie!!
Ohhh, tattoo's!! Whatcha gettin' RPL?
DB, I wrote a one-shot, Muse, right before Christmas---holiday prezzie for our Pining here and the rest of the NBs. It was VERY FUN---hadn't written ff in a long while (lived different universes prior). And cool that the idea came entirely out of one of these late night threads.
; )
Wow. What a great avi, DB...I love the texture to it. Reminds me of some modern impressionist painting.
Gwen, will you be writing more?
Thank you Ellie. I get bored sometimes and I was stressed tonight so I mixed some textures. He looks so Elvis to me in it. LOL.
Gwen..I did read it. It was very good. I liked it.
DB, no more RK's coming on here tonight???
rpl, what's the tatoo going to be of?
pining, it's very good, and all about tattoo's, coincidentally! LOL
DB, my kid is almost 3 and I'm finally getting a tatt for her! I'm getting her name and some stars on my inner wrist. I've got 3 others already-anyone else got any?
Gwen, may I have a link to you story?
and hi, Ellie, thought we'd chatted before but I wasn't sure... :o)
I wonder where Emily and ADM are tonight?
Nice. I'm trying to find what I want for my girls. It takes time though. I have 2 tattoo's so far and a piercing or two. LOL.
Here Ellie:
DB, thank you! ; ) Hugs!
And Ellie, LOL, had to chase the link down: Hope you like it! It's a one shot short.
RPL, what tattoo design are you getting?
If Em's smart, she's sleeping while her little one is... lol
And duh on me...I just figured out to look at all your profiles, to see your avi's...I love them all!
Thanks DB---still voting on that silly poll too! ; ) Argh.
Oh, Rob, the things we do for you!
There is a page on facebook called
Robert Pattinson is UGLY!!
it has like a quarter of a million fans.
What? I'm gonna hack that page. Seriously. ;) Everybody calm down.
Oh, thanks, Gwen and DB, for the link for Muse!
I'll read it tomorrow!
it's going to be my first one that's in a more visible spot...a little nervous about that, but also really excited! I have a small dragon on one ankle, a sun/moon on the other and a cross on the top of my foot-that one hurt like a beeotch!! LOL
I'm thinking some pretty script and a stardust looking pattern around it. I was going to get her footprint on my upper arm, but I'm not sure if it'd look cool or a little blobbish. what do you all have?
I have a 3 inch daisy chain around my left ankle and a quote that swirls around my right foot in an artistic "S" shape. The top of your foot is a wierd sensation.
Gwen, I'm guessing that NB's are newbies? No? :)
Ellie I think it's something similar to the RK's
oh, that sounds pretty! I love the way my foot tattoo looks and it'd be cool to get one on my other foot but I don't think I could make myself do it-the farther he got towards my toes the more I was like-fricking OWWW! but I'm kind of a baby. :)
I also have my cartilage pierced and I thought that was really painful, too!
NBs = Naughty Bitches. RPG called us all that one night. It stuck.
And we are! ; )
NB's means Naughty Bitches...we got silly one night and declared ourselves members of the Naughty Bitches For Rob Club-NBFRC-and NB's just kinda stuck. RPG is our president! LOL
My feet are really skinny so she kept hitting a nerves and I would jump. I enjoy pain though so it wasn't bad. I have quite a few piercings. LOL.
By cart. piercing do you mean your Helix? Most of your ear is cartilage so I'm trying to narrow it down.
LMAO, Gwen, we really are, aren't we?
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