The favourite vampire
It happened on Croisette, but it's an everyday scene for him. He was entering a nightclub on Cote d'Azur and the mass hysteria in front of it reached a peak 15 minutes ago. Pattinson didn't know what to do, smile or worry about the extent of his popularity after the stellar success of the second of the Twilight saga movies. What was it that obsessed the mostly teenage girls? The rebellious style of a 23 years old actor? His dangerous radiant masculinity,despite his relatively young age? His angel face or the deadly combination of them all? Pattinson is aware of his popularity, how could he not be.
After his romance with costar Kristen Stewart ended, he started to run from the media world. He gave one of his last interviews in November of last year, it was necessary for the promotion of the movie.
"My life changed radically after the success of the movie and it became bizarre," said Pattinson, casually stretched in an armchair. "I can't understand the screaming. I can't understand why the restaurant where I dined only once during the making of New Moon in Vancouver suddenly the most sought after place to dine in otherwise idyllic city. I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my family there and I couldn't get a table. Think about it, only a couple of weeks later and every table was booked weeks in advance."
To avoid the attention, Pattinson started to eat in less established, even cheap places..
"No one can imagine what the diners I visit lately look like," he smiled. "And no, I don't have a private life anymore. There is no chance for me to exit the hotel unnoticed and take a walk without being under siege. I have to plan in advance every step with complicated logistics. I don't have any time off. It's hard to believe, but lately I'm relaxed only during the making of the movie, because we are shooting in remote areas. I haven't left my hotel in months. Pretty stupid, right?"
Locked in his hotel room, Pattinson plays guitar, watches movies or reads. Whenever is possible and he's at home, he visits childhood friends and spends the evening in their company.
"My life is boring because I want to live it that way," he said thoughtfully.
"It' s not that rare for me to stay at home and the next day I read in newspapers where I have been. Unbelievable, but true. My Mum is an obsessive gossip magazines reader and she often googles me and she is upset if something is not written according to the facts. Ha Ha ha."
*The score for Twilight was written by his friends.
*He doesn't want to talk about Kristen Stewart.
*He admits he has problems differentiating love scenes in a movie and his private life.
*His aunt had a great sense of humour and she lived to be 96 years old.
* Once he received 20 pages of horoscope via mail.
Big thanks to the fab Darja for the scan and translation.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 240 of 240 Newer› Newest»Oh, wait, I remember reading that...yeah, I must have been lurking that night, or something.
Naughty Bitches works.
DB and I are Robkats...
RKs for short...
@ RPL - I actually just bookmarked it so I can read's started!!
And I don't have a tat yet...I've been trying to decide for a while on exactly what and where...
It's a toss up between a Celtic cross or some type of knot...and I was gonna put it on my back, in between my shoulder blades...but if I get a knot, then I'll probably put it on either my wrist of inner arm. Oh decisions!!
And Ellie and DB, RPG formed the Naughty Bitches for Rob Club (NBFRC) one late night...sigh, that was a good night!!
helix, yep that's it. My sister got her tragus pierced in college-I haven't gone that far! I'm more into ink than piercings, I guess.
my best friend got her tounge pierced several years ago and I remember her tounge was so bruised and swollen she could hardly keep it in her mouth for a while! we all made fun of her, of course. LMAO
ah, I've heard of the RK's, Kelly and Suz are members, right?
Leslie, I LOVE Celtic designs and they make great tattoos! go for it, you only live once! haha
I really want to get my nose sister-in-law got hers done and she said that it didn't hurt that bad...
I have 2 helix piercings I have had for many years. I also have my rook and my tragus. I have my tongue pierced but never had those issues with it thank goodness. I love both piercings and tattoo's. The only thing I don't pierce is my face. I love viper bites but not ON ME. I may get my nose done one day soon but I'm still debating.
Most painful piercing for both men and women: Nipples
Most painful spots for tattoo's: Foot and Ribs.
Yes, I always ask these questions because I'm weird like that.
Yes, we are! : )
Suz is an RK.
There's a bunch of us. The Rks were formed when Goz started the blog.
DB? Um...ouch.
I don't understand the people who get the bridge of their nose pierced-but to each their own! :)
another friend of mine just got her nose done...but I don't want to tell you what she said about the pain level! LOL I love this stuff but I'm a wuss, I don't sit very well for them which is why my most complicated one only took 45 minutes. I'm wondering how bad the wrist is going to be...guess I'll find out!
I also love the look of tattoos on the inside of the foot by the heel-but I'm sure I'd cry or something. =)
Ellie you know about ALL my piercings why are you saying ouch? LOL. Silly girl.
I'm pretty sure I could handle the nose thing. Just sayin'.
RPlover you'll have to show me your tattoo's sometime. I love looking at them. My "S" actually goes from the top of m foot near my toes and swirls down and around the side and around my ankle. You really just have to see it to understand it. I wrote it out based on my foot shape.
It's been nice chatting with you all but it's almost 1am here, so I'm going to have to say good night! Happy Robdreams, NB's and RK's! <33
I'm not big on pain either...but I figure it's only a few minutes and then the hole is there...that sounded better in my head...
DB that sounds really cool-good for you to not mind the pain! I'll have to try and put up a pic after I get it done. :)
night, all!
Goodnight RPlover. It was really nice meeting you. I may be around over the next few weeks. LOL.
ok, I'm really leaving, but LMAO @ Leslie! ;))
Good night, rpl!!
So good to talk to you! Sweet RobDreams, woman! :)
I think I'm gonna have to bow out too, it's almost 2am here!
Night everybody!!
Goodnight PFTP. It was nice meeting you as well.
Ellie...did you ditch me?
LMAO, Leslie!
Night, all! Signing off as well!
Hugs and sweet dreams of Rob! ; )
nite nite, pining! (is there an abreviation that you prefer?)
It was very nice meeting you!
Sleep well.
Go see the video of Rob's reaction to a girl wearing a Tom Stu shirt - it is hilarious and he's so cute and tells her NOT to get a tattoo........go Rob.
And Leslie, good night to youy as well. Again, nice meeting you, too!
DB, it's just us, now???
And yeah, I know about ALL your piercings...I'm just not brave..I'm a chicken-shit.
femroc, that's a great video! I saw that a long, long time ago... :)
But thank you for reminding me of it!
Rob's reaction is priceless!
okie dokie...pining it is!
Sleep well. xo
My tattoo's all mean something huge to me so I will never regret them. That's my rule. I think long and hard and I put myself as an 80 year old and wonder if I will regret it. Since they are so close to my heart I wont.
I guess I'll be going, too...It's almost 2 am, here...
DB, I'm so happy you were on here tonight with's been a long while since we were on for any length of time. Going to my g-spot, now!
Olive juice, bb! ♥
You came back on! I thought you left...
Nope, didn't leave. I think I will be hanging out here for a while at night if you ever feel up to joining me Ellie. Get yourself to bed and find that gspot. LOL.
Yeah, DB. I want to get back to spending more time on here. And get away from reading so much ff. It's so addicting! lol
Thanks again for the company.
Love you lots...
I think Sabrizz is around
nite nite.
Jennifer I saw that too!! Weird! I was so angry at them!!!! I want to report them for being false and having bad taste in guys! haha!!
@TheDogsBollocks: "Maybe. Quite Possibly. I'm a bit scary though. LOL. What are you still doing up anyway.
Hello PFTP. It's nice to meet you as well. I don't really care for Rob. I'm just here to stalk Ellie."
I can't find this comment here but got in my email. WTF, scroll up and look at the banner and read what it says, slowly and repeat it. If you "don't care for Rob", you should not be here. Go chat elsewhere about tatoos. I'm being harsh and would like some RKs, NBs, to jump in, but jeesh. Just not acceptable.
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