Robert Pattinson - Fever

Robert Pattinson - Fever by Adam Lambert

GOOD Morning :)


jc(britlover) said...

Hell to the yes! I'd like to give Rob a fever. Best scenario though--menage a DEUX.
p.s. like the "wiggly" shots
Thanks, Gozde!!

Mrs-Kate-Fuckmenelli said...

Yes i do believe you just made it a VERY good morning!

Angie said...

Thank you for that...must go lay down now...feeling a bit warm...

Angie said...

Wow, Mrs. Kate, your avi is something to ponder.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Well Good Morning to me!!!

I think I`m with ADM...I need to go and lay down again after that!

noisefaidaus said...

YES thank you for the perfect start to my day!

twmmy said...

Apropos, Fever...can anybody give me an ff adress Breaking Dawn EPOV ?

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Damn call 911, my fever just went up! Glad I'm still in bed!

HeneciaD said...

yeah fever with rob ohh god I am melting in here with the song and pics thanks

RPLover said...

whew, it's getting hot in here...

where's Emily, ah the cornporn! LMAO

jc(britlover) said...

Still running a fever! Anyone have a good remedy-hahaha!!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Goz, you wonderful person! Coffee. Rob,looking HOT DAMN FINE is this great vid. (Gwen is NOT a morning person, but waking up to this? YES!)

Rock it out, Adam. Yes, indeed, Good Morning. ; )

AP said...

Dammit - piano. I NEED to hear those new songs...Yes, you know....I know...I WILL have them. ;)

Anonymous said...

I hate Adam but this song goes with it!! :D

xoRobxo said...

I'm sort of diggin this song. And uhmmm... Rob always totally and forever diggin him!

MMc said...

Is it bad to feel weird about this song when he says "there HE goes"? I'm wondering how many people of both sexes drool over Rob. we don't have ENOUGH competition with 200 billion women?????? Damn you Little Ashes!

MMc said...

Team Billy ........he steals every scene he is in and is awesome doing it.

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