Robert Pattinson as a Jersey Shore Character? NO!

Oh no they didn't! manipped Rob into one of the characters from Jersey Shore... Thanks but no thanks, we'll take the original :)) Forget Taylor Lautner's muscles, Robert Pattinson with Ronnie's guns is a dream waiting to come true.


Suz said...


(suz runs pulling hair out!)

Cupcake Donna said...

gross gross gross

Jeswah said...

That's disturbing.

& Rob in Ed Hardy is surely a sin on it's own MTV?!

Loisada said...

So soooooooo wrong!!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...


This is eyes, my eyes...

tgill said...

Oh yuck, yuck, yuck

Haystackhair said...

Um, no just no.

RPLover said...

bleh!! ugh!! NO!!

d67 said...

I am from New Jersey and spent countless hours on the Jersey shore boardwalks. We are not all like that but I've seen them my whole life and let me tell you even I'm scared of this!!!!! I'm going to go look at Rob in all his perfection now and hopefully get this image out of my mind!!!!

Butterfly25 said...

This is so so soooooo wrong!!!
I can't even look at it:(

I just hope Rob won't see it.

Carole UK said...

Jeez, no thanks.

Tall and lanky any time!

Untamed said...

Four-exclamation-point-worthy, ewwe
This pic just about give me brain bleed.

LTavares2011 said...


Much better than Taylor Lautner.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh!! Rob I like your skinny hot self!!!(:

Elena said...

Uhhh. I just threw up in my mouth..

jmm4832 said...

I live close to the Jersey shore too. There's no one like that there.

Ellie said...


Suz said...

@jmm you are clearly not in South Jersey!


solas said...

--when I saw the photo manip I thought -Yuck!! and several o fyou beat me to it! Then i said, gross!!! and cupcake said it already! I will merely second the motions.

solas said...

Still chuckling at the reaction. heh heh :-) Am thinking this is still the right place for me after all.

solas said...

I'm in North Jersey now and thank G_d we don't have anything like this!!
and to reiterate:


Gwen Cooper 426 said...


Janece said...

Ya know this just further confirms that I like my men a bit slighter and not so muscle bound. I think I feel a bit ill.........

Angie said...

I just lost my lunch, YUCK!!!!

solas said...

And Gozde-- I'm with you--have never seen it, and never plan to.

PhinPhan said...

me no likey this type of likey pale, hairy, lanky, fluffy hair...minus nipple ring, minus religious decoration, minus orange board shorts, minus phallic hairdo, and minus the missing brain matter. this makey me sicky like vertigo.

RPLover said...

LMAO @ Sparkle-phallic hairdo! that dude could cut-a-bitch with his hair gel... ;D

PhinPhan said...

RPL: doubt. It't the Rhino-Do. This is sooo against my belief system.

RPLover said...

LMFAO-it is downright UNHOLY.

ok, I need to go if I'm going to salvage any appetite for lunch...feeling queasy! haha

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Goz, please have mercy! Fingerporn, Jawporn, Eyelashporn! Even DorkyRob, mis-buttoned plaid shirt with ripped jeans is waaaaaay better! Way.

Gwen is shuddering, still, and not in a good way. How do you "unsee" something? Please, for the love of The Pretty! Give us a new Rob-licious pix.

Jersy Shore pix: (Make it go away, make it go away.)

Anonymous said...

OMG... No thank you... The real Rob with his own perfect and beautiful body will do...
This is horrible! Who would like such a piece of meat... It's horrible, no charm, just blob... LOL anyway...

pyilRN said...


I want the natural Rob!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

MY EYES!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!

I`m with do you unsee something?! I think we need some finger/lip/eyelash porn PRONTO!!!

Although I think I`m blind now, so I won`t be able to see it...if someone could just describe it to me, I might be cured...

jlsentangledweb said...

can one actually bleach their memory?..God!!!Don't mess with perfection!!!!

jlsentangledweb said...

can one actually bleach their memory?..God!!!Don't mess with perfection!!!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

And ITA with everyone...I like my men tall, wonky, and hairy!! ;)

PhinPhan said...

I think DorkyRob, mis-buttoned plaid shirt with ripped jeans is the BEST. SUHHHHH-LURPPPPP.

SluttyPattz said...

ummm hell to the no

gimme my gangly Rob back.

Anonymous said...

I have the same thoughts as Janece! But it's pretty funny because it's so far off from Rob I can't even see it as him.

Anonymous said...

I think it's unanimous, Goz: put up SOMETHING ELSE so that this isn't the first thing we see when we refresh the screen. Please, have mercy.

angie-k said...

yes to what THEY said....

gross gross gross
yuck no way!!!!
wrong wrong wrong
so disturbing
vomit inducing
no likey

that gave me the creepy shivers
must now go look at JAWPORN 1 & 2 to cleanse my eyes....

PhinPhan said...


Angie said...

It want go matter how many times I refresh...make it go away...waaaaaaaaaa

Ashleigh said...

Eww gross! LOL No nipple piercing and no Ed Hardy on Rob! I will surely have nightmares now!

KatKat said...

Take the original? Absolutely... this is just ick.

KatKat said...

Hey! I'm the first with 'ick'!
I'll add icky to my list, as well.

Ana73 said...

yuck, yuck, yuck

take it down, cant even look at it.

never saw it either but my husband watches the episodes online, why he does, i have NO freaking clue.

Anonymous said...

Haha we r all so grossed out by it! I can't picture a hot British accent with that body! lol! He isn't that gangly tho!(: Want it back plz!! I think i'm going 2 tape a pic of him in that spot until it leaves! :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

I can't stop cringing.

I have no idea why but to me it's like Vanilla Ice meets AC Slater. I think I've been staring at it for too long.

What a pinhead. You'd think they could have used a picture with the right size of head at least.

LOL Ana!!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

(peeks through fingers...)

Is it still there? I`m afraid to look...I had to go through my JAWPORN pics to restore my eye sight...

(looks up) AHHHHHHHH!!!!

(covers up eyes quickly)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

LOL Em!! I was thinking AC Slater too!!

Carolina said...

Rob's personality seems the antithesis of the Jersey Shore overly muscle-bound stereotype.:/

kat said...

So nice to know that I'm not alone with my good taste in male physiques. That body is soooooo horribly unattractive to me.

Emily said...

I don't remember AC Slater having a nipple ring though...

I thought steroids made your head get bigger and well, other things, get smaller. Not the other way around.

Athena said...

Someone pass me the brain bleach! Quick! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! x_x

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Cue Aretha singing:
"Rescue me
Oh take me in your arms
Rescue me
I want your tender charms..."

Some tweet Goz or Kat or Kate! It's a 911 emergency. We NEED REAL Rob! ; )

It'd be totally fine if it's Shirtless Rob, btw. (Or mostly Naked Rob too.)

(Gwen peeks, asking quietly, "Is it gone yet?")

RPLover said...

Em-LMAO! I'm quite sure that beneath the Ed Hardy you can find your shriveled proof. EWWWW!!! :P

I think I'd rather look at the zygote! Gozde, please, have mercy and give us a new top pic?


Anonymous said...

ok that is just so WRONG on so many levels, ack! & I'm from Jersey!

LeslieHeartsRob said...

(sings with Gwen)

Cause I`m lonely
And I`m blue
I need you
And your love too...

Don`t`s still there!!

Emily said...

LMAO! The shriveled proof....that's a lovely image. Eeeew

You're probably right though.

RPLover said...

heehee, just doing my part to perpetuate the gross...XD

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Were we bad? Are we being punished?
(Gwen hangs her naughty head down.)

We're sorry. REALLY, really sorry. Please, no more NJFauxRob!!!

Um, can we have REAL Rob back now? Pretty please, with lots of sugar? ; )

LeslieHeartsRob said...

LMFAO @ Em and RPL!!!

noisefaidaus said...

That is so wrong on so many levels, it's just gross!

RPLover said...

LOL @ Gwen

If I've been a Naughty Bitch, I'd rather just have a spanking. ;))

just sayin'

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Yeah (looks down and kicks dirt around like a 5 year old that just got busted)

We didn`t mean whatever it is that we did...promise!! (holds halo over head) =)

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

RPL, shh, I'm not really sorry---just said that so that Goz will change the pix!

(Wow, Gwen just had a naughty image of Rob handing out spankings here. Yes, Gwen is a true NB.)

; )

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Ppssstttt you think they bought it?!?

@RPL - A spanking does sound much more interesting! ;)

PhinPhan said...

I hope the poor jack-hole that actually posed for this pic doesn't happen upon this thread...he would probably off himself after reading this! Oh, forgot, he probably can't read. poor bastard.

RPLover said...

LOL @ Leslie!

I feel like Gozde is saying, "you want me to give you something to cry about?!"

[j/k, Gozde =)]

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LHR, my halo is a litttttlle bit dusty. (Gwen picks it up, dusts it off and places it rather crookedly on her lovely head. "Do you think this will really work?")

LeslieHeartsRob said...

If Rob is the one handing them out then all I have to say is...thank you, may I have another!!

Emily said...

I would not say no to seeing the real Rob in board shorts though.

I love the pics of Remember Me Rob in shorts. Cute legs on that one.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

(whispers to Gwen) That`s what the horns are hold the halo up!
And I think it might...just keep an angelic smile on and puppy dog eyes and I think we might fool them...

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

RPL, maybe Goz was aiming for the folks on that OTHER thread? You know the one---with the loud sirens, crying, words-a-flying, tempers flaring, scratching/meowing. That one?

Maybe Goz just got confused. Cause we know she loves us and would never want to cause our eyeballs this much damage. Right? ; )

LeslieHeartsRob said...

@RPL - I know, right!!

RPLover said...

the thing is, when this guy posed for this pic you know he was thinking "hell yeah, ladies, soak it in, I look goooooood."

um, hell NO, meathead.

LeslieHeartsRob said...

I was thinking the same thing Gwen...surely she wouldn`t make all of us pay for that...would she?

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

LHR, so that's what my horns are for! (Gwen slaps herself and winks at Leslie.)

I'm baking fresh cookies to help with the halos and the puppydog eyes. (That should work, right?)

Cindy said...

ouch. i think i'm blind!

seriously, that turns my stomach. can't imagine ANYONE likes it *too many comments = too lazy to read them all, but COME ON!!!

Emily said...


RPLover said...

lol, Gwen, that's what I was wondering, too!

I can think of a couple who deserve this pic, but I think we've been good!

{straightens the halo hanging on my horns}

RPLover said...

aw, cookies sound good but I've gotta go for now. have fun, NB's!


LeslieHeartsRob said...

Cookies!! Yes...I think that will help...maybe we should all sing kumbaya too! It can`t hurt!

Shani said...


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Gwen wails "It's STILL there!"

(Yurgh, shudder. Rubs at eyes frantically.)

LeslieHeartsRob said...

Peace out RPL...go look at some Rob helps!

Gwen Cooper 426 said...

Gwen is going to get some coffee. She may add some Jameson to it if this pix is still here when she gets back... ; )

Unknown said...

ew, I just threw up in my mouth a little....

Suz said...

Suz is wondering why Gwen refers to herself in 3rd person....

Est said...

i've found this, i like it and i wanted to share it with you. i don't know if you've already seen it or if you want to so i warn --> Remember Me SPOILER

i just do this to forget the photo of this post...

Jennifer said...

That is just wrong on so many different levels!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Gah!! It's still here? I've been gone for hours...

angie-k said...

please please please please please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
make it go away!

margot said...

it might actually be even worse than zygota pics .... never thought I would say that ... now,
where is my bleach ?

Anonymous said...

Omg!!!! It's still there! :p I'd rather have a spanking from Rob too! :) hehe! ahh, for a moment I didn't think of that awful photo!! Rob's face is too gorgeous to be put on a ugly thing such as that body!! Unnatural and unhealthy!!

rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

Oh Sarah, a spanking would not be a bad thing from Rob!!

Tenneil said...

This is many shades of wrong...

I love the hobo he is:)

Haystackhair said...

you guys have me LMFAO!!!!

Cheeky Chops said...

LMAO @ Suz & Gwen~!!!

I'll be the first to say this one..that's just OOGY o.0

jlsentangledweb said...

I like Gwen in the 3rd person, I like Gwen period :) Amen to everyone!! Please, please pull this one down, Goz! I promise to never, ever make a single negative comment about anyone...everyone ready to promise with me?

Gozde said...

OMG, I'm LMAO! Why didn't you guys email or tweet me :P I would have posted something else sooner, lol. I wasn't reading the comments, sorry :(


Gwen Cooper 426 said...

@jlsentangleweb, Gwen hearts you bigtime! ; )


beachgirl29 said...

that is so disturbing!

I have lived at the Jersey Shore my whole life and that is definitely not how the people from here are!

Must get that picture out of my head asap..........!


solas said...

I have never laughed so much from anything posted here or anywhere else. Thanks folks. :-D

Untamed said...

@Gozde, you know what else is wrong with this? I had Robsessed as my homepage (don't judge me! LOL) and every time I signed online today, that nasty was in my face. Gah! Had to set a new HP.

Gozde said...

Oh no Jules :(( That makes me sad :(

Boohoo to whoever made that pic :P

Anonymous said...

Gross and disgusting.
I could have gone my whole life without seeing such a putrid thing.
I need to lie down now....

MMc said...

OMG I HATE it!!!!!!! NO NO NO that's just wrong.

Cheeky Chops said...

LOL no Jules ur not Robsessed at all..why would we judge you???


Untamed said...

@Gozde, you remedied the situation with the yummies from NYC and I was able to reset Robsessed as my hp. I forgive you and the evil creator of musclerob.

Kemberly, you're one feisty lil redhead, you know that?
@freak, that's what he said. :p

Cheeky Chops said...

@Jules-Every blog should have sexy tanned bitch :)

.........and he wasn't complaining either ;p LOL

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