I swear even the SUN is in it with them! It's spoiling the picture!
Let the are they or aren't they holding hands fight begin! 1....2....3.... GO!
See there are NO rocks. As Tess said they were photoshopped in! (Okay I might be having too much fun with all this are they or aren't they thing :))
Thanks to Loisoda for the tip and JittzPattzing for the picture :)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 380 of 380 Newer› Newest»oy vey. lol
I don't see hand holding, but if sister sam said they were, I'll go with it.
But just from looking from the backdoor view here, if they ever make an renewsmememememe so that Taylor Lautner can finally have a girl he can hold onto in about 18 years(and you know Kristen would do this for him, she said she would KILL for him, so making a baby for him is a piece of cake), Robert needs to carry the child. Cause his hips are wider and he'll have an easier go of it as a result.
Again, don't care myself, but do find it entertaining. That is why people discuss this issue because it is entertaining to them. That is why people buy celebrity magazines, watch E! and post on this board. Entertainment. I also wish more effort went into world peace, but let's face it, it's much easier to be entertained by this tiny fiasco than to write letters to our congressmen. There are websites that one can visit to try to impact world peace, but this is def not the place to be if that is your true interest.
this is what people do here while others do creative memories photo album keeping or online chess. We stare at Robert and comment on his life and everything that entails as complete strangers. It's a totally useless exercise, but I find it more enjoyable than chess. I just talk out of my arse most of the time, not even agreeing with what I say 5 minutes later. But I get rewarded with Robert pictures-what do you get rewarded with with creative memories or chess? Nothing.
I have read some of your comments and I myself can not say they are holding hands. To me it looks like she has her right hand in her pocket, but I could be wrong. I'm not going to say they are, when I don't know.
So many people say,"Why would Kristen fly all the way to the UK when she could just call and wish Rob A HNY?" If I had a friend in the UK and If I had the money and time, Hell yes, I would go. There is nothing wrong with that. Her being over there DOES NOT say they are a 'couple'. I would rather him be with her than someone else. I guess because I'm so used in seeing pics of them. THey knew that they would get pics of them while she is there and a private setting as these new pics, I still can't say they are holding hands.
Why can't a boy/girl be friends with each other while people are thinking they are a couple.
I think the reason why their comments have a changed, is because no matter how meaning times they have said, "no, we are just good friends." THe media still says they are a couple. I would give up too.
They have been through so much together since the beginning of Twilight. I think they have a special friendship, adoration and respect. Rob has said many times during the NM press tour. How busy he was going to be and did not have time for a girlfriend. And who is to say that she left her BF. He could have left her.
I say, just let them be. If they are we'll find out soon or later.
kristen and robert are not like us.
what we do has no bearing on what they do, because they are public figures the public is completely obsessing about.
they make a lot of money, their professional prospects are looking amazing. They get compensated nicely.
But one thing they don't get to do is do things casually, the way the rest of us would casually meet a friend across the world for a visit.
We don't have consequences for doing that. They do. Deciding to spend NYE with Rob cause you're friends means having more covers and online blurbs and scrutiny put on you, JUST when you were sliding off the radar with Tiger Woods and Avatar taking over hype duties.
Now those consequences may be welcomes by R/K for pr reasons, I understand that logic. But if that's so, you have to wonder how you get pr mileage out of this without allowing the paps to actually get a money shot of you. Which would be the whole point.
Instead you get a kid shot, and sam's sister facebook shots. One with them not together, the other with cockblocking alleged hand shots.
If this is a pr move, it's a dumb one.
For them to move around so quietly without a lot of attention points to the notion these two have taken a good deal of measures to not be seen. That doesn't comment on the nature of their relationsip either necessarily, just the time invested in maintaining that relationship
jen: ITA. This doesn't have to be looked at with rose colored shipper glasses or dingy nonsten glasses. This doesn't even have to be looked at regarding "are they or arent they?" You have to wonder more what is gained and lost by taking a trip to see your costar on a holiday.
I was just exchanging emails with someone about the Eclipse script and she thought that so much was missing, etc. Wouldn't it have been great if they had made these each of the books into their own separate mini-series (with same actors, etc) so that all of the parts could have been included? I know, I know they would never have done that, but for us fans, we would have gotten more satisfaction knowing that all the bits were included. Just a thought/wish.
2 more cents -
Uh... didn't she say in interviews that she wanted to tour Europe? And complain during New Moon promotions that she hadn't gotten the chance to spend time in all these cities she's visiting?
She's with her brother, so what better place for them to start their European tour than England to see a friend? Bet Kristen and bro go to Budapest next, then they disappear off the radar, but "hand hold" with other friends throughout Europe lol.
And of course, I know about as much what I'm talking about as any of you other Robfans. But hey - that's my guess.
I'm sure that is not Rob, this guy on the picture has a big ass, Robs it's much skinner. And as for shoes... converse maybe, not nike def.
setphislegit: you idea they may come out nonverbally in england may not be too far off, ryan secrest had this little ditty about them and post-NM relationship confirmations last october:
It looks like they are holding hands, but just mid motion to me.
And it looks like Robert to me. He looks thicker, but so does Kristen--she has no hips but in the picture she looks like she does. It's just the picture angle.
And of course, nothing has changed. Neither a confirmation or denial. haha
okay, closer up it looks more like hand holding, but like they are swinging their arms a little while in motion. It's too hard to tell though with the sunlight.
Oh Rosa, TOO funny! Thank you I needed that. I spend WAY too much time on here, but I'm hopeless at chess and always thought scrapbooking was a total waste of time. The payback here is so much better.
cerulean blue:SO MUCH BETTER. :)
@Moonbeam Is her brother really in the UK with her because I've heard conflicting statements about it
Damn that cock blocking sun!!! LMAO It's a conspiracy!!! First Bobby cock blocks by walking in front of them. Now he has talked to the sun and made an agreement to always block out Rob and Kris hand holding. DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL. ROTFLMAO
This is cracking me up. :-))))) Tears are coming to my eyes. LOL
But for real there is a thief amongst their friends. Somebody is backstabbing them big time. Or it's a friend of a friend more likely.
In this one it does look like the are holding hands.
Moonbeam- Her brother was said to be there. But there has not been any evidence photo wise to say that is a fact. Your forgetting people can say anything on twitter or a blog. Someone probably said that to make it look like Kris went all the way over there to hang out with her "good buddy" Rob. Regardless, you can hang out with friends and still be a couple.
in Karina's closeup picture link, it looks more like hand holding.
They fingers look intertwined in that one.
It's definitely a weird angle though with weird lighting.
In the less closeup pic, it doesn't look like hand holding.
And why am I even pondering this...hah
As for robert's size, he's lanky to be sure. But he actually has a pretty wide frame for a thin guy-his shoulders are actually wider than Kellan's, and he's actually less gangly than most guys from the waist down. He doesn't have scrawny legs or no hips. So from a weird angle, he could look bulkier than usual, in layers of clothes that are sitting on his frame. Look at Kristen in the picture, she looks apple shaped with hips, and she's a skinny whip of a thing.
D.M- I don't think it's Rob & Kris messing with us. They really don't care. I think it's the person who is leaking these photos. They possibly have a lot of pics saved and post the ones that are ambiguous.
Moonbeam and anyone else- If Kris wanted to visit her "good buddy" Rob and hang out in the UK why didn't she do that last year? Because last year she was with MA her bf at the time. This year she is single. And is with her new bf Rob. Plain and simple.
For those of you ladies feelings jilted or denied, just put yourselves in poor TomStu's place!
So why the comments here and there about KS and Bobby Long? Is it a joke or is there even a shred of truth to that...now wouldn't that be funny if all this time KS was interested or dating one of Rob's friends. It is possible! None of us know jack shit anyway, we're all speculating. The truth could be the complete opposite of what we all "think".
Has anyone ever thought it might be possible that kristen could be dating one of Rob's friends? I'm just saying
She's got her hand in her pocket..that is why the sun is shining through on the whole left side of rob's arm - cause there's no linkage..and i'm not saying this because i am afraid they are together or whatever..because i don't care if they are together or not..it is what it is!
Loves Rob & Brooke- Do I really have to explain to y'all how far fetched Kris being with Tom or Bobby is? Come on now. Try the first door with Rob name on it.LOL And if you get close enough you will hear some screaming orgasms. LMAO
he got shorter, and so did his hair, and she got fatter.
and if that's not right, then it's definitely not them..
thats not rob the shoes, body,and hair its clearly not him and didnt rob have his beanie on this guy does not.
LMFAO @ Loisada!!!
That was so freakin` funny! And now I`ve got that song stuck in my head!
Can people stop with the kristen is dating one of rob friends ?
It's just plain stupid , it's just as stupid as shippers who think they are engaged married or they ar like edward and bella.
If i was the rob friends in question i will be so mad if my girlfriend spend that much time in compromising situation with one of my friends just saying.
The thing that make me thing this two are hooking up is that, no 23 years old boy would put himself in a position that will let others girls think he is of the market.
I have a lot of guy friends and brothers and they don't like to appear with a girl when they are single. If girls think you aren't single if become difficult to have some lovely time with one. Just saying.
By the way none of kristen brothers is in the uk, her brothers taylor who always travel with her was yesterday on myspace with his friend saying he was in LA and has been in LA troughout the holidays. Cameron never travel with her and he works in television or something like that.
Dana is too young to travel with her yet. I think he also go to school or something like that.
So she is alone in the UK.
Rosa-You said it all for me! Yes, something more than chess! Lovely way to waste time and be on the internet and listen to fellow ROBsessed fans! Waiting for the next picture and having a lively discussion all over again!!
@Shani ROFL at your avatar. No, I don't know 100 percent if her brother is there. It's all guessing, and my guess is just as good as anyone else's. Clearly she's not alone with one guy or one girl on this vacation of hers, so it looks more and more like a bohemian hike around Europe than the romantic getaway everyone wanted it to be.
When the pics surfaced of KStew and RPattz with the little girl in Isle of Wight, I said, "Watch - I bet Bobby Long is there - he's never far from Kristen." I was half-joking. But Ta-da! Bobby Long IS there. He's always "around." He was there when Rob and Kris were photographed at the vintage shop in Vancouver. He was there at the restaurant in L.A. I joked that he'd be there in Isle of Wight and it would expose the truth -- that HE's her boyfriend. The fulfillment of my prediction has started a movement! Bobbystens unite!
damoukist- You said it perfectly. Guys who are single want to appear single. And I heard about Kris bro saying that, but I didn't know where though.
Moonbeam- I love Bobby too. But no he is still single. And so is Tom. When we had a Bobby post here in December. One of the ladies talked about how Bobby was complaining about being single at one of his recent gigs. Bobby and his friends went on a trip and everyone had someone to take pics with except him.Tom lives way in London and have been doing a play that he just won an award for. If he had a gf then that gf surely would have showed up in photos with him. Especially since that was his first big time award he had won.
Moonbeam- And those are all Rob's friends. They went to Isle of Wight last NYE too. So it's a tradition for them. Plus, what else is there for them to do, but walk around and see the sites? It's really beautiful there. You need to Google Isle of Wight and see how gorgeous that place is. It's a tourist destination. And they just had a festival there too.
@Shani...no I do not think it is far fetched...We don't KNOW the truth! We are all speculating! Just cuz it looks like a duck doesn't necessarily mean it is a duck! And @ Moonbeam....I have been wondering this for awhile..been telling my friend this...seems wherever she is, Bobby is. The concerts this summer R&K went to, alot of them Bobby was at. When she was seen leaving the Marmont in in L.A. this summer the morning, Bobby and all the gang were there spending the nite too. I think it's possible. But...again...we really don't know.
I meant "sights".
Well perhaps KS and Bobby are "gettin to know eachother". I've never believed R&K are together, but that dosent mean I am right! I could be totally wrong...and if I am, then GREAT for them! I just think there are too many obvious clues that they are just good friends and they are "teasing" the press and the public keepin everyone guessing...and probly enjoying it! I'm sure it's all Kristen, and Rob has to go along with it for fear she'll kick him in the balls! :)
LovesRob- You do understand that Bobby was traveling around the states playing gigs, right. That's why he was in the US. And who is his best friend? Rob. Who hadn't seen in forever. You can also say that Marcus is her fake bf too. Marcus was right there along for the ride as well. LOL But he was also in the US to play gigs all around the country.
man i hope rob and the rest of the gang get on here and read this shit! hahah maybe WE are what keeps them going! hahaha As in not coming out saying yah or nah cause this is too much fun! haha it mkes me crazy but i love this shit!
Why not come out of 'lurkdom' today on the 'great debate'?
I am SO tired of every picture of these two together turning into some kind of cryptic message to the fans. This isn't the Da Vinci code, it's either a relationship or it's not.
Are they both so young and naive that they can't see that by not 'coming out' as a couple and keeping the fandom guessing, that all they are doing is feeding the constant media frenzy about it? Because in that regard, it makes them both look like hypocrites. "I don't like all this media attention...." "I'm just gonna hold onto the one thing I can...."
I call bullsqueeze....
There will be JUST as much media attention on them if they just come out as a couple. And guess what? If they did, and they ARE a couple, they could actually walk around holding hands together. Not grabbing onto wrists on airport tarmacs....Or having pictures taken at a certain angle against the suns rotation to the earth thus leading to another 'great debate'....
Seems like ALOT more work to keep it 'private' than to just come out with it...
That's just my opinion...
So maybe they are the 'real life' version of Edward and Bella? (Isn't that what the hard core Robstens want?) Because, any dude at 23 that has that much control with his 'girlfriend' in public, is a natural oddity.
Do I want them together? At this point it doesn't really matter to me either way. I'm just tired of them jerking the fans around...fans that spend countless hours on the computer obsessing over the dude. Fans that sit and endure Kstews terrible attempt at acting in her movies. Fans that stand in lines that look like seas to get a ticket to watch their onscreen portrayal of 'love'....I just think it stinks. I know it's their personal lives and likely none of our business. I know as fans we shouldn't obsess over it. But c'mon, we're all a lil obsessed. Otherwise we wouldn't be here, on Robsessed wondering what he's doing in his down time...
Yes, I do understand that he was traveling around and doing concerts and Rob is his friend and KS went with him to concerts etc. etc. etc. That still dosent mean they arent an item....this is obviously how they met. It may be far fetched. It's only a thought because AGAIN....we don't know the truth...probly never will! LOL!
Yes, Sam, they are probly reading all this shit and shaking their heads at us lunatic women! haha
Exactly sister! We don't know diddly squat! And you know what? The last we heard from Rob's mouth was that he's just really close friends with Kristen. Until we hear otherwise, all this fun speculation is just that - speculation.
Break out a map with pins showing his concert dates and compare them to where Rob, Tom, Kristen, Marcus and Johnny were. And Bobby's sister, just in case Kris is a lesbo. LOL. We need visual aids here!
@LovesRob that's what this blind article points to:
"@Sam said...
man i hope rob and the rest of the gang get on here and read this shit! hahah "
One of the posters on here is probably actually one of them. Hey - is your name really Sam? |O_o|
@WMoney: I couldn't have said it better myself! Amen to you girl! This is so true! If they are together then why not come out with it NOW. New Moon is out...they can cut the Bull now. That's why I've always maintained that they are not a couple because they would have come out with it by now, or there would have been some sort of PDA..they would have been caught somewhere, sometime, by someone! Never are there reports of them seen holding hands or anything. Always the same shit "they were not holding hands or anything, but have a certain "chemistry". That's so much BS! I just don't buy this.
This is why I have a tendancey to "entertain" other scenarios...such as KS and Bobby.....LOL!
i've seen this vid before as well and completely forgot about it. wish this supposed "special" will come out. you now the media is going to be the most childish ones with the "i told you so dance"
@Moonbeam: I have often wondered about KS "orientation"....just saying...she's like a carbon copy of Jodie Foster, acts just like her...and we all know what Jodie Foster is... For all we know she's dating Sam's sister! hahah!!!
Also I would bed ALOT that one of them post on here. I thought Rob was posting awhile back as "anonymous" when they were talking about his ex Nina Shubert. Sure sounded like him and knew alot of stuff about her and the relationship. That "anonymous" was also arguing with everyone on here about the crap they talk about on here. And some of the bloggers were saying "Is this you Rob?" I think it was. Just sayin....
I meant "bet" alot..... :)
Moonbeam- No. Just go to Bobby and Marcus Myspace sites and you will see tour dates for yourself. They will soon be traveling across Europe. So if they are in your country check them out. LOL
ashes87- Don't believe everything that is written. Do trust your eyes. Kris was with MA since she was 16 and wanted him since she was 13. So she has always liked boys. Plain and simple. Rob said in an interview that he had a crush on a girl when he was 15. And from what everyone has seen he has only dated girls. He was with his ex Nina for 2 years. That was just 3 years ago since they broke up I believe. So he too knows what sex he likes. Girls. And it's not a PR stunt. If so they would be out in the open with their fake love for everyone to see. There would be no guessing.
Aw bless 'em. x
Loves Rob- I think it might have been Rob too back then. He was upset that we were talking more about his looks than anything. LOL And like I said last time when we talked about this. I think he might have came here a few other times too. There were some interesting times.
I hope they are together because they make each other happy. If Rob is happy, I'm happy as hell. I love Kristen, I think she is a beautiful woman that has a lot going for her- you will find no hate towards her coming from me. Only respect. And I would so much rather Rob be with her than a socialite snob any day.
I just find it funny that if it's not what can he possibly find in her is am sure she is gay. After all, didn't you know that playing the daughter of someone who is apparently gay end up with you becoming gay.
Please, this just like people who think that because rob doesn't spend his time in the gym that he is gay.
I mean have you ever seen kristen mom; that women is the epitomie of rockn roll badass. She has tatoo all over her hand. Does that make her gay?
Kristen was raised with 3 brothers of course she is going to be less girly than some girls.
i have gay friends and none of them think she is gay. One of them have a major crushed on her and would like if she was gay so she could date camilla belle, who is rumored to be gay with maria sharapova.
For me, kristen is not gay and she is not dating bobby or marcus. But she most likely is screwing rob and i don't like that. Because friendship should be honoured. it's too risky to lose your best friend just for a relay.
@Shani: Do you remember that time? I found that quite interesting! It was totally HIM! I remember he said "Why is sex the main fuel in your conversations here..you all drive me nuts!" And he was upset that everyone was bashing Nina and don't even know her. He also said that they were very casual and it was not a serious or committed relationship at all.
@ashes87: I just read that article, and ALL the comments below...very interesting.
"Like I said this whole thing is bizarre, and so unlike Robert...I can only hope that he will not be closed off in interviews...the reason I became a fan of his (and not just Edward, because that's the role that introduced me to Robert) is because of his effortless charm and openness in interviews. He had no qualms about sharing a little of himself with the public or else how are we going to get a picture of who he is (to become fans of his), and not just of the character he plays.
He seemed so down to earth, funny and honest that he won me over and I became a fan of his. I hope that this situation will not affect him badly...I hope that he will not change..."
DM, I get where your coming from with this sentiment but the thing is that we don't really know Rob - we know OF Rob. I'd bet Rob would much prefer that fans connect to the characters he plays than to some romanticized vision of his personality.
in all honesty, people think tha a persons orientation is established when they are very young. I have a friends older sister who did not come out of the closet until she was 27 years old. She never liked any girls before that and then she met someone who changed all that. It could happen to anyone so don't write it off just yet. As for Kristen I can see it just by her body language. The way she carries her body and her mannerisms aren't really feminine. There is a science behind the body shape of people (although she has a feminine shape IMO) and the way we walk and hold our shoulders. Just something to think about. Orientation and gender are subjects that always fascinated me.
Rosa said, "We stare at Robert and comment on his life and everything that entails as complete strangers. It's a totally useless exercise, but I find it more enjoyable than chess."
Yep, that's me. Rob is definitely more interesting than chess!
I wonder...if he were to stop his activities for the day and read all the comment threads on this photo alone, what facial expressions would he make? Hmm...would he do the hands through the hair thing while playing with his eyebrow and pursing his lips in thought? Or would he have the stunned "misbuttoning" look?
Gozde, I think you're an imp;)--you really love a good debate, don't you, girl?! LOL
I don't know if Rob comes on here per se, but people from summit and gossip mags come on here all the time to gauge to reaction to rob and kristen. We kind of do the dirty work for them.
Ex: this picture has been stretched and deconstructed and then ripped apart allover again trying to decipher its meaning. We create the stories for them. We are the ones who waste our time on here creating a plausible explanation for things. So if anything we are ones to blame for rumors and stories in the tabloids. I am not just saying its solely this site, but we are part of the problem and it sucks, but if none of us came on here or any other site tn that would mean the public lost interest and if the public lost interest then he is not a bankable actor. In a lot of ways his career is in the publics hands. We buy movie tickets, dvds, blog, buy tabloids, read articles, etc. We fuel the fire.
LMAO@Loisada-poor lil person off to the left (I have no idea who it is)..that's so mean..I love it..I'm soo gonna get some wine and do a Bridget Jones tonight..LOL
great my daughter just smacked me cause I sound like a dying cockatoo *ouch*
"Are they both so young and naive that they can't see that by not 'coming out' as a couple and keeping the fandom guessing, that all they are doing is feeding the constant media frenzy about it? Because in that regard, it makes them both look like hypocrites. "I don't like all this media attention...." "I'm just gonna hold onto the one thing I can...."
This is what happen when Rob "fails to behave" according to his fans standards - he becomes "naive" and "hypocrite."
I don't think Rob is keeping anyone guessing. It looks to me like he's just trying to live his life. It's not his problem that we're hyperfocused on his personal life. That's our issue to deal with.
Thing is, if you find yourself disappointed in your fave celeb, it's possible that you're expecting too much from someone with whom you have no real personal connection.
@ WMoney
" ... is not the Da Vinci Code ..."
no no, this picture is better than the lost symbol :)
The Lost Symbol was a great book. I've been a fan of noetic science for years now.
: Looks Like her hand is in her pocket! :
Loves Rob- Girl I was there that day. You can see my comment. LOL I just thought it was a gf of hers sticking up for her and Rob's relationship. Not until I read back over the comments did it click that it might have been him.
was this the day that nina came out talking about rob and also thats shes a butcher in new zealand now or something
FOR REALS???..cool..Robert..I need a shoulder rub..STAT..thanks :)
I agree. They're not holding hands, and it doesn't even look like Rob. And also agree that it's strange that none of the pictures coming out are clear. hmmm.
I said that same thing on the previous post with them and the infamous rocks. It was a little too curious for me... Bobby was strategically placed in that one so you couldn't see them either.
I think we've all been "played". They've all got a little too much time on their hands right now and they're having a little fun with the fans. The joke's on us:|
@Shani: I was just a lurker back then..only later did I decide to come on this blog...which is so fun! We all agree and disagree...its all cool! @StephsLegit: No, this was a discussion way back when I think when Nina came up.
Scroll down and read the comments. There are several "anonymous's" commenting, but one of them id def Rob...you will be able to tell. Then at the end he gets really pissed! hahah!
@loves rob
i remember this convo. i too lurked back then. i didnt start blogging on her until june, but started coming here the beginning of nov 08. i never felt compelled to comment until RM
As for Kristens "shape" like I said before I saw her up close (6 feet away) in person at Conan Show. She is a total STICK. Probly a size 1.
There is no "shape" at all...she is strait up and down like a boy. Very very skinny. And NO boobs at all....like FLAT. Not that I care, it was just hard not to notice. My husband noticed that too! Also she was sooo pasty white...it was scary! Like someone sucked all the blood out of her. (No pun intended!)
Some friends Rob has, taking pictures and posting them all over. I don't care if people say that it's "Just Facebook." When are people going to realize that even though you have a "private" Facebook account, nothing is "private" on there. I also don't care if you say that the pictures were taken by a friends sister. The sister should know better. I don't know if R&K are together or not. I'm over this crap! Everytime I see something like this I feel like I'm falling into a Summit PR trap. I can't really explain why but, this whole thing just doesn't add up in some way.
I started lurking in Dec. 08 after I saw Twilight for the first time. Then started commenting in like May or June of 09. It's funny how people say for us all to "get a life"...I do have a full life! I work, am a mom, cook, clean, go out...etc. But in my down time at night after dinner when there's nothin on TV to watch, I go on the computer here...it's entertaining! haha!
Makes you wonder when the next alleged Rob and Kristen "together" pic will come out? I say enough already.
Soon I hope we can turn our attention to a new Remember Me or Eclipse trailer instead. Or a new pic of our yummy Rob...at the very least. Is that too much to ask?
Define A LIFE..only then will I get one ;)
Loves Rob- Yep *wink*
I used to have a life...
There have been many nights where I opted to stay in cuz i was too preoccupied on this website or have put off doing work where my gpa slipped from a 3.94 to a 3.43. I wish i was kidding. I am starting to get back into the normal swing of things though so its cool. It also doesnt help that i am on holiday still with absolutely nothing to do
I have been a fan of rob's since the HP days and the same goes for twilight, but i was never quite as fanatical as i am now. Perhaps it is because of the constant influx of information coming my way and finally having people to relate to it with. I usually don't talk about things I like because most people don't get it; like psychology for example. I am the only person I know who has a background in psychology so when people start talking about it I get excited about it an d talk about it. I guess the same applies here. We all have at least one thing in common s we obsess about it.
I mean I really do have a life. its 7pm here in NYC.. its a few too hours early to go out but I am going out with my friends. It just feels like I have no life cuz I am on here constantly or i am so wrapped up in school that i forget about everything else
well, i don't have a life (as defined by others)...and that is by choice. i do what i like to do...veg, read, surf, obsess, post, watch tv & movies. i think "having a life" is doing what you enjoy doing.
Hey girls, don't defend urself to ppl that are on the internet doing the samething that ur doing..just a suggestion..they don't deserve it..who comes on the internet to make a comment about someone making comments and therefore having no life..get it?..LOL
LovesRob- Exactly. It's entertainment.Plus we get to talk to a lot of people from around the world. And make friends with them. Some of us have broken off into groups and have met up in real life. These are friends that we cherish and have grown so close to over this last past year. This site has brought more to us than just looking at pretty pics of an actor none of us will ever know.
Kemberly- I get it. DUH!! LMAO
Realistically I know I have a life. I am 20. I live in NYC, but even going out to bars and clubs gets old after a few rounds. 2 years ago I probably would have verbally abused everyone (myself included) for commenting on something so off the base of reality, but then again that is before i understood it. Psychologically coming on this log fulfills some need (which is rob.. or maybe some form of communication with people in general). I kind of have a new found respect for gamers and bloggers. If this is something that people like to do then who am I to object. I am the guilty party as well.
Kemberly: True! Truthful! Truthiness! those jackholes are the hypocritical skid marks in society's collective underwear. So there!
And I came here in December 08 too. Lurked a bit and posted with my name the first time around January. But didn't sign up for an account until later. That's why if anyone sees when I started it says March 2009. I think it says March.
Hey, I was just making sure..LOL
Ya, I think this is all great! And having a life is exactly that..whatever makes you happy...do it! I'm not defending. I am a busy mom, but this is sorta "my thing"...my private little thing that I enjoy! Since I started lurking on this blog and have met a really GREAT friend on here (and you know who you are!! One day we'll meet face to face) it has helped me get thru the monotonous times we all have. People say its all stupid to keep obsessing over Rob and KS relaysh...but so what..its fun..gives us something else to ponder about!
@Shani: you're so right! So you live in NYC? I am all the way on the other side in So.Cal.
LMAO@Sparkle..luv ya ;)
I've been visiting this site for many months now and just started commenting a couple of weeks ago. Love reading all the comments-you're an awesome group of ladies! :)
I can't wait for this to be over, not the relationship, us talking about the relationship. As for the earlier comment about the guy not looking like Robert, I think it is an unflattering angle. You know how we all gain those holiday pounds, that could be the case too.
Anyway, hopefully when Remember Me comes out, she will accompany him to the premire and we all can breathe a sigh of relief.
It's OK to talk about the relationship..makes us happy....what does it matter anyway? Are they or aren't they?? That is the big question! Maybe she will accompany him to his premiere. If they are not dating, at least she would be his best friend who he can take places so he dosent have to go alone anymore. I'm sorry, I'm just not a believer in that they are "together".
On another note..... I was wondering how these pictures got out. Maybe Robert did have a hand in leaking them, who knows. Any way they are nice, I have looked at them. Don't feel guilty either. I have had my dose of Robert today, turned out to be a pretty good one.
honestly i think they are together. i just don't think they give a shit about hiding it anymore. if they really cared i highly doubt they would have let the little girl holly take their pics.. i also highly sam's sis would post the pics no matter how innocent they seem to be.
This is test - ID got dropped.
If life means no talking about Rob or visiting Robsessed, then I don't want it!
@StephsLegit I agree. I think they're trying out a relationship but not making a big deal out of it - it may not even be "exclusive" at this point, for all we know. And we don't know for sure for one reason and one reason only: It's none of our business.
Those who think it is our business, and think he should spill about it, don't know Rob very well. I mean, just look at how much his friends talk about him publicly - none. Or how much he talks about his friends - none. And that's how much he's going to talk about a close friend (maybe super close friend) like Kristen - none. Same rules apply.
And I'm fine with that because I love how loyal he is to the people he cares about. I don't want him to change!
All I see is Rob's hands "both" at his sides and hers are "both" in her shirt...no where near touching and the reason why people say they are holding hands even though the person who took it didn't say they were is because people already got it in their head they are together so yea people will fight and say they are...i just annoys me how you can see false stories everyday on magazines and people are still believeing them. I never did...I only believe what the person the stories are about say...can't anyone be a nice fan to Rob and just listen to what he says and let it go. He says their is nothing...how is it being a nice fan spreading this stuff around. Plus nobody realizes Rob said so himelf he is happy being ingle and doesn't want a relationship...why does nobody believe him? If everyone here cares for Robert they would believe as he says and let it go as that.
I think its exclusive. I also dont think their relationship is new. I think it began as a trial thing in may and was hard to keep up with while he filmed the runaways and he RM, but after that wrapped and filming for NM began in august. i think its been steady for about 4 or 5 months now
i meant eclipse not NM
LovesRob- I live in Texas.
orietntation wise, go look at the after ellen blog, which I frequent cause it's a good blog. Most of the posters there wish Kristen was gay, but most point out that while she has some mannerisms that are tomboyish, she doesn't have the accompanying "whisperings" that follow a closeted person in Hollywood.
that is the biggest tipoff really that some is gay, when they leave have trail of those rumors following them. From all accounts, Kristen's a tomboy, has been a tomboy since she was young, has grown up in a farily masculine home, and has had a couple long term serious boyfriends to fill up the last several years.
Oooo...I know some people who live in Texas! Cool! I grew up in L.A. area and now live just south of there. We are in L.A. alot, in fact, when at Conan show on Nov. 16th, New Moon premiere was happening only a couple miles away. To know Rob was only a couple miles away from me...wow! But did get to see KS. She was very nervous as I said. Seemed very young. And of course, she is. When she left, I waved to her and she looked up at me very shyly and smiled. I thought that was cool! She never talked about Rob or neither was Rob ever mentioned during the show. We could tell that was totally on purpose! As for if they're together...I don't think they are...but who knows...I could be pleasantly surprised..and there could be a REAL confirmation..like them confirming it with their own mouths! LOL! I would love that...until then...I just can't believe it. Sorry :(
one more thing about Kristen, she's always been stuck like glue to her oldest brother, completely looked up to him as a kid. Students who went to school with her said she never played with her kids her age; she simply played with her older brother and his friends. Tended to wear similar shoes like him, and take fashion cues from him too as a young girl.
If she's hanging out with older boys for most of her school career, then getting home schooled cause she's acting and then just hanging out with adults for the most part there.
Well, I think you can kinda see she missed a lot of the social cues you'd pick up on with all things girly and stuff. She has a young teenaged boy swagger to her sometimes, and I'm guessing that's more from running with a pack of older boys for a long stretch than anything. She's like Mowgli!!! lol
Steph- I think so too. 4 or 5 months. But it took off in May. That' when we started seeing more and more of them together. Never before that did we see them hanging out.
Mickie- The reason why some of us believe that it's more is because she broke up or MA broke up with her back in April/May. He was seen in Vancouver in April(famous piggy back ride).Then Kris birthday came and there was no MA around even though he was just there a week or two before. We have all heard Rob saying he had a crush on Kris. If you have seen any of the pics of those two you can see how he looks at her. Go back to the MTV Twilight Tuesday vids and see the chemistry and how they just joked around and got each other. There are other vids on You Tube that shows how they acted around each other on set. The chemistry, connection,and sexual tension has always been there. And so now that MA and Kris aren't together. Why wouldn't they give each other a chance? There is no reason why they wouldn't get into something with each other. There is nothing holding them them back now. There has always been these underlying feelings between the two. You can see that in practically ever vid they are in together. They are just in their own bubble.
Yeah, she does act like a cocky awkard 8th grade boy sometimes. lol
But she can also put on the siren deal, all of her movie roles are sorta seductive. Shizz, she was only 15 half naked in fierce people getting body painted up all sexy, Chris Hanson wouldn't approve!
I have an older cousin who I clung to as a child. Ironically enough his name is Rob too. I would dress like him and always try to hang out with him. He was 4 years older so I probably "cramped his style" or something, but i idolized him and had this hero worship thing. I still do. he is one of my best friends and the closest thing I will ever have to a brother, but i also grew up. I stopped dressing like/acting like a tomboy when i was 11 or 12. I havnt had a lot of female influence in my life either, but i kind of grew up and left the tomboy thing in my adolescence.
Shut the hell up everybody or I'll sparkle all over you!.
Sorry about that.
@Gozde: Loved the 1,2,3, Go and it has.
Who cares if they are holding hands for crying out loud, they are there together enjoying a great day. In defense of Sam's sister, just maybe, she was posting pics of her holiday and thought this was safe (am I being naive, maybe). This may be my favorite photo ever of them together-it's so in the moment, real life, and in a beautiful natural place where they chose to be. I'm actually thrilled that these photos got out, because they aren't intrusive and not shot by Papz and it is what it is. From here on in, things will get more difficult for them if they want to spend time together. Glad they got this little reprieve.
@StephsLegit: As always agree with comments with exception of opinion of Kristen and respect that from you.
A lot of the 300 comments here made me sad. We are blaming all the gossip mags for not stick to the truth when it comes to our beloved dear Rob, but on the other hand we are making so many bad rumours and wild theories ourselves. (Kristin is with Bobby, she is a lesbian, he is just f**** her, they are not serious blap blap blap). It is entertaining to talk about them but there is always a line. Why not just accept the facts? Kristin went to England for NYE with Rob. And they went with friends for a walk.
Some people here should read this again: http://www.gossipcop.com/site-breaks-up-robert-pattinson-kristen-stewart/. “……Here are the facts. The “Twilight” stars welcomed the New Year together on the Isle of Wight off the southern coast of England. They posed for photos with a fan outside a grocery store in the island’s seaside town of Ventnor.
And here’s Gossip Cop’s take. A site that asks you to ignore what evidence does exist while supporting its own theories with baffling logic… is probably more wrong than Wight.”
Until Rob confirms it. These are all speculations. Careful that you don't break any heart.
Who will Rob bring to the publicity/promo of "Remember, Me"? Not me, it's Emilie, right?
Amelie- I think Emille will go with her husband. I believe she has gotten back with him. Just sayin.;)
It's always the same excuses around here. When Kristen was caught leaving Rob's hotel (Chateau Marmont) in Aug. people said but friends spend the night together in hotels. When the handholding pics in Paris came out the excuse was that friends hold hands. Now Kristen is in England during her vacation with Rob and it's I would fly 8000 miles to be with my friend and Kristen has millions or some other crap that Rob is her only friend. Or Kristen's brother is there with her and they're sightseeing. Do you know how ridiculous it is to keep claiming they're just friends when the overwhelming evidence is to the contrary? No, we don't know for 100% sure unless they confirm it, but why is it hard to accept that Rob is dating someone? Hello, normal 23 year old guys date. Co-stars have been known to hook up before. Do you think he's been a monk all this time?
ohh jeez-here we go again! either way,theyre together and hooking up. All I care bout at this point is if its serious. I wished I liked KS but she irritates me. I cant believe the fuss over the handholding. Its just ridiculous now..
Oh and I just have to comment on the most dumbest fkn thing I ever read."Who would fly a thousand miles for a friend?" UMM LET ME THINK>>>"ITs ROBERT FKN PATTINSON. ID fly to the moon if I knew he was there waiting for me:) DUH!!
Why is it hard to say it, Rob? JUST SAY IT ! You're just a man, not a vampire.
Or how about Kristen is gay and Rob's her beard, LOL.
steph-yeah, everyone does things differently, and she was pushed into a very adult world a a y oung age where her little masculine swagger was probably a good coping and defensive mechanism!
But if you look at the roles she played initially, all of them were very steeped in playing androgenous/tomboy roles actually. Like that was her niche when she hit adolesecnce. she's about the same age is Hayden Patinerre, and Hayden was often cast for the "girly" roles while Kristen was getting all the "tomboy" roles. So her tomboyness was very much encouraged professionally to a degree.
Kristen will be completely MIA for Remember Me promotion. "Robsten" speculation is such a monster, it overshadows everything it touches. Remember Me is for Robert to shine alone and the Stew will be nowhere in sight to turn it into a circus.
Every damn time Kristen gets into the mix here on ROBsessed, it gets fucking crazy. For a while I kind of like it, seeing people's POV on the "relationship" but it always deteriorates and gets combative. This is a very strange phenomenon. I'm part of it but not wanting to be combative. I'll be the first to question any photo, but if that's not Rob, then who? (Big jacket, not tight jeans) Let them be, yuh right, like that's going to happen. Good news! I flipped through the gossip mags today at the grocery store and there was NOTHING about R&K. Thinking they're off the radar for now.
I'm not sure who is being referred to when kemberly or sparkle are going all out and insulting the "hypocritical skid marks of life's underpants" and if it were aimed at me or my honest opinion then I will just say "how very mature"!
When I was talking about "the life" comment I certainly didn't mean "us" obsessing about Rob, AFTER ALL that's why we're all here...to obsess about him, when I mentioned world peace, again I didn't mean say that people should become world peace advocates and drop anything that is of any interest or any value to them...what I was simply referring to, is that IF people spent that same amount of time and effort put into deciphering a simple picture or hand holding gesture in "other" humanly beneficial activities then the world might just be a better place! *sigh* and again, the whole point of my post was not to demean anyone for their love or obsession for rob, or how much time they spend on the internet talking about him, BUT RATHER, how much time and effort is being put into ((( if those are his shoes, or if that is his ass, or if Kristen's hand is in her pocket, or if her shoulders are indicating a hand holding))) people that was all I was saying...you want to sit here 24/7 ogling Rob, drooling over Rob, fantasizing about Rob then by all means... and who am I or anyone to stop you?!! I'm just as guilty of doing this as the next person...so please don't hate...it was just annoying to see how much EFFORT is really being put to catch those two in the act or prove that they are NOT actually themselves or together...anyway if I've hurt anyone's feelings then my apologies.
skorpia- Kris was friends with Rob in December 08. She didn't go to London with him then. She took trips with her bf MA and best friend Nikki. Now that both of them are pretty much out of her life. And she seems to have moved on with Rob. She is now enjoying her free time with her new bf and his friends in Isle of Wight. Life is good.;-)
moonbeam- yes my name is really sam- it's short for my middle name which is Le'Samara ;)
Rob and Kristen probably think us fans are nuts for analyzing every picture of them to death and spending so much time doing it. It's no wonder they don't admit to the relationship!
I think that ‘hyper focused’ fans are analyzing whether or not Kstews hand is in her pocket or in Robs hand? And they’re analyzing the aerodynamic slant of her shoulder in proportion to ‘Robs’ wrist’ along with how wide some think his ass is or is not...I’m not guessing ....because like I said, at this point, I don’t care either way....
I do HAVE to admit, that EVERY photo of them is questionable....if it wasn’t, sites like this wouldn’t debate it? Right?
I don’t think I’m expecting ‘too much’ from my fave celeb....Because Rob Pattinson tries to rival John Mayer for me...but always loses. Wanna know why? Because John is content with being a douche bag, and he ADMITS it....So I’m cool with that. At least he’s honest. And he keeps his fans in ‘the loop’. Rather than continuing a charade that not only undermines his fans (who keep the money rolling...) but also keeps us all guessing...waiting in the wings....for an answer, we won’t likely get. WHICH again, I feel is a little pretentious.
As fans, we don’t always have to be happy about a mate they choose. (John Mayer and Jessica Simpson? C’mon, really? But at least I UNDERSTOOD why he was tapping that....she looks like a girl, ya know?) But, that doesn’t negate our right to at least QUESTION what they’re doing. I mean, we as fans spend ALOT of time and money on our favies.....And as much money as I spend to watch JM play guitar, I spend that same kind of money to watch a vampire and a human fall in love on screen...SO, that’s neither here nor there....All in the name of ‘your art’....Because I do support, ya know?
You can't really compare John Mayer and Robert Pattinson.
Robert is in movies. And he heads a franchise, a teen franchise about a virgin vampire that appeals to 12 year olds. He's got a lot of people riding his jock professionally, a lot of folks he's contractually obligated to.
Robert has a WHOLE different audience he's playing to from John Mayer. Of course they will present themselves accordingly. John Mayer is playing to a female audience about a decade older, and his persona thrives off the image of a ladies man and riotous douche.
Robert's public persona is somewhat manufactured, it's no coincidence he comes off like every Hugh Grant character from every 90's rom-com he did. Some of it's Robert, some of it's shaped though.
But the fact that when Robert's off the clock, he basically is nowhere to be seen, avoids the paps, and tries to live a private life isn't the worst thing to want from a celebrity. I'd rather see pictures of him with Kristen from a little girl on some isle I never heard of then having them doing cheesy ass photo ops in front of Big Ben which would be tweeted by both of them.
My feelings is don't take it personally that he doesn't share things outright. There's reasons for it beyond us that he does it.
I can compare JM to RPattz....they’re both celebrities...they’re both INDULGED in the lime light. Some just choose to accept it more than others....
John Mayer spent YEARS appealing to a younger audience. Hence his early ‘pop’ singles on the local radio station. Same as Robs ‘franchise’ money maker ‘Edward Cullen’. Same difference. Those teenage fans of JM’s turned into grown adults who buy his records now....*shruggs* just sayin....
I disagree that he (Rob) ‘appeals to 12 year olds”...Because I’m not twelve. Are you? And I’m sorry that I expect more from an intelligent, well read, articulate adult like RPattz. Maybe that is ‘too much’ to ask from a celebrity....Maybe I’m viewing this whole thing wrong.
I do agree, Rob is NOWHERE near the musical prodigy that JM is....But it seems, he aspires to be. And his fans aspire for that too. SO, again, in that regard~he has some serious growing to do. And that growing doesn’t come from ‘hating Twitter’....or ‘fooling’ his fans....or ‘trying to appeal to the Robstens or Nonstens’....
My point is simply that, he is a celebrity. And so is Kstew. *shruggs again* No matter how ‘sad’ that makes some fans because of their ‘quick uber’ fame, fact remains, they are. And they owe more to the fans that support them than the cheesy, blocked, wrist holding, sunblocking handholding pictures....Because, if they don’t want it out there? Why do it?
I just think it’s time to embrace it, own it....be the adults you are about it....and give those ever loving fans that spend ‘alot’ (<-----insert dumb and dumber voice here) of time circulating their careers a lil respect. ;)
i get neither one of them give a shit regardless of what people may think, but they "crave" privacy. it's a little counter productive to the goal of "keeping it to yourself" when a person flies halfway across the world to see someone you are rumored to be dating. if they want peace of mind and want to avoid answering any questions then dont give people a reason to speculate in the 1st place unless you plan on addressing it. they know everything they do is held under a microscope. so if they crave privacy so much then show the public tht nothing is going on.
Why do typical coupley things if you dont want people to know about you? i get that their relationship is personal, but maybe people would be more receptive to it if they knew they were serious and not just being fuck buddies? they say that they dont care about what everyone says, but it is obvious it upsets them when they have to address it. Yes or No is not a difficult answer. It wont stop the media from taking pics, but it will give them peace of mind knowing that they dont have t watch their back or what they say
Tabloids are going to say they are together/pregnant/engaged/broken up/on the rocks/cheated on/own an a small polynesian country..regardless of their answer but at least they can hold hands without scrutiny. i just think in some respects it would be easier. Kristen thought it wouldn't solve the issue either way and she is only slightly right. the attention wouldn't stop, but at least she wouldn't have to have the added stress of putting on a front all the time.
they havnt lied to fans, but they did loose their respect. Some people respect grew for them because they were able to keep something private.. only this sint private so what are they actually protecting. its jus poor publicity and will come back to bite them in the ass eventually.
i am probably going to get screamed at for my post, but at least i am thinking realistically. If you disagree and go on to tell me how we should leave them alone and blah blah blah then get off the internet. you are contributing to the problem just as much as i am.
If you think Kristen is weird. Rob is weirder than her.
I Think they are perfect together :)
I am a fan of both Kristen and Rob and I think both of them still need time to adjust themself with the publicity.
I watch a lots of their interview from Youtube and I think both of them are doing better interview this year. Give them times. They are very good actors. :)
stephislegit--I don't believe in the "leave them alone" mantra. I think they have to deal with being public figures. I think Robert fulfills the duties just fine, and we are all responsible for the extreme scrutiny he is under DIRECTLy because we can't get enough of his pretty ass.
I do think though, nothing's wrong with trying to establish boundaries of what you'll talk about what you won't talk about.
At this point they aren't hiding much, they just aren't defining it. I don't really think it's about publicity so much as just not "going there." Kristen "went there" with her ex boyfriend last year. Talked about him openly and adoringly. And his unfortunate ass got sucked into all this drama to be honest this summer with the tabloids, she opened up that door too by presenting that relationship publicly.
I don't know, personally if I was her, I wouldn't go down that road again. I'd shut up, and not let anymore words be used to hang me!lol
Wmoney=you're right, you can compare whoever you want.
The difference between celebrities in different fields is stark though, they just are, different expectations public image wise.
As for twelve year olds---we aren't the key demographic for Twilight. lol IF we were, Breaking Dawn would be rated R. They are targeting twelve year olds, and just happy Robert's pretty enough to attract adult women as well. Robert has to stay somewhat pg 13 friendly public image wise. There's a reason his tush is always sandwiched in between his agent and his manager.
What's the growing to do though for Robert, in relation to John Mayer? Mayer's reviled at this point publicly, most women find him misogynistic, he's won several end of the year douche awwards. I mean, his public persona has taken over his musical career in many ways.
I'm telling you right now, ask anyone in pr about Robert or John Mayer and how Robert should navigate himself publicly, and John Mayer will be the LAST person they would ever offer up.
Don't get me wrong, I think John Mayer is funny. But he's become a charicature of himself at this point, his twitters are more popular than his songs.
when does publicity for RM begin? because then we'll hear all about Emilie ans Rob. And no the national Enquirer saying she's back with her husband doesn't make it true. They write rubbish.
Also I was thinking if the "faux" dates will begin with EMilie and outing too, just to get buzz out on the movie. It's not an uncommon trick in Hollycuckoo (hollywood)
That will be fun to see, Robilie?
And I do think that Kristen is still with Mike at some level, no way after 6 yrs together (2 as friends, 4 as a couple) that it would end completelly. He's in love with her and I think she is in love with him..time will tell.
I dont have harsh feelings for what Kristen did to MA. I mean you grow up and grow apart that is how it goes. But i do believed she sort of strung him along to salvage what was left of something that wasnt working. when you are emotionally vested in someone else i think its time to call it quits instead of dragging it out, but the public didnt have harsh feelings.. they just wish should wouldnt have let it go on for so long. that was prob her first experience with love you have a hard time letting go of the first.
I dont really like her but to me the pics with her and MA were sweet. She looked carefree and not sullen like she does now. and she seems bitter because she finds the need to hide it. i mean id probably want to knock her teeht in if she twittered about her and rob but they both owe it to themselves to be happy. I know they both dont see labeling themselves to the public as an issue but that has to be some damage to the psyche when you want to cuddle up next to someone but you cant cuz "the public cant know" i mean that has to be so frustrating. i would rather deal with the drama of everyne knowing so i at least have the opportunity to set peple straight rather than let ppl speculate and come up with the wrong conclusions that put me in a bad light. Does this make sense?.. sometimes when i am typing i make a lot of spelling errors
is it even actually them?
Some of you guys are very funny,
The award for the funniest thing i have heard about kristen goes to the one who say kristen is biter.
Biter for what?
I know that some fans think rob is the moon but please everyone don't put rob on this kind of pedestal.
From what i get of kristen from her interview and from people who worked with her this girl doesn't put people in some godlike statue.
By the way, mike is not kristen first relationship, just go back and read her interview from back 2006; But even then she didn't like to talk about her love life and she didn't understand the need to know.
I am not going to say i don't understand the need to know from the fans but i really don't get the they have to tellus something. Why? Because you paid to see a movie?
You pay to see a movie and when you are out of the cinema, you have consume what you paid for.
If they don't want to talk about it they don't. As much as you have freedom to speack you also have the freedom to stay numm.
By the way kris is going to leave at the end of next week or ealier, she needs to prepare herself for sundance. And then she is going to need to be ready for promo for her 3 movies coming out before eclipse.
Rob needs to focus on bel ami. If his performance is good he is going to have a lot of credit and his performance is not that good he is going to be burried by critics especially snobyisch french journalist who are very harsh when you touch french litterature. I hope it works out great.
He also need to prepare for remember me promo just a week before the runaways comes out. Hope that remember me got fair reviews. And that no lazy journalist start the competition between the movies because i have already seen it on his board.
At the end both movies are very different and one is rated R and the other is PG 13 .
They posted that this picture is a FAKE!!!!!!! and yet some are still going on likes it real, I knew it was fake the second I saw it. If anyone is really ROBsessed you know it not Rob's shape/body in that picture right away. OME
i am going to go out on the limb and say the pic is real based on shadows matching with the position of the sun. if its fake then prove it. dont just say it
StephsLegit, I respect your opinion but none of us know if Kristen strung MA along or what went down between them. To me it looks like she broke up with him to be with Rob but I can't criticize her for that. Imagine if effng Robert Pattinson wanted you.
YEP!!! Holding hands for sure. For whatever anybody said, she flew 8000 miles to be there with him and his inner circle of closed friends. Does'nt that say more than that badly taken picture?
This is a quote on the front page of this photo on ROBsessed ************"See there are NO rocks. As Tess said they were photoshopped in! (Okay I might be having too much fun with all this are they or aren't they thing :))"********
They are telling you this is a FAKE!!!! picture! Ummm here is your "proof" StephsLegit and anyone else
Repeat this picture is not real y'all.
stephislegit-I love you cause you don't leave threads either like me! lol :)
From many accounts, it sounds like Mike and Kristen took breaks from eachother, and then always wound up back together. My hunch, and that's all it is, is maybe they just didn't end up back together for once.
I always wondered if they kept it low profile initially so people didn't do the whole scarlet letter A treatement with Kristen while Robert would be treated like an angel still even though he's older and seems to have been interested even while she was with MA.
It seems that at times they were ready to go public(August in particular) and then plans changed for whatever reason. They always seem to do something then hold back, and I'm not sure what that's about, so I get the annoyance with the mixed messages in that respect.
This is a bit off-topic but not a lot though lol, this is my reply to Yves's comment...
Yves if we just liked Robert for his Edward role then we wouldn't be here, this blog wouldn't even exist, and we wouldn't be anticipating his future non-Edward movies/projects.
An actor can NOT just be recognized by the movies he/she makes. If an actor or actress don't win over the public's interest/affection then the public will NOT be interested in reading or hearing about them, and as a result will NOT be interested in seeing their other movies... unless he continues to make saga movies forever! lol (because those movies already have a built in fan base).
So your assessment is wrong.
And the key word in my post is "a little" I know that we don't really know Robert, but we do know him to a certain extent through his interviews, and he made a lot of fans because of how genuine, funny and down to earth he comes across...it's as simple as that.
There I've said my peace lol
the whole situation regarding the rocks being photoshopped in is a joke pertaining to the last group of photos that were released from that same day. The photo had the entire group in which rob and kris were pointed to with red arrows and then and arrow pointed to "english rocks". it became and inside joke on here. So when Goz posted the pic talking about rocks she was referring to that not the authenticity of this photo
I don't think I really care that much each to their own
wow.. some of you surprise me.. how in HEAVENS NAME CAN YOU SEE HIS ASS?????? im guessing this is rob and Kristen because i can tell by what kristen is wearing.. and if you look a her jeans and shoes on the other pic you can tell. BUT WHY IS SOME PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HOW MUCH MA LOVE KRISTEN?? WHY ARE WE EVEN TALKING ABOUT MA?? SHOULDN'T WE BAN THAT NAME FROM THIS BLOG???? come on guys!! give rob some LOVE.. if he IS dating kristen and he saw all this crap about how much MA and kristen look soooo in love flutter my eye* he would probably be pissed.. actually i really doubt he would care... who cares if she dated MA for 4 years and was friends with him for 2? I had a friend who was as young as her and dated a guy for 9 years and then found out that she was more friends with him then anything.. then she started dating a gy for three months and they got married... CRAZY!! but true!! YES i think rob and kristen are dating. yes i think they are cute together. yes i am a little biased. BUT WHO CARES?? i am puzzled why anyone would think they know him so well them they can just predict all this crap about them?? well thats my spiel about this dilema.. and i have no idea if they are holding hands or not.. does it matter? NOPE!! this is all my opinion..
Which part of my assessment was wrong?
Was it the part where I said you and I don't know Rob?
Or was it the part where I said that RP would rather be loved for his work than for some idealized vision of his persona?
RP recently said that he's come to understand that the best way to connect with his fans is through his work. I agree with him wholeheartedly. Cuz the fact is that RP will NEVER be able to live up to the image that his fans have created of him. Based on your comments, it's clear that he's already failing to meet your expectations, right? Right.
There's a river in Egypt. Have fun!
It was the part were you assumed that I somehow idealized Robert, etc. I was pointing out those misconceptions in your comment.
And you completely missed the entire point of my post, read it again...
The idea that we, as fans, tend to idealize RP seems to offend you - it shouldn't. It's not an insult. It's actually quite natural. We don't know and could never know the real Robert Pattinson -- all we have is an image. We expand on this image with our own ideals - hence, a fully-formed "idealized image" of Robert Pattinson comes into being.
This isn't a big deal until one starts expecting Robert Pattinson the man to act in accordance with Robert Pattinson the ideal -- like when fans say things like "This doesn't seem like Robert at all" OR "I hope he never changes."
Yves I hope he never changes in interviews! that's what I meant lol...
But I know that we don't really know him like I said before lol, but I do believe that we do know him a LITTLE.
I just love his genuineness and charm in interviews...so if that changes why would I want to watch his interviews anymore? I wouldn’t say I would be disappointed because I don’t know him to be disappointed, but I would simply lose interest. He and the interviews would simply become generic...
Look at Kristen, she is a very divisive actress (within the Twilight fandom itself), many don't like her, many simply don't care for her "neutral" (I'm in this category), and some really like her.
But it is not just because to many she is not a very good actress, but also because of her off-putting personality (the one she presented us with during her Twilight interviews before she got trained. And even after she apparently got trained she still had a few bad interviews lol, like her incoherent ramblings about the "fiending effing off" when she cut Robert off as usual).
So interviews do reflect the actor's/actress's personality to a certain extent (key word: certain extent) and they do effect the actor/actress a lot in how they come off to the public who are watching those interviews (and then it goes back to my point in my above post).
So I hope you get my point as well, clearly, when I say "I hope he doesn't change" *grins*
@Rosa....I totally agree with you. I don't blame them for not saying anything. Kristen did make a mistake in letting everyone know about what type of relationship she had with Michael.
I also agree with you about Robert's hips. He's wider then most men in that area, so I don't have a problem believing that it's him in this picture. I think Lainey called them "mothering hips".
I am sure they will come out of their shells eventually, in respect to what relationship they have. They might start appearing in public more often, without having to have someone leave 20 minutes after the other.
The future will be very telling. I am eager to see how Kristen and Roberts' careers will develop post Twilight.
I was fascinated by Twilight saga because everything Stephenie Meyer touched seems to turn to gold. I never know these actors before. What interested me is that these actors seem genuine and they acted like normal regular kids we know on interviews or conferences. We don’t know everything about them but many of us who follow their stories and watch Youtube know them very well. They told us a lot of things about their lives from their interviews.
My point is we can watch and listen to what they are telling us about their lives but we can’t expect them to do what we want them to do. Acting is just another occupation. They serve us by giving us entertainments and the end of the day or when they finish their movies and promotions, they go home. They don’t own us anythings.:)
how do we even know its rob and kristen. i mean yeah it looks like its them by their stance and the way the are leaning and stuff but u cant be positive.
BUT whoever they are, they arnt holding hands. her body posture deffinelty shows her hand in her pocket..
they were deff holding hands in the other pic from the airplane.. so it wouldnt surprise me if they do it some more
I understand people don't like Kristen's persona but they only know an image she presents to the public. I wonder if Rob was dating someone else if she would be picked apart and scrutinized as much as Kristen. My guess is yes.
My guess is NO... the criticisms of Kristen have nothing to do with Robert...people were criticizing her long before this whole "robsten" fiasco started...lol
well I forgot to add, for the most part... maybe to some people they criticize her because of Robert (but I personally haven't seen any of those), but to me it seems that the great majority of those who dislike her, disliked her from the beginning ever since her atrocious Twilight interviews, and her not very good acting skills.
Emilie reconciling with her husband is not just rumors-she withdrew the divorce papers. It's a matter of public record, the withdrawal, thus signaling a reconciliation. They've been seen out too as well.
Robert and Emilie will definitely be promoted as having sexy chemistry. I think they do actually from the trailer. They look great together.
The fauxmance angle won't be used, but they won't have to if the sex scenes are good enough!lol
So well put - expressed much better than I could. This was the point I was trying to make earlier in my comment to DM. DM - I do see your point about not wanting Robert to change. I guess in response I'll quote 123jill:
"...we can watch and listen to what they are telling us about their lives but we can’t expect them to do what we want them to do."
I would also add that we can't expect Rob to be what we want him to be. That's all I'm saying.
And DM - I agree with you when you say that the image a performer presents in interviews and the like means a great deal to how they are received by the public.
To me, though, a celeb being interviewed by a journalist is similar to my being interviewed for a job. In an interview I'm not exactly "myself." I am under intense pressure to be the very best version of "me" that I can muster. I'm trying to be..a refined, "idealized" version of Yves :)
This is what I mean when I say that we can't know the "real" Rob. We have an idea, sure. And we certainly like that idea. But I guess I try not to expect him to conform to it? If that makes sense.
D.M., just take a look at nonsten.com. Those people are bordering on the psychotic when it comes to putting Kristen down. There's no way you can detest someone that much that you don't personally know. I would rather be neutral and not put any of Rob's friends down.
listen i dont like kristen either but i dont bash the hell out of her. ive seen that site before and its horrible
@StephsLegit, last comment on this thread (I hope). My head is spinning, often I totally agree w/ you and other times, I just dunno.
This reply to you is about it being counterproductive to keep denying "it". They could "hold hands without scrutiny", if they're "serious and not just fuck buddies" K's whole keeping it private, blah, blah, really annoyed me. Yuh, why not just say yes or no. I have had a 360 turn. They don't know or care if it's serious, they just have some relationship which makes them want to spend time together, probably intimate as well. But just look at the mags: Brad & Angelina on covers with some BS story and many others. If they were to come out, the pressure on their fragile relationship would be torture. I truly believe that it would benefit no one. It's already obvious something is on. Yuh, it drives me crazy not knowing, not cause I care so much as I always like a resolution to any mystery. Actually IMO it's not a fragile relash, but a real BFF that will last. I don't think they are just "fuck buddies". That's all sister. Keep your comments coming, I like reading them.
oh heah, they are really funny on that nonsten site. They spend they time saying how smart they are. That they don't spend their time on every photo or kristen and rob move to prove they point that there is no relationship, when they do just the same crap shippers do. They are just as much of a part of the "fienders"as kristen would put it.
They say they don't care for the realtionship but have a site devoted to it.
Just as they say they don't care about kristen but they every tread is devoted to bitching on her.
They are just as toxic as crazy shipers. They are the same just with different "religion".
It's just lame.
To lalieb,
why do you want them to give a yes or a no to something that is none of fans business.
The point in this thing is it's none of your business. They do what they want to do.
They don't have to have a fucking plan bout what they do.
Kristen as always say it's weird to have people wanting to know your personnal life when this has nothing to do with your job.
Your job as an actor is to play a character in movies. When the fans pay to see your performance, he consummed the product. You sell your performance in the movie and not the right to your personnal life.
I think people tend to mistake actors life with a reality show program.
They are a lot of actor out there and you know nothing about they love life, for example did you know that anna dated the director of her last movie with michael cera? No, Why because you don't have obsessive twihard wanting to know evey detail of her fucking life.
If people will give this two a little more space, they will actually at the end enjoyed more from this people.
Even if today rob and kris comes out and say
1- we are together, it won't make they life easier, they will have the paparazzi everywher wanting to know if they go to a restaurant, which one, if she cheats on him, if he cheats, who is lying, who is pregnant, mike blah, blah, co star blah blah
2- they aren't together. This won't end the speculation, some will believe, other not, you will still have stories then why are you always together, where is mike, nikki bla bla, are you gay?, blah blah
It's a no win stiation.
So for me not saying a thing is the best solution.
If people want to keep talking they talk. Kris and rob are doing they thing. We are the one behind our computer freacking out, not them. We make a big deal of thing not them. They are just living they live, And we argueing about something that does not concern us.
We will all win something by letting this go. And when we see picture of them, we try not to analyse we just focus on the cool photo, look hot, nice place...
If the fandom can let the speculation goes, i'm pertty sure the tabloids as well will do it, if noone buys it, they will get tired of loosing they money and will find other target.
@damourkrist, I am reeling, because somehow you so misinterpreted whatever I said because I totally, absolutely agree with YOU! At other comments I have said they should not admit anything, every thing you said is what I feel about their situation, and for the same reasons you have stated, so I don't know how I was so misunderstood. I really try to be careful. Maybe someone else's comments you read? If you're speaking about my mystery comment, well that is just my own deal, but my comment to Steph was that I had decided that nothing good would come of admitting anything and agreeing with Kristen about it. You're so right about gossip mags which I have commented about many times.
Lallieb, sorry
need to go to sleep and stop obsessing with joy division; It's 4Am and i m dancing in the house like a mad cat. My boyfriend think i' m crazy know.
They are absolutely holding hands but i'm not too sure it's actually who it says it is. The picture is too bright. Here's hoping though. As long as they're happy i think poeple should just leave them alone.
To Yves: Thanks and well said
"To me, though, a celeb being interviewed by a journalist is similar to my being interviewed for a job."
I second that.:)
yep twmmy definiteley right...when you zoom in a little you can clearly see kristen's right hand is in her pocket as left..i want both of 'em to be happy.together or not..thanks for posting
You can't tell if it's even them. I don't see holding hands. I see that a girl in the picture has her both hands in the pockets.
If ever the two of them are really into each other now, I'd say let them be. Let them see if a bi-continental relationship will work out for them. A sacrifice or compromise will have to be made by one or both in order to make it work.
So good luck to both of them. Good, if it works out. If not, then try try again.
Hand holding definitely!! That is so damn cute!!! Love this two!!
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