Thanks to The Irish Twilight Sisters :)
Robert Pattinson #4 Torso of The Year
Heat Magazine says Robert Pattinson has the #4 Torso of The Year...Interesting category to win :)

Thanks to The Irish Twilight Sisters :)
Thanks to The Irish Twilight Sisters :)
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I'm getting really confused, in some articles I read that he had major airbrushing and in others I read that it is all him. Which is it? and if it is airbrushing why are they naming him torso of the year? Heat magazine is rubbish anyway it, and OK etc., is the home of Jordan and her "frank and exclusive interviews"
My own view is that while maybe some airbrushing was done in photographs, it's obvious when you watch the movie that Rob did a lot of working out in the gym, particularly on his chest and shoulders. Having seen the film 6 times now, I've had chance to study this!
He must have worked incredibly hard to achieve this, being naturally tall and lanky, unlike Taylor who is shorter and was more muscular to start with.
All our boys - Rob, Taylor, the wolfpack, all looked good, so well done guys !!
he definetely deserves it;]
Ladies, I just spent the last couple of days reading this fanfic - really romantic story on Edward, Bella, Jacob and the Culllens but nothing to do with vampires. Very romantic,very moving, sad in places, steamy in others. Definitely worth a read....
Give me tall and lanky anyday!!! I've said it. before photograph Taylor from the neck to the waist and he would be indistinguishable from any other pumped up actor.
@CaroleUK I have seen NM 7 times now and I agree that it is a cause for serious study
Ok, I seriously need to go see NM again...LOL
That said, I do think there was some airbrushing....but I also think there was a lot of actual any case, and as cliche as this sounds, with Rob, his personality (the humour, the charm, the intellect, the music) is as much an attraction as his beautifulness... With those eyes, that mouth, that jaw, that hair,those hands...his body is actually the last thing I think about....and I love it just the way it is...tall and lanky works for me.....
The more times you see New Moon, the more time you can spend studying him in detail - in a LOT OF DETAIL!
He really is beautiful in every sense in this film - I am totally bewitched. Can't wait for the DVD so that I can do some even more serious study of this magnificent guy.
Jeez I am sad!
@carole I'm sad as well, I used to have a RL but most of my time lately is taken up with trawling websites
It's not that important, not for me at least, whether his torso was airbrushed in NM or not as he surely put a lot of effort into going to the gym and working out.
And I like Rob's tall and lanky body. It makes him look amazingly well in suit, in jeans, well actually in everything.
I was always wondering why do so many girls squee while seeing Taylor's, or Jacob's torso. I mean, he's not ugly, but I really don't like his muscles. It's just too much. Plus, I really don't like hairless torso on men.
And what about the first three torsos of the year?
I think he jacked up the abs for the scene, but they also did some makeup and contouring effects to really emphasize definition.
And torso is a morbid word for some reason--it sounds like they are talking cadavers or something. ew. I prefer ab heaven.
That picture just never gets old.....THUD.
I also read somewhere that the white vampire makeup washed everything out so they had to put definition back in.
@caroleuk I've decided I'm way sadder than you!!
I SO love Rob's torso more that Tay Tay's...
I think they did some airbrushing simply to define the delineation of the muscles; you have to realize that pale skin does not show muscle striation as well as tanned skin does--this is why body builders apply lots of those instant tan oils before competitions.
Rob's never going to have the bulky build Taylor has. He's tall and lean and, in my humble opinion, Rob's perfect the way he is.
and Butterfly? I'm with you, a hairless torso is really not my thing...I mean, there's nothing to point you in the right direction!;)
What is this with men nowadays shaving everything ewww.One reason I love Rob is because he is an good oldfashion man if you know what I mean
@JL i heart you girl.
Yeah, what's up with the manscaping craze? I need man fur. Well, back hair is not really my thing, but I love to nuzzle a nice patch of chest hair.
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