8. "Remember Me," or "When Edward Finds A Blonde"
Keeping in line with chick-flicks we're excited for is Robert Pattinson's newest non-vampire film, "Remember Me." Not only is it Rob's first chance to show to the world (in wide release) his acting capabilities, but it's also starring some of our favorite people. Emile de Ravin! Pierce Brosnan! Chris Cooper! It's March 12 release date will hopefully satiate our "Twilight" needs for at least a week.

2. "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," or "Another Record Breaker"
"Eclipse" is the one book in the "Twilight" series that truly lives up to the hype (Action! Romance! The supernatural!), and is sure to reach a wider audience then both of its predecessors and sustain its income a bit longer than "New Moon" did. Really, if you're reading this list, you're sure to not need any explanation for why June 30 is a date to look forward to.
Keeping in line with chick-flicks we're excited for is Robert Pattinson's newest non-vampire film, "Remember Me." Not only is it Rob's first chance to show to the world (in wide release) his acting capabilities, but it's also starring some of our favorite people. Emile de Ravin! Pierce Brosnan! Chris Cooper! It's March 12 release date will hopefully satiate our "Twilight" needs for at least a week.

2. "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," or "Another Record Breaker"
"Eclipse" is the one book in the "Twilight" series that truly lives up to the hype (Action! Romance! The supernatural!), and is sure to reach a wider audience then both of its predecessors and sustain its income a bit longer than "New Moon" did. Really, if you're reading this list, you're sure to not need any explanation for why June 30 is a date to look forward to.
Source MTV
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»can't wait. can't wait. can't wait. can't wait. can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
excited for rob in 2010 - i really think eclipse will be bigger $$$ than both of the other movies, plus it's a summer release.
oh, was there ever a surprise from david slade yet, i dont have twitter but i saw on other sites that he posted something like that but never read anything again about it???
I'm equally excited for both movies. Anything with Rob on the big screen is my movie of choice.
eyy Rob 2010...AWASOME ;)
I can not wait for Remember Me!
LMAO @ "When Edward finds a blonde"
Nooo! NotEdward, notedward, notedward....ok, will fix hole punched in wall now. ;) Looking forward to March...
When they changed the release date from Remember Me from February to March 12th, they put it in direct competition with Kristin's movie The Runaways which has a March 19th release date. I wonder if they did it on purpose?
Marna hmmm interesting...however I think that the reason they did that is to give Kristen's movie a bit more publicity. Because if I'm not mistaken Kristen's movie is a limited release, whereas Robert's movie is a major movie, so there is no competition here at all lol.
And yes I agree I am looking forward to both movies.
And Ana yes I think that Eclipse will bury New Moon in the box office, but that is if they do the movie justice and don't cut us short of E/B romance/love story. As long as they keep the E/B romance as the plot, and Edward a very strong active presence, and all the rest as the subplot (as it should be) then I think that Eclipse could break all the records.
I realized that my post isn't very clear about the two movies I am looking forward to, so just to clarify lol, I am looking forward to Remember Me and Eclipse.
@Marna : I do not understand your question ...
In any case when they changed the date to remember me pelicula March 12, the other film The runaways still had no release date;) ....
On the other hand do not like the idea of passing in the same month the two movies who was not a great idea but I wonder...
On the other hand are two different stories;)
can't wait Remember me ;)
Ugh so annoyed about the Kristen/Rob photos in England.
The fact they are a couple bugs me sooo much. The whole situation is just so trashy in my opinion and I feel bad for Michael Anganaro.
Is anyone else just so over this stupid situation? I wish they would just admit it already and stop pretending its a secret. EVERYONE knows!
I agree with what D.M.(angel wings and stardust) said the eclipse movie Edward must maintain a strong presence in the movie besides Edward and Bella romance ...
can't wait Remember me ;)
@ kerr-bear :
I am a fan of Rob if he is happy I'm happy...
What is it? I do not like the Robster relationship is that some are not true fans of Rob and support for this with Kristen and yet live your life but do not support their projects ... Sample: Some Robten support not Movie Remember Me no like it because it goes with another actress Rob and Kristen...
come on, really? Let's not go there, ok?
Let's be happy for them & stop dredging up past shit. It's a new year..,it is what it is... if you're a Rob fan, then his happiness should be everything...
I think they move RM because Vskentines Day had the same release date... and that movie has z gazillion big names it.. but that's just MO.
I can't wait for both movies!!!!
sorry valentines day
I'm with you Robpattgirl... Happy new year ;)
if Rob is happy i am happy ;)
What a year already!!!!!....Robsten...."How To Be" on Netflix...."Remember Me" and "Eclipse" to come... and a happy Rob at home with his family and friends, most importantly. Happy New Year everyone!!!!
RPG, I agree with you on the change of release date for RM. We would not want a really good smaller movie over shadowed by a mega celebrity movie. RM would not get a fare chance.
I read the script (Remember Me) so much time ago and I really adore it!!!
Can't wait to see this movie with my box of kleenex, it's such heart breaking story...
Love Rob without paleface makeup!!!
rpattzgirl, maybe that is why they changed it, but then that means that he's now against Kristen instead of being against Taylor. Either way, they've got movies against each other.
I'm looking forward to Bel Ami!!!!!!!! woo hoo
@ kerr-bear: why do you bother so much about his sex life?
Really... I care for his sex life as much as he cares for mine... With the only diferrence that I want him happy (with whomever he is f*ng)~ and that he does not know that I exist.
Hi, Ana, ADM, RPG and the other girls! Any hangover? ;-D
I forgot to say something: I would care for his sex life, like, A LOT, if I were the lucky one sleeping with him...
(not that I would 'sleep' that much... hehe ;-)))
Ditto, crazy_vamp!!!
keer-bear is back to the blog... now we only have to wait for monika... oh dear!
No hangover for me.. I only had 2 drinks and was asleep by 11:30...
crazy vamp, no hangover here either. Like RPG, only 2 drinks. All is well.
i can't wait for both movies to come out! i think 2010 will be Rob's year!
I only care about Rob! I wanna watch Remember Me & Eclipse, can't wait!
@ ADM and @ RPG, happy new year, girls!
No hangover here, either. We are 'nice girls'... Nice NBs...
Though I wish I did drink a lot last night, in order to stand my nuts SIL... Good God! I'm about to kill that woman... :(
Why do some people come to YOUR house, stay (like...) FOREVER and want YOU to follow THEIR rules?!? 0-0
crazy vamp, Happy New Year! Sorry to hear about the nuts SIL. I do not understand that either.
lol, crazy in laws or family can be trying..
I'm still on my Rob high!!! So happy to see him and not by pappz cameras!!!
What a wonderful way to start the new year!!!
Amen RPG!true fans just want his happiness!end of story.
oh yeah dying for RM!woot woot!
Yep, sometimes in laws or (even) family are not easy stuff...
But, ooohh, I am happy to see him in a fan pic, too. It is a good way to start 2010. ;-D
(gotta go give some meds to my nuts SIL... hehehe) kidding...
I'm super excited for anything that Rob's involved in! I hope he gets everything made that has been talked about, but he's going to be one worn-out dude when it's all over. =)
I've been a little hungover today (hello, vodka, haven't seen you for a while! LOL) but nothing too serious.
I can't wait for both of these movies!!!! I am also drooling over the thought of him in Bel Ami!!
Oh...and scroll back up and take a gander at the wonderful JAW PORN in both of those pics! You know I had to point that out!! ;)
No hangover here; just had one glass of wine---and a bit of champagne. Pretty quiet night---except for the dogs barking at the neighbor's fireworks (pyrotechnics in the hands of amateurs---Gwen's a bit of a safety freak). The other thread was getting a bit silly now; thought I'd stop in here and say "hi".
Since I can't wait for RM or Eclipse, I was considering seeing NM (I think I'm up to 8 now) again. Yes or no? ; ) Like I have to ask this crowd!
Happy Rob makes me smile!
I'm learning some cool geography - finding out where in the world are R/K.
Found this section of an article below on the blog of the city they were in and can't believe it's true. Can't believe the little girl's friend was ASKED to post them. Who the heck asked her to post them???? Evil plot!!
It looks like a gorgeous place to be - awesome for them.
"A friend of the girl in the pics who was asked to post these shots to Twilight fansites has given us permission to use them here, so many thanks to the fan in the photos who did well to spot the actors, for letting us use them here."
...."his acting capabilities"
Always MTV and its "jokes". Rob doesn`t need to prove anything. He is a good actor. I`m looking forward to see him in Remember Me and Eclipse.
kerr-bear - to be honest i could care less about michael angarano. as long as rob is happy i am happy.
hi ladies - no hangover here either, just tired from lack of sleep, people were shooting off guns and fireworks for along time last night.
Evening ladies,
been popping in & out all day... finally got my youngest daughter out of her very bad situation and moved into her own place...
One worry down...
How's everyone tonight? I'm tired too.. but feel good today!
Hello RPG and Ana, I am popping in and out too. Started reading a new to me ff today. Can't seem to stay away from it long.
hey, RPG, ADM & Ana...I've been recovering from last night and checking in periodically...trying to stay away from the other thread. ;)
RPG, glad to hear things went well for you today! I read through the thread from last night and seems like you guys had fun...I can't believe you watched that movie alone in a dark house! I hate scary movies, and after all the hype that one was getting seems like you must have been feeling pretty brave! LOL
I suggest we do some kind of pre Robjoy self-control training just to get in shape, or Remember Me is going to have us whimpering, then Bel Ami is going to have us moaning wantonly in the middle of a public theater!! And truth be told, I can't wait!!!
Hello RPlover, did you have a good time last night?
Loisada, I agree!
yea, we had fun here last night... and still got the willies from that movie!
Did you have fun???
I've been scared to took at the other thread... over 300 now...feel safer here!
what ff did you start?
I read a rough start today up through posted chapters... it's pretty good.
I'm dying for HA to update and of course LATR!
ITA as well... oh god the emotional rollacoaster is coming!
RPG, I have not read Rough Start it is on my list to read. What is the other one?
I started reading The Naked Guy Upstairs.It is hilarious and sexy, I am enjoying it.
Just thought I`d pop in and say Hi girls! I`ve been missing everyone here lately...either too early or too late! =)
hi, girls! yep, had a good time last night, nights out without the little one don't come so often these days so we took advantage.
I've read through the other thread, same old, it seems! I'm happy they're together for the holidays, but these pics aren't shocking me to my core as they seem to be for some others...just glad he's looking rested and relaxed! I like it better in here. LOL
Thanks for the rec, ADM, hilarious and sexy sounds awesome about now! I'm in the middle of a one-shot that was rec'd on Twitarted...it's kinda creepy so far. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5121069/1/
hi, Leslie! :)
Hi RPL! Glad to hear you had a good holiday.
I don't think I want to set foot in the thread below. Is it safe? lol
hey, Emily! I haven't looked at it for a little while, was getting the kid to bed, but I skimmed through the 300 comments...no real fighting yet, just the same tired arguments and speculation. I'm just sick of it, to be honest! I'd rather chat with the NB's. =)
did you have a good New Years?
Hey RPL! The other thread isn`t too bad anymore...it was touch and go there for a while, but I think people and chilling out.
But I do feel much safer here!!
Oops...I should really condense to one gmail account.
I meant "are" chilling out...
Good to hear that Leslie.
I had a good new year's...didn't even stay up until midnight though. I'm so lame. The two kiddos wear me out.
this one?
thanks for the ff rec as well... something new while I wait!!
pining - That sounds familiar. I'm trying to remember....let me think about it.
There have been a few epic nights.
Thanks RPG, have not read it yet, is on my list.
I have not returned to that thread since this afternoon. Givesa me a headache.
I agree with RPL, about the pics.
Hi pining,
there are gals here way longer than me... I discovered it here in dec08, but lurked until 09... I don't remember the 1000 comments.... but one of the big ones I do remember was the KOL concert photos... Don't remember the amount but it was loooonnngggg.
I think Emily has been here from the beginning...and many others.
ugh, I just peeked in the other thread again, and now someone is defending Leonardo DiCaprio for dating models and such...saying he never tried to hide anything and he was "never a famewhore"-doesn't say that R&K are, but it seems implied to me. pisses me off but I am SO not in the mood to fight!
ok, I've just got to stay out of there! btw, Hi, Pining! :)
I`ve been back several times pining!! It was my hangover cure this morning!! And I snagged my new avi!!
I think we should all as members of the NBFRC just stay here...I think it is the best solution!! Cause I don`t want to fight either!
I know I peeked and got out... people calling them
liars becuase they wouldn't admit to anything..
God, they just can't win....the loonies always come out with r/k posts... No twilight zone today... But defintaly a bitch or two.
LHR, I agree, fighting will solve nothing. Especially when there is nothing to solve.
RPG...oh, thank god no Twilight Zone today! You should have seen my face when I saw those posts.
Yep, I've been here since day 1. Well, before day 1 I guess. I think the first time there was over 1000 comments was when the blog had been around only a couple of months. I thing there were a lot of f*ckity f*ucks involved...couldn't tell you what the post was actually about though. lol
RPG, ADM, Pining, I SO completely agree with all of your comments. Don't people have anything better to do than fight the same pointless fight over and over? :P
yep, had me some drinks last night! headache this morning but at least I didn't get sick. did anyone see Kate and Gozde drunk-tweeting last night? it was so funny and cute! made me smile. :)
LOL, ADM, poor thing-I'm sure you were a deer in headlights! Thank God there seems to be no sign today, maybe we can be done with that for the new year! (sadly, I don't think so.)
pining, you saw them in concert? lucky! I really like them, I'd love to see them.
RPL, I am shocked by the number of people that think Rob's personal life is any of their business and they seem to think they have some say in the matter. CRAZY!
I'm glad we are all on the same page regarding the relationship comments. People spend unbelievable amounts of time obsessing over things that 1) they have no control over and 2) is really none of their business in the first place.
I refuse to lose sight of the reason I come here. Remember the night we took the ride on the Rob train c/o Kelly? Good times...
ADM, exactly! I don't think some of them realize how they come across-or they don't care.
yep, I'm a twatter! LMAO I'm @jennyBird31 although it's kinda pointless to follow me, I hardly ever post a message for some reason, I just use it to spy on celebrities. =) it is fun, though.
Emily, the Rob train night was the first time I really started talking to everyone...before that I just posted random comments here and there. so I'll always have fond memories of that night. =)
I was just thinking before, I lurked here for quite a while before I even got a google account, and when I started making comments I was so nervous about it-and now I have no idea why! I love chatting with you all, I look forward to it everyday. <33
RPL, same night, same thing. Your words could be mine re: the Rob train.
Totally agree pining. There have been a few whack jobs along the way. Okay, maybe more than a few but still, I think Rob would be happy to read about himself here. He gets nothing but well deserved love.
I just peeked in there...definitely not going back! It`s getting ridiculous. I agree with all of you...as long as he`s happy I could give two shits about anything else!! And I really don`t understand how anybody thinks that it is any of their business to know anyway!!
(steps off soapbox)
ah, can you feel the love tonight? LOL
I, too, was thrilled to find normal, sensible and funny people!
pining, it does help to have a regular commenter respond to a new commenter. I have been trying to comment to newbies recently for that reason.
I was very nervous my first time too.
Aww...thanks pining. I'm glad you came out of lurkdom. I was really nervous the first time I commented too. I think I rewrote it five times before I hit 'publish'. lol
Gosh, look at us being all nostalgic...
Awwwww...I heart you guys!! ;)
NB'S are the best!!!!
It's all about loving Rob...
I am so glad to find like minded, smart and funny ladies to chat with!
I would be in a padded room by now without you.
Thanks for the heads up Leslie. lol
We'll just let them duke it out. I'd rather chat here with you ladies and talk about how damn hot Eclipse Robward is going to be. Not to mention Remember Me Rob...
I am very much avoiding that padded room. They might put Twilight Zone in there with me! YIKES!!
I felt the same pining...I lurked forever and finally commented and felt totally accepted after that first post...=)
Emily, I fear he will be too hot to handle. We may get kicked out of the theater.
Wait...Twilight Zone? What did I miss?
Emily, the stalker made a reappearance yesterday. Twilight Zone is code.
And ITA Emily! I also can`t wait for Bel Ami Rob!!!
I was lmao at gozde & kates drunk tweets as well... I hardly ever tweet anymore, just dms to people now & then...
I have always felt welcomed here as well, until last week... that threw me for a loop!
I just try to stay with positive happy people...
I lmao when twilight zone showed up...everyone caught on really fast!
Ah...gotcha. *winks*
I definitely am going to need a towel and some type of plastic cover when I see Remember Me! Just sayin`
LOL, ADM! yikes is right! haha
I'm sending big <3's to all my NB's, see, it's so much nicer over here! and Em, seriously, how hot is RM Rob going to be...no makeup...intense badass...oh, I'm definately going without the hubby. ;)
Good idea RPL, your cover surely would be blown with him there.
Leslie, for real, right? haha
and yep, Twilight Zone is bad news! it's kind of a cut and run situation. LOL
there is twilight zone & bitch...
pining, check your email. ;)
RPG, for real, I couldn't believe the nerve. karma's a bitch.
That was pretty funny and I can`t believe that the Zone hasn`t figured out what we are talking about!! It`s not like we are hiding it...or maybe cause I`m in on it it looks more obvious...
Wow...that was too much thinking...where are my jaw porn pics...=)
RPL - Remember the vid of Rob shooting the scene where he's beating the hell out of those guys and he's just throwing punches like crazy? Um yeah, badass Rob can make an appearance in my dreams anytime he wants.
RPG, I was away last week, but I think I know who bitch is. I did check in very little last week, when I could.
I swear I`m probably gonna go into some type of convulsions during RM...I definitely think I`ll be going by myself!!
Based on RPL's comment I must have missed something re: the bitch.
Leslie, LMAO @ "the Zone"! something tells me she's a few nuggets short of a happy meal... =)
she said yesterday that she thinks she and I are "soooooo alike"-I was like, frickin' HUH?! hahaha
Emily de Ravin is NOT one of my favorite people. Looking for Rob's acting ability to shine? Sure it's not just to see Rob nude, or at least partially disrobed? LOL!
That is right RPL, you are on the list.
Not alike...no way!
ADM, she's purple and it got ugly...I don't want to name names lest the devil appears!
Emily, holy cow that scene is going to have me on the floor! and then I'll get stuck because, let's face it, the teen ushers don't exactly spitshine that floor...LMAO
just checking back in been on/off all day. DH is home. well the other thread is still going strong and i throw my comments in there too every now and then.
it began positive, then it took a downfall...but everyone there missed the real point of the pics that Rob looked freaking HOT. Grizzly Rob is starting to be my favorite now.
RPL, I'm pretty sure I know who and maybe even what. Thanks!
I almost died when I saw that!! =)
She is definitely has a few screws loose!!
I think he was picturing the paparazzi as he was beating that guy's face in because he was not holding back. lol
LOL and eeeew at the theater floors comment.
speaking of twilight zone...did you notice there is another RPG there too, and it confuses me with you rpattzgirl because we call you RPG...
Ana, just stay here. It is much nicer!
Ana, at least you understand the point! ;)
I quit looking a while ago, sticking my fingers in my ears, LALALA
ADM - yeah i know but some of the comments are really funny, like WTF. oh and the ones saying they feel sorry for MA, like really who give a f**k about him.
ITA Ana...I think Grizzly McPattinson is my favorite!! But I`ll drool over which ever Rob he wants to be cause I`m a NB!!!
I think I noticed an rpgirl, but not another rpattzgirl, and didn't see an RPG...isn't anybody creative anymore?
LOL, Emily, come to Iowa, you'd just LOVE the theater I'm forced to go to!
Ana, now that is just crazy.
oh for those that re watched the david letterman show last night i started laughing when on his monlogue he was talking about joaquin phoenix and showed his unibomber pic and i thought of our blog a couple of weeks ago LOL
I know...it started so well...I even commented early and then it just went to shit!
pining & LHR - yeah any rob is HOT but i dont know something about seeing unshaven is really turning me on, he looks like a mountainman all rough just as long as he is not planning to make some bombs LOL
pining and LHR, I agree. Any Rob is a good Rob!
got to go my DH wants to watch a movie...talk to you tomorrow.
good night and sweet grizzly rob dream to you all!!!!
Good night Ana.
Exactly pining...when it comes to this hobolicious man...I will take whatever he gives (that`s what she said)!! Yeah...that`s right...I said it!! ;)
MA (Oregano) seems like a nice kid. I don't feel sorry for him that Kristen isn't with him anymore. Relationships end. But I admire him for not talking to the media about her. I'm sure they've asked.
And yeah, Lumberjack Rob is all kinds of sexy.
Night, Ana!!
good night, Ana, happy Mountain Rob dreams to you!
LMAO @ Leslie!
Here are 3 of my fav vids from Remember Me...
Boys of Summer
Rob fucking with pappz
and BAD ASS Rob
Thanks for the videos, RPG.
I am turning in, good night all. Hope to chat again soon.
Emily, I think people lose sight of their ages. Some people DO meet their mates at an early age (hubby and I met when I was 18) but in your late teens and early 20's, a lot of people aren't ready to settle down. Especially when you consider their whirlwind lifestyle.
night, ADM! sweet Robdreams... <3
I feel like I should apologize again for bringing up Joaquin Phoenix in the same sentence as Rob Pattinson. For the record, I in NO WAY believe that Rob has, does, or will ever resemble that man. Ever.
Good night, ADM!
I agree RPL. They were together for a long time and I just imagine the media looking for anything on Kristen. I'm glad he has kept mum. Shows that he's a good guy.
That's sweet you and your hubby have known each other for so long.
Goodnight Ana & ADM!
RPG, Nice!! thanks, bb :)
LMAO @ Emily and JP! come on, now, there are so many similarities...*sarcasm* heehee
yeah, it wasn't always smooth sailing, but it's 13 years together come Feb. I'm not sure I'd leave him even for Rob and that's saying something!
ITA RPL...I think some people want to project what they would do in the situation forgetting that they are not R or K. They are young...let them have fun. If it be together or not...
Leslie, right on...
Wow...that IS saying something. haha! Just kidding, you should write that in a card to him on your anniversary. "Honey, I love you so much I wouldn't even leave you for Rob Pattinson." That's the best compliment a man can get!
RPL...that`s so awesome about you and your hubby! My parents met early and they`ve been married for 34 years.
omg, Emily...you should write for Hallmark! hahahaha
nothing says "I love you" like rejecting the sexiest man that ever drew breath-for real! =) if he only knew...{delusional}
You're exactly right RPL & Leslie.
LOL Emily!! That really is the best complement a NBFRC member could give her significant other! ;)
Leslie, that's great! I love to hear of couples that have been able to stick it out...not everyone can. My sister's "husband" *coughdouchebagcough* just left her and they have a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old...he makes Jon Gosslin look like a saint.
sorry, I'm being a downer all of a sudden! ummmm, SexDriveRob! there, whew...
Aww, that sucks RPL. Sorry to hear that. I truly can't understand how someone could do that. People may fall out of love with their spouses but never their children. Never.
Umm...Cannes Rob. There, that helps.
Yeah...they`ve had their rough patches but always worked it out.
Oh RPL, you know what I like!! I get all giggly just thinking about SexDriveRob!! Sigh...
Whenever I think of SexDrive Rob, all that goes through my head is RAWR! He looked like a lion.
Last year at this time I fell in love with G.I. Rob. AKA Crew cut Rob. I about had a stroke when those pictures surfaced.
thanks for the kind words, I have no idea where his head is at but he barely sees the kids anymore. it's very sad.
hmmmmm...Mexico Rob!!
now this is a fun game... ;)
Oh...I almost forgot GI Rob!! I almost didn`t even recognize him and I wasn`t too sure about it at first...but I got over it pretty quick!!
LOL, pining, you got to Mexico before I could! I know most say Rome was the best but I melt at the Mexico pics...
I love his wild mane, but I also think G.I. Rob is all kinds of hot! I'd love him even if he decided to cueball it... ;)
LMFAO @ pining!! It`s okay to admit that here...we don`t judge, we embrace!!
Yeah...I really don`t think I`d have a problem if he decided to cueball it either!! He`s Robert effing Pattinson!!!!
Someone suggested that since the long hair is lovingly referred to as "sex hair" the short hair should be coined the "screw cut." LOL
LMAO Emily!! That`s perfect!!
Like David Beckham short? That just produces all kinds of images...
LMAO @ pining-ok, you're right...
here's some wild mane to make up for it ;)
I'm sorry to hear that about your sis...
My youngest is going through that... married for 7 years, 4 kids, and he cheats in her, brings the hoor home to their bed... and tells her & her "dirtbag" kids to get the f out..
She's had to live there for 4 months until we could get her out....
So it doesn't matter what age you ate when you fall in love, it's either the "one" or it's not....
Rob is a keeper.....
I need to say goodnight too!!
Luv ya all tp pieces!
Okay girls...I`m calling it a night. Still recovering from last night! Don`t have too much fun without me!!
That is truly awful RPG. I'm glad she's got you to take care of her.
Emily, LMFAO! I love it!
this one's teeny but it made me laugh...
Goodnight Leslie!
RPG, I'm so sorry to hear that...I'm so glad you got her out of that! big (((hugs)))to you both, have a good night!
and good night, Leslie! may visions of SexDriveRob dance in your head... =)
I can't get these to open! Dumb computer.
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