Recycling the Old: Robert Pattinson in Teen magazine
This is one of my favorite magazine spreads/videos. I love the red shirt on Robert Pattinson and the whole thing is cute/hot! So when @unpetitpeuK sent me one of these pix today, I thought it was time for a recycle :)

I love Rob in red,
Robert Pattinson,
teen magazine
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New to me! Keep recycling! ; )
Love the pix!
@Gwen - I agree! Never seen it before.
And Rob, I would never get tired or bored of you, believe that.
I have this magazine, and I love it! He looks so gorgeous in the blue checked shirt and blue suede shoes!!!
Yum!! Lickable!!!
Damn, my AVI too small-can't see the smirk!
Off work in a few-catch up with the NB's in a while!
Amazing how much he's matured in just a year. Not just his looks, but his manner, his bearing. All traces of the boy are just about gone now. Can you imagine him in the next couple of years? In five years?
Were all gonna drop fucking dead.
Oh well. We gotta die of something. Might as well be over Rob.
That pic where Rob's kneeling, signing the poster and TayTay is kneeling watching?
It's adorable!
TayTay looks, like, 12 LOL!!
Some of these are new to me, too!
Is it just me, or in the pic with him crouched next to Kristen in the yellow sneaks...doesn't he look like one of The Outsiders? Like he should be wearing a little hoop in his ear? :)
Kinda dating myself here, most of you probably haven't even heard of that movie. :)
Oh my god, ok, just had a thought here...The Outsiders II ! Hollywood, are you listening? Starring - of course - Roberto, and...let's see: Mr. Skarsgard, Mr. Depp, Clive Owen, Daniel Craig, Channing Tatum, Jake Gyllenhaal and...Travis Fimmel (remember him? Tarzan? *sigh* Even Rob couldn't make a loincloth look that good)
And me playing Diane Lane of course.
Any other suggestions? I'm not really up on my young actors these days. Been slightly preoccupied with one in particular.
oh my god! I forgot Stephen Moyer!!! Sorry, Gozde, Mr. Skarsgard doesn't hold a candle to Mr. Moyer. :) *swoons*
This was new to me too, I really missed out by not getting into Twilight sooner!
I love that story about the Spanish stalker, just cracks me up and he seems to tell it a lot lol.
Veils, I absolutely remember The Outsiders. While I think your cast selection is very nice, they are all a little old.
@ADM...LOL, I know, I really felt old as I was listing all the guys I think are gorgeous. Although Travis is still a baby...lordy:
P.S. Sorry Rob, I don't stray very often, but I am only human after all. Even YOU would stray for this man. :)
Thanks Gozde, I've never seen this video or read the article before. It's interesting to see how they are before everything really blew up. Kristen's face looks much fuller here, I don't know if it's because she was younger, or if she lost weight, & it's hard to think of Taylor looking that way (I've never had a manicure before! LOL) now that I'm so used to him being bulked up. I wonder if they picked him to do the most narration because they thought he was going to be the biggest star.
omg, Taylor is so young and soooo Disney! lol very cute, though.
Rob looks amazing in red, I wish he wore it more often!
RPG, got your email bb-thanks! I'm not as good as I thought. ;)
byob for the cave party tonight! got my icecube trays freezing...now all I gotta do is pick my poison. LOL later, all!
I love these pictures!!! And I agree that it is amazing how much different (better) he looks from just a year ago!
That pic of Rob in the red T shirt looking straight at the camera is my favorite photo of him of all time.
Never better.
Start crushing now--hell to the yes! Crush turned straight into full blown Robsession!! Crap, what can you even say-he's meant so much to us all that you can hardly explain.
But I'll tell you this
more each day
New to me too, thanks!! And Rob does look hot in red.
They all look so much older in just ONE year........yikes.......that's worrisome.
I liked Teen Magazine spread and vid of them. Rob was so cute. 2008 had the best photo shoots of them.
Thank you for these great pictures. Since I do not read Teen, I had not seen the pictures or the article. I very much enjoyed it all. This is the best website ever. Thank you so much.
VeilsofLight. I loved the Outsiders. He could easily be Ponyboy or Sodapop's brother. I think he looks a bit like the young Patrick Swayze who played Darrel in that movie. Guess I am dating myself, too. I would like to see Emile Hirsh as one of the brothers along with Rob.
I am surprised we have never seen a picture of Rob with "two foot long hair extensions". Somebody must have one.
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