The hair he was talking about?
Peter Facinelli Talks About Robward's Unfortunate Hair Days
RobPattzNews is in Seattle for TwiTour and last night Peter Facinelli took the stage, answered fan questions. Here's the part where he talked about Robert Pattinson:

The hair he was talking about?
The hair he was talking about?
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Rob looks so different with that hair! Still love it :)
And he wil lose the most attractive man voting on hellomagazine. Just said.
I like alllllllll!
All of his hair types i mean lol
Am I crazy... or what... because I love him ALSO with those kind of hair... LOL...
Oh Rob and his "long romantic hair"
Long hair if it is wavy not straight. He does look better ;)
'When bad hair happens to good people,'...LMAO Goz :) Bad hair, indeed, what the heck were they thinking, he looks like a fisherman in that pic, although still delicious enough to kidnap on my boat. And those ruddy cheeks. mmm mmm mmm.
The way I heard Rob talk about the extentions, they were alot longer... haha
Edward with long locks and the peacoat? Shudder...
Guess Peter was saying no cliques, so not really like high
That was scary hair - that would have seriously compromised the sexy strut .....
you're right!!!!, in "Twilight director's notebook there's a draw of Edward's look.
Greetings of Chile to all robsessed's.
oof, just awful! glad Rob got his way-WTH was CH thinking?
I actually like him with long hair, although in that pic, it looks a bit scraggly. However, for Edward, long hair would have been all wrong.
Edward was a gentleman born in the twilight of the Victorian era. The
'look' they finally settled on for him was just perfect.
Perhaps Katherine was thinking of how intensely hot the guys were back in the day when they had loooong hair. But not every guy looked good that way, and it certainly wasn't right for the part of Edward. I don't even like th epompadour and am not sure that was right for someone of Edward's era, and once his hair was cut, as a vampire, it wouldn't grow back (I think). He could not have functioned through all of those eras with very long hair. And the pompadour was all right for 1700s when Carlisle was around, and for the 1950s )and maybe early 60s)for Edward, but that is it.
I don't recall Edward's hair described in Twilight as particularly long. Wasn't it described as being kind of all over the place and not neat? Or am I projecting ROb's Edward onto the book?
I like the long hair.
I wonder if he'll have long hair in Unbound Captives.
It will HAVe to look very different.
LOL! I agree-RObward looks so much sexier with short hair. He would remind me of a horse with his hair blowing in the wind and his swagger. I bet CH had a hell of a time with him:) He screwed with his teeth and he hated his hair. But hey-I love Edwards look. Also I think he messes with his hair so much he would have ripped off his extensions clean out.
@ the chic commenting about cliqs. I think some dumb article said that at the New Moon set the cast was seperating into cliqs. Rob and KS would wander off. The the rest would break up and do theyre own thing. It wasnt "tight" like on the Twilight set. I think thats BS. They all have different schedules,film on different days. Someone forgot to give the memo to that chic. Poor gal mustve been worried.
I LIKE IT TOO!!!!! mmmmm sexxxxyyyy!!!!! yum!
long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, blonde, brunette or bald. I like it a lot!
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